The whole truth about green tea: the harmful properties of the drink. The whole truth about tea bags In addition, the types of tea are divided into

Green tea is considered a truly oriental drink solely on the grounds that it comes from China, and came to Europe in a difficult way through Far East(Japan, Korea), Arab countries and, apparently, Central Asia. By the way, it is prepared from the leaves of the same tea bush, which are also used to obtain a black “brother”. The difference lies in the fact that for the manufacture of the green version, the leaves are subjected to heat treatment for two days, oxidizing them by 3-12% at a temperature of 170-180 ° C.

In Asia, the two-day leaf oxidation is completed by a heating process. But if in the homeland of tea in China it happens in clay pots, then in Japan it happens under fallow.

The main advantage that green tea is famous for is its excellent taste, this drink perfectly quenches thirst and tones the body. Even ancient doctors with knowledge of the matter claimed that green tea perfectly relieves fatigue and helps with any life's adversities. talking modern language- under stress. This happens due to the content of theanine in tea - a component that improves brain function, while at the same time calming the body, relaxing the whole body, relieving stress.

According to scientists, green tea is also “to blame” for the fact that there are practically no fat people in China, Korea and Japan. As a result of research, it turned out that it perfectly burns fats that the body does not need, helping to maintain the figure and strengthen endurance. Even the saying is acceptable: “Drunk green tea - forget about scales and exhausting diets!”.

Recipe for weight loss. For one glass hot water(90°C) use half a teaspoon. Tea is infused for five minutes. Drink in small sips. The brew can be used twice more.

People have always strived to live long and delayed the inevitable death by any means possible. Including conspiracies, spells and the offering of something or even someone as a sacrifice to unknown gods and spirits. One of the recipes for "longevity", which is very popular in the East, which is mysterious for most Europeans, is the use of green tea.

According to statistics, which are quite difficult to verify, people who drink plenty of green tea are 16% less likely to die than those who master the maximum cup of this soft drink. In addition, green tea has a very strong anti-aging effect. Which is again confirmed by the example of the Chinese and, even at a very decent age, maintaining good spirits, physical strength and endurance.

Not all cups of green tea are created equal. A day, according to doctors, six is ​​enough. But more of them are already harmful. You can not drink such tea before going to bed, it contributes to the accumulation of fluid in the body.

But green tea brings the greatest benefit to the body as a natural drug containing more than a dozen different vitamins. This drink, thanks to such useful elements as iron, iodine, calcium, phosphorus, fluorine, zinc and others, is capable of:
- replenish the missing vitamins and minerals;
- improve intestinal patency;
- limit the growth of blood vessels around cancer cells, which leads to their "starvation" and death;
- do not allow harmful enzymes to grow, which also contributes to the fight against cancer;
- help with cardiovascular diseases, recover after heart attacks and strokes;
- slow down the development of atherosclerosis, prevent thickening of the arteries, reduce the risk of hypertension;
- lower glucose levels and threat diabetes by 15-20%;
- wash the kidneys and remove toxins, strengthen teeth and gums;
- disinfect the body with food;
- act as an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antitumor, antiradiation agent;
- strengthen vision and bones;
- to remove a hangover syndrome.

The maximum therapeutic effect of fragrant green tea is achieved when consumed hot and freshly brewed, without sugar and any snacks. The only exception would be fresh honey.

Finally, the use of green tea leaves as an ingredient in cosmetic preparations brings considerable benefits. "Pioneers" in this boon for modern women In fact, the Chinese, of course, became again. From tea, the ancients made cleansing lotions, anti-aging creams and face masks. With the help of tea compresses, bags under the eyes are also removed, acne disappears and.

Behind last years The influence of Eastern culture on our country has increased significantly. Clothes, music, food, speech... This situation did not bypass the tea sphere. The well-known Indian "elephant" is slowly but surely replaced by traditional Chinese tea - Puerh. But what this mysterious and incomprehensible name for a Russian person is fraught with, let's try to figure it out below.

Chinese tea Puerh

The word "Puer" is usually understood as post-fermented tea, which is distinguished by a peculiar production technology: the collected leaves are first processed to the condition of green tea, after which they are subjected to fermentation, i.e. the procedure of artificial or, in some cases, natural aging. Unlike black tea, Pu-erh ripens due to external influences (including microorganisms), and not at all due to its own endogenous enzymes. It is included in one of the six categories of Chinese tea and is called "dark". At the same time, some of its species are recognized as the national treasure of the PRC and are even prohibited from being exported outside the country.

