What are the scary visits to parapsychologists. Secrets of the human subconscious

What is parapsychology

Parapsychology- this is what is connected with everything mysterious, magical, extrasensory, bioenergy-cosmic and other other phenomena on earth that a person often encounters in life.
Parapsychology intensively began to be studied at the end of the 19th century, and one of the pioneers of our era was Max Dessoir, who began to study occult phenomena which he called - " Parapsychology«.
The name stuck and gained some popularity. The scientist's research did not end with anything, and until now, unknown phenomena excite romantics and scientists.

In this regard, the question arises: so what is parapsychology? what is she studying?

parapsychology studies various forms sensitivity, providing ways of receiving information that cannot be explained by the activity of known sense organs.

- the corresponding forms of influence of a living being on physical phenomena occurring outside the body, without the mediation of muscular efforts (desire, mental influence, etc.).
Along with the concept of "parapsychology", the concepts of "psychotronics", "bioinformation", "biointroscopy", etc. are also used.

Most modern parapsychologists distinguish several forms of sensitivity that each person can have, but which are unclaimed and, accordingly, do not develop.

Telepathy- mental communication between the transmitter and receiver (inductor and recipient).
Clairvoyance- obtaining knowledge about the objective events of the external world, not based on the work of known sense organs and judgments of the mind.
Foresight (proscopia)- a special case of clairvoyance related to the prediction of future events.
Dowsing- (also called the biophysical effect) - searching with the help of an auxiliary indicator (curved metal wire, vine, etc.) accumulations of groundwater, ores, voids, etc.
Paradiagnostics- making a medical diagnosis based on clairvoyance without contact with the patient.

All of these forms of sensitivity are often lumped together under the concept of extrasensory perception. In parapsychology, forms of influence on external physical phenomena are also popular.
Psychokinesis - the mental impact of a person on surrounding objects, for example, on the normal electrical activity of a plant; on the position in space of various (usually non-heavy) objects.
Paramedicine is an area adjacent to parapsychology, which includes various methods of treatment that have no explanation: treatment by the laying on of hands, mental suggestion (without the use of speech and without direct contact, sometimes at a great distance).

At the origins of parapsychology, rather primitive methods, research were used today (guessing cards, suggesting dreams or thoughts, etc.). Criticism and denunciation of the claims of parapsychologists forced them to look for new means of proof.
Parapsychological methods were greatly influenced by the influx of engineers and physicists who brought their research methods to research, suggesting that the human brain acts as electronic device and that concepts taken from the corresponding branches of physics can be directly transferred to its study.
Therefore, in modern parapsychology, a number of the latest technical means are used, in particular computer technology. Some parapsychologists incorrectly believe that the phenomena they study are ordinary physical phenomena that can be explained by electromagnetic radiation.

Search and measurement of electromagnetic fields, called differently (bioplasma, electroaurogram, biopotential, etc.), in combination with various traditional research methods (for example, guessing one of 5 special cards - the so-called Zener cards, suggestion at a distance, etc. .) continue. Significant development in the framework of parapsychology has received instrumental, including the most modern, methods for assessing the functional states of the individual.
That's all there is parapsychology. Parapsychology is closely connected with mesticism, from each of its objects one can trace a certain connection, a logical thread to magic and the occult, myths, as well as legends, folk traditions and unite in this way into one whole. What exactly does Tophology do.

Everything is in parapsychology. The subtle energies that make up the fabric of the universe also make up the aura of a person, which manifests itself in his physical body as energy points called chakras. Chakras store and distribute energy. Human life and health depend on their work.
It is through the vision and perception of human energy centers that many mystics and practicing healers predict and heal people.
There are seven main chakras in the body - not only human health depends on their work, but also fate, career, financial situation, relationships with relatives and friends, and indeed all spheres of human life and individual opportunities.

Modern technology makes it possible to reconstruct, normalize and even restore human chakras, their potential, purity and efficiency, which manifests itself in the form of energy flows, on a photographic image. Therefore, in vain one can hear everywhere about bad and good energies, which significantly affect biological organisms.
You will see with your own eyes the locations of your main energy centers, on which your health and success depend. An experienced parapsychologist will give a description and advice if there is a need to activate, cleanse, or nourish these vital centers.

