Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tyrone: The Law of Heaven is higher than earthly death. Holy Great Martyrs - Warriors Theodore Tiron and Theodore Stratilates

The last persecution of pagan rulers against Christians in the Roman Empire occurred at the turn of the third and fourth centuries. At that time, Emperor Maximian, who was distinguished by his unbridled temper, was in power. He believed that for order and tranquility in society it was necessary to maintain paganism. For refusing to worship idols, any person was doomed to execution.
One of the Roman provinces off the Black Sea coast was then called the Pontic region. The city of Alasiya was located there, and the young warrior Theodore, who did not hide his Christian faith, served in it. His nickname was Tyrone, that is, recruit.
At that time, soldiers were obliged to make sacrifices to Roman deities. The emperor wanted the people to honor him as a god. This concerned warriors primarily. After all, the army was the backbone of imperial power. The sacrifice was considered not so much a religious act as a proof of loyalty to the ruler.
When Theodore was forced to sacrifice to idols, he resolutely refused. It was tantamount to signing my own death warrant. But the persuasion of his comrades and even his boss was unsuccessful.
What kind of stupid stubbornness is this, Theodore? You know very well that no one in their right mind believes in these statues. But by honoring them, we honor Caesar, may he live forever. Do you want to be branded a traitor?
I am loyal to the emperor and will not deviate from my duty. But only God is eternal, and His commandment says: do not make yourself an idol, do not worship them and do not serve them. This is what I do not want and dare not betray.
Shut up, fool! How did you come to the point of giving your life for a children's fairy tale?
A warrior gives his life for a ruler, but my ruler and my Father is God. Am I really going to leave Him out of fear of people?
Words of a madman! However, I'll give you a chance. Go think about it for a few more days. But if you don’t come to your senses, blame yourself.

These days Theodore prayed earnestly and, at the end of the period, he again firmly declared his refusal to bow to idols. After this, he was arrested, accused of setting fire to a pagan temple and thrown into prison.
Many days passed before the prison doors opened again. The guards had little doubt that the prisoner had long since died of starvation. But to their surprise, the young man was alive and continued to profess his faith in Christ. Moreover, the prisoner said that during prayer the Son of God himself appeared to him and strengthened him.
Then the guards began to mock Theodore, beat him and force him to renounce with all kinds of torture. The young man remained adamant. After this, as a malicious rebel, he was sentenced to painful death. Theodore himself went to the stake and with prayer gave up his soul to God, to whom he remained faithful. This happened around 305.
Surprisingly, the story doesn't end here. 50 years after the martyrdom of Tyrone, the next cruel emperor Julian, nicknamed the Apostate, decided to abuse the hated Christians. At the beginning of Lent, he ordered that all food in the market in Constantinople be secretly sprinkled with the blood of idolatrous sacrifices. That same night, a young warrior, Theodore, appeared to Archbishop Eudoxius in a dream.
Tell people not to buy food from the market or even touch it. The Emperor is going against your will to make you an abomination and the laughing stock of the whole country. Soldiers walk through the shopping areas and splash sacrificial blood everywhere. If you want to keep your body and soul clean, eat only what you have at home. Boil wheat and eat with honey to maintain strength. May the Lord be with you.

This is what the Christians of Constantinople did, warned by the archbishop. In memory of this miracle to this day, in the first week of Lent in Orthodox churches a dish made from boiled wheat with honey - kolivo - is blessed. And Theodore Tyrone, once a simple recruit in his regiment, became a revered saint and an adornment of the army of Christ. It is not for nothing that, in the words of the Apostle Paul, “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the mind of man what God has prepared for those who love Him.”

The Suffering of the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tiron

1. In the imperial service. Philosophical debate instead of an oath

The wicked kings Maximian and Maximin1 sent a decree throughout their kingdom that everyone who accepted the law of Christ would be freed from execution if only they partook of idol sacrifices; those of them who refused this would be put on trial. At that time, Saint Theodore Tyrone, who had recently been elected a soldier, was appointed to the Marmarite regiment, which was under the command of a preposite (preposite - from the word “position”) named Vrinka; This regiment was then stationed in Amasia, a city in Pontus. When Saint Theodore was brought into that regiment, the unbelievers began to force him to make a sacrifice to idols; The true warrior of Christ, Theodore, faithful to God, filled with the Holy Spirit, said publicly:
- I am a Christian, and I am commanded not to make sacrifices to the vile pagan gods, for I worship Jesus Christ, the True God and the heavenly King.
Then the commander Vrinka began to convince the saint:
- Listen to me, Theodore, take all your weapons with you and, like a warrior, come and make a sacrifice to the gods.
Saint Theodore answered him:
- I am a warrior of my King Christ, and I cannot be a warrior of any other king.
To this Vrinka said:
“All these soldiers are Christians, and yet they are soldiers of the Roman king.”
“Everyone knows whom he serves,” answered Saint Theodore, “but I serve my Heavenly King and Master - God and His Only Begotten Son - Jesus Christ.”
Then the centurion Posidonius, who was standing here, asked:
- Does your God, Theodore, also have a Son?
Saint Theodore answered:
-He truly has a Son, the Word of Truth, through whom He created all things.
Vrinka asked him:
-Can we know Him?
To this the saint answered:
“I would like God to give you such understanding, so that you would know Him.”
Then Posidonius asked him:
- If we know Him, can we leave our kings and come to Him?
“Nothing prevents you,” answered Saint Theodore, “leaving darkness and temporary earthly kings, approaching the living God, the Eternal King and Lord and being His warriors, like me.”
Then Preposit Vrinka said to the centurion:
- Let's leave him (Theodore) for a few days, let him think and decide for himself what to do.

2. Burning a temple as a politically incorrect act

During all the time that was given to Theodore for reflection, he prayed incessantly and praised the Lord; and the wicked, breathing rage against some other citizens who believed in Christ, took them and took them to prison; when they were led, Saint Theodore, following behind them (the Christians), taught them faith and patience, and convinced them not to reject their Heavenly King - Christ. When they were imprisoned, Saint Theodore, choosing a convenient time, lit the temple of the mother of the gods at night. Some citizens saw the saint setting fire to the temple and reported him to the authorities.
Then the mayor Kronid, fearing that he might have to answer for Theodore, took him, brought him to the hegemon Publius and said:
- My lord, this husband, recently elected to the military, is a harmful person; with evil intent he came to our city, burned the temple of the mother of our gods (Kybella - mother of Zeus) and dishonored the gods; Having taken him, I brought him to your majesty, so that, by the divine command of the rulers of the universe - by order of the kings, he would receive a completely worthy execution for his insolence. The hegemon, calling the preposit Vrinka, asked him:
- Did you allow the warrior Theodore to burn the temple of the mother of our gods?
He answered:
“I often admonished him, and finally set a time for him so that, after reflection, he would make a sacrifice to the gods. And if he acted in this way, then it means that he completely turned away from our gods and despised the royal command; therefore, as a judge, do what the kings have ordered.

3. An example of an ancient tribunal

Then the hegemon, having sat down at the judgment seat, called blessed Theodore to him and asked him:
- Why, when it was necessary to bring a sacrifice and censer to the goddess, did you bring her fire?
Saint Theodore answered:
- I won’t hide why I did this. I lit the wood so that the fire would burn the stone. Is your goddess so powerless that fire can touch her and scorch her?
Angered by these words, the hegemon ordered to beat him, saying:
- My meekness makes you bold. But I advise you not to talk too much. For if you do not fulfill the royal command voluntarily, then we will force you to fulfill it with cruel torment.
To this the saint answered:
- I am not afraid of you or your torment, no matter how fierce it may be. Do what you want; I hope in my Lord, I hope to receive a reward from Him in heaven and I am ready to suffer for Him.
“Make sacrifices to the gods, Theodore,” said the judge, “and you will be free from the torments that lie ahead for you, otherwise a terrible death awaits you.”
But Saint Theodore courageously objected to him:
- Your torment is not scary to me. For before me is my Lord and King Jesus Christ. He will deliver me from your torment. But you cannot see Him because you cannot see with spiritual eyes.
The judge, having fulfilled himself, like wild beast, rage, order the saint to be thrown into prison and, having sealed the doors, leave him there to starve to death.

4. Heavenly comfort

But the Holy Spirit strengthened the blessed one with His grace. Moreover, one night the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to him and said:
“Be of good cheer, Theodore, I am with you; Do not partake of earthly food or drink, for eternal life is prepared for you with Me in heaven.”
After this, the Lord disappeared from the eyes of the saint. Comforted by the vision, blessed Theodore began to sing psalms and his soul rejoiced. A great multitude of holy Angels listened to him. The prison guards, hearing this sweet singing, approached the prison doors. Seeing that the doors were locked and the seal was intact, they looked through the window and saw many men in white robes chanting with the holy Theodore. In fear, they announced the seven to Hegemon Publius. He immediately went hastily to the dungeon and, arriving at the place, saw that the doors were bolted and the lock with the seal was intact. And since the hegemon heard the voices of those singing inside along with Saint Theodore, he ordered armed soldiers to surround the prison on all sides. He thought that some of the Christians were in prison with Theodore. But entering the prison, he found no one there except the faithful servant of God, Saint Theodore, who was bound. Fear and trembling attacked the hegemon and everyone with him. Coming out of the dungeon, they closed the doors again and left. The judge ordered that the saint be given a small portion of bread and a little water every day. But to confirm the words Holy Scripture: “The righteous shall live by his faith” (Hab. 2:4). Saint Theodore did not want to accept bread and water, saying:
- My Lord and King - Jesus Christ feeds me.

