Business card for the best school competition. Scenario for an extracurricular event "school business card"


1.Welcomes to you GENERAL EDUCATION SCHOOL No....

School No.... is... students,

School No.... is... teachers. Director., . ..head teacher, deputy director of

educational work and... the organizer.

And also...librarians, caretaker and maintenance staff.

2. SONG “Small Country”.

We call our school "Little Country".

There are people here with kind eyes,

Here life is full of love.

Children can have fun here

There is no evil or grief here,

They don't let us all be lazy here

And children are given light.

Chorus: Small country - 2 times,

We will tell you, we will tell everyone Where she is, where she is Small country - 2 times Where the soul is light and clear,

Where it's always spring.

3.What is it like, OUR SCHOOL?

4. Small, cozy, clean. Bright, quiet during the holidays and noisy when classes begin and the children arrive.

5. Children are a wonder of the world.

I saw it myself

And he considered it a miracle

To the most wonderful miracles

6.We are responsible for the future:

Our joy is pain and sadness,

Our future is children...!

It’s difficult with them, so be it.

7. Our children are our strength, the lights of extraterrestrial worlds.

If only the future was as bright as they were.

8. Our school is also the parents of our students: kind, caring, thrifty.

9. And finally, our school is TEACHERS!

Smart, responsible, energetic.

10. SONG. Who is a teacher? This is the heart

Given to children in lessons,

How many hundreds of nights does he not sleep with a single thought,

So that everyone becomes kinder to each other.


Happy to see you all again

We want to wish you now

Happiness, jokes. Sleepless nights

Only out of love for his bright school.

11. A SCHOOL TEACHER is a universalist, a person who first of all thinks about the Motherland, and then... about himself.

The school teacher is classroom teacher.

12. And being a class teacher means additional responsibilities, sleepless nights, long working hours and a lot of other pleasures.

13. SONG: The work of a teacher is dangerous and harsh,

You will find many thorns and thorns in it. If someone else is with us sometimes

Doesn't want to be smart

So we have to wage an invisible battle with them,

This is what fate has destined for you and me:

We study day and night.

We often hear reproaches from relatives,

That we work almost seven days a week,

What about an exhibition, theater or cinema?

We don't go with them,

But we always have plenty of other worries,

Having grabbed my children at the same time,

My class and I are going to the circus.

14.If you got to school,

Don't consider that a century is gone,

After all, the work is more interesting

You won't find it.

15. If you take up the tug,

Thirty you'll get a shower,

And each has its own difficult character

And sometimes you say to yourself quietly: “Oh!”

16. If someone breaks a window, then it’s not funny to us at all.

Everyone at school knows that these are our children.

This is my favorite class, it has a lot of ideas.

And try to guess in advance

But again you will say to yourself cheerfully: “AH!”

17.Principles of our work:

    Be persistent, inquisitive and persistent!

    Remember! A teacher teaches others as long as he learns himself.

    Be truthful, generous and merciful!

    Remember! The hand of the giver will not fail.

    Love your neighbor; love children, protect them with love and truth.

    Remember! The success of your students is your success.

18. When you get tired of running from failures along the slopes of eternal bustle

Guide your steps along the path of kindness

And help someone find joy.

19. No matter how life flies, don’t regret your days,

Do a good deed for the happiness of your children.

So that the heart burns and does not smolder in the darkness,

Do a good deed - that is how we live on earth!

Average comprehensive school No. 5 of the city of Kuvandyk dates back to 1923. Our school is the most ordinary, outwardly unremarkable. In total, 523 students in 21 classes are enrolled at the school at the expense of the federal budget. Lessons are taught in Russian.

They have the title “Excellence in Education of the RSFSR” V.I. Akmurzina, “Honorary Worker” general education" - L.N. Viktorova, R.N. Olenko, V.M. Trunova, T.S. Evstratieva. The USSR VDNKh medal was awarded to T.S. Evstratieva. The winner of the award from the head of the administration of the Orenburg region is R.N. Olenko. 19 teachers are school graduates.

Three graduates were awarded the highest award of the Motherland - the title of Hero Soviet Union and Hero of the Russian Federation.

