The purpose of creating umk. Basic Research

on the formation and design of an educational and methodological complex for an additional general educational general developmental program


Methodological recommendations contain general requirements for the formation of an educational and methodological complex (EMC). The recommendations present the structure, content, stages of development of the teaching materials, as well as practical advice on its design.

Compiled by: Golovacheva O.V., methodologist of the department of analytical and monitoring activities of KGBOU DO "Khabarovsk Regional Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth"



At present, in the conditions of modernization and improvement of the quality of the education system as a whole, all its components are being developed and improved. Under these conditions, the sphere of additional education must inevitably change qualitatively and in content, be mobile, meet the needs of children and their parents, education and society. Additional education is rightfully considered as the most important component of the educational space that has developed in the modern Russian society. It is socially in demand, requires constant attention and support from society and the state as an education that organically combines the upbringing, education and development of the child's personality.

Today, with the active saturation of the educational services market big amount additional general educational programs, diverse in direction, type of activity, level of development,the role of qualitative methodological support for their implementation is growing significantly. To this endnormative documents of different levels are being developed for the active development, rethinking and updating of the principles and approaches to the organization of the educational process for additional general educational general developmental programs. Rsoftware developmento-methodological support of educational organizations DODis an important direction in the implementation of the idea of ​​education quality management.One of options modern solution problems of methodological support educational activities in the DOD system, it can be the creation of a set of program and methodological materials, which can be presented in the form of an educational and methodological complex.

Creation of teaching materials by a teacher of additional education is a relevant and promising means of improving the quality of additional education.It is in the EMC that each teacher can develop a technology for determining learning outcomes for an additional general education program.Focusing on the methodological component professional activity acquiring experience in methodological work, first of all, it is useful for teachers themselves, since it will allow them to adapt more easily in the dynamically changing world of children's needs and interests, to switch from one type of activity to another with less cost.

In general, the work of a teacher in designing and creating an educational and methodological complex not only allows to systematize the experience accumulated by him as a specialist, but also contributes to the manifestation of creative activity and professional growth.

Relevance development guidelines on the formation of teaching materials consists in the analysis, systematization, the possibility of practical application and transfer teaching staff information about the structure, content and stages of creating an educational and methodological complex.

aim creationrealguidelines isdevelopment of a systematic approach to the creation of an educational and methodological complex for an additional general educational general developmental program.

    The concept of educational and methodological complex

The educational and methodical complex is an information model of a certain pedagogical system, which reflects the aspects of the real educational process.EMC is designed to solve a full range of problems that arise in the educational process.The EMC should take into account all the achievements of modern pedagogical science and is designed to increase the efficiency of students and teachers by providing and implementing a wide range of opportunities (information, teaching, developing, educational, coordinating, systematizing, stimulating, etc.).

Training and metodology complex - a system of normative and educational and methodological documentation, teaching and control tools necessary and sufficient for the qualitative implementation of additional general educational general developmental programs in accordance with the curriculum.

aimeducational and methodological complex isensuring the successful development of the program by students, providing them with pedagogical assistance and support in cognitive, creative, research and communicative activities. The documents and materials included in the EMC characterize the methodological justification of the educational process for the development of an additional general educational general developmental program (DOOP), as well as specific, proven techniques, methods, and technologies for its organization.

UMK is developed by a teacher of additional education (coach-teacher) for an additional general education program.Each teacher has the right to approach the compilation of teaching materials creatively, to develop its content at its own discretion, in accordance with the level of training of students and their educational needs.

    The structure of the teaching staff

The structure of the teaching staff involves a set of didactic units that reflect a logically complete volume of educational material.

In the very general view the educational and methodological complex of the DOOP can be represented by the following components:

    Explanatory note to the TMC;

    Additional general educational general developmental program;

    Working programm;

    Student's individual curriculum (if any);

    Educational and methodological component for the teacher and students;

    educational component;

    Performance component.

3. The content of the teaching materials:

1. Explanatory note.

The explanatory note indicates the relevance of this UMK, its conceptual foundations, the list of materials presented in the UMK (the information card of the UMK -Annex 2 ), information about possible areas of application of the CCM and its potential users).

2. Additional general educational general developmental program.

The key document on the basis of which the teaching materials are developed is an additional general educational general developmental program.DOOP is the main document in which the purpose, forms, content, methods and technologies for the implementation of additional education, criteria for evaluating its results in specific conditions are fixed and argued, in a logical sequence. An additional educational program is drawn up in accordance with federal requirements for the content and design of educational programs for additional education.

3. Work program - a normative document that determines the volume, content and procedure for the implementation of additional general education programs. The work program is compiled by a teacher of additional education for the current academic year in accordance with the additional general education program being implemented by him.

4. Individual curriculum ( IUP) is designed in accordance with the requirements of an additional general educational general developmental program implemented by the teacher. IEP is an annex to the main approvedadditional general educationlny general developmental program.

An individual curriculum is drawn up if necessary and is not an obligatory element in the structure of the teaching materials.

5. Educational and methodological component for the teacher and students . It can be:

    Methodological materials on the organization of educational activities.

    Methodological development of individual topics and classes.

    Tutorialsmaterials that ensure the implementation of the content of the DOOP. These include:

    reference literature (encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books, tables, databases, links, websites, etc.);


    scientific and popular science literature (scientific, popular science editions and publications, description of experiments, etc.);


    video materials (video lectures, feature and popular science films, video recordings of classes, events, etc.);

    audio materials (phonograms of musical works, audio books, audio recordings necessary for studying this topic);

    electronic means of educational purposes (virtual lectures on the topics educational program, demonstration models, slide presentations, virtual control and laboratory work, individual tasks, etc.);

The content of the study guide can be:

    in general for DOOP;

    in separate sections;

    on selected topics of the DOOP.

    on the formation of educational motivation among students (the use of gaming technologies, the presence of traditions, paraphernalia, reward systems, etc.);

    on the organization of work with students who have the ability for scientific, creative, physical culture and sports activities;

    to monitor the satisfaction of parents and students with the organization of the educational process;

    on the effective use of the available material and technical base.

    The presence of a block (module) for working with children with special educational needs (gifted children, children with handicapped health, children deviant behavior and etc.).

    Didactic materials must comply with the content of the additional educational program, learning objectives, the level of preparedness of students, their age and individual characteristics, sanitary and epidemiological requirements. Didactic material can be presented in the following form:

    handouts for students (workbooks, test and questionnaire forms, forms of diagnostic and creative tasks, task cards, ready-made templates and stencils, living and inanimate nature, photographs, instructional charts, technological charts), visual aids (tables, graphs, three-dimensional models, dummies, etc.).

6. Educational component DOOP may include:

Holiday scenarios,

Chronicle of association

Information materials about the team (booklets, advertisements, articles, etc.),

creative reports,

photo albums,

video footage,

Information about the work of the association in Internet,

Materials for working with parents, plans for parent-teacher meetings, etc.),

Reminders, etc.

7. Performance component includes:

I . Availability of diagnostic material and criteria for monitoring the results of students mastering DOOP:

Evaluation materials - a package of diagnostic methods to determine the achievement of studentsplanned results.

Planned results are formulated taking into account the purpose and content of the DOOP and define the basic knowledge, skills, and competencies,personal, meta-subject and subject results, acquired by students in the process of studying the program:

Personal Outcomes include the readiness and ability of students for self-development and personal self-determination.

Metasubject Results means the methods of activity learned by students, used by them both in the framework of the educational process and in solving real life situations.

Subject Results contain a system of basic elements of knowledge, which is formed through the development educational material, and a system of formed actions that are refracted through the specifics of the subject and are aimed at their application and transformation.

Grade educational outcomes students in the DOOP should be of a variable nature. Tools for assessing the achievements of children and adolescents should contribute to the growth of their self-esteem and cognitive interests in general and additional education, as well as to diagnose the motivation for individual achievements.

In pedagogical practice, the diagnosis of achievementssubject results , as a rule, does not cause difficulties for teachers, since these results are specific skills for a given subject area, types of activities to obtain new knowledge within the framework of a subject or subject of activity. Predicted results can be standardized and subject to change.

The object of assessment of subject results is the ability of students to solve educational and cognitive and educational and practical tasks. Assessment of the achievement of subject results is carried out in the form of intermediate and final certification. The Federal Law "On Education" No. 273-FZ does not provide for the final certification in the DOOP, but it does not prohibit its conduct in order to establish:

Correspondence of the results of the development of the DEP with the stated goals and planned learning outcomes;

Compliance of the process of organization and implementation of the DOOP with the established requirements for the procedure and conditions for the implementation of programs.

Certification (intermediate and final) for DOOP can be carried out in the forms determined by the curriculum as an integral part of the educational program, and in the manner established by the local normative act educational organization.

Diagnosticspersonal and metasubject The results of students cause the greatest difficulties for teachers, since they are based not on a standard, but on a social order. In these guidelines, to help teachers working in the system of additional education, diagnostic methods are proposed that are quite simple and can be used in practice (Appendix 4, 5, 6). However, teachers with extensive experience in the system of additional education for children can independently develop methods for determining the level of development of students in an additional general education program.

II . Availability of ways to track student development (rating system for evaluating achievements, portfolio, grade books, etc.).

One of the most popular methods is a portfolio of achievements, with which you can track the dynamics personal development students. The "Portfolio" method is not only a modern effective form of assessment, but also represents the technology of students' work, which allows solving a number of pedagogical tasks:

Contributes to the formation of a culture of thinking of students, the development of skills of reflective and evaluative activity (the ability to plan, organize, analyze one's own activities);

It develops such qualities of students as responsibility, activity, independence and self-control.

4. Principles of designing CMD

Design - a complex and lengthy creative process that integrates into a single whole:

      • predicting desired results based on problem analysis;

        putting into practice what was conceived, followed by adjustment of goals and objectives, comparison of real and expected results. The result is an author's (at the level of a particular teacher or institution) pedagogical model or system, the obligatory feature of which is novelty.

