Creating a new account in Windows 7. How to create several user accounts on one PC

In this material we will consider the possibility creating a new user V operating system Windows, and we will learn how to do it different ways, for example, for beginner users we will consider the method using the control panel, and for more advanced users, I will show how to create a user using the “ ».

And first, let's talk about what is meant by this concept as " Computer user” and why we might even need to create a new user.

What is a "Computer User Account"?

« Computer user"or it would be more correct to say" Computer user account» in the operating room Windows system is a certain set of data that determines what folders and files the user has access to, what changes he can make, and what personal settings this user has ( for example, desktop background and so on). In other words, let’s say you have several people working on a separate computer, for example, mom, dad, husband, wife, son, daughter, and so on, and they all want their own computer settings ( for example, the same desktop background or the location of shortcuts on this desktop). If you work under one account, then this cannot be done, but if you create your own account for each, then each of these users can launch the operating system using their own account with their own personal settings.

Also " User account"may be required when you want to give rights to some users ( those. administrative rights to use a computer), but some are not, for example, you know that one of the computer users is not experienced and can easily do something in the operating system that can affect the operation of the computer ( change settings, delete necessary files, programs, etc.).

Honestly speaking, working on a computer on behalf of account, which has administrator rights, highly not recommended. Those. An account with administrative rights should only be used when you need to perform some administrative tasks that affect all users.

Access to the user account can be protected by a password; it can be created both when creating the account and later. Those. in other words, if the user wants no one else to work under his account, then he can put a password on it. This is also recommended, since setting a password for each account prevents uncontrolled access to the computer. I don’t think it’s worth talking about the password to the computer administrator account, it’s just must be.

There are 3 types of accounts in the Windows operating system, namely:

  • Regular or standard user account ( that's what you need to work on);
  • Computer administrator account. It gives you complete control over your computer;
  • Guest account ( for temporary access to a computer).

An administrator account is created when installing Windows, but additional accounts with administrator rights can be created after installation, as we will see below.

In order to switch from a regular user to a user with administrator rights, in the Windows operating system it is not necessary to restart the computer, since you can use the “ Change user"or execute " Sign Out».

In some cases, it is not necessary to switch to the administrator account, since the Windows operating system may require an administrator password, for example, for installation software or changing security settings.

Creating a user account in Windows

So, I’ll say right away that as an example I will use the Windows 7 operating system in the “Maximum” edition, but if you have, for example, Windows 8, don’t be alarmed, since the process of creating a user is almost the same.

I suggest starting from the very beginning simple way creating a user on your computer is using the control panel.

Creating a user in Windows using Control Panel

We launch the control panel, for example, from the desktop or from the start menu.

Note! If you do not see the Control Panel shortcut on your desktop or in the Start menu, you can read the following materials that will help you solve the problem: How to display the “Computer”, “Control Panel”, “Trash” and other icons on the desktop in Windows ? and How to add new items to the Windows 7 Start menu?

Then we look for the item “ Adding and removing user accounts».

If all the items in your control panel are not grouped into categories, then first find the item “ user accounts»

and then click on “ Managing another account».

As a result, in both the first and second cases, the window “ Account Management", where you can monitor existing users, i.e. those already created in the Windows operating system. For example, on my computer there is only one user “TestUser” with administrator rights, and there is also a built-in “Guest” account, it is disabled by default, but it can be enabled.

To create a new user, click " Create an account».

Next, enter the account name and also indicate its type, i.e. what rights will she have? administrator or regular user rights). And since I already have a user with administrator rights, I will create a regular account for everyday use, since you and I already know that it is recommended to use a standard account for these purposes. Click " Create an account».

After which we will see that the user account has been created and we can use it immediately, but the newly created account does not yet have a password, and if you want to set a password for this account, then you need to open the “ Changing your account", to do this, simply click on the desired account.

Then click " Creating a Password».

We come up with and enter this password in two fields, in the second, in order to confirm that we did not make a mistake when entering the first field. We can also enter a password reminder hint, which will be useful in case we forget the password. Click " Create a password».

Next to the icon we will see the inscription “ Password protected", which indicates that the password was successfully created.

