Pain in the left side of the lower abdomen - possible causes. Why does the left side of the lower abdomen hurt? The left side of the lower abdomen hurts

If a person feels pain in the left side of the lower abdomen, then you need to understand that the abdomen...

If a person feels pain in the left side of the lower abdomen, then you need to understand that the stomach is not an independent organ of the body, but only a definition of a specific area of ​​our body. The abdomen contains different internal organs, different structures and tissues, so identifying the root cause is quite difficult.

In any case, if there are sharp pains in the left side of the lower abdomen, then you should not rely on blind chance and think that everything will soon go away on its own. The concept of “acute abdomen” means that the patient needs emergency medical care and is in danger. Most of the organs in the abdomen are hollow - the intestines, stomach, gallbladder, genitourinary organs. If an injury occurs or inflammation occurs, an internal organ ruptures or becomes blocked. Sharp pain in the left side that does not go away for more than 30 minutes is an alarming symptom.

Pain in the abdominal area is defined in medicine as pelvic pain. They occur in chronic and acute diseases of internal organs, pelvic lymph nodes, blood vessels, bones of the pelvic girdle, and joints.

Pelvic pain in the left side

Pelvic pain can be expressed as discomfort below the navel and below the lumbar line.

Pain in the lower abdomen occurs in many patients suffering from urological, gynecological, gastroenterological diseases and surgical pathologies. Very often, patients end up in various departments, although they come with one symptom - severe pain in the left side of the lower abdomen.

Every sixth person on Earth experiences pain in the left side of the abdomen. The catalyst for this symptom is various diseases of the internal organs. The most common reasons:

  • Small intestine. On the left side there are partially loops of the jejunum - this is the second section of the small intestine. Mostly pain is caused by blockages and intussusceptions.
  • Bones of the pelvic girdle, blood vessels, lymph nodes, cartilage, nerves, left hip joint.
  • Spleen. It belongs to the immune system. Complete removal of the spleen does not lead to death, since its functions are taken over by the corresponding organs (liver, lymph nodes).
  • Colon. Pain is caused by inflammation, as well as dysfunction of secretory functions.
  • Genitourinary system. The uterus, kidneys, female and male genital organs, birth canal - all these organs and systems, under certain conditions, can cause pain in the left side of the abdomen.

How does pain occur?

Pain is a multi-stage physiological process. It can appear on both the left and right sides of the body with the same disease. It either subsides, then strikes again new strength. The pain can move to distant areas, and thereby confuse the patient. In addition, there are cases when pain occurs for no apparent reason.

Main causes of pain:

  • Dystrophic or inflammatory processes;
  • Local disturbance of blood circulation;
  • Morphological, functional changes in internal organs;
  • Violation of cellular metabolism in the lesion.

The pain develops in stages. First, mild discomfort appears in the area of ​​the lesion, then severe pain develops, and at the last stage the pain impulse expands and causes serious complications.

Pain in diseases of the spleen

Cutting pain in the left side of the lower abdomen develops against the background various diseases in acute and chronic form.

Pain in diseases of the spleen is caused by:

  • Abscess of the spleen;
  • Splenic infarction;
  • Volvulus of the spleen;
  • Splenic cyst;
  • Acute enlargement of the spleen;
  • Chronic lymphoma and myeloid leukemia.

The spleen is located quite close to the surface of the body, so pain in the left side of the abdomen is most often caused by this organ. The spleen performs many tasks, and one of them is removing “processed” red blood cells from the blood. The average lifespan of red blood cells is about 120 days. The spleen then grabs them and removes them. The breakdown products then enter the bone marrow, where new blood cells are formed.

If the spleen increases in size and its capsule stretches, then the left side begins to ache. Pain can be caused by a rupture, which occurs as a result of injuries and severe bruises of the abdominal cavity. Another reason for pain is infectious diseases, for example, mononucleosis. The location of the spleen in the body makes the organ unprotected. With mononucleosis, the spleen increases in size and changes its consistency, which increases the possibility of rupture. A severely enlarged spleen can rupture even in the absence of trauma or mechanical stress. Signs of a ruptured spleen: blueness around the navel (blood accumulation), pain in the left side of the abdomen, increased sensitivity in the spleen area.

Pain in diseases of the small intestine

The thin section consists of the jejunum, duodenum, and ileum. Pain in the left side of the abdomen, in most cases, can be caused by damage to the jejunum, part of which is located on the left side of the human body.

