The most effective diet for 5 days. How to get out of a diet correctly

The process of losing weight requires control, since after weight loss the body undergoes changes in all systems. The level of stress resistance decreases. If the body is brought to the point of exhaustion, anorexia may develop.


Irina Pegova shocked everyone with her weight loss recipe:“I lost 27 kg and continue to lose weight, I just brew it at night...” Read more >>

In order for weight loss to be effective and harmless, you must resort to diets recommended by doctors. They use products enriched with minerals and vitamins, necessary for a person during weight loss.

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    Principles of express diets

    According to nutritionists, proper weight loss It takes time for the body to get used to new conditions, master the menu, and begin to develop certain habits. Typically this takes from 6 to 10 months. The result of such weight loss will be long-term.

    But there are times when you need to lose extra pounds in a short period of time. In such situations, express weight loss methods are used, in which the form is quickly restored and the body becomes toned, but hormonal levels, gastrointestinal function and food absorption may be disrupted.

    Many girls complain about the deterioration of their skin, hair and nails. This occurs due to a deficiency of vitamins, which the body must “save” - distribute between more important systems. Decreased metabolism and dysbiosis can lead to sagging skin, dryness and hair loss.

    A diet for weight loss will be effective and easy if you go through a small preparatory stage before starting it, during which you must follow the following rules:

    1. 1. Replacing sugar with fructose. Eating sweets in large quantities causes serious harm to the body and leads to obesity. It is impossible to give up everything at once, so you need to replace sugar with fruit. Glucose in their composition is a “fast” carbohydrate and will be a useful source of energy.
    2. 2. Drinking large amounts of liquid. Water makes up 80 percent of the internal environment of the body; without it, its normal functioning is impossible. Drinking regime will speed up metabolism, satisfy hunger and improve absorption useful substances. Water with lemon or ginger juice flushes out toxins from the body. A glass of water before eating fills the stomach and reduces the serving size by half, as a result, a person gets full faster with fewer calories consumed.
    3. 3. Diet. When the body receives food at a certain time, it adapts to the regime and distributes energy throughout the day. If instead of a stable breakfast, lunch and dinner there are only temporary snacks consisting of chips and cookies, then such a diet causes exhaustion. Women mistakenly believe that their figure depends on the amount of food they eat. In fact, this is not true; you can lose weight by eating normally several times a day.

    For several days before starting the diet, you need to do an unloading, consuming only liquids or vegetables. To obtain a mild laxative effect, it is recommended to eat salads with olive oil and flax seeds. It is beneficial for hair and nail growth thanks to the zinc and iron in the products.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    A simple, quick five-day diet allows you to short term lose excess weight and get your body in order. But you need to be prepared for the fact that the effect will be short-term, and to maintain your figure you need to carry out 5-6 courses of diets per year.

    The advantages of this method of losing weight include:

    1. 1. No psychological stress. The duration of the diet is short, the body will not have time to get used to such nutrition.
    2. 2. No need to prepare special dishes. Just some foods will be consumed in moderation. The main thing in this type of diet is the norm.
    3. 3. Quick cleansing of the body. During the period of losing weight, not only excess weight is lost, but also a high-quality cleansing of toxins occurs. Including sunflower, pumpkin or flax seeds in your diet will be an effective “scrub” for the body and will improve its condition.
    4. 4. Reducing the volume of the stomach.

    TO negative aspects nutritionists include:

    • a sharp loss of strength and decreased performance;
    • deficiency of vitamins and minerals;
    • possible rapid weight gain and long-term recovery after the diet.

    To ensure that the chosen method of losing weight does not cause harm, it is necessary to select it based on the characteristics of the body and predisposition to diseases. If the level of immunity is low and pathologies are present, the diet should be abandoned. It is recommended to first consult with a nutritionist to create the right diet and choose an individual regimen.

    Diet "Ladder"

    This type of weight loss has received a lot of positive reviews. In five days it is possible to comprehensively cleanse the body. The name of the diet motivates you to achieve your goal: every day is a step towards slimness and beauty. Nutritionists recommend depicting its diagram on paper in the shape of a ladder so that you can trace the dynamics of changes.

    The authors advise combining diet with fitness or the bodyflex technique, but doctors advise against this, since the diet is quite poor and does not contain enough necessary elements for the normal functioning of the body during training. Sports activities require a lot of protein foods and proteins.

    Diet for every day

    Each day one specific task is completed. The order cannot be violated, as well as rearranging menu items from one day to another.

    Day, task Method of performing the task
    1. CleansingThe body must rid itself of toxins for the subsequent steps of the diet to produce results. To put it into practice, you will need 12 pieces of activated carbon and a kilogram of apples; you can add raw pineapples. You should take several charcoal tablets strictly according to the clock, dividing them into three doses, and drink plenty of liquid. You should not drink anything other than plain water. Apples contain pectin and vitamins, and charcoal will speed up the food processing process and help remove all toxins
    2. RecoveryAfter cleansing, it is necessary to restore the intestinal flora with the help of fermented milk products and the bacteria found in them. During this time, you can eat 600 g of low-fat cottage cheese without additives, drink a liter of low-fat kefir and at least a liter of water. After cleansing, the body receives a dose of animal protein, which reduces hunger and improves intestinal health
    3. Energy supplyAccumulating strength and replenishing vitamin reserves is the main goal of the third day. Basically, vigor will be the result of consuming dried fruits and natural glucose. During this period, you need to eat 300 g of raisins, 2 tablespoons of honey and drink 2 liters of fresh fruit compote. The amount of raisins can be increased depending on body weight. Thanks to the amino acids and minerals found in raisins, the cardiovascular system will be strengthened and the condition of the liver will improve
    4. ConstructionThis is the day of protein food, since it is this that serves as the basis for strengthening the body. Meal time should begin at 8 o'clock, the last meal should be no later than 6 yesterday. Nutritionists advise eating chicken and turkey to suppress the feeling of hunger. Boiled meat can be eaten as an afternoon snack, lunch, lunch or dinner. Breakfast should include liquids to continue the body's cleansing process
    5. Fat BurningAt this stage, weight loss occurs. During the day you need to eat half a glass of cereal and 1 kg fresh fruit. The cooked porridge should be spread throughout the day and eaten with fruit. It is both satisfying and quite healthy. You can lose up to 1 kg of weight

    Quitting the diet

    Since this regime quickly removes excess fats and toxins from the body, it has a “boomerang effect”. After some time, lost pounds may return if you do not adhere to nutritional requirements.

    It is necessary to limit the intake of sweets and starchy foods, refuse to use spices in cooking and give preference to healthy foods. Fresh vegetable salads, soups and purees will be a source of macronutrients. You cannot repeat a weight loss course after a diet; this can lead to exhaustion.

    Portion sizes should be controlled to avoid overeating.

    At first it will be difficult to adhere to the rules, but over time you can achieve visible results and keep your body in shape constantly.

    Losing weight with kefir

    Recipes dietary dishes are based on natural ingredients and contain a lot of fiber. This allows you to keep your muscles in shape and burn more fat.

    The kefir diet, in addition to weight loss, ensures the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and guarantees the restoration of the normal microflora of the body. Thanks to bifidobacteria in its composition, the fermented milk drink will improve the general condition of the body.

    The main ingredient of the diet will be kefir, but in addition to it, other products are used. For the standard menu you will need :

    • 200 ml low-fat kefir;
    • 150 g vegetable salad with cabbage and olive oil;
    • 100 g of boiled meat, chicken or turkey;
    • a glass of cereal;
    • one boiled egg and 200 ml of kefir;
    • apple;
    • 70 g dried fruits, 200 ml kefir.

