Where ь sign indicates the softness of consonants. Words with a soft separator - spelling and hyphenation rules

The Russian language is considered one of the richest in the world, and to study it in full will require more than one year of familiarity with the theory, constantly supported by practical exercises. The school course program is structured in such a way that children become familiar with all sections of the language in stages, starting with the simplest topics. First, children are taught to form syllables and words, and then to perform sound analysis of words. It is here that the first acquaintance with the function of the soft sign occurs, and at this stage children learn only that the soft sign softens consonant sounds.

Separating soft sign in Russian

Here are a few examples in which this sign is used to softly pronounce individual consonants: laziness, Malvina, balm. As you can see, a soft sign to soften consonant sounds can be used both in the middle of a word and at the end. As children learn the Russian language, they are given the following topic - a soft separating sign. Grade 2 of the school curriculum provides an introduction to a new, more complex function of the soft sign. But practice shows that this topic is not understood by everyone. And it is precisely those who for some reason missed this section of the school course who will need this article.

Stages of studying the material

As a rule, for easier understanding, teachers divide the study of this topic into several stages:

Meaning of the separating soft sign

As already mentioned, words with a soft separating sign differ from those where it is used only to soften consonant sounds. In the first case, writing this sign is simply necessary for the correct sound of the word. In such cases, the soft sign indicates that the vowel and consonant should not merge, but should be pronounced separately. For example: nightingales - nightingales, salt - salt, dog - play. And in the second case, the presence of a soft sign can completely change lexical meaning. For example: chalk - stranded, horse - horse.

Writing words with a soft separator

When writing a word with a soft separator, the following errors may occur:

Sound analysis of words with a soft sign

When studying this topic, just as in first grade, all words are broken down into sounds so that the child can understand their construction. For an example of parsing, let's take the word "family". Using only the designation of sounds, it can be written like this: s`em`y`a. Next, each letter is analyzed separately, indicating its belonging to vowels or consonants, softness, pairing, type (voiceless or voiced sound), and for vowels it is also necessary to indicate stress. With this analysis, the separating soft sign is written with a symbol of softness near the consonant sound and the letter “th”.

Words with a soft sign for sound analysis

In order to better remember how to carry out sound analysis words with a soft separator, you need to practice a little. To do this, you should parse at least 10 words with a separating soft sign. Such a practical task will help to consolidate this topic in memory for a long time. For analysis, you can take the following words: necklace, blizzard, hookah, fun, barrier, jam, flair, friends, knitting, nightingales.

How to hyphenate words with a soft separator?

Quite often, children find it difficult to transfer words with a soft separating sign. However, there is nothing complicated about this, the main thing is to correctly divide the word into syllables. It should be remembered that the soft sign cannot be separated from the consonant letter preceding it. It is also worth noting that one letter cannot be separated from a word and transferred, so it must always be attached to the previous syllable. It is also important to understand the fact that transfer can be direct (consonant + vowel) and reverse (vowel + consonant). Examples of word hyphenation: vyu-ga, monkey-yana, flakes, feathers, owls, sparrows, necklace, kal-yan- this is the correct hyphenation of words with a separating soft sign. In no case should you separate a soft sign from a consonant and attach it to a vowel, just as you cannot separate one vowel from a word. Transference should only occur after the word has been broken down into syllables.

How to secure the material?

In order to consolidate the knowledge gained while studying the topic of the soft separating sign, you need to pay special attention practical classes. First of all, you need to learn to determine exactly what function the soft sign performs in each individual word. Next, you should do an audio analysis of several words so that the pronunciation of syllables with a separating soft sign is clearly fixed in memory. Only after this can you begin to parse words syllable by syllable and write from dictation.

Exercises for consolidation

Theory must always be supported practical tasks. It is the exercises that allow you to delve into the topic most deeply, which leads to the best assimilation of the material. The topic “Words with a soft separator” is no exception. Examples of exercises:

  1. In a set of words - moth, fabric, leaves, guest, pain, necklace- it is necessary to determine in which words the soft sign is used to soften the consonant sound, and in which it is a dividing sign.
  2. It is necessary to write down transcriptions for all the words above. They should look like this: [mol’], [fabric’], [l’ist’y’a], [gost’y’a], [bol’], [kol’y’e].
  3. Write down a group of words with a soft separator under dictation.

