Children's organization juid at school. How to organize a youth squad at school

All teachers know very well: if teenagers are interested in any type of activity, so much so that it becomes not only their need, but also socially significant, appreciated by adults and peers, then in this field the children will have great success, and the acquired knowledge, skills and skills, or, as they say now, competencies, will remain for life. That is, the effectiveness of the educational process directly depends on the involvement of adolescents in direct activity. You can tell the guys as much as you like about the need to comply with traffic rules, but they will still violate them. And if you create a detachment of young traffic inspectors from among those who see their future profession in ensuring order and law or auto business, yes “load them in full” and to propagating the rules among peers and kids through interesting propaganda performances, and to testing knowledge with the help of quizzes and brain rings, and to real patrolling the streets adjacent to the school, not to mention participation in different kind competitions, reviews, competitions among the same detachments of the city, you can be sure: these guys will always be very attentive to the observance of the Rules.

On what does the precise work of such a detachment depend, with full, so to speak, dedication? Many schools have a YID, but its work is shown on occasions of inspections, i.e. the existence of the detachment is purely formal.

First of all, it is necessary to find a teacher who could interest the children in, at first glance, not very popular activities to promote traffic rules. The activity itself should include interesting forms of work, this is the main requirement, to be carried out constantly, and not from case to case. Not only the head and members of the detachment, but also the entire teaching staff, headed by the school administration, should be interested in its results. After all, to solve the problem with the appropriate form, the presence of a good, responsive modern requirements, corner of the detachment, sets of road signs, posters, etc., is possible only at the level of the headmaster.

The work of the detachment is regulated by the relevant regulatory documents, since the Judaic movement is all-Russian. Our collection contains necessary material for the work of the detachment, which should be the basis. These are the regulations on the detachments of the UID, the structure of the detachment and headquarters, the tasks of each of its links, a list of basic documentation, and approximate planning of the detachment's work for the year. Of course, planning should depend on the specifics of the work on the prevention of DDTT in your region and on the traditions of a particular educational institution.

An important role in promoting the Rules among peers is played by the propaganda team of the UID detachment. Using modern, close and understandable topics for teenagers, the artists of the propaganda team clearly show the guys what non-compliance with the Rules can lead to traffic. Such performances are especially popular with younger students.

Returning to what was said above, we note once again that the teacher can repeat to her first-graders a hundred times how and where to cross the street correctly, but they will only start doing this after looking at the same tips in the speech of the propaganda team.

Purpose of the team: ensuring the safety of students on the roads of the microdistrict and the city.


1. Optimizing the activity of adolescents through positive activities to form responsibility for the safety of their lives and those around them on the roads.

2. Active promotion of MPC among children to prevent DDTT.

3. Socialization of adolescents, instilling the skills of social organizational work, responsibility, camaraderie through the activities of the association of the YID detachment.

General provisions

1. The UID detachment is a voluntary public non-political organization. Adolescents who have reached the age of 10 join it, approving the goals and objectives of the UID movement, actively working in this direction.

2. The number of guys in the detachment is not regulated.

3. The squad may include students responsible in the classes for the prevention of DDTT and work on the study and promotion of traffic rules from classes (5-11th).

4. The work of the detachment is regulated by the work plan of the detachment, drawn up taking into account the program for the prevention of DDTT of the educational institution and the plan for conducting district and city events in this direction.

5. The main decision-making body of the detachment is the assembly of the detachment, which meets at least twice a year (September, May). The main executive body is the headquarters of the UID detachment, which includes 10 people

The structure of the UID squad

As a rule, in its structure, the detachment includes 8 groups:

1) a group of qualifications, which is engaged in the design and issuance of YID certificates, refereeing during competitions;

2) the accounting group draws up documents, plans, visual campaigning;

3) a propaganda group conducts talks on the rules of the road among children;

4) the traffic organization group works with cyclists;

5) the inquiry group conducts work with violators of traffic rules;

6) the division of traffic controllers is on duty on the roads in front of the school before classes and after classes, regulates the movement of schoolchildren;

7) the raid team works in the traffic safety office;

8) the duty group helps preschoolers learn the rules of the road.

Of course, when preparing and holding large events, all members of the detachment, regardless of which group they belong to, take an active part in it.

