Classic Five Card Poker. Analysis of the rules and nuances of the game

Despite the French name, card game"variety show" came to us from America.

The order of cards is from Ace to Two. The game is paired, but in each drawing partners are changing. The partnership is determined by the draw selection system, of which there are only eight varieties, distinguished by the trump suit and different sets of plus and minus premium cards.

First deliverer the lot is determined, then they are dealt one by one. The player sitting to the left of the dealer starts. During each distribution, the order of trading and drawing is observed. At the trading stage, one of eight types of drawings is selected, and it is determined which players will be partners.

Types of draws

No trump cards. For taking the most bribes - 12 plus points.

Trump suit of clubs. For each bribe - 2 plus points.

Trumps hearts. For each peak card - 2 plus points.

Trumps of diamonds. For each card of the red suit - 1 plus point, for each black suit - one minus point.

Trumps of spades. For each black ten and jack taken - 5 plus points; for a red ten and a jack - 5 minus points.

Trumps clubs. For each red card - one plus point, the lowest card in terms of the trick takes the trick.

Trumps of spades. For each club card - 2 minus points.

No trump cards. For each bribe - 2 minus points.

Variety game

The person sitting to the left of the dealer begins the trade by announcing which of the eight draws he chooses. After him, all other participants in the game make applications. If during trading one of the orders is made by two participants, they become partners and play their option. The other two players automatically become their counter-partners. Trading orders goes clockwise.

During the game, one participant cannot apply for the same draw twice. Therefore, you can bargain for several rounds until two bids match. For example, the following applications for the drawing are received from players: in the first round - 1, 2, 3, 4; in the second round - 5, 6, 7, 8; in the third round - 7, 5, 4, 2.

In the third round, the first and third players have a match in the order in which applications are received. This means they will play the seventh play option against the second and fourth players.

The player sitting to the left of the trading participant who first made an application for this drawing starts. In this case, to the left of the third player. The pair that wins the trade acts as the attacking side. Be sure to wear suit. But in the absence of a suit, it is not necessary to beat with a trump card, just as it is not necessary to beat with a high card. The player who got the previous trick goes.

After the last one is done bribe, points are counted. If in a given rally the attacking pair received fewer plus or more minus points than their counter-partners, they are considered a loss. In fact, the points won are recorded for each player in a separate account, and for the winning pair, 10 plus points are added to each player.

If the attacking pair received more plus (and less minus) points, then the winnings are credited to it and each player of the four is again credited to a separate account with the actual points won by the given pair. This is done because in the next drawings the composition of the pairs may change several times.

At subsequent stages of trading, applications may be made for other drawings or for the same ones again.

A full round consists of eight hands, meaning each player deals twice. If desired, the tour can be extended or shortened.

The sixth type of play requires the players to be attentive, since the trick is taken with the lowest card of a given suit. If there are two trump cards, then the trick is taken with the lowest trump card of the two. Unlike many other games, trading allows not only honest information, but also misinformation regarding your cards. After the end of the trade, all conversations (regarding your own and other people's cards) must be stopped.

Card games have always been popular among people. For many, this is just a way to have fun and have fun playing an exciting game, but for some, it is a real means of earning money. The cards allow you to play many different games of varying difficulty. That's why they are so popular. Cards are played on all continents, all have their own authentic types of games, but some games are well known throughout the planet. In this article we will answer the question of which card game is the most popular.

First place - “Fool”

This game is known to everyone. IN different countries it is called differently, but the rules are the same everywhere. Players are dealt six cards, with one of the suits being trump. Players walk towards each other in a circle. The one who remains with the cards in his hands loses the game. The goal of the game, on the contrary, is to get rid of cards. There are varieties of "Fool". In one case, it is allowed to transfer the attack using a card of the same size, in the other, the game is played as a team. You can play with a full deck of cards, along with sixes and jokers, or with a classic one. In general, there are several dozen types of “Fool”. As a rule, this game is not a gambling game; most often it is played for the purpose of an interesting pastime.

Second place - “Goat”

If we list the most interesting card games, then it is necessary to mention “Goat”. The rules of the game are quite simple. Two teams participate, each consisting of two people. They play using a deck with 36 sheets, while the sixes are not used in the process itself, but play an auxiliary role.

Before starting, the dealer shuffles the cards, after which he deals eight cards to each player. The task is to collect pairs of cards - this is how you score points. The one who scores the most wins large quantity points. However, different cards have different values. So, for aces they give 11 points. For tens - 10, for kings - 4, for queens - three, for jacks - two points. The remaining cards have no value at all.

