Can ornamental beans be eaten? Curly beans: planting and care Are ornamental curly beans edible.

Ornamental bean is a climbing herbaceous vine and belongs to the category of annuals or perennials. In home gardening and landscape design of our country, decorative beans, planting and caring for which are not at all difficult, are grown as an annual. Decorative climbing bean is often used as an unpretentious, but very attractive landscape element.

Botanical features of a variety called ornamental beans

Bean (from the Latin Phaséolus) belongs to the type genus of plants from the legume family, or Fabaceae. Cultivation is made from seeds, which greatly facilitates the process of reproduction.

Phaseolus coccineus, which forms red flowers, has recently been increasingly bred as an unpretentious ornamental plant. The herbaceous type of plant most often has pinnate leaves, which are equipped with stipules. Flowers are located in axillary racemes. Bivalve type beans. Purple and fiery red beans are especially popular in our country.

Decorative purple beans (photo)

Purple beans are known to many gardeners and flower growers under the unusual name "Dragon Tongues", or "Georgian" beans. This plant forms variegated yellow-violet pods, the length of which does not exceed 12-15 cm. Violet color have grains or seeds only raw beans. After heat treatment, the unusual purple color changes to green.

Variety name growing season Plant pods
"Purple Queen", or "Purple Queen" 50-55 days Compact, 35-40 cm high 15-18 cm long, purple, slightly curled
"Violet" Super early variety
"Fashionista" 75−80 days Bush, no more than 0.5 m high White with bright purple streaks
"Bluehilda" Very early variety Tall, curly and very decorative Intensively colored, without parchment layer and fiber
"Purple King" Early ripe variety Bush bean compact type Shoulders purple, without fibrous

Decorative fiery red beans

Fiery red beans also have names such as multi-flowered beans or Turkish beans. Phaseolus coccineus belongs to the species of plants from the genus Beans, or Phaseolus, and the legume family, or Fabaceae. The birthplace of origin is South America. The perennial has thin recumbent or curly stems, the length of which reaches three meters. Heart-shaped green leaves are very effectively complemented by large red flowers on pedicels with dense pubescence.

How to plant ornamental beans (video)

Variety name growing season Plant pods
"Winner" 85 days Curly, very decorative, with fiery red flowers Shoulder blades green, up to 20-30 cm, without fibers
"Little Red Riding Hood" Mid-early variety Strongly curly, highly decorative, up to 3-3.5 m high No fiber, delicate and beautiful
"Fire Whirlwind" Mid-early variety Climbing plant, 3 m high, with long, thin shoots and numerous trifoliate leaves Shoulder blades green, relatively long
"Fiery Waterfall" Blooms from spring to frost An annual plant with thin, curly, densely leafy stems up to five meters long. Green long shoulder blades, without fibrous, edible

Rules for planting curly beans

Growing ornamental beans is quite simple. Planting of seeds is carried out in the terms established according to the varietal characteristics of the ornamental crop. Regardless of the variety, it is desirable to grow ornamental beans in accordance with the established technology and according to the recommendations of experienced gardeners:

  • for the spring sowing of beans, the site should be prepared in the fall, after deep digging and the application of 0.25–0.3 kg of superphosphate and 0.15 kg of potash fertilizers for every 10 square meters of planting area;
  • V spring period it is also possible to introduce the main mineral complexes or organic matter, represented by manure or humus with secondary deep digging of the site;
  • when carrying out early spring sowing, bean seeds must be soaked in warm water, and then germinated on a damp cloth until seedlings appear;
  • in central Russia, sowing is carried out in mid-May; in more southern regions, sowing can be carried out in more early dates;
  • the standard immersion depth of germinated seeds is about 3-4 cm, with a distance between rows of 8-10 cm;
  • it is advisable to install a film cover over the crops before the appearance of mass shoots.

Bush varieties of ornamental beans are much easier to grow.. The distance between the rows of such plants should be about 0.4-0.5 m. The seeds themselves are sown from each other with a distance of 8-10 cm. The use of a film shelter allows you to get earlier and more friendly shoots of beans. All subsequent care for plantings with ornamental beans is carried out after the mass emergence of shoots and is based on the need to provide the garden crop with the most comfortable conditions for rapid growth and full development.

seedling method

Relatively rarely, ornamental beans are grown in seedlings. The method is not too simple, due to the rather negative reaction of the garden crop to transplantation.