Pedagogical essence of designWMC is based on relevant principles:

- principle of purposeful and optimal content selectioneducational material;

- the principle of interdisciplinarity - work on the formationcontent should be comprehensive, covering allthe relationship of a specific additional general education program with subjectsrelevant educational field;

- the principle of scientific relevance - the content of the leading topics should be as as far as possible meet modern achievementsrelevant areas of science;

- the principle of priority of applied tasks - in the classroom,conducted with the aim of mastering practical skills by students, first of all, they should be involved in solving applied problems.

5. Functions of CMD

CMC performs 3 main functions:

Teaching function - ensuring the goals and objectives of mastering the content of education.

Developmental function - ensuring the possibility of using materials for the development of personal qualities, such as perception and thinking, imagination and memory, physical development, etc.

educational function - ensuring the orientation of the content of educational materials on the development of universal values ​​(love, freedom, beauty, and others) in line with domestic cultural traditions.

The above features include:

- informational - providing a systematic view of phenomena, objects, events in science, art, production, sports, etc. in order to achieve an educational effect;

- integrating - providing students with ideas about additional sources of information on the issues under consideration;

- coordinating - ensuring the coordination of the student's actions in the use of other teaching aids: encyclopedic dictionaries and reference books, annotated literature indexes, atlases, albums, popular periodicals, natural objects, computer support tools, etc.;

- transformational - associated with the transformation of content, taking into account age, social,rational featuresstudents;

Systematizing - ensuring the logical and didactic sequence of the presentation of educational material;

- a rationalization function that reduces the cost of resources and time of students and teachers with a high quality of educational outcomes;

- stimulation function cognitive activity students due to entertainment and problematicgiving educational material;

- the function of managing the development of the educational process due to the dosed and consistent organization of the supply of educational material;

- the function of consolidating and self-monitoring the results of activitiesstudents by setting assignments and control questions.

6. Stages of designing CMD

Starting work on the creation of an educational and methodological complex for an additional general educational program, the teacher needs to know all the stages of its development.

    Development of an additional general educational program.

    Determination of the purpose and objectives of the development of educational and methodological complex.

    Selection and analysis of information and methodological material:




Electronic educational resources.

    Material selection.

    Systematization of the material in accordance with the educational and methodological plan and forms of conducting classes.

    Creation of thematic folders (printed and electronic).

    Systematization of the educational and methodological complex.

    Implementation of the educational and methodological complex into practice.

    Analysis of the educational and methodological complex:

Correction of the educational and methodological complex.

    presentation of teaching materials at methodological associations, presentation at workshops, presentations of pedagogical experience, conferences, publications through publishing houses and Internet sites, participation in methodological exhibitions and professional competitions of various levels.

Since the development of an educational and methodological complex is a creative process, each teacher has the right to determine the stages of development of teaching materials, depending on work experience, professional knowledge and skills.

7. Requirements for the creation of teaching materials

The educational and methodical complex and its components should:

    provide for a logically consistent presentation of the educational material of the additional general education program;

    assume use modern methods and technical means that allow students to deeply master the educational material and gain skills for its use in practice;

    correspond to modern scientific ideas in the subject area;

    provide interdisciplinary communications;

    provide ease of use for educators and students.

In conclusion, we can identify a number of objective factors that determine the merits of the educational and methodological complex (“advantages” of the teaching materials), allowing the teacher of additional education to more effectively solve many issues of organizing their activities.

The first "plus" - UMK allows you to keep up with the times. The use of teaching materials gives integrity to the educational process, allows the teacher to raise the organization to a higher level pedagogical process, preparation and conduct of classes.

The second plus - WCU is an important means of a more perfect organization of pedagogical work. The WCU as an organic part of the teacher's activity allows him to carry out his activities in the system, feeling the components of this activity and directing them into an organically unified process of developing the child's personality. At the same time, the TMC has great positive opportunities and reserves, which ensure a reduction in the cost of resources and time of students and teachers with a high quality of educational results.

The third "plus" - EMC allows the teacher to fundamentally improve their skills. Mobilizing the available knowledge and experience to solve certain pedagogical problems, carrying out analysis and introspection of pedagogical activity in the course of work on teaching materials, the teacher fundamentally increases his professional competence.

The fourth "plus" - EMC contributes to the creative self-realization of the teacher. In general, the work of a teacher in designing and creating an educational and methodological complex not only allows to systematize the experience accumulated by him as a specialist, but also contributes to the manifestation of creative activity and conscious professional development.

Fifth "plus" - creating favorable conditions for self-realization of students in the classroom, stimulating individual choice. The inclusion of a system of multi-level tasks in the teaching materials, taking into account the presence of different temperaments, types of thinking, types of memory in students, allows you to go in learning from the capabilities and needs of the child, thereby contributing to the intellectual and personal development of each student.

The sixth "plus" - ensuring the intensity of mastering by children various kinds activities. The introduction of teaching materials into the educational process is a condition for the multifaceted activity of students in their chosen direction. By inviting the child to engage in a particular activity (communicative, playful, cognitive, educational and research, etc.), the teacher of additional education provides him with the conditions for the realization of his own interests and the development of his individual abilities. The selection by the teacher of variable materials according to the levels and pace of their development allows all participants in the educational process to engage in the chosen business with pleasure and with maximum benefit for themselves.


The use of teaching materials gives integrity to the educational process, allows the teacher to raise the organization of the pedagogical process, the preparation and conduct of classes to a higher level. WCU is an important means of a more perfect organization of pedagogical work.

Mobilizing the existing knowledge and experience to solve certain pedagogical problems, carrying out analysis and introspection of pedagogical activity in the course of work on teaching materials, the teacher fundamentally increases his professional competence.

Undoubtedly, the creation of an educational and methodological complex requires a significant amount of time on the part of the teacher, but its use will entail a conscious Professional Development getting more job satisfaction.

Thus, the creative process of working on teaching materials, in which the functional role of each of its constituent components can change under the influence of many factors, can be considered as a means of improving the quality of additional education.


1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

2. The concept of the development of additional education for children, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 4, 2014 No. 1726-r.

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4. Buylova L.N. Guidelines for the development and execution of the DOOP. - Moscow, 2015.

5. Buylova L.N. Technology for developing and assessing the quality of additional general educational general developmental programs: new times - new approaches. Toolkit. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2015. - 272 p.

6. Gorsky V.A. Educational and methodological set as a means of software and methodological support for additional education for children, its functions and main stages of development //Additional education. - 2009. - No. 1. - S. 29-33.

7. Dobretsova N.V., Ints I.G.: Educational and methodological complex is a necessary part of the professional activity of a teacher: educational and methodological manual: State Educational Institution “St. Petersburg City Palace of Youth Creativity” RSPU im. A.I. Herzen Department of Pedagogy: St. Petersburg, 2004.

8. Skuratovskaya N.A. Educational and methodological complex as a means of improving the quality of additional education // Modern Pedagogy. - 2014. - No. 12 (electronic resource).

9. Filatova M.N. Individualization and personification - actual problems modern education. Scientific and methodical collection "Library". - 2016. - No. 1. - P. 44-80.

10. Filippova N. V. Evaluation of the effectiveness of an additional general education program (on the example of the work of the studio "Youth fashion" MOU DOD "Autograph", Nerekhta, Kostroma region) // Young scientist. - 2012. - No. 5.

Annex 1

A sample of the title page of the teaching materials for the DOOP

Regional State Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Education "Khabarovsk Regional Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth"


(structural subdivision)

Educational and methodical complex

to the additional general educational general development program __________________________

(name of DOOP)

Focus of the DOOP _________________________

Age of students according to DOOP _____________________

Teacher of additional education (trainer-teacher)




Annex 2

Information card of the educational and methodological complex for the additional general education program

Name of the DOOP: ______________________________________________

Deadline for the implementation of the DOOP: ____________________________________________

Age of students: ________________________________________________



Year of development, compilation


Methodical materials

Didactic materials

Electronic resources

Diagnostic materials

Other (holiday scenarios, photo albums, packs, etc.)

Annex 3

Evaluation sheet (sample)

educational and methodical complex

to the additional general education program

(for internal and external examination of the teaching materials)

Name of the DOOP _________________________________________________

FULL NAME. teacher ___________________________________________________

Each indicator is evaluated according to a four-point system:

0 - no materials for evaluation;

1 - materials partially meet the requirements;

2 - materials are more consistent with the requirements;

3 - materials are 90% consistent with the requirements;

4 - materials fully comply with the requirements.

Maximum amount points - 20 points.


Reference literature


Scientific and popular science literature


Video footage

Audio materials


Didactic materials:

Handout for students

Visual aids


Teaching materials:

Lesson plans

Control tasks

Methodological developments


Diagnostic materials and criteria for monitoring the results of students mastering DOOP

Total points: _____________

Commission members:




Date of completion ______________________

Appendix 4

individual sheet

pedagogical observations of the activities of students

One of the diagnostic tools is the method of observation. Observations should be carried out in compulsory classes and in an informal setting, as well as during mass events throughout the entire academic year. For pedagogical observation and analysis, it is necessary to select the behavioral manifestations of students that characterize the child's attitude to others, peers, and activities.

The form of accumulation of pedagogical information is the "Individual sheet of pedagogical observations of the activities of students", which is filled in by the teacher. The generalized information is reflected in the summary map of observations of students (Appendix 5).