"School of the Year - 1996, 1997, 1998, 2002"

"School of the Century - 2000"

"School of the highest category - 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007"

"Academic School - 2006, 2007"

"School of Russia - 2006, 2007"

Winner of the competition of educational institutions introducing innovative educational programs, within the framework of the priority national project “education” - 2006, 2008

The winner of the competitive selection of educational institutions implementing innovative educational programs, and received a grant from the Governor of the Orenburg Region in 2013.

Our school is included in the register"Leading educational institutions Russia"

Awarded a Gold Medal for a set of school printed materials “And in enlightenment with the century” in All-Russian competition"Teacher! Before your name...” (rep. Absalyamova G.S.)

She became a Laureate of the “Patriot of Russia” competition under the auspices of the International Slavic Academy of Sciences, Education, Art and Culture.

Awarded 2nd degree Diplomafor “The best organization of extracurricular civic, patriotic and spiritual-moral education” (elite of Russian education).

The school site was awarded a Certificate from the Ministry of Education of the Orenburg Region for participation in regional stage of the All-Russian correspondence review-competition of student production teams and training and experimental sites (responsible Romanenko N.M.)

- Our school became the winner of the regional stage of the All-Russian correspondence competition for student production teams and training and experimental sites educational organizations in 2014 in the nomination "Educational Educational Institution of the City and Organization additional education children"

Third degree diploma.

Behind high performance achieved in creating safe conditions labor in production, preserving the life and health of workers, making a major contribution to the implementation of the target Program "Improving labor conditions and safety in the municipality of Kuvandyk district of the Orenburg region for 2009-2012." and active participation in the regional review - a competition for the best organization of work on labor protection. The main difference of the school is the friendly unity of the staff, high pedagogical style and a life-affirming tone, which helps create optimal conditions for self-expression, self-affirmation and self-esteem of students.

The school has been operating a health promotion program since 1994. The goal of the school is to preserve and strengthen the health of the individual, who is able to adapt to living conditions. The concept of the school: to instill in students the idea that a healthy lifestyle begins not so much with body hygiene, but with hygiene of the soul, hygiene of the mind. Traditions: we teach children to strive to independently find ways to preserve the health of body, spirit, and mind.

The days of self-government, the intellectual competition “10 best students of the year”, subject weeks, health days, women’s volleyball tournament, school-wide sporting events etc.

During extracurricular hours, there are 37 clubs and sports sections, in which 70 percent of students participate.

Certificate High Quality education are victories in Olympiads. Behind last years 69 students of the school became prize-winners of regional and city Olympiads in Russian language and literature, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, foreign languages, history, social studies, life safety (basics of life safety), and technology. Among the graduates of our school, 10 people were awarded a gold medal, 25 people - a silver medal.

The school graduated two masters of sports in cross-country skiing and 32 candidates for master of sports in athletics, judo, and cross-country skiing. Many students entered at different times and are part of the Russian national team.

The school has established close ties with social partners and created an alumni association. The results of this work are visible in specific cases.

Since 1997, pre-university training has been conducted for students, and communication has been established with the Samara Institute of Railway Transport.

In 2002, a new shooting range was built at the school and a cadet class was opened. A new cadet class has been recruited for the 2003-2004 academic year. In September 2003, the Mariinsky class for fifth-graders was opened. For the last two years, regional subject Olympiads have been held at the school, and the school is a stronghold for the Unified State Examination.

IN educational institution There is practically no staff turnover. A stable teaching staff has been working for many years. Much attention is paid to increasing professional excellence teachers, continuity in education.

Our concept:

1. Creation of a coherent system of all areas of developmental education and education of the need for healthy life.
2. Creating conditions for disclosure creative potential teacher and student.
3. Improving the forms and methods of work to update the content of specialized and traditional education.

This development can be used to present your school at pedagogical competitions, master classes for colleagues, and exchange of experience. The purpose of the entire presentation is to summarize the system of work of the school and present it in an unconventional form.
Target: presentation of the work system of a general education institution, creative successes of students and teachers, development of creative thinking, disclosure of creative ideas.

“The Bear’s Lullaby” sounds from behind the scenes.

The blue snow is disturbing, the night is coming,
The whole school is already asleep
All classes sleep soundly
And in the corner someone is quietly speaking furtively...