Tea owes its name, first of all, to its homeland, the Puer district, located in the Yunnan province, which later became known as a major center for the tea trade. The name of this settlement is roughly translated as “a village enclosed by a fortress wall” and is found in the annals of the Han Dynasty, i.e. conditionally from the 2nd century BC The tea of ​​those times was called “tea from Pu-erh”, and since it was pressed and fermented during delivery to the consumer (which, by the way, took quite a long time), it can be safely considered an analogue of modern Pu-erh.

It is important to understand that Puerh is just a common name. It contains a wide variety of teas. It is customary to distinguish two varieties: Puer Shen and Puer Shu, which differ both in production and in taste characteristics, and, in addition, also in color.

Puer Sheng in Chinese means "fresh" and, in fact, is a green tea, the drink from the leaves of which has a light color and delicate aromas of forest, grass, smoke or fruit.

Sheng Puerh

Puer Shu is an analogue of natural Chinese tea produced in just three months, which has many years of aging. It is characterized by rich beautiful color and deep velvety taste.

Original varieties of Chinese Shu Pu-erh only in the online tea store Free shipping straight from China.

Puer effect

There is an opinion that this tea is supposedly similar in its effect to some soft drugs and after that causes the effect of intoxication. Is it true? The question is debatable, since some did notice some kind of euphoria after the first cup, while others did not feel any change after drinking even a large dose.

To date, it is generally accepted that it is similar in its effect and even surpasses a hookah, but does not carry the harmful effects characteristic of the latter. That is why its demand among cafes and bars has increased significantly.

Along with this, the therapeutic effect of this tea on the body is also distinguished, which manifests itself as:

  • tonic effect. The invigorating effect of Pu-erh on the body is so great that a person who takes it at night runs the risk of simply not falling asleep. The phenolic compound of plant origin, tannin, is responsible for this.
  • influence on the cardiovascular system. This type of tea perfectly helps in the fight against cholesterol plaques, thins the blood, cleanses blood vessels, and also has an effect on blood clots.
  • cleansing the body. The effect confirmed by well-known European scientists is the removal of toxins and slags, as well as the normalization of metabolism and better absorption of food.
  • regulation of the gastrointestinal tract due to the presence of antispasmodic and absorbent properties.
  • general healing effect. It reduces the likelihood of oncological infections, improves skin color and structure, and has a rejuvenating effect.

Resin Puerh

Puerh resin is a concentrated extract from the old tea leaves of the Puerh trees and is quite exclusive even to the Chinese tea market. Outwardly, it looks like a small compressed tablet.

At correct application Puer resin contributes to: effective cleansing blood and body, restore the internal microflora of the body, strengthen blood vessels and normalize blood pressure, prevent gastric diseases, and also serves as an excellent cure for a hangover. It not only cleanses the body, but also perfectly tones it.

For proper brewing, one “tablet” weighing about 0.5 g. it is necessary to fill in 0.5 liters. boiling water and monitor the color acquired by the infusion. After 3-4 minutes, tea can be poured into cups.

In contact with


Burns fat, prevents diabetes, protects against stroke and dementia. It also perfectly quenches thirst and can be used to prevent cancer.

In fact, of course, the advantages of this drink are too exaggerated. And the significant differences in the results of research conducted in the West and in the East make one wonder if scientists are looking in the right direction.


Green tea- this is not some separate plant, it is just a way of processing the leaves of the tea bush. They undergo less fermentation (oxidation) than black tea production and therefore retain more biologically active substances, mainly catechins natural antioxidants, with which most of the preventive effects of green tea are associated.

Antioxidants take the hit of free radicals - aggressive chemical agents that can damage the DNA of cells, promote the development of cancer, atherosclerosis and the formation of blood clots.


One of the most powerful antioxidants, EGCG, has only been found in green tea. It works great in the lab, but not in the living body.

Its bioavailability when taken orally tends to zero. And scientists have not been able to cope with this problem yet. The synthetic version of EGCG works only on prostate tumors in laboratory mice.


The vast majority of reports of the positive effects of green tea come from the East. A study involving nearly 500 Japanese women with early-stage breast cancer showed that drinking plenty of green tea before and after surgery reduced recurrence rates.

Chinese scientists have found that 2 or more cups of green tea a day reduce the risk of stomach, prostate, pancreas and colon cancer.