Surname, name of the student ______________________________________________

Civil responsibility (conscientiousness, organization, diligence, exactingness to oneself and others)

Possession of knowledge about the events taking place in the country and in the world, the ability to independently identify important state and social problems

Positive attitude towards others, manifestation of intolerance to any kind of violence (careful attitude towards nature, animals, plants)

Manifestation of one's own moral and civic position in relation to the interests of the development of the state and society

Responsible attitude to the implementation of public assignments

Participation in events with a civic orientation

Social activity (purposefulness, independence, initiative, determination, perseverance)

Self-expression, the desire to show their knowledge and skills during various events

Clear personal goals and their implementation

Self-organization of your educational activities

Ability to independently complete tasks

Moral culture (honesty, restraint, justice, humanity)

Possession of knowledge about the cultural and historical heritage of the country

Positive attitude towards general cultural, spiritual and moral values

Recognition of the value of cultural forms of behavior (culture of behavior with peers, culture of speech, culture of behavior with teachers, culture of behavior during visiting educational activities)

Participation in cultural events

Sociability (sociability, endurance, social mobility)

Development of communication skills, cooperation in the implementation of various activities

Participation in educational and socially significant activities, activity in the process of organizing and holding events

Ability to work in a team

Motivation and attitude of students to the process of cognition

Motivation for high marks

The desire to take a new position in relations with others, to gain respect among peers, the desire to assert oneself

Need for new knowledge and skills

The ability to subordinate your desires to consciously set goals in learning

Maximum points:

Annex 5

Summary map of pedagogical observations

for student activities in children's association

Final value

The desire for knowledge

Independent search for information

Ability to plan PM activities

cf. arithmetic





cf. arithmetic


Moral Attitudes

Positive attitude towards others

Responsibility to the team

Participation in events

cf. arithmetic




Participation in events

cf. arithmetic

Communication skills

Organizational skills

Ability to work in a team

cf. arithmetic

Internal motives

External positive

External negative


cf. arithmetic





This technique allows you to determine the level of personal development of the student throughout the entire period of study for an additional general education program:

0-1 point low level personal development of students

2-3 points - average level of development

4-5 - high level of development

Appendix 6


"Determining the level of socio-cultural development of students"

Instructions for the test. Read the statements below. Rate each judgment as applied to you on the following scale:

A - absolutely right, constantly;

B - relatively true, not always;

B is wrong, never.

Answers (A, B or C) enter in the questionnaire next to the judgment number.


FULL NAME. student ___________________________________

Year of study, age _______________________________

Part I . Diagnostics of the cognitive need

1. I do not lose the desire to achieve the goal, even if something prevents this.

2. I strive to acquire new knowledge, unknown to me before.

3. Only having good knowledge can one achieve success in life.

4. A person cannot know everything, so I do not hesitate to ask the teacher questions that I do not understand.

6. Learning new things creates a feeling of success for me.

7. I can independently find, analyze and select the necessary information from various sources, including using computer tools.

8. I can adequately judge the reasons for my success/failure in learning, linking success with effort, diligence, diligence.

9. I believe that education plays a paramount role in the development of the individual and the whole society.

10. I see the relationship between gaining knowledge and future professional activities.

Part II . Diagnosis of social activity

1. I can subordinate my actions to the set goals and not succumb to the influence of various factors that impede the achievement of the goal.

2. I am used to highlighting the main thing in business and not being distracted by extraneous things.

3. I strive to cope with various difficulties on my own.

4. I reasonably plan and organize my activities, free time.

5. Can work creatively on my own initiative.

6. I like to learn new activities, new skills and abilities.

7. I often offer my own approach to business, I strive to make any work interesting for myself and others.

8. If I take on a task, I will definitely see it through to the end.

9. I take an active part in the preparation and conduct of various events of the school, class, institution of additional education.

10. When important decisions need to be made, I act decisively.

Part III . Diagnosis of civil liability

1. I am willing to put the public interest ahead of my own.

2. I am responsible for the affairs of the group, class, I worry about the overall success.

3. I want my work to benefit society.

4. I have a conscientious attitude to the implementation of any business, assignment.

5. I am ready to defend my homeland, the interests of the state in case of serious danger.

6. I know the history, traditions, culture of my state.

7. I get excited when I hear songs about my Motherland.

8. I know how to keep my word, if I promised something, I will definitely fulfill it.

9. I am interested in taking part in discussions on topical issues of life civil society and states.

10. I take care of the environment, animals, plants, etc.

Part IV . Diagnostics of moral qualities

1. I respect adults.

2. It is important for me to help a friend if he is in trouble, without expecting praise and rewards in return.

3. I am ashamed if I act unfairly towards others.

4. I have shortcomings that I try to cope with.

5. I show sympathy for the guys who do not succeed in something.

6. I think that you should not allow yourself to swear at an unfair remark addressed to you.

7. I believe that there are rules of conduct in in public places that every person must follow.

8. I always tell the truth.

9. Appearance is an indicator of respect not only for oneself, but also for others.

10. In my free time, I go to the theater, museum, exhibition with pleasure.

Part V . Diagnosis of communicative qualities

1. I know how to maintain restraint and patience in conflict situations, I accept the problem calmly, I try to find a compromise solution.

2. I think it's important to understand other people, even if they're wrong.

3. In an unfamiliar company, I do not feel uncomfortable.

4. I do not feel uncomfortable or embarrassed if I have to take the initiative to get to know a new person, establish contact with him, make friends.

5. I easily adapt to a new team.

6. I have many friends with whom I constantly communicate.

7. It is easy for me to make a report, message, information in front of an audience.

8. In solving important matters, I take the initiative.

9. I am happy to take part in holding collective events, organizing public affairs, and take responsibility for the overall result.

10. In a team, I like to be in the spotlight, I feel like a significant member of the “team”.

Part VI . Diagnosis of students' motivation for cognitive activity

I'm attracted to:

1. Opportunity to acquire new knowledge, skills, broaden your horizons.

2. The desire to assert oneself, to win respect among peers.

3. The need for obtaining knowledge necessary in the future for choosing a profession, the opportunity to receive initial specialized training.

4. The need to communicate with peers.

5. Opportunity to develop creative abilities.

6. Opportunity to participate in collective affairs.

7. The ability to achieve success in certain activities, the desire to benefit society.

8. The ability to develop certain character traits: independence, activity, initiative.

9. The future depends on it: admission to an educational institution, salary, career.

10. Reward, encouragement of parents.

Processing of results.

A three-point scale is used for evaluation:

Option "A" - 2 points - the student fully owns the specified skill, ability, he is characterized by the specified form of behavior.

Option "B" - 1 point - partly owns it, shows it from time to time, inconsistently.

Option "B" - 0 points - does not own.

For each answer (option A) 2 points are awarded, for the answer (option B) 1 point is awarded, for the answer (option C) no points are awarded.

Convert your answers to the test questions into points. Write down the received figures in the questionnaire (table 1) in the free cell next to the answer to the questions. Calculate the results of each part of the test in the questionnaire (table 1) by summing the scores recorded in the columns. Record the resulting amounts in the final cells.

Enter in table 2 "Summary table of group students' results" the test results, the results obtained from the 1st to 6th parts from the final cells of table 1. It is calculated how many students in the group have a minimum, high, average level of socio-cultural development. The results can be converted into percentages.

Summary table of group student survey results

Minimum level

(less than 8 points)

Average level

(8-15 points)

High level

(15-20 points)

Part 1

cognitive activity

Part 2

Social activity

Part 3

Civil responsibility

Part 4


Part 5


Part 6

Motivation for cognitive activity

This technique allows you to reveal the strengths and weak sides the personality of students, to identify the level of their socio-cultural development.

The use of the methodology throughout the entire period of study in an additional general education program will allow us to record the ongoing changes in the personality of students and identify trends in personality development.

TMC is a set of educational, methodological, regulatory documentation, control and training tools that are needed to ensure the high-quality implementation of basic and additional programs.

After the development of the educational and methodological complex, it is tested in educational activities. If necessary, adjustments are made to the CMC of the Federal State Educational Standard.


Among the components of the educational and methodological complex are:

  • logical presentation of the material of the educational program;
  • the use of modern methods and technical devices that allow students to fully assimilate educational material, develop practical skills;
  • compliance with scientific information in a particular field;
  • ensuring communication between different subject disciplines;
  • ease of use by students and teachers.

UMK is a ready-made set of manuals and notebooks that a modern teacher uses in his professional activities.

Currently, there are two systems of education in our country: developing and traditional.

Classic options

Traditional school program:

  • "Planet of Knowledge".
  • "School of Russia".
  • "Perspective".
  • "School 2000".
  • "Elementary school of the 21st century".

Development options

For example, the school curriculum of D.B. Elkonin and L.V. Zankov is a typical example of developmental learning. These materials became in demand in elementary school after the federal educational standards of the new generation were introduced into domestic education.

"School of Russia"

Let's analyze some variants of CMC. Primary school in the traditional program uses the complex edited by A. Pleshakov (publishing house "Prosveshchenie").

The author emphasizes that his system was developed for Russia. The main purpose of this teaching materials is to develop students' cognitive interest in the historical and cultural roots of their people. The program involves a thorough development of the skills of the main educational activities: writing, counting, reading. Only with their constant honing and improvement can one count on the success of the child at the middle stage of education.

The course of V. G. Goretsky, L. A. Vinogradova is aimed at developing communication skills and literacy. This TMC is a set that meets all modern requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in elementary school.

In the process of teaching children to read and write, the teacher conducts purposeful work to improve phonetic hearing, teaching writing and reading, increasing and concretizing students' ideas about the surrounding reality. For example, the UMK in the Russian language consists of the "Russian alphabet" and two types of copybooks:

  • Recipe N. A. Fedosova and V. G. Goretsky;
  • "Miracle prescription" by V. A. Ilyukhina.

As distinctive characteristics of these manuals, we note not only the possibility of developing calligraphic and literate writing skills, but also their correction at various stages of education and in different age categories.

