Vocabulary words in riddles. Riddles for dictionary words Riddles Russian for dictionary words

Riddles for vocabulary words

I - II class

Birch, wind, sparrow, crow, hare, pencil, cabbage, skates, cow, fox, shovel, car, bear, milk, hammer, frost, dog, magpie, notebook, tongue.

Green, not a meadow, white, not snow, curly, not a head.(Birch.)

He does not see or hear himself, he walks, wanders, prowls, whistles.

Whoever comes across - hugs and fights.(Wind.)

V. Fetisov

Little boy in a gray coat

Snooping around the yards, collecting crumbs.(Sparrow.)

He sits on a tree, kar-kar screams.(Crow.)

Small, white, jump-jump through the forest, poke-poke through the snow.( Hare.)

Thin, round, dark heart,

Whoever sees him knows his thoughts.(Pencil.)

Tolstovat, forsist, put on three hundred shirts, and one leg.(Cabbage.)

The river flows - we lie,

Ice on the river - we run. (Skates.)

V. Fetisov

She is motley, eats green, gives white. (Cow.)

A redhead with a fluffy tail lives in the forest under a bush.(Fox.)

An iron nose has grown into the ground, digs, loosens the ground.(Shovel.)

Small houses run along the street.

Boys and girls are driven down the street. (Cars.)

K. Chukovsky

In the summer it eats, in the winter it sleeps.(Bear.)

Liquid, not water, white, not snow.(Milk.)

Wooden neck, iron beak, shouting knock-knock-knock!(Hammer.)

The old joker does not order to stand on the street, but pulls his nose home.(Freezing.)

He is friends with the owner, guards the house.

Lives under the porch, and the tail is ringed.(Dog.)

Spins, chirps, fusses all day.(Magpie.)

Now I'm in a cage, then in a line, write on them, manage to!

You can also draw.

What is me?.. (Notebook.)

N. Shevlyakov

If it wasn't for him, he wouldn't say anything.(Language.)

III-IV class

Peas, road, strawberries, potatoes, stairs, raspberries, moon, metro, hammer, carrots, oats, cucumbers, nuts, aspen, tomato, wheat, rocket, axe, tractor, tram, apple.

Ten boys live in a green closet.(Peas.)

You walk - lies ahead. You look around - running home. (Road.) A. Rozhdestvenskaya

Alenka grows in the grass in a red shirt.

Whoever passes - everyone bows.(Strawberry.)

Nuts in the ground, leaves on the ground.(Potato.)

A wooden road, it goes up gently, every step is a ravine.(Ladder.)

Little red Matryoshka, little white heart.(Raspberries.)

Twelve brothers walk one after another, do not bypass each other.(Months.)

Where does it happen: a person is standing, a ladder is walking?( Metro.)

The head is iron, and the body itself is wooden.(Hammer.)

The red maiden grew up in a dungeon, people took, scythes were torn off.(Carrot.)

As in the field, on the mound stands a hen with earrings.(Oats.)

Lies between the beds, green and sweet.(Cucumber.)

In the forest on a clearing - Vanya in a green caftan.

The rich man is not great, but he will give gifts.(Nut.)

No one scares, but the whole trembles.(Aspen.)

A green branch grows in the garden, and on it are red children.(Tomato)

From the sky the golden golden sun pours rays.

In the field, a friendly wall of golden barbels ...

They move their whiskers and rustle softly...

Days turn into nights, and they stand, stand.

And when the golden mustaches leave the field,

golden rolls are golden in our stove.(Wheat.) V. Belov

A miracle bird - a scarlet tail - flew into a flock of stars.( Rocket.) V. Fetisov.

He bows, bows, he will come home - he will stretch.( Axe.)

They don’t feed oats, they don’t drive with a whip, but when they plow, they drag seven plows.( Tractor.)

A house under an arc goes from the edge of the city to another.(Tram.)

Itself with a cam, a red barrel.

Touch - smooth, bite - sweet.(Apple.)

Mystery - This folk wisdom. It expands the knowledge of the child, develops intelligence and ingenuity. There are many comparisons, personifications, metaphors in riddles. They teach the child to understand the beauty of their native language. The riddle must not only be guessed, but also justified by analyzing the text. Using riddlesdictionary wordsare better remembered. Therefore, more often use riddles in working with dictionary words with elementary school children.