  • Malabsorption;
  • Celiac disease.

Malabsorption may be congenital or acquired. It occurs due to intolerance in the small intestine to one or another nutrient eg fruit or milk. Symptoms: frequent bowel movements, pain in the left side, gas formation, loose stool, cramping attacks. There is also an unpleasant taste in the mouth, flatulence, and rumbling in the intestines. The bursting pain goes away after defecation, and the cramping pain is relieved with medications.

Celiac disease most often develops in newborns, during the transition from breast milk for complementary foods. In rare cases, it occurs in adults. The disease is an intolerance to gluten (a plant protein found in the gluten of cereals). The symptoms are similar to the previous disease. In addition, the child experiences exhaustion, an enlarged abdomen, and developmental and growth retardation.

Pain in diseases of the large intestine

The large intestine consists of the colon, cecum, rectum, and sigmoid colon.

Pain in the left side is caused by:

  • Atony of the large intestine;
  • Hirschsprung's disease;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • Colon diverticulosis;
  • Malignant formations;
  • Colon polyposis;
  • Irritable bowel syndrome;
  • Non-specific ulcerative colitis.

Today, more and more people suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. This disease is directly related to stress and the modern lifestyle of urban residents. Both men and women are at risk. In women, exacerbation is observed during menstruation and with hormonal disorders. Symptoms: abdominal pain, flatulence, diarrhea or constipation. The disease may disappear and then worsen again after severe stress, overexertion, taking certain medications, etc. In this case, morphological changes on the intestinal walls may be absent.

Pain in the left side due to diseases of the genitourinary system

Pain is caused by:

  • Hydroureteronephrosis;
  • External genital endometriosis;
  • Allen-Masters syndrome.

In addition to pain in the left side, the disease may be accompanied by severe pain during sexual intercourse, cramping pain in the lower abdomen, specific discharge, and girdle pain.

Other causes of pain in the left side:

  • Diaphragmatic hernia;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Cholelithiasis;
  • Appendicitis;
  • Injuries.

If pain in the left side occurs in an adult or child, you should consult a doctor. A minor symptom may indicate a serious illness. Treatment can be medication, conservative or surgical, depending on the diagnosis.

What types of pain are there?

Pain from injury or injury is significantly different from pain caused by pathologies of internal organs. On initial stages Internal pain can be reduced with cold compresses.

Types of pain:

  • Nagging pain in left side. Most often it occurs with inflammation of the scrotum, strangulated hernias, cancer, purulent pathologies of the pelvic organs located on the left side. In case of severe illnesses, it is necessary to pay attention to the accompanying symptoms: vomiting, swollen lymph nodes, fever, diarrhea.
  • Dull aching pain. This type of pain is most often encountered by women with gynecological problems. Dull pain in the left side can occur during sexual intercourse, menstrual irregularities, inflammation of the genital organs and other gynecological diseases. Inflammation causes not only pain, but also fever, fatigue, and weakness. Dull pain can also be caused by acute dilatation Bladder, varicose veins, hemorrhoids. This type pain is inherent in inflammation of the lymph nodes on the left side of the body.
  • Sharp pain. This type is associated with spasms of the pelvic organs and increased gas formation. Sharp pain can be caused by rupture of the ovary, expansion of the bladder, inflammation, and movement of stones along the urinary tract.
  • Stitching, throbbing pain in the left side of the lower abdomen. Occurs when there is severe gas formation due to intestinal expansion. The pain usually subsides after visiting the toilet. Stitching pain is a rather dangerous symptom, as it may indicate a ruptured ovarian cyst.

Additional symptoms

Usually pain is accompanied by additional symptoms that correspond to the underlying disease. Thanks to modern methods diagnostics can accurately determine the lesion and the cause of pain.

Pain in the left side is often accompanied by fever. It is an indicator of serious pathologies in the body, namely:

  • Infectious diseases. They affect the pelvic organs and often provoke fever.
  • Gynecological diseases. Inflammation of the internal organs of the pelvis in women and men causes an increase in temperature and the risk of developing peritonitis.
  • Injuries. An increase in body temperature is associated with the risk of rupture of the walls of internal organs.

Another additional symptom is vomiting and nausea. Vomiting, nausea and pain in the lower abdomen often indicate inflammation of appendicitis. This symptom is also characteristic of cholecystitis and pancreatitis.