Complex in mathematics

In order to develop the cognitive abilities of young children school age changes were made to the teaching materials for mathematics. The topics of the tasks have been significantly modernized, geometric material has been introduced. In addition, there are tasks that allow developing logical thinking and children's creativity.

Significant importance is given to the analysis, comparison, comparison and opposition of concepts, the search for differences and similarities in the analyzed facts. The kit includes textbooks and books of the new generation, which fully meet the requirements of the second generation standards.

Issues of UMK "School of Russia" are handled by the publishing house "Prosveshchenie". As part of this set of books by Goretsky, Pleshakov, Moreau and other authors:

UMK "Perspektiva" edited by L. F. Klimanova

This educational and methodological complex has been produced since 2006. It includes textbooks in the following disciplines:

  • Russian language;
  • literacy training;
  • mathematics;
  • technology;
  • the world;
  • literary reading.

This teaching material was created on a conceptual basis that reflects all modern achievements in the field of pedagogy and psychology. At the same time, the connection with the classical Russian school education is preserved. EMC guarantees the availability of knowledge and the complete assimilation of program material, contributes to the comprehensive development of students primary school, fully takes into account age features children, their needs and interests.

Special attention in the educational and methodological complex "Perspective" is given to the formation of moral and spiritual values, familiarization of the younger generation with the cultural and historical heritage Russia and other countries of the world. In the textbooks, the children are offered tasks for group, pair and independent work, for project activities.

There are also materials that can be used for extracurricular and extracurricular activities.

The EMC has developed a convenient navigation system for parents, students and teachers, which helps to work with the information provided, organize a sequence of actions, plan independent homework, and form skills for self-development and self-improvement.

Literacy education has a spiritual-moral and communicative-cognitive orientation. The main goal of the course is to develop the skills of writing, reading, speaking. Particular attention is paid to the development of communication skills.


To improve the effectiveness of the new teaching system, its developers selected the material in accordance with the peculiarities of the cognitive interests of primary school students. That is why there are so many entertaining and game exercises in the books, different communicative and speech situations are presented.

Innovative educational and methodical complexes developed for elementary school, fully contribute to the fulfillment by teachers of the tasks assigned to them by society.

Russian teachers, armed with modern technical means, visual aids, sets of textbooks, collections of assignments and exercises, carry out systematic work on the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, which will not have problems with socialization.

Special educational and methodological complexes within the framework of the federal standards of the new generation have been developed for each academic discipline studied at the middle and senior levels of education. Their developers took into account not only the age characteristics of schoolchildren, but also new achievements in science.

Sections: School administration

1. Educational and methodical complex of the topic

UMK - educational and methodical complex is a system of didactic teaching aids on the topic created in order to most fully implement the educational and educational tasks formed by the program for this discipline.

The purpose of creating the teaching materials is to provide high-quality methodological equipment for the educational process.

The structure of the educational and methodical complex:

1. Title page (name of the educational institution, title: educational and methodological complex, topic, specialty, discipline, number of hours, full name of the teacher).

2.1. Routing classes

2.2. Requirements from the exemplary (working) program for ideas, knowledge, skills on the topic.

2.3. Abstracts of lectures (for a theoretical lesson) or methodological developments for a teacher.

2.4. Methodical development for a student.

2.5. Methodical manual for self-preparation of the student.

2.6. Didactic, illustrative and handout material on the topic.

2.7. Means of knowledge control (test tasks, blind graphs of the logical structure, situational tasks, etc.)

2.8. Glossary on the topic.

2.9. Literature for preparation (basic, additional).

2.10. Questions for self-preparation on the topic.

2. Technological map of the lesson.

Lesson plan (technological map of the lesson) - a document developed by the teacher for each lesson to ensure the effective implementation of the content of education, learning objectives, education and development of students, the formation of their strong knowledge, skills and abilities.

The lesson plan of the lesson is necessary for every teacher, regardless of his experience, erudition and level of pedagogical skill. It is based on content. work program academic discipline. The teacher, on the basis of a thought experiment, predicts the future lesson, mentally replays it, develops a kind of scenario for his actions and the actions of students in their unity.

The lesson plan (technological map) is the beginning of a creative search, a means of lesson effectiveness, the realization of the teacher's plan, the foundation of inspiration and talented improvisation. It reflects the theme and purpose of the lesson with the specification of its didactic tasks, a summary of the material studied in the lesson, determines the form of organization of educational and cognitive activity of students, methods, teaching aids, a system of tasks and tasks, during which the actualization will be successfully carried out earlier. acquired basic knowledge and methods of activity, the formation of new scientific concepts and their application in various situations of learning, control and correction from ignorance to knowledge, from inability to ability to perform the necessary and sufficient cognitive and practical actions when solving educational, cognitive and practical tasks planned for the lesson.

3. Setting the goal of the lesson.

The definition of a specific learning goal is a fundamental moment in the organization of the educational process. Knowledge and skills are one and the same activity, but existing in different forms. Therefore, one cannot "know", but not "be able", and vice versa. If you do not determine the purpose of the lesson, then it is impossible to accurately determine the amount of educational material, the form, the stages of its presentation to students.

The goal as a motive mobilizes the desire of the student to achieve results. In the absence of a goal, any activity becomes an empty pastime.

Learning goal - this is not the title of the topic of the lesson. This is a clear and concise description of the case for students.

State the specific purpose of the lesson.

  • The goal of the lesson is not yet the goal for the student. He must not only understand the goal, but also accept it, make it the goal of his activity.
  • The goal shows what the student needs to learn, to see where he can use this knowledge or skills.
  • The goal explains to the student that he is studying, why he is working.
  • The goal allows you to conduct a survey from the position of achieving the goals of the student.

The goal focuses the student's attention on the lesson.

At the beginning, the goal is formed in general terms, and then it is specified by a description of the necessary actions and patterns of behavior.

Understandable and accepted by the students patterns of behavior, learning activities will be actively pursued.

Lesson Objectives:

1. Options for constructing educational goals:

1.1. Contribute to the formation and development of skills and abilities (special and general educational).

  • Explore;
  • To uncover;
  • Familiarize;
  • Develop independent work skills;
  • Learn to work with independent literature;
  • Make diagrams.

1.2. Contribute to the memorization of the basic terminology of technological processes.

1.3. Contribute to the memorization of digital material as a guideline for understanding the quantitative characteristics of the studied objects and phenomena.

1.4. Contribute to the understanding of the basic technological material.

1.5. Contribute to the formation of ideas about ...

1.6. To promote awareness of the essential features of concepts, technological processes.

1.7. Create conditions for identifying cause-and-effect relationships:

  • Reveal the reasons...
  • Find out the implications...

1.8. Contribute to the understanding of the patterns ..,

  • Create conditions to identify the relationship between ...
  • Help to understand the relationship between...

2. Options for designing developmental goals:

2.1. Contribute to the development of students' speech (enrichment and complication of vocabulary, increased expressiveness and shades).

2.2. Contribute to the mastery of the main ways of mental activity of students (to teach to analyze, highlight the main thing, compare, build analogies, generalize and systematize, prove and refute, define and explain concepts, pose and solve problems).

2.3. Contribute to the development of the sensory sphere of students (development of the eye, orientation in space, accuracy and subtlety of distinguishing colors, shapes).

2.4. Contribute to the development of the motor sphere (mastery of the motor skills of small muscles of the hands, develop motor skills, proportionality of movements).

2.5. Contribute to the formation and development of students' cognitive interest in the subject.

2.6. Encourage students to master all types of memory.

2.7. Contribute to the formation and development of student independence.

3. Options for constructing educational goals:

3.1. Contribute to the formation and development of moral, labor, aesthetic, patriotic, environmental, economic and other personality traits.

3.2. Contribute to the education of the right attitude to universal values.

3. Organizational moment.

  • Greetings;
  • Checking student attendance;
  • Filling out the class journal by the teacher;
  • Checking the readiness of students for the lesson;
  • Setting up students for work;
  • Communicating the lesson plan to students.

4. Motivation for learning activities.

Motivation is a process, as a result of which a certain activity acquires a certain personal meaning for the individual, creates the stability of his interest in it and turns the external set goals of the activity into the internal needs of the individual. Since motivation is, as it were, the internal driving force of the actions and actions of the individual, teachers seek to manage it and take it into account in the construction educational process. Showing students those real production conditions and tasks in which they will need to use knowledge on the topic being studied, showing a professional orientation in training, create increased attention to the subject among students. Motivation is one of the necessary conditions for the active involvement of a student in cognitive activity, therefore, close attention is paid to its creation by psychologists and teachers. One of the simplest methods of increasing motivation is to create learning needs through interest. In this regard, a motivational introduction should arouse students' cognitive and professional interest in work and be a stimulus for active, purposeful activity.

The teacher emphasizes the practical significance, relevance of the topic, reflects the regional component.

5. Independent work students.

Independent work first of all completes the tasks of all other types of educational work. No knowledge that has not become the object of one's own activity can be considered the true property of a person. In addition to practical importance, independent work is of great educational importance: it forms independence not only as a set of certain skills and abilities, but also as a character trait that plays a significant role in the personality structure of a modern specialist.

Independent work can be included as the main element in the structure of a laboratory or practical lesson, or it can act as an organizational form of learning.

Independent work is the activity of students in the learning process and outside the classroom, carried out on the instructions of the teacher, under his guidance, but without his direct participation.

The basis for independent work is the whole complex of knowledge acquired by students. Independent work trains the will, brings up efficiency, attention, culture of educational work.

The main features of independent work of students are considered to be:

  1. The presence of a cognitive or practical task, a problematic issue and special time for their implementation, solution.
  2. Manifestation of mental stress of trainees.
  3. The manifestation of consciousness, independence, activity of students in the process of solving the tasks.
  4. Possession of independent work skills.
  5. Implementation of management and self-government of independent cognitive and practical activities of the student.

In the independent work of students in solving cognitive problems, there are always elements of control and self-government of this activity.