5. Sample of the tribunal of ancient times-2

In the morning the judge ordered the saint to be brought to the trial seat and said to him:
- Listen to my advice and do not force me to order you to be tortured and tormented: make a sacrifice to the great gods. Then I will write about you to our kings, the rulers of the universe, and they will make you the chief priest of the gods, so that you will then receive honors equal to me.
Looking up to heaven and overshadowing himself with the sign of the cross, Saint Theodore answered his tormentor:
- Burn my body with fire, give me over to various torments, cut me with swords, give me to be devoured by wild beasts, but I will not deny my Christ until the end of my life.
After consulting with the priest, the torturer ordered the saint to be hanged on a tree and his body to be planed with iron teeth. The saint was tortured in this way until the bones became visible. The blessed one did not say anything to his tormentor, but only sang:
“In him the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith, as it is written: The righteous shall live by faith” (Rom. 1:17). “I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise will continually be in my mouth” (Ps. 33:2). “To gain wisdom is far better than gold, and to gain understanding is better than choice silver” (Prov. 9:16).
The torturer, amazed at such courage and patience of Saint Theodore, said to him:
- Are you, the most vile of all people, not ashamed to trust in the Man called Christ, Who Himself was executed by a dishonorable death? Are you really exposing yourself to torment so recklessly for the sake of this Man?
The martyr of Christ answered this:
- May the same dishonor befall me and the lot of all who call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!

6. The voice of the people is the voice of God

Then the people began to shout and demand that the execution of Saint Theodore be carried out as soon as possible. Hearing the cry of the people, the judge asked Theodore through a herald:
- Do you want to make a sacrifice to the gods or do you intend to endure even greater torment?
The martyr of Christ boldly answered this:
- Wicked man, filled with all kinds of filth and flattery, servant of the devil, don’t you fear God, who gave you such power and strength: for - By Him “kings reign and rulers legitimize righteousness” (Prov. 9:15). How can you force me to leave the living God and worship a soulless stone?
After thinking, the judge said to Theodore:
-What do you want: to be with us or with your Christ?
With great joy the saint answered:
- With my Christ I was, am and will be; you do what you want.
The judge, seeing that nothing could overcome Theodore’s firmness. pronounced the death sentence.
“Theodore,” he said, “who does not obey the authority of the great kings, does not recognize the great gods and believes in Jesus Christ, crucified, as the Jews say, under Pontius Pilate, I command that he be put to fire.”
This order of the tormentor was quickly carried out: the servants and people collected a lot of firewood from nearby houses and baths, built a huge fire and brought Saint Theodore to the fire. The fire, set on fire from all sides, flared up with a bright flame. Entering the fire, Saint Theodore crossed himself, and suddenly the Holy Spirit descended and in the midst of the flames gave coolness to the holy passion-bearer. The saint, singing and praising God, gave up his spirit to Him in peace.
“And we saw,” writes one eyewitness to the blessed death of the great martyr, “his honest and holy soul ascending like lightning to heaven.”
One pious and virtuous woman, named Eusevia, asked for the body of the holy, glorious Great Martyr Theodore. When they gave her the honorable relics of the saint, she anointed them with fragrant myrrh and, wrapping them in a clean shroud, buried them in her home in the city of Euchaitakh7, in the metropolis of Amasia, and annually celebrated the holy memory of the martyr. The Holy Great Martyr Theodore of Christ died on February 17, around the year 306, during the reign of Emperor Maximian.

Afterword. About the miracle of the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tiron.

After the son of Constantine the Great, Constantius, Julian the Apostate ascended the royal throne. He renounced Christ, began to worship idols, and instigated a great persecution against Christians. Julian persecuted Christians not so much openly as secretly; for he did not dare to openly subject all Christians to cruel and inhuman torture, since he was afraid that many of the pagans, seeing the courageous patience of the tortured Christians, would themselves turn to Christ. Therefore, this wicked king plotted to secretly desecrate Christians. He knew that in the first week of Lent, Christians observe special purity and repent of their sins. And so he called the governor of Constantinople to him and commanded him daily, during the first week, to desecrate the supplies sold in the marketplaces with the blood of idolatrous sacrifices, from which Christians are always obliged to abstain (Acts 25:29). The king's order was carried out, and food desecrated by unbelievers was placed in all the markets. But the Omniscient Lord, shaming the pagans and caring for His true servants, destroyed this secret deceit. He sent to the Archbishop of Constantinople Eudoxius10 His holy passion-bearer Theodore, who many years before had suffered for Christ and was in glory in the heavenly Kingdom. Saint Theodore appeared to Eudoxius not in a dream, but in reality and said to him:
- Gather the flock of Christ immediately and order all Orthodox Christians so that none of them buy food at the marketplaces, for they, by order of the wicked king, are defiled with blood sacrificed to idols.
The bishop, in bewilderment, began to ask what could be used to replace the food purchased at the markets for poor people who lack household supplies:
The saint answered:
- By giving them Kolivo, you will save them from difficulties!
But the bishop continued to show bewilderment, since he did not know what kolivo was. Then Saint Theodore said:
- Kolivo is wheat boiled with honey. This is what this dish is called in the Euchaites. Then the bishop asked the saint:
- Who are you and why do you care so much about Orthodox Christians?
To this the saint answered:
- I am the martyr of Christ Theodore; I, by God's command, have been sent to help you.
Having said this, the saint became invisible. The bishop immediately gathered all the Christians and told them what he had seen and heard. By preparing kolivo, he saved his herd from the enemy’s treachery. The wicked king, seeing that his machinations were destroyed, was very ashamed and ordered undefiled food to be delivered to the marketplace. And Christians, thanking the Lord for his ineffable mercy and praising Christ’s Great Martyr Saint Theodore, on Saturday of the first week of Great Lent celebrated the holy Great Martyr, blessing in honor and memory of him a quantity of food for consumption by the faithful. And from that time, even until now, the Church consecrates the koliva on the first Saturday of Great Lent in memory of the miracle that happened under Archbishop Eudoxia and glorifies the passion-bearer of Christ Theodore, in order to give believers a constant reminder of God’s merciful Providence for His servants - and of the help of the Holy Great Martyr Theodore to Christians.

Troparion, tone 2:
With the great faith of correction, in a fountain of flame, as if on the water of repose, the holy martyr Theodore rejoiced: for he was burnt with fire, as sweet bread was brought to the Trinity. . Through his prayers, O Christ God, save our souls.

Kontakion, tone 8:
We accept the faith of Christ like a shield inside your heart, you have trampled upon the opposing forces, the much-suffering one: and you have been crowned with the heavenly crown forever on Theodore, as if you are invincible.

Commemorated on March 2 (February 17) and on Saturday of the first week of Great Lent.