    In order for the five-day diet to take effect, you must strictly follow the schedule:

    1. 1. On the first and second days, you need to drink a lot of liquid and kefir, eat dried fruits and an apple.
    2. 2. The diet of the third day should consist of boiled meat and vegetable salad, and in the evening you can eat oatmeal
    3. 3. On the fourth and fifth days, the menu includes chicken, salad, kefir, cereal, and apple.

    Don't forget to drink clean water.

    Lemon diet

    Thanks to the presence of vitamin C in this citrus, the process of getting rid of overweight will be fast. Lemon juice actively breaks down fats and prevents the appearance of new problem areas on the stomach and sides.

    The diet can be divided into two stages:

    1. 1. First two days- getting rid of food residues by consuming large quantities of lemon-honey juice. This will ensure restoration of metabolic processes in the body and improvement of the gastrointestinal tract. Lemon juice lowers blood cholesterol levels. To prepare the drink, squeeze out the juice of 15 lemons, add 80 g of honey and three liters of purified water. Mix everything and let stand in a cool, dark place for several hours. Take alternating with water.
    2. 2. Last three days- a period of low-calorie nutrition, which includes healthy foods.

    The menu for the second stage of this diet is as follows:

    • lemon tea in the morning;
    • vegetable salad and boiled buckwheat - 100 g;
    • fruit salad with lemon 100 g;
    • puree soup from pumpkin or mushrooms, seasoned with low-fat cream;
    • vinaigrette - 100 g;
    • stewed cabbage with lemon zest;
    • fruit smoothie with lemon.

    This is a diet for the lazy, a more stringent option includes performing a complex physical exercise. Nutritionists advise using it no more than once every six months.

    To soften the effect citric acid You can drink decoctions of dried mistletoe and linden in equal proportions. This will have a positive impact on appearance and skin condition. You can replace part of the lemon-honey drink with the decoction. The result will be the same - from 4 to 5 kg of lost weight.

    Protein diet

    Another diet allows the consumption of a large number of foods, but high in protein and fiber. The diet will be useful for athletes, gymnasts and people who lead healthy image life. The advantage of the technique is that you can eat until you are full, and while losing weight you will not feel tired or hungry.

    Products allowed on a protein diet:

    • Fish and seafood;
    • lean meat (chicken, turkey);
    • dairy products and eggs;
    • vegetables and fruits.

    Weight loss occurs by limiting fats and carbohydrates and stimulating protein synthesis. You should give up sweets, flour, and smoked foods.

    A prerequisite for the effectiveness of this method is physical activity. Home fitness, exercises on machines, yoga and bodyflex will enhance the effect of the diet and speed up the results.

    The benefits of the diet include:

    • ease of compliance;
    • the ability to eat enough food;
    • lack of feeling of hunger and fatigue;
    • a surge of vigor and energy.

    The disadvantages of this diet are as follows:

    • nutritionists recommend eating five times a day, which is quite difficult with a work schedule;
    • must be connected different types physical activity;
    • A sharp refusal of sweets can provoke the production of “ketone bodies”, so the body will look for a replacement for glucose and transform other building elements into the desired carbohydrate.

    A protein diet can be used no more than once a year, alternating with other unloading methods.

    You cannot mix different elements of diets or create your own options for losing weight. Sample menu compiled by doctors and specialists taking into account a person’s daily need for proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Incorrectly selected dishes can provoke food rejection and exhaustion of the body.

    During the diet, you need to eat at a certain time; there is no need to change the schedule, since the body quickly gets used to the regime. Nutritious, high-calorie foods are consumed before lunch; in the evening, you can drink a glass of juice or kefir, and eat an apple. The body will be able to rest during sleep and start the regeneration process.

    To achieve the “minus five kilograms” result, you need to go through the introductory stage of the diet and the final stage after completing it. This will add two to three days and may take a week in total. But the result will be much more noticeable and will last for a long time.

    During the diet period, physical activity (except for a protein diet) or taking weight loss medications should be avoided.

    If you undergo an examination and determine the vitamins that are missing, create an individual diet, give up bad habits and sweets, then you don’t have to worry about your figure, since a healthy body gets rid of it on its own. extra pounds.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    I was especially depressed about my weight. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with a height of 165. I thought the belly would go away after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with perestroika hormonal levels and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure. At the age of 20, I first learned that plump girls are called “WOMAN” and that “they don’t make clothes that size.” Then at the age of 29, divorce from my husband and depression...

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

    And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

The essence of the 5-day diet: express weight loss “5x5”

It is believed that by adhering to a certain diet, you can get rid of 5 kilograms of excess weight in five days without experiencing the feeling of constant hunger. This technique, as you already understand, is a certain mono-diet, during which it is necessary to maintain a monotonous diet.

With this type of nutrition, fat cells are burned in a special way - only the subcutaneous, and not the muscle, fat layer is consumed, the cells do not lose moisture, and the body, accordingly, does not become dehydrated.

An effective diet for 5 days (also called “5x5”), especially suitable for people leading a sedentary lifestyle - housewives, office workers; it is also ideal for restoring slim shape after generous treats holidays etc.

Exists a large number of express diet - fruit, cottage cheese, buckwheat, cabbage, watermelon, egg diet for 5 days... I can’t even list them all.

Therefore, in this article we have selected the 5 most popular and effective options for 5 days, which will allow you to get your figure in order in a short time and not harm your health.

Vegetable express diet for 5 days

Vegetables, as everyone knows, are not only a valuable source of many vitamins and minerals, but also contain fiber, and therefore with their help you can get rid of extra pounds and cleanse the body. Nutritionists say that vegetable diet allows the body to take a break from heavy protein foods, prevents the development of diseases of cardio-vascular system, atherosclerosis and obesity.

Its essence is as follows: for five days you need to eat about one and a half kilograms of any vegetables (except potatoes) raw, boiled or stewed. You need to eat at least 4-5 times a day, you can drink green tea without sugar and plain purified water.

Kefir diet for 5 days

Low-fat kefir can rightfully be considered a faithful friend and assistant to those who want to lose weight. This fermented milk product contains a huge amount nutrients, vitamins and lactobacilli necessary for normal digestion. It remarkably cleanses the body of waste, toxins and salts, and, thanks to the presence of protein in its composition, it is perfectly absorbed by the body and dulls the feeling of hunger.

Important points:

  • buy kefir with a minimum shelf life;
  • drink the drink only at room temperature, not cold;
  • maximum amount fat content in kefir - 1%;
  • Kefir does not replace water; you need to drink at least one and a half liters of it per day.

Now let's move on to the recipe. For 5 days, drink one and a half liters of fresh kefir daily. In the first three days, the diet can be diversified with boiled buckwheat or rice without salt (no more than 100 g of cereal per day), on the fourth and fifth days - boiled chicken breast, fresh apples and prunes.

Protein express diet for 5 days

If you cannot live a day without meat or fish, this weight loss method is for you.

Protein is the most important building material for our body, as it ensures the functional functioning of all organs. It contains essential amino acids, and to break down protein molecules the body requires more energy than to absorb carbohydrates and fats, and therefore this substance promotes weight loss.

Is concluded protein diet as follows: for five days the consumption of dairy products and carbohydrates is prohibited ( flour products, cereals, potatoes, sweets) and alcohol. For five days for breakfast, lunch and dinner you need to eat 150 g of boiled or steamed dietary meat or fish with a small portion of cabbage, beetroot, carrot salad, bell pepper(it’s better to season them not with oil, but with lemon juice). Once a day you are allowed to eat a small piece of Borodino bread.