The independence of trainees manifests itself in different ways: from simple reproduction, completing a task according to a strict algorithm, and up to creative activity.

Possession of the skills of independent work is by no means inherent in every student; at the same time, it is possible to teach a student to learn, to teach him to acquire knowledge himself, only by organizing his independent practical activity.

Mandatory independent work has a variety of forms, most often these are various homework assignments.

Homework can be designed to reproduce knowledge, consolidate it, deepen it, and develop skills.

Depending on the goal, the types of homework can be different: reading educational literature (basic, additional, reference), drawing up a text plan, taking notes, compiling comparative tables, graphological structures, solving problems, preparing an essay, report, preparing for a conference, olympiad, competition, business game, exam, test, test, etc.

Along with homework assignments that are common to all students, individual assignments can be used for students who show a special interest in a particular academic discipline.

Pedagogical guidance for extracurricular independent work is to correctly determine the volume and content of homework.

It is important for students to know how to perform these tasks, what techniques and methods to use, what is the methodology for independent work. Demonstration of samples of the completed task is appropriate.

The development of didactic materials by the teacher on the organization of independent work of students contributes to the true mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities. Didactic materials are an addition to the stable textbook. They contain: a system of tasks, specific instructions for performing mental or practical actions, observing phenomena and facts, reproducing already familiar phenomena, identifying essential features, formulating rules, compiling graphological structures of diagrams, pivot tables, etc.

The development of didactic material contributes to the intensification of the educational activities of all students at all stages of education.

Didactic materials can be designed according to topics, sections of the discipline and represent workbooks that are proposed to be used in addition to the teacher's explanation and students' work on the textbook.

A characteristic feature of workbooks is that the process of completing tasks, as well as the results, are recorded right there in the notebooks, which allows the teacher to control the student's train of thought. The fulfillment of tasks can be recorded both in lecture notebooks and in separate notebooks for students' self-study. Sample answers can be placed in the reference part of the notebook for self-checking assignments. You can print templates on separate sheets.

The use of didactic materials brings a useful variety to the work of students, helps to activate their attention, increase interest in the tasks performed.

6. Types of control.

In the pedagogical literature, the following types of control are distinguished: preliminary, current, boundary (periodic) and final.

Preliminary control is a necessary prerequisite for successful planning and management of the educational process. It allows you to determine the marching level of knowledge and skills of trainees. Based on these data, the teacher makes adjustments to the work programs of the disciplines.

Current control is carried out in all organizational forms of education and is a continuation of the teaching activity of the teacher. Current control allows you to receive continuous information about the progress and quality of assimilation of educational material. The tasks of current control are to stimulate the regular, hard work of students, to activate their

cognitive activity. It is impossible to allow large intervals in the control of each student, otherwise students cease to prepare regularly for classes.

Combination various forms The current test of knowledge allows you to activate the reproducing, cognitive activity of students and eliminates the element of chance in the assessment of knowledge.

boundary control allows you to determine the quality of students' study of educational material in sections, topics of the subject. Such control is usually carried out several times a semester. An example of boundary control is control work, computer testing.

Pedagogical control allows you to check the strength of the assimilation of the acquired knowledge, as it is carried out after a long period of time.

The final control is aimed at checking the final results of learning, identifying the degree of mastery of students with a system of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the process of studying a particular subject or a number of disciplines.

Final control is carried out at semester, transfer and state exams.

Based on the results of the control, marks are given on a five-point system.

The final semester grades for subjects that are not subject to examinations are set based on the results of current and periodic control, but are not the arithmetic average of all available grades for this period. Particular attention should be paid to the results of the control carried out on the main issues of the curriculum, on written and control issues.

Forms of knowledge testing.

In secondary special educational institutions the main forms of control of knowledge, skills and abilities of students are: oral survey (individual and frontal), written and practical testing, standardized control, etc.

An individual survey is the most common method for monitoring students' knowledge. In oral questioning, the main attention is focused not only on the simple reproduction of facts, but also on their explanation and proof,

Oral questioning should be done regularly to be an important factor in education and upbringing. Questions for an oral survey should be pre-prepared, thoughtful, accurate, unambiguous. For such a survey, questions are selected that require a detailed presentation and explanation.

In addition to individual, there are frontal and combined surveys. Frontal survey is conducted in the form of a conversation between the teacher and the group. Its advantage is that all students of the group are involved in active mental work.

For a frontal survey, a system of questions is important. They should have a certain sequence that allows you to see the basic concepts, provisions,

dependencies in educational material. Questions should be short and answers short. Most often, such a test is used to control knowledge that is subject to mandatory memorization and assimilation of rules, dates, quantitative indicators, terms:

However, a frontal survey cannot be the main type of verification. In the course of it, the fact of completing the task is checked, but it is difficult to establish the completeness and depth of assimilation.

In order to evoke the cognitive activity of the students of the whole group, it is advisable to combine individual and frontal surveys, as well as to apply various methods of activating the cognitive activity of students (they invite the rest to analyze the friend’s answer, supplement it, ask questions to the answerer) .

oral questioning requires a lot of time, in addition, it is impossible to check all students on one question. In order to rationalize the use of study time, a combined, compacted survey is carried out, combining an oral survey with other forms (a written survey on cards, completing assignments at the blackboard, and others).

Written verification is the most important form of control of knowledge, skills and abilities of the student. Its application makes it possible to check the assimilation of educational material by all students of the group.

Written works in content and form, depending on the subject, can be very diverse; dictations, essays, problem solving, doing exercises, calculations, writing prescriptions, answering questions:

The duration of written examinations may vary.

After checking and evaluating the control written work, an analysis of the results of their implementation is carried out, typical mistakes and the reasons for the unsatisfactory ratings.

Practical verification occupies a special place in the control system. A practical test allows you to identify how students are able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, to what extent they have mastered the necessary skills. In the process of identifying professional knowledge, the student substantiates decisions taken, which allows you to set the level of assimilation of theoretical provisions.

This form is most widely used in the study of special disciplines, in laboratory and practical classes, in the course of industrial practice.

Professional tasks, business games, selected in accordance with the requirements of the qualification characteristics of a specialist, are widely used for control.

Practical verification is the leading form of control during the period of production practice. The control of ZUN is carried out both in the course of the implementation by students of a specific production activity, and according to its results.

7. Homework.

Homework can be designed to reproduce knowledge, consolidate it, deepen it, and form skills. Homework assignments of a leading, prospective nature can be used. The use of advanced tasks allows the teacher to awaken and develop cognitive interests, to conduct conversations and discussions with greater efficiency in the classroom.

In secondary specialized educational institutions, the following main types of homework are used, depending on the goal:

Target Types of homework
Primary mastery of knowledge (learning new material) Reading a textbook, primary source, additional literature; drawing up a plan of the text, taking notes of what has been read, a graphic representation of the structure of the text; extracts from the text; work with dictionaries and reference books; familiarization with regulatory documents; observations.
Consolidation and systematization of knowledge Working with the lecture notes, re-working on the material of the textbook, primary source, additional literature; drawing up a plan for answering specially prepared questions; drawing up tables, graphs, diagrams; study of regulatory documents; answers to control questions; preparation for a presentation at a seminar, as well as abstracts and reports, compilation of a bibliography.
Application of knowledge, formation of skills Solving problems and exercises according to the model, variable tasks and exercises; performance of settlement and graphic, design works, situational production tasks, preparation for business games, preparation of term papers, diploma projects; experimental design, experimental work on the simulator.

Educational and methodical complex

Educational and methodological complex (EMC) is a set of educational and methodological materials on various media that determine the content of each discipline of the corresponding educational educational program, as well as the methodology for using educational and methodological support necessary for all types of classroom activities and the organization of independent work of students.

The WCU of an academic discipline is one of the elements of the organization of educational activities. Teaching materials should be developed for students in all musical and theoretical disciplines, taking into account the need to improve the quality of assimilation of educational material at the level of FGT requirements.

primary goal creation of an educational and methodological complex - to provide students with a complete set of educational and methodological materials for independent study of the discipline. At the same time, in addition to the direct teaching of children, the tasks of the teacher are: the provision of consulting services, the current and final assessment of knowledge, motivation for independent work.

TMC is developed by a teacher (a team of teachers) of the department that provides teaching of the discipline in accordance with the curriculum for the preparation of students. The developer(s) of the educational and methodological complex are responsible for the quality preparation of the teaching materials corresponding to the FGT.

The teaching materials of the discipline and its components must:

  1. take into account the general ideology of federal and regional policy, promote the development of the regional system of additional education;
  2. provide for a logically consistent presentation of educational material;
  3. assume the use of modern methods and technical means of intensifying the educational process, allowing students to deeply and efficiently master the educational material and gain practical skills;
  4. correspond to modern scientific ideas in the subject area;
  5. provide interdisciplinary communications;
  6. ensure accessibility and ease of use for teachers and students;
  7. contain information about the author (authors), editor, the results of approbation in the educational process.

The teaching materials are stored in electronic form in the school library and can be published, if students need to study any sections, on the personal website of the teacher-developer.

The composition of the educational and methodological complex is determined by the content of the approved work program for the relevant discipline. The WMC includes:

  1. annotation of the teaching materials;
  2. the work program of the discipline, approved by the director of the school;
  3. teaching materials for the following types of work:
  1. a short course of lectures;
  2. practical exercises (plan practical exercises);
  1. educational and visual aids (tables, presentations, audio, video materials, etc.);
  2. electronic materials, manuals for independent work of students.

Annotation of the educational and methodical complex -a summary of the teaching materials with an indication of its goals and objectives, the expected results of the development of the discipline in terms of obtaining new knowledge and the formation of competencies.

