Guide to obtaining Qiraji battle tanks. Black Qiraji battle tank - a detailed guide to the Ankiraji beetle Black Qiraji tank

And so all the chains of quests, compiled for (taken from the forum vovcircla), both for the Illidan realm and for the Tirion realm, the guide is currently written, Links to

Before this, we go to the Temple of Anchiraj and farm turnips until Indifference.

1. What awaits us tomorrow- Baristolf from the Shifting Sands (Silithus) begins; he ends
Find the dragons of the Nozdormu family. (Just move 50 m away from the meeting stone towards the desert - the quest is completed.)

2. Who will be chosen?- Baristolf from the Shifting Sands (Silithus) begins; he ends
Head of the leader of the draconians Smashing Scourge (drop from the Leader of the dragons from BVL (Blackwing Lair).)

3. The path is righteous a - Baristolf from the Shifting Sands (Silithus) begins; he ends
Fragment of Silithid shell (200 pcs.) (1 mob drops from 1 to 3 pieces. At 80, it is dropped quickly (it is enough to completely clear 2 hives out of 3 1 time, including those beetles that roam outside).)

After this chain, we take another chain from him.

4. Anachronos– begins Baristolf of the Shifting Sands (Silithus) ends with Anachronos (Tanaris)
Find Anachronos in the Caverns of Time in Tanaris.

5. Long Forgotten Memories– begins Anachronos (Tanaris) ends Crystal Tear (Silithus)
Find a crystal tear in Silithus and look into its depths. (lies next to the gates of Ahn'Qiraj)

6. Pawn on the Board of Eternity– begins Crystal Tear (Silithus) ends Anachronos (Tanaris)
War of the Shifting Sands (We take the quest, listen to the NPC’s story until the end, marvel at the interesting scene of the battles of the last century, and go on to deliver)

7. Creation of dragons- Anachronos (Tanaris) begins; he ends
we take it and give it to him

After this, access to 3 quest chains opens to obtain shards for the scepter.
Let's start with the heaviest (Green Shard).

8. Eranikus, Tyrant of Sleep– starts Malfurion Stormrage (Sunken Temple) ends Forest Wisp (Teldrassil)
Travel to the continent of Teldrassil and find Agent Malfurion at the walls of Darnassus.

9. Tyrande and Remulus– begins Forest Wisp (Teldrassil) ends Guardian Remulus (Moonglade)
Travel to Moonglade and speak with Guardian Remulus.

10. Curse of Nightmare– Guardian Remulus begins
You need to knock out 4 pieces. Fragment of the Curse of the Nightmare, dropped from Emerald the Guardian of the Branches, Emerald the Guardian of the Trees, Emerald the Oracle (Ashvale), Malachitor the Oracle, Malachite the Guardian of the Trees, Malachite the Guardian of the Branches (Hinterland), Jade the Oracle, Jade the Guardian of the Trees , Jade the Branch Guardian (Feralas) and the Twilight Defiler (Twilight Forest)

11. The Nightmare Appears– Guardian Remulus (Moonlight Glade) begins and he ends
We kill this spirit of the dragon Eranikus, Tyrant of Sleep and let's start the quest.

12. Return of the winner– begins Guardian Remulus (Moonglade) ends Anachronos (Tanaris)
Bring the Green Scepter Shard to Anachronos in the Caverns of Time in Tanaris.

Now let's move on to the second fragment (Blue fragment).
13. Magic book of Azuregos– begins the Spirit of Azuregos (Azshara) ends with Narain the Freaky (Tanaris)
We go to Azshara, look for the Spirit of Azuregos, take the quest from him and go to Tanaris.

14. Translation of the book– begins Narain Chudchen (Tanaris) ends with him
We take it and give it to him

15. Stewed Fox, BPD– begins Narain Chudchen (Tanaris) ends with him

16. Fortune telling glasses? No problem!– begins the Unsuspicious Chest (Silver Forest) ends with Narain the Whimsical (Tanaris)

Narain's Divination Glasses(Because of the above mentioned bug, we go to take the quest in Serebryany Bor, and we get points from 1 mob in Molten Core.)

17. Good news and bad news– begins Narain Chudchen (Tanaris) ends with him
Arcanite ingot 20 pcs. (transmute for an alchemist without CD, for this you need a recipe, 1 pc. Thorium ingot (drop from Thorium veins) and 1 pc. Arcane crystal (drop from Thorium veins)), Elementium ore 10 pcs. (drops from Blackwing Technicians and Elemental Shaper Crixix (Blackwing Lair)), Azerothian Diamond 10 pcs. (drop from Thorium Veins), Blue Sapphire 10 pcs. (drop from Thorium Veins). Everything is done quickly if you are an Alchemist and a Miner.

Hello everyone, for those who are fond of World of Warcraft, sooner or later there comes a time when you want to take a break from the boring pvp and pve modes. Of course, there are a lot of options, but I prefer to spend my time usefully. For example, you can complete achievements, or farm new mounts. By the way, the latter is what we will now deal with.

In this guide, we will talk about how to get Red Qiraji Resonating Crystal, Yellow Qiraji Resonating Crystal, Green Qiraji Resonating Crystal and Blue Qiraji Resonating Crystal.

And so, in order to replenish our collection of mounted vehicles, we should go to the AnQiraj Temple zone.

You can only enter the temple if you are a member of a raid group; let me remind you that two people are enough to create a raid group. You can follow them either alone or in a group.

