Smite review – what are the main features of the game? The old is for the good of the new.

SMITE is a new development in the MOBA genre with a third-person view. As in any Dota game, the player has several dozen heroes at his disposal, and not just heroes, but gods from various pantheons. The famous thunderer Zeus, the sun-like Ra, the destroyer goddess Kali - the list contains very serious personalities who are a pleasure to play. By the way, the project has already been marked by a scandal. Representatives of the World Hindu Community demanded that no less than all Indian gods be removed from the game, to which they politely responded with three letters.

SMITE's gameplay demonstrates the wonders of standardization. The map is divided into three roads, on which there are towers, and along which crowds of creeps are bursting. All we can do is urge them on with a wand and kill the monsters jumping out of the bushes, swinging and acquiring all sorts of interesting buffs. Two teams of five people collide approximately in the middle and the meat grinder begins. The winners are those who quickly reach the enemy base and demolish the minotaur standing on the pedestal.

However, SMITE also has its own characteristics (besides the revived gods, of course). Unlike DotA, there is no need to combine several items into one using recipes. Instead, an upgrade system was introduced into the game, so that if you buy, say, gloves for 500 coins, you can upgrade them by paying an additional amount. Another thing is that the initial capital is not enough to purchase the entire set of artifacts. You will have to earn money, mainly by killing minions. What you earn is instantly spent at the base, where you can buy not only equipment, but also new abilities (shield, acceleration, etc.).

Each hero has his own individual skills. In total, you can use four spells with five levels of pumping for each. The last level gives the skill incredible power, which is why it is called “ult” accordingly. For now, there are a few standard classes planned for SMITE. So, Kali is very dangerous in close combat, so artifacts that increase vampirism and physical damage are better suited for her. Ymir is a classic tank, so armor and hit points are critical for him. Artemis, the hunting goddess, prefers to use a bow, so they always keep their distance.

If League of Legends at the dawn of its development looked like a clone of Dota, then SMITE, in turn, is very reminiscent of LoL. In any case, the abilities of the gods are very similar to the League of Legends. But SMITE can provide players with more dynamic gameplay and, most importantly, a third-person view, which its predecessors definitely won’t have.

We present to your attention online game SMITE of the MOBA genre. Read the review of this game and system requirements, download to your PC and start playing absolutely free right now.

Hi-Rez Studios does not have a multimillion-dollar fan base like Valve or Riot, but nevertheless, the company has been releasing excellent online games for many years. In my previous project Tribes: Ascension they've successfully resurrected one of the best multiplayer shooters ever. A new game, Smite, is intended to offer a fresh take on MOBAs.

Like any other game in the genre, Smite's main mode pits two teams of five players on three paths connecting their bases. Between the paths there is a forest where neutral monsters live, from which you can feed on experience, money and various buffs (for speed, to increase damage).

When creating the game, the first thing the developers decided was that only cowards and wimps were watching the battle from a bird's eye view, and took the player into the thick of things. The camera doesn't float in the sky - it hangs quite close behind your character's shoulders, and this changes the gameplay much more than you might think.

The changes are especially noticeable when playing as characters with a ranged attack, because every shot they shoot at an enemy is a skillshot. Like some third-person shooter, you have to aim at the target, predict the enemy's movements and shoot with anticipation. And all - in order to hit the enemy with a regular attack. Those who fight in close combat also have more problems, because the enemy, as a rule, does not stand still, but tries to jump back and hit you in the back. It sounds a little more complicated than it actually looks, but those who are used to just poking an enemy hero with the right mouse button will experience some inconvenience.

However, when you think about whether this is for good or bad, you come to the conclusion that there are a lot of benefits from such a rather unorthodox combat system design. It enriches the game with tense moments and increases the intensity of each battle. You are no longer separated from the fight, but inside it. And this simultaneously increases the latent fear of becoming a victim of the enemy, and the satisfaction when, on the contrary, he goes to wait for rebirth after a serious conversation.

Another thing about changing perspectives is that in Smite it's much easier to sneak up on another player. Avoiding an ambush is relatively simple, you just need to pay closer attention to the mini-map, but in the heat of a fight it often happens that there is simply no time to look at it. This also adds tension to the game and forces you to be on your guard all the time.

The selection of heroes in Smite is very decent. The game, of course, cannot compare in terms of richness of assortment with its main competitors, in which the number of available characters has long exceeded a hundred, but it exists much less. In addition, the fifty-odd heroes that are in Smite at the time of writing this review are enough, and the developers continue to release more and more new fighters.