It is not visible to the naked eye, but it exists and is a kind of energy cocoon, in which it is “clothed” physical body person.
Now let's briefly consider what the aura consists of.

etheric body
- this is a thin, transparent layer that is in direct contact with the physical body. It is in it that the foundations of organs are laid. Sometimes the etheric body is called the aura of health, and most healing manipulations are done with it. It is he who is separated from the body (creating his "duplicate") and creates an ethereal double.

astral body
It contains all the information about emotions, impressions, experiences. It is "responsible" for a person's reactions to the reality surrounding him, events, incidents, actions of other people.

mental body

Filled with thoughts, "works" for the thought process.

Causal body

(karmic, body of causality) contains information about the events of life, its predestination * and predisposition. And also about karmic lines and previous and future incarnations.

- some moments of life that are embedded in the "life program" and which are IMPOSSIBLE to CHANGE. They say about this - fate, fate, karma. It can be both negative and positive, and even neutral. As a percentage of life, it is incredibly small. And usually does not exceed 1%.

buddhic body
These are beliefs, ideals, worldviews, a system of values ​​and a worldview.

Atmanic body
Contains information about the karmic tasks of purification and development. And missions in this life.
The aura can be seen, but rare people have such an innate or involuntary (usually as a result of injury) feature. Learning is not an easy process, but it is within the power of most people. However, people who have mastered or possess dowsing skills (working with a frame and a pendulum) quite easily find, measure and “correct” the auric body and its components.

What is a chakra - mankind has known for many centuries, the only difference is that different countries and at different times, these energy centers were called differently.

The chakra itself has the shape of a funnel, which, rotating with a narrow end, enters the spinal energy channel.
And accordingly, each chakra has its own rotation speed, the energy input goes clockwise.

Chakras receive energy, vibrate, it is believed that the energy comes from space and each chakra is fed by its energy from its planet
Each energy has its own distinctive color, vibration frequency, and even a strange smell.

The most accessible and effective parameter is the color of the chakra energy.
The energy received by the chakras feeds them, and through it the whole body with information about the correct functioning of the body about the development of personality and soul qualities and capabilities
The chakras should be well developed and open, clear and not deformed. The ability and success of a person depends on the excellent development of a particular chakra.

For example: famous singers and pop performers will have the most developed chakra (Vishudha) which is located in the throat area, while for a real psychic you need the dominant one in development (Ajna-chakra) - located in the forehead area, also referred to in people.
A well-functioning chakra, with a clear channel, gives a person more opportunities to reveal their abilities and talents in the area that the channel nourishes.
The diseased chakra has a black gray or brown color and ceases to partially or completely fulfill its function of accumulating the processing and distribution of vital energy.

Placement of chakras on the body.

    Chakra 1 Muladhara is located at the base of the spinal column.

    The 2nd chakra, Svadhisthana, is located at the place of the sacrum, below the navel.

    The 3rd chakra Manipura is located in the area of ​​the solar plexus.

    Chakra 4 Anahata - located at the level of the heart in the center of the chest.

    5 chakra Vishuddha - which is located at the level of the throat (Adam's apple)

    Ajna Chakra 6 is located at the level of the forehead just above the mid-eyebrow.

Tell me, has it ever happened to you that when watching a movie of a certain genre or during a performance by a magician in a circus, you are no, no, and the thought will visit: “Does magic really exist?” You are not alone. Today, many serious educational establishments are working on the same problem.

Parapsychology is a complex of sciences that seek not only to prove, but also to practically reproduce extrasensory perceptions. As far as possible, let's look further.

Origin of Science

In the academic community, this discipline is considered pseudoscience. Scientists agree that no experiments were carried out according to official rules, there are practically no publications, and most of the results are purely individual.

The term itself appeared thanks to Marc Dessoir in 1889. It means "near-psychological research". The popularization of this word began only after the publication of the first issue of the Journal of Parapsychology in 1937.

Since many studies were carried out at American universities, and this nation simply loves abbreviations and abbreviations, since 1942 the first part of "psychological phenomena" has been replaced by the Greek letter "psi".

Varieties of phenomena

In fact, esotericism, parapsychology and other "secret" sciences study the basic five senses of a person developed to the limit.

Many researchers agree that even intuition is, in fact, not a hint of the subconscious, but the sum of all our perceptions. Someone once noticed, heard, read something, someone behaved inappropriately to the situation ... All these moments are noticed by the subconscious and gives the result through a feeling: you need to do this ... And the person listens to himself ... or not. In the end, it turns out that it would be better to listen.