You can drink herbal or green tea without sugar, coffee and water.

Note! This method of losing weight is not suitable for older people, since consuming large amounts of animal protein can lead to the formation of blood clots.

Orange diet "5x5"

Oranges are not only tasty, but also incredibly healthy: they contain a large amount of vitamins, amino acids and minerals.

This wonderful sunny fruit strengthens the immune system, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, improves the functioning of the cardiac, digestive and urinary systems, and prevents the development of malignant tumors. In addition, oranges are low in calories, and therefore can be consumed while losing weight.

The orange express diet for 5 days is as follows:

  • for breakfast, eat an orange with a boiled egg, a slice of whole grain bread, a glass of low-fat yogurt or kefir;
  • for lunch, eat a few fresh tomatoes, 2 boiled eggs, an orange, a few crackers and a small portion of salad;
  • for dinner - 2-3 crackers and a small portion of fresh vegetable salad without oil.

Instead of orange, you can use grapefruit or red (Sicilian) oranges.

This method of losing weight is not suitable for allergy sufferers and people with gastrointestinal diseases.

Diet "Lestinac" for 5 days

The “Staircase” diet, which is very popular today, combines the effect of five mono-diets at once - for each product it has a specific step (hence the name).

This weight loss method consists of five days (“steps”):

  • cleansing;
  • restorative;
  • energy;
  • construction;
  • burning.

On the first day, it is necessary to rid the body of waste, toxins and salts. To do this, throughout the day you should eat a kilogram of fresh apples of any variety, drink 12 tablets of activated carbon and at least a liter of purified still water.

The second day of the “Staircase” is devoted to the restoration of intestinal microflora. To do this, throughout the day you need to eat 600 g of low-fat cottage cheese without additives, drink a liter of low-fat kefir and a liter of clean water without gas.

On the third day, it is important to load the body with a source of energy. You can get it with 25 g of honey, 300 g of raisins and 2 liters of dried fruit compote without sugar - all this must be eaten and drunk during daylight hours.

The diet of the fourth day is aimed at supporting the body at the stage of getting rid of extra pounds. In this case, protein will act as a “building material”: throughout the day, eat 500 g of boiled white meat chicken or turkey with a little salt added. You can also eat some green salad on this day. Be sure to drink water - at least 2 liters per day.

The fifth day is dedicated to “burning” fat reserves. You can do this by eating 200 g of porridge during the day. oatmeal(without butter and sugar) and a kilogram of any favorite vegetables and fruits (except potatoes).

Whichever of the listed options you choose, remember: you can practice “5x5” no more than once a year. To consolidate the results obtained, avoid eating fatty, fried, heavy foods and sweets in the following days. All the best to you and good luck in achieving your cherished goals!

5 Day Diet: Divide and Eat!

The essence of the 5-day diet is to alternately divide the entire period of express weight loss into days with separate meals, namely: meat, vegetable, fruit, cereal and curd-water days. The main thing here is not only to maintain consistency, but also not to mix different foods during each day.

This rapid weight loss technique is quite easy to follow. It, as you understand, consists of 5 different one-day mono-diets, during which you need to maintain a monotonous diet. The weight that you lose during the 5-day diet is practically not regained if you follow a proper and healthy diet after leaving this diet.

This effective result is due to the fact that when eating separately, fat cells are burned in a special way. The fact is that during this period the body is not greatly dehydrated, and moisture remains in the cells, but fat cells are just consumed - and not muscle cells, but subcutaneous ones. This unique mechanism allows you to maintain the result after leaving such a fast diet and keep the body in good shape.

The final result depends on your initial weight - after all, we are all different, we have our own individual characteristics of structure and health. This means that we also all lose weight at different speeds and with different final indicators. For example, if it significantly exceeds the normal weight for your height and constitution, then you can lose both 6 and 8 kg.

Diet menu for 5 days

Day 1: meat.

Breakfast: 150-200g boiled beef.
Lunch: 100-150g boiled chicken.
Dinner: 200g boiled or stewed turkey.
NB! To prevent the meat from seeming bland, you can use spices and dry herbs, but do not add salt. And if you are one of those who oppose meat-eating, you can make up your mind protein menu from tofu, beans or low-fat cottage cheese.

Day 2: vegetable.

Breakfast: salad of 2 radishes and 2 cucumbers.
Lunch: stewed eggplant with garlic and 1 tsp. olive oil.
Dinner: 100g boiled kohlrabi cabbage.

Day 3: fruity.

Breakfast: avocado with 2 tsp. honey
Lunch: 4 tangerines.
Dinner: 200g dark grapes.

Day 4: cereal.

Breakfast: 5 tbsp. boiled rice and 2 tbsp. pine nuts.
Lunch: 8 tbsp. boiled rice and 15 almonds.
Dinner: 6 tbsp. rice and 2 walnuts.
NB! It is best to use brown or "wild" rice. You can also replace rice with oatmeal, which is pre-soaked but not cooked.

Day 5: water and curd.

Breakfast: 5 tbsp. low-fat cottage cheese and after 30 minutes. 2 glasses of still water.
Lunch: 7 tbsp. cottage cheese and 3 glasses of water.
Dinner: 5 tbsp. cottage cheese and 2 glasses of water.

You cannot “shuffle” or interchange days - the order in this diet plays a big role. The first meat day enriches the body with protein, nourishes muscle tissue and enhances metabolism. Vegetable day - improves intestinal motility and helps remove food “garbage” from the body. A fruit day replenishes the glucose level in the body, thereby preventing it from “falling” into despondency and apathy. Cereal day - provides the necessary amount of complex carbohydrates to maintain the proper level of energy and prevents the occurrence of a “ravenous appetite”. A water-curd day restores the water-salt balance in the body.

Each of the 5 dishes should contain protein, carbohydrates, fats, fiber and water.

Examples of foods that can be included in each of the 5 meals:
Protein - proteins necessary for the body, can be obtained from chicken breasts, egg whites, seafood, low-fat milk. Salmon fish is especially recommended. You can cook literally all dishes from it.
Carbohydrates - Recommended carbohydrate foods include lentils, oatmeal, and sweet potatoes. This list also includes vegetables such as spinach and quinoa.
Fiber is a fiber-rich food that can be included in your diet. brown rice, legumes, whole grain dishes. Fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber, such as apples, strawberries, blueberries, oranges, broccoli, Brussels sprouts.
Fats - to get the fats your body needs, forget about vegetable oil. Replace it with much healthier olive oil, but in moderation.
Water - While you're on the Hollywood Diet, forget about sugary drinks. Drink only still water. Tea and coffee are also allowed, but absolutely without sugar or other sweeteners.

Exercises - 5 times for 5 minutes

Exercise plays an important role in the Hollywood Diet. Here you also need to adhere to the 5x5 formula. You need to exercise up to 5 times a day for 5 minutes. Do strength exercises, jog, or simply take the stairs instead of the elevator. Exercise before meals so you don't have to run on a full stomach.

Day of rest

Dedicate every 6th day to rest. On this day you should eat whatever your heart desires, but you should not engage in physical exercise. This will make the diet more attractive. However, do not indulge in fried and sweet foods.

How to get out of a diet

No special way out of this diet is required. But just like after any fasting day, you should not immediately load up on eclairs, bananas or pork steaks - it is advisable that protein foods, fiber and complex carbohydrates prevail in your diet for as long as possible.