The wicked kings Maximian and Maximin sent a decree throughout their kingdom that everyone who accepted the law of Christ would be freed from execution if only they partook of idol sacrifices; those of them who refused this would be put on trial. At that time, Saint Theodore Tyrone, who had recently been elected a soldier, was appointed to the Marmarite regiment, which was under the command of a preposite named Vrinka; This regiment was then stationed in Amasia, a city in Pontus. "Tiron" is translated from Latin as recruit. When Saint Theodore was brought into that regiment, the unbelievers began to force him to make a sacrifice to idols; The true warrior of Christ, Theodore, faithful to God, filled with the Holy Spirit, said publicly:
- I am a Christian, and I am commanded not to make sacrifices to the vile pagan gods, for I worship Jesus Christ, the True God and the heavenly King.
Then the priest Vrinka began to convince the saint:
- Listen to me, Theodore, take all your weapons with you and, like a warrior, come and make a sacrifice to the gods.
Saint Theodore answered him:
- I am a warrior of my King Christ, and I cannot be a warrior of any other king.
To this preposit Vrinka said:
“All these soldiers are Christians, and yet they are soldiers of the Roman king.”
“Everyone knows whom he serves,” answered Saint Theodore, “but I serve my Heavenly King and Master - God and His Only Begotten Son - Jesus Christ.”
Then the centurion Posidonius, who was standing here, asked:
- Does your God, Theodore, also have a Son?
Saint Theodore answered:
-He truly has a Son, the Word of Truth, through whom He created all things.
The preposit asked him:
-Can we know Him?
To this the saint answered:
“I would like God to give you such understanding, so that you would know Him.”
Then Posidonius asked him:
- If we know Him, can we leave our kings and come to Him?
“Nothing prevents you,” answered Saint Theodore, “leaving darkness and temporary earthly kings, approaching the living God, the Eternal King and Lord and being His warriors, like me.”
Then Preposit Vrinka said to the centurion:
- Let's leave him (Theodore) for a few days, let him think and decide for himself what to do.
During all the time that was given to Theodore for reflection, he prayed incessantly and praised the Lord; and the wicked, breathing rage against some other citizens who believed in Christ, took them and took them to prison; when they were led, Saint Theodore, following them, taught them faith and patience, and convinced them not to reject their Heavenly King - Christ. When they were imprisoned, Saint Theodore, choosing a convenient time, lit the temple of the mother of the gods at night. Some citizens saw the saint setting fire to the temple and reported him to the authorities. Then the mayor Kronid, fearing that he might have to answer for Theodore, took him, brought him to the hegemon Publius and said:
- My lord, this husband, recently elected to the military, is a harmful person; with evil intent he came to our city, burned the temple of the mother of our gods and dishonored the gods; Having taken him, I brought him to Your Majesty, so that, by the divine command of the rulers of the universe - by order of the kings, he would receive a completely worthy execution for his insolence.
The hegemon, calling the preposit Vrinka, asked him:
- Did you allow the warrior Theodore to burn the temple of the mother of our gods?
He answered:
“I often admonished him, and finally set a time for him so that, after reflection, he would make a sacrifice to the gods. And if he acted in this way, then it means that he completely turned away from our gods and despised the royal command; therefore, as a judge, do what the kings have ordered.
Then the hegemon, having sat down at the judgment seat, called blessed Theodore to him and asked him:
- Why, when it was necessary to bring a sacrifice and censer to the goddess, did you bring her fire?
Saint Theodore answered:
- I won’t hide why I did this. I lit the wood so that the fire would burn the stone. Is your goddess really so powerless that fire can touch her and scorch her?
Angered by these words, the hegemon ordered to beat him, saying:
- My meekness makes you bold. But I advise you not to talk too much. For if you do not fulfill the royal command voluntarily, then we will force you to fulfill it with cruel torment.
To this the saint answered:
- I am not afraid of you or your torment, no matter how fierce it may be. Do what you want; I hope in my Lord, I hope to receive a reward from Him in heaven and I am ready to suffer for Him.
“Make sacrifices to the gods, Theodore,” said the judge, “and you will be free from the torment that awaits you, otherwise a terrible death awaits you.”
But Saint Theodore courageously objected to him:
- Your torment is not scary to me. For before me is my Lord and King Jesus Christ. He will deliver me from your torment. But you cannot see Him because you cannot see with spiritual eyes.
The judge, filled with rage like a wild beast, ordered the saint to be thrown into prison and, having sealed the doors, left him there to die by starvation. But the Holy Spirit strengthened the blessed one with His grace. Moreover, one night the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to him and said:
- Dare, Theodore, I am with you; Do not partake of earthly food or drink, for eternal life is prepared for you with Me in heaven.
After this, the Lord disappeared from the eyes of the saint. Comforted by the vision, blessed Theodore began to sing psalms and his soul rejoiced. A great multitude of holy Angels listened to him. The prison guards, hearing this sweet singing, approached the prison doors. Seeing that the doors were locked and the seal was intact, they looked through the window and saw many men in white robes chanting with Saint Theodore. In fear, they announced the seven to Hegemon Publius. He immediately went hastily to the dungeon and, arriving at the place, saw that the doors were bolted and the lock with the seal was intact. And since the hegemon heard the voices of those singing inside along with Saint Theodore, he ordered armed soldiers to surround the prison on all sides. He thought that some of the Christians were in prison with Theodore. But entering the prison, he found no one there except the faithful servant of God, Saint Theodore, who was bound. Fear and trembling attacked the hegemon and everyone with him. Coming out of the dungeon, they closed the doors again and left. The judge ordered that the saint be given a small portion of bread and a little water every day. But in confirmation of the words of Holy Scripture: “the righteous shall live by his faith” (Hab. 2:4). Saint Theodore did not want to accept bread and water, saying:
- My Lord and King – Jesus Christ feeds me.
In the morning the judge ordered the saint to be brought to the trial seat and said to him:
- Listen to my advice and do not force me to order you to be tortured and tormented: make a sacrifice to the great gods. Then I will write about you to our kings, the rulers of the universe, and they will make you the chief priest of the gods, so that you will then receive honors equal to me.
Looking up to heaven and overshadowing himself with the sign of the cross, Saint Theodore answered his tormentor:
- Burn my body with fire, give me over to various torments, cut me with swords, give me to be devoured by wild beasts, but I will not deny my Christ until the end of my life.
After consulting with the priest, the torturer ordered the saint to be hanged on a tree and his body to be planed with iron teeth. The saint was tortured in this way until the bones became visible. The blessed one did not say anything to his tormentor, but only sang:
“In him the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith, as it is written: The righteous shall live by faith” (Rom. 1:17). “I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise will continually be in my mouth” (Ps. 33:2). “To gain wisdom is far better than gold, and to gain understanding is better than choice silver” (Prov. 9:16).
The torturer, amazed at such courage and patience of Saint Theodore, said to him:
- Are you, the most vile of all people, not ashamed to trust in the Man called Christ, Who Himself was executed by a dishonorable death? Are you really exposing yourself to torment so recklessly for the sake of this Man?
The martyr of Christ answered this:
- May the same dishonor befall me and the lot of all who call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
Then the people began to shout and demand that the execution of Saint Theodore be carried out as soon as possible. Hearing the cry of the people, the judge asked Theodore through a herald:
- Do you want to make a sacrifice to the gods or do you intend to endure even greater torment?
The martyr of Christ boldly answered this:
- Wicked man, filled with all kinds of filth and flattery, servant of the devil, don’t you fear God, who gave you such power and strength: for – through Him “kings reign and rulers legitimize righteousness” (Prov. 9:15). How can you force me to leave the living God and worship a soulless stone?
After thinking, the judge said to Theodore:
-What do you want: to be with us or with your Christ?
With great joy the saint answered:
- With my Christ I was, am and will be; you do what you want.
The judge, seeing that nothing could overcome Theodore’s firmness. pronounced the death sentence.
“Theodore,” he said, “who does not obey the authority of the great kings, does not recognize the great gods and believes in Jesus Christ, crucified, as the Jews say, under Pontius Pilate, I command that he be put to fire.”
This order of the tormentor was quickly carried out: his servants collected a lot of firewood from nearby houses and baths, built a huge fire and brought Saint Theodore to the fire. The fire, set on fire from all sides, flared up with a bright flame. Entering the fire, Saint Theodore crossed himself, and suddenly the Holy Spirit descended and in the midst of the flames gave coolness to the holy passion-bearer. The saint, singing and praising God, gave up his spirit to Him in peace.
“And we saw,” writes one eyewitness to the blessed death of the great martyr, “his honest and holy soul ascending like lightning to heaven.”
One pious and virtuous woman, named Eusevia, asked for the body of the holy, glorious Great Martyr Theodore. When they gave her the body of the saint, undamaged by fire, she anointed them with fragrant myrrh and, wrapping them in a clean shroud, buried them in her house in the city of Euchaites, in the metropolis of Amasia, and annually celebrated the holy memory of the martyr. Subsequently, his relics were transferred to Constantinople, to a temple consecrated in his name. Its head is located in Italy, in the city of Gaeta. The Holy Great Martyr Theodore of Christ died on February 17, around the year 306, during the reign of Emperor Maximian.
About the miracle of the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tiron.
After the son of Constantine the Great, Constantius, Julian the Apostate ascended the royal throne. He moved away from Orthodoxy and openly sympathized with the pagans. Pagan morals began to return.
Realizing that open persecution of Christians would not yield the expected fruits, Emperor Julian chose a more insidious and sophisticated path. The persecution became hidden. Christians were excommunicated from education, rich and noble Christians were deprived of positions and property, slyly explaining that this was incompatible with evangelical poverty.
Julian renounced Christ, began to worship idols and initiated a great persecution against Christians. He persecuted Christians not so much openly as secretly; for he did not dare to openly subject all Christians to cruel and inhumane torture, because he was afraid that many of the pagans, seeing the courageous patience of the tortured Christians, would themselves turn to Christ. Therefore, this wicked king plotted to secretly desecrate Christians. He knew that in the first week of Lent, Christians observe special purity and repent of their sins. And so he called the governor of Constantinople to him and commanded him daily, during the first week, to desecrate the supplies sold in the marketplaces with the blood of idolatrous sacrifices, from which Christians are always obliged to abstain (Acts 25:29). The king’s order was carried out, and food desecrated by the unbelievers was placed in all the markets. But the Omniscient Lord, shaming the pagans and caring for His true servants, destroyed this secret deceit. He sent to the Archbishop of Constantinople Eudoxius, His holy passion-bearer Theodore, who many years before had suffered for Christ and was in glory in the heavenly Kingdom. Saint Theodore appeared to Eudoxius not in a dream, but in reality and said to him:
- Gather the flock of Christ immediately and order all Orthodox Christians so that none of them buy food at the marketplaces, for they, by order of the wicked king, are defiled with blood sacrificed to idols.
The bishop, in bewilderment, began to ask what could be used to replace the food purchased at the markets for poor people who lack household supplies:
The saint answered:
- By giving them Kolivo, you will save them from difficulties!
But the bishop continued to show bewilderment, since he did not know what kolivo was. Then Saint Theodore said:
- Kolivo is wheat boiled with honey. This is what this dish is called in the Euchaites.
Then the bishop asked the saint:
- Who are you and why do you care so much about Orthodox Christians?
To this the saint answered:
- I am the martyr of Christ Theodore; I, by God's command, have been sent to help you.
Having said this, the saint became invisible. The bishop immediately gathered all the Christians and told them what he had seen and heard. By preparing kolivo, he saved his herd from the enemy’s treachery. The wicked king, seeing that his machinations were destroyed, was very ashamed and ordered undefiled food to be delivered to the marketplace. And Christians, thanking the Lord for his ineffable mercy and praising Christ’s Great Martyr Saint Theodore, on Saturday of the first week of Great Lent celebrated the holy Great Martyr, blessing in honor and memory of him a quantity of food for consumption by the faithful. And from that time, even until now, the Church consecrates the koliva on the first Saturday of Great Lent in memory of the miracle that happened under Archbishop Eudoxia and glorifies the passion-bearer of Christ Theodore in order to give believers a constant reminder of God’s merciful Providence for His servants - and of the help of the Holy Great Martyr Theodore to Christians.
This happened around 306 under the Roman emperor Galerius (305 – 311).
50 years after the martyrdom of Saint Theodore, Emperor Julian the Apostate (361-363), wishing to outrage Christians, ordered the mayor of Constantinople to sprinkle all food supplies in the markets with blood sacrificed to idols during the first week of Great Lent. Saint Theodore, appearing in a dream to Archbishop Eudoxius, commanded him to announce to all Christians. so that no one buys anything in the markets, but eats boiled wheat with honey - kolivo (kutya, or sochivo). In memory of this event Orthodox Church annually celebrates the holy great martyr Theodore Tiron on Saturday of the first week of Lent. On Saturday evening, Friday, at the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, after the prayer behind the pulpit, the Canon of prayer for the Holy Great Martyr Theodore, compiled by the Monk John of Damascus, is read. After this, the kolivo is blessed and distributed to believers. The celebration of the Great Martyr Theodore on Saturday of the first week of Great Lent was described by Patriarch Nektarios of Constantinople (381 - 397).