So, clairvoyance, clairaudience and other extra-developed senses are distinguished. The next category is weight management. This includes telekinesis, levitation. Extrasensory perception includes astral projection, out-of-body travel, channeling. In addition to such sensations, there are also purely practical ones - healing, dowsing.

Thus, parapsychology is a whole complex of disciplines that study the superpowers of a person.


The time before the 80s of the XIX century can be called an occult-mystical period. Alchemy, witchcraft, shamanism and other attempts to go beyond the material world - few people could be surprised by this. But then most of these phenomena were at best considered miracles, and at worst - "tricks of the devil."

From the end of the 19th century, the study of these phenomena and phenomena began. Societies for Psychical Research are founded in England and the USA. The first study to be documented was the rewriting of testimonials from people who had seen ghosts. Further, their words were compared with stories healthy people who have experienced hallucinations. And the results of these experiments are still being used.

Stanford and Duke Universities in the United States continue the tradition of societies, but their focus was slightly different. Here, the main goal was not the quality of the experiment, but the number of cases and the possibility of repetition. Basically, the work was carried out with cards and coins.

In 1957, the Association was founded in North Carolina, and the field of research expanded in the 1970s. Now reincarnations are being studied, the aura is being photographed and so on.

Although some projects were closed, unable to withstand the criticism of official science, in Europe and America they still continue to conduct research in laboratories, sometimes obtaining unusual results.


Parapsychology, clairvoyance, telekinesis and astral vision today have collected a fairly extensive database of results.

There are people who can see blindfolded, tell what is happening in the next room, move a matchbox or a coin. Hypnotism and the power of suggestion have also been studied for many years.

For example, one of the methods for studying such superpowers is "ganzfeld". He means the following. The subject is located in a soundproof chamber, he hears white noise in his headphones, and before his eyes - special hemispheres that completely isolate them from light.

The second participant in the experiment is outside the camera and looks at the computer monitor, where pictures randomly appear. He mentally sends the drawn images to the percipient. The latter should voice all the thoughts that arise in him into the microphone.

That's what it is - parapsychology. Teaching some of its disciplines is gaining more and more popularity today.

Fiction or reality

Throughout the twentieth century, scientists argue over the results of experiments. The main problem is that they are purely subjective and individual. And it is quite difficult to determine what parapsychology is (is it quackery or the science of the future?).

That is, it turns out that one person has some abilities developed more or he was just lucky on the day when the experiment was set. The second problem is that there were no significant achievements, and most of the results of the experiment can be attributed to technical errors or ordinary

The main thing that saves most of the currently existing similar laboratories is the lack of evidence to the contrary. That is, esotericism has not been confirmed or refuted. The value of experiments is so far appreciated so much that grants are allocated.


Academic science opposes all publications and attempts to introduce parapsychology into the circle of recognized disciplines.

The main point is that before, as now, many used the extraordinary experience and the desire of mankind to believe in miracles in order to present another trick or fraud to the public.

In addition, critics point to the isolation of experiments. That is, they do not continue. Let's say a scientist researched telekinesis with a coin, published some statistics. But that's where it all ends. None of the related disciplines has any interest in continuing.

Research organizations

However, not everything is so bad. And today there are many enthusiasts who are ready to set up experiments and participate in them.

Universities of Edinburgh, Liverpool, Arizona provide laboratories for research, students often show interest in such events.
Also, many societies, foundations, organizations take part in this movement.
There are a number of publications in Australia and Europe.

Thus, parapsychology is a whole complex of disciplines that various enthusiasts are engaged in.

In contrast to the previous movement, there is also a society of critics, led by associations of illusionists from different countries.

How to learn

Are you wondering what is it? You are lucky - today there are many trainings that contribute to the realization of what you want. Here we will talk about the simplest first steps of the student.

The first thing that everyone who wants to learn to perceive information from the outside needs to do is to create silence within themselves. Exercises for concentration, relaxation, visualization, meditation will help here. Only after you manage to stop the internal monologue and abstract from the flow of thoughts in your head, it makes sense to move on to the next step.

Try looking at your hand with your fingers apart against a plain wall. After a few moments, you will be able to discern a slight glow. They say that this is the ethereal body of a person, the coarsest part of the aura. If you practice, you will soon be able to perceive the world in all its diversity.

It is not so easy to discover clairvoyance in yourself. How to develop it or get it in another way - there is no clear guide. There are only a few summaries of statistical data and mystical information of "magicians". However, in laboratories, some people show quite convincing results.