The structure of the headquarters of the JIA detachment

1. Detachment commander.

2. Deputy squad leader.

3. Qualification group commander.

4. Commander of the accounting group.

5. Commander of the propaganda group and propaganda team.

6. Commander of the movement organization group.

7. Commander of the inquiry group.

8. Commander of the division of traffic controllers.

9. The commander of the raid group. 10. Commander of the duty group.

Main official duties staff members

Detachment commander - is elected by direct open voting at the gathering of the detachment from among the proposed candidates. Organizes, corrects and controls the organization of work of the UID detachment. Conducts board meetings. He is the deputy chairman of the student council of the ORION school on the prevention of DDTT and the promotion of traffic rules. Included in the headquarters of the YPR school. Responsible in the SU and YPR for his direction.

Deputy the commander of the UID detachment - organizes and supervises the holding of meetings of the headquarters, the detachment's classes. Is an authorized representative of the commander of the detachment in his absence. Coordinates the activities of the detachment in class groups.

The commander of the qualification group is engaged in the design and issuance of certificates for the JID, helps in checking the knowledge of traffic rules in classes, and is the chief judge in traffic competitions.

The commander of the accounting group draws up documents, plans, is responsible for the register of the detachment's work. He is the organizer of design work in the detachment, is responsible for holding competitions for visual propaganda (drawings, posters, signs).

The commander of the propaganda group organizes the preparation and conduct of conversations, quizzes on the rules of the road in the classroom.

The commander of the traffic organization is annually responsible for updating the lists of cyclists, for working with them.

The commander of the inquiry group takes an active part in organizing patrol raids along the streets of the microdistrict, is responsible for working with students who violate traffic rules.

The commander of the group of traffic controllers organizes patrols on the streets of the microdistrict, accompanies younger schoolchildren on their way to various cultural, educational, sports facilities and school district activities.

The commander of the raid brigade organizes work in the OBZh office, works with visual propaganda available at the school.

The commander of the duty group is responsible for explanatory work with younger schoolchildren and preschoolers (school preparation center).

The main reporting documentation of the UID detachment is:

1. Passport of the UID detachment.

2. Journal of accounting for the work carried out by the UID detachment.

3. Folder with storage methodological material squad UID.

4. The detachment draws up and updates the stand of the "Traffic Light" detachment, is responsible for updating the material of the school's traffic safety corner.

Statistical data on child injuries and accidents indicate that it is necessary to work more in depth on the problem of teaching schoolchildren the rules of the road (SDA). “The educational institution has a decisive role not only in the study of the rules of the road (SDA), but also in the prevention of child road traffic injuries (CRTT) in accordance with the Law on Road Traffic” ”.

The purpose of this article is to show the possibilities of cooperation with traffic police officers, to consider specific areas of joint activities in the prevention of child road traffic injuries.

IN modern society educational institutions are in search of social partners with whom it is possible to exchange material, informational, educational resource support in order to form a healthy, socially active personality.

Issues of social partnership are considered at the theoretical level in the journals “OBZH. Fundamentals of Life Safety” No. 12, 2004, No. 2, 2006, No. 6 2007, and we implement it taking into account the characteristics of our educational institution. Further theoretical analysis, given below, makes it possible to judge the main ways of partnership in the new conditions.

The teaching staff conducts their work in close contact with traffic police officers and parents, constantly improving the forms and methods of studying traffic rules and promoting them by children, while creating their own pedagogical concept of a humanistic educational system. The priority of the system is the personality of each pupil, its protection and development.

And here it should be noted that everyone is doing their own thing: our “educational institution teaches children safe behavior on the roads; The traffic police controls the organization of children's education, identifies the conditions and causes of child road traffic injuries, develops and takes specific measures to eliminate them, and creates road conditions that ensure the safety of children. Therefore, the teacher is mainly the carrier of theoretical knowledge in the field of road safety, and the traffic police officer is the carrier of practical skills. And here you need the ability to interact, complementing each other, because the goal of both is the same - to ensure the safety of children on the roads.”

In order to establish work on the prevention of DDTT in educational institutions, the COiN of Novokuznetsk, the traffic police created and organized the work of detachments of young traffic inspectors (YUID). In our gymnasium, the YID squad is made up of schoolchildren who do a lot of work to promote the rules of the road. YIDovtsy use various forms of work in their activities to promote traffic rules: they organize “Road Safety” talks, competitions, “ABC” quizzes, performances by “Traffic Light” propaganda teams, theatrical performances, assist in the design of information and preventive corners for schoolchildren and parents, draw up memos on the implementation of traffic rules and the use of first aid (PMP), help in holding competitions of drawings and posters.