We log out of the system or simply restart the computer. When we start, we see that the Windows operating system prompts us to select the user under which we want to log in.

Create a user in Windows using Local Users and Groups

The method we discussed just above involves creating a regular account or with administrator rights. For novice users this is enough, but sometimes it becomes necessary to give the average user some specific rights. For example, you want to log in remotely using " Remote Desktop", while, as we have already found out, it is not good to work as an administrator, so you can add a regular account to a special built-in group " Remote Desktop Users", whose members have the right to perform remote login. You can also create certain groups yourself, add users to them and assign rights not to each user, but to the entire group. This will help you avoid repeatedly granting the same access rights and permissions to multiple users. For example, you want to provide access to one folder only to some users of the computer, and in the case of groups, you do not have to configure access permissions for each user; you can do this once for the group, and then only add ( or delete) users from this group.

Note! These steps cannot be performed in Windows 7 Starter, Windows 7 Home Basic, or Windows 7 Home Premium editions. Those. There is no Local Users and Groups snap-in in these editions.

There are several built-in groups in the Windows operating system, as we already know: Administrators, Users, Remote Desktop Users, Archive Operators, and so on. We won’t talk about them in detail in this material, and in general let’s move on to the process of creating a user, otherwise we got a little distracted.

Equipment « Local users and groups» is a tool for managing local user accounts and groups.

To run the snap-in " Local users and groups» you can use the command lusrmgr.msc or open the console " Computer management" and in the tree of this console find the item " Local users and groups", and you can also open the MMC console and add the equipment we need to it.

I suggest using the command lusrmgr.msc. To execute it, click “ Start ->Run Win+R and enter the command lusrmgr.msc

As a result, we will immediately launch the equipment “ Local users and groups».

In order to create a new user, go to the section “ Users" and in any empty space, right-click and select " New user».

The window “ New user", where we fill in the required fields, i.e. username, full name, description and password. As you can see, the password also needs to be entered in two fields, i.e. Enter once and confirm it twice.

There are also several additional settings, namely:

  • Require a password change the next time you log in– i.e. You, as an administrator, can set a temporary password for the user, and when he first logs in, he will enter it and at that moment a window will appear in which he will change this temporary password to the password he wants. This is done so that even the computer administrator does not know user passwords;
  • Prevent user from changing password– this will simply prevent the user from changing his password. This option can be used in cases where the account is used by several users. Those. these users have one password and in order to prevent a situation where one of these users, forgetting to tell the other users, went and changed the password, and in this case, as you understand, the other users will no longer be able to log in to the system under this account ;
  • The password has no expiration date– this parameter removes restrictions on the password validity period. For example, if you have configured the “ Maximum term password actions" in the window " Group Policy"then by checking this box, you will override it. For information, in the Windows operating system it is possible not only to set a password for a user account, but also to set the period of time during which it will be valid. Those. you can set a setting in which the user’s password will be valid for, say, 90 days, and then the user himself must forcefully change it;
  • Disable account– this checkbox allows you to disable or enable the account, i.e. The account can be created either enabled or disabled. After creating an account, this setting can also be changed.

After entering all the parameters, click “ Create", the user will be created and appear in the list of users ( The “New User” window can be closed using the corresponding button).

If you create users in this way, then by default they are added to the group " Users” which corresponds to a regular account.

If you need to add the created account to the group " Administrators"or any other, i.e. assign additional rights, then to do this, right-click on the required account and click “ Properties» ( or just double-click as usual).

Then go to the " Group Membership" and press " Add».

Enter the name of the desired group, i.e. in our case " Administrators" and click " OK».

We see that in the list " Member of groups"we have added a group" Administrators" Click " OK" or " Apply».

To see who else is a member of the group " Administrators"or any other group, you can go to the section " Groups", where all groups, both built-in and created by you, will be displayed.

To view a list of group members, double-click on the right group, here, by the way, you can also add user accounts to the group and, accordingly, exclude them from it.

Creating a user in Windows using the control userpasswords2 command

Another way to create a user in the Windows operating system is to launch the " user accounts» using the command control userpasswords2 (you can also use the command netplwiz, but it doesn't work in Windows XP).