It turns out that it all depends on your attitude. Parapsychology, the study of which is of interest to many people today, is often relegated to the level of laymen and swindlers. However, the abilities of some individuals show that these are not just the experiments of "mad" scientists. Perhaps this is just not yet an open layer of knowledge, and research today is ahead of its time.

Does it depend on innate abilities? Yes, it depends.

Can something prevent you from becoming a psychic? Yes, and it's just you.

We will tell you about how to become a psychic, what you need to believe in and what you need to work hard on. Anyone who thinks this is an easy task and is looking for easy ways to master psychic abilities, we advise you not to waste your time on this material, because becoming a psychic means working hard, achieving amazing results.

Who are psychics

Psychics are people whose power of consciousness is able to influence other people and their energy.

The science that studies the competent use of one's imagination is called extrasensory perception.

Psychics have various abilities, some of them have enough power of thought or decision, on others abilities descend without their will, suddenly and unpredictably.

Among extrasensory abilities, we note clairvoyance, telepathy, proscopia, dowsing, telekinesis.

Supernatural powers allow psychics to engage in a wide range of activities such as

  • communication with spirits
  • healing sick people
  • fate line correction,
  • aura color recognition,
  • exit to the astral plane
  • and much more.

Becoming a psychic does not mean being a superhero and mastering all of the above list, it means discovering one or more tendencies in yourself, developing them and putting them into practice.

Becoming Psychics

Most would-be psychics don't even know that they have been born with this inclination. Therefore, for many, to achieve a cherished dream, it is enough, for a start, to look inside oneself.

Most often, psychic abilities begin to make themselves felt after a big trouble, life drama or disaster. It is a strong and sudden stress that becomes a decisive impetus, revealing a colossal subconscious resource.

Since you are going to become a psychic, you will need to "send your consciousness to the edge", similar to how it happens in the case of large-scale life problems. Meditation helps you find the right path. During this procedure, the body is in complete relaxation, because of which the soul "floats above the physical shell." During meditation, you should look for "hidden doors."

  1. Learning to look to the future

To begin with, you should teach yourself to feel the time. It would seem that there is nothing more simple, but do not rush to be hopeful. You have to feel yourself now, yesterday and tomorrow on a deep emotional level. Try to remember yesterday in every detail. Remembered? Start over. Morning: what time did you wake up, what did you eat, what was the taste of breakfast, what was shown on TV, at what moment did you laugh, what upset you, what made you remember a moment in your life?

You will need to build a strong emotional bridge between your "me now" and "me yesterday." Such exercises develop deep temporal memory, which makes you not a part of the present, but a part of the general temporal flow.

After you have been able to capture yesterday's "I", repeat the exercise until yesterday's "I" is restored flawlessly, without blank spots in the memories.

If everything worked out for you, and sooner or later, you will start to go very well, then proceed to the second stage. You will need to send yesterday's self information about your future. Thus, you must enter the state that you lived yesterday: the same mood, smells, sensations, emotions. The exercise should be done regularly until you can easily enter this state.

As soon as you learn to orient yourself in time sensually, on a deep emotional level, and with the help of your imagination “go” to the past, you need to start trying to look into the future. Nothing will work at first, don't let that discourage you. Failure should motivate, remember that.

You will need to sit as comfortably as possible and close your eyes. In the room, it is advisable to turn off the light or dim it, bright light is very distracting. A dark canvas will gradually begin to open in front of you, later turning into a picture. Try to feel it, touch it mentally, understand it. After some time, the picture will begin to expand, you will begin to understand where its boundaries are. When this starts to happen, you need to ask a question - mentally, as deliberately as possible. The question should be clear, without double meaning.

Concentrating on the question posed, peer into the darkness. Remember, you don’t need to strain your eyes, on the contrary, you need to completely relax, your physical vision does not play any role here, you will not be able to focus. In the dark you will see silhouettes, contours, pictures. All of them can show you moments that have not yet arrived, i.e. fragments of the future.