    Letters-badges, like fighters on a parade,
    in a strict order built in a row.
    Everyone stands in a designated place.
    and it's called build...

    Lanky Timoshka

    Runs down a narrow path.
    His traces are your works.

    Broken cramped house
    For two halves.
    And poured out from there
    Pellet beads.

    On the bake, the stumps have many thin stems,
    Each thin stalk holds a scarlet light,
    We rake the stalks, we collect the lights.

    wrapped up child
    Forty diapers.

    Buried in the ground in May
    And they didn’t take out a hundred days,
    And they began to dig in the fall
    Not one was found, but eight.

    Red girl
    Sitting in the dark
    And the spit is on the street.

    In the garden is long and green,
    And in a tub yellow and salty.

    Little boy in a gray coat
    Snooping around the yards, picking up the crumbs,
    At night he wanders - he steals hemp.

    The owner of the forest, wakes up in the spring,
    And in winter, under a blizzard howl,
    Sleeping in a snow hut.

    Stroking - caressing
    Teasing - biting. (dog)
    The river is flowing - we are lying.
    Ice on the river - we run.

    I walk next to the janitor,
    I'm shoveling snow all around
    And I help the guys
    I walk next to the janitor,
    I'm shoveling snow all around
    And I help the guys
    Make a mountain, build a house.

    Russian beauty stands in a clearing,
    In a green blouse, in a white sundress.

    In a golden ball
    The oak tree hid.

    No one scares, but the whole trembles.

    If I got up, I would reach the sky.

    Now I'm in a cage, then in a line, -
    Feel free to write on them,
    You can also draw
    I am called...

    I'm in my school bag
    How do you learn - I'll tell you.

    In winter he runs to school,
    And in the summer it lies in the room.
    As soon as autumn comes
    He takes me by the hand. (briefcase)

    My white brother lives in the ice
    And eats sea fish,
    I love bee honey
    And wild berries. (bear)

    red dairy
    Day chews and night chews:
    After all, the grass is not so easy
    Convert to milk! (cow)

    Lives in swamps and ponds, And wears fins on his feet,

He loves coolness, not heat, And spawns under water,

Her cubs with tails. Who is this? Guess yourself.

Her toad is not a sister, a friend. Tell me who is she? …(frog)

    Fidget motley,
    longtail bird,
    talking bird,
    the most chatty.
    White-sided chirping,
    and her name is ... (magpie)

    Apples on the branches in winter!
    Collect them quickly!
    And suddenly the apples fluttered
    After all, this is ... (bullfinches)

    Who is without notes and without flute

Best of all displays trills,

Who is this? (nightingale)

    Autumn has come to our garden
    The red torch was lit.
    Here thrushes, starlings scurry about.
    And, noisily, they peck at him. (Rowan)

    There are earrings
    There are also bumps
    Yes, not a pine;
    And lives in the lowlands
    Near the vine
    Yes, not a girl (alder)

    Fragrant and inviting
    Gives tender flowers
    Reach out your hand for the fence -
    And it will be ... (lilac)

    Either from the roof, or from the sky -
    Or cotton, or fluff.
    Or maybe snow flakes
    Appeared in the summer all of a sudden?
    Who is their surreptitious
    Pouring like a bag? (poplar)

    And when I mature
    They cook a tomato out of me,
    They put in cabbage soup
    And so they eat. (Tomatoes)

    He will paint a picture
    And color Pinocchio.
    He will write an ad
    And a greeting card.
    Draw posters master -
    Bright, thin ... (felt pen)

    Not water and not land -
    You can't sail on a boat
    - You can't walk with your feet. (swamp)
    Asphalt belt lay down
    Through a hundred villages. (Highway)

    Everywhere, everywhere we are together
    Let's go inseparable.
    We walk through the meadows
    Along the green shores
    We run down the stairs,
    We walk along the street.
    But a little wind on the threshold,
    We are left without legs
    And the legless - that's the trouble! -
    Neither here nor there!
    Well let's get under the bed
    Let's sleep there quietly
    And when the legs return
    Let's jump on the road again. (boots)