To execute it, we also click “ Start ->Run"or use the keyboard shortcut Win+R and enter in the field “ Open» control userpasswords2

The window “ user accounts", where a list of users will be displayed. To create a new user, we click “ Add».

The window “ Adding a new user" We enter the username, full name and account description, click " Further».

Then enter the password and confirm it, click “ Further».

After which the user we added will be displayed in the list of users.

This window also has the option to change the password of existing users. In order to change the password, you must select the desired user and click the “ Change password».

Then enter your password and confirm it. Click " OK».

That's all for me, I hope the material was useful to you, bye!

Today, many families already have a PC. In this case, there is usually only one computer, but all family members want to work on it - children, parents, and even grandparents.

At the same time, children most often want to play and communicate via the Internet, and parents often need stable work PC and the safety of your data. Therefore, there is a need to configure the PC for multiple users.

The purpose of this setting is: separation of user access to files, folders, programs.

I will simplistically divide users into parents and children.

Depending on the importance and type of data that users work with, I will highlight the following ways to achieve this goal:

1. Installation of several operating systems.

This method is best used when the data is very important and complex, for example, when working with databases based on MS SQL Server or Oracle.

Different operating systems are installed on different disks (disk partitions), users are configured in these operating systems, and users each select their own operating system when starting the PC.

2.Usage additional programs.

In this case, one OS is installed on the PC, and software is additionally installed to hide data.

Examples of such software: BestCrypt, Hide Folders, Folder Lock, Kaspersky KryptoStorage, 1 Click & Lock.

As a result, access to folders and files can be restricted with a password, but if the encryption program fails or the password is lost, it is possible to permanently lose data. Most of these programs are paid.

3. Use of virtual machines.

Virtual machine- This special program, which creates a “PC within a PC.”

The user has the ability to configure several operating systems (virtual machines) for work.

This method requires a fairly powerful PC, because... virtual machines use real resources - processor, memory, HDD; the user receives two or more simultaneously running operating systems.

The virtual machine files on the actual OS are a single file and cannot be accessed without the virtual machine running.

4. Setting up multiple users on one OS.

In this option, several users are configured in the OS, then different rights are assigned to the users, and the desired user is selected when the OS starts.

The first method requires deep system knowledge about the OS, the second is quite risky, the third requires a powerful PC (which not everyone has), the fourth is the easiest for most users.

In this article I will tell you how to configure the operating system Windows XP Pro for multiple users.

In operating systems of the family Windows, starting from NT, there is a concept "Account".

Account is intended to identify the user and determine his rights in the OS.

When the user is alone, usually when the OS starts, the welcome screen is visible, and then the desktop immediately appears. The user has all rights in the OS. In this case, the user logs into the OS under a built-in account administrator.

To set up multiple users, you must create multiple accounts. To do this you need to launch the console " Computer management».

Users can also be configured through the " user accounts", which is launched from the Control Panel, but I believe that the console " Computer management" has more customization options.

You can launch the console like this: right-click on the icon "My computer" and select the item in the menu that appears "Computer Management" or through “Start” - “Settings” - “Control Panel” - “Administration” - “Computer Management”.

Expand the thread in the left window "Local Users and Groups"(the “Utilities” branch is usually expanded) and select the folder "Users" as shown in the picture below:

Now the OS user accounts are visible in the right window. In this example there are 5 accounts. Double clicking on the account will open the properties window.

The following picture shows the properties window for the Guest account.

Account « Guest» designed mainly to provide minimal access to PC resources over the network.

Posts « SUPPORT» And « HelpAssistant» are intended for help and support services.

Record « ASPNET» designed to run some system programs.

Record « Admin» - This is a built-in administrator account, usually after installing the OS, the user boots under it. Depending on the version (build) of the OS, this entry may also be called “ Administrator" or " Administrator».

On the General tab, you can specify the full name and description of the account, as well as configure some account password properties.

I will give a simplified description and purpose of these properties.

Require a user change at next login.

If this checkbox is checked, then the next time you log in, the OS will ask the user to change the password.

This property is supposed to be used as follows: the system administrator creates a new account with some standard simple password, for example “12345”. Then the user, when logging into the OS under this new account, changes the password to his own.