  1. Learning to see the aura

All people are special in their own way, which means that everyone has their own aura. Auras differ in colors:

  • yellowness in the aura. Inherent in smart, patient, hardworking people. As a rule, the owner of the yellow aura has no health problems;
  • orange aura. Most often, active people, respecting other people, believing in themselves;
  • red aura. People with leadership tendencies, strong self-confident people, confident and perhaps somewhat selfish;
  • green aura. People who are closely connected with nature, kind, merciful, able to sympathize;

  • blue aura. Wise people. These people, as a rule, are lucky, they are successful in everything they do;
  • violet colors in the aura. People of a dual, mystical nature. They have developed fantasy, imagination. These people may be too touchy and overly sensitive;
  • a white aura indicates a developed intuition, the spiritual component of these people, as a rule, surpasses the physical.
  • dark aura. Inherent in aggressive people who carry danger. The black aura indicates negative energy, these people are deprived of the ability to sympathize, they are driven by hatred.

To learn to recognize the aura, you need to train a lot. Psychics are advised to start with inanimate things, as they are also able to accumulate energy, displaying everything that happens around them. A neutral item is ideal, white color. Without straining your eyes, look at the object in a relaxed way, trying not to focus on it, but to look through. After a while, the object will begin to glow almost imperceptibly. Try to identify the color. The exercise should be repeated several times a day.

  1. How to learn to see spirits

For such a difficult task, you will need patience. You will need to do some exercises regularly.

Sky contemplation. In the most relaxed state, watch the sky, especially the clouds. Try to look and look for patterns, zigzags, contours, round and square shapes in intricate shapes. The more often and regularly you do this, and the more relaxed your mind is, the sooner you will begin to notice various translucent areas between you and the sky. Blurred figures, silhouettes, stripes fading in the air. It is difficult to focus on them, because the mind is used to looking through them.

If you begin to concentrate your attention, the image will disappear. If, on the contrary, you stop thinking about him, he will also disappear. You need to find the most average meditative state in which your physical body and sense organs are not tense, and your consciousness is maximally concentrated.

  1. Exit to the astral

Almost everyone can learn how to go into the astral. Only a few are able to control this state. Astral, in a sense, resembles a weapon - everyone can shoot, but few are trained in this.

Here is a meditation exit to the astral plane, this is the most common and, at the same time, the easiest way. It does not require a colossal expenditure of biological energy, which is why it is available to almost everyone.

Sit in a reclining chair, relax and close your eyes. Think of something unobtrusive and pleasant. Avoid impulsive thoughts, do not fill your mind with complex plots. Relax until the lower part of your body becomes less sensitive, "airy". Start letting go of thoughts, free your consciousness from everything, make your whole mind a part of absolute emptiness.

Often at such moments you can hear a soft noise in the ears, as if the skin is experiencing a breath of wind. Before the eyes (which must be constantly closed) images, images, pictures and faces will appear from time to time. Look at them, but don't try to study or think too much about them. Remember: complete relaxation.

The physical body and mind will relax more and more, keep waiting, but do not think about time, you should be out of time, you should not care. It will seem that the proportions of the body are changing, that the head is growing, the arms are decreasing, the body may experience vibrations. The vibrations are often frightening and the person comes out of a trance, however, do not pay attention to them, because they are a sign that the consciousness is leaving the body.

A Matter of Faith, Skepticism, and Diligence

Eat important point, which should be read, understood and realized before starting the path of becoming a psychic.

  1. A Matter of Faith

Before you decide to become a psychic, ask yourself why you want to. If you are faced with the amazing results of the work of psychics (many of them can really surprise you with phenomenality), and now you decide that “I also want to be able to do this,” be sure to think about whether you are ready to live “on the other side”? Indeed, the lack of knowledge and opportunities sometimes makes our life much calmer, devoid of serious responsibility.

Believe in your goal, and for this, set it correctly. If you decide to become a psychic, then answer yourself - for what. Believe me, ordinary magicians are good at surprising other people. The future psychic must have a higher goal, because the eyes are given to us by nature not so that we surprise the blind.

  1. A question of skepticism

Do you believe in psychic abilities? Are you sure that psychics really exist? Surprisingly, the efforts of many people in their attempts to become psychics end in failure precisely because they do not fully believe in the veracity of psychics.

Modern science and the development of technical potential, with all its undeniable advantages and benefits, unfortunately also has disadvantages. With the development of medicine and technological machines, a person moves further and further away from nature and the more materializes everything he sees. Even if you would like to be a psychic, are you sure you believe in them?

I will give a simple, but good example. Imagine that as a result of some terrible disease, 99% of the people on earth became blind. Moreover, they have blind children, and their children also have blind children. Mankind, no doubt, will adapt to live in complete darkness, learn to develop civilization in complete blindness. But how will the 99% of the population feel about the remaining one percent minority? Will all the people of the earth believe in "fairy tales" about blue sky, blue sea and bright stars? Most will not believe, because people do not believe in what they cannot understand.