Akathist to the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tiron

Kontakion 1
To the chosen champion and great martyr Theodore Tyrone, confessor of the Holy Trinity, defender of the faith of Christ and the destroyer of paganism, we sing in gratitude to the faithful in the joy of joy, crying out to him with all our souls:

Ikos 1
Angels from heaven, come with us to the young warrior, Theodore Tyrone, let us sing with joy, for he passionately loved Christ and confessed Him as Lord and God-man. For this reason, let us call upon him this way:
Rejoice, for through you God has been glorified,
Rejoice, for by you Satan has been put to shame,
Rejoice, fiery herald of the Holy Trinity,
Rejoice, great champion of soulless idols,
Rejoice, preacher of two natures in Christ,
Rejoice, interpreter of their unconfusion.
Rejoice, who proclaims Mary the Virgin,
Rejoice, you who call Her the Mother of God (confessing).
Rejoice, you who have drunk the cup of Christ,
Rejoice, correction of the right faith.
Rejoice, for through you many have been converted to Christ.
Rejoice, conqueror, crowned with Christ.
Rejoice, Great Martyr Theodore Tirone.
Kontakion 2
Looking at the courage of your soul, the Lord shows you a God-wise sign to hasten to martyrdom: but you, having rejected all earthly things, cried out to God: Alleluia.
Ikos 2
In the place where the monster was, you were born Theodora, and with your feat you defeated him; Eusebius’s wife rejoiced when she saw his death, and in her songs she cried out to you like this:
Rejoice, coming martyr of my Christ,
Rejoice, glory to my homeland,
Rejoice, conqueror of the destructive dragon,
Rejoice, undefeated in courage,
Rejoice, chosen one of Christ in the world,
Rejoice, ascetic for His glory.
Rejoice, Orthodox faith statement.
Rejoice, instruction to the young in piety.
Rejoice, great shield of faith,
Rejoice, great victory over godlessness,
Rejoice, vessel of God's grace,
Rejoice in the treasury of pure virtue.
Rejoice, Great Martyr Theodore Tirone.
Kontakion 3
Come Theodora, cried the hater of Christ Vrinka, and make sacrifices to the idol, just as we do; If you don’t submit, I’ll give you over to torment; But you, O most glorious one, have given praise to God: Alleluia.
Ikos 3
You, great martyr, placed the divine flame on the idol altar and you scorched the idols, miraculously moved by the flame of God’s love towards feat, therefore we appeal to you like this:
Rejoice, young warrior of the King of kings,
Rejoice, having conquered Vrinka with your words.
Rejoice, thou who glorified Christ by the feat,
Rejoice, thou who destroyed idols with fire.
Rejoice, thou who conquered the power of the flame.
Rejoice, more glorious is the beauty of the martyrs,
Rejoice, great martyr, joy of the angels.
Rejoice, sweetest defender of the church.
Rejoice, vigilant leader of the Orthodox.
Rejoice, Theodora, a gift sent to us from God.
Rejoice, Great Martyr Theodore Tirone.
Kontakion 4
You have put to shame the diabolical community of Publius and Vrinka with your courage, great martyr, and confessing Christ as the Son of God, you have condemned paganism, crying out to God: Alleluia.
Ikos 4
The angels hastened to Christ the Savior, who visited you in prison. Having filled you with heavenly joy, the Lord commanded you: Rejoice and do not fear, great martyr, for with me you will conquer and be worthy of a crown. For this reason, hear from us:
Rejoice, friend of Christ God,
Rejoice, courageous confessor.
Rejoice, sweet bread of Christ.
Rejoice, admonition of the young,
Rejoice, correction of sinners.
Rejoice, for Christ visited you in the bonds of existence,
Rejoice, for you have seen the heavenly light in prison.
Rejoice, bright manifestation of the mind.
Rejoice, all-wise denunciation of madness.
Rejoice, for by looking at your image we are confirmed in our faith,
Rejoice, for through your intercession Orthodoxy is protected,
Rejoice, Great Martyr Theodore Tirone.
Kontakion 5
Christ wanted to teach you, Theodora, the knowledge of grace, the commandment not to accept defiled food, for the grace of God will richly nourish you. You sang to God: Alleluia.
Ikos 5
Seeing you devoted to torment, Theodora Tirone, the wicked Publius was filled with rage and was surprised at your long-suffering; The children, glorifying God, cried out in joy:
Rejoice, martyr of Christ God,
Rejoice, let us pass on His zealot,
Rejoice, you who accepted prison for Him,
Rejoice, bound in chains for the Lord's sake,
Rejoice, for you brought sweet bread to the Trinity.
Rejoice, you who courageously did not accept contaminated food.
Rejoice, you who suffered the lash of the wicked Publius for God's sake.
Rejoice, praise to the Orthodox.
Rejoice, who supplies us with the bread of life from famine,
Rejoice, help those who earnestly call upon you.
Rejoice, dawn, shining in the night of sin for those who wander,
Rejoice, for through your faith the pagan gods are crushed.
Rejoice, Great Martyr Theodore Tirone.
Kontakion 6
Crush with flame the mocker of idols, the tyrant cried to his soldiers, they cast you into the fiery furnace, glorious one, so that you may have a blessed death singing: Alleluia.
Ikos 6
The Holy Spirit enlighten your heart, great martyr, and give you a testimony of the feat of Kleonikos. He, strengthened in your confession, cried out:
Rejoice, fire extinguisher,
Rejoice, companion of the great martyrs,
Rejoice, companion of the holy Angels.
Rejoice, for Christ was glorified by your exploits.
Rejoice, you who turned the power of flame into dew.
Rejoice, you who rise above common death.
Rejoice, heir of the Kingdom of Christ.
Rejoice, you who preserved your body in virginity.
Rejoice, you who have enlightened your soul through deeds.
Rejoice, fiery zealot of Orthodoxy.
Rejoice, protector of him from heretical intrigues.
Rejoice, Great Martyr Theodore Tirone.
Kontakion 7
Thou hast accepted torment and reposed unto Christ, thou wisest of God; by your intercession and prayer at the Throne of the Most High you kindle the flame of love for God among those who believe and sing: Alleluia.
Ikos 7
Jealous of the myrrh-bearing feat, the humble Eusevia became the myrrh-bearer. Thia, who was seeking peace, bought myrrh, and she, having bought your honorable remains, passionately cried out to you:
Rejoice, martyr of truth,
Rejoice, glory to the Euchaites,
Rejoice, our Church is in splendor.
Rejoice, joy to your parents.
Rejoice, dwelling in the heavenly realms,
Rejoice, for you now dwell in heavenly kingdom.
Rejoice, for I will build you a temple wisely,
Rejoice, for I will place your remains in it.
Rejoice, consecration of my house,
Rejoice, joy of my soul.
Rejoice, star among the martyrs of Christ,
Rejoice, our glory and love.
Rejoice, Great Martyr Theodore Tirone.
Kontakion 8
Jesus the Almighty, who strengthened everything, loved the beauty of your soul, and you kept it spotless. Most glorious, sanctified by the flow of your blood, crying out to God: Alleluia.
Ikos 8
You offered your whole heart and mind and body to the Lord as a sacrifice. He glorified you in heaven and on earth, Theodora, giving you the power of miracles. For this reason, hear from us:
Rejoice, enriched by the pleasure of God,
Rejoice, thou who filled the earth with miracles,
Rejoice, high perception of piety,
Rejoice, great protector of those who glorify you.
Rejoice, thou who have passed the glorious path of life.
Rejoice, conqueror of the evil one with Christ.
Rejoice, thou who courageously kept the faith,
Rejoice, unfading crown of truth,
Rejoice, filled with inexpressible glory.
Rejoice, our vigilant representative,
Rejoice, now praising God with the angels.
Rejoice, interlocutor of the face of the martyrs.
Rejoice, Great Martyr Theodore Tirone.
Kontakion 9
Possessed by the evil of the devil, the apostate God-fighter Julian made an unholy decision: to incite believers into sin by eating defiled food, singing the song of God: Alleluia.
Ikos 9
Having recognized the cunning of the apostate, by your intercession, Great Martyr Theodora, you delivered Christ’s children from temptation. Contemptuous temptation of the devil, hear from us:
Rejoice, deliverance of the Orthodox,
Rejoice, Pillar of Christ's Church,
Rejoice, conqueror of the enemies of Christ,
Rejoice, accuser of the godless apostate.
Rejoice, remover of sinful desires,
Rejoice, shame on the wicked king.
Rejoice, creator of glorious miracles,
Rejoice, exposer of the king’s wickedness.
Rejoice, full of divine gifts.
Rejoice, bright vessel of the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice, thou who glorified Christ in the world,
Rejoice, glorified by Him in heaven.
Rejoice, Great Martyr Theodore Tirone.
Kontakion 10
Having desired, by His great mercy, to keep His children pure from defilement, the Savior, Great Martyr Theodora, sent you to the saint of the King of the City to announce His will to him, having already known, he sang with you: Alleluia.
Ikos 10
Command the faithful, O saint, not to touch the food in the marketplace, as the wicked apostate has defiled it with his command. For this reason we proclaim to you:
Rejoice, executor of the unwritten law,
Rejoice, messenger of the divine will.
Rejoice, fence of the holy city,
Rejoice, for you have declared the divine will to him.
Rejoice, messenger of Christ God.
Rejoice, for you have overcome Julian's madness.
Rejoice, for you have rejected defiled food,
Rejoice, for you have observed the fast of the faithful.
Rejoice, divine joy of the martyrs,
Rejoice, we are God given to the gift.
Rejoice, servant of the Most High.
Rejoice, Great Martyr Theodore Tirone.
Kontakion 11
The saint praised the Most High, when he knew the machinations of the crafty apostate, asking you, Theodore: who are you and how will you feed the faithful and the poor, let us sing to God: Alleluia.
Ikos 11
She also answered the saint: O Shepherd, having prepared a quantity of food, give it to the faithful people as food; The name is the martyr of Christ Theodore, a helper sent to you from God. For this reason we cry out to you:
Rejoice, our great trustee,
Rejoice, patron saint of Orthodoxy.
Rejoice, destroyer of wickedness,
Rejoice, support and affirmation of Christianity.
Rejoice, helper sent to us from God,
Rejoice, you who have given us instruction about undefiled food.
Rejoice, having taught us to consume kolivo.
Rejoice, for your miracle is ever glorified,
Rejoice, vigilant messenger of Christ,
Rejoice, cohabitant of the martyrs of Christ.
Rejoice, for they glorify Christ,
Rejoice, for by them the faithful are exalted.
Rejoice, Great Martyr Theodore Tirone.
Kontakion 12
Having the Lord desire to show the grace that was bestowed upon you, to show you as a deliverer of captives, a healer of the weak, a savior of those floating, a teacher of sinners, an accuser of those who steal, let us sing to God: Alleluia.
Ikos 12
Singing your deeds and miracles, Great Martyr Theodore, we sing to you in humility, for the Lord, who accepted your suffering, has entered your soul, instructing us to cry out to you like this:
Rejoice, Theodore, who kept your soul immaculately,
Rejoice, you who sanctified it with your sufferings,
Rejoice, deliverer and representative of the captives.
Rejoice, physician of bodily wounds and healer of the sick.
Rejoice, savior in trouble on the sea of ​​beings.
Rejoice, sweet-sounding pipe.
Rejoice, performer of adolescent prayers,
Rejoice, faithful wealth for the poor.
Rejoice, dwelling in the heavenly abodes,
Rejoice, strengthener of the weak.
Rejoice, consolation of the elders.
Rejoice, you who sing the thrice-holy hymn with the angels.
Rejoice, Great Martyr Theodore Tirone.
Kontakion 13
Oh, Great Martyr Theodore Tirone, God-given gift to those who praise you with love. Graciously accept this offering, deliver us from all sorrow and sorrow through your intercession and remove the future torments that cry to God for you: Alleluia. ( Three times)