As a result, it should turn out that only the user himself knows the user’s password, and it is recommended to use a password of at least 6-8 characters, containing upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters.

This property is designed for conscious users who understand the importance of information security and try to ensure high level security.

Prevent the user from changing the password.

When installed, this checkbox prohibits the user from changing the password independently. This property should be used if users are unconscious and want to change a complex password issued by the system administrator to a simple password.

The password has no expiration date.

If this checkbox is not checked, then the user must periodically change the password. The default password validity period, if I'm not mistaken, is 42 days. If the password has expired, the entry is blocked.

Disable account.

This checkbox is needed when deactivating an account. The entry remains in the OS, but does not work. This is used, for example, when a user goes on vacation, his account is turned off, and no one will be able to log into the OS on behalf of this user, and after returning to work it is turned on again.

In my example, entries are disabled « Guest», « SUPPORT" And " HelpAssistant» . In the list of accounts they are marked with a red circle with a cross.

Block your account.

This checkbox is needed to unlock the entry. The user can only remove it. If an account is blocked for any reason, a check mark appears in this field, and to unblock the account it must be unchecked.

A similar description of the fields of this window can be read through the built-in tooltip. To do this, click the “Question Mark” icon in the upper right corner of the window, the cursor will change to a prompt, then move the cursor to the desired field and click again. A hint window should appear with a description of the object.

Create a new account.

To do this you need in the window "Computer Management" select branch "Users", then select from the menu “Action” - “New User”, as shown in the picture below.

A window to create a new account should appear. You need to enter it Username, you can even use Cyrillic.

If desired, you can enter the full name and description; these fields are more used in organizations with many users.

After the name you need to enter the password in the fields 2 times "Password" and "Confirmation".

This is done in order to avoid mistakes when entering the password. If the password and its confirmation do not match, a message about this will appear during creation.

At the end of the settings, press the button " Create" After this, the system will create a user and offer to create the next one. If necessary, create the next user; if not necessary, then click the “ Close».

This way we create accounts for all users. In the example I created entries " Parents" And " Children».

On your PC you can create users for each family member. If there will be several users, then I recommend creating your own account for each, and using the built-in OS administrator account only in case of problems.

After this, you need to create or change a password for current entry administrator.

To do this, select the entry in the right window « Admin» , then select from the menu “Action” - “Set password”.

In this case, the OS will issue warnings about the consequences of such an action.

If you advanced user and use file encryption, personal certificates and/or other security measures, then the password must be changed/set in a different way.

For novice users, you must agree and set a password. The password must be entered twice to avoid typing errors.




Very often I come across the fact that users forget about the layout and change the password on the Russian layout, and then when logging into the OS they try to type it in the English one.

The same goes for the CAPS LOCK and NUM LOCK buttons.

And PUNTO SWITCHER can change the layout in the middle of typing a password (I have encountered such cases).

If the password is entered incorrectly, the user cannot log in to the system.

Those who encounter this for the first time often get lost and think that they have broken their PC or Windows and begin to panic.

If the password does not work when logging into the OS, check the layout, CAPS LOCK and NUM LOCK buttons again, and try entering it again.

If the OS is not configured (the default is not configured) to limit the number of unsuccessful attempts, then the password can be entered an infinite number of times, and if configured, the entry is blocked after a certain number of unsuccessful attempts.

To do this, click “Start” - “End session” - “Change user”.

After this, you should see something like this (part of the screen is shown so that the clarity of the inscriptions does not disappear when compressed):

In the middle of the screen there is a hint “To get started, click your username”, at the bottom left is a button “Turn off your computer”.

On this screen, the PC user is asked to select their account (you can hover and left-click) and enter a password.

If you end the previous session after “Start” - “End session” - “Change user”, then the programs of the previous user will work - this can be seen in the line under the name - "Programs running: 4".

And if through “Start” - “End session” - “Exit”, then all programs running by the user will end.

OS system programs, as well as programs launched as system ones, for example, antivirus, continue to work when changing users.

This is convenient to use when you need to quickly boot the OS under a different user

If suddenly when you boot the PC, a recording "Administrator" will not be visible, then press the key combination Alt+Ctrl+Del, a window for entering your name and password should appear.

