Educational project "let's talk about the verb." Educational project "Travel to the country of Glagolia" project in the Russian language (grade 5) on the topic Project on the topic verb part of speech

  • Verb– a part of speech that denotes the action of an object and answers questions WHAT TO DO? And WHAT TO DO?
  • Verbs change tenses: they come in the form present, past And future time. In the present and future tenses, verbs change according to persons and numbers, and in the past tense - according to gender (singular) and numbers.
  • In a sentence the verb is usually predicate and agrees with the subject.
  • Examples: we were riding a bike, we were playing ball, we were going to fly on an airplane.

2. NOT with verbs.

  • NOT with verbs it is written separately.
  • The exception is those verbs that are without NOT are not used.

NOT apart

NOT seamlessly

don't go


be indignant

be perplexed

bad luck


  • Verbs in the indefinite form answer the question WHAT TO DO? or WHAT TO DO?
  • This is the initial form of verbs. It shows neither time, nor number, nor person, nor gender.
  • The indefinite form of the verb has the ending -Ть (-ТИ) and the zero ending in verbs ending with –Чь.
  • In an indefinite form after the letter H a soft sign is written.
  • Examples: take care-beware, wander-wander, walk-walk, crawl-crawl.

4. Spelling –TSYA And -THIS in verbs.

  • WHAT IS HE DOING? (Will he?) or WHAT ARE THEY DOING? (Will they?) , then this verb is in the 3rd person and in it before –SYA letter b not written .
  • If the verb answers questions WHAT TO DO? (DO?), then this verb is in an indefinite form and in it before –SYA letter b is written .
  • Examples:

Capable of (what to do?) study (indefinite form).

Brother (what is he doing) studying (3rd person).

Two kinds of verbs

Perfect Imperfect

What to do? What to do?

What did you do? What did you do?

What will I do? What am I doing?

What will I do?

6. Letters E – I in the roots with alternation.

  • In the roots with alternation E – I letter is written AND , if there is a suffix after the root -A - .

Alternation E-I


Ber- – -bir-

elect - electBERu

Per- – -pir-


Der- – -dir-

rip off - rip off

Ter- – -tir-

wipe - wipe

Mer- – -world-

freeze - freeze

Stel- – -stil-

spread out - spread out

Verb tense

Past Future

The present

Past tense.

  • Verbs in the past tense change according to numbers, and in the singular – by childbirth .
  • The suffix is ​​usually used to form the past tense –L– .
  • In the past tense before –L– The same vowel is written with the suffix as in the indefinite form (sowed - sow).

The sun was rising.

The grass was rising.

Streams flowed.

Present tense.

  • Only imperfective verbs have present tense forms.

howls , whistles ,

Branches breaks ,

Dust raises ,

Off your feet knocks down .

Do you hear his,

Not at all you see his.


Without wings flying, Without legs are running ,

Without a sail float .


I'm walking in a fluffy fur coat, I live in a dense forest.

In a hollow on an old oak tree. I'm nuts gnawing .


Future tense.

  • The future tense has two forms: simple and complex.
  • From perfective verbs the future simple is formed ( I'm flying), and from imperfective verbs - the future complex ( I'll fly).

  • Changing verbs according to persons and numbers is called conjugation.
  • Verbs of the first conjugation have endings:

U (-yu), -eat (-eat), -et (-et), -ete (-et), -eat (-eat), -ut (-et)

  • Verbs of the second conjugation have endings:

U (-yu), -ish, -it, -im, -ite, -at (-yat)


Are you going along the path

We wait dawn

Grazing moose

You're watching behind the squirrel

Noisy forest

They're buzzing wires

11 exception verbs:




I ref.

II reference

If the verb has an unstressed personal ending, you need:

1) put the verb in the indefinite form

For example: build - build;

2) determine which vowel comes before -TH .

Co. II conjugation relate:

a) all verbs in –IT(except for shaving, laying)

b) 7 verbs per –EAT(tolerate, twist, offend, depend, hate, see, watch)

c) 4 verbs per –AT(hold, hear, breathe, drive)

All other verbs (in -et, -at, -ot, -ut, -et etc.) refer to I conjugation .

fights (fight) – I conjugation

depends (depend) – II conjugation, exception.

10. " b" after sibilants in verbs in the 2nd person singular.

  • In 2nd person singular after Sh is written soft sign .

