Who is the husband of Polina Kitsenko. Secret husbands of famous socialites declassified before the public

What woman does not dream of doing fashion and getting paid for it? But making a career in the fashion industry is not as easy as it seems. Polina Kitsenko started building her business at the end of the last century, when the fashion industry was just beginning to develop in Russia. Today she is the owner of a network of elite boutiques, a philanthropist and just a happy woman.

Biography of Polina Kitsenko

How old is our heroine, is unknown. This information is carefully hidden from the press. According to some reports, she was born on the fourteenth of April 1975. But Polina Kitsenko is unlikely to be more than 35 years old. The girl has a model height (181 cm) and controls her weight within 60 kg.

The biography of Polina Kitsenko begins in the Vladimir region. It was there that Polina lived with her family. The girl's father was a prosecutor, so the family lived in abundance.

When the daughter was eleven years old, her father was offered a position in Moscow and the family moved to the capital. Here, the biography of Polina Kitsenko is associated with an elite special school and the International University. On the advice of her father, the girl studied law. The specialty did not arouse much interest in the fashionista, but she studied diligently, thanks to which she came to America on an exchange. It was another, previously unknown world. A splash of colors and a riot of fashionable outfits struck the girl. She bought herself trendy jeans and branded sneakers and was insanely happy about it.

After graduating from high school, the girl worked in a bank. But Polina Kitsenko reluctantly recalls this short period of her biography. And after meeting her husband Eduard Kitsenko, she made her dream come true and opened a fashion boutique.

First steps in the fashion business

Together with her husband, who at that time owned the Podium company, Polina Kitsenko, whose age is carefully hidden in her biography, opened the first store with the same name, Podium, in 1994. The woman was actively engaged in self-education, studied fashion trends, followed the news. She supplied products to her salon famous brands and brands. Kitsenko's dream was to make fashionable clothes available to Russian citizens. Our heroine stood at the origins of the domestic fashion industry.

At first, the salon brought insignificant profit, on the contrary, it required huge financial investments and efforts from our heroine. But the biography of Polina Kitsenko proves that nothing is impossible. The woman independently looked for ways to import clothes, tracked each batch, and personally went for the goods.

As a result, since the mid-90s of the last century, her business began to gain momentum.

Business development and social life

Today, our heroine is the owner of the whole fashion empire "Podium Fashion Group" and a famous person. Her company is always one of the first to grasp new fashion trends. Polina collaborates with the stars of the domestic show business and is a regular visitor to all fashionable parties.

The woman managed to achieve her goal - she spread fashion to the people. Outfits from Polina Kitsenko, whose biography is no less interesting than her brainchild, are now chosen by ordinary citizens. This is exactly what she dreamed of at the beginning of her business career.

Polina Kitsenko is a secular lady who boasts online of her friendship with Ksenia Sobchak, Natalia Vodianova, Ulyana Sergienko. Girls can often be seen in the same company at a party. With Ksyusha Sobchak and Uliana Sergeeva, Polina recently rested on Lake Baikal. She immediately posted a train report on Instagram.

Also, Polina Kitsenko, together with her husband, is engaged in charitable activities.

Personal life

The biography of Polina Kitsenko is closely connected with her husband Edward. It is he, as the business woman admits, who is her support and support in everything. Eduard Kitsenko is also a successful businessman, it was he who helped his wife build her fashion empire.

Our heroine is reluctant to talk about her personal life with journalists. But she claims that she is a very happy woman, because she is always protected by loving husband. And wonderful children are waiting at home - son Yegor and a little daughter, whose name is not yet known to the press.

Regular exercise helps Polina to keep herself in excellent physical shape. Kitsenko love to make family bike rides, go on trips with the whole family. Polina regularly goes in for fitness, makes morning runs and leads healthy lifestyle life.