Towards the middle of the stage, two fish come out towards each other - a simple one and a golden one.

Simple. Oh, Goldfish, you haven’t been seen for a long time! Maybe she got into business?

Golden. No, ever since our aquarium was installed in the classroom, I’ve been interested in studying! I take notes on all the lessons!

Simple. Look, you'll finish your notes! Here, before you can blink your eye, you’ll end up in a frying pan. On the contrary, I always try to lie low. Recently, one hooligan tried to scoop me up with a spoon.

Golden. So he wanted to catch you for scientific purposes. The schoolchildren here are very inquisitive. Imagine, 53 students, and every third student is a student without a C grade.

Oh, gold fish, and why is our director so not cheerful, why did the riot hang his head.

Golden. Yes, he has a problem, he’s getting ready for a presentation!

Simple. Presentation! What kind of punishment is this?

Simple. Ah-ah-ah, I heard: coca - school, or doka - school!

Golden. Here, something like this!

Simple. So what's the matter, let's help to a good person Let's use your magical powers!

Golden. Let's! Don’t worry, ………., the morning is wiser than the evening!

Simple. At the pike's command,

Golden. According to my wishes.

TOGETHER. Our school native presentation!


Narration. Mysteries await us every day,
Searches, victories and fatigue
But again with friends we enter the bright classroom
And we know very well: school is joy!

SONG “Small Country”

A boy and a girl come onto the stage.

Boy: Let the kaleidoscope open!
Girl: We are the life of the school page.



STUDENT OF THE YEAR At school native
Knowledge Light Triumphant!
Filament power
The extravaganza of colors is on fire!
Knowledge Light
It flows, plays, rejoices!
Ringing shine
Calls, captivates, captivates!

Children and a boy with a kaleidoscope run out. .

1 What is so unusual about our school?

2 Oh, a lot of things!

3 Guys! Let's remember! Let's list it out loud! We don't miss anything!

Together and don't forget!

4. Choose an educational route
Individually?! Amazing!


5. Scientific societies! - Joy for the soul
Gifted children are so happy!


1. Additional classes?! - Great!
Interesting - unusual!

2. Internet! The whole world cannot live without him!

3. Does the classroom have new furniture and a blackboard?
Yes, the base here is strong!

4. Multimedia projector,
In digital everything is visible through a microscope -
Definitely makes us delighted!

5.By participating in various competitions,
We get "excellent".

6. The highest rating of our school is
Wonderful graduates!

7. We are with soul, and heart, and attention -
For science! For education!

Child care.

Sport! Health! Beauty!
Force! Dexterity! Purity!
Everything for our health
At school it is given with love!

The song “Champion Russia” is playing
Exit of sports sections.

1. Football players.
2. Volleyball.

3. Jump ropes. Wheel. Push-ups.


1st Be healthy-
All: This is stylish!

2nd Be healthy-
All: It's fashionable.

3rd Be healthy-
All: This is cool!

4th Be healthy-
All: This is great!

Participants in the sports block run away.


The musical phrase “School Kaleidoscope” sounds

CHANT: Teachers are artists of work!
It's always easy for us to learn!
With you we will not get lost anywhere!
We love the lesson, like a fairy tale, we are waiting for it!

(melody sounds)

The teachers come out.
1. Everything is ghostly in this raging world
Mirages beckon us into the distance of sweet dreams
School as a bridge between past and future
This is where life begins.

2. What is school - this is childhood,
Childhood illuminated by dreams
This is our main and eternal inheritance,
School is worth living for!

3. We are responsible to the future,
Our joy, pain and sadness,
Our future is children
It’s difficult with them, so be it!

4. And no matter how difficult my path is,
Hope helps me:
I will think of it as a miracle
About tomorrow, about the school day!

5. In the name of joyful discoveries
We must be on the march until the end.
It is impossible otherwise: I am a Teacher,
And hearts are entrusted to me.

6. Electronic diary, electronic journal
And the latest standards again,
The age of such innovations has come -
But you will remain eternal, dear school.

7. Together with the school program
They will enter our hearts
Then with lesson plans
Which will never end.

8. We will work together,
Have fun, relax,
And the problems at school are ours
Together we will decide!

9. And the merits of the team
Here, alas, it’s impossible to count,
How wonderful it is that in Russia,
There are teachers like ours.