And one more valuable advice “on the road”: if you decide to lose a little weight, including with the help of an express diet for 5 days, you will greatly help yourself if you spend at least 2-3 hours in the fresh air during the day . And the point here is this: fat in the body burns only when this very body needs energy, but does not receive it from the outside. And fat cells burn not “in situ” (that is, in adipose tissue), but exclusively in muscle mitochondria. The more intensely you walk and move, the more fat cells will move into the muscles and burn there. And as we have known since school days, any combustion process is possible only in the presence of oxygen. The more oxygen, the faster everything burns. Summary: the more you move in the fresh air, the more intensely your muscles are filled with oxygen, which means the more fat they burn.

Pros of the Hollywood Diet

You won't go hungry on a diet. The Hollywood Diet leaves you feeling full throughout the day.
Physical activity, even just 5 minutes, will help you feel toned.
Day six of the Hollywood Leisure Diet. On this day you can eat whatever you want, but without exercise.

Cons of the Hollywood Diet

Not everyone can afford to eat 5 times a day. The Hollywood diet is not suitable for working people.
The diet does not indicate how many calories you should take. The calculation goes on personal consciousness.

The essence of the 5-day diet is to alternately divide the entire period of express weight loss into days with separate meals, namely: meat, vegetable, fruit, cereal and curd-water days. The main thing here is not only to maintain consistency, but also not to mix different foods during each day.

This rapid weight loss technique is quite easy to follow. It, as you understand, consists of 5 different one-day mono-diets, during which you need to maintain a monotonous diet. The weight that you lose during the 5-day diet is practically not regained if you follow a proper and healthy diet after leaving this diet.

This effective result is due to the fact that when eating separately, fat cells are burned in a special way. The fact is that during this period the body is not greatly dehydrated, and moisture remains in the cells, but fat cells are just consumed - and not muscle cells, but subcutaneous ones. This unique mechanism allows you to maintain the result after leaving such a fast diet and keep the body in good shape.

The final result depends on your initial weight - after all, we are all different, we have our own individual characteristics of structure and health. This means that we also all lose weight at different speeds and with different final indicators. For example, if it significantly exceeds the normal weight for your height and constitution, then you can lose both 6 and 8 kg.

Diet menu for 5 days

Day 1: meat.

  • Breakfast: 150-200g boiled beef.
  • Lunch: 100-150g boiled chicken.
  • Dinner: 200g boiled or stewed turkey.
  • NB! To prevent the meat from seeming bland, you can use spices and dry herbs, but do not add salt. And if you are one of the opponents of meat-eating, then you can create a protein menu for yourself from tofu, beans or low-fat cottage cheese.

Day 2: vegetable.

  • Breakfast: salad of 2 radishes and 2 cucumbers.
  • Lunch: stewed eggplant with garlic and 1 tsp. olive oil.
  • Dinner: 100g boiled kohlrabi cabbage.

Day 3: fruity.

  • Breakfast: avocado with 2 tsp. honey
  • Lunch: 4 tangerines.
  • Dinner: 200g dark grapes.

Day 4: cereal.

  • Breakfast: 5 tbsp. boiled rice and 2 tbsp. pine nuts.
  • Lunch: 8 tbsp. boiled rice and 15 almonds.
  • Dinner: 6 tbsp. rice and 2 walnuts.
  • NB! It is best to use brown or “wild” rice. You can also replace rice with oatmeal, which is pre-soaked but not cooked.

Day 5: water and curd.

  • Breakfast: 5 tbsp. low-fat cottage cheese and after 30 minutes. 2 glasses of still water.
  • Lunch: 7 tbsp. cottage cheese and 3 glasses of water.
  • Dinner: 5 tbsp. cottage cheese and 2 glasses of water.

You cannot “shuffle” or interchange days - the order in this diet plays a big role. The first meat day enriches the body with protein, nourishes muscle tissue and enhances metabolism. Vegetable day - improves intestinal motility and helps remove food “garbage” from the body. A fruit day replenishes the glucose level in the body, thereby preventing it from “falling” into despondency and apathy. Cereal day - provides the necessary amount of complex carbohydrates to maintain the proper level of energy and prevents the occurrence of a “ravenous appetite”. A water-curd day restores the water-salt balance in the body.

How to get out of a diet

No special way out of this diet is required. But just like after any fasting day, you should not immediately load up on eclairs, bananas or pork steaks - it is advisable that protein foods, fiber and complex carbohydrates prevail in your diet for as long as possible.

And one more valuable advice “on the road”: if you decide to lose a little weight, including with the help of an express diet for 5 days, you will greatly help yourself if you spend at least 2-3 hours in the fresh air during the day . And the point here is this: fat in the body burns only when this very body needs energy, but does not receive it from the outside. And fat cells burn not “in situ” (that is, in adipose tissue), but exclusively in muscle mitochondria. The more intensely you walk and move, the more fat cells will move into the muscles and burn there. And as we have known since school days, any combustion process is possible only in the presence of oxygen. The more oxygen, the faster everything burns. Summary: the more you move in the fresh air, the more intensely your muscles are filled with oxygen, which means the more fat they burn.

Express diet for 5 days

This express weight loss is suitable for those who urgently need to lose weight in 5 days.

The first day of this diet is aimed at cleansing the body of toxins, salts and waste, which can be achieved by drinking still mineral water all day (more than 1.5 liters per day), eating apples in any quantity, and every 1.5 hours consume 2 tablets of activated carbon.

The second day of the diet, which you can lose by 3-4 kg in 5 days, is aimed at restoring the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. For the whole day, you are allowed to eat 500-600 g of low-fat cottage cheese, a liter of low-fat kefir and 1.5 liters of mineral water.

The third day of the express diet is aimed at replenishing the body’s energy reserves, for which food containing glucose is consumed, such as 2 tbsp. honey, 300 g of raisins, dried fruit compote and, of course, 1.5 liters of mineral water.

The fourth day is aimed at stopping the loss muscle mass, since the previous three days actively contributed to this process. To do this, during the day it is allowed to consume half a kilogram of boiled or steamed chicken or turkey fillet with any herbs and 1.5 liters of mineral water in several doses.

The fifth day is aimed at burning fat deposits, which can be achieved by eating foods completely devoid of fat and rich in plant fiber, such as raw fruits, berries, vegetables and, of course, 1.5 liters of mineral water.

Following this diet, which allows you to lose weight by 4 kg in 5 days, is quite difficult, because it is very low calorie diet Therefore, before making such a decision, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Cleansing diet for 5 days

For those who want to urgently lose weight in 5 days, there is an easy cleansing diet. It should be remembered that in no case should you fast or skip meals while following this diet, because this diet is aimed at cleansing the body of accumulated saturated trans fats and sweeteners contained in foods, thereby achieving weight loss. On average, per day, following this diet, you need to consume 1200-1500 kcal, but in no case less, otherwise the body will perceive such cleansing as hunger. Those who are seriously concerned with the issue of losing weight should keep in mind that it is necessary to eat food every 3-3.5 hours, only then will an accelerated metabolism occur, and it is also advisable to engage in any type of physical exercise (running, walking, swimming, visiting gym, etc.) and drink the maximum amount of plain or mineral water.

You will have to exclude the following products from your daily diet:

  • Wheat;
  • Dairy products;
  • Sugar;
  • Salt;
  • Drinks containing caffeine (except green tea);
  • Alcohol.

The morning, if you follow this diet for 5 days, can begin with your choice of either a short workout or without any physical activity at all. If intense exercise takes place, then before training it is allowed to drink one glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and half a glass protein shake after her.