You're lazy

  • The order of morphological analysis:

I. Part of speech. General meaning.

II. Morphological characteristics:

Initial form (indefinite form);


Genus (if any)

III. Syntactic role.

Verb about verb

Subject, class

4th grade. 10 hours

Russian language. Repetition and generalization on the topic Verb

Literary reading. Poetic notebook "Nature and us"

Brief summary of the project

Educational project“Verb about the verb” is intraclass, as it involves the participation of students of the same class, and interdisciplinary, since it unites educational material sections “Parts of Speech” and “Poetic Notebook” in two subject areas: Russian language and literary reading. 10 hours (two academic weeks) are allocated for its implementation. Of these, 5 hours are Russian language, 3 hours are literary reading and 2 hours are individual and group activities, which meets the program requirements. The project is intended for 4th grade students studying in the Russian Language program, author T.G. Ramzaev and “Literary Reading”, author L.F. Klimanova. The project takes into account age characteristics students, is aimed at the formation of personal results, regulatory, cognitive and communicative educational activities and involves the organization cognitive activity in conditions of maximum psychological comfort.

Relevance of the project

The topic "Verb" is one of the most difficult in the course. primary school. Particular difficulties arise for students in mastering the spelling of unstressed personal endings of verbs. The basis for studying this topic is knowledge of the material on the following topics from the 3rd grade curriculum:

  • "Verb as part of speech"
  • "Changing verbs by tense"
  • "Determining the gender of past tense verbs and spelling gender endings"
  • "Infinitive"
  • "The infinitive form of the verb is the initial form"

Traditional teaching methods provide only formal passage of educational material, do not arouse proper interest in studying the subject among students, and therefore cannot ensure high learning efficiency.

This project, through active cognitive, creative and gaming activities, allows you to:

  • repeat and summarize the educational material on the above topics, necessary for the subsequent more effective mastery of the topics “Conjugation of verbs”, “Spelling of unstressed personal endings of verbs”, and also consolidate the concept: means of expressiveness of language - metaphor, personification, comparison, phraseological turn, an epithet for the subject “Literary reading”, avoiding passive perception of educational content that tires children;
  • through the organization of independent research activities with works of art from the section “Poetry Notebook” on the topic “Nature and We”, to achieve a deeper and more lasting understanding by students of concepts on the topic “Verb”, to show students the importance and necessity of knowledge and skills on this topic for further successful learning;
  • organize work to advance the material being studied according to literary reading, since the project involves independent acquaintance with lexical-semantic groups of verbs, which will allow children to avoid difficulties when studying this material in grade 5;
  • include students with different levels of training in independent activities to acquire knowledge, ensure an active position in the learning of all students in the class;
  • show students the value of the Russian language, form an attitude towards works of art as the art of words, the need to read poetic works, to instill a love for nature, the native land;
  • decide modern problem lack of communication between peers, children and parents, since in the project the children will help each other, parents will also be involved in communication with children about the project, which helps create an atmosphere of cooperation, mutual assistance and camaraderie in the class;
  • help students master different ways searching, collecting, processing, analyzing information in accordance with the assigned tasks;
  • develop Creative skills students, to develop a sense of self-confidence and success, which is important for the education of a harmonious personality.

Project goals:

  • generalization of knowledge about grammatical features verb, its role in language; identifying the figurative and expressive “possibilities” of the verb in works of art;
  • formation of communicative competence of students (development of competent oral speech, both monologue and dialogic), formation of moral and aesthetic feelings, as well as development of the ability for creative activity.

Planned results.

Personal results:

Awareness of the beauty and value of the native language;

Development of motivation to acquire new knowledge;

Understanding the importance of a positive communication style and developing collaboration skills;

Development of independence and responsibility;

Meta-subject results:

Ability to plan and evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task, find means to implement it;

Mastering the initial forms of self-observation and self-assessment;

Skills in searching, collecting and processing information;

Willingness to listen to the interlocutor, express one’s opinion, resolve disputes and conflicts, and negotiate with each other;

Subject results:

The ability to find verbs in a text based on their meaning and grammatical features and role in a sentence;

The ability to determine the tense of a verb and its number, its gender in the past tense form;

The ability to find the initial form of a verb without changing its appearance;

The ability to correctly use verbs in speech;

Knowledge of lexical and semantic groups of Russian verbs;

Knowledge of the specific meaning of concepts: means artistic expression- personification, metaphor, comparison, epithet;

Ability to analyze literary work for the presence of expressive means of language and use them in their own speech.

Project plan

Questions guiding the project

Fundamental question: How can you burn people's hearts with a verb?