10. We are quite practical,
Methodological advice
We spend in our school day after day
We spend the entire year undergoing certification with the administration.
Open lessons we give.

11. Every year we strive honestly
Make all lessons interesting,
Turn the entire classroom into a laboratory
And upgrade your category.

12. Feel free to integrate items
And we differentiate our approach to everyone.
Do the above
Apparently we are destined for it.

13. We will open for children
Good world, big.
Let's turn everyday life into a holiday.
We need to teach them well
Even if it is very difficult!

14. We all stumbled and fell along the way.
We rushed forward, avoiding turns.
And the heights that we occupied in our youth,
We will hold on for a lifetime.

15. A little more and we will win
We don't give lessons for fame.
We want to educate children in Russia
We are for the coming power.

16. We will not repent of our choice of eyelids
And we don’t want another job,
Every day we smile at children
And, imagine, we don’t smolder and burn.

Song "School Years"

The musical phrase “School Kaleidoscope” sounds


1. Seven-flowered flowers: “Be flowers as bright as a rainbow and burn like its seven colors.”

2. Republic of Childhood: “Being born Russian is not enough: you have to be one, you have to become one!”
(poster “For the Motherland, Goodness and Justice!”)
The musical phrase “School Kaleidoscope” sounds

SHOUTER: There is no sadness in our family
We sing, we draw, we dance
All activities are good
Let's have fun from the heart!

Our school is oh-oh-oh.
Can't find one like this anywhere
All conditions - go for it
Choose what to do!

If you love music,
You get up with her, go to bed,
Doors of the music school
Feel free to open it.

Additional classes - as an after-school program
The teacher is in the classroom, here with me!
Will help the child resolve
Any task or question.

I love knitting, embroidery,
I am gaining mastery in sewing!
I will achieve recognition in the future
And I will share it with my family!

Engage in various clubs
We all liked it very much
That it is difficult to part with creativity
And go home.

The overflow of songs is dear to me
They are like the music of flowers
Like living streams bend,
Like a violin's voice, a flute's call.

School is a place for achievements,
Desires, plans and ideas.
Dancing, sports, social circles,
Teenagers and children are welcome.
School is not just lessons,
ALL: School, school - home!

There are many things you can do
If you want, sing, sculpt, dare!
Hurry up to stay in school
Whatever you love, choose!

And we know very firmly:
Success awaits such guys.
ALL: And your talents for sure
They will be a source of pride for everyone!

1. adv. dance.
2. towel
3. crafts
4. fractions
5. tools
6. song “The Road of Good”

Music the phrase "School kaleidoscope"


Shouter: You've never seen anything like this before

Our school is proud that its graduates have been returning to school for a number of years. home school already teachers. Imagine, out of 13 teachers at our school, 10 are its graduates.


This means life goes on, and the traditions of our school will not fall into oblivion!

School classes will not cool down if someone wants to warm them with the warmth of their hearts!


Mother. My life is inextricably linked with school. I graduated from Kuskinsky school. Became a teacher. She returned to work at her home school.
And my daughter also studies here. She is a graduate.

Daughter. I am glad that I am taught by wonderful teachers. They have a lot to learn, and this means that our boys and girls have a future.
There is in the life of each of us
A treasured corner.
There live a school, a class,
Teachers, lesson.
Mother. And no matter how many roads there are on the path of life,
Together: You will want to come to this wonderful corner.

I am very glad that our school is taking part in such a wonderful competition in the Year of the Teacher. And I only wish her victory!

We have entire school dynasties (a story about dynasties)

Where reasonable severity never turns into cruelty. And no matter what elements rage outside the walls of the school, we will always be safe and warm.

Director. Our concern is this:
Work and live dreaming
And then maybe someone can do something
In our destiny he will understand.
And snow and wind,
Creative flight of thoughts.
And us our heart
He calls me to class again.

Under the blue sky
There is a golden city
WITH transparent sunrises
And with a pink dawn

And in that city there is a garden
Trees and flowers
There is our sonorous childhood
And bright dreams

But you won't get to the city of childhood
You won't find it on the world map
This city of peace on a distant planet
In the blue clouds of memories.