Third place - "Poker"

Unlike past games, which were often just for fun, poker only makes sense when playing for money. This is the most popular in the world gambling. The international community has officially recognized poker as a sport. Poker gained its popularity more than two hundred years ago. It represents the perfect combination of player skill and luck that can help you win. Poker requires strategic and logical skills. In terms of difficulty it is compared to chess. Moreover, unlike chess, poker is a game with incomplete information. In other words, during a game you do not know what cards are in the hands of your opponents, while in chess you always see the board. Poker can use a variety of decks, but is most often played with a standard 52-sheet deck.

Fourth place - “Blackjack”

Blackjack is also very popular among gambling people. Initially it was created for casinos and playing for money, this is the most old game of such a type. The ancestor of blackjack is the French “21”, which has more primitive rules. The birthplace of blackjack itself is the USA. In Russia it is known in two variations. In the classic version, which can be found in casinos, and in the “home” version, which has a smaller deck.

Fifth place - “Preference”

The ancestor of preference is the English “Whist”, which was also popular in pre-revolutionary Russia. Preference and whist are considered to be aristocratic entertainment. As a rule, three or four people play. You can play with a larger group, but in this case the dynamics noticeably deteriorate. The entire deck is involved in the process, except for the sevens. To win the game you need to score greatest number points. The preference rules are quite extensive, and they are constantly being edited. In Russia, the last update of the rules occurred in 1996.

Sixth place - “Bridge”

Bridge is one of the most difficult card games. It values ​​strategic and logical thinking player. At the same time, there is practically no meaning to luck. The bridge is recognized by the Olympic Committee as official look sports Each game is comparable to a chess game in terms of intellectual level. There is an opinion that the Bridge got its name from the Russian word “biryuch”. A deck of 52 cards is used, ranging from deuces to aces. Jokers are not involved.

Seventh place - “Gin Rummy”

Gin Rummy was invented by the Mexicans and is especially popular in Latin America and the USA. Also known by another name - Kunken. Gin Rummy is not a gambling game; it is rarely played for money. Each game requires logical and strategic skills and develops them well. Gin Rummy is designed for 2-4 people. If only two people participate, then each is given a set of ten cards. If three or four people participate, they receive 7-8 cards. The remaining deck is placed in the middle of the table. The top card is removed. It is designed to allow unnecessary cards to be discarded onto it. The goal is to collect a combination of three cards of the same suit or value.

Eighth place - “Mafia”

“Mafia” began to gain popularity several years ago. Today it is one of the most popular card games for the company. It is most often played with a regular deck of cards, but there are also special sets. The rules are quite simple. Each player is dealt cards. Several of them are representatives of the mafia (a certain card is responsible for this, which is assigned by general consent), and all the rest are civilians. If the company is large enough, additional characters may be introduced to perform a wide variety of functions. Each mafia con commits one murder. The task of civilians is to reveal the representatives of the mafia, and the task of the mafia is to kill all civilians. It is interesting that the birthplace of the “Mafia” is Russia. Today it is popular in both the USA and Europe.

Ninth place - “Solitaire”

Solitaire is the most popular card solitaire game. It became very popular after its computer implementation - Solitaire is one of the pre-installed games on Windows. However, you can play solitaire using simple cards.

Tenth place - Deberts

Recently, “Deberts” has lost much of its popularity, but at the end of the last century it was known in many countries. There are still players today. The objective of the game is to collect 301 points by collecting certain cards. The winner was the one who collected the required number of points first.

There are different versions as to where this game originated. Some call it the birthplace of Sakhalin, others attribute its authorship to Jewish communities. "Deberts" was very popular in the USSR. There was a variety of “Deberts”, named after the provinces of the Soviet state - Kharkov and Moscow “Deberts”.

Thus, the material lists the most popular card games. The list includes both gambling types, such as “poker” and “blackjack,” and amateur ones, such as “fool” and “goat”.