For seedlings, bean seeds should be planted in separate peat pots. Sowing is carried out in mid-April. Temperature indicators should be maintained at the level of + 18−22 ° С. Transplantation to a permanent place is carried out after the optimum for the growth and development of beans is established. temperature regime.

When growing ornamental varieties of beans, one should adhere to standard growing technology. legumes:

  • for planting, preference should be given to areas represented by rich soils with a fairly light structure;
  • the plant is moisture-loving and in hot or dry periods needs regular and plentiful irrigation measures;
  • for top dressing, it is desirable to use any organic fertilizers, but you can not bring fresh manure under the plants;
  • organics can be replaced with top dressings based on complex mixtures, the composition of which is enriched with superphosphate;
  • a very good result is obtained by mulching the ridges with organic matter, including straw, hay, wood shavings or sawdust;
  • if there is a threat of return spring frosts or sharp temperature drops in the early autumn period, it is very important to use planting shelter with non-woven garden material or film.

Beans: cultivation and care (video)

Decorative curly beans are used not only for single and group plantings along fences or on special trellises. .

An inexhaustible source of inspiration for decorating a personal plot for gardeners is vegetable and herbaceous crops. They have a variety of shapes and colors, easily fit into landscape design and are not whimsical in everyday care. Such edible beauty can also bring practical benefits in the form of a rich harvest. Decorative curly beans, red and purple, are used for single and group plantings along fences and special trellises. It also finds a place in decorating balconies and loggias. Curly ornamental beans are a wealth and variety of varieties, types, colors. We will talk about its cultivation from seeds later in the article, but for now, look at the most popular varieties in the photo:

Meet red and purple decorative beans (with photo)

The world of legumes is rich and varied. Since ancient times, it has been giving a person an indispensable vegetable protein. Meet - decorative beans, represented by various varieties, come to the podium. The red representative of the species is characterized by high growth and rapid development of vegetative green mass. But purple decorative beans are a real miracle of nature, turning even the most boring and shabby wall into a real work of floral art. Look at the photo examples of the use of this plant in landscape design:

Most varieties belong to climbing fast-growing vines with a large green mass. Due to this, the decorative properties increase every day. It occurs naturally in the Peruvian mountains of South America. In culture, breeding was started around the middle of the fifteenth century in central Europe. Since then, a lot of selection work has been carried out.

All types of ornamental beans can be eaten in the phase of technical maturity. Some species can be eaten directly with the pods. With proper cultivation in seedlings, even in difficult climatic conditions the culture begins to bear fruit from the beginning of July. Additional shelters are not required. Grows well in open ground. For full development, soil rich in organic matter and a strong support that can withstand a significant mass of vine lashes are required.

Of the useful properties, one can name low calorie content (no more than 25 Kcal per 100 g of product) and saturation with vegetable proteins. In addition, plant fibers contain a huge amount folic acid, which is useful for women who are expecting a baby, vitamins of groups B, C, E and A. B chemical composition a whole set of useful trace elements is determined: zinc and magnesium, potassium and calcium, iron and chromium. Regular consumption of this vegetable in food allows you to maintain youth, tighten the skin, make it more resistant to external negative impact hair and nails. Enhances the body's immune defenses.

IN traditional medicine beans are used in formulations in the treatment of exacerbations of chronic bronchitis and rheumatoid arthritis. Decoctions and infusions relieve itching and reduce the manifestations of eczema and psoriasis.

Decorative curly beans as flowers on the site

All types of this plant can be used as flowers on the site. Decorative curly beans in purple and red are most suitable for these purposes. Its popular name is Turkish fire beans. According to development options, it belongs to tall climbing vines. Scourges can grow up to 5 meters in length. They let it go along the supports, fences, walls of houses. It belongs to plants that love light and direct sunlight, but is not particularly demanding in this regard and can successfully develop even in a shady place.

If you look at the photo, you can see that the purple decorative beans on the vines have bright green leaves of a wide, regular shape. They reliably hide from the eyes those sections of the wall that need to be decorated. Buds may have a rich purple color. Occasionally white buds come across, which only enhances the decorativeness of the plant in flowering form. Blooms almost continuously. At the same time, developing and ripening pods and various buds can be present on one vine. Please note that the pods of this species should not be eaten. Based on research, experts say that they contain toxic compounds.