Remember, if you want to become a psychic, you must fully believe in their existence.

  1. The question of industriousness

It is widely believed that it is impossible to become a psychic, because this is a gift given from birth. In fact, things are completely different and it is easy to prove. Hundreds of cases are known when psychic abilities arose in people after some events - traumatic, decisive, tragic, stressful. This does not mean that you should experience a tragedy! But it proves that abilities can be acquired.

However, this does not mean that extrasensory perception is an easy task. You will have to work as hard as with any other science. Someone is given mathematics from birth, and he easily achieves success by spending an hour of study per week. This does not mean that someone who was not born with talent has no chance of becoming a great scientist. Only hard work and perseverance can bear fruit.

Parapsychology is a science that studies all kinds of anomalous phenomena associated with the hidden capabilities of human and animal organisms, near and after death experience. If we translate the meaning of this word from ancient Greek, we can distinguish two words "about" and "psychology".

In their research, parapsychologists, relying on scientific methods research, parapsychologists are trying to provide answers to questions that are often closed to modern science. Having understood in more detail what parapsychology studies, one can single out such areas of research as: extrasensory perception, telepathy, telekinesis, transmigration of souls, obsession and other areas of esotericism.

The history of parapsychology

The date of the birth of the science of the extraordinary abilities of living organisms is not exactly known. We can only say that it originated in the nineteenth century. It was at this time in Great Britain and the United States of America that societies for the study of human psychic abilities began to appear massively. It is believed that one of the founders of parapsychology in its modern form was a practicing American psychologist, and later parapsychologist William James.

The members of the London branch of the community of parapsychologists were prominent politicians, philosophers, scientists and teachers. Members of the society of that time were engaged in active research in the fields of mind reading at a distance, hypnosis and suggestion, summoning the spirits of the dead, and many others. The first serious parapsychological study is considered to be a census of people who have experience of communicating with ghosts, who have seen various kinds of hallucinations associated with this anomalous phenomenon. All data had a clear structure and were statistically processed.

At the beginning of the last century, research in the field of parapsychology was actively conducted on the basis of Stanford University in the USA. A little later, specialists from Duke University joined the research. In the fifties, an association of parapsychologists was created in America. The 1970s saw a golden era in anomalous research in America. opens a large number of scientific institutions and research associations, societies and religious groups are being created that have devoted their efforts to the study of parapsychological phenomena. These organizations conducted extensive research in areas related to rebirth, out-of-body experience, mind reading, predictions of future events, etc.

At the end of the eighties, interest in this area cooled noticeably, which led to the closure of many research centers. But they completed the most important task - they singled out parapsychology as a separate area of ​​\u200b\u200bscience. Without a doubt, all promising developments in the field of parapsychology have successfully migrated to the location of the special services and are actively used.

The specifics of the work of a parapsychologist

A parapsychologist is a scientist who specializes in the study of anomalous phenomena associated with the psychological activity of humans and other living organisms. So who is a parapsychologist really? Some consider parapsychology a pseudoscience, calling into question all the results achieved in this direction, respectively, parapsychologists are charlatans. This happens for a number of reasons. Firstly, modern science still unable to create an objective practical base to describe the processes of parapsychology, although there are advances. Secondly, all progressive areas of research that potentially pose a threat to the country's security are classified and subjected to black PR.

Representatives of the official current of science, in criticizing parapsychologists, resort to arguments that the traditional scientific methodology is violated in the research of parapsychologists and all the results and conclusions are obtained with many inaccuracies. Often studies are artificially tailored to the desired result.

In turn, researchers of esoteric phenomena appeal that many of their studies lie in the spiritual realm, which cannot be measured by modern technological means. Parapsychologists often have to rely on the properties of human consciousness, and take the word of researchers. The task is further complicated by the fact that there are no two people with the same mentality, which introduces an error in the results obtained.

Although the attitude towards the research of parapsychologists is ambiguous, nevertheless, their contribution to life modern society hard to underestimate. Many modern trends Sciences have grown and are based on the ideas laid down in this area. And if you turn to popular culture, then the contribution of parapsychology is simply grandiose. Modern cinematography simply stands on parapsychology as a foundation.