  1. Problematic question: What is the fate of the word "verb"?
    1. Study Question: What does the verb mean?
    2. Study Question: What questions does the verb answer?
    3. Study Question: What is the role of a verb in a sentence?
  2. Problematic question: What can a verb do?
    1. Study Question: What lexical and semantic meaning of groups of verbs are found in poetry?
    2. Study Question: How to determine the tense of a verb?
    3. Study Question: When can a verb's gender be determined?
  3. "Problematic question: When does a verb hide its true face?
    1. Study Question: What is the infinitive form of a verb?
    2. Study Question: When should you say “dress” and “put on”?
    3. Study Question: What types of figurative and expressive means of language are there?

Project business card

Teacher publication

The booklet is intended for open lesson as a gift to colleagues who attended this event. This booklet is a reminder, as it contains information useful for organizing work on a project on the topic “Verb” and is used for sharing experience.

Teacher presentation to identify student ideas and interests

This presentation is multifunctional and can be used both at the beginning of the project as an introductory presentation, and at the final one for use by colleagues in subsequent work for the purpose of exchanging experiences in order to create a clearer understanding of the project activities. On initial stage The presentation will help students independently assess their level of preparation on the project topic and identify their needs for acquiring new knowledge.

An example of a student project activity product

Formative and summative assessment materials

The purpose of the assessment strategy: ensuring control over the implementation of project objectives.

Assessment objectives:

  • determine how a student masters the skills of acquiring and using knowledge in a project;
  • develop the ability to independently evaluate the results of your actions, control yourself;
  • motivate students to succeed.

Evaluation of student activities in the project is carried out on a three-point scale in order to simplify calculations and save time when calculating points, since the personal score of the participants and the group score are made up of several common points: the participant’s personal score in accordance with the evaluation criteria, the score for completing the quiz and the control test." Check yourself!" No. 2, points given by the teacher and the group to the participant, points given to oneself. In addition, the overall group score consists of everyone's total personal score and the group's performance score. In a three-point system, “3 points” means “very good”, “2 points” means good, and “1 point” means “can be better”, there is no “bad” mark at all, i.e. you can try, make efforts, strive for a better result, which helps create a comfortable environment and helps maintain the psychological health of students.

Formative assessment

Assessment results

Section I. From the history of the creation of the verb. It was a long time ago. There was real confusion in the words - no order! We somehow tried to form words. It happened this way and that, and everything turned out badly. “We can’t do without a commander,” the words decided. “Let’s call on Morphology to help!” -Which of you designates the object? - Morphology asked the words. “We designate an object,” some answered. - What forms do you have? - Gender, number, case. - What can you do? - Be all parts of the sentence, but primarily the subject and object. “Get under the banner of “Noun,” Morphology ordered. - And we denote actions, we have a person, a tense, a mood, an aspect, we can be a predicate! - other words were reported. “Get under the banner of “Verb”,” answered Morphology. Then she collected and combined all the remaining words. Thus, with the help of Morphology, thousands of words, depending on their meaning, grammatical and syntactic functions, were united under their own banners.

Syntactic role PREDICATE (what does it do?) The wind bends the trees. SUBJECT (what?) Learning is always useful. DEFINITION (what?) Zhilin did not lose hope (what?) to escape. ADDENDUM (what?) A person learns (what?) to understand nature. CIRCUMSTANCE (why?) I came back (why?) to admire the bay.

Section IV. Rules for spelling verbs. Spelling of vowels in verbal forms: a) verbs of the first conjugation in the present and simple future tense have vowels e and y (yu) in personal endings; Reads, reads, reads. verbs of II conjugation – vowels and and a(i); They go out, they go out, they go out. b) verbs in the 2nd person imperative mood, regardless of conjugation, can have only one suffix - and; Wed: If you knock on the window, she will hear - verb I conjugation in the simple future tense with the ending -ete; Please knock on the window! – a verb in the imperative mood with the suffix -i and a suffix (or ending) plural-those; c) in the past tense, the same vowel is written before the suffix -l as before -t in the infinitive; Wed: glue - glued; see - saw.

Ask verbs questions There is a very simple rule that always works. Ask a question when you are writing a verb and are unsure where the letter “b” is and where it is not. What to do, what to do? If the question has this letter, it will also appear at the end of the verb. For example: What to do? Check out, roll over, cover up, walk, jog, get lost and so on. What does (will they do), what do they (will do)? Soft sign no, the verb is (what does it do?) in the 2nd or 3rd person, suggesting the action of someone specific. What is he doing? Rolls over, walks, covers, shouts at each other, gets lost, and so on.