The purpose of the work of the YID squad of gymnasium No. 17 is to ensure the safety of students on the roads of the microdistrict and the city.

The main tasks of the team are:

  1. “Optimizing the activity of adolescents through positive activities to form responsibility for the safety of their lives and those around them on the roads;
  2. Active promotion of traffic rules among children to prevent DDTT.
  3. Socialization of adolescents, instilling the skills of social organizational work, responsibility, camaraderie through the activities of the association of the UID detachment.

Areas of work of the UID detachment:

  1. Active assistance to the gymnasium in developing a life position in children.
  2. Learning the rules of safe behavior on the roads and streets, mastering the methods of preventing child road traffic injuries and the skills of first aid medical care victims of traffic accidents,
  3. Acquaintance with the operational and technical means of traffic.
  4. Carrying out mass explanatory work to promote traffic rules and organize this work among children;
  5. Participation in YID reviews, contests, competitions, propaganda teams, conducting classes with young cyclists.

The backbone of the YID team of the gymnasium is 12 people: these are students of grades 5-9, who see their future profession in ensuring order and law or in auto business. Members of the UID team are trained in the rules of the road according to a special program, and also conduct classes themselves, they like to feel their importance. I have to study a new discipline with the children, taking into account their psychological, physiological and age characteristics. The result of our joint work was the fact of a small number of traffic violations within three recent years: there were two in the summer.

The coordinating role and assistance in the work of the JID detachment, the education of our children is provided by teachers of the training class of the traffic police of the ATS in the Central District:

  • methodologists of the training class of the traffic police department of the police department provide assistance in thematic planning training sessions, preparation of lectures on basic road concepts;
  • the traffic police, involving teachers in auto business and employees of the All-Russian Voluntary Society of Motorists (VDOAM), organize methodological classes, conduct seminars and briefings on traffic rules with the leaders of the YID detachments, with class teachers;
  • contribute to the selection of materials for the design of the “Information Corner on Road Safety”, monthly providing up-to-date information on the state of DDTT in the area and didactic material “Causes of accidents”, “How to avoid danger on the roads”, “Household habits have no place on the road”, and others;
  • assist in planning work to prevent DDTT in the general gymnasium plan and in the plans of class teachers;
  • systematically provide methodological assistance for conducting decades and months on traffic safety; assist in the development of classes with students on traffic safety;
  • regularly introduce the dynamics and causes of road accidents with children, followed by a discussion of the tasks of teachers and parents in the spirit of strict implementation of traffic rules;
  • bring to the attention of parents, children and teachers cases of violations of traffic rules by children; organize meetings of parent committees with representatives of the traffic police;
  • conduct bus tours along the busiest streets with stops and explanations for children of the features and nature of traffic in certain sections;
  • monthly provide the newspaper “Visiting traffic police chki” of the traffic police department of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the city of Novokuznetsk with information and analytical materials for teachers, parents, as well as informative and educational material for children.

As already noted, the traffic police officers and teachers of the training class help me, the leader of the detachment, class teachers and educators of the extended day group in the prevention of child road traffic injuries, bringing to the attention of parents, children and teachers cases of violations of traffic rules by children, revealing the causes and conditions of road accidents involving children. Traffic police officers offer such types of work with parents as lectures, thematic conversations, individual work with parents whose children are at risk (too active, mobile, unpredictable on the streets and roads, and, conversely, inhibited, insecure, experiencing a sense of fear that have a slow response to danger). For lectures conducted by teachers of the gymnasium, inspectors provide analytical material from the territorial administration (department) of the traffic police. We encourage parents to interact, we convince them of the need to help schoolchildren at home, in independent work with an educational book-notebook on traffic safety provided by the traffic police training class.

The teachers of the gymnasium, together with the traffic police, are constantly looking for new forms and methods of safety. For several years, our YIDovtsy have been participating in the Olympiad for the best knowledge of traffic rules and PMP, experts in the history of motoring and cyclists compete. A new and interesting form of performances by propaganda teams is represented by the “Poster Competition with Presentation”, where children show their talents in drawing, composing and reciting poetry, performing songs, dancing and theatrical performances.