For gardeners, such plantings can have practical applications. The purple curly bean is known to be one of the most powerful nitrogen aggregators in the soil it grows in. This trace element is reproduced in large quantities by the root system. After such planting, potato yields increase by about 70%. Another useful property- effective protection of plantings of potatoes from the incidence of late blight. In regions where this disease is widespread, it is recommended to plant ornamental beans directly in rows between potatoes. A similar measure also prevents the reproduction of the Colorado potato beetle.

Growing ornamental beans from seeds: planting and care

It is mainly used for sowing seeds in open ground. But in some cases, in order to accelerate the process of increasing green mass, it is possible to use the seedling method of reproduction. It is advisable to start growing ornamental beans from seeds at the end of March. Sprouted seeds are sown in separate peat pots to a depth of 1.5 cm. Seedlings appear fairly quickly. It is important in the development phase of a vine 10 cm long to provide its support. Proper planting and care ensure rapid growth and development.

Growing ornamental beans from seeds by sowing in open ground begins in the first half of May. It is necessary to sow with the subsequent shelter of a protective film. It is removed only after an acceptable average daily temperature of 18 degrees Celsius is established.

Before planting, it is necessary to soak the seeds in a solution with a growth stimulator. You need to withstand about 24 hours in a warm place (for example, on a battery or on a sunny windowsill). Before planting, pits are prepared with a depth of up to 5 cm. The distance between plantings should be about 50 cm. After planting, watering is carried out and covered with protective material.

The subsequent care of ornamental beans after germination is mainly to provide them with comfortable conditions for rapid development. In difficult climatic conditions, it is advisable to provide protection with the help of makeshift greenhouses and hotbeds. They can be made from metal rods bent in the form of a semicircle. A plastic film is stretched over them and carefully sealed.

Abundant watering is another important care measure for ornamental beans. The plant is very moisture-loving. Therefore, in the absence of rain, watering should be done every evening. In this case, water should not get on the blossoming buds. Water should be warm and settled. Chlorinated tap water causes acidification of the soil and, if it comes into contact with the leaves, stimulates their wilting.

More than two hundred and fifty types of beans are known - plants differ in both life span and external characteristics. Many varieties of this vegetable crop have been bred - all of them are of great economic importance.

Beans: types and varieties

American and Asian species have become widespread. The former have long flat beans, while the latter form cylindrical, small blades. The most commonly grown varieties of the American variety of beans.

The shape of the plants is different - they can be:

- bush (45-50 cm in height);
- semi-curly (stem length - up to 2 m);
- curly (the length of the plant reaches 5 m).

Varieties with beans of different sizes (5-15 cm) and with a different number of seeds have been bred. The color of the bean wings is different - they can be painted yellow, green, brown. Seeds are white, cream, greenish, red, brown, black. The color of the grains can be monophonic or variegated.

The size of the seeds also varies. Beans are:

- small seeds;
- medium seed;
- large-seeded.

According to the taste and structure of the beans, plants can be divided into:

- semi-sugar;
- sugar or asparagus;
- grain (husking).

The main difference is the absence of a wax layer on the valves in sugar varieties. In grain varieties, it is present, and in semi-sugar varieties, it appears late or is weakly expressed. Many sugar varieties do not have hard fibers on the wings of beans, which is a big plus.

Varieties of beans by maturity

Early and mid-early varieties of beans produce a crop 65-75 days after emergence, mid-season and mid-late - after 75-100 days. Late varieties take over 100 days to mature.

Representatives of early and mid-early varieties:

golden nectar
flat long
Belozernaya 361
Saxa 615

Variety Caramel: description of beans

This bushy variety of sugar bean forms long beans. They are devoid of hard fibers. The taste of the seeds is sweet. The variety has good resistance to major diseases of legumes.

Average ripening beans are represented by varieties:

Bush without fiber B-85
Moscow white
Zelenostruchnaya B-556
Golden Mountain B-632
Wide 92
Motol white
Anniversary 287
fiery red

Description of the variety Winner

Variety Winner belongs to the category climbing plants. These beans are very decorative and are often used as hedges. The yield is high. The beans are flat, long (up to 30 cm). The seeds have a pleasant taste.