What to do if you have pain in your left side?

Definitely, pain in the side cannot be ignored. It is a signal that not everything is in order in the body. Even if the pain subsides after a short time, you should not put off going to the doctor. Taking painkillers will help you forget about the pain for a while, but will not solve the problem, and it will return again.

If you have pain in your side, proceed as follows:

  • Take the most comfortable position in which the least pain is felt;
  • Correlate the pain with existing chronic diseases and analyze additional symptoms (fever, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence);
  • If sharp pain in this place occurs for the first time, then it is advisable to call an ambulance;
  • Relieve pain with a cold compress;
  • If pain in the side appears not for the first time and you know what it is connected with, then take the appropriate medications, ensure yourself peace and, if possible, go to your doctor.

Call an ambulance medical care necessary if:

  • Severe pain in the left side appeared suddenly and unexpectedly, and did not go away within an hour;
  • Abdominal pain on the left side is accompanied by symptoms such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of consciousness, and bleeding during bowel movements.

If you have abdominal pain, you should consult a doctor. Doctors such as gastroenterologist, traumatologist, surgeon, gynecologist, and infectious disease specialist specialize in this problem.

As you can see, there are many reasons for pain. To identify the true cause, you need to consult a specialist, be examined,, if necessary, take tests and undergo a series of studies. Only in this case will a diagnosis be made and effective treatment prescribed.

On the left side of the abdominal cavity there is a significant number of the most important organs of the digestive system and other systems. Therefore, a person may periodically experience severe pain in the left side. In women, pain in this area is very dangerous. These may be abnormalities in the genitourinary system, which may indicate an ectopic pregnancy, a ruptured fallopian tube, or the appearance of a cyst. The presence of any acute, nagging, severe and sharp pain should be a reason to immediately visit a gynecologist.

Causes of abdominal pain

It is very difficult to make a diagnosis that would determine the causes of pain, because there can be many of them. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an appropriate examination by competent specialists. To understand which organ has problems when the left side in the lower abdomen hurts, you need to do an analysis to determine the location of the discomfort.

Pain in the left lower abdomen

Pain in the lower left side of the abdomen signals the likelihood of the occurrence of pathologies and diseases in the body such as:

Salpingoophoritis, adnexitis;

Ectopic pregnancy;

Malignant tumor;



Left-sided pneumonia;

Problems with the pancreas.

What are the consequences?

Most injuries manifest as sharp pain or even internal bleeding, so there is a need to immediately call a doctor or call for help. In case of nagging, cramping pain, the pain can be relieved with analgesics at the first stage. But if the pain recurs periodically, it is imperative to schedule a visit to the doctor, since the unnatural process in the body cannot stop on its own. In order for a doctor to prescribe treatment when the left side of the lower abdomen hurts, specialized diagnostics will be required.

When there is pain in the left side, you need to take into account that many internal organs are located in the abdomen, so the root causes of the discomfort can be very different.

Pain in the left side can be a symptom of various pathologies

Important! In any case, when the patient’s left side hurts, it’s worth paying close attention to. You especially need to be wary if discomfort appears unexpectedly and lasts more than half an hour. In this case, it is better to play it safe and call an ambulance or immediately consult a doctor yourself. Since a number of diseases require emergency surgery and hospitalization.

What organs are located on the left side?

To answer the question of what may hurt in the left side, you need to know what organs are located here.

For correct setting When making a diagnosis, it is important to determine exactly where the discomfort is localized. Conventionally, the anterior abdominal wall is divided into 9 regions and 3 floors:

  • 1st upper floor, it includes the epigastric, right and left hypochondrium;
  • 2nd middle floor, which consists of the left and right lateral sections, between them is the umbilical region;
  • 3rd lower floor, it includes the suprapubic region, left and right iliac region.

Conventionally, the anterior wall of the abdomen will be divided into 9 areas

What is in a person's left side? Here are the digestive organs and genitourinary system, namely:

  • stomach (most of it);
  • spleen;
  • most of the pancreas;
  • loops of the small and large intestine;
  • left kidney, adrenal gland, ureter;
  • female genital organs, namely the left ovary and oviduct, part of the uterus;
  • male genital organs, such as the seminal vesicle, prostate.

Pain syndrome in the left side may appear as a result of a disorder in any of these organs. Depending on the root cause, it can have a different character, be constant or paroxysmal, aching, encircling, dagger-like, or radiating to the back.