I would especially like to note such a form of work of the traffic police department of the ROVD as conducting car campaigns during the “Attention, children!” campaigns, which involve students, teachers, drivers and traffic police officers, representatives of the mass media. Decorated with drawings, posters and slogans on the topic of traffic safety, buses do not leave indifferent any passer-by and driver. The column of buses is accompanied by traffic police cars. Through a loudspeaker, the employees of the traffic police department for the Central District inform the population of the district and the city about the goals and objectives of the road campaign, call on all road users to comply with the laws of the roads, and instill in children the skills of safe behavior on the roadway. As the teacher of the training class of the GIBDDD ROVD I.A. Bogdanova: “Attention to children, sensitivity and knowledge of problematic issues of road safety will allow both teachers and traffic police officers to work competently and promisingly in the education of young pedestrians and cyclists.”

The problems in the work on the prevention of DDTT among students are the following aspects:

  • Firstly, despite the fact that schools are actively working to prevent DDTT, this is not enough to correct the traffic situation that has developed in the region, and even more so in the city. The number of road accidents and the number of people killed in them is not decreasing. The reason remains the same: non-compliance with traffic rules by pedestrians and drivers. Today it is very important to teach children not only to strictly observe traffic rules, but also to be able to navigate in any situation. Therefore, the idea of ​​creating his "car town"”- a kind of street and road network in miniature, real and at the same time absolutely safe for practical classes on the Rules of the Road. Creating specialized play and learning spaces is an important form of road safety education for children” ;
  • secondly, there is the problem of staffing, training of specialists working on the prevention of DDTT and advanced training of teaching staff.

We hope that the cooperation between our gymnasium and the GIBDD ROVD will be promising and will enrich us with “new pedagogical ideas in the field of teaching children good behavior on the road and saving life, that we will continue to lead our children hand in hand along the good, safe road of childhood and youth” .


  1. T.A. Kuzmina, V.V. Shumilova. Prevention of road traffic injuries.. - Volgograd. - Teacher. - 2007.
  2. M. Forshtat. On the joint work of teachers and traffic police officers. - LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. Fundamentals of life safety - 2006. - No. 2. - P. 50-52.
  3. E.A. Voronova. Red. Yellow. Green. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2006.
  4. P. Zherebtsov. Implementation of the federal program. - The newspaper "Visiting the GAI" - 2007 - No. 7, November.
  5. V.N. Kiryanov, chief state inspector of traffic police of the Russian Federation. - Newspaper "Safe Road of Childhood" - 2007 - No. 19, October.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Kryukovskaya average comprehensive school

Tatsinsky district



Supervisor: Aksenov V.V.

The activities of the detachment of young traffic inspectors

at Kryukovskaya secondary school

The problem of children's road traffic injuries today remains one of the most urgent.

How to prevent accidents on the road with children, reduce the level of child road traffic injuries? There are plenty of forms and methods of preventive work in this direction, but one of the most effective is the involvement of schoolchildren in the detachment of young traffic inspectors.

What does the UID squad do?

First of all, it conducts explanatory work at the school on the Rules of the road; publishes wall newspapers; propaganda materials; organizes competitions, contests, quizzes; equips training grounds in an educational institution; conducts classes with children-cyclists on the playgrounds. All this is an intra-school work, the purpose of which is to popularize road safety issues among children and adolescents.

The main goal of the detachmentinvolvement in purposeful and systematic work of students, teachers, parents, and the public.

The main form of work is extracurricular activities. This includes the release of informative visual materials; organization of competitions, KVN quizzes between classes, showing propaganda performances in primary school and kindergarten.

The UID detachment is created in accordance with the regulations on the UID detachments.


about detachments of young traffic inspectors (YUID)

    General provisions

Detachments of young traffic inspectors are voluntary associations of schoolchildren that are created with the aim of educating them in citizenship, a high general culture, collectivism, professional orientation, and broadly involving them in organizing the promotion of safe behavior on the roads among young and middle-aged children.

The main tasks of the detachments of young traffic inspectors are:

    active assistance to the school in the education of students, the development of an active life position among schoolchildren.

    studying the rules, safe behavior on the roads, mastering the skills of carrying out work to promote the Rules of the Road and organizing this work among children.

    mastering the skills of providing first aid to victims of road accidents.