Lectures - a section of the lesson, the purpose of which is to consider the theoretical issues of the academic discipline in a concentrated, logically sustained form. The composition of the teaching materials of the lecture course includes:

  1. educational and methodological materials for the course of lectures (textbooks, teaching aids, collections prepared and published by the authors of the teaching materials, lecture notes in printed form or electronic presentation - an electronic textbook, a file with the content of the material presented at the lectures, a file with handouts);
  2. control and measuring materials;
  3. educational literature recommended to students as basic and additional in the relevant discipline.

Practical lessons -one of the forms of a training session that forms the practical skills of students, aimed at developing the independence of students and acquiring the necessary skills and abilities. Educational and methodological materials of practical classes, which are part of the teaching materials, include:

  1. guidelines for conducting practical classes in printed form or electronic representation, containing:

A plan for conducting classes indicating the sequence of the topics under consideration, the volume of classroom hours allocated for the development of materials on each topic;

Brief theoretical and educational materials on each topic, allowing the student to get acquainted with the content of the issues studied in the practical lesson, with links to additional educational and methodological materials, allowing to study the issues considered in more depth;

Texts of situations (musical texts) for analysis, assignments, tasks, etc., considered in practical classes;

Guidelines for teachers conducting practical classes, defining the methodology for conducting classes, the procedure for solving problems offered to students, options for topics of essays and practical tasks, the methodology for discussing business situations for analysis (in high school, practical classes are recommended to be conducted using business situations for analysis).

Situation for analysis -a description of a specific pedagogical task (situation) that actually arose or is facing a musician-performer, indicating the facts, opinions, and judgments accompanying this situation, on which the solution of a practical situation is usually based. This is a method that allows the teacher to form in practical classes the independence and logical thinking of students, the ability to think and find the right solution, to choose the most appropriate model in solving a specific practical problem (situation).

Laboratory studies -kind of independent practical work aimed at deepening and fixing theoretical knowledge, and development of experimentation skills. In some disciplines, laboratory classes are conducted using computer programs (presentations, and others).

Educational and methodological materials of laboratory classes, which are part of the teaching materials, include:

  1. guidelines for conducting laboratory classes in printed form or electronic representation, containing:

A plan for conducting classes indicating the sequence and topics of laboratory work, the volume of classroom hours allocated for the development of materials for each work;

Brief general and educational materials for each laboratory (practical) work;

Methodology for performing laboratory work, including short description software used to perform laboratory work, a description of the initial data for laboratory work (texts of situations for analysis, tasks, tasks, etc.), the procedure for performing work, the methodology for analyzing the results obtained, the procedure for issuing a report on laboratory work;

Guidelines for teachers conducting practical classes, defining the methodology for conducting laboratory classes, the procedure for preparing and presenting a report on laboratory work.

Control and measuring materials (CMM) -funds of assessment tools that allow assessing knowledge, skills and mastered competencies. KIMs include:

  1. control questions, tests and assignments for individual sections of the discipline (training modules, didactic units) for the current control of students' knowledge;
  2. examples of questions, tests and assignments for individual sections of the discipline for intermediate control of students' knowledge;
  3. examination questions on discipline.

UMK documentation -the totality of all educational and teaching materials that are part of the teaching materials for the relevant discipline. The CCM documentation is the intellectual property of the MA that developed the CCM.


Educational and methodological and educational materials included in the teaching materials should reflect the current level of development of science, provide for the logical use of modern methods and technical means of intensifying the educational process, allowing students to deeply master the educational material and gain skills in its application in practical creative activity.

TMC is developed in the following sequence:

  1. development of a work program for the discipline included in the curriculum;
  2. development of a summary of lecture materials, theoretical information;
  3. development of the structure and content of practical (laboratory) classes;
  4. planning of independent work of trainees;
  5. formation of methodological recommendations and other guidelines for independent work of students, as well as independent study of the discipline;
  6. development of KIMs;
  7. approbation and correction of teaching materials in the educational process;
  8. preparation of documents for the EMC;
  9. coordination and approval of the TMC.


The examination of the educational and methodological complex begins with consideration at a meeting of the department. Further, the work with an extract from the minutes of the meeting is submitted to the Deputy Director in the educational (methodological) part for internal review. Then the teaching materials are sent for external review to the specialized department of a higher organization or to the appropriate department of the educational institution.

Work with positive reviews is discussed at a meeting of the methodological council, a decision is made and an extract from the minutes of the meeting is drawn up. The electronic version of the teaching materials with reviews remains in the school library. In case of a negative decision of the methodological council, the work is returned to the author (authors) for revision.


Educational and methodological complex - a system of normative and educational and methodological documentation, training and control tools necessary and sufficient for the qualitative organization of basic and additional educational programs, according to the curriculum.

The CMC of an academic discipline is one of the elements of the organization of educational activities in full-time, part-time and part-time forms of education. The teaching materials should be developed for students in all academic disciplines, taking into account the need to improve the quality of assimilation of the content of educational material at the level of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of HPE, SPE, NPO.

The purpose of creating the teaching materials is to provide high-quality methodological equipment for the educational process.

ü Definition of topics in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education and the number of hours for certain types lessons according to the curriculum.

ü Development of the educational standard of the discipline.

ü Development of a textbook, teaching aid, course or lecture notes.

ü Development of control questions and tasks for each thematic block. Formation of exam papers.

ü Development of the structure and content of practical, laboratory work and seminars (if they are included in the curriculum).

ü Planning of independent work of the student and placement of points of current control of students' knowledge.

ü Development of tasks for control points.

ü Development of test tasks for the course of the discipline.

ü Preparation of documentation of the EMC.

ü Approbation and correction of the materials of the teaching materials of the discipline in the educational process.

ü Coordination and approval of the TMC.

ü After the creation of the teaching materials, they are tested in the educational process, during which, by analyzing the results of the current control of students, adjustments are made. After approbation on the first stream of students, the teaching materials are corrected, supplemented and approved, if necessary, thus, they are constantly improved.

The teaching materials of the discipline and its components must:

To take into account the general ideology of federal and regional policy, to promote the development of the regional system of higher education;

Provide a logically consistent presentation of educational material;

Assume the use of modern methods and technical means of intensifying the educational process, allowing students to deeply master the educational material and gain skills in its use in practice;

Comply with modern scientific ideas in the subject area;

Provide interdisciplinary communications;

Provide ease of use for teachers and students;

  1. 1. The structure of the educational and methodological complex

WCU is developed by a teacher (team of teachers) of the department or methodical association teachers of the taught specialty, which provides teaching of the discipline in accordance with the curriculum for preparing students in specialties (directions). The department-developer of the teaching materials is responsible for the quality preparation of teaching materials that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education, SPO, NGO for the preparation of students in the specialty (direction), for educational, methodological and technical support of the relevant discipline, including for ensuring the educational process of educational and educational methodological literature.

The structure of the educational standard of the academic discipline:

title page;


introduction (performed if necessary);


designations and abbreviations (performed if necessary);

goals and objectives of the discipline;

the work program of the discipline;

discipline passport;

sheet of coordination of the work program of the discipline;

use of technical teaching aids and computer technology;

discipline software;

organization of SRS by discipline;

elements of scientific search in the study of the discipline;

applications (only mandatory ones are indicated):

methodological instructions for the laboratory workshop (performed if available in the curriculum);

guidelines for course design (performed if available in the curriculum);

options for individual calculation tasks and guidelines for their implementation (performed if available in the curriculum);

control materials for the discipline:

The discipline standard is reviewed every time after the release of new state educational standards and (or) revision (change) of the curriculum of the specialty (direction).

Every year, the standard is considered at a meeting of the leading department, which is recorded in extracts from the meetings of the departments; if necessary, changes and additions are made to it (in accordance with STP 12 310 - 2004,).

  1. 2. Requirements for development and design

The regulation on the educational and methodological complex (TMC) of the discipline is intended to introduce uniform requirements for the educational and methodological support of all disciplines included in the curricula implemented in all educational institutions in all forms of education.

The level of educational and methodological support of the academic discipline provided for by these Regulations is one of the conditions that make it possible to achieve the required quality of training in full-time, part-time and part-time forms of education, including correspondence education with elements of distance learning technologies.

This Regulation governs the process of preparation of educational materials in terms of content and form in order to create conditions that allow to effectively organize and support the student's independent work, as well as maintain continuity in the teaching of academic disciplines.

The regulation on the educational and methodological complex of the discipline was developed in accordance with GOST 7.60-90 OST 29.130-97 "Terms and definitions of educational publications" and the letter of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science dated April 17, 2006 N 02-55-77in / ak.

The presence of developed and approved educational and methodological complexes with the widespread use of innovative methods in all disciplines of the curriculum is prerequisite High Quality training of specialists and state accreditation of the main educational program (EPP) in the specialty (direction).

The requirements of the Regulations must be observed by all departments of the university or departments of the specialty.

The composition of the discipline's teaching materials is determined by the content of the approved work program for the relevant discipline. The WMC includes:

Work program of the discipline- a program for the development of educational material that meets the requirements of the State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education and takes into account the specifics of preparing students in a chosen direction or specialty.

The curriculum includes the following training materials:

thematic plan for all forms of education;

a plan for conducting practical classes and laboratory work for all forms of education;

This is a set of recommendations and explanations that allows the student to optimally organize the process of studying this discipline. When developing recommendations, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that part of the course is studied by the student independently. Contents of the basic abstract:

Description of the sequence of actions of the student, or "scenario of studying the discipline."

Brief theoretical information on all sections of the discipline;

Materials for preparing for the exam (test);

Explanations on working with the test system of the course, on completing assignments for independent work.