Russian language lesson – 2nd grade

Subject A soft sign to indicate the softness of consonants.

Goals and objectives of the lesson

    To consolidate knowledge about consonant hard and soft sounds, about spelling –zhi-, -shi-, -cha-, -sha-, -chu-, -chu-, activate the dictionary;

To form students’ knowledge about the role of the letter b;

2. Develop spelling skills in children; develop: phonetic hearing, coherent speech, visual memory, imagination, observation; ability to analyze and draw conclusions;

3. To cultivate a cultural personality, love for the Russian language, attention to words, responsibility, interest, love and caring attitude towards others;


Set of flipcharts (presentation), text, physical. a minute for the eyes, musical accompaniment for a physical minute, cards with a task, an interactive board.


    Class organization. Psychological mood.

On the interactive whiteboard screen - page 1.

The bell rang and the Russian language lesson began. I will smile at you, and you will smile at each other and shake hands. Convey the kindness of your smiles, calmness and patience with your handshake. No wonder the proverb says: “Without patience, there is no learning.” Inhale and exhale the anxiety and uncertainty. I wish you a good mood and careful attitude towards each other.

2. Survey of students on homework.

- CTell me, what did you talk about in the last lesson? (Designation of softness of consonants with the letters I, E, Yo, Yu, Ya.)

Let's review the topics related to our lesson.

All eyes on the screen! Page 2.

Read the question carefully and answer it. - After which consonants are the vowels A, O, U, Y, E written? (After hard ones) - What color do we use to indicate a hard consonant sound? (Blue) The teacher paints the sound card blue.

And which consonants do not agree with this rule? - Ж and Ш always indicate a hard sound, and are written -ZHI -, - SHI - or the letters CH and Ш. They always denote a soft consonant sound, and are written with vowelsa, y in combinations -HA -, - SCHA -, or -HU -, -SCHU - .

What other consonant letters represent the same sound? (C – hard. Y – soft) - Correct! Well done! Now underline, in the proposed words, only hard consonants:G ABOUTR Y, RETO Ah, SNEG , T UCHA,WITH AD Y,M ERIA. (Work on the board. Using a pen, children highlight only hard consonants in blue.)

In a wordWITH NOTG The first and last letter were underlined. Why? - Because a consonant at the end of a word, as well as a consonant standing before another consonant letter, denote a hard sound.

How many of you know what the word MAYOR means? The teacher explains the lexical meaning of this word.

Review page 3. – Before the vowels I, E, E, Yu, I, the consonants are pronounced...? - Softly. The sound card needs to be painted in green color. – How many sounds do I make for these vowels after consonants? (One). - Right! Emphasize the soft consonants in the proverb. (Children work at the blackboard)

Kind th sko R her d ate with d wants, h eat With er d ity.

4. Calligraphy minute. - Sit correctly. Open your notebooks and place the notebook on your desk at an angle. Write down todaydate, month. Classwork. Write capital and lowercase lettersD d. What sound does this letter represent? (Hard or soft consonant sound). Pay attention to the spelling of the word girl chk A . What can you explain about its writing? (This is a dictionary word, its spelling must be observed; the spelling of the combination of letters –CHK-, -CHN- is written without a soft sign). Give some similar examples. (River, pen, stove-maker,...)

5. Vocabulary work.

Writing down words using the picture dictionary on page 5. – There are words on the board with a missing letter. To understand which letter needs to be inserted, pay attention to the subject pictures.(Pencil And , gris b , those nn is, h A shka, sch at ka, m olo ko, ketch at P, O kno). Each person who inserts a letter into a word explains its spelling. – What does the word mean?ketchup ? – reveal its lexical meaning. – This is a sauce made from tomatoes, sweet peppers, and seasonings. It is added to food. - That's right, guys! I would like to add that ketchup was first made in China, but the word spread from in English. Thanks to travelers from England, the whole world knows about ketchup.