Section V. This is interesting. This is interesting. A verb that has no root Such a verb exists in the Russian language! This is the verb to take out. It has the prefix you-, the ending |т| and the suffix -nu- (expresses a one-time action), but, as you can see, there is no root! It disappeared as a result of the sound changes that the word underwent. The verb take out (take out the imperfect form) is a relative of the verbs take away (take away), occupy (occupy), remove (remove). All these related verbs have the ancient root -ya- meaning “to take.” The composition of these words from a historical point of view can be depicted as follows: from-n-i-t, for-n-i-t, s-n-i-t, take-i-t.

Insufficient verbs Everyone who has ever used the verb to win remembers their bewilderment: he will win, you will win, I... will win? Shall I run? Will I win? We have to use a substitute verbal construction: I will win or I will become a winner. This verb lacks the first person singular form, so the verb is insufficient. And the verb to win became insufficient according to the law of euphony. But there are insufficient verbs that become so because of the meaning. For example, the verb to mature. We can say that cheeses are ripening, watermelons are ripening in melon fields, but we cannot ripen, which means that all personal forms of this verb, except for the third person, will be impossible. And this verb is insufficient. In the Russian language there is also a verb that is always used in only one form - the verb numb. It has no other time, and not even an indefinite form.

Test yourself Find all the verbs of motion in the poem. A poem written in a hurry You are in a hurry, and so is time. Rushing through the days: Past the mirror in the hallway - With a backpack at the ready. You rush to school with your briefcase, galloping around the yard like a cocky, cheerful, naughty red ball. And then, sedately with the folder, you move towards the car, or you run, avoiding the crush, from the tram to the metro. Time is a harsh trainer! Year after year he drives away. And already at the start the Young tribe is a son and daughter. Well, and you slide decorously towards the gray finish line, rattling after them: “It’s a shame, these days the speeds are not the same!”

Lesson project

in Russian language 4 "A" class

A minute of penmanship

Morphological analysis verb. Compiling an oral story about a verb.


Verb about verb

verb - " word, speech"

verb – “ speaks,


Glagolitic - "ABC"

rant - ?

And, bypassing the seas and lands,

Burn the hearts of people with the verb.

All around there is desert, game and need...

And there’s a verb sticking out to the side...

And the verb tom has two bodies...

Part of speech

There are 2.5 thousand verbs for 9 thousand words.


In verbs in the indefinite form, ь and ти are a suffix, and ь is part of the root.

Indeterminate form

What to do?

What to do?

Art critics

« I draw a Verb"

Cheerful Pencil invites

to the portrait exhibition

Mr. Verb

G l a g o l i n a

I drew a girl, the daughter of Verb,

Glagolin, portrait

which includes

yourself morphological

signs of the verb.

Yurchenko Daria


I drew the Verb in the form of the letter G. He walks through the clearing and watches how the grass grows and the bee buzzes.

Borbotko Varvara


I depicted the Verb as a gray-haired old man. He is from the fairy tale “In the Land of Unlearned Lessons.”

Biryukov Ilya

I depicted the Verb, which has many arms and legs, because it is always doing something.

Los Egor



Margelova Evelina

Morphological analysis of the verb.

Remember the order of morphological

analysis of any part of speech.

Remember the constant and inconstant features of the verb.

Parsing order

Morphological analysis

  • Which question does it answer?

2. Form the initial shape.

3. Indicate permanent signs:

( aspect, conjugation )

4. Indicate non-permanent signs:

( time, person, number, gender (past tense)

5. Determine which member of the sentence it is.

Working with the textbook.

Ex. 244


1. What does the verb mean?

1) Subject.

2) Attribute of an object.

3) The action of the item.

2. What questions does the verb answer?

1) Who? What?

2) Which one? which? which? which?

3) What does it do? What did you do? what will it do?

3. What part of the sentence is the verb?

1) The main member.

2) A secondary member.

4. How many tense forms do verbs have?

Check yourself!

Thank you for your attention

Kingdom of the verb


1. Select sentences from a textbook on literary reading where the verb would be used in the forms of the present, past and future tense.

2. Work on your scientific oral communication.

3. Pick up riddles, work on phraseological units.

State educational institution
average comprehensive school № 585
Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg

In Russian
on the topic

“The verb is “the most fiery, most living part of speech.”