The composition of the Teaching and Methodological Materials (UMM) of the lecture course includes:

textbooks and manuals developed by teachers of departments, abstracts (texts, diagrams, presentations) of lectures in printed form and electronic representation, a file with handouts;

questions and assignments on individual topics of lectures (sections of the academic discipline) for self-control of students;

UMM practical classes, which are part of the UMK, include:

a plan for conducting classes indicating the sequence of the topics under consideration, the amount of classroom hours allocated for the development of materials on each topic, as well as hours for independent work of students;

brief theoretical and educational materials on each topic, allowing the student to get acquainted with the essence of the tasks solved in the practical lesson (discussed at the seminar);

questions submitted for discussion and a list of references (indicating specific pages) necessary for the student's purposeful work in preparation for the seminar (the list of references is drawn up in accordance with the rules of bibliographic description);

guidelines for teachers conducting practical classes, determining the methodology for conducting classes, the procedure for solving problems offered to students.

UMM laboratory classes that are part of the UMK include:

a plan for conducting classes indicating the sequence of the topics under consideration, the volume of classroom hours allocated for the development of materials on each topic;

theoretical provisions and instructions for performing laboratory work;

methodological issues related to the preparation and conduct of laboratory classes; (for senior students, laboratory classes in a major discipline should involve a small complex task of an educational and research nature, for which the student must select the necessary literature, independently draw up a plan for solving the task assigned to him, complete the experimental part of the study and submit a comprehensive report);

methodological instructions to the teacher for conducting laboratory work with students, determining the direction and organization of work;

methods of independent work of students;

Glossary of terms (glossary). In each discipline, special terms are used, the content of which is not obvious and requires explanation.

In this dictionary, definitions of all terms encountered in the course relating specifically to this discipline should be given. Terms may be linked to topics and/or arranged alphabetically.

The block of current progress control and intermediate certification contains:

methodological instructions for the performance of examinations and assignments for examinations;

guidelines for the implementation of term papers;

approximate topics of abstracts, instructions for working with literature in the preparation of abstracts and requirements for their design;

training and control tests on sections (topics) of the discipline;

control questions for each topic curriculum and throughout the course (the list of questions is presented in a given sequence in full accordance with the educational program).

The teacher can enter educational and methodical complex and other didactic materials on this discipline, developed at the department or department of the specialty: instructions for preparing for laboratory work and materials on labor protection during its implementation, guidelines for individual sections of the course, etc.

The educational and methodical complex can be supplemented if necessary:

reference publications;

periodical, industry and socially significant publications;

scientific literature;

Documentary support of teaching materials (Appendix 1. Sample)

All elements of the CCM must be completed in separate files.

The educational and methodological complex in a printing or typewritten version, stored at the department in a separate folder, must be duplicated in electronic form and presented on the educational website of the university.

Title page the standard of the discipline is drawn up in accordance with STP 12 310-04 Educational standard of the academic discipline. General requirements structure, content and design.

In the preface indicate: the name of the department that developed the standard; on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education, SPO, NPO of which specialty (specialties) or areas of training the standard has been developed; if a standard is re-introduced, then it should be indicated which standard replaces the newly developed one. If necessary, additional information may be included in the preface.

The preface is placed on the back of the title page and is drawn up in accordance with STP 12 310-04 Educational standard of the academic discipline.

Introduction give, if necessary, justification of the reasons for the development (change or reissue) of the standard. The introduction should not contain requirements. The introduction is not numbered and placed on a separate page.

Name of the standard discipline has a group heading and a heading (if necessary, a subheading is allowed).

group header- disciplines common for all standards: for example, "Quality management system. Educational standard of higher professional education of AltSTU".

header contains the name of the discipline in accordance with the curriculum of the specialty (training area) for which it is being developed, and begins with the words: "Educational standard of the academic discipline (name of the discipline)".

The title of the standard should be printed capital letters; group heading and subheading - lowercase letters with the first capital.

In the name of the discipline standard, as a rule, abbreviations, Roman numerals, mathematical signs, Greek letters.

The name of the discipline standard is drawn up in accordance with STP 12 310-04 Educational standard of the academic discipline. General requirements for the structure, content and design. Scope of the educational standard of the academic discipline.

Structural element " Scope" (Appendix 2) is drawn up in accordance with STP 12 310-04 Educational standard of the academic discipline. General requirements for the structure, content and design.

Structural element "Normative references" contains a list of standards, which are referenced in the text of the discipline standard. The list of reference standards begins with the words: "This discipline standard uses references to the following standards."

The list includes the designation of standards and their names in ascending order of registration numbers of designations in the following sequence:

state standards;

organization standards, symbols and abbreviations (performed if necessary)

Structural element "Notation and abbreviations"(if available in the discipline standard) contains a list of designations and abbreviations used in this standard. The notation and abbreviations are recorded in the order in which they appear in the text of the discipline standard with the necessary decoding and explanations.

Structural element "Goals and objectives of the discipline" must contain:

a brief description of the subject of study;

goals and objectives of the discipline in relation to a particular specialty (group of specialties) or direction (areas);

place of discipline in the curriculum, relationship with previous and subsequent disciplines, role in the system vocational training specialists;

requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities that students must master as a result of studying the discipline.

Work program of the discipline- an educational publication that determines the content, volume, as well as the procedure for studying and teaching any academic discipline (its section, part).

The subsection "Working program of the discipline" should consist of the following elements:

discipline passport;

educational and methodical materials on the discipline;

educational and methodical map of the discipline;

specific features of teaching the discipline (if necessary);

list of coordination of the work program of the discipline.

Structural element "Passport of discipline" draw up in accordance with STP 12 310-04 Educational standard of the academic discipline.

In subsection "Types and content of classes in the discipline":

for each lecture, practical lesson and laboratory work, the number, topic, list of issues under consideration, volume in hours and links to recommended literature are given. A less detailed presentation of the content of these types of classes is allowed if all the necessary information is contained in the educational and methodological map;

for a course project (term paper), the purpose and subject of the course design, the content and volume of the explanatory note and the graphic part, the volume (in hours) of each part of the project (work), links to recommended literature are indicated. If there are classroom classes on course design, the topics of the classes are given;

for independent work of students, numbered tasks are listed that students must complete on their own in extracurricular time, indicating the content and volume of each task (in hours), as well as references to literature.

Structural element "Forms and content of the current certification and final grade in the discipline" contains a list of checkpoints of the current certification in the discipline (quiz, test, colloquium, essay writing, etc.) and types of final grade (test, exam) indicating the weight (in fractions of a unit) of each checkpoint.

A list of qualifying tasks and tests used to control the current, final and residual knowledge of students in the discipline is given. The content of the current attestation and the final grade for the discipline is disclosed in a set of control materials designed to verify the compliance of the level of training in the discipline with the requirements of the State Educational Standard of the Higher Professional Education, SPO, NPO.

tests of the current control of knowledge in the discipline;

tests of the final control of knowledge in the discipline;

tests of control of residual knowledge in the discipline.

Subsection of the work program "Educational materials on the discipline" contains a list of recommended literature (basic and additional), teaching materials and manuals used in the study of the discipline.

The list of references should include the latest editions of textbooks and teaching aids. The numbering of literature should be end-to-end.

Supplementary literature is separated from the main heading. For each literary source indicate the number of copies in the library and, if necessary, in the department.

The list of literature is compiled according to GOST 7.1.

The section "Educational materials on the discipline", if necessary, can be a structural element of the standard of the discipline as a whole.

Educational-methodical map of the discipline, at the discretion of the developer of the standard, are compiled in accordance with the forms given in STP 12 310-04 Educational standard of the academic discipline.

In a structural element "Specific Features of Teaching Discipline" indicate additional information specific to the teaching of a discipline in a particular specialty (direction) and form of education.

Work program approval sheet disciplines are drawn up in accordance with STP 12 310-04 Educational standard of the academic discipline.

Structural element of the discipline standard "The use of technical teaching aids and computer technology. Software disciplines" contains a list of TCO, audio and video materials, programs (application packages), computer games, computer-based automated learning systems, electronic textbooks, teaching aids and other materials used in the process of studying the discipline (at lectures, during laboratory and practical classes, during the implementation of course projects and works, calculation tasks and other types of SIW).

In a structural element "Organization of independent work of students in the discipline" a list of measures to ensure that students perform all types of independent work is given:

availability of premises for course design;

provision of computer facilities, software;

the availability of handouts, sets of individual tasks, educational and methodological materials, topics of essays with a list of recommended literature, manuals for solving typical problems, sample reports on the implementation of the IWS;

providing educational and methodical and reference literature, etc.

In the structural element of the discipline standard "Elements of scientific search in the study of the discipline" indicate the methods and forms of involving students in independent creative activity(abstracting scientific and periodical literature on the most complex and relevant topics of the discipline, participation in scientific research, competitions, exhibitions, olympiads, conferences and other areas of development of students' creative abilities)

In applications place educational and methodological documents and materials that supplement the provisions contained in the main part of the discipline standard.

Applications can be mandatory and informational. Informational appendices can be of a recommended and reference nature.

Mandatory applications to the discipline standard are:

guidelines for the laboratory workshop (if available in the curriculum).

Laboratory work should be provided with methodological instructions, made on hard (paper) media and approved at a meeting of the department. When conducting classes, methodological instructions can be used both on a hard drive and in an electronic version.

Guidelines should include:

the title, which indicates the type of work (laboratory), its serial number, volume in hours and name;


equipment, technical means, tools;

order (sequence) of work performance;

safety and labor protection rules for this work (if necessary);

general rules for the design of work;

bibliography (if necessary).

Requirements for the content, performance and design of laboratory work in the academic disciplines of the specialty (direction) are regulated by STP 12 700-07 Laboratory work.