Also, painful sensations in the left side can be caused by:

  • endocrine disorders (diabetes mellitus);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • pathology connective tissue;
  • hernia;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • pathologies of the nervous system.

Pain is divided according to the mechanism of its occurrence, as well as according to its characteristics, which allows making the correct diagnosis:

  1. Visceral pain that appears due to disturbances in the peristalsis of the stomach and intestines, when spasms and stretching of the muscles of these organs are observed. They may be dull and aching, for example when increased gas formation or cramping, if the patient has intestinal colic. They often radiate to adjacent areas of the body.
  2. Somatic pain, in most cases, has a clear localization and is observed constantly. It appears due to irritation of the peritoneum, for example, when a stomach ulcer ruptures. In this case, the pain will be sharp and cutting, intensifying with movement and breathing.
  3. Referred pain appears due to the irradiation of unpleasant sensations. It occurs in organs that are not localized in the left side and radiates here. For example, discomfort in the side can appear with left-sided lower lobe pneumonia, inflammation of the pleura and a number of other pathologies.

Pain in the hypochondrium on the left

The nature of the discomfort

Pain in the left side under the ribs can be:

  1. Spicy. If a sharp, dagger-like pain on the left side suddenly appears under your ribs, you should immediately call an ambulance. As a rule, it is observed when the integrity of the stomach, small intestine, spleen, or kidney is damaged. If acute pain on the left under the ribs is observed when inhaling after a fall or an accident, this indicates severe damage to internal organs. Any of these conditions can result in the death of the patient.
  2. Dumb. If for a long time there is a dull diffuse pain on the left in the hypochondrium, then this indicates sluggish diseases of the digestive tract, such as gastritis, pancreatinitis.
  3. Aching. Such pain, which is observed constantly, also indicates low-grade inflammation. It is characteristic of inflammation of the colon and duodenum. It is often a sign of angina pectoris, ischemic heart disease, or a pre-infarction condition.

Diseases that cause pain in the left hypochondrium

Discomfort in the left hypochondrium may occur with the following pathologies:

Gastritis. With inflammation of the gastric mucosa, aching pain is observed in the left hypochondrium.

In addition, the following signs appear:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • heaviness in the stomach, intensifying and manifesting itself when eating or immediately after eating;
  • heartburn;
  • belching;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • constipation or diarrhea.

Symptoms unrelated to the digestive system may also develop:

  • heart pain, arrhythmia;
  • pallor;
  • excessive sweating;
  • drowsiness;
  • symmetrical sensitivity disorders in the arms and legs;
  • anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency.
Stomach ulcer. The clinical picture depends on the severity and duration of the pathology. With a stomach ulcer, left-sided pain is observed after eating.

In addition to them, signs such as:

  • heartburn;
  • sour belching;
  • nausea and vomiting after eating;
  • weight loss

Important! If perforation of a stomach ulcer develops, then a sharp dagger pain appears, pale skin, weakness, and possible fainting. This is a dangerous condition that requires urgent hospitalization.

Stomach tumor. If there is a constant pain syndrome in the left side, which does not depend on food intake, then this may indicate oncology. There are no specific symptoms of cancer. The patient may experience the following symptoms:

  • loss of appetite;
  • aversion to meat;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • weight loss;
  • anemia;
  • vomiting and feces mixed with blood (observed on late stages when the tumor disintegrates).

In addition, pain in the left side can be associated with overeating, mechanical damage to the stomach.

Pain in the left hypochondrium is caused by pathologies of the spleen:

Enlarged spleen(splenomegaly), as a rule, develops with Filatov's disease. In addition to pain, the following are observed:

  • asthenia;
  • constant headaches, including migraine headaches;
  • vertigo;
  • arthralgia and myalgia;
  • excessive sweating;
  • frequent viral diseases;
  • tonsillitis.