1.5-2 hours after training, according to the recommendations of the creators of this diet, for breakfast you can make a cocktail of Greek yogurt with almond milk and eat 200-250 g of any raw or steamed green vegetables and a few apples.

When following this diet, any raw vegetables and a cup of green tea with ginger without sugar are allowed as snacks for 5 days.

For lunch, any protein foods are allowed in the amount of 150 g (eggs, eggs, meat) and 250 g of raw or steamed vegetables. Dinner is similar to lunch, only you can add any greens to the vegetables.

Since following this diet requires exclusively fresh products, it is recommended to purchase them at specialized food markets or in trusted supermarkets. Only those products that have been stored in the refrigerator for no more than 1 week are considered fresh. By following a cleansing diet for 5 days, according to reviews, you can get rid of 3-4 kg of excess weight, cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and improve metabolism.

Military diet

One of the most effective diets In the world, a diet developed by the military is considered to last for 3-5 days, which helps to achieve good results in such a short period of time.

On average, thanks to this diet, you can get rid of 2-4 kg in such a short period of time.

So, the menu of this diet for 3-5 days is as follows:

  • Day 1: breakfast – half a grapefruit, 1 piece of toast whole grain flour with 2 tbsp. peanut butter, coffee or tea without sugar and milk. Lunch – steamed tuna fillet (250 g), 1 whole grain toast, coffee or tea without sugar and milk. Dinner – 100 g of any baked meat, 200 g of boiled asparagus, half a banana, 1 small apple and 100 g of vanilla ice cream;
  • Day 2: Breakfast - 1 boiled egg, 1 whole wheat toast and half a banana. Lunch – 200 g low-fat cottage cheese or 1 slice of Cheddar cheese, one hard-boiled egg and 5 saltine crackers. Dinner – two chicken sausages, 200 g of steamed broccoli, half a banana and 100 g of vanilla ice cream;
  • Day 3: Breakfast – 1 slice of Cheddar cheese, one apple and 5 saltine crackers. Lunch – one wholemeal toast and one hard-boiled egg. Dinner – 200 g of boiled tuna, half a banana and 200 g of vanilla ice cream.

The menus of the fourth and fifth days are similar to the menus of the first and third days.

If you follow this diet exactly and do not eat any other food, then such a diet for 5 days, according to reviews, allows you to get rid of 3-4 kg, but you should remember that such a meager diet is only suitable for absolutely healthy person. It is advisable to consult a nutritionist before deciding to lose weight. In unlimited quantities, following a military diet, drinking plain or mineral water is allowed.

Notes: Whole wheat toast can be toasted in a toaster; it's best to make your own peanut butter. Tuna can be either fresh or canned, meat can be replaced with any seafood, vanilla ice cream must be without any additives or fillers. If salty crackers are not available, you can replace them with plain ones.

It is allowed to add mustard and lime or lemon juice to ready-made dishes.

Since this 5-day diet was developed by the military, physical activity cannot be excluded; this is the only way to achieve such stunning results. If a person who is very overweight is following a diet, then the usual exercise can be a half-hour walk with a gradual transition to light jogging. For those who are physically healthy and do not have a lot of excess weight, it is advisable to visit Gym, actively engage in aerobics or cardio exercises.

What can you achieve in five days?

Five days of stress, anger at yourself, weakness. If you add physical activity to fasting, the body will approach exhaustion and begin to eat itself. At the end of the torment, the body will store even more fat in its bins - and what if it still has to endure hardships.

Why do people lose 5 kg in 5 days? They drain 2-3 kg of water.

In the intercellular space and cells, the liquid is retained by sugar molecules and proteins. By cutting back on sweets for just a few days, you can see a reduction in your belly and waist - this is how water goes away.

An effective diet for 5 days is one that accompanies the transition to proper nutrition. At first, many people have to eat literally according to the list in order to feel the taste of food without additives and sugar, and to cleanse the receptors. The habit is consolidated over the course of a month, and 5 days can become a preparatory stage for fine-tuning the diet.

What happens in five days?

Theoretically, to lose 1 kg of fat, you need to create a deficit of 9000 kcal. This means that you need to spend 900 kcal in one day and create a nutritional deficit of another 900 kcal. To do this, on average, you will need three hours of high-intensity training and eating 1,000 calories every day for five days. The result of the experiment will be exhaustion of the body and a sharp weight gain after returning to a nutritious diet and activity regimen.

Losing excess weight is called correct if fat reserves actually go away along with the kilograms.

However, the body is smart and will not just give up strategic reserves:

  1. when switching to vegetables and cereals without salt and preservatives, excess water comes out;
  2. when limiting carbohydrates in the diet, the amount of glycogen and fluid reserves is reduced;
  3. an increase in vegetables in the diet promotes the absorption of water by dietary fiber in the intestines and improves peristalsis.

Every change in diet affects the water balance of the body, therefore it affects weight primarily by the mass of water in the tissues. Five-day plans, usually accompanied by giving up soda, switching to green tea and clean water– washes the body, relieves swelling. It is this weight loss that girls see.

Dangers of leaks and breakdowns

Water lost in five days by reducing calories is not the main danger. Every day, a cabbage or other mono-diet convinces the body that we are being starved, and generates enhanced hormonal signals that we need to accumulate fat.

Any reduction in caloric intake by more than 50% of the body's needs will lead to a sharp return of weight.

Analyzing the cabbage diet for weight loss

For 5 days it is supposed to cook cabbage soup and alternate it with fruits and vegetables, and only the last two days - skim milk and meat are added.

Classic example low calorie food, in which the body will lose 1-2 kg due to water, experience a lack of energy and be cleansed by frequent stool due to fiber.

The cabbage diet has the main disadvantage - low level proteins. Similar dietary recommendations are given to people with kidney disease.

A pure cabbage diet combined with daily physical activity instead of losing weight can lead to muscle destruction at the cellular level - a dangerous complication and kidney failure.

The cabbage diet can be improved by simply eating cabbage with every meal, excluding flour and fried foods from the diet.

As a result of such nutrition, the body will receive a number of benefits:

  1. experience improved digestion;
  2. get rid of overeating;
  3. will reduce blood cholesterol levels.

The cabbage diet, combined with a nutritious diet, gives good results without extreme changes in diet. The result of all dietary plans is the transition to a normal diet with the exception of baked goods and fatty foods. Why is that? Because cabbage cleansing of the body in itself is hunger, and any addition of fast carbohydrates and fats to the diet will lead to a gain of fat instead of the lost 2-3 kg of water.

Analyzing the dairy diet for weight loss

For 5 days, you are supposed to drink a glass of milk, first at intervals of an hour and a half, then at intervals of an hour, and for three days - every half hour. Liquid food will really create a feeling of release, since it puts minimal stress on the stomach, but saturates well with the nutritional value of milk.

However, dairy foods are prohibited if:

  1. lactase deficiency, when cramps and diarrhea occur after milk;
  2. penchant for allergic reactions and dermatitis;
  3. kidney and intestinal diseases, since calcium overloads the work of these organs.

The loss of the promised 5 kg in such conditions will be equivalent to the loss of fluid during food poisoning.

The dairy diet is used in a lighter version, when dairy products are included in it: cottage cheese, kefir, casseroles, yoghurts are distributed between three meals with light vegetables and fruits. Dairy food with store-bought milk is the consumption of oxidized fat. After homogenization, air and oxidized fats or free radicals enter the milk, which disrupt cell function. Pasteurization of milk kills all the beneficial enzymes. The dairy diet is easy for weight loss due to satiety, since casein coagulates in the stomach into a lump and stops digestion.

