July 22nd is the name day. Name day July female and male names according to the church calendar

When choosing what to name girls and boys born today, it is important to consider that in the calendar, name days on June 22 are marked only for those who received the following at baptism male names- Alexander, Andrey, Ivan, Kirill, Mikhail, Fedor and Ian.

Additionally, birthday people are presented in the church calendar for 2020, according to which one can congratulate those who were baptized in the name of the New Martyr Constantine (Lebedev) on Angel Day.

But female names for this period are not presented either in the calendar or in the church calendar.

Therefore, the name day of girls born on this day should be postponed by eight days. So, according to the naming tradition, you can choose the most suitable female names in honor of the saints venerated on the specified date.

We must remember that July 22 Orthodox Church especially honors the memory of the Bishop of Tauromenia Hieromartyr Pankratius, therefore the Pankrats have the most important name day on this day.

Consequently, Pankrata birthday people are endowed with willpower, diligence and hard work from birth. They are friendly and selfless, prone to hard physical labor.

Pancratius was from one of the Syrian provinces and lived in the 1st century. Together with his father, he traveled to Israel to see the Son of God with his own eyes.

Imbued with all his heart by the teachings of Christ, the young man became his zealous follower and even met the Apostle Peter. Soon he returned to his homeland and there, together with his family, he was baptized by one of the twelve apostles.

Afterwards Pankratius was ordained by Peter to the episcopal see of Tauromenia. Having taken this post, he zealously performed his duties, helping to strengthen christian church and more and more people turning to it.

But in the city where he lived, there were enough pagans who, seeing an opportunity for themselves, stoned the bishop to death. He was buried with honors, and later a temple was erected in his honor in Rome, where the saint’s relics were transferred.


Origin of the name. The name Alexander, translated from Greek, means “protector”, “protective husband”, “man”, “man”.

Short form of the name. Sasha, Sashechka, Shura, Alexandrushka, Alexanya, Sanya, Alex, Sanyukha, Sanyusha, Aleksakha, Aleksha, Asya, Sashulya, Sashunya, Sale, Sandra, Sashura, Ali, Alya, Alik, Shurik.


Origin of the name. The origin of the name Andrey goes back to Ancient Greece. In those days, the word “andros” meant “man”, “person”. From him came the name Andreas, which in Rus' was renamed Andrey - “brave”, “courageous”, “brave”. In many countries of the world it sounds differently - Henri (France), Andrew (England), Ondrej (Slovakia), Andrzej (Poland).

Short form of the name. Andreika, Andryukha, Andryusha, Andryushka, Andryunya.


Origin of the name. The name Ivan (John, Yohanan) is of biblical origin and Hebrew roots. Translated from Hebrew it means “God’s favor”, “God’s mercy”. In Russia, until 1917, among peasants, almost every fourth man bore the name Ivan. It has also become widespread among other peoples of the world.

Short form of the name. Vanya, Vanyukha, Vanyusha, Vanyushka, Ivanko, Vanyura, Vanyusya, Vanyuta, Vanyutka, Vanyata, Vanyatka, Ivanya, Ivanyukha, Ivanyusha, Ivasya, Ivasik, Ivakha, Ivasha, Isha, Ishu.


Origin of the name. Common in all European countries The male name Kirill has ancient Greek roots. Derived from the name Kyrillos, which comes from the word kyrios, which means “lord”, “lord”, “lord”.

Short form of the name. Kirilka, Kirya, Kira, Kiryukha, Kirukha, Kiryusha, Kiryunya, Kirunya, Kirusya, Kiryakha, Kiryasha, Kirka.


Origin of the name. The male name Konstantin is of Latin origin. It is derived from the word constans, which translated into Russian means “persistent”, “constant”. Christians associate it with the name of Emperor Constantine the Great, the founder of the capital of the Roman Empire, Constantinople.

Short form of the name. Kostya, Kosta, Konstantinka, Kosya, Kotya, Kostyukha, Kostyusha, Kostyunya, Kostyakha, Kostyasha, Kotasha, Koka, Kostyanya.


Origin of the name. Mikhail - good, kind and beautiful name, originating from the Hebrew Michael, which means “equal, like God,” “asked of God.” Popular in Russia and other countries in different variations.

Short form of the name. Misha, Mishanya, Mishunya, Mishuta, Mishutka, Mikhasya, Mikhalya, Miki, Mikhanya, Minya, Minyasha, Minyusha, Mika, Mikhailushka, Mikha, Mikhailushka, Mishulya.


Origin of the name. Fedor is a rare, ancient, formerly royal name. It is believed to be a modern form Greek name Theodoros (Theodoros) and means “given by God”, “God's gift”.

Short form of the name. Fedya, Fedenka, Fedyunya, Fedyusha, Fedyukha, Fedyasha, Fedulya, Fedunya, Fedusya, Fedyuka, Fedyulya, Fedyusya, Theo, Toda, Ted, Teddy, Dor.

