Proud of the wheels. Russian sensation of Chinese television

Six-year-old Gordey Kolesov has become a favorite among Chinese audiences after reaching the finals of a national TV talent show. The kid unwittingly shamed the adult jury. A Russian preschooler uttered an ancient Chinese idiom, which the presenters were unable to decipher without his help. Gordey has already learned 555 idioms, and he is also fluent in five languages ​​- Chinese, French, Spanish, English and, of course, Russian. Fontanka talked to the father of the little genius who made a lot of noise in China.

Six-year-old Gordey Kolesov has become a favorite among Chinese audiences after reaching the finals of a national TV talent show. The kid unwittingly shamed the adult jury. A Russian preschooler uttered an ancient Chinese idiom, which the presenters were unable to decipher without his help. Gordey has already learned 555 idioms, and he is also fluent in five languages ​​- Chinese, French, Spanish, English and, of course, Russian. At his age, he also has a second rank in chess, does calligraphy, plays the guitar...

Fontanka spoke with the father of the little genius who made a lot of noise in China - businessman Evgeny Kolesov, who heads large company and has been working in China for more than 15 years.

“Don’t teach children by force”

– How old was Gordey when you started educating him? What was your parenting plan, what methods did you rely on?
– Initially there was no clear plan. But we knew that we had to take care of the child from the first days of his life. Loving him and paying a lot of attention are the basic principles of parenting. I read a lot of books, but I never found an acceptable method for myself. From birth, Gordey heard two languages. We, the parents, communicated with him in Russian, read to him a lot, but the nanny spoke only Chinese. Already at two years old, the son wrote hieroglyphs and recited poems in Russian and Chinese. I was amazed at how quickly he remembers everything new. When Russian grandparents came to visit us, the kid helped them communicate in Chinese stores. Not every adult is capable of learning languages ​​so quickly. Then I thought that Gordey could learn a few more languages. And he got teachers, first in Spanish, then in French and English.

– How long did it take to memorize the idiom that was voiced in the TV show? Does your son find complex language structures easy?
– Languages ​​generally come easy to him. It is enough for a proud person to hear a phrase twice, and he remembers it, and then he only repeats it a couple of times to reinforce the material.

– Are these innate abilities?
– No, I believe that any child can develop excellent memory. If you learn poems, proverbs, and sayings from childhood, then by the age of 5–6 years your memory will be so trained that it will turn into a reflex skill.

– Did you have to force them to learn this or that lesson?
– No, the main principle is to teach the language unobtrusively. From my own experience, I will say that material that is given with a smile and a positive attitude, with arousal of interest in the child, is learned better than that that is given in a harsh manner. We must not forget to warm up the child’s excitement and admire his small achievements. For example, learning Spanish began when we invited the Spaniard Humberto. He walked with 3-year-old Gordey for 2.5 hours a day and just talked to him, but only in Spanish. After just six months of normal communication, the son was uttering entire phrases in the language of Cervantes. This was the foundation. And only then did the teachers appear.

– Did you decide to send your son to a Chinese kindergarten?
– At the age of three, Gordey began going to an American kindergarten in Guangzhou. It seemed that foreign teachers and group work would help me learn languages ​​faster. But you know, that didn't happen. I realized that on homeschooling You can achieve greater progress and success in understanding the world as a child. In the kindergarten, for the most part, they threw dust into the eyes, this is generally the sin of foreign kindergartens in China. You can send children there only in one case: when there is no other choice.

– How do you generally assess the level of education in China?
– It is constantly growing, but, however, not everywhere. In rural areas it is still 1980, where time has stood still. Large cities have modern equipment and excellent laboratories. Should we borrow something from China? It's hard for me to judge. After all, I studied at a Chinese university 20 years ago. I often meet with Russian clients when working. They said (and their children study in schools and universities in different parts of Russia) that the level of education in our country is deteriorating. The teachers are weak, there is no discipline. But again, these are not my words. On the other hand, there are amazingly smart kids in Russia. They win Olympics, perform well in competitions - those who want and can study very well. Add to this strong special schools with in-depth study of certain disciplines, and you will understand that education in Russia is at a good level, there is no need to blame the school. If a child is not interested in learning, then the problem lies with the parents, who did not take care of their children until they were 6–7 years old, believing that school would compensate for their inattention in the future.

The main thing is that children do not get tired

– Tell us how your son’s day is structured during homeschooling?
– Gordey gets up at 7.30 in the morning. After morning procedures, exercises and breakfast, classes begin at 8 am. Classes last for an hour and a half, and every 25 minutes there is a break for jokes, jokes, and a five-minute sports session. In the morning there are lessons in Chinese and English languages and classes with a teacher according to the Russian school program. His younger sisters, Milana and Agatha, are drawing and dancing at this time. In the middle of the day, Gordey and his sisters have tennis, and then he has chess. In the evening there are language classes or drawing again. The main thing is to make sure that the children do not get tired.