With increased acidity of the stomach, the benefits of milk lose their effect - lactoferrin dissolves.

Dairy foods, despite the large composition of vitamins, do not contain fiber. The body becomes distorted energy balance- a sharp deficit. Low-calorie protein dairy foods without carbohydrates will cause ketosis, a change in the color and odor of urine, which is not due to cleansing or toxins, but simply means an increase in ketone levels. Over the course of 3-5 days, the body will only enter a state of ketosis, and then the body will not need carbohydrates as an energy source. However, losing weight from fats requires 2-3 weeks.

The only advantage of a dairy diet is that it lowers blood sugar levels, which will reduce cravings for carbohydrate sweets. You can safely switch to proper nutrition, which will help you lose 2-3 kg of real fat in a month. A dairy mono-diet is prohibited in case of serious diseases of the liver, kidneys, intestines and diabetes mellitus.

How to achieve proper weight loss?

An effective diet for 5 days - one that heals the body and restores function internal organs. The best companions for a healthy gastrointestinal tract and weight loss are moderation and balance of nutrients. Add cabbage, including cauliflower, oranges, apples, oatmeal, nuts, and greens to your diet, and these foods will provide more benefits than any restricted diet.

A similar diet, avoiding fatty and sweet foods, will help you lose up to 0.5 kg per week. With strict calorie control, this figure increases to 1-2 kg per week.

The rule is always the same: in order to lose or gain 1 kg of excess weight due to fat, you need to eat less or more than 9000 kcal in a certain period of time.

Promises in which a dairy or cabbage diet will get rid of 5 kg in five days look tempting, but this is a lie and self-deception!

Diet 5 kg in 5 days No. 1: Mono-nutrition

The essence of the weight loss technique is as simple as possible - it is based on one product that must be consumed throughout the diet.

Benefits of the weight loss system

1. Excess weight goes away very quickly.

2. The body is cleansed of waste and toxins.

3. No big expenses required.

The best option for a mono-diet is to lose weight on buckwheat. In the evening, 1 glass of cereal is steamed with 2 glasses of boiling water. By morning the porridge will swell and be ready to eat. In addition to buckwheat, you are allowed to drink kefir, green tea and plain water no gases. When preparing cereals, it is strictly forbidden to use salt and other spices. This diet of 5 kg in 5 days gives excellent results. Every day you will lose 1 kg of weight, but it all depends on the initial indicators; you can lose more weight.

Diet 5 kg in 5 days No. 2: Separate meals

The weight loss system is easier to tolerate than the previous one.

Among its advantages are the following:

The person will not feel hungry;

The risk of regaining lost kilograms at the end of the diet is reduced;

The rules are as simple as possible;

Guaranteed result - at least 5 kg are lost in 5 days.

The essence separate power supply a bit similar to a mono-diet. The only difference is that one product will need to be consumed during the day, and not all 5 days.

1. Day 1 - protein. Before you start losing weight, your body needs to be given a portion of protein. It is recommended to eat only meat during the day. It is worth choosing dietary products - chicken, lean veal or turkey. Meat is consumed only boiled or baked.

2. Day 2 - vegetable. The next day you are allowed to eat only vegetables, preferably fresh ones. The emphasis is on cucumbers (remove excess fluid from the body), celery (burns fat), cabbage (also considered an effective fat burner). Eating potatoes is prohibited. You can make a salad without salt from fresh vegetables and eat it 4-5 times a day, 200 grams each.

3. Day 3 - fruity. Absolutely any fruit is allowed, with the exception of grapes and bananas. If there are no stomach problems, it is recommended to spend a day on grapefruits.

4. Day 4 - cereal. Porridge can only be cooked with water. It could be the same buckwheat, rice. These cereals allow you to cleanse the body of excess fluid, accumulations of waste, toxins and heavy metal salts.

5. Day 5 - cottage cheese. This is the best end to the diet. Cottage cheese quickly gives you a feeling of fullness, so it is simply impossible to eat too much of it. In addition, it is very beneficial for human health.

A technique based on the rules of separate nutrition gives excellent results. The person will eat and at the same time lose excess weight. The technique is ideal for those who do not have the willpower to withstand mono-eating.

Diet 5 kg in 5 days No. 3: Drinking

Some weight loss methods say that you can stick to a drinking diet for a month. This is wrong. Nutritionists and doctors say that this is dangerous for health. A 5 kg drinking diet in 5 days removes a lot of fluid from the body and speeds up the process of burning calories.

The essence of the technique is that for 5 days you are allowed to drink only certain drinks.

1. Regular still water. It is no secret that for health you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.

2. Vegetable and chicken broths without adding salt and other spices.

3. Any fermented milk drinks whose fat content does not exceed 2%. Kefir is especially useful. It not only speeds up the process of burning fat, but also cleanses the intestines, removes waste and toxins.

4. Herbal and green tea. It is not recommended to add honey or sugar to the drink, as sweeteners awaken the appetite.

5. Fresh juices from fruits or vegetables. Not store-bought, but home-cooked.

The drinking diet is very strict, since in addition to liquid it is strictly forbidden to consume other foods. During all 5 days of following the method, a person must make up his diet from the drinks presented above. The result is impressive - at least 5 kg of weight is lost. Then the main thing is not to “break down on the refrigerator”, but to try to get out of the diet correctly, otherwise the weight will return.

Losing weight based on the principles of calorie counting

The essence of losing weight is that a person should consume fewer calories than he burns during the day. If you urgently need to lose 5 kg, the maximum permissible energy value daily menu is 500 Kcal. Having drawn up a correct plan, this rule is not difficult to adhere to.

Sample daily menu

1. Breakfast. 80 grams of low-fat cottage cheese without salt and sugar, you can add fresh dill to it. It is acceptable to drink either green tea or black natural coffee.

2. Lunch. Boiled chicken fillet (100 grams contains 100 kcal). The meat is very satisfying, you won’t feel hungry.

3. Evening. You need to have dinner 3 hours before going to bed. It is better to do this with one glass of low-fat kefir.

If during the day a person feels an acute feeling of hunger, snacking is not prohibited.

The following foods can be consumed in small quantities:

Green apples;

Fresh cucumbers;



Diet 5 kg in 5 days No. 5: “Hungry” weight loss

The practice of fasting is becoming more and more popular every day. The fact is that by abstaining from food for a certain amount of time, a person not only loses excess weight, but also cleanses his body.

A diet of 5 kg in 5 days according to the principles of fasting implies that only water is allowed to be consumed throughout the entire period. Of course, it is not so easy, but the result is very impressive. It is strictly forbidden to adhere to the weight loss method for longer than the stated period, as you will feel weakness and discomfort.

Important!On the first day of fasting, you need to do an enema to cleanse the intestines. It is allowed to add a small amount of honey to drinking water to improve taste.

Each 5 kg diet in 5 days has its own nuances. However, there are some recommendations and rules that are important to follow, regardless of the chosen weight loss method.

1. Sport. It is important to understand that with a passive lifestyle it is very difficult to lose weight and maintain the results of the diet. Certainly, modern woman cannot always afford to find the time and money to visit a fitness club. It's not scary. You can exercise without leaving home. You need to train yourself to start every morning with 20 minutes of exercise. This will be useful not only for weight loss, but also for the whole body.