My transition to the fashion industry happened, one might say, for family reasons. I am a certified lawyer, I graduated from the Faculty of Law with honors and worked for two and a half years in commercial banks in the departments of payment cards. After marriage, I did not work for a short period of time, but gradually began to wedge into the company Podium, created by my husband. He was not eager to hire me, but I studied because I really wanted to work in this area, I spent a lot of time on self-education. I wanted to prove that I could do it, and the moment came when I began to give him such interesting advice and suggestions that he realized that I could really be useful. The most important thing, it seems to me, in any business is desire and enthusiasm. If a person has them, he can achieve everything he wants. And I had a great interest, enthusiasm and love for fashion. Although in the business that we are engaged in, in addition to fashion, there is a lot of mathematics, economics and every day jurisprudence. You always get any education at the workplace, and any university and university provides basic knowledge, develops the ability to learn and nothing more.

In addition to the powerful business component, Podium Market is also a story about style and beauty. Have you been a fashionista since childhood? Remember your first truly fashionable item?

In childhood and adolescence, I was probably the same fashionista as all ordinary Soviet girls - a fashionista with minimal opportunities. My parents didn't work abroad and I didn't get a chance to wear imported clothes. We lived quite modestly. We got out of the situation in the same way as most women in our country - "mother sewed." Of course, the main part of my growing up fell on the transition period and the consequences of the fall of the Iron Curtain, the collapse Soviet Union and changes in the economic situation. But I remember how, for example, going to GUM and seeing a long queue, we first occupied it, and then ran to the beginning, sometimes several hundred meters, in order to find out what they still sell there. Just in case, we occupied it. And then all of a sudden there are some kind of boots “on semolina”, or, God forbid, an GDR coat. These memories are still fresh.

What are the current trends in the Russian capital? What items and accessories do Muscovites sell out the fastest?

Muscovites are now very advanced. Today they are no different from, for example, world girls, they quickly pick up everything that is fashionable, and I cannot say that we are behind or ahead. Still, globalization is doing its job, so Muscovites now want to wear about the same thing as Parisians or representatives of other world capitals. Of course, we cannot exclude the absence of street style and street shopping as such. Plus we have everything multiplied by climatic features. In winter, warm clothes are well bought, in summer - bright ones. We are starving for the sun, its rays and joyful mood, such a slight Scandinavian syndrome... But basically everything that is sold abroad is quickly sold out. Flares have come into fashion - flares are sold out, parkas have come into fashion - for the third or fourth season everyone is willing to take them. I can say that traditionally sold poorly is brown and all its shades.

How is the current crisis affecting your business?

When creating the Podium market, we foresaw that world economy will be unstable, and we realized that there would not be as much space for the suite as it used to be. In general, a global trend of high “overconsumption” has been outlined in the world: everything, whatever. We saw a large economically interesting niche for ourselves in the creation of a fashion segment in which everything is fashionable and inexpensive, in which the luxury of consumer goods becomes more affordable.

Polina, what, besides work and business, does your day consist of?

Sports play an important role in my daily routine. This is the same mandatory part as brushing your teeth or combing. That's mine Physical Culture, my contribution to myself and my health. The day starts with training, breakfast and getting yourself in order. Leo Tolstoy also said that “you must definitely shake yourself up physically in order to be morally healthy.” So I firmly believe that people who are engaged in physical culture are less prone to stress. In addition, sport is a good psychological release, charging, recharging, reloading ... Therefore, every morning I recharge my tired hard drive for a new program for the next day.

Polina, why, in your opinion, has a healthy lifestyle gained such popularity in the world over the past couple of years? Why are jogging, going to the gym, eating right to replace parties and going to bars?

Today, the fashionable concept of a healthy lifestyle, I would designate the term physical culture, which has set us on edge since childhood, which, unfortunately, we did not understand before, and these activities were associated with a nondescript physical education teacher, requiring us to jump over a goat. In fact, physical education is a healthy lifestyle. This is a culture of taking care of yourself, a culture of being healthy and fit. None of the most expensive and classy things will sit well on a flaccid or neglected body. Everything revolves around the same thing - things for us, not we for things. Throughout the ages, mankind has been interested in the search for the elixir of immortality, people wanted to live long, happily and not grow old. And at the beginning of the third millennium, people realized that the elixir of immortality had not been invented, and it was replaced by the combination healthy eating and culture to look after themselves. People who take care of themselves and treat themselves as a valuable vessel develop themselves both spiritually and physically, stay healthy and beautiful longer, and, I would even say, interesting to everyone. This is what physical culture is.