Late and mid-late bean varieties:

Handsome Yas
Blue Hilda
Queen Neckar

Asparagus beans: varieties

Unlike grain varieties, this type of bean is consumed together with wings devoid of wax coating (without waiting for full ripening). The color, shape and size of the beans are different. The best varieties asparagus beans:

royal purple pod
deer king
Gina asparagus
Pensil Pod
Purple Queen
paloma scuba

Description of the variety of asparagus beans Panther

This bush bean variety gives good yields. The ripening period is medium late. The plant forms long yellow pods. Inside are white sweet seeds.

Curly beans: varieties

Curly bean varieties have certain advantages, they are:

- unpretentious;
- grow rapidly, braiding vertical surfaces;
- are a decoration of the site (not only foliage and flowers look beautiful, but also pods of different colors and shapes);
- give a crop of useful beans.

The most famous varieties:

purple queen
golden nectar
golden neck

Description of the variety of curly beans Purple Queen

The variety is characterized by good yield. Ripening time is average. The beans are quite long (about 15 cm). They are painted dark purple. Seeds are glossy, purple. The taste of beans is delicious. The variety is resistant to diseases and low temperatures.

Bush beans: varieties

Varieties of bush beans are most widely used. This category includes:

deer king
royal purple pod
Oil king

Variety Oil King: description of bush beans

This bush variety has an early ripening period. The height of the stems does not exceed 25 cm. The wings of the beans are painted in yellow. The taste of beans of this variety is delicious, the beans are devoid of a wax layer and hard fibers.

Red beans: varieties

Red beans contain toxic substances that are destroyed after heat treatment (beans should be cooked for at least 10 minutes). The most popular varieties:

early ripening
Medium red

White beans: varieties

White beans are the most popular in our country. The most productive varieties with good taste characteristics:

Black eye (a black dot is present on the white seed)
White flat
white mares

Black beans: varieties

Varieties of black beans are presented in a slightly smaller assortment. The most famous:

Variety Kidni ( characteristics: bread aroma and slight bitterness against the general background of sweetness)
Preto (characteristics: berry aroma and sweet taste with a slight hint of bitterness)

Grain beans: varieties

The most interesting varieties of grain (shelling) beans:

chocolate girl
hostess dream

All varieties of hulled beans are used to produce grain - the shells have a hard waxy layer.

Varieties of large beans

Large beans are represented by many varieties. The most popular are:

Baby Lima (these beans have a creamy taste)
Moscow white
Gardener (curly beans with large beans)
North Star (very productive variety with large beans)
Pink (beans with large beans, color - marbled)

Varieties for Siberia are also suitable for growing in the non-chernozem zone and on Far East. This category includes:

Sugar variety Green-stringed-517
Semi-sugar variety Moscow white green-pod-556
Bush peeling variety Early maturing
Severnaya Zvezda 690 (bush peeling variety)
Semi-sugar variety Gribovskaya-92
Triumph Sugar 764 (sugar bush variety)
Siberian size (curly beans, plant height - about a meter)
Saks without fiber-615

In warm southern regions, varieties are grown:


The best varieties of beans for central Russia:


Description of the bean variety Swallow

Swallow is one of the most popular shelling varieties of beans. The average size beans - 12-15 cm. The ripening period is average. White grains are decorated with a pattern in the form of a swallow outline (this is where the name of the variety originates). The variety is unpretentious, high-yielding. The grains have excellent taste characteristics.

Varieties of beans delight with variety - you can choose plants that perfectly meet all the necessary requirements.

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We sowed or planted most of the plants in the spring and it seems that in the middle of summer we can already relax. But experienced gardeners know that July is the time for planting vegetables for a late harvest and the possibility of longer storage. This also applies to potatoes. Early summer potato crops are best used quickly, they are not suitable for long-term storage. But the second crop of potatoes is exactly what is needed for winter and spring consumption.

Astrakhan tomatoes ripen remarkably lying on the ground, but you should not repeat this experience in the Moscow region. Our tomatoes need support, support, a garter. My neighbors use all sorts of pegs, garters, loops, ready-made plant supports, and mesh fences. Each method of fixing the plant in an upright position has its own advantages and " side effects". I'll tell you how I place tomato bushes on trellises, and what comes of it.