– It’s hard to believe that a child can learn with interest...
– The main thing is to work with him, understand what interests him, and develop him in this direction. I'm proud to like languages. He likes to learn idioms, poems in different languages. We organize fun performances at home with his participation, but the purpose of this whole game is to develop his memory. There is no need to do anything forcefully, because this will only irritate the child and embitter him. For example, ask him to teach you something. And he will be happy to do this, to immerse you in some topic. He, a little one, will be pleased to teach an adult like you. Now I’ve reached the point where I can’t beat my son at chess, but he also calms me down and encourages me to practice more.

- How does his relationship develop with other children? Isn't he bored with them?
“Gordey is a child, he plays the fool with the children, runs around until he’s sweating and is tomato red, and plays hide and seek, and rides a scooter, rollerblades, a bicycle—everything is interesting to him.” He easily finds a common language with both children and adults. He is very sociable and cheerful.

- What does Gordey love most? What is his favorite activity?
– When my son was very little, we watched films about the war. He especially liked pictures about scouts. He told me: “Dad, I want to learn a lot of languages ​​so that I can come to the enemies, but they don’t know that I’m Russian. And then I can defeat them all.” In my opinion, there simply could not have been a brighter signal for learning languages. Now Gordey’s favorite pastime is chess. He is ready to devote all his free time to them. Reads books, analyzes openings.

– Has Gordey been to Russia?
- Yes, and more than once. Last winter they flew in and played snowballs. Gordey loves Russia very much. At home we speak only Russian, and with the nanny, of course, in Chinese. And not only the children, but also my mother and I.

- Why did he spend so long on the TV show thinking about which country he would live in, but then he still named China?
– Gordey admitted to me after the program that if he had answered “Russia”, the Chinese public would have been offended and would not have given us the prize. He is a little cunning chess player, he has calculated everything.

– You had a plan to learn 555 idioms, and you achieved it. What other goals do you set for your son in the near future? Where do you see Gordey in the future?
– Now my program is designed for 5 years. Interim results can be summed up in two years. But results are results, and my goal as a father is for children to grow up happy and loved. And who they will become - diplomats, military men, artists, athletes - is up to them to decide. It is important for me to show children a more or less complete picture of the world, to prepare them for adult life. And I, as a father, will always be there to lend a shoulder in difficult moments.

Evelina Barseghyan
Photo courtesy of Optim Consult

Gordey Kolesov became a candidate for master of sports in chess. © Photo by Evgeniy Kolesov

Became famous to the whole world Russian prodigy Gordey Kolesov once again amazed the world community by showing one of the best results in the world in chess among young athletes. A seven-year-old boy took part in the All-China chess qualifying tournament for the title of candidate master of sports, which was held in the city of Zhuhai. At the age of seven years, five months and 15 days, he fulfilled the required standard for being awarded the title of Candidate Master of Sports (CMS) in chess.

At the tournament, Gordey became the youngest chess player to receive the CMS. Now he faces a new test - in mid-February he will take part in the Chinese Chess Championship in the under-eight category. At the same time, the boy became the only foreigner who was allowed to participate in the competition. The organizers took into account that he has lived in the country for a long time, and also regularly and more than successfully takes part in various chess competitions. In addition, the child passed all the qualifying tournaments.

Gordey's chess talent was appreciated even by recognized masters of this highly intellectual sport. FIDE President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov was one of the first to notice the boy, calling him “the little Buddha of the chess world.” And the results of competitions and other games show that Gordey fully justifies the trust former president Kalmykia.

For a whole year, Gordey Kolesov was trained by the seven-time world champion among disabled people Andrey Obodchuk. He even moved to China especially for this purpose. The upcoming tournament will be the last joint project for the athletes, after which Gordey will have a new coach. However, who exactly will train the young genius is kept secret by his father, the famous businessman and video blogger Evgeniy Kolesov.

Despite such young age, the boy already speaks five languages, plays the guitar, is one of the youngest speedcubers (masters of solving a Rubik's cube for speed) on the planet and the youngest Russian about whom Wikipedia wrote. He also took part in the recording of the New Year's program on central Chinese television, the Chinese "Blue Light 2016", dedicated to the country's main holiday - the Chinese New Year. A real hit on the Internet was a video in which victory sealed prodigy from Russia at the Talent Show on the country's main television channel CCTV-1.

Gordey Kolesov was born in Moscow, and at the age of two months he was brought to China, to the city of Guangzhou. In this metropolis, his father Evgeniy Kolesov has a business company Optim Consult, specializing in the wholesale supply of goods and equipment. Gordey's father has been living and working in the Middle Kingdom for almost 20 years. Evgeniy Kolesov hosts popular channel on YouTube “China with Evgeniy Kolesov” and is working on an original project for Channel 1, which is currently being prepared for broadcast. Despite being almost constantly busy, he finds time to work with his son and help him further improve his skills. In the very near future, Evgeny Kolesov plans to return with his family to Russia - it is known that he accepted an offer from one of the parties to participate in the State Duma elections.

Gordey Kolesov won the hearts of millions of Chinese after his appearance on local television in an entertainment program.