In one of the interviews, you said that you love being at home more than anything in the world, that for you this is a natural habitat. Did you furnish your home yourself?

Home is truly the most desirable environment for me and the most important point on the map of my daily journey. This is the place where I want to be every minute. Our house was furnished by my husband. He is not a professional designer, it's just a hobby, but he has great taste, so he decorates our property in his spare time. In his work, with large strokes, I only bring my small touches.

What, in addition to design ideas that are responsible for comfort, helps to create the right and healthy atmosphere in the house? Do you have any secrets on how to clean the air in the house where you and your family live?

Since I lead a healthy lifestyle, I love that everything in my arrangement during the day should be designed to improve my health and the inhabitants of my house. I'm obsessed with things like humidifying the air. To maintain youthful skin in winter and summer, I use an air purifier with a professional Philips filtration and humidification system. This is the best prevention of all respiratory viral infections, especially in inclement long winter time our harsh climate.

And where do you prefer to go on vacation to breathe clean air?

I love nature very much, I prefer to relax in the mountains, in the fields and on the rivers ... I don’t like the heat. The older I get, the more I understand that I like the sea, but not the heat. And even more I like mountain lakes. In the cold, beauty is better preserved.

About sport

I have been in fitness since the age of 18. But the desire to try myself in amateur sports manifested itself only after meeting the right coach. In the past, a skier, he offered outdoor training: running and cross-country skiing (fortunately, the ski-roller track in Odintsovo is not far from my house). I have never been in perfect health, but as soon as I started exercising outdoors, I forgot about my arthritis and chronically sore throat.

My first serious start was the ski marathon in St. Moritz, where for some reason I dragged myself after only a month of training, knowing only the style of skiing. As someone who couldn't even walk six kilometers without getting short of breath, I traveled 42 kilometers and never stopped. That's what adrenaline and the will to win do!

I understand that people who follow me on Instagram think that sport is everything for me. In fact, I spend most of my time in the office, which I usually leave at 21:00. And I only go in for sports in the morning for two hours.

About the will to win

In amateur sports, only personal achievements matter. You don't need to compare yourself to others. Everyone has different abilities: someone has a sports background, someone recovers better, sleeps more, and someone works hard and experiences more stress. When competing, it is important not to flirt, because our goal is not souvenir medals, but personal development and maintaining health and beauty.

About triathlon

The hardest part of triathlon for me is open water swimming. You start in a crowd of people with whom you have a contact fight. You never know whether the current will be strong, whether the water will get into the glasses, what the headwind will be. And the wave can also hit in the face or someone can plant a heel in your nose.

During my first start at the competitions in Strogino ten years ago, I left the race. For me it was a terrible tragedy. Due to a sharp drop in air and water temperature, I began to have tachycardia (it was hot outside, and the water was very cold), I was sure that I would suffocate. Now I know how to deal with it, but then I had no idea. It was funny and touching when my husband and my friend Ksenia Sobchak came to cheer for me at nine in the morning. They unfolded a poster with the words “Polina is a champion!”, and already five minutes after the start, when they saw that one of the “white caps” was delayed during the mass start and was not going to continue the competition, they rolled them up with the words: “It looks like this is our. We're turning." When I came out of the water, crying, the coach told me to get on the bike and continue the competition. This advice was very valuable, because I did not give up and reached the end.

The first triathlon was a personal challenge for me: at that time I swam the women's breaststroke with my head up, I didn't know how to ride a bike at all and I was just starting to run.

And the ultimate goal was to complete the Olympic distance: 1.5 km swimming, 40 km cycling and 10 km running. About three hours of continuous work. It took a year to prepare, and before that there was a real small mountain triathlon in Austria, which I completed completely. But all this was an eternity ago, when triathlon communities did not exist and people did not even know what the term “triathlon” meant.

About sports plans

To make it not boring to train, I make a sports schedule for the whole year. Triathlon in summer, cross-country skiing in winter. Now in my mind I'm already opening the ski season.