American fool

Number of decks: 1
Number of cards in the deck: 36 or 52
Number of players: 2 - 6
Card seniority: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, V, D, K, T.
Purpose of the game: get rid of all your cards.
Rules of the game. The rules for playing American Fool were sent to me by Ivan Lukyanov. The first dealer is determined by lot; in the next game, the player who lost in the previous game deals cards. The deck is carefully shuffled, there is no need to remove it, and each player is dealt 6 cards. The remaining deck is placed in the center of the table. The top card from the deck is removed, revealed and placed under the deck. This card determines the trump suit in the game. In the first game, the player who has the lowest trump card goes first; if there is no trump card, then either by lot or determined by the lowest card; in the following games there are 2 options for the first move: under the fool, that is, the player who sits to the right of the fool goes first; from under the fool, the player who sits to the left of the fool goes first. The appropriate first move option is chosen by the players before the game. The first player can make the first move from any of his cards. A player moves a card to the player to his left, and that player must return that card. In order to beat off, it is necessary to place a card of the highest value of the same suit. If the card that needs to be returned is not a trump card, then it can be returned with a trump card. If this card is a trump card, then it can be repulsed accordingly with a trump card of higher value. When a player has hit this card, other players can throw up cards of the same value that are on the table. If the player who is fighting back returns all the cards laid out, then he has the right to throw to himself and then return. After this, the remaining players can continue to throw cards of the same value that are on the table. The right to toss first belongs to the player who made the first move, then the right to toss passes to other players in a clockwise direction. Let's imagine a situation: two people are playing, the trump card is a heart, the 1st player has 6 diamonds, 8 diamonds, 10 spades, queen of diamonds, 9 hearts and queen of hearts, the 2nd player has 6 spades, 7 diamonds, ace of diamonds, ace of spades, 8 hearts and 10 hearts. The 1st player goes to the 2nd player for 6 diamonds, the 2nd player hits 7 diamonds. Then the 1st player says that he has nothing to throw up, and the 2nd player lays out 6 spades from his cards and hits the ace of spades. Next, he lays out the Ace of Diamonds (that is, you can also throw in those cards that the 2nd player himself fought with) and beats him with 8 hearts. The 2nd player declares that he does not have any cards to throw to himself, and then the 1st player throws 8 diamonds, and the 2nd player already fights back with his last card - 10 hearts. When all players, including the beating one, have no cards left to throw up, or they do not want to discard their cards, all the cards laid out go to waste. Cards that go to the end are put aside in a closed pile and do not take part in the game. If the player who is fighting back does not return the cards laid out, then he takes the cards for himself. After that, all players who have less than six cards draw cards from the deck to six, the player who made the first move takes the first card, then the player who fought back takes a card. Thus, the game is on until there is only one player left with cards in their hands. This player is considered the loser and is called the "fool".

American version of Boston.

In this version of Boston itself the highest card is the Jack of Diamonds, which, in fact, means “Boston”, this card is considered the fourteenth trump card.

4 partners take part in the game. A deck of 52 sheets is used. The order of cards is usual: from Ace to 2, but the Jack of Diamonds is ahead of everyone. If in the game the trump suit is assigned to the diamond suit, then the seniority of the cards goes in the usual way, i.e. Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, etc. up to 2, and the place of the Boston is taken by the Jack of Hearts.

The game is settled using chips. Before the start of the game, 480 chips are taken, which are equally distributed among all players. Each player places a box for chips next to him; in the middle of the table there should be another container or box - this is the so-called “cashier”.

In American Boston, a game consists of 8 simple and 2 double rounds. After the game ends, all players must agree to divide the cash register; when one player refuses to share the contents of the cash register, the game continues until there are not a single chip left in the cash register that belongs to the player refusing to share.

Before the start of the game, you should determine the places at the card table; for this, the players draw lots. Changing places before the end of the game is not allowed. To determine the dealer, one of the players divides the deck of cards into 4 approximately equal piles and distributes them to the players. The one in whose pile of cards there is a Jack of Diamonds becomes the dealer.

It is the responsibility of the dealer to collect the bet from each player. Usually the bet is 10 chips, all bets of the players, to which the dealer adds his own, are placed in the general cash box. In the game, the dealer is responsible for the cash register.

The dealer shuffles the cards and then lets the player to his left remove. The deal begins with the right player. Each player receives 13 cards, the last card goes to the dealer, he opens it, thereby determining the trump card. The reveal remains on the table until the first player moves.

If during the deal one of the cards goes unnoticed, but not through the fault of the dealer, then he is obliged to mulligan. If the dealer left the card unnoticed on purpose, then the right to deal passes to the other player.

This variation of Boston is played in two suits, called “major” and “minor.” These suits are determined as follows: the highest suit is indicated by the card revealed at the first deal, it remains high throughout the game. In subsequent hands, the suit that is revealed is called minor. If, by chance, the highest suit comes out in one of the next hands, it remains high, and the highest suit is played.