Project completed by: Lavrentyev A., 6th grade

Project manager: Shilina N.V., teacher
Russian language and literature

Saint Petersburg
The verb is an unusual part of speech.
The verb is an unusual part of speech. It is unusual in that it denotes an action, and therefore the verb has enormous potential for expressing countless actions that accompany a person and the diverse aspects of his activity (labor, social, economic, scientific, social, political, etc.), various phenomena nature.
In terms of frequency of use, the verb ranks second (after nouns). The general frequency list of 9 thousand verb words includes about 2500. The most frequent of them are can, say, talk, know, become, see, want, go, give, eat, stand, live, have, look, seem, take, understand, do, do, mean.

Main part
High aesthetic value of the verb.
The purpose of my work is to prove that, in addition to the richness of the verb, it also has high aesthetic value, which many writers have specifically paid attention to.
Here is one of the most striking statements of the famous Soviet writer A. Yugov: “The verb is the most fiery, most living part of speech. The scarlet, freshest, arterial blood of the tongue flows in the verb. But the purpose of the verb is to express the action itself!”

Verbs of speech.
You can give excellent examples of the use of verbs of speech in fiction. For example, V. Rasputin in the story “The Deadline” on three randomly selected pages uses about 20 different verbs of speech, thoughts, feelings, repeating twice only the word say. These verbs are: remember, ask, speak, know, explain, laugh, admit, suggest, mutter, wave, prick, get angry, become enraged, ask, complain, praise, say, advise, smack.
The artistic effect is enhanced if adverbs characterizing the verbs are added to the verbs of speech: she agreed in surprise, interrupted in fear, asked reasonably, said cheerfully, etc.
The expressiveness of the language is achieved not only by the selection of new verbs, but also by the use of verbs that differ in prefixes (to say, to finish, to express, not to say, to retell; to ask, to ask again, to interrogate, to interrogate, to interrogate). Especially many prefixed verbs are formed from the verb to speak: to speak - “to start speaking”; sentence - “to speak, accompanying any action”; speak - “pronounce, say”; stipulate - “to set some conditions in advance”, “to bring charges against someone”; dissuade – “to convince not to do something”, “to stop talking”; persuade – “to convince someone”; slander - “to say something a lot”, “to falsely accuse someone”, etc.

Verbs of labor.
There are an endless number of proverbs and sayings about work:
- If you don’t work hard, you won’t get bread.
- Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.
- Patience and a little effort.
- Labor money feeds you forever, etc.
How did language “respond” to this most important area of ​​human activity? What words exist in the language to fully reflect the greatness of human labor?
Let us recall the most common words denoting labor activity: work, do, labor. And every industry has its own words: agriculture- plow, sow, mow, harrow, rake, reap, weed, clean, thresh, dig, etc.; in construction - building, plastering, asphalting, concreting, painting, whitewashing, kneading, etc.; in home life - cooking, peeling, washing, washing, baking, wiping, rinsing, squeezing, cutting, ironing, soaking, salting, etc.
But even with large quantities verbs of labor still do not cover all the diversity labor activity. We can, for example, name the most common professions: teacher, doctor, engineer, turner, mechanic, director, accountant, conductor, artist, architect, cook, craftsman, cashier, artist, etc. - and we see that the verbs there are no denoting actions associated with these professions, and in this case we are forced to use descriptive phrases: I work as a doctor, teacher, architect, etc. The existing verbs like turning, metalworking do not mean “to work as a turner or mechanic,” but only “to be able to perform turning or plumbing work.”
The conclusion suggests itself: most job titles do not have corresponding verbal denotations. This has its own expediency. Professions are called nouns, their number is constantly increasing, not every noun - the name of a profession can be formed into a verb, therefore, to denote a person’s labor activity in the Russian language, as a rule, descriptive phrases are used, consisting of the general “labor” verb to work + the name of the profession ( I work as an artist, cook, accountant, etc.).