In it you need to type accordingly "Administrator" and the correct password, after which this entry will be loaded.

On subsequent downloads, the name “Administrator” will already be in the required field. On my PC, this happened a couple of days (and 4-5 reboots) after setting up new users, and I press the Alt+Ctrl+Del key combination twice to bring up the username and password entry window, although once should be enough.

Try logging in as each user to check that the password is correct and that user profile folders are created on disk.

Profile folders are folders in " C:\DocumentsandSettings\».

After checking simple passwords, try creating more complex ones that suit you and check them.

You must create different passwords for all users.

After creating and loading a new account, the user will see shortcuts on the desktop for programs that have been installed for all users.

Some programs have the option to select during installation: "for all users" or "for current user".

New users' desktop settings will be created "by default", but each user can customize it to suit their needs.

In the operating system in question, all users are divided into groups, depending on what kind of work they do. The OS already has built-in groups, as shown in the picture below.

OS users can also create other groups if they are members of the OS Administrators group.

Working with groups is useful in organizations with many users.

For example, a shared folder with files is created for a department, access to this folder is allowed to a group of users.

When joining or leaving a department, a user account is added or removed from the group, but nothing changes in the folder properties.

Similarly, if you need to open access to a folder to the entire department, then access is opened for the entire group, and not by searching through all the necessary users.

In the case of a home PC, there is no point in creating new groups, because there are few users.

When you create a new account, it falls into the group " Users" This is enough to launch programs, work with documents, and the Internet.

To install and configure programs you must be a member administrator groups.

Initially, users do not have access to the profiles of other users; when they try to access, the OS will display a message as shown in the picture below.

In this example, the user " Children"Trying to log into the user's profile" Parents».

User " Parents"must be added to the administrators group.

To do this, join the group " Administrators", double click, the window " Properties: Administrators».

At the bottom left there is a button " Add", you have to press it.

After this, the window “ Selection: Users».

In it you need to press the button “ Additionally"bottom left.

A user search window will appear.

In it you need to press the button “ Search» right in the middle. Then find the account in the list "Parents", select it and press " OK».

In the window " Selection: Users"A line like this will appear:


The first part is the PC name, the second is the entry name.

After this you need to click “ OK».

As a result, the window Properties: Administrators"should look like the image below.

Click " OK” and we get that the user “Parents” can view the profile of the user “Children”, but not vice versa.

As a result, the “Children” user cannot change files in the “Parents” user profile without using special system methods and programs.

If you need to install new programs or games or remove old ones, this can be done from the “Admin” or “Parents” user.

If a program or game after installation does not create shortcuts and/or groups of shortcuts for the “Children” user, then you need to place the shortcut for launching this program in the “ folder C:\Documents and Settings\Children\Desktop\", the "Children" user will see this shortcut on their desktop.

I will tell you how to set up access to a folder on another partition/disk in the next article.

Author of the article: Maxim Telpari
PC user with 15 years of experience. Support specialist for the video course "Confident PC User", after studying which you will learn how to assemble a computer, install Windows XP and drivers, restore the system, work in programs and much more.

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You must create a user that has rights to launch and use DCOM applications.

Both computers must have users with the same logins and passwords, and the password must not be empty. You can use one account per domain. Login selected for test opc and password opc

To increase security, you can create a user with limited rights. Administrator rights are required to add a user.

How to create a new user in Windows 7

Attention! You must create users with the same username and password on both computers (server and client). In the future, you need to run the OPC client on behalf of the created user.

Option 1

1 . Go to computer control mode

Rice. 1 Access to the computer or server management console

2. In this mode, find the branch Utilities/Local Users and groups and expand it. Right click on a branch Users and select New user.

Rice. 2 Adding a new user

3. Fill out the user properties table

Rice. 3 New user settings

  1. Please enter your username ( opc). Full name and the description is filled in as desired
  2. Please enter your password. The password must be specified and cannot be empty. In our case, this is opc.
  3. Confirm your password by entering it again
  4. Sign Require password change it should be removed
  5. Sign Prohibit password changesinstalled
  6. Sign The password has no expiration dateinstalled
  7. Click the button Create.