We will farm them on these mobs. Of the four mobs, only three are allowed to be killed. You can’t touch the fourth one, because you’ll catch the CD on inst. If you follow the instructions, then after killing and looting the mobs, you must exit the instagram and update the instagram and log in again. To do this, you need to recreate the raid group. Log in again, and the mobs are alive again. And again you can beat them.

And so on until all four Qiraji resonating crystals fall out. Yes, don't forget to loot mobs.

Here is the first mount, let's continue in the same spirit. It often happens that they are repeated.

And this is what they look like,

Blue Qiraji Resonating Crystal

Red Qiraji Resonant Crystal

Hello friends, today we will look at a very cool and rare mount in wow - a black Qiraji battle tank, with a detailed guide on how to obtain this miracle.

This quest begins and ends with the NPC Baristolf of the Shifting Sands, who is located in Silithus at coordinates 53-34.

After which we head to Tanaris, where we find the dragon at coordinates 65.48 and return to Baristolf.

This quest starts and ends with Baristolf. To complete the task, you need to defeat the third boss in the BVL (Blackwing Lair), the leader of the dragons, Striking Scourge. To complete it, only 2-3 people of lvl 80 are enough.

The path of the righteous

The next task is given and completed by the same Baristolf, he will require that we collect a Fragment of Silithid Shell, in the amount of 200 pieces, which fall from beetles in Silithus at these points:

After you turn in the quest, the next quest chain will open for you.

ATTENTION! In order to get the next chain, you need to level up your neutral reputation with dragons (Rod of Nozdormu).

The quest begins with Baristolf, he directs us to Tanaris to the NPC Anachronos, which is located near the caves of time.

Anachronos directs us to Silithus to find the Crystal Tear, which is located at the gates of the anchorage:

Pawn on the Board of Eternity

The next quest is given by a crystal tear, which sends us back to Anachronos in Tanaris.

Creation of dragons

We just talk to Anachronos and hand it over to him.

After completing this chain, the next round of quests for obtaining fragments will open to us. What can you do for the sake of the Ankirazh beetle...

This quest begins with Malfurion Stormrage in the sunken temple (we run to the Shadow of Eranikus in the Sunken Temple and go into his room), and ends with the Forest Light in Teldrassil near the walls of Darnassus. What can you do for the sake of the Ankirazh beetle...

Forest Light gives us a task and we go to Moonglade to the keeper Remulus:

Guardian Remulus gives and completes the task. He sends us to collect four “Fragments of the Nightmare Curse”, which are dropped from elite mobs:

In the ash forest this is the Emerald-Guardian of the Branches, the Emerald-Guardian of the Trees, the Emerald-Oracle:

In the inner lands - Malachitor the Oracle, Malachitor the Guardian of the Trees, Malachitor the Guardian of the Branches:

In Feralas - Jade the Oracle, Jade the Guardian of the Trees, Jade the Guardian of the Branches:

In the Twilight Forest - Twilight Defiler:

The Nightmare Appears

We take the quest from Guardian Remulus, where we just need to follow Remulus and that’s it:

Return of the winner

We are sent back to Anachronos in Tanaris to carry the scepter fragment.

After you have completed the chain for the green shard, you can start getting the blue shard.

We go to Azshara to receive the quest from the spirit of Azuregos (coordinates 56, 79), and the quest ends with Narain the Whimsical, who is located in Tanaris:

Book translation

The quest begins and ends with Narain Quirky, just take the quest and talk to this NPC and turn it back. And we are already one step closer to the black Qiraji battle tank.

Stewed Fox, BLD

We go to Silverpine at coordinates 46, 86 (this quest may not work on some servers, so we head to Silverpine to the chest).

The quest begins in Silverpine at the “Unsuspicious Chest”, in the Silverpine. Then we go into the fiery depths (Molten kor, MK) and knock them out of the trash.

Good news and bad news

This task is given and completed to us by Narain in Tanaris. Now the goal of the task is:

  • Collect 20 arcanite ingots (bought at auction, made by alchemists);
  • Collect 10 pieces of elementenium ore (Drops from Blackwing Technicians and Elemental Sculptors of Crixix in BVL, or buy at auction);
  • Azerothian diamond is needed in the amount of 10 pieces (it can be dropped from thorium deposits, or purchased at auction);
  • We need 10 blue sapphires (just like the diamonds above, they are mined from thorium deposits, or purchased at auction).

Neptulon's Wrath

This task is given by Narain. We call the mob at the whirlpool in Azshara, here are the coordinates - 65, 54. After this, a shark swims, destroy it and get the quest item. Now we go to Anachronos in Tanaris and give him the loot.

Now let's move on to the easiest one - the red fragment.

This task is started by Vaelastrasz the Vicious, this is the second boss in BVL. The goal of our task is to kill the main boss of BVL - Nefarion and turn in the quest to Anachronos in Tanaris. Plus, we are given only 5 hours to do everything about everything. Yes, to get the Black Qiraji Resonant Crystal, you need to sweat a little =) So be patient, grab a couple of lvl 80 friends and go!

After you collect all the shards, the final quest chain will open for you.

Army of Kalimdor

We take the quest from Anachronos, talk to him and immediately hand over the task to him.

Ring the gong!

Now we are on our way with Silithus to hit the gong and complete the quest. And finally we get the Black Qiraji Battle Tank!

Treasure of the Timeless

NPC Jonathan the Evangelist will stand next to the gong, completing this quest chain. Where it gives good items for level 60.