In addition to pain in the left side with splenomegaly, migraine may develop

Splenic rupture characterized by the appearance of sharp left-sided pain in the hypochondrium after physical impact to the organ One of the main signs of pathology is the appearance of a bruise around the navel; a hematoma may be observed in the left side of the abdomen; pain may radiate from the hypochondrium to the back. In this case, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

In addition, pain in the left hypochondrium can be observed:

  • with a hernia of the diaphragmatic opening of the esophagus;
  • for pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, such as cardiomyopathy, in which, in addition to pain, there is tachycardia, fatigue, ischemic heart disease, accompanied by aching pain, burning behind the sternum, shortness of breath, increased heart rate, nausea;
  • with diseases of the respiratory system, namely left-sided pneumonia, as a rule, the pain is dull, not very pronounced, but when coughing, the patient may note that there is colitis in the left side and chest; with the development of pleurisy, pain intensifies not only when coughing, but also when breathing, changing body position;
  • with intercostal neuralgia, the nature of the pain can be very diverse, it can be sharp, aching, dull, burning;
  • for diseases of connective tissue and spine;
  • for injuries.

Left-sided pain in the iliac region

Pain in the left lower abdomen due to gastrointestinal diseases

Left-sided pain in the lower abdomen can be observed with such pathologies as:

In which, in addition to aching pain in the lower abdomen, the following are observed:

  • false urge to have a bowel movement;
  • flatulence;
  • diarrhea, sometimes with mucus and blood.

When there is not only inflammation of the walls of the colon, but also ulceration of the mucous membrane, in which, in addition to the symptoms described above, the following signs may appear:

  • heat;
  • weakness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • arthralgia;
  • violation of water-salt balance.

Intestinal obstruction. Its earliest manifestation is pain in the abdomen; it occurs regardless of food intake and can appear unexpectedly at any time of the day or night. They are of a cramping nature. As the pathology progresses, they usually subside within 48-72 hours, but this is a dangerous symptom.

Also observed:

  • constipation;
  • bloating and asymmetry of the abdomen;
  • nausea and repeated vomiting.

Also, pain in the left lower abdomen can be observed when bowel cancer. They are usually blurred and weakly expressed, but still they are constant and not associated with food intake.

In addition, there are:

  • constipation;
  • bloating and rumbling in the intestines;
  • blood in the stool.

Left-sided pain in the lower abdomen in diseases of the female reproductive organs

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left side can be observed with diseases of the female genital organs, such as:

  • inflammation of the appendages, with which pain can be observed not only in the lower abdomen, but also in the groin and lumbar region; in addition, there may be an increase in temperature, asthenia, cephalgia, myalgia, problems with urination; chronicity of the disease is characterized by dull pain in the left side, groin, in the vagina, menstruation and sexual function disorders;
  • torsion of an ovarian cyst, in which, in addition to severe pain, a disturbance in general health, hypotension, fever, and vomiting are observed;
  • ectopic pregnancy, which can cause rupture of the oviduct or ovary, resulting in sharp, unbearable pain.

Important! If an ectopic pregnancy is terminated, urgent hospitalization is required, since in this case there is a threat to the patient’s life.

Pain in the left side behind can be observed with heart disease. This sign is most often characteristic of myocardial infarction, although it can also be observed with angina pectoris, enlargement of the aorta, and pericarditis. With myocardial infarction, there is a sharp pain in the heart, which extends to the left shoulder blade, side, upper limb, and neck. In addition, the following appears:

  • cold sweat;
  • nausea;
  • dyspnea;
  • dizziness;
  • pre-fainting state.

In addition to pain in the left side during myocardial infarction, cold sweat may be observed

And so doubts torment me. What organs are located on the left side of the peritoneum that can cause unpleasant symptoms?

Appendicitis - causes pain in the left side.

Everyone knows that the appendix is ​​located on the right. But people often forget that no less important organs are concentrated in the left side of the peritoneum. What is located on the left side of the body:

  1. large and small intestines;
  2. kidney and ureter;
  3. ovary, fallopian tube;
  4. hip joint, cartilage, lymph nodes.

Pathological processes in these organs will give pain of varying locations and intensity.

Types of pain and suspected diagnosis

Hemorrhoids can cause a dull, aching pain.

When different organs and systems are affected, pain of different nature and intensity occurs. An accurate description of the pain syndrome allows us to make a presumptive diagnosis.

Additional symptoms and examination methods will help determine the final one. Types of pain by nature and degree of intensity:

  • Dull aching - pathology in women reproductive system, ectopic pregnancy, endometriosis, inflammatory processes in the bladder. Representatives of both sexes have diseases of the lymphatic system.
  • A dull nagging pain accompanies inflammatory diseases of the reproductive organs. It is debilitating. The preliminary diagnosis is oncological diseases, inflammatory processes in the scrotum, external male genitalia, strangulated vertebral hernia.
  • Sharp sharp pains - inflammation of the ureter, passage of stones, sand through the ureter. In addition, pain of this nature occurs when the ovary or fallopian tube ruptures during an ectopic pregnancy.
  • Stitching pains – renal colic with the passage of stones, gas formation in the intestines, inflammatory processes in the hip joint and ligaments.