6. Updating the lesson problem.

Find the topic of a new lesson on page 6. - Guys, look at the next page. Using it you will determine the topic of our lesson.

What is drawn and written in the boxes on this page?

(Students offer their versions, explain them, motivate their choice).

In the first box it says KON - KON, under the words there are pictures and sound patterns. The number of sounds is the same - three each, but the last consonant sound of these words sounds differently(hard - soft). Consonant sound changed due to letterb . - In the second window there are the words CHALK - MEL. The letter was added to the first word -b . So, the topic of our lesson isSoft sign.

Yes, guys, you correctly identified the topic of the lesson. - What is remarkable about b? (It does not denote sound.) - If it does not denote sound, then what did the wizard - the Soft sign - do with words? (He softened the previous consonant sound.)

Today in class we'll talk aboutb sign as an indicator of the softness of consonants.

7. Work according to the textbook.

Find Exercise 203 on page 87. Read the task carefully and complete it. - What should be done? (Write words in two columns: with a soft consonant sound in the left column, and with a hard consonant sound in the right.)

Two students perform a task at the board.

Boo l bka boo l ka Explain the meaning of the words

By l bye l ka Bulka, polka, pebble, daw.

ha l ka ha l ka

ba n ka ba n ka

co n bko n

e l e l

kro V b cro V

The words in the exercise are given in pairs. How are they similar and what are the differences? - What conclusion can be drawn from this task?

CONCLUSION:Letter a soft sign does not indicate sound.

It indicates the softness of the consonant sound.


To complete the tasks,

We need to rest a little.

Well, guys, let's stand together.

We need to breathe air.

They stood up straight and bent over,

Now let's do the tilts.

Is everyone ready for the exercise?

One, two - right, left

Three, four - dare!

We repeat again.

And now, guys,

Let's return quietly to class.

8. Assignment to review the rules of word hyphenation.

You need to clearly and clearly pronounce the names of the objects from the left column: swan, dove, deer, bear, king, mouse, five, six, seven. - Where is b in these words? (At the end of words, after a consonant). – Now, say the words from the circle: orange, dolphin, money, boy, tulip, bell. Where is b? (In the middle of a word, between two consonants). - Which consonant softens the soft sign? (The consonant letter that comes before the soft sign.)

Please note the word wrappingape l -sin, co-lo-co l -chick. - Remember, the instillation of hyphenation of words with lettersb, j . Perform word wrapping. (Words with b and j in the middle of the word are transferred into syllables. When transferringb AndY do not separate from the preceding consonant letter.) Students write the words on the board, separating them for transfer.

9. Consolidation of new material.

Read the riddles. Write down the answers. Underline b in the answers.

Ex. 204

Rain b , carrots b , con b ki, fell b tsy, piss b Mo, Gus b .

- Which answer does not contain the letter b? (Christmas tree). Should I write this word? (No)

9. Replenishment of students' vocabulary.

Remember spelling vocabulary words, given in Exercise 206.

What is shown on the screen? (Calendar)

What is a calendar for? (To know every day what day it is)

What do they write on the calendar? (The names of months and dates are written on the calendar)

Read the names of the months. What do they have in common? (The titles haveb )

Why are these names written under different pictures?

(The words are written according to the time of year)

Remember how these vocabulary words are written.

Make sentences with three words.

10. Generalization of students' knowledge. Summing up the lesson on the topic.

Answer a series of questions:

    Does the letter b represent a sound? What does the letter b indicate?

    Where can the letter b appear in words? Give an example.

    In what combinations do we not write the letter b?

    How should words with a b sign be hyphenated?

Well done boys! Grading for the lesson.

11. Well, now let’s write down the homework assignment

Remember the rule on page 88 and do Exercise 207.

I am grateful to you. I am in a good mood. And you?

Thanks everyone! The lesson is over!

    Nikitina S.A. Russian language.

Textbook for 2nd grade secondary school

Almaty. Atamura, 2009

    Kulgindinova T.A. Fun grammar.