A detachment of young traffic inspectors is created from among schoolchildren in a comprehensive school.

The administration of a comprehensive school selects an organizer of work with detachments of young traffic inspectors from among the teachers.

    The main areas of work of young traffic inspectors

    Education among the members of the YID detachment of devotion to their homeland on the basis of the heroic, military and labor traditions of the police, the formation of their sense of justice, a humane attitude towards people, a sense of camaraderie.

    In-depth study of the Rules of the Road, mastering the methods of preventing children's road traffic injuries and the skills of providing first aid to victims of road accidents, familiarity with the operational and technical means of traffic control.

    Carrying out mass explanatory work to promote the Rules of the road at school. Participation in reviews and rallies of UID, competitions, organization of the activities of school traffic safety sites.

    Organization of work with young cyclists.

    The structure and organization of the work of detachments of young traffic inspectors.

Members of the detachments of young traffic inspectors can be students aged 10 years and over who have expressed a desire to actively participate in the work of the YID detachment.

A squad is created when there are at least 6 people.

Admission to the detachment of young traffic inspectors is made on the basis of an oral application at the gathering of the detachment.

The day-to-day management of the work of the detachments of young traffic inspectors is carried out by the headquarters of the YID, elected at the general meetings of the detachment. The headquarters elects the commander of the detachment from among its members and approves the commanders of the divisions. In small detachments, only the commander is elected.

    Duties and rights of a young traffic inspector

The young traffic inspector is obliged:

    Treasure the honor, the title of young traffic inspector, actively participate in the affairs of the detachment, timely and accurately fulfill the tasks of the detachment commander.

    Learn the rules of the road and be examples in their implementation.

    Conduct explanatory work among peers and children younger age to promote the rules of the road.

    Protect and strengthen public order in every possible way, participate in the prevention of violations of traffic rules by children.

    Improve health, systematically exercise physical culture and sports.

The young traffic inspector has the right:

    Participate in the discussion of all issues related to the activities of the detachment, and make appropriate proposals.

    Seek help and advice on road safety and public order from the local police and the State Inspectorate.

    Participate in patrols on the streets, in the neighborhood of the school to comply with the rules of the road, organizing reasonable leisure for children and adolescents.

    A young traffic inspector can be awarded for active work in the detachment with certificates, be sent to district, regional meetings of young traffic inspectors.

Information activity:

    inform the council of the children's organization on the results of the activities of the UID detachment,

    creation of stands “For traffic safety”, “YuID in action”, wall newspapers “Young Traffic Inspector”, cool corners “Safe Road” and other information work.

    Team documentation management:photo album, squad passport.

Propaganda activities:

    organization of explanatory work on the topic of road safety,

    holding conversations, quizzes, games, excursions, competitions, competitions, KVN, thematic matinees, holidays, staging performances,

    participation in the creation and use of visual agitation of the methodological base for studying the Rules of the Road.

Boss activities:

    assisting in the creation of a playground on the territory of the school,

    workshop " Technical creativity”to prepare visual aids for toddlers,

    organization of drawing competitions among schoolchildren on the topic of road safety,

    learning songs and poems

    assistance to teachers in conducting excursions “ABC of roads”.

Report on the work of the UID squad " crossroads »

In the Kryukovskaya secondary school, a detachment of the UID has been operating since 2000. Members of the UID squad are students in grades 5-8. The UID detachment has its own structure, name, motto, laws, song.

A work plan was drawn up for the UID detachment and a plan for training young traffic inspectors. The work is carried out according to plan. Classes are held 2 times a month according to the program.

Yuidovtsy actively promote traffic rules among children and adolescents and prevent their violations. Squad members use various forms work: theatrical performances “Know the rules of the road”, competitions “I, my friends and the rules of the road”, publication of materials “Road alphabet”, holding quizzes, making leaflets for students and their parents, etc.

At the beginning of each academic year during the month of "Attention - children!" members of the detachment conduct thematic classes with first-graders: “Everyone should know this, be sure to “5”, with students primary school make route sheets "My road to school and back", quizzes "Our tricolor friend", " Road signs important and necessary, their children and adults should remember”; on duty at intersections near schools at the end of lessons.