Song "Ticket to Childhood"

Shout: We can do anything, we can do anything
After all, we study at Kuskinskaya school!

Every day new hopes and plans are born in our school.

And we are sure that they are all destined to come true!

Hello future!

The world of knowledge is open to you!

The school world is special, wonderful
Connected forever with your destiny!

Song "Best of Schools"


Kononova Irina Sergeevna
Scenario business card for a competition for students primary school"Student of the Year 2017"

Business card for the competition« Student of the Year 2017»

Storyteller: In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a Tsar and a Queen. And they had a daughter - Katyushka. Smart, clever, she danced, read smart books. And then one day...

Queen: Hello, my beautiful King!

Why are you sitting there like a stormy day?

Sad about what?

Tsar: I don’t understand what I should do.

To our daughter, flower,

It's already 9 years old.

It's time to bring it out into the world.

Queen: Well, what’s the problem, King,

Your Majesty?

Tsar: Ah, dear Queen,

A girl was born

Beauty anywhere,

Well, the rest is a problem.

He draws, performs,

Reads smart books,

He knows about everything in the world.

Learned to write

And chat in English.

He roller skates

Ile on performing on stage.

Well, if he goes into chat,

Won't come back.

But we already have it, mother,

Will be released to people soon!


Yes, our child has grown up

Well, that’s not at all what we need.

(The Princess appears on roller skates and with a book in her hands)

Princess: Hello father! Hello, mom! How are you? I learned a new tune. Do you want me to play for you? Do you want me to sing for you? I’ll also read poetry to you... And I also learned that there are such... And also...

Tsar: Enough! Spare us! We'd better send it to contest« Student of the Year» , and not alone, but with a support group.

Queen: That's where she belongs!

(The king and queen leave with scenes.)

Storyteller: And so the young princess, together with her friends, ended up here, in this hall. On competition« Student of the Year – 2017»

Act two.

/Children run out to the music

1. Sun, smiles,

Joy and laughter

Let it be today for everyone

Greetings, friends contestants

Our participant's name is Katya!

She has a little bit of a mixture of talents.

In everything, only victory awaits her!

2. Without embarrassment and barriers

I am glad to welcome you.

This meeting is not accidental

And I'll tell you, gentlemen,

What is important to her is not Victory

And participation! Yes Yes Yes!

3. Competitions, Olympics

And an object game!

Whatever I take on,

Everything goes with a bang! (All)

4. Where? When? For what? And with whom?

In general, a thousand problems!

Solve them easily

Why? (All)

Book, internet, she

Inseparable friends!

5. Heartfelt smile and sparkling radiant eyes

shine day and night for you, friends, and us!

6. I’ll tell you a secret,

What makes friends with sports!

Sport improves your health!

And I’ll tell you, without hiding,

In all competitions - she wins!

7. I haven’t forgotten about leisure time

I spent all the holidays,

And not averse to having fun,

IN compete in competitions.

Even if we go around the whole world, we won’t find anyone better than Katerina!

1) Nimble, sporty

2) Brave, active

3) Smart

4) inquisitive,

5) and very attractive!

6) She is a reliable, loyal friend, she does not reveal other people’s secrets

7) If trouble happens somewhere, everyone will come to our aid.

8) And in class school knows about everything in the world,

9) He serves as an example for us all and understands us all.

I can be different: Business and Important,

Thoughtful and modest,

Sometimes I joke, sometimes I remain silent,

But I always want to be the best!

There are achievements

And there are results.

For that I received awards.

But the main thing is not to fall behind in your studies,

I try to learn only from "5"!

I am friends with sports, a brave athlete,

Preserving your health - I know it’s important!

I can handle any records,

I urge you to be friends with sports!

I'm starting my path to victory

And I know for sure that I will reach the top

When friends, parents, teacher are around

I will definitely achieve success!

And in conclusion I want say:

"In search of my own I:

I came to the conclusion that I need to be

Cheerful, generous, attentive, sincere, brave, responsive.

Be independent and charming

Then your path in life will be stellar!”

With you today I am Ekaterina Grigorieva.

Publications on the topic:

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