Gordey was born in Moscow, but lives with his parents in China. The boy’s father, Evgeny Kolesov (a businessman, heads the Optim Consult company) has been working in this country for 15 years.

At the age of six, the boy speaks and writes in 5 languages: Russian, Chinese, English, French and Spanish. The little Russian mastered the complex Chinese language in high level– Gordey won a prize at the calligraphy competition. One of the jury members noted that Gordey writes hieroglyphs better than many Chinese children.

The talented boy sings well and accompanies himself on the guitar. Gordey also plays excellent chess and already has a second rank in this sport.

At the competition, Gordey first said his Chinese name - Ye Weiguo, and then the Russian version. By the way, none of the jury members could pronounce it correctly Russian name, which amused the boy. Kolesov told viewers that he is “a Russian who, more than anything in the world, is afraid of the cold because he lives in Guangzhou.”

A video of Gordey’s performance received one and a half million views on YouTube in just a few days. The unanimous positivity in the comments is so atypical for the RuNet that it is impossible not to quote a few remarks from Internet users.

“It’s cool Gordey got on Chinese TV... class, otherwise the impression of Russians is largely thanks to redneck tourists now, thanks to you +1 to our reputation,” writes one of the commentators (hereinafter style of presentation, spelling and punctuation the authors of the remarks are preserved - note by

“Where do we have such programs? Where are these children? Do they exist at all or have they all gone abroad? The boy is, of course, good. Prodigy. The main thing is that dad doesn’t stress him too much,” another speaker worries.

“A child’s early development is his future. The boy will grow up to be a diplomat or... I don’t know who, and it’s not that important. He already has a wealth of languages ​​and the ability to understand foreign humor,” says another YouTube user.

“I also want a boy like this. A miracle, not a child. “How did he manage to do so much,” writes one of Gordey’s new fans.

“The boy is amazing, and his name is appropriate - how can you not be proud of such a child?” - notes another speaker.

“Unique hard work! How did you achieve such results? Share with the public, or at least write a book,” asks a third.

Many participants in the online discussion of Gordey’s talents expressed the hope that the child unwittingly contributed to the rapprochement of the two neighboring countries, and coped with this task more effectively than any diplomat.

We are used to rejoicing in the successes of domestic stars abroad, and proudly following them creative way. Not long ago, a little boy named Gordey Kolesov was added to their number, whose performance literally shocked China and online resources.

Gordey Evgenyevich Kolesov is only six years old, and his biography so far fits into one sentence: he was born and raised in China, and his father, Evgeny Kolesov, is a major businessman, general director of the Optim Consult company located in Guangzhou, who has been with him for fifteen years The family lives in China. Evgeniy is well known in the blogosphere and in social networks based on his materials “China with Evgeniy Kolesov”, where he talks in detail about the peculiarities of life and business in modern China, about the traditions and history of this country.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that children who grew up in an environment of one or another foreign language know it perfectly. However, Gordey's abilities are not limited to his perfect command of the Russian and Chinese languages. He knows the dialect of the city of Guangzhou and the works of the Sun Dynasty poet Sushi, and is very fluent in such verbal forms of the Chinese language as idioms (chenyu), which make the language expressive and deep. Gordey has already learned 555 of these idioms, and is also diligently mastering the difficult art of Chinese calligraphy. In February 2015, the results of the First Chinese Calligraphy Competition were summed up, in which

m applicants had to write the given text with a hard pen. Gordey prepared diligently; he became the youngest applicant and received the audience award, which he was awarded general secretary Shanghai Cooperation Organization Dmitry Mezentsev and the heads of the publishing house "Zhenmin Huabao". In the future, the boy plans to improve in this art in order to compete with recognized masters of calligraphy on equal terms. In addition, he can speak, write and read English, French and Spanish.

Gordey's other hobbies include chess and music. He is already participating in chess competitions, and on New Year's Eve he received a second rank in chess. In addition, the boy sings and plays the guitar, draws well and took second place in the international Russian-Chinese competition children's drawing. Evgeny Kolesov often posts videos on his network accounts in which Gordey (often together with him) recites poems by Russian and Chinese poets, sings and plays. These video materials served as the reason for inviting the talented child to the central Chinese television, in the show of the CCTV-1 channel. Gorde

He behaved well in front of a huge audience and communicated with the presenters at ease. He said that in Chinese his name is Ye Weiguo, demonstrated his knowledge of foreign languages, managed to explain a rare idiom of the Chinese language, and sang to his own accompaniment. Gordey received the audience award and was written about in the central Chinese newspaper People's Daily.

A video of a talented Russian boy performing on Chinese television caused a surge of sympathy for him and many approving reviews. It was noted that the child’s unusual talents were revealed thanks to attention to his early development, as well as the fact that children like Gordey help improve mutual understanding between different peoples. True, when asked by the presenter what country the boy would like to live in when he grows up, Gordey named China, and not all commentators took this answer for granted. Apparently, one should take into account the age of the child and the fact that he has been living in China since birth. In any case, Gordey Kolesov’s extraordinary abilities will, over time, give him the opportunity to make an informed choice of where to live and use his talents