Most of my trips are a kind of "sports local history". By participating in competitions, I even discover familiar places from a new perspective. For example, in Paris I always run the annual half marathon in March, in October according to the We Run Paris plan. It's great when you go out to the Avenue Opera in the morning, run around the city that belongs only to you, fill with its energy, and then quickly change clothes in the hotel and start a full-time work day. For me, sport is like plugging a plug into the sky, so I recharge.

About sports in the family

In my family, sport is a kind of hygiene and an obligatory part of the day. With my husband and son, we regularly work out at home and on vacation, gradually involving our daughter in training. Lying aimlessly on the beach is not our thing.

I am against tanning, and because of frequent outdoor workouts, I already get a lot of photoload, so I hardly tan on vacation. 30 minutes is enough to equalize the result of cycling and regular jogging. Instead, the whole family swim, go on excursions or shopping, travel. In Tuscany, for example, we always ride road bikes. In the morning we drive 100 km on them, have lunch, take a guide or a car and travel around the cities. And, of course, we do not build our lives around breakfasts, lunches and dinners, although we also love tasty, but healthy food.

A day on vacation never starts with "Where are we going to have dinner?" We are simply not interested.

About #SlimBitchClub

The idea to create #SlimBitchClub (the hashtag is actually a joke) came up while relaxing on a yacht with a large group of friends. Well, what can you do there? Eat, sleep? I am not against such a rest, just like everyone else, sometimes I can lie on the sofa and even stretch my hand towards chips, which, thank God, can no longer be found where I am. But I need to push myself. And on the yacht, I went to train alone, and the girls wanted to join. We made the music louder and started pumping the buttocks and abs. And at some point I say to them: “Do you want to make a trip with a healthy bias?”

#SlimBitchClub is a story about how a group of friends decided to spend time together in a useful way, taking a break from household chores and work duties. When we get married and have children, an absolutely amazing truth is revealed: no matter how much we love our spouses and children, we can only have a good rest in the circle of friends. Therefore, everyone loves bachelorette parties so much, where you can either walk to the nines dressed up, or, conversely, not make up and wear trousers with stretched knees, paint your nails and wait for it to dry.

I just came up with a program to spend time both with feeling and with sense. We can also have time to swim, sunbathe, go shopping, visit museums together, but who prevents us from taking care of ourselves and eating right? All this is easier to do together, because in order to inspire others, you need to inspire yourself, and in order to inspire yourself, you need to be inspired by others.

About nutrition

I remember how ten years ago I showed Ksenia Sobchak a photograph of myself as a 16-year-old. She was terribly disappointed to see that my figure had not changed at all since that time. She thought that I made myself, made a jump over my head to become what I was not born to be.

In fact, I never had problems with the figure and I did not count calories. But I have some kind of shit-detector that stops me when I want to eat too much. Any food, even the most healthy, can be high in calories. Take at least salmon and avocado. The issue is always moderation.

For example, for breakfast and lunch, my menu always has slow carbohydrates that maintain normal blood sugar levels, which means that after three hours I will not fall for sweets. I try to get out of the office for lunch, I usually refuse dinner, having my last snack at 17:00. The only exception is a trip to visit in the evening, where I eat what the owners of the house have prepared, because I respect their work. But at events, I would rather refuse food.

If you eat right five times a week, then because on the sixth or seventh day you had dinner somewhere or ate a ban, nothing will happen, you will not gain weight. Consistency wins in any matter.

I inherited the instinctive power system from my dad. He was always very slender and, without limiting himself in the choice of products, ate small portions when he wanted. But I also have breakdowns: I can sneak to the refrigerator in the evening for Greek yogurt, and in a fit of “sugar madness” I can eat five Korovka sweets or half a can of salted caramel. I'm not a robot, after all.

I do not limit my children in food, but I try to keep them at home healthy foods such as unleavened or whole grain bread. My son is a gourmet, but after seven he does not eat. Lately, my husband has also been refusing to eat dinner. It's great that they came to this on their own, just watching how I eat and seeing the result.