2. A sharp weight loss leads to sagging skin and a deterioration in its general condition. In order to avoid this, it is recommended to take a bath every day for 5 days of the diet. essential oils and herbs. You can also use various body scrubs. Such procedures will make the skin elastic and firm, will improve the results of the diet.

3. Regardless of the chosen technique, a person must comply drinking regime. The minimum required amount of water per day is 2 liters. Carbonated and alcoholic drinks are strictly prohibited. It is also recommended to refuse such bad habit like smoking.

4. Diets of 5 kg in 5 days can “reward” a feeling of weakness. For this reason, during weight loss it is advisable to additionally consume pharmacy poly vitamin complexes to avoid dehydration.

5. Any spices are prohibited, they only awaken the appetite, which increases the risk of failure.

The presented diets 5 kg in 5 days are really very effective. When choosing a technique, it is important to take into account your personal characteristics of the body; it is best to consult with your doctor. If a person has diseases related to the stomach or other organs digestive system, express weight loss is not suitable for him. During pregnancy and lactation, it is also better to avoid sudden weight loss.

The uniqueness of the 5X5 diet is that it is based on five different mono diets - diets in which you can consume either one group of similar products or one specific product. But at the same time, the 5X5 diet differs qualitatively from classic mono diets in the absence of monotony, because every day you have to consume foods from a different group. In general, as you might guess, there will be five such groups:

  1. Meat.
  2. Vegetable.
  3. Fruity.
  4. Cereal.
  5. Sour milk.

3-5 kilograms is a guaranteed weight when following this most effective diet for 5 days, however, if your weight is significantly higher than the ideal weight, then the weight may pleasantly please you with a much higher figure.

The most effective diet for 5 days: menu

The five-day diet menu directly depends on the group of foods consumed. You need to make 3-4 meals a day, dividing food as follows.

Monday is meat day

During breakfast, try no more than 200 grams of beef, for lunch - the same amount of chicken, for dinner - turkey or chicken again. The meat should be boiled, baked without additional fat or steamed.

What about vegetarians, you ask? It's simple, Monday needs to be a protein day. The protein found in meat can easily be replaced with the protein found in beans. If you wish, you can make this day a curd day.

Tuesday is vegetable day

Prepare yourself for breakfast light salad vegetables, for lunch, eat baked eggplant or zucchini seasoned with garlic and olive oil; for dinner, we recommend eating cabbage: white cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower or boiled kolbari.

Wednesday is a sweet fruit day

Classical effective diet for 5 days involves avocado with honey for breakfast, but we all understand that such a fruit is not very popular among Ukrainian women, so you can safely replace the avocado with an apple or pear. For lunch we enjoy 1 large grapefruit, 2 oranges or 4 tangerines. In the evening, you can eat another apple or treat yourself to grapes.

Thursday - we eat cereals

Cereals are a source of carbohydrates, and without them the normal functioning of the body is simply impossible. Carbohydrate deficiency leads to energy starvation and general weakness. Although many athletes quite successfully practice a low-carbohydrate diet in combination with training.

But we are talking about the 5X5 diet, the fourth day of which involves eating boiled rice with pine nuts for breakfast. A serving should not exceed 150 grams. At lunch, the diet should be repeated, but instead of pine nuts, eat almond nuts; for dinner, rice plus walnuts.

Nothing bad will happen if you use the same type of nuts for each meal. It is also possible to replace rice with buckwheat.

Friday - sour milk day

For breakfast, we eat 5-6 tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese, and after half an hour we wash down our cottage cheese with regular filtered water. For lunch, the same scheme: cottage cheese and 2 glasses of water after half an hour. For dinner again, cottage cheese and water.

In order not to die of hunger, you are allowed to drink a glass of kefir or eat 100-150 grams of natural yogurt instead of water in the morning or lunchtime.

The most effective diet for 5 days is performed in a strict sequence of days, the order of which cannot be changed. The big disadvantage of its classic version is its high cost, here you have turkey, chicken, beef, and three types of nuts. However, products can be replaced with similar ones in composition, the effect will not worsen.

To feel the effect of losing weight as quickly as possible, we recommend combining a diet with moderate physical activity.

Physical activity, massage and other procedures will help keep your figure in great shape. But often the situation arises that you need to look great by a certain date.

Therefore, you have to look for ways to get yourself in order in a short time, for example, lose weight in 5 days. There are several ways to do this.

Method number 1: express diet

Diets for fast weight loss a bunch of. For example, egg-orange, designed for 5 days. This technique involves eating only two foods - oranges and eggs. Moreover, their number during the day is limited. For breakfast, lunch and dinner, you can eat 3 citrus fruits and 2 eggs, both hard-boiled and cooked as an omelette, steamed or in a dry frying pan. Between meals, you can drink pure or mineral water (preferably without gases, so as not to awaken your appetite), green tea without adding any sweeteners. In 5 days of the egg-orange diet you will be able to lose 2–4 kg.

This diet is suitable for people who find it difficult to cope with hunger pangs. According to reviews of those losing weight with the help of oranges and eggs, they don’t want to eat between meals. This is not surprising. Chicken eggs- a nutritious product. And due to the fact that the calorie content of eggs is low, they can be considered quite dietary product. As a result, by consuming eggs, you will be able to suppress hunger and at the same time lose excess weight. Oranges in this diet are a source of organic fiber as well as vitamins.

True, the egg-orange weight loss option is not suitable for everyone. For example, people with kidney problems or high acidity are not recommended to follow such a diet; it can be harmful to health.

Method number 2: cosmetic procedures

The second way that will help you lose a couple of kilograms in 5 days is cosmetic procedures.

At home, you can take baths with sea salt and soda. This procedure will help remove excess fluid from the body, normalize water-salt metabolism and get rid of a couple of extra pounds. To prepare a bath you will need 500 g of sea salt and 200 g baking soda. All this must be dissolved in water slightly above room temperature (30 to 34°C). You should take a bath for no more than 20 minutes every two days. One procedure – minus 1–1.5 kg.

Another effective method, which, judging by reviews, will help you get rid of 2 to 4 kilograms is wrapping French courtesans. To carry it out you will need: natural apple cider vinegar, warm water and a cotton sheet. Water and vinegar are mixed in equal proportions, and the sheet is soaked in the resulting liquid. The fabric needs to be wrapped around the entire body except the head. Put on a robe and cover yourself with a warm blanket. The procedure lasts 2–3 hours. You cannot eat or drink during this time. After wrapping, you need to take a shower and lie down to rest; you cannot eat food.

Vinegar wrap procedures are not done as a course; they are a one-time method for quickly losing excess weight. But in beauty salons you can do several sessions of chocolate, clay or other wraps. This will also allow you to get rid of a couple of kilograms.

Method number 3: physical activity

The third way to lose weight is through sports and physical activity.

You can start walking daily. Walking for 60 minutes at a speed of 4 km/h will burn about 170 calories. To expend even more energy, you can go running. In 5 days of daily light exercise, you will be able to lose a couple of kilograms and noticeably tighten your figure.

For those who don't want to run, we can recommend dancing. An hour of such exercise will consume from 350 to 700 calories. Cycling and roller skating also burn calories well - you can choose any physical activity to lose weight, the main thing is to do it every day.

Any of the methods described above will help you lose weight in 5 days, and if you combine all this into one complex, the results will be simply amazing.

Most nutritionists say that it is not recommended to practice express diets for the purpose of losing weight. But not everyone manages to stay on certain products for a long time, taking into account the habits developed over the years and busyness. Moreover, sometimes losing weight is an urgent task. Naturally, you won’t be able to lose a lot of excess weight quickly. But a properly selected five-day diet for weight loss will allow you to get rid of 3-5 kilograms.