Verbs of sound and color.
Sounds surround us everywhere. We wake up to the loud ringing of the alarm clock, doors begin to slam, a truck rumbles past in the street, dishes rattle in the kitchen.
And how many sounds we will hear in the forest! Discordant
· birds are singing, a stream is playfully murmuring, century-old pines are rustling, leaves are rustling, and your heart is pounding loudly from the overwhelming joy of communicating with nature.
The wonderful Russian writer A. Melnikov-Pechersky, describing the forest and its beauty in his novel “In the Forests,” creates a vivid picture of flowering grasses and different sounding voices.
“All the trees are in full sap, all the herbs are blooming and fragrant. Everywhere you look, there are flowers, flowers, and flowers. There St. John's wort turns yellow, dark blue bells turn blue, and in the middle of the bright emerald green, the fragrant bath turns white and the stone fruit berries turn red.
Forest voices moan, grasshoppers and fillies chatter incessantly in the tall grass, like a black yellowtail blows a trumpet, hazel grouse squeak, cuckoos crow plaintively, and waxwings, robins, wood larks and other small birds chirp merrily in response to different voices.”
Speaking about sounding verbs, one cannot help but recall A.S. Pushkin. Researchers of his work noted that the poet was always stingy with adjectives. There are stanzas in which adjectives are almost completely absent, and in this case verbs become the ideological and artistic center of the text.
Poet Sun. Rozhdestvensky, analyzing the poem “Winter Evening,” draws attention to how A.S. Pushkin describes a blizzard. The image of a blizzard (storm) is first given through visual impressions:
The storm covers the sky with darkness,
Whirling snow whirlwinds.
Then the author moves on to sound images:
Then, like a beast, she will howl,
Then he will cry like a child
Then on the dilapidated roof
Suddenly the straw rustles,
The way a belated traveler
There will be a knock on our window.
The entire passage is full of movement, life, and this is achieved by Pushkin thanks to the masterful use of verbs. What does a storm do? She “covers the sky”, “howls”, “cries”, “rustles the straw”, “knocks on the window”. It is impossible not to notice that almost all verbs have the prefix for-, which tells them, on the one hand, the meaning of the beginning of the action, and on the other - a single musical rhythm stanzas.
About love A.S. The poet S. Marshak also writes about Pushkin’s verbs:
“Verbs, magnificent, energetic, effective, permeate the entire description of the Battle of Poltava:
The regiments closed their ranks,
Arrows scattered in the bushes.
Cannonballs roll, bullets whistle;
Cold bayonets hung down.
Sons beloved victories,
The Swedes are rushing through the fire of the trenches;
Worried, the cavalry flies;
The infantry is moving behind her"

The power of the Russian verb.
Amazing property Russian verb is its ability not only to name an action, but also to show how it proceeds in time. And it proceeds in an unusually varied way: it can occur long time(jump, push, shout, think, listen), but can happen at one moment (jump, push, shout, flash), can indicate the beginning of an action (sing, scream, get sick, thunder) or, on the contrary, its end (finish singing, finish cooking, finish, finish writing, finish reading), may indicate an action brought to a certain result (read, cook, bleach, rebuild, fry), or occur from time to time, with some breaks (stir, walk, feed, read), or action limited in time (sit, lie down, read, talk).
There are many meanings, but it is already obvious that these unique meanings arise when either a new prefix or a new suffix, or sometimes both, is added to a verb. So, for example, almost all the meanings mentioned here can be formed from the verb to play: play, finish playing, win, finish playing, win back, etc.
It was this property of the verb that delighted word artists. So, V.G. Belinsky wrote: “The Russian language is unusually rich in expressing natural phenomena. Indeed, what wealth for depicting the phenomena of natural reality lies only in Russian verbs that have species! Swim, swim, sail, sail, swim, sail, swim; float away, float away, float, float, float up, float up, float, float"
The same idea was repeated by the wonderful poet of the early twentieth century V.Ya. Bryusov: “The power of the Russian verb is that school grammars call species. Let's take four verbs of the same root: become, put, stand, become. From them, using the prefixes before, at, for, from, etc., and the suffixes of “multiplicity,” you can form about 300 verbs. These are: become, become, stand up, get up, insert, get, get, get, get, etc. »
Thus, V.Ya. Bryusov, like V.G. Belinsky, and many other Russian writers saw in the ability of a verb to attach various prefixes and suffixes powerful tool enriching the Russian language with verbs.

The word "verb" in Ancient Rus' meant speech in general. So in V. Dahl’s dictionary the following definition is given: “A verb is human speech, intelligent speech, language.” But this is just a definition.
In my work, I wanted to show how great the figurative power of the verb is when writers and poets use it in their works. This is what he writes about the verb
A.N. Tolstoy: “Movement and expression – the verb – are the basis of language. Finding the right verb for a phrase means giving movement to the phrase.” So this movement is directly related to the high aesthetic value of the verb.
In conclusion of my work, I want to say that now for me the verb is not just a part of speech, but “the most living part of speech.”

Attached files