About dieting

A strict diet is a pre-lost battle with your body. The human diet should consist of 50-60% carbohydrates, 25% protein and 15% fat. If there is more protein in the body, problems with the liver and kidneys may begin. Everything must be in balance. This is a basic recommendation. World Organization health care, not just another newfangled approach.

I eat everything: white and red meat (I want the latter no more than once a month), fish, chicken. It is important to feel what food suits you and what does not. I stopped eating many foods, because after them it’s hard to train. I do not like pasta, flour, fruits, juices, I do not drink carbonated drinks. All my life I was indifferent to sweets, but now I fell in love with chocolate. But I will never eat dessert or fruit immediately after dinner - I can not stand this terrible state of satiety.

I tried different vitamins and supplements, but by trial and error I settled on spirulina and Omega-6. Every morning I drink six capsules of algae to get all the necessary trace elements.

About sports during pregnancy

Most of my second pregnancy came in the fall and winter. For the first 15 weeks, you can’t train, so my schedule was only walking. From the 15th week, I switched to FPP, but without the static load in the form of planks and push-ups, which increase intrauterine pressure. She also went swimming and cross-country skiing in the winter. Despite the fact that they are much safer than mountain ones, you are not immune from falling. Here it is important to have riding experience, balance and feel confident.

I refused to run: such a shock load is useless during pregnancy. Two weeks before the birth, she left for Munich and walked 10 km in the park every day.

The birth happened on Wednesday, and on Monday I was still walking my ten in the English Park. With this rhythm, I gained nine kilograms during pregnancy.

About nutrition during pregnancy

The biggest misconception is that during pregnancy you need to eat for two! We talked about this with Natalia Vodianova (she gave birth a month later than me). Already in position, I asked her how to keep fit during and after pregnancy, to which she said: “You understand, in fact, a child in the womb needs 40 g of carbohydrates per day, and this is just a couple of apples. That is, the fact that a pregnant woman should eat 3,000 calories, not deny herself anything and succumb to any hormonal desires is nonsense. The more you weigh, the higher the pressure, and this is difficult for both the child and the mother.

Pregnancy was a turning point for me, when for the first time I seriously thought about my diet and set a goal to leave the hospital in "pre-pregnancy" jeans.

About relaxing treatments

Once a week I go to the Russian bath. This is our family tradition. The massage is definitely not for me. I can go only if I need to relax a specific muscle and feel that I have driven myself. I envy those who love wraps. Such procedures are not at all my format, it is painful to lie and think that during this time of inactivity it was possible to move mountains. Yes, and there is no time for them. I even do my manicure at 11 pm at home, when the children are already asleep.

About self love

You need to understand that fashion and beauty assistants are just tools that make us better. The main secret lies in self-love. If you are at peace with yourself and radiate energetic comfort, you will attract people and make the right impression.

Coco Chanel said: "If a woman has not become beautiful by the age of 30, then she is a fool." I would rephrase this quote a little: if a woman by the age of 30 has not understood which products are suitable for her and which ones are better to refuse, then she is a fool. For example, I don't eat pasta or drink white wine, knowing that they make me look and feel worse.

About hair care

I meet with my hairdresser Yura Vavkulin from the salon of Irina Baranova on Tsvetnoy Boulevard once every two weeks. I don't like to waste time on long procedures, so I usually limit myself to updating the color. I also do not strive for experiments: in my case with long hair style is lost, and it’s hard to deal with them, they are very thick. Even before official events, I can style my hair myself.

About makeup

My everyday set is mascara, concealer and lipstick. Concealer Tom Ford or the new cream powder from La Mer does an excellent job of masking problem areas. In any weather, I protect my face from UV rays with Cellular Swiss UV Protection Veil SPF 50 from La Prairie. Recently, a couple of favorites have appeared in the Giorgio Armani line: matte lipstick and pencil. natural color lips complement smoky eyes, and a bright red shade of lipstick - light makeup eye. Alternatively, I can apply Dior's Addict Lip Maximizer Collagen Active gloss, which cools the lips nicely.