Prayer to the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tiron

O Most Glorious, Great Martyr Theodore Tiron. Hear the prayer of us faithful, who magnify you and in our humility cry out to you with all our souls.
From your youth, having shown an ardent faith in Christ the Lord and laid down your life for her sake, give us who pray to you spiritual strength to maintain the purity of the right faith all our days.
Seal by martyrdom the confession of faith in the furnace of fire, be an image for us in zeal for preaching the Truth of Christ.
Protecting the faithful from the sin of paganism and apostasy, keep us clean from heretical intrigues and all devilish instigations.
O Most Blessed Great Martyr Theodora, by your intercession at the Throne of the Most High, beg the Lord God to give us grace-filled strength to direct the path of our lives according to the Word of God for the salvation of our souls. Because through your prayers we have received grace and mercy, let us glorify all the good Source and Gift-Giver God, the One, in the Trinity of Saints Slavimago, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


An event that took place in Constantinople in the fourth century clearly shows us how important fasting is for Christians. To save people from its violation and desecration, the Lord sends a holy saint. For our days, this event has not lost its relevance. Today, many people who call themselves believing Orthodox Christians do not understand the meaning of fasting and do not want to observe it. They say: “God is in my soul!” - and justify their refusal to fast with the words of Holy Scripture: “It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth...” (Matthew 15:11).
The words “God is in my soul” are easy to say without doing any work on yourself, any feat. These are empty words, they show a deep misunderstanding of the meaning of Christianity. To be a Christian, a person must constantly struggle with sins and passions, which is unthinkable without fasting and prayer.
Fasting is work and even a feat, but despite this, all Christian believers look forward to it. The Holy Fathers called the days of fasting “spring for the soul,” when a person becomes inspired, breaks away from earthly worries, from the vanity of the world and surrenders to repentance and prayer, the fight against passions. We hope that through the prayers of the Holy Great Martyr Theodore, we will save ourselves from the idols of the passions and will be able to spend Lent just as worthily as the Christians of Constantinople.

Great Martyr Theodore Tiron.

Theodore Tiron (Tiron - i.e. warrior-recruit) is a Christian saint, whose great martyr the Church remembers on Saturday in the first week of Lent (in 2016 - March 19).

He lived during the time of Emperor Maximilian, who was distinguished by his unbridled temper. At that time, soldiers were obliged to make sacrifices to Roman deities. The emperor wanted the people to honor him as a god. This concerned warriors primarily. When Theodore was forced to sacrifice to idols, he resolutely refused. Having confessed himself to be a Christian, Theodore was imprisoned and doomed to starve to death. Finding Theodore alive after some time, he again invited him to make a sacrifice. After refusing, he was subjected to severe torture, but never gave up his faith.

As a result, he was sentenced to be burned at the stake. His remains, according to legend not damaged by fire, were asked by the Christian Eusevia and buried in her house in the city of Evchaitah. Later his relics were transferred to Constantinople, and the head first to Brindisi and then to Gaeta.

One thing is associated with his name interesting event church history.

In the 4th century, Emperor Julian the Apostate, a persecutor, was in power in Constantinople.
Christian. Once, in the first week of Great Lent, he ordered to secretly sprinkle
all the products in the city markets are made with blood sacrificed to idols. The apostles called
Christians “abstain from sacrifices to idols and blood,” therefore the act
the ruler was a cruel mockery of the Christian faith.

And then the Great Martyr Theodore appeared to the local archbishop, Eudoxius, in a dream.
The saint warned Eudoxius and ordered him not to buy food sacrificed to idols, but
cook kolivo from homemade grain reserves. Kolivo - wheat boiled with honey
(by the way, the Slavic analogue of koliva is kutia, a traditional funeral dish).

In memory of this wonderful event in the first week of Great Lent, on Vespers
Saturday (Friday) after the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, the canon to the Great Martyr Theodore is heard in churches. It was compiled by the Monk John of Damascus. On this day, kolivo is blessed and distributed to parishioners.

Prayers to Theodore Tyrone

Troparion of the Great Martyr Theodore Tiron,

With the great faith of correction,/ in a fountain of flame, like on the water of repose,/ the holy martyr Theodore rejoiced:/ for he was burnt with fire,/ like sweet bread was offered to the Trinity.// Through his prayers, O Christ God, save our souls.

Kontakion of the Great Martyr Theodore Tiron,

We will accept the Faith of Christ, like a shield, inside your heart,/ you trampled upon the opposing forces, O much-suffering one,/ and you were crowned with the heavenly crown forever, Theodora, // like you are invincible.