Bulgur with pumpkin is a dish for every day, which is easy to prepare in half an hour. Bulgur is boiled separately, the cooking time depends on the size of the grains - whole and coarse grinding for about 20 minutes, fine grinding for just a few minutes, sometimes the cereal is simply poured with boiling water, like couscous. While the cereal is cooking, prepare the pumpkin in sour cream sauce and then combine the ingredients. If you replace ghee with vegetable oil, and sour cream with soy cream, then it can be included in the lenten menu.

Flies - a sign of unsanitary conditions and carriers infectious diseases hazardous to both humans and animals. People are constantly looking for ways to get rid of nasty insects. In this article, we will talk about the Zlobny TED brand, which specializes in fly protection products and knows a lot about them. The manufacturer has developed a specialized line of drugs to get rid of flying insects anywhere quickly, safely and without extra costs.

The summer months are the time for hydrangeas to bloom. This beautiful deciduous shrub is luxuriously fragrant with flowers from June to September. Florists willingly use large inflorescences for wedding decors and bouquets. To admire the beauty of a flowering hydrangea bush in your garden, you should take care of the proper conditions for it. Unfortunately, some hydrangeas do not bloom year after year, despite the care and efforts of gardeners. Why this happens, we will tell in the article.

Every summer resident knows that plants need nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium for full development. These are the three main macronutrients, the deficiency of which significantly affects appearance and yield of plants, and in advanced cases can lead to their death. But at the same time, not everyone understands the importance of other macro- and microelements for plant health. And they are important not only in themselves, but also for the effective absorption of the same nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

Garden strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call them, are one of the early fragrant berries that summer generously endows us with. How we rejoice in this harvest! In order for the "berry boom" to repeat every year, we need to take care of the care of the berry bushes in the summer (after the end of fruiting). The laying of flower buds, from which ovaries will form in spring, and berries in summer, begins approximately 30 days after the end of fruiting.

Spicy pickled watermelon is a savory snack for fatty meat. Watermelons and watermelon rinds have been pickled since time immemorial, but the process is laborious and time consuming. According to my recipe, it’s easy to cook pickled watermelon in 10 minutes, and a spicy snack will be ready by the evening. The watermelon marinated with spices and chili is stored in the refrigerator for several days. Be sure to keep the jar in the refrigerator, not only for the sake of preservation - chilled, this snack is just licking your fingers!

Among the variety of species and hybrids of philodendrons, there are many plants, both gigantic and compact. But not a single species competes in unpretentiousness with the main modest - blushing philodendron. True, his modesty does not concern the appearance of the plant. Reddening stems and cuttings, huge leaves, long shoots, forming, although very large, but also strikingly elegant silhouette, look very elegant. Philodendron blushing requires only one thing - at least minimal care.

Thick Chickpea Soup with Vegetables and Egg is an easy recipe for a hearty first course inspired by Oriental cuisine. Similar thick soups are prepared in India, Morocco, and the countries of Southeast Asia. The tone is set by spices and seasonings - garlic, chili, ginger and a bouquet of spicy spices, which can be assembled to your liking. It is better to fry vegetables and spices in melted butter (ghee) or mix olive oil and butter, it's certainly not the same, but similar in taste.

Plum - well, who does not know her ?! She is loved by many gardeners. And all because it has an impressive list of varieties, surprises with excellent harvests, pleases with its variety in terms of ripening and a huge choice of color, shape and taste of fruits. Yes, somewhere she feels better, somewhere worse, but almost no summer resident refuses to grow her on her plot. Today it can be found not only in the south, in the middle lane, but also in the Urals, in Siberia.

Many ornamental and fruit crops, except for drought-resistant ones, suffer from the scorching sun, and conifers in the winter-spring period - from the sun's rays, enhanced by the reflection from the snow. In this article we will talk about a unique preparation for protecting plants from sunburn and droughts - Sunshet Agrosuccess. The problem is relevant for most regions of Russia. In February and early March, the sun's rays become more active, and the plants are not yet ready for new conditions.

“Each vegetable has its own time”, and each plant has its own optimal time for planting. Anyone who has experienced planting is well aware that the hot season for planting is spring and autumn. This is due to several factors: in spring, the plants have not yet started to grow rapidly, there is no sweltering heat, and precipitation often falls. However, no matter how hard we try, circumstances often develop in such a way that landings have to be carried out at the very height of summer.