Guidelines for course design developed by the departments must comply with the provisions of STP 12 400-2009 Course project ( course work). General requirements for content, organization of execution and design;

options for individual calculation tasks and guidelines for their implementation (if available in the curriculum);

control materials for the discipline, developed and executed in accordance with the requirements of STP 12 100-02 Requirements for the fund of qualification tasks and tests:

tests of the current control of knowledge in the discipline (TTKZ). TTKZ on the disciplines of the curriculum are designed to assess the progress of mastering the educational and program material by students in the intersessional period in accordance with the educational and methodological map of the discipline. The complexity of TTKZ, depending on the type of task (test, control survey, colloquium, etc.), can vary from 20 minutes to two hours. TTKZ are compiled in any form.

tests of the final control of knowledge in the discipline (TIKZ). Tests of the final control of students' knowledge in the disciplines of the curriculum of the specialty (direction) are designed to assess the compliance of students' preparation with the qualification requirements for specific disciplines of the curriculum. used for the final assessment of students' knowledge during self-examination of a specialty (direction), as well as in tests and exams in the disciplines of the curriculum of a specialty (direction) in the form of oral, written or computer testing. TKZ should contain questions and (or) tasks for all sections of the work program of the discipline. The complexity of test tasks should be no more than two hours. When performing TKZ, it is allowed to use information and reference literature according to the list approved by the head of the department responsible for teaching the academic discipline. TIKZ are drawn up in accordance with Appendix G STP 12 100-02 Requirements for the fund of qualification tasks and tests.

tests for the control of residual knowledge in the discipline (TKKZ). TKOS for the disciplines of the curriculum are designed to assess the level of knowledge of the fundamental and problematic provisions of the academic disciplines. TKOS are used in self-examination, state certification and accreditation of a specialty (direction); they can be used for input control of students' knowledge in disciplines based on knowledge of previous disciplines, in the form of an oral, written or computerized control survey (testing). TKOS are drawn up in accordance with STP 12 100-02 Requirements for the fund of qualification tasks and tests.

other educational and methodological materials used in teaching the discipline (for example, a list of examination (test) questions on the discipline, etc.).

Annex 1


State educational institution of higher professional education



First Vice-Rector for SD

_________________S. Ya. Korolev

"__" ________________2007


by discipline ___________Optimization methods ___

(name of the discipline)

for the specialty _23010062 - Informatics and computer technology ________

(code and name of direction, specialty)

faculty _______ Information systems and technologies________________

(name of the faculty or structural unit where the training is provided)


The educational and methodical complex (EMC) was compiled on the basis of the State Educational Standard of the Higher Professional Education and the curriculum of the UlSTU of the specialty ____23010062 - Informatics and Computer Engineering ___________

at the department _____________________ Computer Engineering __________________________

(name of the department)

faculty ___________ Information systems and technologies ________.

(name of the faculty to which the chair-compiler belongs)

Compilers of the teaching materials

Teacher ______ _________________ ______ Ivanov V.S. ____

(position, academic title, degree) (signature) (Last name, first and last name)

TMC reviewed and approved at a meeting of the department __ Computer Engineering ___

Minutes of the meeting No. ___ dated "__" ___ 2007

Department head

"___" ________ 2007 _________________ ___Sosnin P.I. ______

(signature) (Last name, first and last name)


Dean of the Faculty _________IST _________ _______________ _Shishkin V.V._

(where training is carried out in the specialty (direction) (signature) full name

"___" __________________ 2007

Head of Department _ Computer Engineering _ _____________ _Sosnin P.I._

(graduating specialty (direction) (signature) full name

"___" __________________ 2007

Chairman of the NMC faculty ______IST _______ _____________ ______________

(where the discipline is taught) (signature) full name

"___" __________________ 2007

Appendix 2
1 area of ​​use

1.1 The discipline standard establishes general requirements for the content, structure, volume of the discipline "Fundamentals of Scientific Research" and the conditions for its implementation at AltSTU.

1.2 The standard applies to:

For students studying in the specialty 170600 "Machines and apparatus for food production";

For teachers and staff of the MAPP department.

2. Regulatory references

GOST R 1.5-2002 GSS RF. Standards. General requirements for construction, presentation, design, content and designation.

GOST 2.105-95 ESKD. General requirements for text documents.

GOST 8.417-81 GSI. Units of physical quantities.

STP 12 100-02 Educational standard of higher professional education AltSTU. Requirements for the fund of qualification buildings and tests.

STP 12 310-04 Educational standard of higher professional education AltSTU. Educational standard of the academic discipline.

STP 12 700-02 Educational standard of higher professional education AltSTU. Laboratory works.

STP 12 005-2004 Educational standard of higher professional education AltSTU. Independent work of students.

3 The purpose and objectives of the discipline

3.1 a brief description of disciplines

The discipline "Fundamentals of Scientific Research" is a general professional and is based on the materials of general engineering and special disciplines read earlier, and combines the general theoretical knowledge of students with the level of development of the industry.

3.2 Purpose of teaching discipline

The purpose of the course "Fundamentals of Scientific Research" is to give students knowledge of general principles and methodology of scientific research at the university.

The main objectives of the course are:

  1. Studying the methodology of scientific research.
  2. Teaching the setting of a physical experiment in scientific research.
  3. Acquisition of practical skills for measuring and processing scientific results.

3.3 Place of discipline in the curriculum

The study of the discipline "Fundamentals of Scientific Research" is based on the knowledge gained by students in the study of higher mathematics, physics, computer technology, hydraulics, heat engineering, electrical engineering.

3.4 Requirements for knowledge and skills

As a result of studying the discipline, students should:

Basic provisions of the theory of knowledge;

Empirical level research methods;

Methods of the theoretical level of research;

The main stages of scientific research;

Measuring instruments and their characteristics;

Basic concepts and definitions of the theory of error.

To draw up the results of information retrieval and scientific research;

Choosing the right measuring instruments for physical parameters;

Properly organize the conduct of experiments and obtain results;

Take into account the existing measurement errors;

Competently process and generalize the results of experiments.

4 The content of the discipline and the conditions for its implementation

The content of the discipline was developed in accordance with the qualification requirements of the state educational higher professional education in the direction of training a certified specialist 655800 "Food Engineering" specialty 170600 "Machines and apparatus for food production", approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation on March 23, 2000, registration number 184 tech / ds.

The discipline "Fundamentals of scientific research" contains basic information about the methodology of scientific research, setting up a physical experiment and processing the results.

4.1 Work program of the discipline

4.1.1 Passport of discipline

department "Machines and apparatus for food production"

Discipline GPD.R.1 "Fundamentals of scientific research"

Discipline status obligatory

Speciality 170600 "Machines and apparatus for food production"

Form of study full-time

The total volume of the discipline is 102 hours.

Distribution by semester

Semester number

Training sessions

Number of courses.


(offset, copy)

Overall volume



4.1.2 Types and content of lessons in the discipline


Topic 1. Introduction, 2 hours

course subject and content. Methodology scientific knowledge. Basic provisions of the theory of knowledge. Methods of the empirical level of research. Methods of the theoretical level of research. The main stages of scientific research.

Topic 2. Information retrieval in scientific research, 3 hours

Discovery, invention, utility model. Registration of results of information search and scientific research.

Topic 3. Physical experiment and measurements in scientific research, 5 hours

Modeling of physical phenomena and technical devices. Measurements, measuring instruments and their characteristics.

Topic 4. Calculation of measurement error, 3 hours

Basic concepts and definitions of characteristics random variables. Elimination of gross measurement error. Determination of the systematic component of the measurement error. Determination of the random component of the measurement error. Determination of the error of indirect measurements.

Topic 5. Fundamentals of the theory of planning experiments, 4 hours

Basic concepts and definitions. Full factorial experiment. Fractional factorial experiment.

Checking the results of a physical experiment. Graphical analysis of the results of the experiment.

Laboratory works

Lab #1, 4 hours

Measurements, measuring instruments and their characteristics

Laboratory work №2, 8 hours

Processing and generalization of the results of a physical experiment

Laboratory work No. 3, 5 hours

Planning of experimental studies

Independent work of students

4.1.3 Forms and content of the final and intermediate certification in the discipline. Control Materials Forms of final certification - test.

Control materials for the discipline contain:

  • tests of the final control of knowledge in the discipline;
  • tests of the current control of knowledge in the discipline;
  • tests of control of residual knowledge in the discipline. A set of control materials is given in Appendix B of this standard.

Evaluation of the individual activity of students in the discipline consists of the following types of work:

  • defense of laboratory work - score from 0 to 50 points;

5+ 95-100 points - excellent.

5 83-94 - excellent,

5-75-82 - almost excellent,

4+ 69-74 - more than good,

4 56-68 - good.

4-50-55 - not good enough,

3+ 44-49 - more than satisfactory,

3 31-43 - satisfactory,

3-25-30 - unsatisfactory,

2+ 19-24 - more than unsatisfactory,

2 6-18 - unsatisfactory,

2-0-5 - no knowledge.

4.1.5 Educational and methodical materials on the discipline

  1. Anufriev A.F. Scientific research. M. 2004.- 1 copy.
  2. Kuznetsov I.N. Scientific research. M. 2004. - 2 copies.
  3. Shenk H. Theory of engineering experiment. M. 1970. - 2 copies.
  4. Akhnazarova S.L., Kafarov V.V. Methods of experiment optimization in chemical technology. M. 1985.- 4 copies.
  5. Burdin K.S., Veselov P.V. How to issue scientific work(allowance for universities). M. 1983. - 2 copies.
  6. Experience and problems of organization of R&D of students. M. 2003. - 2 copies.
  7. Scientific works. Methods of preparation and design. M. 2000. - 1 copy.


discipline GPD.R.01Fundamentals of Scientific Research

on 6 semester

Class schedule and self-study

Type name

Semester weeks


Practical (seminar) classes





form of control

Continuation of the educational and methodical map

Auditory lessons

Independent work of students


Lecture number

lab number. works

CPC job number

Volume, hours


coordination of the work program of the discipline

with work programs of other disciplines of the specialty (direction)

The name of the disciplines, the study of which is based on this discipline