I'll start with what parapsychology is... It is a discipline aimed at studying the existence and causes of the supernatural mental abilities of people, animals and plants, the phenomena of life after death, and similar phenomena. This is a near-scientific area concerning unusual phenomena and human abilities that have fallen out of consideration of modern natural sciences (from other Greek - near, about). Hence the "pair" particle. Parapsychology explores the energy of man and the mysteries of the soul. Parapsychology includes studies related to other areas of psychology: transpersonal psychology, which studies the spiritual or transcendental (going beyond) aspects of the human mind; anomalous psychology, which investigates inexplicable beliefs and subjectively anomalous events in traditional psychological settings.

Who is a parapsychologist and what is the difference between a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, psychologist? "Psycho" from other Greek. - soul.

The physician (physician) works with matter. A psychiatrist and a psychotherapist are medical specialists with higher medical education and specialized in the relevant field. Psychologist - works with the unconscious. A parapsychologist works with both the soul and energies.

A psychiatrist deals with the treatment of mental illness. Psychiatry (German psychiatrie from other Greek - soul and treatment) is a branch of clinical medicine that studies mental disorders through the prism of the methodology of medicine, methods of their diagnosis, prevention and treatment. Psychiatrists deal mainly with "heavy" mental illness giving preference to medicinal methods of treatment.

Psychotherapist, therapy (Greek - treatment, recovery) - a process whose goal is to alleviate, relieve or eliminate symptoms and manifestations of the field of activity of a psychotherapist - milder disorders, as well as borderline conditions - those cases when a person feels bad, but call this condition a disease it is forbidden. A psychotherapist, like any doctor, has the right to prescribe medications, conduct medical examinations, and diagnose diseases. The main tool of the psychotherapist is the word, the conversation.

A psychologist (psychology from ancient Greek psycho - soul, logic - knowledge), having received the appropriate education and acquired skills in practical psychological activity, as well as applying methods and techniques, helps the client to understand a difficult situation. Listens carefully to the client's story; asks clarifying questions if something is not clear to him. Finds out what exactly worries the client in the whole situation.

A parapsychologist is a specialist who studies the hidden side of phenomena and events that happen in a person’s life, and he is also a researcher of paranormal phenomena. In their work with people, parapsychologists, in search of causes and effects, turn not only to the secret corners of the human soul, but also deeper, for example, they can look into the past or future using tools that are not popular in orthodox psychology, for example, various mantic systems, numerological matrices , astrological calculations, associative maps, conscious altered states and other techniques ... In his work, the parapsychologist does not refer to matter (this is within the competence of doctors), and not even always to the unconscious person (this is in the part of psychologists and psychotherapists), but to energy, as to the foundation of everything. But it often happens that in your work with a client you have to combine the processing of psychologists and various techniques of parapsychologists and therapeutic methods of psychotherapists. All this combined gives wonderful results!

Paprapsychologist - a person with the ability to extrasensory perception and influence - a psychic, medium, clairvoyant, bioenergy, cosmoenergy, healer, predictor, soothsayer, stalker, spiritual healer ... Psychometrist (medium, psychic, clairvoyant) - a person with psi-ability to extrasensory perception of information through contact with any object about its owner, about the events associated with this object. The perception of such information occurs, as a rule, in a narrowed state of consciousness of the psychometrist, most often in a meditative trance or a state close to this trance ... The perception of such information can also occur in a normal, waking state. The general name of the class to which the term "psychometrist" refers is psychic, and, of course, in the second meaning - "parapsychologist".

Tasks for a parapsychologist can be in different areas of your life, on the solution of which he works together with the client:

  • interpersonal relationships - unrequited love, sexual sphere, inability to enter into new relationships and maintain existing ones, dependence on a partner;
  • family relationships - issues of couple compatibility, family roles of husband and wife, sex in marriage; assistance in changing the family situation (appearance of a new family member, divorce, remarriage);
  • parapsychological roots and correction of functional disorders of health and energy;
  • self-knowledge and personal growth;
  • "internal barriers" in career development;
  • dissatisfaction with oneself, lack of confidence in one's strengths and abilities;
  • the desire to understand oneself, improve the quality of one's life, realize one's potential to the maximum;
  • emotional sphere: mood instability, anxiety, stress, grief and loss, overcoming the consequences of mental and physical trauma, emotional dependence.

A parapsychologist is a person who has deep esoteric knowledge about the world, about a person in it, about those mechanisms that underlie the evolution of mankind and a single human soul, and who applies this knowledge for the benefit and to help people!