Chili con carne in Spanish means chili with meat. This is a Texan and Mexican dish whose main ingredients are chili peppers and minced beef. In addition to the main products, there are onions, carrots, tomatoes, and beans. This red lentil chili recipe is delicious! The dish is fiery, burning, very satisfying and amazingly tasty! You can cook a large pot, arrange in containers and freeze - a whole week will be a delicious dinner.

Cucumber is one of the most beloved garden crops of our summer residents. However, not all and not always gardeners manage to get a really good harvest. And although growing cucumbers requires regular attention and care, there is a little secret that will significantly increase their yield. It's about pinching cucumbers. Why, how and when to pinch cucumbers, we will tell in the article. An important point The agricultural technique of cucumbers is their formation, or type of growth.

Beans contains a large number of vitamins, so it should be grown in every garden plot. And if it also has a decorative look, then it can be planted instead of flowers. Curly beans do not require much space and can decorate any fence or wall.

Usually climbing bean is grown as an annual plant, but there are varieties that are perennials.

Curly bean is a long stem, its length can reach 5 meters. Medium-sized leaves are located along the entire length of the stem. The leaves are heart shaped and bright green. Also, flower stalks are formed along the entire length of the stem, which subsequently form into pods.

Fruits are produced in pods. There are varieties of ornamental and edible curly beans.

Curly beans are divided into three types:

  • grain beans. The plant produces pods that form beans in themselves. These beans are edible, but the pod is too tough to eat.
  • Black Eyed Peas. It is also called capsicum or sugar. This species is notable for its pods. The beans in the pods are formed small, and the pods themselves have a delicate structure. The pods are added to fresh salads, boiled for soup and frozen for future use. The collection of pods is carried out until they are fully ripe.
  • Semi-sugar beans. This species has the benefits of grain and asparagus beans. The pods are edible at an early stage of maturity and become tougher as they mature. Fully ripe beans can be eaten with internal beans. Planting this type is more advantageous, because you can get all the options for a vegetable from it.

Blauchilda. This bean variety has purple flowers, stems, pods, and even leaves will stop purple as they grow. The variety is considered late, since 90-110 days should pass from germination to technical ripeness. To get an early harvest, you need to grow these beans through seedlings. The first flowers appear quite early and are formed throughout the summer, so the harvest can be phased. The pods are 15-23 cm long. Both pods and beans can be eaten.

When growing this variety for the sake of the pods, remember that the pods must be harvested early or they become tough. Care is quite simple and does not differ from other varieties.

fiery red beans. A very common variety. It has red flowers, green leaves, thin stems. The length of the stems reaches 2.5-4 meters. This plant does not tolerate frost, even the weakest, so it is worth planting seedlings only after all frosts, not earlier than June 5-10. The flowering of fiery red beans occurs in June-September. Young pods can be used whole, but mature pods are unsuitable for food, internal beans are taken out of them. At any degree of maturity, beans must be boiled, as raw pods contain toxic substances. These substances are rapidly destroyed at high temperatures.

Bean Purple Lady. This variety does not have a long stem, its length is only one and a half meters. The pods grow 15 to 18 cm long and are tubular in shape. This variety is mid-early, 50-55 days pass from germination to full maturity. The variety is distinguished by white beans, which have a very interesting taste. The fruits can be harvested throughout the summer.

Spanish white beans. This variety is grown for its white, tasty fruits that do not have thick skins. Moreover, these beans are five to six times larger than conventional varieties. It is the beans that are used for food, which reveal all their taste qualities after cooking. These beans make delicious lobio, bean stews, and soups. The variety is considered medium-late, 72 days pass from sowing to the start of harvest.

green giant. This variety is notable for the fact that fruiting occurs over several months. Fruiting begins on the 55th day after sowing and continues until the onset of frost. Only the pods are eaten, and they do not become hard and can be used at any time of collection. The length of the pods reaches 22 centimeters.