    Early in the morning behind the window
    Knock, and ringing, and confusion.
    On straight steel tracks
    Red houses are walking. (Tram)

    A giant goes to work in the ocean (ship)

    wooden road,
    She goes up slowly
    Every step is a ravine. (ladder)

    I walk next to the janitor,
    I'm shoveling snow all around
    And I help the guys
    Make a mountain, build a house. (shovel)

    sheet of paper in the morning
    They bring them to our apartment.
    On one such sheet
    A lot of different news. (Newspaper)

    Kettle's girlfriend
    Has two ears
    Cooks porridge, soup for Yulia.
    And her name is ... (pot)

    Vanyatka in me at night
    Before that, he will doze off sweetly,
    That you don't want to get up.
    What kind of thing am I? …(bed)

    In this narrow box
    You will find pencils
    Pens, pens, paper clips, buttons,
    Anything for the soul. (pencil case)

    Her sheets are white-white,
    They don't fall from branches.
    I make mistakes on them.
    Among the stripes and cells. (notebook)

    White, but not snow,
    Delicious, but not honey.
    They take from the horned
    And they give the guys. (Milk)
    -- Whose antics are easy
    Repeats the kids?
    Who lives among the vines?
    A flock of wild ... (monkeys)

    Issue only with dictionary words:

    Harvest! Harvest! Say goodbye to our summer! How many sweet peas!
    Pickled cucumbers!
    It's not bad to pick on the ridge Red big tomato! Run through the garden Eat a carrot in passing!

    W write words from memory denoting instrument names

( hammer, shovel, ax);

3. Creative dictation. Replace the expanded definition with a single word.

For example: 1) the fourth day of the week (Thursday); 2) eating in the middle of the day (dinner); apple fruit (apple) ; 4) a place to trade something(shop).

4. Write in the sentences the words from the "Dictionary" that are suitable in meaning.

    Boots, shoes are shoes, and ... are clothes.

    Hare, ... are animals, and ..., ... are birds.

    A pencil case, ... are educational supplies, and ..., ... are tools.

    Carrots, ..., ... are vegetables.

    Match each of the words with a word that is opposite in meaning. Right, top, tomorrow, hello, please….

6 .Scribe to alphabetical order. Emphasize unstressed vowels. Sandwich, aquarium, ocean, material, sofa, vacation, corridor, tangerine, shop, kilometer, briefcase. 7. Write the names of the animals (Cow, fox, dog, bear)8. Write the names of the trees.
(Walnut, Aspen, birch, apple tree)

9 . Write the names of the birds. (Crow, magpie, sparrow, nightingale).

Green, not a meadow. white, not snow, curly, not a head. (Birch.)

He does not see or hear himself, he walks, wanders, prowls, whistles.

Whoever comes across - hugs and fights. (Wind.)

A little boy in a gray Armenian coat darts around the yards, collecting crumbs. (Sparrow.)

Small, white, jumping through the woods, poke-poke in the snow. (Hare.)

Thin, round, dark heart, whoever sees him knows his thoughts. (Pencil.)

Tolstovat, forsist, put on three hundred shirts, and one leg. (Cabbage.)

The river is flowing - we are lying, the ice is on the river - we are running. (Skates.)

Itself motley, eats green, gives white. (Cow.)

A redhead with a fluffy tail lives in the forest under a bush. (Fox.)

The iron nose has grown into the ground, digging. loosens the earth. (Shovel.)

Little houses run down the street. boys and girls are driven down the street. (Cars.)

In the summer it eats, in the winter it sleeps. (Bear.)

Liquid, not water. white, not snow. (Milk.)

He is friends with the owner, guards the house. Lives under the porch, and the tail is ringed. (Dog.)

The old man - a joker on the street does not order to stand, but we are drawn home. (Freezing.)

Spins, chirps, fusses all day. (Magpie.)

Now I'm in a cage, then in a line, write on them, manage - ka! You can also draw. What am I? .. (Notebook.)

If it wasn't for him, he wouldn't say anything. (Language.)

Ten boys live in a green closet. (Peas.)

You walk - lies ahead. You look around - running home. (Road.)

Alenka grows in the grass in a red shirt. Whoever passes - everyone bows. (Strawberry.)