Signs for July 22

  • At night the Moon darkened in the sky - it will rain throughout the end of July.
  • There are a lot of blueberries - the winter will be frosty.
  • Blueberries are not yet ripe - autumn will be cold.
  • A cross spider sits in its web at sunset - a sign of good weather.
  • Fine dew, no fog - possible rain during the day.
  • The fish actively jumps out of the water - it means rain.
  • Continuous drizzling rain means prolonged bad weather.
  • Light rain in the morning promises a fine day.
  • Potato stalks bend downwards, the flowers droop on a sunny day - a sign of a quick change in weather.
  • Dim stars mean a thunderstorm.
  • Lilies and water lilies closed in broad daylight - in anticipation of rain the next day.
  • Frogs croak loudly - signifies sunny weather. Quiet - for rain. If you don’t hear the croaking of frogs, it will get colder.
  • Many large anthills in the forest - foretell a cold and long winter.
  • A rainbow appeared on this day - to clear weather.
  • On this day it is customary to try the first cucumbers.
  • In order for cucumbers to grow well, they must be sown on last year’s corn beds.
  • On this day, housewives made blueberry jam for the winter, and for dinner they baked pies with this berry and treated their family to berry infusion - a non-alcoholic drink made from fresh fruits.

Orthodox holidays July 22

  • memory of the Hieromartyr Pankratius, Bishop of Tauromenia (I);
  • memory of the Hieromartyr Cyril, Bishop of Gortyn (III-IV);
  • memory of the venerable martyrs Patermuthius, Coprius and the martyr Alexander (361-363);
  • memory of Saints Patermuthius and Coprius (IV);
  • memory of Saint Theodore, Bishop of Edessa (IX);
  • memory of the holy martyr Konstantin Lebedev, presbyter (1918);
  • memory of St. Gabriel of Athos, rector of the Athonite Elias monastery (1901);
    celebration in honor of the icons of the Mother of God: Cyprus (Stromynskaya), Kolochskaya (1413).

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As soon as the pregnancy test tells you the good news, you are immediately faced with a certain choice. The first thing is what to name the baby. And then the parents spend a large number of time to think, because it is necessary to approach such a responsible event with all seriousness. If the name is chosen hastily and thoughtlessly, this may lead to inconvenience for the child. Previously, the choice of name depended only on the church calendar. All name days for July according to the church calendar for boys and girls are scheduled by month. People simply turned to the priest and he, regarding the date of birth, chose the name of the newborn.

How to choose the right name for your baby

Remember that a child’s name is given once and it will not be possible to change it until the age of 18. There is a certain list of rules that should be followed when choosing a name:

  1. Remember the responsibility in choosing a name to the child.
  2. Be careful if the name is non-standard. Children are very vulnerable and sometimes such a name can cause ridicule among their peers. This can cause psychological trauma to the child.
  3. The chosen name should not cause rejection among others. It's better if it's respectful. If the name is affectionate or too soft, the child may not be taken seriously.
  4. Try to choose a name that is similar to the child’s middle name. It is advisable to initially ask the opinion of someone who is more objective than you. It just happens that the parents are interested and the pronunciation of the name in their performance will not sound the same as it will sound when pronounced by another person.
  5. Be careful when choosing fashionable names. This may cause some difficulties over time. Fashion is a fickle concept. It will change, and the name will not sound so beautiful or ridiculous.
  6. Also, do not forget that the name has a certain influence on a person’s character. Before choosing any one, you should very carefully study the qualities that the baby will have.
  7. Some people don’t want to bother themselves and choose a name according to the name day according to the church calendar in July. Then the child is protected all his life.

Name for a July boy

Since each month has a certain influence on a person’s character, boys’ birthdays in July can also affect their destinies. If you decide to name your baby a name from the list of the church calendar, then the qualities of a saint will be transferred to the baby.

If a child is named after a saint on his memorial day, they believe that the saint will always protect the child and protect him from negative influences. Among such Angel Days for men in July, the following are distinguished:

  • 01.07 – Leonty;
  • 03.07 - Gury, Gleb;
  • 04.07 – Julius, Terenty, Julian;
  • 05.07 – Galaktion, Vasily, Arseny, Tikhon;
  • 06.07 – German, Artem, Svyatoslav;
  • 07.07 – Yakov, Anton, Ivan;
  • 08.07 – Peter, David;
  • 09.07 – Denis, David;
  • 10.07 – Samson, Georgy (Yuri, Egor);
  • 11.07 – Ivan, German, Sergey;
  • 12.07 – Peter, Pavel;
  • 13.07 - Sophron, Peter;
  • 14.07 – Kuzma, Demyan, Nikodim;
  • 16.07 – Vasily, Anatoly, Ivan, Philip, Konstantin;
  • 17.07 – Efim, Andrey;
  • 18.07 – Afanasy, Sergey;
  • 21.07 – Procopius;
  • 22.07 – Pankrat, Kirill, Fedor;
  • 23.07 – Anton;
  • 25.07 – Ivan, Arseny, Mikhail, Fedor, Proclus;
  • 26.07 – Stepan (Stefan), Gabriel;
  • 27.07 – Stepan (Stefan);
  • 28.07 – Vladimir, Vasily;
  • 29.07 – Afinogen, Pavel;
  • 31.07 – Ivan, Emelyan.