Prayer to the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tiron

Akathist to the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tiron

Kontakion 1

To the chosen champion and great martyr Theodore Tyrone, confessor of the Holy Trinity, defender of the faith of Christ and the destroyer of paganism, we sing in gratitude to the faithful in the joy of joy, crying out to him with all our souls:

Ikos 1

Angels from heaven, come with us to the young warrior, Theodore Tyrone, let us sing with joy, for he passionately loved Christ and confessed Him as Lord and God-man. For this reason, let us call upon him this way:

Rejoice, for through you God has been glorified,

Rejoice, for by you Satan has been put to shame,

Rejoice, fiery herald of the Holy Trinity,

Rejoice, great champion of soulless idols,

Rejoice, preacher of two natures in Christ,

Rejoice, interpreter of their unconfusion.

Rejoice, who proclaims Mary the Virgin,

Rejoice, you who call Her the Mother of God (confessing).

Rejoice, you who have drunk the cup of Christ,

Rejoice, correction of the right faith.

Rejoice, for through you many have been converted to Christ.

Rejoice, conqueror, crowned with Christ.

Rejoice, Great Martyr Theodore Tirone.

Kontakion 2

Looking at the courage of your soul, the Lord shows you a God-wise sign to hasten to martyrdom: but you, having rejected all earthly things, cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

In the place where the monster was, you were born Theodora, and with your feat you defeated him; Eusebius’s wife rejoiced when she saw his death, and in her songs she cried out to you like this:

Rejoice, coming martyr of my Christ,

Rejoice, glory to my homeland,

Rejoice, conqueror of the destructive dragon,

Rejoice, undefeated in courage,

Rejoice, chosen one of Christ in the world,

Rejoice, ascetic for His glory.

Rejoice, confirmation of the Orthodox faith.

Rejoice, instruction to the young in piety.

Rejoice, great shield of faith,

Rejoice, great victory over godlessness,

Rejoice, vessel of God's grace,

Rejoice in the treasury of read virtue.

Rejoice, Great Martyr Theodore Tirone.

Kontakion 3

Come Theodora, cried the hater of Christ Vrinka, and make sacrifices to the idol, just as we do; If you don’t submit, I’ll give you over to torment; But you, O most glorious one, have given praise to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

You, great martyr, placed the divine flame on the idol altar and you scorched the idols, miraculously moved by the flame of God’s love towards feat, therefore we appeal to you like this:

Rejoice, young warrior of the King of kings,

Rejoice, having conquered Vrinka with your words.

Rejoice, thou who glorified Christ by the feat,

Rejoice, thou who destroyed idols with fire.

Rejoice, thou who conquered the power of the flame.

Rejoice, more glorious is the beauty of the martyrs,

Rejoice, great martyr, joy of the angels.

Rejoice, sweetest defender of the church.

Rejoice, vigilant leader of the Orthodox.

Rejoice, Theodora, a gift sent to us from God.

Rejoice, Great Martyr Theodore Tirone.

Kontakion 4

You have put to shame the diabolical community of Publius and Vrinka with your courage, great martyr, and confessing Christ as the Son of God, you have condemned paganism, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

The angels hastened to Christ the Savior, who visited you in prison. Having filled you with heavenly joy, the Lord commanded you: Rejoice and do not fear, great martyr, for with me you will conquer and be worthy of a crown. For this reason, hear from us:

Rejoice, friend of Christ God,

Rejoice, courageous confessor.

Rejoice, sweet bread of Christ.

Rejoice, admonition of the young,

Rejoice, correction of sinners.

Rejoice, for Christ visited you in the bonds of existence,

Rejoice, for you have seen the heavenly light in prison.

Rejoice, bright manifestation of the mind.

Rejoice, all-wise denunciation of madness.

Rejoice, for by looking at your image we are confirmed in our faith,

Rejoice, for through your intercession Orthodoxy is protected,

Rejoice, Great Martyr Theodore Tirone.

Kontakion 5

Christ wanted to teach you, Theodora, the knowledge of grace, the commandment not to accept defiled food, for the grace of God will richly nourish you. You sang to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing you devoted to torment, Theodora Tirone, the wicked Publius was filled with rage and was surprised at your long-suffering; The children, glorifying God, cried out in joy:

Rejoice, martyr of Christ God,

Rejoice, let us pass on His zealot,

Rejoice, you who accepted prison for Him,

Rejoice, bound in chains for the Lord's sake,

Rejoice, for you brought sweet bread to the Trinity.

Rejoice, you who courageously did not accept contaminated food.

Rejoice, you who suffered the lash of the wicked Publius for God's sake.

Rejoice, praise to the Orthodox.

Rejoice, who supplies us with the bread of life from famine,

Rejoice, help those who earnestly call upon you.

Rejoice, dawn, shining in the night of sin for those who wander,

Rejoice, for through your faith the pagan gods are crushed.

Rejoice, Great Martyr Theodore Tirone.

Kontakion 6

Crush with flame the mocker of idols, the tyrant cried to his soldiers, they cast you into the fiery furnace, glorious one, so that you may have a blessed death singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The Holy Spirit enlighten your heart, great martyr, and give you a testimony of the feat of Kleonikos. He, strengthened in your confession, cried out:

Rejoice, fire extinguisher,

Rejoice, companion of the great martyrs,

Rejoice, companion of the holy Angels.

Rejoice, for Christ was glorified by your exploits.

Rejoice, you who turned the power of flame into dew.

Rejoice, you who rise above common death.

Rejoice, heir of the Kingdom of Christ.

Rejoice, you who preserved your body in virginity.

Rejoice, you who have enlightened your soul through deeds.

Rejoice, fiery zealot of Orthodoxy.

Rejoice, protector of him from heretical intrigues.

Rejoice, Great Martyr Theodore Tirone.

Kontakion 7

Thou hast accepted torment and reposed unto Christ, thou wisest of God; by your intercession and prayer at the Throne of the Most High you kindle the flame of love for God among those who believe and sing: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

Jealous of the myrrh-bearing feat, the humble Eusevia became the myrrh-bearer. Thia, who was seeking peace, bought myrrh, and she, having bought your honorable remains, passionately cried out to you:

Rejoice, martyr of truth,

Rejoice, glory to the Euchaites,

Rejoice, our Church is in splendor.

Rejoice, joy to your parents.

Rejoice, dwelling in the heavenly realms,

Rejoice, for you now dwell in the kingdom of heaven.

Rejoice, for I will build you a temple wisely,

Rejoice, for I will place your remains in it.

Rejoice, consecration of my house,

Rejoice, joy of my soul.

Rejoice, star among the martyrs of Christ,

Rejoice, our glory and love.

Rejoice, Great Martyr Theodore Tirone.

Kontakion 8

Jesus the Almighty, who strengthened everything, loved the beauty of your soul, and you kept it spotless. Most glorious, sanctified by the flow of your blood, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

You offered your whole heart and mind and body to the Lord as a sacrifice. He glorified you in heaven and on earth, Theodora, giving you the power of miracles. For this reason, hear from us:

Rejoice, enriched by the pleasure of God,

Rejoice, thou who filled the earth with miracles,

Rejoice, high perception of piety,

Rejoice, great protector of those who glorify you.

Rejoice, thou who have passed the glorious path of life.

Rejoice, conqueror of the evil one with Christ.

Rejoice, thou who courageously kept the faith,

Rejoice, unfading crown of truth,

Rejoice, filled with inexpressible glory.

Rejoice, our vigilant representative,

Rejoice, now praising God with the angels.

Rejoice, interlocutor of the face of the martyrs.

Rejoice, Great Martyr Theodore Tirone.

Kontakion 9

Possessed by the evil of the devil, the apostate God-fighter Julian made an unholy decision: to incite believers into sin by eating defiled food, singing the song of God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Having recognized the cunning of the apostate, by your intercession, Great Martyr Theodora, you delivered Christ’s children from temptation. Contemptuous temptation of the devil, hear from us:

Rejoice, deliverance of the Orthodox,

Rejoice, Pillar of Christ's Church,

Rejoice, conqueror of the enemies of Christ,

Rejoice, accuser of the godless apostate.

Rejoice, remover of sinful desires,

Rejoice, shame on the wicked king.

Rejoice, creator of glorious miracles,

Rejoice, exposer of the king’s wickedness.

Rejoice, full of divine gifts.

Rejoice, bright vessel of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, thou who glorified Christ in the world,

Rejoice, glorified by Him in heaven.

Rejoice, Great Martyr Theodore Tirone.

Kontakion 10

Having desired, by His great mercy, to keep His children pure from defilement, the Savior, Great Martyr Theodora, sent you to the saint of the King of the City to announce His will to him, having already known, he sang with you: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Command the faithful, O saint, not to touch the food in the marketplace, as the wicked apostate has defiled it with his command. For this reason we proclaim to you:

Rejoice, executor of the unwritten law,

Rejoice, messenger of the divine will.

Rejoice, fence of the holy city,

Rejoice, for you have declared the divine will to him.

Rejoice, messenger of Christ God.

Rejoice, for you have overcome Julian's madness.

Rejoice, for you have rejected defiled food,

Rejoice, for you have observed the fast of the faithful.

Rejoice, divine joy of the martyrs,

Rejoice, this gift has been given to us by God.