For 2nd grade of secondary school

Almaty. Atamura, 1998

3. Pushkov A.E. Copybook

Exercises to develop competent writing skills

Minsk. LLC "Modern School", 2009

4. Shklyarova T.V. Handbook for primary classes

Manual for elementary and high school

Moscow. Ed. “Gramotey”, 2005

5. Polnikova M.Yu. Didactic notebook on the Russian language

For students of 1st - 2nd grades

Saint Petersburg. SMIO Press, 2009

6. LibraryAktivstudio.

The letter “ь” (soft sign) is used as a dividing sign and as a sign to indicate the softness of the preceding consonant.

Dividing b is written:

1) inside a word (but not after a prefix) before the letters e, e, yu, i, and: curtain, curious, blizzard, interview, weeds, foxes;

2) in some borrowed words before o: battalion, broth, guillotine, carmagnola, companion, cotillion, pavilion, papillotka, postman, signor, champignon, chignon; V proper names: Cola Brugnon.

As a means of indicating the softness of the preceding consonant, the letter ь is written:

1) at the end of words: shipyard, eight, swell, ripen, blood; the letter ь can be used at the end of the first part of complex and complexly abbreviated words: copper-containing, flour mill, salt-losing.

2) after a soft l [l "], regardless of whether a hard or soft consonant is followed by: alto, balm, casually, lioness, linen, flatterer, benefit, herring, scalpel. ь is never written between two soft l: alley, gait, appeal, porthole, illustration, rally;

3) in the middle of a word between two consonants, if the first is soft and the second is hard: request, carving, very, molting, before;

4) in the middle of a word between two soft consonants if, when a word is changed or in related words, the second consonant becomes hard, and the first retains its softness: take (cf.: take), eight (cf.: eighth), about a request (cf.: request); but: bow (cf.: bow), massacre (cf.: cut, cutting), crowd (cf.: close).

Note 1. It is not written ь in combinations nn, nch, rch, rshch, chk, chn, schn: monkey, beg, nurse (although nanny), writhe, typesetter, pitching, strong, powerful.

Note 2. ь is not written between two soft consonants at the absolute end of a word (except for writing ь after l): nail, bone, separately, death, tornado, mouth. Here, the softness of the consonant preceding the final consonant is not primordial, but positional, acquired from a nearby soft consonant (assimilative softness).

Lecture, abstract. Spelling of the soft sign b - concept and types. Classification, essence and features. 2018-2019.

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Syntactic analysis of all sentences « | » Punctuation marks in sentences with homogeneous members of the sentence and in sentences with generalizing words when homogeneous members offers

Very often we simply ignore learning the functions of the soft sign, and the student simply does not know that the soft sign can mean anything other than softness. In this case, sometimes errors in pronunciation occur, for example in words such as wilderness, godly, suffocation.

Have you also once tried to pronounce the always hard consonants Zh and Sh as soft ones? Remember, they are always only hard and in Russian they do not have soft pairs.

So, if we see a soft sign after consonants, which can only be hard or only soft, we must understand that in these cases the soft sign performs other functions.

The soft sign (“b”) in Russian can perform several functions:

  1. it can denote the softness of the consonant before it (day, dictionary);
  2. it can denote the grammatical form of a word (speak, night);
  3. and can also perform a separating function (leaves, family).
Let's talk more about each function and understand what these functions mean.

The first and most famous function of the soft sign is softness designation. A soft sign tells us that we should pronounce the consonant that comes before it softly. This is true for all consonants that have a soft pair. But we must remember that a soft sign cannot affect unpaired consonants: always hard (Zh, Sh, Ts) and always soft (Ch, Shch).

But what if we still see a soft sign after Sh or H?

Related to this grammatical function soft sign.

Always when we write a soft sign at the end of a word after hissing consonant (Zh, Sh, Ch, Shch), it does not mean softness at all, but shows us that this is a feminine word (3rd type of declension). You can remember this trick to better determine the gender of nouns ending in –b.

So, daughter, night, oven, mouse, quiet, lie, rye, help, thing– all these words are feminine.