Women's name days

According to the church calendar, girls' birthdays for July are not particularly varied. Although even from such a small one you can choose or at least get acquainted with their interpretation. After all, when we name a child after a saint, we try to transfer all his positive qualities to him.

List of girls' birthdays in July to:

  • 03.07 – Inna, Rimma;
  • 05.07 – Ulyana;
  • 07.07 – Agripina;
  • 08.07 – Euphrosyne;
  • 14.07 – Angelina;
  • 17.07 – Marfa;
  • 18.07 – Anna;
  • 19.07 – Ulyana;
  • 20.07- Euphrosyne, Evdokia;
  • 24.07 – Elena, Olga;
  • 29.07 – Alevtina, Valentina, Yulia;
  • 30.07 – Marina, Margarita.

Angel Day of women's names in July is that if a child was named after a saint on the day of her memory, then this saint will always protect the child. Priests often say that it is advisable to go to church on this occasion, light candles and pray to your saint.

Remember that a name is not just a word that people call you. This is also a certain symbolic series that carries a mystical influence on a person’s fate. That is why it is worth approaching its choice quite consciously. After all, it can not only help develop and strengthen certain positive qualities of the baby’s character, but also introduce some negative traits into his behavior.

You need to be especially careful if you name your child after someone. Be sure that negative periods of a person’s fate will not affect the life of your child.

The Lord is always with you!

Names for July 22 according to the church calendar (saints)

July 22 / August 4

Alexy (Alexey) - protect, protector (Greek); assistant, help (lat.);
Cornelius (Korney) - strong, or dogwood berry, or horned (lat.);
Maria (Marya) - mistress, hope (Heb.);
Michael - equal to God, himself as God (Heb.);
Phokas (Phokay, Fokan) - sea animal (Greek).

Do you know that...

July 22 (August 4) is the day of remembrance of Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene, a Christian saint, contemporary and faithful follower of Jesus Christ. According to the Gospel, Mary followed Christ and witnessed his crucifixion and posthumous appearance.

Mary was from Galilee. From her youth she was possessed by demons. When Jesus cast the demons out of her, she left the house and followed him along with other healed women, showing touching concern for him.
Even when the disciples’ faith in him wavered, Maria did not doubt him for a minute. She stood mournfully with him at the Cross on Calvary, sharing his suffering. Mary Magdalene accompanied the body of Christ to the burial place. She was the first to see the risen Christ and, rejoicing, announced what she saw to the apostles.

Learn about the meaning and characteristics of names

Female names
Most parents, when choosing a name for their daughter, are guided, among other reasons, by its meaning. Let's consider the origin and meaning of today's popular female names.


Men's name day on July 22 according to the church calendar

  • - from the ancient Greek name Alexandros: alex - “to protect” and andros - “man”, “person”.
  • - from the ancient Greek name Andreas, derived from andros - “man”, “man”; There is also a translation of “courageous”, “brave”, “courageous”.
  • - from the Hebrew name Yohanan - “Yahweh is merciful” from the Hebrew John - “merciful of God.”
  • - from the ancient Greek name Kyrillos, derived from the word kyrios - “lord, master, lord, Lord” translated from Persian - “sun”.
  • - from the Latin word constans - “constant”, “persistent”.
  • - from the Hebrew name Michael - “equal, like God,” “asked of God.”
  • - modern form of the Greek name Theodoros (Theodoros, Theodoros) - “given by God”, “God’s gift”.

Dreams come true for Alexander, Andrey, Kirill, Fedor.

If you dreamed of a powder compact, this is a sign that the woman you know will outwit you. If you dreamed that the dreamer was powdering himself, this is not the most good dream on a name day, showing that the dreamer is lying to himself.

Painting your eyelashes in a dream on July 22 means new offers with a scandalous twist, painting your eyes - a transvestite will fall in love with you.

Dreams come true for Alexander, Anton and Daniel.

Hearing birds singing in a dream is not a good sign; it foreshadows a quarrel due to the dreamer’s excessive ambitions. Hearing a male choir sing on name day night means learning news that can affect your destiny. Hearing a women's choir sing is a reason for vile gossip. Singing in bad voices is a sign that those around you will do everything to harm you.