The Europeans are unable to repeat these results. An analysis of 22 studies conducted in the West showed only one link between daily consumption of the drink and a reduction in the risk of cancer - green (but not black) tea drinkers were 18% less likely to have lung cancer.

American doctors believe that this is also due to lifestyle and dietary habits. eastern neighbors around the planet.


In addition, it turned out that not everyone can recommend a drink.

Green tea actually increases blood clotting, and therefore the risk of blood clots. And this
dangerous primarily for smokers, taking oral contraceptives, suffering from coronary heart disease and varicose veins.

The drink deprives us of iron and increases the risk of gout. The tannins it contains reduce the bioavailability of certain minerals. A a large number of Green tea purines cause metabolic disorders involving uric acid, which precipitates in the form of crystals in the joints and leads to gout.

Abuse of green tea can cause interruptions in the work of the heart, insomnia, increased irritability. After all, there are no less psychostimulants in it than in coffee or black tea.

Everyone knows that green tea is a healing and healthy drink. Entire treatises of Chinese philosophy are devoted to him. Delicious drink has medicinal properties and is a prevention against many diseases, it is able to break down animal fats, tones well and strengthens the immune system. And it also tastes very good.

Is it really so? Does it mean that a green drink is an elixir of youth and health for a person? As it turned out, the drink can not only be beneficial for the body, but also quite harmful. It's worth finding out the truth. And we're going to do it right now.

tea truth

Today, green tea is considered an excellent antioxidant. It is recommended to drink by doctors. But its usefulness is rather doubtful. Research scientists have shown that excessive saturation of antioxidants only brings harm to humans. The body ceases to resist many bacteria and diseases can develop.

Do not abuse the drink. Do not drink more than 1.5 liters of strong tea per day. Otherwise, you are at risk. 3-4 cups is enough. Therefore, control yourself. If you are thirsty, then make yourself herbal tea or drink purified water. You can try drinking ginger drink, which helps to strengthen the immune system and lose weight.

A green drink negatively affects the nervous system. It can provoke an overexcitation of the body. As it turns out, green tea has even more theine (caffeine) than some coffees. So if you are sick nervous system, you should not abuse green tea. Very often, tea causes insomnia. So do not drink the drink at night.

As it turned out, green tea irritates the gastric mucosa. And therefore it should be said that it is forbidden to drink it on an empty stomach! The drink improves digestion and at the same time enhances the production of gastric juice. So if juice is released, and there is nothing in the stomach, then it will begin to digest itself. You do not like this prospect? This eventually leads to ulcers and other diseases.

And if you already have gastritis or an ulcer, then you are even more forbidden to drink tea on an empty stomach. Medical sources report that this miraculous drink prevents ulcers. This is true, but if you do not drink it on an empty stomach. In the morning you can only drink clean water with lemon. During an exacerbation of stomach disease, we recommend temporarily stopping drinking green tea. Or drink, but in very small quantities, so as not to harm yourself and not provoke a relapse in the future.

It is not recommended to drink the drink if you have problems with cardiovascular system, especially for people with arrhythmia and. Tea provokes an increase in heart rate and can lead to an exacerbation of the disease. If you have such problems, then you can drink no more than 2 cups a day. Try to drink just purified water.

The effect of tea on blood pressure

You have heard more than once that green tea has a beneficial effect on human pressure. Some note that seagulls lower blood pressure, others complain that the pressure jumps sharply. Who should be trusted? Or does it all depend on the body?

You need to choose the golden mean. For some people, green tea has a beneficial effect and a person can regulate pressure with a tea drink. Others cannot control their blood pressure with a cup of tea. And they belong to the group with personal intolerance.

So if after drinking a cup of elixir you experience a decline in vitality or pain in the back of your head, then you should not torture yourself anymore and drink the drink. It's just not for you. You should choose other teas or infusions that will make you feel good and not make you sick, although you can try just not making the tea so strong.

Alcohol and green elixir

There is such an interesting myth that if you drink green tea in the morning after a good party, it will help remove toxins from the body. According to many, tea can improve well-being and save you from a hangover. But this is just a myth. After alcohol poisoning, the nervous and cardiovascular systems suffer, followed by the kidneys. So tea won't help.

There were cases when green tea contributed to the excitation of the nervous system, and in combination with a hangover, this led to a heart attack. The elixir can lead to renal colic and even neuroses. Do not drink green tea with alcohol. This mixture is explosive for your body. Drinks are diuretic, this will lead to rapid dehydration. Drinking alcohol with a green drink accelerates aging. So don't experiment.