A new user has been created.

Option 2

1. Launch the User Account Control component. Press Ctrl+Win to open Command Prompt and enter:
control userpasswords2

2. In the window, click the button Add to add a new user to the system.

3. In the next window, set the login opc(field User), and a name with a description as desired and press the button Further.

4. Set a password opc and confirmation, click Further.

6. The user is created and appears in the list Users this computer. To enable autologin, you need to select the user in this list and uncheck the box . It's up to you to decide whether you need autologin or not.


Setting up user rights

If at the user creation stage you did not include him in the group DCOM users , then you can do this later.

Add a new user to the group DCOM users. This way, we can do all the configuration for a group, and not for a specific user - this may be useful in the future when changing the password for opc or changing the user.

And we’ll configure it to prohibit the user from changing the password (this is just in case he suddenly decides to make the password prettier).

1. Enter user management mode: press the keys Win+R and enter into the command line

control userpasswords2

3. In the window that appears on the left, select Groups(1) and double-click on the group DCOM users(2).

4. In the context menu that opens there is an item - Add to group, which launches the dialog to add a user to a group.

5. In the input field, write the login opc and press the OK button, if all is well, the window will close...

6. ... and in the next window in the list Group members our opc will appear. Now you can close the window.
7. Next on the left, select the item Users and double click on our opc, in the window that appears, check the boxes Prevent user from changing password And Validity is unlimited, confirm with the button OK and close the user and group settings window.

8. We also confirm the settings with the OK button in the remaining window. But the window will not close, but a request to enter the username and password for autologin will pop up. Let's enter our user's information and confirm with the OK button.

Attention! These steps must be performed on both the server and the client.

Comment. You can create multiple users and place them in one DCOM Users group. You can also include existing users in the specified group.

The need to create a new user arises quite often. This may be due to various reasons. For example, to restrict access to the computer for children by setting a ban on installing and uninstalling programs. You will learn how to correctly create a new user in the Windows 7 operating system from this article.

The process of creating a new user in Windows 7

So, first of all, make sure that Windows 7 is actually installed on the computer on which you are going to add a new user. Otherwise, the creation process may differ.

Now you need to go to the control panel. The most convenient way to do this is through the menu “ Start«.

Go to the control panel

In the control panel we find the element “ user accounts" and click on it.

user accounts

In the window that opens, click on “ Managing another account«.

Go to the window for creating a new user

At this point, you need to specify the name of the new account, as well as its type. For most users, the type " Regular access", but if you want the new account to have full rights to manage and administer the computer, then you should select the type " Administrator«.

A Windows user account is a set of information that determines what folders and files the user can access, what changes the user can make to the operation of the computer, and the user's personal settings, such as the desktop background and screen saver.

Using accounts allows multiple users to work on the same computer using their own files and settings. As a rule, during the installation process, you enter a name that will be used as the “Computer User”, that is, you will be the only user, but after installation you can add other users who will be allowed access to your computer.

To access your account, use your username and password. There are three types of accounts. Each type gives the user different options and settings for controlling the computer:

Regular user accounts are for everyday work;
Administrator accounts provide full control over the computer and are used only when necessary;
Guest accounts are intended for temporary access to a computer.

Let's find out, and at the same time learn how to delete a user.

Go to the Start menu and select Control Panel. You will see a control panel window where you can select three viewing modes for your convenience.

I will use the first example, you can use whichever example is more convenient for you. In this window, click on the “Add and remove user accounts” tab.

In this window, click on the "Account Creation" tab.

A window will open where you need to enter: new user account name, select which rights will have user in windows 7“Regular” or “Administrator” and click on the “Create account” button.

In the window that opens, you will see the created user account. Click on the created user with the left mouse button.

In this window you have all the settings for the created windows user 7, you can change:

account name
Create an account password
Change account picture
Change access mode for a user
Delete your account
Create settings for another user
Install parental control

To install in, the administrator account must be password protected, otherwise parental controls can easily be bypassed and disabled by all users who have access to the computer.

Well, that seems to be all, I hope everything was clear to everyone, how to create a user in windows 7 If you have any questions, write, I will be glad to help.