As part of the traffic safety month, UID organizes competitions of drawings, posters, cartoon films, makes training crosswords and puzzles for children. To carry out such events, the team members in the system study the traffic rules, which gives them the opportunity to objectively and competently evaluate the work of students, the actions of young cyclists at the Safe Wheel competitions, and they themselves successfully perform at district competitions, rallies of YID teams.

At the school-wide meeting, members of the UID team talk about child road traffic injuries in the area, using traffic police data.

YID members became active participants in the Week elementary school student, where, together with students of the 1st grade, they prepared and held the event “The ABC of a young pedestrian”.

With the departure of the holidays, "Svetoforik" issues leaflets about safety during the holidays.

IN spring-summer period the largest number of road traffic accidents involving cyclists. In this regard, a week of safety is held annually in May, where the Safe Wheel competition is held for students in grades 3-8, which contribute to:

Studying and fixing traffic rules;

Consolidation of cycling skills;

The study of bicycle technology.

Competitions consist of several stages: knowledge of traffic rules, cycling route, and first aid. The popularity rating of school affairs shows that these events are among the most significant and interesting for children.

During the work of the summer recreation camp "Solnyshko" the work of the UID detachment continues its work. Games are held on the playgrounds, talks about the rules of the road, help teachers in conducting excursions and hikes.

Composition of the UID "Crossroads" detachment

Detachment commander: Kruk Denis

Deputy Detachment commander: Aksenova Irina

Propaganda Group Commander: Rybalchenko Tonya

Qualification group commander: Alexander Fomichev

The commander of the group of traffic controllers: Denis Verbin

Commander of the duty group: Gladchenko Marina

Team members: Mikulich Natalia

Ivanyuk Vika

Tselousova Lida

Saltykov Ivan

Lasevich Ivan

Kratenko Nastya

Gladchenko Julia

Revenskova Luba

Tertitskikh Natalia

Litovchik Roman

Dorodnova Veronica

Didechkin Sergey

Svinarev Ivan

Shipelov Slava

Ivanyuk Vlad

Verbina Karina

Detachment UID "Crossroads"

Motto: “Red lit up, wait, don’t rush!

Yellow lit up, look around!

Green lit up, boldly forward!

A straight road to you is a pedestrian!”

Judaic law:

Red - stop

yellow - wait

and green - go!

Speech: Hey pedestrian!

Go ahead,

Forward to road knowledge,

YuIDovtsev squad leads

Knowledge vehicle.

The traffic light is red!

Light up yellow - wait,

On the sides you look!

How did the green light turn on?

Go ahead, merry people!

Song: Walking carefully...

(Words by S. Mikhalkov)

The city is full of movement

Cars run in a row.

Colored traffic lights

Both day and night are burning.

Walking carefully

Follow the street

And only where possible

And only where possible

And just go there.

And where there are cars during the day

Hurry from all sides

You can't walk around yawning!

Walking carefully

Follow the street

And only where possible

And only where possible

And just go there.

Work planning

Detachment UID "Crossroads"


1. Hold a general meeting of members of the UID squad. Election of a detachment commander, commissar. Distribution of duties. Formation of the corner of the detachment.

2. Take an active part in the raid "Attention - children!", for which:

    conduct conversations in all classes on the rules of the road, draw up a route sheet “My way to school and back”;

    create a safety cornerFor traffic safety».

    Conduct a lesson:

    ABC of road safety.

    SDA - the laws of streets and roads.


1. Identify cyclists at school and conduct theoretical and practical lessons.

    Conduct a lesson:

    Rules for the safe behavior of cyclists.

3. Conduct a drawing competition in the primary grades “Rules of the road are our friends!” From the best drawings set up an exhibition.


1. Release a colorful poster - a reminder to the guys about observing the rules of the road during the autumn holidays.

2. Conduct a lesson:

    Fire safety conditions in transport.

    Traffic regulation.


    "Everyone should be clear - it's dangerous to ride on the road!" (safety line before leaving for the winter holidays).

    Conduct a lesson:

    SDA. General provisions, some terms.

    Safe speed. Transport maneuvers.


1. Conduct a lesson:

    Basic rules of safe behavior when using public transport.

    traffic controller signals


1. On a school-wide line, talk about children's road traffic injuries in

area, using traffic police data.

    Conduct a lesson:

    Rules of conduct for pedestrians.

    Types of intersections.

3. Quiz "Traffic light".


1 . Start preparing for the regional competition "Safe Wheel".