Cellular Swiss UV Protection Veil SPF 50, La Prairie; concealer Concealing Pen, TOM FORD; lip gloss Addict Lip Maximizer Collagen Active, Dior.

I resort to the services of professionals only before events or filming. Make-up artists Andrey Shilkov, Savva Savelyev, Agnessa Ilyina from Chanel have no equal. But more often I paint myself because of lack of time.

About facial care

Regular outdoor workouts have a positive effect on complexion, but negatively on skin condition. Running and functional training are dehydrating, so I constantly monitor the water balance, drink plenty of water and coconut water. The latter, by the way, can always be found in my car. Coconut water is a natural isotonic that contains natural trace elements and salts, replenishes the salt balance. 300ml post-workout is my daily ritual.

I often talk about the importance of UV protection. All because I experienced all the "charms" of the appearance of pigmentation due to regular exposure to the sun. Now I wear high SPF protection in any weather. If these problems could not be avoided, you need to save yourself with ZO®Medical creams and serums from Zein Obagi. They perfectly align the face and avoid the laser. Keep in mind that these are very strong medications, so it is better to consult a dermatologist before using them.

Brightenex™ Corrective Cream 1.0% Retinol; Ossential ® C-Bright Serum 10% Vitamin C; Invisapeel™ Intensive Resurfacing Peel, all ZO®Medical by Zein Obagi.

In winter, I definitely use La Mer nourishing creams. Other favorites include Aesop's Bitter Orange Astringent Toner and Parsley Seed Anti-Oxidant Eye Cream, Biologique Recherche's P50W Lotion and ADN Elastine Marine Collagène Marin. I am also a fan of La Prairie: Sérum Eclat Caviar Nacré and Cellular Radiance Perfecting Fluide Pure Gold are my favorites.

Bitter Orange Astringent Toner; Parsley Seed Anti-Oxidant Eye Cream, all Aesop.

Lotion P50W Phase d "Initialisation, Biologique Recherche; ADN Elastine Marine Collagène Marin face cream, Biologique Recherche; Sérum Eclat Caviar Nacré cream, La Prairie; Cellular Radiance Perfecting Fluide Pure Gold fluid, La Prairie.

Skin problems are handled very well at the Rosh Medical Center, where I have been going for about 17 years. Lyubov Andreevna Khachaturyan is the queen of problem skin, it seems to me that she saved absolutely the whole of Moscow. The specialists of this center make creams themselves: sticky, unpleasantly smelling, but very effective.

Sometimes I look into the "White Garden" to Oksana Lavrentieva. The cosmetologist Natasha Rodina works there, who makes excellent massages. It is a pity that there is often not enough time for a course of such procedures. I would like to be able to visit her more often.

Interview: Margarita Lieva
Text: Julia Kozoliy

It is known that before gaining great popularity and fame, Polina Kitsenko was actively involved in the fashion business. The essence of this enterprise was reduced to the sale of clothes, which were supplied from fairly well-known world brands. Polina managed to establish a channel through which such products were imported into Russia. As a result, in 1994 the first fashion salon was created, which received the promising name "Podium".

Kitsenko made very large investments in this project so that the business began to generate huge profits. In the mid-nineties of the last century, the Kitsenko business began to gain momentum in order to turn into a real fashion empire in the near future.

On this moment Polina owns a huge fashion and style business called Podium Fashion Group. Back in 1994, a grand opening of the boutique took place fashion clothes, which is located in the capital of Russia. Since then, the marketing policy of the owner of a stylish business has been to provide the broad masses of people with enough fashionable clothes, but affordable price. Everything that was previously available only to the privileged segments of the population has now become widespread for the average citizen of Russia. Thus, we can say that the fashion business has become widespread among the masses.

Activities and years of activity

Polina Kitsenko works as a top manager in the fashion industry. It was after her business underwent serious formatting that the woman became widely known. The meaning of the reformatting was that Polina's company decided on the fly to grasp all sorts of trends that take place in modern world fashion and style. In addition, a lot of work has been done in order to make all kinds of new products available to the average consumer.