Features of express diets

In most cases, five-day diets are easily tolerated by the body. They are most suitable for those who do not move much. The diet consists of low-calorie foods, which does not involve active physical activity.

Effective diets for weight loss for 5 days are designed so that during this time the body must cleanse itself and remove maximum water, as well as burn more fat and thereby get rid of unnecessary weight.

Some diets are designed in such a way that a deficiency of vitamins, microelements and other useful substances is created - accordingly, you will need to take additional vitamin complexes. They will help you get rid of the feeling of extreme hunger during a strict diet, irritability and loss of strength.

5-day diets for weight loss have their advantages:

But not everything is so perfect. Such power systems also have their disadvantages:

  • they create a deficiency of nutrients in the body;
  • can negatively affect a person’s performance;
  • exit from the diet will be long;
  • Lost pounds can quickly return.

To minimize the disadvantages of any diet, you need to choose it correctly, taking into account the characteristics of your body. Such weight loss is absolutely not suitable if a person suffers from serious illnesses and has a weak immune system. It is recommended to practice this or that diet, subject to agreement with a nutritionist.

Rules for preparing for the regime

Any effective diet for 4 days or a little more is associated with enormous stress for the body. It is strictly forbidden to enter it immediately and uncontrollably follow the established rules.

Here's how to prepare for the fast diet:

  • you need to give up your usual foods slowly, over the course of a week;
  • it takes the same amount of time to get used to a new product;
  • Before you start, you should do a couple of fasting days to prepare the intestines for a new diet.

You should explore different options for five-day light diets and choose the most suitable one depending on your wishes, needs and goals.

English weight loss system

The English diet is considered very good and effective, and there are several varieties of it. The daily menu should have a value of about 1000 kcal, which will ensure a weight loss of up to 3 kg over the specified period.

With this nutrition system, the functioning of the digestive system is ensured as fully as possible, this eliminates increased feelings of hunger and loss of strength. The diet is chosen so that the body will receive fiber and proteins on a regular basis, but there will be no fat.

The principles of the diet are:

  • you should drink 2 liters of water or more during the day;
  • salt is replaced with spices in small quantities;
  • dishes are prepared only by steaming, grilling, boiling or stewing;
  • do not eat after 19 hours;
  • Before going to bed, take a tablespoon of olive oil.

You will have to give up many products. Moreover, among them are not only harmful and high-calorie, but also quite useful. The lack of certain substances is compensated for by vitamin and mineral complexes.

The list of permitted products is as follows:

As for the diet for every day, protein and vegetable days alternate. You need to start and end the program with protein days, the rest consist of vegetables or can be as tough as possible.

A protein diet might look like this:

  • for breakfast - tea or coffee without sugar, whole grain bread (50 g), a teaspoon of honey;
  • for lunch - a glass chicken broth and 100 g of boiled chicken meat (fish with fish broth). whole wheat bread;
  • for an afternoon snack - a glass of tea with a teaspoon of honey;
  • for dinner - boiled chicken or fish (150 g), a couple of eggs, 50 g of hard cheese, whole grain bread, a glass of kefir.

During the vegetable day, fruits (pears, apples or oranges) should be excluded from the diet. vegetable soup no potatoes, vegetables or vinaigrette, tea without sugar with honey and whole grain bread.

The English five-day period can be as strict as possible. In this case, on the first day, eat about 2 kilograms of fruits or vegetables in small portions and drink a liter of natural tea. The second and fourth days are formed on the basis of vegetables and fruits, the third and fifth days will be protein.

Regardless of the food option you choose, you should drink a glass of water with a spoonful of lemon juice on an empty stomach.

Option "Slim waist"

Calculated diet " Thin waist" for 5 days. Every day the main product changes, and the diet is formed around it. The diet looks like this:

The diet is quite strict, and the daily intake does not exceed 600 kcal. In 5 days you can lose up to five kilograms. Suitable diet for owners good health or vegetarians.

Five for five

The name means "Five kilograms in five days." As with the “Thin” diet, in this case every day will be different:

As in the previous case, you can lose up to 5 kilograms with this regime. The good thing about the diet is that every day consists of different healthy products that saturate the body with valuable components.

Natural diet “5 herbs”

This nutritional system is based on low-calorie herbal infusions that activate metabolism. The diet involves a sharp decrease in proteins and stimulates the breakdown of fats. The menu is quite modest, but requires a lot to drink.

There are strict rules for following this diet. For example, the menu should consist of a limited list of products; it is prohibited to change places on one day or another. And porridge for the diet should be cooked in water without any additives.

If you follow all the recommendations, you can lose up to 8 kilograms in five days. Properly selected herbs help speed up metabolic processes, remove harmful substances and excess fluid, and also successfully cleanse the intestines.

The menu in this mode is monotonous; for every day it can look like this:

  • the first day - a boiled glass of rice, divided into 5 doses, green tea with cinnamon and ginger, a glass before each meal;
  • second day - a mass is prepared based on 0.5 kg of low-fat cottage cheese and vanillin. It is divided into 5 servings for the whole day. Before each appointment, a special drink is consumed. To prepare it, a tablespoon of calendula is brewed in 500 ml of boiling water, everything is cooled and filtered, mixed with 500 ml of milk and drunk;
  • third - 300 kg of oat flakes brewed in water are divided into 5 servings. Chamomile tea is prepared (a teaspoon of herb in a glass of boiling water) with the addition of honey and taken every time before meals;
  • fourth - 200 g of buckwheat is boiled and divided into five servings. Served with St. John's wort tea: take a teaspoon of herb per 200 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain and mix with a spoon of lemon juice;
  • fifth - during the day, a kilogram of apples is eaten and washed down with a liter of rosehip decoction.

The diet is recommended for those who have low blood pressure, and green tea and St. John's wort help raise it. The menu is simple and monotonous, but the feeling of the head practically does not appear.

The effectiveness of the diet is determined by the loss of muscle mass and fluid, not fat. It is recommended to follow it in order to cleanse the body and relieve stress before switching to a balanced diet without consequences for health.

Other types of diets

There are a lot of five-day diet options for weight loss. In particular, the buckwheat-kefir version. There are only two products on the menu. Buckwheat prepared in a special way: two tablespoons of porridge are poured into a glass cold water and leave overnight. In the morning, the water is drained, and the porridge can be eaten. You can eat it in unlimited quantities during the day; the permissible amount of kefir is one liter.

In summer you can try a watermelon diet. It is super effective, but at the same time it is considered tough. Watermelons are the only acceptable product. The daily dose is calculated individually at the rate of one kilogram for every 10 kilograms of body. You can drink still water or unsweetened green tea. Thanks to the diet, kidney function is activated, excess fluid is removed from the body, and the body itself is cleansed of toxins.

There are a large number of other options, in each case the dominant products are vegetables or fruits, dairy products, eggs and more. The most stringent options are only fresh juices for five days based on vegetables and fruits. You can choose the content of the menu yourself, but you must follow a key rule: the daily calorie intake should be lower than what is consumed by the body.

How to exit the mode

Many people, after following express diets, immediately return to their previous diet; as a result, the lost kilograms return again and are gained additionally. That is why results achieved needs to be secured. To do this, it is important to follow these rules for exiting the diet:

We must not forget about physical activity, if you didn’t have them during the diet, then you need to start them. They cannot be intense from the very beginning. It is recommended to walk down the street every day for 2-3 hours.