Remember, in words male with a hissing consonant (Zh, Sh, Ch, Shch) at the end of a word we do not write –b: ball, rook, doctor, hut, ruff, hedgehog, borscht.

In addition, the soft sign also indicates the infinitive – initial form verb: bake- to bake, help– to help. In verbs starting with - TH the soft sign denotes not only the infinitive, but also the softness of the T sound.

Now let's figure out what it is separation function soft sign. We can talk about this function when we see a soft sign after a consonant and before letters E, E, Yu, I, I(soft vowels). The separating function of the soft sign means that the soft sign “separates” the consonant before it and the subsequent soft vowel, and in this case we pronounce the vowel as a diphthong, with the initial sound /th/.

Let's look at examples of words with transcription:

Family [s`em`ya], leaves [l`is`t`ya], [friends`ya], [p`yot], pours [l`yot],
blizzard [v'yuga], nightingales [salav'yi], ants [ant'yi].

As we can see, the soft sign not only denotes the softness of consonants, but also determines the pronunciation of subsequent soft vowels and is able to indicate the grammatical features of the word, such as the feminine gender of nouns and the infinitive form of verbs.

It is very useful to know the functions of the soft sign if you want to have good pronunciation and understand how the Russian language works.

Good luck in learning Russian!
Your Julia.

After the hissing ones. We will set out for you the rules that say when you should not do this and when it is strictly necessary to do it.

These rules are based on what part of speech we are talking about, in what declension and in what part of the word.

Soft sign after hissing ones - setting rule

We put a soft sign:

  1. The soft sign after sibilants must be written in feminine nouns if they are singular in the nominative and

Example words: night, gap, daughter, lie, thing, baldness.

Example in a sentence: The queen gave birth that night to either a son or a daughter.

2. In verbs of the second person in the singular, subject to the present or future tense on endings after sibilants.

Example in a word: you will, you will become, you will cook, you will remember, you will believe, you will do.

Examples in sentences: If you know, if you believe, then you will be with me and will not soon stop loving me.

- xia, the soft sign is preserved. Example: you return, you strain, you intend.

3. In verbs singular in endings after sibilants.

Example in a word: Cut! Eat it! Hide it!

Addition: If you add an ending to these verbs - xia, the soft sign is preserved. Hide! Don't be foolish!

Examples in sentences: Vadik, don’t fool around and hide!

4. In verbs that are in the imperative mood before endings - those, - those.

Example: smear - smear - smear.

Example in a sentence: Children! Do not Cry!

5. In verbs of the indefinite person, including before the ending -xia.

Example words: oven - bake, lie down - lie down.

Example in a sentence: These rivers take a long time to flow.

6. In adverbs it is necessary to enter a soft sign after the hissing ones at the end of the word.

Example: All at once, at a gallop, backhand, wide open.

Example in a sentence: He let his horse gallop, and backhanded the air with his sword.

Exceptions: I can’t bear to get married.

7. In particles with hissing endings: I mean, you see, you see, only.

Example words: I mean, just.

In a sentence: What a hooligan!

Why is it sometimes that a soft sign is not written after a hissing character?

No need to write:

  1. In nominative case nouns.

Example: rook, kalach, stag, bream, knife.

Offer: A swift flew up to our window.

2. In nouns located in plural and genitive case.

Example: clouds, steep, shoulders, Grisha, between, puddles.

Example sentences: Unfortunately, no pears were served for breakfast today.

3. In short form.

Example: powerful, hot, good, volatile, melodious, handsome.

Offer: He was both good-hearted and handsome...

4. In pronouns with a sibilant at the end.

Examples: yours, ours.

Considering the above, the spelling of a soft sign after a sibilant differs depending on many factors - part of speech, declension, number, as well as the presence of exceptions to the rules.

Teachers junior classes Give their students rhyming versions of the rules - for easier memorization.

Rules in verse!

Nouns "many"

Nouns "my" -

We are not putting up any sign!

In verbs and adverbs

The sign is always written

And in short adjectives

We never write!