It is known that Kitsenko leads an exclusively stellar lifestyle and very often meets with celebrities such as Ksenia Sobchak and Ulyana Sergeeva. Moreover, accompanied by her famous friends, she visited Lake Baikal. This event was joyfully received by fans of star friends. True, this kind of journey, among other things, contributed to the emergence of a mass of gossip, without which stellar life is not complete.

Kitsenko often takes part in various social events and events. Often at these events you can meet her close friends. In an interview, Polina stated that she was very proud of her relationship with Ksenia Sobchak, who, according to her, is a role model. Sobchak, on the other hand, often speaks of Kitsenko as a person with a strong will and character.
Relationships and family

It is known that Polina Kitsenko is happy in her personal life and has long been married to Eduard Kitsenko, who is also a very successful person. Edward owns an entire business empire, which he created with his own hands. The family has a desired child named Yegor. Polina cannot boast of a large number of interviews, but it is still known that she pays great attention to her husband and child. For a happy woman, this marriage gives great pleasure in order to give the energy necessary for a fulfilling life. It is also known that a woman has been involved in sports for a long time and is trying to promote sports culture to the masses.

Polina Kitsenko's husband Eduard is not only her faithful companion in life, but also a like-minded person - they have many common interests and hobbies, to which the spouses introduce their children. The couple are raising their son Yegor and their little daughter Tonya, who is twelve years younger than her brother. Antonina was born in one of the maternity hospitals in Germany, and in order for the birth to be successful, Polina left there in advance.

In the photo - Polina with her daughter

This married couple is engaged in the same business - Eduard and Polina Kitsenko - they own a chain of fashion stores PODIUM market, in which far from poor Russian citizens dress.

Polina not only creative director brand, but also for some time now a true trendsetter, who advises the most famous socialites on how to create their own stylish image.

With son Yegor

Another hobby of Polina is sports and a healthy lifestyle, and she tries to involve as many people as possible in this.

So, Polina became one of the organizers of the largest charity run in our country, she periodically posts training videos on Instagram, and also gives advice on proper nutrition.

And she manages to combine all this with hard work - Polina believes that success in business can only be achieved through hard work.

At one time, she graduated from a special school with in-depth study in English and was going to enter the Institute of Foreign Languages, but on the advice of her father she became a student at the Faculty of Law of the International University, opened by Mikhail Gorbachev and Gavriil Popov.

In the photo - Polina and Eduard Kitsenko

After high school, Polina worked for some time in a bank, engaged in credit cards. She traveled to the USA on a student exchange, and since then she has developed an interest in fashionable things- She got the opportunity to dress beautifully and stylishly. In the future, this helped her start working in fashion.

The future husband of Polina Kitsenko, when they met, was a co-owner of the Podium company and did not want Polina to work with him. She made every effort to join this business, and she succeeded.

In her boutique, Polina Kitsenko presented only luxury fashion brands Antonio Berardi, Balenciaga, Alexander McQueen, Chloe and others. For sale in her store, she selected only best models, and its business has grown rapidly since the mid-nineties of the last century.

Together with her husband, Polina opened stores in large Russian cities– Samara, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk.

Later, Kitsenko's company began to focus not only on the clothes of luxury brands, but also on the mass market.

The fact that the business of the Kitsenko family is developing very successfully and brings Polina and her husband good income can be judged by the fact that every year they, along with their children, often go to a fashionable ski resort Courchevel and spend the New Year holidays there.

And for some time now, one of the PODIUM market stores, Podium Jewelery, has opened in this beautiful place, selling branded jewelry, the price of which varies from fifteen to twenty thousand euros.

To keep abreast of all the fashionable novelties, Polina Kitsenko tries to visit important cult fashion shows, where she selects the most interesting models not only for her stores, but also for herself - the owner of the PODIUM market prefers to wear things from Chapurin Couture, Azzedine Alaia, Givenchy, Phillip Lim.

In her image, she tries to mix the clothes of luxury brands and not yet very popular brands. Polina is very grateful to her husband for the fact that he creates all the conditions for her to develop, supports her and, if necessary, suggests what to do in this or that situation. Their union can be called ideal - there are never scandals in the Kitsenko family, and they always know how to find a common language.