The choice of legend, which explains who actually fights on the battlefield, is worthy of special praise. In Smite, these are, no more, no less, gods from a variety of world religions, from ancient Greek paganism to Hinduism and Chinese folk beliefs. Some candidates, like Odin, Zeus and Kali, are quite obvious, but there are more gods in the game that you will most likely only learn about from Smite. For example, the South American patron of bees and hives A-Muzen-Kab, who was worshiped by the Mayans, or the Hindu cannibal demon Bakasura. Among these familiar and unfamiliar celestial beings, there is a character suitable for any playstyle.

The Indian Agni is one of the most recognizable gods in Smite, there are also absolutely exotic creatures

Access to new gods in Smite is organized in the same way as in League of Legends: There is a small pool of free heroes that rotates regularly. To own a character forever, you need to fork out some cash, but you don't have to pay real money. Absolutely any god can be purchased for virtual currency, which “drips” to you at the end of each match. Thus, you will gradually, at the very least, master most of the characters, and then you will be able to choose those of them who you like most. And for players who want everything at once, there is a special paid bundle that includes not only the already released heroes, but also all those that will ever appear in Smite.

Well, if you get tired of the classic mode with three paths, the developers have prepared several more entertainment options. For example, an arena in which you need not to destroy the enemy base, but to deliver your own creeps to it alive and unharmed, each of which, passing through a special gate, inflicts certain damage on the enemy camp.

Smite takes some getting used to, especially if you already have some experience with MOBA games. A lot of things are done differently here than in other similar projects, but that's part of its charm. This is not a Dota clone, but a completely independent game, very interesting and unusual. I can confidently recommend it to anyone who is at least a little interested in session online.

On at the moment There are two absolute favorites in the MOBA genre, who have been waging a fierce battle for the hearts, souls and personal lives of millions of gamers for several years now. We are, of course, talking about League of Legends and Dota 2. But the genre is not only rich in them - from time to time others burst into the mob market wanting to bask in the rays of glory and stand under a fountain of green bills. However, no one has been able to overthrow the favorites so far. Then the gods themselves decided to conquer the treasured Olympus - after all, this is their usual habitat. All this is SMITE from Hi-Rez Studios and that is what will be discussed in this article.

The gods are dragging mid

SMITE is actually not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Yes, he shamelessly borrowed a lot from the already well-known MOBA giants, but, nevertheless, he also offers his own unique, I would even say, divine twist. One of its main features is a whole army of assorted gods in the role of heroes. The game makers didn’t come up with the characters themselves, but simply wrote a little backstory about how the gods of Roman, Greek, Egyptian, Scandinavian, Indian and other mythologies, familiar to us all, came together to kick each other’s divine asses.

Mr and Mrs Smith

Each deity has its own unique skills that best suit their image, and also does not hesitate to upgrade standard ones. role playing game skills. This system is very reminiscent of division into classes, but SMITE is notable for the fact that it is almost impossible to single out the same tank in battle. Each god can play almost any role, allowing you to adjust your chosen one as you play. The puny and thin sun god Ra, with proper pumping and straight arms, will be able to distribute such lyules that even all sorts of Odins and Zeuses will run away in panic, feverishly trying to extinguish their gray-haired beards. Is it possible that not everyone will make a healer, since the ruler of the dead Hades, for example, and the ruler of the seas Poseidon are not logically suitable for this role. But the beautiful Aphrodite will gladly rescue her entire team from the other world, and even give the offenders a slap on the hat.

God's for show

A lot depends on the curvature or straightness of your hands in SMITE. Here you can forget about auto-targeting skills at the enemy and magic, which acts in the direction the character is directed. If the skill is guided, then a stripe will appear under your god’s feet, the direction of which can be controlled with the mouse, but if it is an AUE attack, then a circle (no, not a life-saving one) of a certain radius will pop up under the hero.

Since there is no cursor, we will have to control our sky guards using the old familiar WASD. Many people will think that this is even easier, since in ordinary MOBAs you just have to click the mouse button half to death, but this is not so. Now your LMB will most likely fall off altogether after the first game - finishing off creeps has become much more difficult, since there is no auto-attack. Accordingly, earning experience with gold coins becomes more difficult. At first, this terribly infuriated me, and my mouse even went into free flight several times with the final destination of “the wall.” But after spending a few hours in SMITE and applying tape, you get used to the unusual mechanics.


The main advantage of SMITE is undoubtedly the number of available modes. It would seem that they can offer an experienced MOBA gamer? One or two classic modes? Not so. There are five of them in SMITE, and just to make it seem a bit less, the creators also drew a lot of picturesque maps. Each mode has its own merits and turns the game into something other than the hackneyed “ruck to mid”, “two to lane” and “defy taver”. You can test your strength in Domination - something like capture the flag, Joust - one-on-one combat, Math of the day - every day players receive a specific hero, Conquest - classic Dota mode: one player goes mid, the rest push towers, then chop down the phoenix and for dessert - the Minotaur. The horned monster is a kind of throne from Dota 2. Only if the latter could only calmly wait during the attack? While he is being blown to hell, the Minotaur will happily distribute pendals to his potential offenders.