Drink quality

Even if you are completely healthy man, then after drinking a green drink you should pay attention to well-being. If you have high acidity in the body, then a cup of tea can cause heartburn. And it is worth noting that your drink is of poor quality.

If there are no tea plantations in the area where you live, then tea cannot be cheap. Today, shops sell teas that are made from tea dust - these are small crumbs, garbage that remained after tea was packaged. They are packaged in bags and then sold. We do not recommend drinking cheap teas. They negatively affect human health.

Buy teas from a trusted company. Do not drink packaged drinks, they are not of high quality! Take loose. Avoid flavored teas. You can buy tea only with impurities, if they are provided there. Therefore, before buying, you should read information about this type of tea on the Internet.

How to brew healing tea so that it is not harmful

If you do not properly brew tea, then it can bring a lot of harm to health. The tea leaf can be brewed 2-3 more times, then the aroma and taste of it is fully revealed.

After a couple of hours, brewed green tea loses all its beneficial properties. This drink can only quench your thirst and there is nothing curative in it. And after 12 hours, the tea leaf already releases toxins that will accumulate in the human body.

Therefore, brew tea at once. In order for the tea to fully “open up” to you, you should use the following method. Pour in water only to cover the tea leaves. When the raw material begins to swell, pour water, but not to the top. And after 5 minutes, add water to the teapot. By the way, best temperature for brewing green tea - this is 90 degrees.

If you drink green tea in moderation and properly brew, then it will only benefit you. We sincerely hope that this article has helped to understand this issue. Green tea is a healing drink, but with contraindications for use. All delicious drinks have negative sides.

Unfortunately, there is no evidence that tea can protect against. In 2009, the results of 51 studies were analyzed, in which more than 1.6 million people took part. Scientists have looked for links between green tea consumption and colon, prostate, breast, oral and lung cancers. It turned out that the conclusions about the benefits of green tea as a remedy for cancer are weak and highly controversial.

In 2015, the anti-cancer effect was studied, which appears when the combination of trace elements of green tea and medicinal product"Herceptin", used in the treatment of stomach and breast cancer. Early results in the lab have been promising, and human clinical trials are now being planned. But it is too early to draw conclusions, so you should not take this as an official recommendation.

Does green tea help you lose weight

It is believed that the antioxidants and caffeine found in tea can help the body burn more calories. They say that green tea helps, and therefore, lose weight.

Green tea weight loss products are essentially green tea extracts, meaning they contain a higher concentration of catechins and caffeine than a drink made with a regular tea bag and boiling water. But the British Dietetic Association, in a study of 18 experiments involving 1,945 people, found no significant weight loss with green tea.

Does green tea lower cholesterol levels?

In a 2012 study, daily consumption of both green and black tea was shown to help lower cholesterol and blood pressure due to the catechins found in tea. However, most of the studies proving this were short-term, and larger, longer-term studies are needed to support these findings.

Cholesterol is the main cause of strokes. And it's great that you can reduce its level with a simple and pleasant drink. However, it is not clear how much tea we need to drink to see a positive effect on health, and how long this effect can last.

Does green tea help prevent or delay Alzheimer's?

The link between green tea and Alzheimer's disease has not been proven in practice. In 2010, green tea extract was used in a laboratory study on animal cells. Since it is rich in antioxidants, it protected nerve cells from death, namely the death of nerve cells leads to dementia, Alzheimer's disease. However, such experiments have not been carried out with people, so it is impossible to say with complete certainty that green tea will help to cope with this disease.

Can tea lower blood pressure?

Green tea actually lowers blood pressure, and research backs it up. However, experiments were carried out on people with slightly increased blood pressure. And it is difficult to judge whether tea can have a serious impact on the clinical picture as a whole, and even more so whether it will help prevent the onset of heart disease or stroke.

Does green tea prevent cavities?

A small 2014 study compared the effectiveness of green tea mouthwash with popular antibacterial agents. As a result, it turned out that they are almost equally effective, but green tea has an advantage: it is cheaper.


In the East, green tea is used as a mainstay in the treatment of many diseases - from arthritis to obesity, as well as in the prevention of diseases such as cancer. Although the evidence for the effectiveness of tea is either lacking or very weak. Still, it's a great company drink that's completely safe in moderation, so drinkers can continue to enjoy it.