Rejoice, servant of the Most High.

Rejoice, Great Martyr Theodore Tirone.

Kontakion 11

The saint praised the Most High, when he knew the machinations of the crafty apostate, asking you, Theodore: who are you and how will you feed the faithful and the poor, let us sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

She also answered the saint: O Shepherd, having prepared a quantity of food, give it to the faithful people as food; The name is the martyr of Christ Theodore, a helper sent to you from God. For this reason we cry out to you:

Rejoice, our great trustee,

Rejoice, patron saint of Orthodoxy.

Rejoice, destroyer of wickedness,

Rejoice, support and affirmation of Christianity.

Rejoice, helper sent to us from God,

Rejoice, you who have given us instruction about undefiled food.

Rejoice, having taught us to consume kolivo.

Rejoice, for your miracle is ever glorified,

Rejoice, vigilant messenger of Christ,

Rejoice, cohabitant of the martyrs of Christ.

Rejoice, for they glorify Christ,

Rejoice, for by them the faithful are exalted.

Rejoice, Great Martyr Theodore Tirone.

Kontakion 12

Having the Lord desire to show the grace that was bestowed upon you, to show you as a deliverer of captives, a healer of the weak, a savior of those floating, a teacher of sinners, an accuser of those who steal, let us sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your deeds and miracles, Great Martyr Theodore, we sing to you in humility, for the Lord, who accepted your suffering, has entered your soul, instructing us to cry out to you like this:

Rejoice, Theodore, who kept your soul immaculately,

Rejoice, you who sanctified it with your sufferings,

Rejoice, deliverer and representative of the captives.

Rejoice, physician of bodily wounds and healer of the sick.

Rejoice, savior in trouble on the sea of ​​beings.

Rejoice, sweet-sounding pipe.

Rejoice, performer of adolescent prayers,

Rejoice, faithful wealth for the poor.

Rejoice, dwelling in the heavenly abodes,

Rejoice, strengthener of the weak.

Rejoice, consolation of the elders.

Rejoice, you who sing the thrice-holy hymn with the angels.

Rejoice, Great Martyr Theodore Tirone.

Kontakion 13

Oh, Great Martyr Theodore Tirone, God-given gift to those who praise you with love. Graciously accept this offering, deliver us from all sorrow and sorrow through your intercession and remove the future torments that cry to God for you: Alleluia.

Read this kontakion three times, then ikos 1, kontakion 1.

Prayer to the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tiron

O Most Glorious, Great Martyr Theodore Tiron. Hear the prayer of us faithful, who magnify you and in our humility cry out to you with all our souls. From your youth, having shown an ardent faith in Christ the Lord and laid down your life for her sake, give us who pray to you spiritual strength to maintain the purity of the right faith all our days. Seal by martyrdom the confession of faith in the furnace of fire, be an image for us in zeal for preaching the Truth of Christ. Protecting the faithful from the sin of paganism and apostasy, keep us clean from heretical intrigues and all devilish instigations. O Most Blessed Great Martyr Theodora, by your intercession at the Throne of the Most High, beg the Lord God to give us grace-filled strength to direct the path of our lives according to the Word of God for the salvation of our souls. Because through your prayers we have received grace and mercy, let us glorify all the good Source and Gift-Giver God, the One, in the Trinity of Saints Slavimago, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Theodore Tyrone. 13th century fresco, Athos .

Saint Theodore Tyrone (+ in 306)- great martyr. Theodore Tiron was a warrior and served in the city of Amasya Pontic in Asia Minor (now the city of Amasya in Turkey) and was the uncle of St. warrior-martyr Basilisk of Komansky (his memory is celebrated on March 3 and May 22, Art. Art.). And the Byzantine writer Bishop Nikita Paphlagonian in “Praise to St. Theodore” (second half of the 9th century) calls the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Stratelates the nephew of St. Theodore Tyrone. The nickname Tyrone, according to one version, means recruit. According to another, St. Theodore received it by name military unit(cohort) in which he served - CohorsTyronum(Tyronian cohort, the name probably comes from the name of the city of Tire, from whose inhabitants it was recruited personnel cohorts).

St. Theodore was born in the east of the Roman Empire (Syria and Armenia are indicated as possible places of his birth). Sometimes the village of Euchaites, located not far from Amasia, is indicated as a possible homeland of St. Theodore.

St. Theodore Tiron suffered for Christ during the persecution of Christians carried out by Emperor Maximian Galerius (Gaius Galerius Valerius Maximian) and his nephew Maximinus Daza.

Maximian and Maximin sent a command throughout the region of Pontus to all Christians to partake of the idolatrous sacrifices. St. Theodore, whose unit was then stationed for the winter in Amasia, refused to carry out the command of Emperor Maximian and sacrifice to idols and, filled with the Holy Spirit, said publicly:

I am a Christian, and it is not proper for me to make sacrifices to vile pagan gods. I worship only Jesus Christ, the only True God and Heavenly King.

To all the convictions of his military commander (preposit) Vrinka, Saint Theodore replied that he was a warrior of the Heavenly King, and refused to sacrifice to the false gods. Then Vrinka proposed to Theodore’s immediate superior, the centurion (dukinary, centurion) Posidon (Posidania):

Let's leave this stubborn guy for a few days, maybe he'll come to his senses on his own.

All the time that Theodore was given to think, the saint incessantly prayed and praised the Lord. In those days, other Christians were captured and taken to prison. As they were led, the warrior Theodore walked next to them and encouraged them, convincing them not to reject their Heavenly King, Christ.

At night, choosing a convenient time, Theodore set fire to the pagan temple - the temple of the Phrygian goddess Rhea - Cybele, the filthy “Idean Mother”, “the Great Mother of the Gods”, revered by the infidels as the patroness of the cities of Asia Minor and the giver of the harvest and fertility of the lands. Having learned about this, the mayor Kronid, afraid that he might have to answer for Theodore, ordered the saint to be arrested and brought him to the hegemon Publius (Poplius) and said:

Sir, this man, who recently became a warrior, burned down the temple of the Mother of the Gods. I brought him to you so that you could come up with a worthy execution for him.

Having learned which unit Theodore was from, Publius called the military commander Vrinka and asked him:

How did it happen that your subordinate committed such a terrible crime?

Vrinka replied:

Having arrived in my regiment, Theodore refused to make a sacrifice to the gods. I admonished him and finally set a deadline for him to come to his senses. But his crime shows that he has completely abandoned our gods. Do with him as our laws dictate.

Then the hegemon called Theodore to him and asked him:

Tell me, why did you bring fire to her instead of a sacrifice to the goddess?

To this the saint replied:

Is your goddess so powerless that she is afraid of fire?

The hegemon began to threaten the saint with the torment that awaited him if he did not submit to the imperial edicts and make a sacrifice to the gods. But the saint courageously answered:

I am not afraid of you or your torment. I trust in the Lord my God and hope from Him to receive a reward in Heaven. I am ready to suffer for Him.

Then Publius ordered to lock the saint in prison, seal it and not give Theodore food. But the saint continued to pray, despite his hunger. One night the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to him and said:

Be brave, Theodore, I am with you. Do not take earthly food and drink. I will strengthen you in your suffering, for which eternal life in Heaven is prepared for you.

Comforted by the vision, Saint Theodore began to chant psalms and his soul rejoiced. A great multitude of holy Angels appeared to him. The prison guards, hearing the singing, approached the door of his cell. Seeing that the doors were locked and the seals were intact, they looked through the window and saw many people in white robes praying with Saint Theodore. In fear, they informed Publius about this. He immediately went to the dungeon and ordered armed soldiers to surround the dungeon on all sides. He thought that Theodore had somehow been infiltrated by other Christians. But, entering the cell where the martyr was, he, to his surprise, found no one there except Theodore himself, and even tied up. Horror seized the hegemon and all those with him. Coming out of the prison, they closed the doors again, but allowed them to give the saint some food. However, Theodore refused food, as the Lord commanded.

In the morning, Saint Theodore was once again brought to the hegemon, who again tried to persuade the holy warrior to sacrifice with caresses, flattery, and threats. But Theodore was adamant.

Then Publius gave orders to hang the holy martyr on a tree and plan his body with iron teeth. The saint was tortured until his bones became visible. But Theodore patiently continued to praise the Lord, singing: “I will bless the Lord at all times; I will make His praise in my mouth.” The hegemon, surprised at such courage of the warrior, tried for the last time to persuade him to make a sacrifice. But Theodore exclaimed:

How can you force me to leave the Living God and worship a soulless stone? I was, am and will be with my Christ! Do whatever you want with me.

Seeing that nothing could overcome the saint’s firmness, the hegemon announced the death sentence:

Theodora, who does not obey the authority of the great emperors, does not recognize the great gods and believes in Jesus Christ, crucified, as the Jews say, under Pontius Pilate, I command that he be put to the fire.

This order was quickly carried out: the servants gathered a large number of firewood and built a huge fire. Set on fire from all sides, the fire quickly flared up with a bright flame. Having ascended to the fire, Theodore crossed himself, and suddenly the Holy Spirit descended on him and, in the midst of the flames, gave coolness to the holy passion-bearer. The saint sang and glorified God, and in peace he gave up his spirit to Him.