Dolichos. This variety is not intended for human consumption. These fruits can be fed to livestock or used as green manure. In gardens, Dolichos is grown exclusively for decorative purposes, it has bright pink, crimson, white or lilac flowers. The leaves may be green, reddish or purple. The height of the stem reaches 4 meters. Pods also play a decorative role and decorate the vine before the start of frost. The color of the pods can be green, purple or burgundy.

Growing legumes is not difficult, but you need to know the basic rules for planting. A landing site must be chosen without drafts. The sun's rays will not damage the stems, but in extreme heat they will overheat and dry out.

planting beans

To get an early harvest, the seeds are planted in April and grown at home or in a greenhouse. When growing seedlings at home, it is worth remembering that plants need proper and long-term lighting. Often, without sufficient lighting, seedlings are stretched and depleted.

Before planting, it is necessary to prepare the ground. It is necessary to prepare a nutritious, but light substrate. Seeds are soaked in warm clean water, so they germinate faster.

Seeds should be put on wet material or cotton wool, seeds are covered with material on top. You need to make sure that the cotton wool does not dry out. Some experts soak the seeds before germination and only then plant them in the ground. Germination may take several days.

The seeds are laid out on the substrate, covered with one centimeter of the substrate and watered. When seedlings appear, they are transplanted into separate pots and placed in a well-lit place.

Care of seedlings should be carried out more carefully so that the seedlings are healthy and strong. They can not be placed in drafts and subjected to strong temperature changes. Before planting in a permanent place in open ground, it is necessary to harden seedlings. To do this, seedlings are exposed to a greenhouse or a colder room. First, hardening is carried out for 30 minutes and gradually the time increases.

A bed for planting beans should be prepared in the fall. Site preparation rules:

  • Potassium and phosphorus fertilizers are laid out on the site for planting beans. Potash fertilizers are used at the rate of 120-150 g for every 10 square meters. Phosphorus fertilizers are laid out in an amount of 250-300 g for every 10 square meters.
  • The entire site is deeply dug up and left for the winter, at this time no maintenance of the site is required.
  • In the spring, potash and phosphate fertilizers, humus or manure are distributed on the site.
  • The soil is dug deep again.

After the threat of frost has passed, around the beginning of June, the seedlings can be transplanted to a permanent place.

On the prepared site, grooves are made at a distance of 40-50 cm. Such a distance between the plants will facilitate further care and enable the seedlings to develop properly. Between plants you need to maintain a distance of 8-10 cm.

Seeds can be sown immediately in open ground, in which case it is necessary to protect the sprouts from frost. In open ground, seeds are sown in early or mid-May. To do this, the area with planted seeds is covered with plastic wrap. Periodically water the seeds. The film can be removed after the danger of frost has passed, or in early June. By this time, the seedlings should develop side shoots.

Since the beans have long lashes, for it you need to organize special props. It is most convenient to make props before planting seedlings in a permanent place. You can plant beans next to the fence and then you will not need to build special supports.

As a support, you can use rods stuck in the ground. You can also install special nets, they are still used in the cultivation of cucumbers.

The simplest design is to install two supports and nail a cross beam to them. It remains only to tie the ropes and, as the lashes grow, tie them to the upper beam.

If you do not need to grow long lashes, then at a plant height of 30 cm, pinch its top. Then the growth of the seedling slows down. From such a plant, you can get an earlier harvest, but it will not be as much as with a regular whip.

Young plants should be watered very little. Excess moisture at the beginning of growth will lead to abundant leaf formation, this will prevent the plant from forming a large number of flowers and fruits. During the flowering period, moisture should be sufficient.

Without a sufficient amount of moisture, the flowers fall off, which means that fruit set stops.

Throughout the entire period of growth, seedlings must be weeded and loosened. Weeds can clog a young plant. To get rid of regular weeding, the surface of the earth around the plants can be mulched with peat, crushed bark or other suitable material. Loosening helps oxygen to flow to the roots.


Different varieties may begin fruiting at different times.

Harvest Rules:

  • Plants planted through seedlings begin to bear fruit in July.
  • Plants that have been planted outdoors can be harvested in August.
  • Fruiting will occur before frost, so it will need to be harvested every week.
  • During the period of abundant fruiting, the crop is harvested every other day, this contributes to an even more abundant fruit formation.

Curly beans have their own care characteristics, but even a novice gardener can handle them. A useful, beautiful, space-saving and tall plant simply needs to be planted in every area.