    Conduct a lesson:

    Warning signals.

    Road signs.

    PMP in an accident.

3. With the departure of the spring break, issue a leaflet-appeal "Remember this is a young cyclist."


1. Conduct games with preschoolers on traffic safety "Merry Traffic Light".

    Conduct a lesson:

    Practical lesson on traffic rules "Cyclist - driver of the vehicle."

    Fundamentals of pedestrian and transport insurance.

3. Take part in the regional rally of the UID "Safe Wheel" detachments.

1. Hold a "Safety Week".

    Conduct a lesson:

3. "Hello summer!" (about behavior on the road during summer holidays) – message on

General school line.


1. Organize the work of the YID detachment in the school summer camp "Solnyshko".

2. Conduct a game program "We are pedestrians" in the summer camp "Sun".

3. Summarize the work of the UID squad for the year.

Every year the number of vehicles on the roads increases, and this, in turn, increases the likelihood of traffic accidents. Regrettably, but most often the places of accidents are not busy highways, but small roads and even pedestrian crossings. And the culprits are often pedestrians, including children. This is due to the fact that schoolchildren, unfortunately, do not know the elementary ones, do not realize what consequences such carelessness can lead to.

It is for this purpose that in many general educational Russian educational institutions and detachments of Young traffic inspectors are being created, the main task of which is to convey to children information about the need to comply with traffic rules.

The history of UID dates back to 1973. It was then, on March 6, that the secretariat of the Central Committee of the Komsomol, together with the Ministry of Education and the Collegium of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, adopted a resolution on the creation of propaganda teams for the YID at the school. During the first year alone, 14,000 YID detachments began work in the schools of the USSR. Later they began to hold rallies, competitions, competitions and various events between members of the UID units. And today the topic has not lost its relevance. In Russian schools, there are propaganda teams, YID circles, where the rules of behavior on the roads are explained to children in an accessible form in order to save life and health.

UID Squad Program

The main difference between the YID program in primary and high school from ordinary lessons is that there is no teacher and students in the conventional sense. Classes are held in a creative, friendly and relaxed atmosphere, game techniques are often used, competitions are held. The work of these circles educational process and does not violate its integrity. In addition, the study in the circle is voluntary. It is worth noting that children of primary and secondary school age really like such classes, since various pedagogical methods are used during training. In the form of a game, children consolidate the knowledge gained in the classroom, develop the skills of correct behavior on the road, and master the principles of adequate actions during unforeseen and problematic situations. Over time, the child not only becomes an exemplary road user, but also realizes the need to pass on his knowledge to peers. Education in the YID units at school forms in children the awareness of what is the correct social behavior, responsibility.

Practical aspect

After initiation into the JID, which is often held in a festive festive atmosphere with the participation of representatives of the traffic police, the child feels involved in an important public process. After several introductory classes aimed at studying theoretical material (traffic rules, rights and obligations of road users, road signs and markings), children are involved in practical exercises. Schoolchildren learn to ride a bicycle, following the rules, solve practical problems modeled by the teacher. tasks. In such situations, the child feels his own responsibility, learns to consciously evaluate the behavior of other road users on the road.

In addition to traffic rules, schoolchildren are organized meetings with medical workers, during which children learn the basics medical knowledge with a view to their application in practice, if necessary. After all, it is so important to be able to help people in emergency unforeseen situations, which, among other things, increases one's own self-esteem.

Independence, an adequate reaction, the ability to make the right decisions, activity, purposefulness, politeness and attentiveness - this is a small fraction of what a child who attends school or out-of-school YID circles can get.

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Municipal educational institution "Primary school No. 5" Detachment of young inspectors of the movement "DOZOR"

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The motto of the detachment To all the boys and girls According to the traffic rules, we will convey knowledge! We are for safe movement And we will not let our city down!

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- One, two! - Three four! - Three four! - One, two! - Who walks together in a row? - We are the UID detachment! We study traffic rules and explain to the children, What is a transition, Know what a pedestrian should. To the knowledge of all we call, We never lose heart! CHAT

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Our school has YID, Our school has YID, We are proud of it. We study traffic rules, we study traffic rules, both in winter and in summer. Pr .: I saw a traffic light, And I crossed the "zebra", So I took into account the rules. Do not play near the road, Do not run out on it, you know the traffic rules for sure! OUR SONG

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Main goals and objectives: assistance to the school in educating students, developing an active life position among schoolchildren, studying the rules of safe behavior on the roads, mastering the skills of working to promote the Rules of the Road

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Composition of the PATROL squad Leader of the squad: Morozov Ivan Responsible for stands: Maslova Polina, Kondaurova Alexandra Responsible for campaigning: Goncharov Ivan, Naboka Alexander Responsible for events: Antyasov Andrey, Petrova Polina And the whole 4a class!