When making a diagnosis, you should pay attention to other symptoms that accompany the pain syndrome - nausea, vomiting, the presence or absence of bleeding in women, the presence or absence of a suspected pregnancy, the nature of urination and bowel movements.

Pathologies of the spleen

Volvulus of the spleen can cause pain in the left side of the abdomen.

Pain syndrome in the organ location, accompanied by characteristic symptoms, and is the cause of pathology.

In rare cases, irradiation from other organs is possible. Diseases of the spleen that cause pain on the left side of the body:

  1. Oncopathology - pain syndrome develops as the size of the tumor increases. Pain may occur after eating; in addition, the patient feels rapid satiety. In addition, the patient complains of increased fatigue, weight loss, and enlarged inguinal lymph nodes.
  2. Splenic infarction - pain is caused by blockage of blood vessels and the formation of a focus of necrosis at the site of the thrombus. The pain intensifies with movement and deep breathing. Massive blood loss is especially dangerous.
  3. Volvulus of the spleen - in this case, the vessels feeding this organ are twisted. Additionally, signs of an acute abdomen develop and are accompanied by vomiting and bloating.

Abscesses and cysts of the organ can cause pain.

Pathologies of the kidneys and ureters

Urolithiasis causes pain.

The kidney is a paired organ. Therefore, problems with the urinary system can be bilateral or unilateral.

In case of pathology of one of the kidneys, the symptoms may be hidden or not clearly expressed.

Therefore, pyelonephritis develops rapidly, since 2 kidneys are involved, and, for example, a stone in one of them does not manifest itself for a long time. Causes of pain:

  • Urolithiasis and its manifestation renal colic. It occurs when stones or sand begin to move from the kidney down the ureter, scratching its walls. Pain syndrome occurs. It can be cramping - if there is a stone or constant strong along the ureter to the urethra - if there is sand.
  • Hydroureteronephrosis is overstretching of the renal pelvis. The cause is a narrowing of the urinary tract due to various reasons. Urine accumulates in the kidney, the tissues experience pressure, and pain occurs.

Pathologies of the reproductive system in women

Pain in the lower abdomen fair half humanity may indicate the following pathologies:

  1. Ectopic pregnancy with damage to the left fallopian tube. As the fertilized egg grows, the tube stretches and the pain increases. A pipe rupture is accompanied by severe pain. Treatment is exclusively surgical.
  2. Allen-Masters syndrome - occurs due to damage or rupture of the ligamentous apparatus that supports the uterus. It is a consequence of difficult or rapid labor. The pain is cramping in nature. During the examination, the doctor detects mobility of the uterus.
  3. The growth of the endometrium into various organs and systems - into the ovary, cervix, peritoneum, vagina, etc. Accompanied by pain. Additional symptoms are infertility, pain during sex, menstruation.

Pathologies of the lower gastrointestinal tract

Crohn's disease is an inflammatory process.

Painful sensations in the lower abdomen can cause diseases. What can cause discomfort:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome - the causes of the disease are not clear. Soreness occurs periodically.
  • – characterized by the appearance of nodules in the intestines and the development of the inflammatory process. A typical symptom is pain in the lower quadrant of the abdomen on the left.
  • Nonspecific ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory process of unknown etiology in the intestine. The pain is colic-like.
  • – formation of nodules on the intestinal walls.
  • Intestinal neoplasms – polyposis, carcinoma. In this case, the pain syndrome develops gradually. As the tumor grows, the pain intensifies.
  • Atony is a decrease in intestinal motor function.

Joint pathologies

Inflammatory and dystrophic processes in the hip joints give pain in the groin area. What can we assume:

  • Arthrosis of the hip joint. Additionally, lameness and joint mobility are observed. The pain radiates to the lower abdomen.
  • Aseptic necrosis is a violation of blood circulation and death of cartilage and ligaments of the hip joint.
  • Inflammatory processes of an infectious nature, gouty arthritis, rheumatic diseases. Additionally, body temperature and joint pain increase.