Divine Separate

For dessert, I left the Arena mode, which, it seems to me, deserves special attention. The heroes appear on a map designed in the style of the Roman Colosseum, but the rules correspond to the environment. Teams receive their own portal and 500 points, after which gladiators begin to run from each side with the goal of desecrating the enemy portal. For each missed unit, the team loses one point, and for each lost player, five points. The point is that battles with other heroes here are much more dynamic than in Conquest, and at the same time they are not devoid of a tactical component. For example, the Monkey King can rush into the midst of enemy heroes, use an AUE attack, stunning them, slap everyone in the face with much more powerful attacks and quickly fall back to his own. At best, you will deprive the enemy team of points without losing a significant amount of health. If there are adequate players in the team, one session will last 20 minutes at most.

Corrupt God

As for the hero’s equipment, SMITE is not particularly different from the same Dota 2. A familiar store with all kinds of gear on site. Standard za'atar are shown separately, so even green beginners will be able not to get confused and dress up their hero normally. By the way, there is even an opportunity to enable automatic leveling of skills, but this is for completely wooden gamers. If we talk about investing real money in the game, then SMITE is more like League of Legends. If you want new gods, be so kind as to fork out some cash. Of course, you can purchase a hero using virtual currency, but to do this you will have to sweat in front of the screen for about 3-4 days. Here even the most greedy player will get tired of farming for new gods and decide to invest real money in the project. And the cunning developers are counting on just this...

God's blessing

The game SMITE became a kind of saving straw for the independent team of Hi-Rez Studios, which, after the oblivion of the Global Agenda and the halt in the development of Tribes: Ascend, was not worried better times. Open testing of SMITE started back in January 2013 and lasted more than 14 months - an absolute record among similar new products. The developers themselves call the success of the game “very unexpected.” It was Smite that allowed Hi-Rez to expand its staff and achieve financial stability.


Here is living proof that innovation in a seemingly stagnant genre is entirely possible. Unusual, as for MOVA, controls and camera make you look at the usual brawl of heroes among the turrets from a completely new angle. And the mythological gods as the heroes themselves also give the project some kind of freshness and novelty. But for some unknown reason, the game doesn’t really drag on for long. After running happily in the company of deities for about five days, I switched back to Dota. Otherwise, without me, the mid-crayfish will... screw up, that's it.

Final score: 7 points out of 10!

Hi all. Many games in the MOBA genre have appeared recently. Among them, a project like Smythe stands out. Here you can control your hero in third-person mode (that is, see the character from behind). This is the main feature of the game, but not the only one. The Smite review will help us find out what other cool features the game contains.

The genre of the game speaks for itself. MOVA is a game whose gameplay is that you, as a team of five heroes, must destroy the enemy base by breaking through security towers. Usually in games of this genre you control the hero with the mouse and his skills with the keyboard. And all the action unfolds for you as if from a bird's eye view. But this is in other MOBAs, but in Smythe you control a character as if in an action-adventure game. View from behind, WASD buttons for movement and 1234 for using skills. This allows you to immerse yourself deeper into the gaming atmosphere, and some may simply find such controls more convenient.

You will control not ordinary fantasy characters, but real images of ancient pagan gods from mythologies various countries. For example, it’s cool to play Ares, Hades or Aphrodite - all well-known Greek gods. Or, conversely, choose the Scandinavian god Thor, Odin or Loki. Too poppy? Here you also have Chinese, Indian and even Mayan gods. There will definitely be plenty to choose from. The variety and design of heroes in Smite is very good.

Battles and maps

The combat modes in Smite are as diverse as the gods. A total of six modes and maps are available. They become available to the player in turn as the account level increases. You can gain experience and level up by participating in battles with bots or online with real players. Let's look at all the modes in order.

Arena. The map in this mode is a real arena. No towers or lines. The game here is very dynamic. All gods are of the third level and have 1500 gold with them. Two teams of five heroes, each of which initially has 500 points, and on the opposite sides of the arena there are two portals - yours and the enemy's. Points are subtracted for each individual defeat and for each enemy unit that passes into your portal. To win you need to bring the enemy counter to zero.

Tournament 3 on 3 (Joust 3v3). A mode in which battles take place between two teams of three players. The map here is just one line with one tower on each side and a base (phoenix) that needs to be destroyed. This mode is also for quick play.