To be able to play all four suits, you should ask for solo or independence, these terms are explained below. But a large number of played suits leads to a pass, which increases the bets at the box office. The cash register passes from one dealer to another, he places it near his right hand and is responsible for it, the cash register points to the one whose turn it is to deal.

The first neighbor of the dealer has the right to be the first to ask for permission to play in the suit indicated by him, but he does not have the right to either name or show the card; he places this card on the table with the specks up or passes. After passing, you can no longer take part in the purchase. If there was an application for purchase, it is also not allowed to refuse it. The player must say which suit he is playing: high or low. If all players pass, the cash box goes to the next dealer.

When the first player announces the game, his neighbor, having examined his cards, has the right to either pass or accept the challenge. In this case, these two players form a team that plays against two other players, the goal of the game is to take the cash. All mistakes, gains or losses in this case become common to the two players.

If the second player passes, then the word goes to the third player, and after his pass - to the fourth. If no one supports the one who announced the game, he is obliged to play one against three, but in this case he must take only five tricks. If all four players pass, then the contents of the box must be doubled and the right to pass passes to the next player.

It is forbidden to name the suit desired for the game to your partner or hint at it, since other players may refuse to play and then the contents of the cash register go to them. An erroneous announcement leads nowhere. Even if a player declared hearts and placed diamonds, the diamonds remain on the table and the game continues.

The buy-in of one player is destroyed by the highest buy-in of another player. For example, if one player buys in a low suit, and the second in a high suit, then the buy-in in the lower suit is destroyed. All buy-ins are arranged in the following order: buy-in of the lowest suit (6 tricks), buy-in senior suit(7 tricks), solo buy-in (8 tricks) or independence (8 tricks in the indicated suit), buy-in of 9 tricks in a low order, buy-in of 9 tricks in a high order, buy-in to a minuscule amount (i.e. try not to take a single bribe) .

When everyone except the one who announced the game passes, the player must play independently and take at least five tricks, in this case he receives the entire cash register and, in addition, a pre-agreed number of chips from each player. If he takes less than five bribes, then the cash register becomes the property of three other players, in addition, the loser also pays each player a certain bribe.

If there are two players playing, then in order to take the cash box, you need to take at least 8 bribes. If they win, partners receive payment according to the tariff, and if they lose, their counter-partners receive from them as much as they would have to pay. In addition, they are obliged to put as many tokens into the box as there were in it, i.e., following card terminology, to make a labet. The player who buys solo must take 8 tricks; if he takes fewer tricks, he must pay at the game rate.

It is allowed to buy to a minuscule amount; if the minuscule amount is decided, then the game continues without trump cards or without boston. The player who wins the minuscule amount receives a cash register and, in addition, a pre-agreed amount from each player. If he wins, neither he nor he is paid Boston. However, in case of a loss without Boston, he is also obliged to pay a certain amount to the players.

The player who has the Boston additionally receives 2 chips from each player. If the player took bribes in excess of the announced ones, then all of them are paid twice as much as the announced ones. If a player plays without the support of a helmet, then he is obliged to take only 8 tricks.

It sometimes happens that although the buyer and the backer play together, one loses, while the other neither loses nor wins, it all depends on how many bribes each of them took. The buyer must take 5 bribes, and the supporter must take 3 bribes.

The one of the players who does not collect his bribes puts into the box as many tokens as are already there, he also pays each player additionally as much as he would have received from them if he had won. But that’s not all, the loser is obliged to pay the so-called consolidation, i.e., two chips to each. The other partner, who took all the announced bribes, neither loses nor wins.

If the player and his partner take less than 8 tricks, then the cash register goes to their opponents. The passer is eliminated from the game, but if the last player buys, he can hold, but the buyer does not have the right to refuse the purchase in any case.

Closed bribes can no longer be considered; they are placed on the table with their sides facing up. You can only watch the last trick while the next one is still on the table. Anyone who has the required suit is obliged to take it down. If a player does not have the required suit during the draw, he can beat the card with a trump card. But when it is profitable for him, he has the right to hold back the trump card and play any card he does not need.

When a player and his partner have a reversal of cards during the game, they win nothing, even if they take 8 or 9 tricks. Once the cards are removed, you can no longer touch the contents of the cash register. If the winner does not collect his chips on time, they remain in the cash register and are played in the next game. Each winner is obliged to force the counter-partners to pay immediately, even before the cards are removed for new game, the claim to the previous winnings becomes unreasonable.