Rare pathologies

Sometimes pain in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen is caused by myocardial infarction. This is a rare and difficult to diagnose manifestation of this pathology. In addition to pain, attention should be paid to a sharp deterioration in the patient’s condition.

You can learn more about abdominal pain from the video:

Lower abdominal pain and other symptoms

When diagnosing, one should take into account additional signs. Pain itself is not a tool for an accurate diagnosis. Additionally, ultrasound, CT or diagnostic surgical interventions are prescribed. Only 1.5% of cases of pain in the peritoneum are not associated with pathological changes in internal organs.

What to do and where to run?

If you have acute pain in the left side of your abdomen, you should consult a doctor.

First of all, listen to yourself and try to take a position so that the pain becomes less pronounced.

Do not take painkillers, as this may blur other symptoms and make it difficult to make a diagnosis.

If pain is experienced for the first time, you should call an ambulance and discuss everything with your doctor. possible reasons pain syndrome. If you have any suspicions about the causes of the pathology, be sure to inform your doctor about this, as well as about all additional symptoms.

If the pain is familiar, but the condition has worsened slightly and briefly, then you should contact a medical facility at your place of residence. If the cause is known, but the pain intensifies and additional symptoms appear, then you should either call emergency assistance or transport the patient to the hospital.

Pain is a sentinel, a signal system of the body. There is no need to brush it off and take painkillers. Yes, it will become easier, but the problem will not go away on its own. And it will only get worse.

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Read along with this article:

In the lower abdomen, women experience so-called pelvic pain, usually caused by chronic or acute diseases of various internal organs, bones, blood vessels, and joints of the pelvic girdle. If the left side of the lower abdomen hurts in women, this may be due to both gynecological problems and diseases of other organs located on the left side of the peritoneum.

What hurts in the left side

Painful sensations may appear in the left side with diseases of various organs that are located in this area.

What can hurt:

  • Spleen. An enlarged spleen can cause pain in the left abdominal region, just below the ribs. With a chronic course of the disease, the pain will be weak and nagging. When the spleen ruptures, the pain will be sharp and sharp.
  • Small and large intestine. When painful sensations arise, they can radiate to the left side of the lower abdomen and move smoothly.
  • Urinary system. Colic on the left side of the abdomen occurs with chronic urolithiasis.
  • Kidneys. Inflammation of the kidneys in a woman is accompanied not only by pain in the lumbar region, but also by painful sensations in the lower abdomen.
  • Gastrointestinal organs. Pain appearing on the left side of the abdomen is often a symptom of diseases of the digestive tract. Temporarily, such pain may also appear due to overeating, consumption of excessively spicy and fatty foods, alcohol abuse.

Note! In the abdominal region, most organs with the development of pathologies can cause pain of various types in the left abdominal region. Only inflamed appendicitis does not radiate to the left; this pathology is characterized only by right-sided pain.

Pain in women occurs on the left side with the following pathologies:

  • Gynecological diseases – 60-70%;
  • Gastroenterology – 50-60%;
  • Urological diseases – 65-90%;
  • Orthopedic pathologies – 7-15%.

Pain in the left lower abdomen may indicate problems in the field of gastroenterology

Important! In 70% of patients complaining of pain arising in the lower abdomen, gynecological diseases and pathologies of the reproductive system are diagnosed.

Disturbances in the functioning of any of the organs located in the peritoneum can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, if you regularly experience pain in the lower abdomen on the left or right, it is advisable to consult a doctor to find out the cause and prescribe timely treatment.

Causes of pain and illness

Women have abdominal pain on the left side most often due to the development of pathologies of the organs of the reproductive system, so the weaker sex should be especially careful when such a symptom manifests itself.

Why does the stomach hurt in women on the lower left and right, the main causes of pain:

  • Inflammation of the fallopian tubes. The disease causes the following symptoms: sharp pain in the groin area on the left and right in the lower abdomen, discharge with an unpleasant odor from the vagina, painful periods, fever.
  • . Epithelial cells grow outside the uterus, causing pain. in this case it is violated.
  • Ovarian cyst. Causes severe pain, and the temperature increases.
  • Ovarian rupture. There is a sharp, unbearable pain below. The woman feels attacks, becomes very weak, and the skin turns pale.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. This pathology occurs at 6-10 weeks of pregnancy. The pain is aching, cramping in nature, and can spread into anus. Additional symptoms: pain when urinating, clouding of consciousness, uterine bleeding, decreased blood pressure, pale skin.
  • Menstruation. During menstruation, a woman quite often has pain in the lower abdomen - this is a very common phenomenon that goes away on its own after a couple of days. You should only sound the alarm if painful periods are accompanied by unusual or strong-smelling vaginal discharge. Such signs may indicate the presence of infection in the genitals or the presence of inflammation in the reproductive organs.