“And we saw,” writes one eyewitness to the blessed death of the great martyr, “his honest and holy soul ascending like lightning to heaven.”

The holy great martyr Theodore Tyrone reposed around the year 306, on February 17, old style - according to the Greek monthly. The Roman calendar commemorates him on November 9th.

Inspired by the example of St. Theodore, his colleagues St. Eutropius and Cleonikos of Amasia, his brothers, as well as St. Theodore’s nephew Basilisk, performed the feat of martyrdom in 308. Eutropius and Cleonikos were crucified, and Basilisk was beheaded. Since those times, the prayer “Eutropius the Warrior in Wounds and Suffering” has been preserved:

« God Almighty, good and merciful, Helper in bonds and Giver of courageous patience in torment! Give us patience in these wounds and come to our aid, just as You came to Your servant the martyr Theodore and helped him, and with Your omnipotent help show everyone that we truly are You and the only imams of the Lord the Savior and we worship You alone, glorifying You with the Father and Holy Spirit forever. Amine b

The pious Christian Eusevia (some lives call her the mother of Theodore Tiron) buried the body of the holy warrior, undamaged by fire, anointing it with myrrh and wrapping it in a shroud, in the village of Euchaites (Euhant), not far from Amasia. Eusevia built a church over his grave. The relics of St. Theodore were in the Euchaites presumably until the 11th century, then they were transferred to Constantinople, and subsequently particles of the relics found their way to many other cities and countries.

1. The honorable head of St. Theodore Tiron is located in Italy, in the city of Gaeta.

2. In the 12th century, some of the relics were transferred to Brundisium, Italy, and the saint began to be revered as the patron saint of this city.

3. A piece of the relics has been in Venice since ancient times. Initially, St. Theodore was revered as the patron of Venice, but later his cult was supplanted by the cult of St. Mark and St. George the Victorious.

4. Part of the relics of St. Theodore is kept in Serbia, in the monastery of Hopovo (Vojvodina) (built at the beginning of the 16th century)

5. The icon of St. Theodore with a particle of relics is in convent in honor of the icon of the Mother of God of All the Tsaritsa, Ekaterinodar and Kuban diocese of the MP ROC.

6. Part of the relics of St. Theodore is located in the Feodoro-Tirona convent, city of Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, Chuflya street, 12 (behind the Academy of Sciences).

7. The cross with the relics of St. Theodore and the Holy Great Martyr Barbara was in the destroyed Catherine Cathedral of Tsarskoe Selo.

The Byzantine Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus (reigned in years) in his work mentions a special relic - the shield of Tyrone, which was suspended under the dome of the church in Dalisandos in the city of Seleucia (Isauria region).

For his feat, the saint was awarded the grace to strengthen believers during fasting and protect them from defilement through food. In 362, Emperor Julian the Apostate (reigned 361-363) decided to violate the faith of Christians. Summoning the eparch (city governor) of Constantinople, the God-hating Julian ordered him, during the first week of Great Lent, to desecrate all food supplies sold in city markets with the blood of animals sacrificed to idols. The emperor's order was carried out, and desecrated products were placed in all markets. In 362, Easter was on March 31, and the first Sunday of Great Lent fell on February 17, when the Church commemorates the martyrdom of the martyr Theodore Tiron. The omniscient Lord sent the holy passion-bearer Theodore to the Archbishop of Constantinople Eudoxius, although he was an Arian heretic. Saint Theodore appeared to Eudoxius not in a dream, but in reality and said to him:

Immediately gather the flock of Christ and order all Christians so that none of them buy anything edible in the markets, because everything, by order of the wicked emperor, has been desecrated by sacrifice to idols.

The bishop, perplexed, began to ask how poor people who do not have household supplies could replace the products they bought at markets.

The saint answered:

By giving them kolivo, you will save them from difficulties.

But the bishop continued to express bewilderment. He did not know what kolivo was, for in Constantinople they did not eat such food, but in Euchaites, where the saint lived, they boiled wheat with honey and called it koliv. This is how Saint Theodore explained to the archbishop.

Then the archbishop asked the saint:

Who are you and why do you care so much about Christians?

To this the saint replied:

I am the martyr of Christ Theodore. By God's command, I have been sent to your aid.

Having said this, the saint became invisible. Eudoxius immediately gathered all the Christians and told them what had happened. Julian, seeing that his plans were ruined and Christians were not buying food for themselves in the markets, canceled his order and ordered undefiled food to be delivered to the markets. And Christians, thanking the Lord for his ineffable mercy and praising Christ’s Great Martyr Saint Theodore, celebrated the saint on Saturday of the first week of Great Lent.

And from that time on, on the first Saturday of Great Lent, in order to give believers a constant reminder of the merciful providence of God and the help of the holy Great Martyr Theodore, the Church glorifies the passion-bearer of Christ Theodore. In memory of the miracle, on Friday of the first week of Lent, during the liturgy, the blessing of the kolivo is performed at the prayer behind the pulpit and the canon to St. Theodore Tyrone is read: “How great is your miracle and your glorious intercession, Theodore! In the same way, daring everything purely, we resort to you and pray, save your servants. Therefore in Ancient Rus' The first week of Lent was called Fedorova.

Saint Nektarios, Archbishop of Constantinople (occupied the see in 381 - 397) dedicated a word of praise to this miracle of St. Theodore (The Legend of Patriarch Nektarios of Constantinople about Theodore Tyrone (According to a Serbian manuscript of the 15th century)), preserved in an ancient translation. The saint draws attention to the meaning of the name of the saint (Theodore - God's gift), "truly God's gift for our salvation and faith." The author says: “At the same time, for every summer from then on, even until this day, even about the miracle of the ever-memorable martyr Theodore, you have given pious honor to the eight faithful, who decided that we are now creating a holiday, and for this sake we will have a martyr, a warm helper, and from the evil faith of the evil one, advice consumption". Patriarch Nektarios of Constantinople ends his word with the martyr Theodore with the following words: “We will sing a victorious song to the martyr and renew the memory of miracles ever since, bringing the good-victorious martyr Theodore, we will faithfully cry out: O martyr, lordship and holy beauty; O gift of God, truly; O guardian and helper of the faithful, indefatigable . Do not forget us, poor and humble, but always do not cease to pray for us, most honorably, nor again, who was always thought of to our souls by Julian, who was then and now the evil enemy who fights us, and do not despise us, most honorable."

Theodore's miracle about the serpent. Russian icon of the 17th century.

Several monuments of ancient Russian writing are dedicated to the exploits and miracles of St. Theodore Tyrone: “The Torment of Theodore Tyrone,” an article in the Prologue, as well as the apocryphal legend “Theodore Tyrone the Hedgehog about the Serpent.” In this apocrypha - “The miracle of St. Theodore Tyrone, how he brought his mother out of the snake” (beginning: “In the time of King Valens, reigning in the city of Athens...”) or “The Word of the Holy Martyr Theodore Tyrone” (beginning: “In the time of Tsar Walens, reigning in the Afuneistem city...") it is told how the "first boyar" Theodore Tiron defeated the dragon, to whom the inhabitants of the city brought tribute, since, having not received gifts, the dragon, who lived in a dungeon near a certain treasure, "kept" water and the inhabitants suffered from thirst. The dragon kidnapped Theodore's mother. The warrior penetrated the serpentine kingdom and, with divine help, defeated the dragon and his army.

The motives for Theodore's torment are relegated to the background here: only at the end of the apocrypha is it mentioned that the successor of the king, whom Theodore served, executes him and after the death of the saint, miracles are performed. Chrysostom includes the article “The Tale of Nektarios the Patriarch, “for the sake of celebrating the Saturday of the 1st week of Lent of the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tyrone” (beginning: “Come, hear, return, because our good Christ has not forsaken us...” or “As many Your goodness is abundant, O Lord...”). It tells how Emperor Julian, wanting to insult religious feelings Christians, orders to allow the sale on the eve of Lent only of food desecrated by pagan “demands”. The Great Martyr Theodore appears in a vision to Patriarch Nektarios (and not Eudoxius, as in the Life) and advises him to boil the wheat and distribute it to the poor, otherwise the poor, deprived of food supplies, will buy defiled “poison” at the marketplace. From that time on, it is said further, the first week of Lent began to be called Fedorova.

In addition to fighting snakes, legend notes that the saint has the grace to help against thefts, and also to command wolves. In this regard, St. Theodore enjoys special veneration among the Ossetians (Alans) under the name Tutyr (distorted Tyrone) (under this name he entered the Nart epic). His image replaced the ancient Alan pagan deity (whose name has not been preserved), the patron of wolves. They prayed to him to purify food, seeds for sowing, crops, and livestock. They prayed for the children to grow up healthy and for him to protect them from all evil. The Alans dedicated the first week of Lent to the celebration of the memory of Tutyr.

The veneration of two holy warriors - Theodore Stratilates and Theodore Tyrone - was very widespread in Byzantium, both during the power of the Empire and in the later period of its decline. These saints were considered patrons of the empire's military power and protectors of its Christian population. The center of the cult of the two saints Theodores is the city of Euchaites, where the holy warrior was originally buried, and bore the unofficial name Theodoropol.

A selection of icons of the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tiron.