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The content of the work of the YID detachment Information activities: Inform the council of the children's organization about the results of the activities of the YID detachment. Creation of stands “For traffic safety”, “YUID in action”, school corners “Safe road” and maintaining documentation of the detachment , thematic matinees, holidays, Participation in the creation and use of visual certification of the methodological base for studying the Rules of the Road.

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Boss work: - assisting teachers in kindergartens in carrying out activities on traffic rules, - the work of the workshop "Technical creativity" to prepare visual aids for kids, - organizing competitions among schoolchildren on the topic of road safety, - learning songs and poems, - assistance teachers of first-graders in carrying out the lines "ABC of roads".

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The structure and organization of the work of the YID squad Members of the teams of young traffic inspectors can be students aged 10 years and over who have expressed a desire to actively participate in the work of the YID squad. A squad is created when there are at least 6 people. Admission to the detachment of young traffic inspectors is made on the basis of an oral application at the gathering of the detachment. The day-to-day management of the work of the detachments of young traffic inspectors is carried out by the headquarters of the YID, elected at the general meetings of the detachment. The headquarters elects the commander of the detachment from among its members and approves the commanders of the divisions. In small detachments, only the commander is elected.

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Planning the work of the "DOZOR" detachment CREATION OF THE JUID DETAILS "It should be clear to everyone - it's dangerous to ride on the road!" (safety line before leaving for the winter holidays). Conduct a lesson: Safe speed. Transport maneuvers. 3. Quiz "Connoisseur of traffic rules." To conduct a lesson: 1. Tell about children's road traffic injuries in the city on a school-wide line, using the traffic police data. Conduct a lesson: Rules of conduct for pedestrians. 1. Participation in the competition of YID squads 2. Competition "Letter to the driver" 3. Action "Driver, you have a letter!" Conduct a lesson: Warning signals. Road signs. 3. Leaving for spring break, speak to first graders December January February March

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1. Conduct games with preschoolers on traffic safety "Merry Traffic Light". Conduct a lesson: Practical lesson on traffic rules "Cyclist - driver of a vehicle." Fundamentals of pedestrian and vehicle insurance. 1. Hold a "Safety Week". Conduct a lesson: an accident. Causes of their occurrence and possible consequences. 3. "Hello summer!" (about behavior on the road during the summer holidays) - a message on the schoolwide line. 1. Organize the work of the YID detachment at the school summer camp "Star Factory". 2. Conduct a game program "We are pedestrians" in a summer camp. 3. Summarize the work of the UID squad for the year. April May June

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Planning the work of the "DOZOR" detachment 1. Hold a general meeting of the members of the UID detachment. Election of a detachment commander, commissar. Distribution of duties. Formation of the corner of the detachment. 2. Take an active part in the raid "Attention - children!", for which: conduct conversations in all classes on the rules of the road, draw up a route sheet "My way to school and back"; arrange a safety corner "For traffic safety". Conduct a lesson: The ABC of road safety. SDA - the laws of streets and roads. 1. Identify cyclists at school and conduct theoretical and practical classes with them. Conduct a lesson: A brief description of the types of modern transport. Rules for the safe behavior of cyclists. 4. Hold a drawing competition in primary grades “Rules of the road are our friends!” Organize an exhibition of the best drawings. 1. Release a colorful poster - a reminder to the guys about observing the rules of the road during the autumn holidays. Carry out traffic control. September October November

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The young traffic inspector is obliged to: Treasure the honor, the title of the young traffic inspector, actively participate in the affairs of the detachment, timely and accurately fulfill the tasks of the detachment commander. Learn the rules of the road and be an example in their implementation. Conduct explanatory work among peers and young children to promote the Rules of the Road. Protect and strengthen public order in every possible way, participate in the prevention of violations of traffic rules by children. Strengthen health, systematically engage in physical culture and sports.