Conquest. Classic card for the MOV genre. Three lines, between which there is a jungle with buffs and monsters. Each lane has towers and minions moving towards the enemy base. The goal of the game is to break through the defense and destroy the enemy Titan.

Assault. Here you will have to fight 5v5 on a map with one line. The selection of heroes occurs randomly and at the beginning of the game everyone has 3000 gold. On this map you cannot return to base to regenerate, so you have to stay on the lane.

Siege. A combat mode in which additional force must be used to destroy the enemy base. Here on the map there are two lines, two towers and a phoenix each. Two teams fight 4 on 4. All buildings on the lines and Titan have more health than in normal modes. To quickly destroy them, you need to earn special points by cutting up monsters in the jungle. When a team reaches 100 of these points, the SiegeJuggernaut joins their side.

Match of the day. Match of the day is a special occasion when a game mode with various interesting features is available every day. Most often these are modifications of the Arena mode, somewhere there is a limited number of characters to choose from, or the rules of battle have been changed.


Smite is completely free to play, however, initially only a few heroes are available to you. The rest will have to be purchased either for real money or by accumulating a lot of Reputation (Favor). But accumulating it is difficult and takes a long time, for example, depending on how the battle went, you will be awarded from 10 to 50 reputation. And to buy a hero you will need as much as 10,000! Actually, this is why donations are very popular in the game.

The main currency for purchasing in-game goods for real money is gems. The cost of purchasing one new hero is 200 gems, but there are also special offers when you can purchase a set of heroes at once at a discount. For gems you can also buy costumes for your heroes (skins), voice acting or other purely “cosmetic” upgrades.

What is the price of gems? The price in rubles will greatly depend on the euro exchange rate, but at the time of writing, one gem cost approximately 1.2 rubles. One way to slightly speed up the process of accumulating in-game money is through referrals. These are people who register in the game using a special referral link that you provide to them, and you, in turn, are given a bonus in the form of a reputation for moving up the level of each referral.


Smythe is an online game, so it's worth mentioning the community. Most often you will play with real players. And mostly these are quite friendly and responsive players. If anything happens, they will help and advise. Smite has a fairly developed Russian-speaking community, but foreigners can also get caught, so be prepared that the chat may contain messages in English or some other language.

To find Russian friends in the game, we recommend joining a clan. There are many clans to choose from - just open the list, select any that you like and send your application. For advanced players, the game often hosts various tournaments - larger ones, in which you can get real money as a reward, or smaller ones, where you have a chance to win skins for the hero and other little things.

Smythe is a very interesting project and definitely deserves positive feedback. Let's try to summarize all of the above and highlight the main pros and cons for the game.

  • Interesting world and diverse characters;
  • Third person view;
  • Variety of combat modes.
  • Most heroes need to be purchased.

There is only one minus, and it can be solved if you have the opportunity to spend a little money and buy a ready-made pack with all the gods right away. The rest is nothing but advantages.

At the end of the article, we present you our video review:

Thank you all for your attention and see you again.

“SMITE” is, at first glance, a traditional MOBA in the spirit of the good old “League of Legends”.

Three lines, two bases, ten players and tons of neutral monsters only emphasize the strict belonging to the genre.

Video: trailer for the game SMITE

Sharp departures from the classics become noticeable from the very first minutes of the game.

Here the camera does not float in the skies, but hangs somewhere over the character’s shoulder, turning traditional gameplay into a driving action game.

Not a shooter yet, but not quite a MOBA anymore

1 There are more than 70 heroes, and, as in “League,” some of them are available for free acquaintance every week, and to purchase forever you have to shell out real or in-game money.
2 Classic Skill Set Each character has 4 active and ult.
3 Familiar and beloved skills: ice walls, fireballs, teleports, time rollbacks and flights, crashing into the thick of enemies on horseback and soaring in the skies.
4 Successful simplification of the economy: gold goes to all players standing near the killed mob, it’s just that the culprit gets a larger share.
5 Convenient access to purchases: at any moment, the heroes teleport to the store at the base, rather than sending a messenger to it.

Original, memorable lore

And yet the game has become well recognized not only due to its features.

It's all about a great idea– gods from various world mythologies take part in the battles, some of which are known to everyone, while others are yet to be discovered.

And a good selection of modes

Yes, the matter is not limited to the classic sending of tons of creeps to the enemy tower. The game contains:

  • Round map for six players.
  • Assault mode with just one line, a complete lack of jungle and a random choice of deity.
  • Traditional team deathmatch.
  • Mode with random rules.

And also: wonderful voice acting of characters, Russian language, periodic competitions and tons of action.

The game does not cross out the classic representatives of the genre, introducing something of its own into it and gradually increasing its popularity.

The next step of the developers is the creation of a turn-based tactical strategy “SMITE Tactics”.