Important! With sharp pain flowing from left to right in the lower abdomen, an ectopic pregnancy is usually diagnosed. This is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

For pain that occurs in the lower abdomen, it is advisable for a woman to visit a gynecological office, but if the doctor does not confirm the presence of pathology, then it is worth doing an examination of the spleen and intestines, pathologies of which can also cause similar symptoms.

Other diseases that can cause abdominal pain in women:

  • Spleen dysfunction. Pathologies of the spleen usually begin with the appearance of dull pain in the hypochondrium, which gradually spreads to the lower abdomen. At the same time, the temperature rises, breathing becomes difficult and painful. When the spleen is inverted, the pain becomes sharp and stabbing.
  • Diseases of the large and small intestines:, intestinal obstruction, oncological pathologies, nonspecific ulcerative, intestinal volvulus.
  • Kidneys. With inflammation of the urinary system, the lower abdomen often hurts, sometimes the pain radiates to the lower back.

If a woman’s right side hurts, this indicates the same diseases as with left-sided pain.

Types of pain in the lower abdomen and associated symptoms

By how the pain manifests itself and what symptoms accompany it, you can approximately determine the cause that caused the pain.

Aching dull pain in the left abdomen. Women with gynecological problems often complain of such sensations. Painful sensations usually occur during sex, menstrual irregularities, and the development of inflammation in the genitals. With pathologies of the reproductive organs, fever, increased fatigue, and weakness usually occur. Dull pain can also accompany pathologies such as varicose veins, acute inflammation of the bladder, and left-sided inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Pulling pain in the lower abdomen of an adult woman. They can occur with purulent inflammation of the pelvis; the pain is low in intensity and long-lasting. For oncology nagging pain usually increase over time and are accompanied by vomiting, fever,.

Pulling pain often occurs with purulent inflammation in the pelvis

Sharp pain in the lower abdomen. They can occur with inflammation or rupture of ligaments, acute expansion of the bladder, or rupture of the ovaries.

Stitching pains. With diseases of the intestines and kidneys, colic occurs in the lower abdomen. Stitching and shooting pain is a dangerous symptom that may indicate a ruptured ovarian cyst.

Pain in the lower abdomen on the left and right in women is not the main symptom, but accompanies serious pathologies in the internal organs. Painful sensations during diseases are accompanied by other symptoms that help determine the main cause of a woman’s pain:

  • Temperature. An increase in temperature indicators accompanies infectious pathologies and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, genitourinary system and intestines.
  • Vomiting and nausea. Accompanying gastrointestinal pathologies, characteristic of and.
  • Cloudy urine and pain when urinating. They occur along with pain due to diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Vaginal discharge of unknown nature. Indicate the presence of a sexually transmitted infection.

Pain on the left side during menstruation or during ovulation in the lower abdomen is not the cause of pathology and goes away on its own within a few days.

What to do for pain in the side

The appearance of pain in the lower left abdomen in a woman can serve as a signal about the development of serious pathologies in the body. Therefore, you should not limit yourself to taking a painkiller - this will only temporarily relieve pain, but will not eliminate the cause of its occurrence, and in some cases it will even cause harm.

How to act if pain occurs in the lower abdomen - first aid:

  • Find the most comfortable position possible to relieve pain.
  • Before the doctor arrives, remember all the symptoms associated with pain.
  • An ambulance should be called if a sharp, intense pain occurs that does not go away for more than an hour and if the pain is accompanied by incessant vomiting, a sharp rise in temperature, etc.
  • If after 2-3 days the pain in the side does not disappear, it is advisable for the woman to visit. In the absence of pathology of the reproductive organs, a visit to an infectious disease specialist or surgeon is possible.
  • Avoid taking painkillers - this may make it difficult to make an accurate diagnosis.

Even if the pain in the side is not severe, but appears regularly, this is a reason to visit a doctor in order to prevent the development of serious pathologies in time.

In the video, in the program Live Healthy, they understand the question of why the left side in the lower abdomen of an adult woman hurts.