Nuts in the ground, leaves on the ground. (Potato.)

A wooden road, it goes up gently, every step is a ravine. (Ladder.)

Little red Matryoshka, little white heart. (Raspberries.)

Twelve brothers walk one after another, do not bypass each other. (Months.)

Where does it happen: a person is standing, a ladder is standing? (Metro.)

The head is iron, and the body itself is wooden. (Hammer.)

The red maiden grew up in a dungeon, people took, scythes were torn off. (Carrot.)

As in the field, on the mound stands a hen with earrings. (Oats.)

Lies between the beds, green and sweet. (Cucumber.)

In the forest on a clearing - Vanya in a green caftan. The rich man is not great, but he will give gifts. (Nut._

No one scares, but the whole trembles. (Aspen.)

A green branch grows in the garden. and on it are red children. Tomato.)

From the sky the golden golden sun pours rays. In the field, a friendly wall of golden barbels ...

They move their whiskers and rustle softly... Days turn into nights, and they stand, stand.

And when the golden barbels leave the field, golden rolls turn golden in our stove. (Wheat.)

A miracle - a bird - a scarlet tail - flew into a flock of stars. (Rocket.)

He bows, bows, he will come home - he will stretch. (Axe.)

They don’t feed oats, they don’t drive with a whip, but how they plow seven plows. (Tractor.)

A house under an arc goes from the edge of the city to another. (Tram.)

Itself with a cam, a red barrel. Touch - smooth, bite - sweet. (Apple.)

Mysterious dictionary "From A to Z". Vocabulary words Russian language Grade 6.

Performed by Gorbacheva M.Yu., teacher of Russian language and literature, MBOU secondary school No. 154, Yekaterinburg

He is unique and handsome

Our mysterious alphabet

Who will solve all the riddles?

Words, who learns faster?

Call them without mistakes

Spelling will emphasize everything?

PART From "A to Z"


1 Avoid holes and stains

Wash your hands with soap more often!

And watch yourself, friend,

Be clean and tidy

So you became …(neat)


2 You are in the skins of airplanes,
In solid propellant rockets,
Being cheaper than copper
In the wires you give us light.

And from this metal

Even the spoon became lighter.

Mom knows, I know

What a spoon …(aluminum)


3 Its specific gravity is so small

That metal became winged.

He goes into every detail

As an important component (aluminum)


4 There are three A's in the word.

I am needed in construction (rebar)


5 I am a synonym for the word "red"
I'm bright but not dangerous (scarlet)


6 In that pond you can't see
No ducks, no geese.
shores of tiles,
Call him... (pool)


7 From Arabic, I mean "lace",

Like an ornament from a curtain I hang (fringe)


8 I'm very tired, friends,

The day didn't work out in the morning

But in the evening I fell asleep

And rested a little.

My sleep was calm, gentle

And of course , (serene)


9 Gravel, sand, water and cement.
What's the solution?

Name at the moment! ( concrete)


I present the facts of life

…..Each person has his own I happen (biography)


Adults and children know

He is not stronger in the world.

I'll remind you of one:

This is Ilya Muromets (hero)


The most beautiful color

Dark red color.

He is bright and clear

There is no better color (burgundy)


I am magnificent and solemn,

Beautiful and luxurious.

And if the word "century" is added to me,

The name of the series is received (fabulous)


There is always someone waiting here

warm and understand (lobby)


15 We visited the collective farm

Didn't know about these fields:

What is a miracle dimension?

We wonder, no doubt

Earth is not a meter, not a kilometer,

A whole ….(hectare)-

Here's your size!


16 I'm in a military school
I will definitely be the first.
And military science
I will pass it on to my son and grandson.
I excel in big and small
I will definitely ... (general)

Living room

17 Watch TV here

Daughter, son and dad with mom.

The lampshade shines softly,

In the chair the cat sings: "Mur-mur !"(living room)

Two hundred

18 Two and two bagels (two hundred)


19 The number six is ​​upside down
Turned into a new number!
There is a place next to it.

....and for a couple of zeros (ninety)


20 Made from boards I, friends,

That's why (boardwalk) I am called


21 We read the story

The teacher asked us

Show diligence -

Give the text a title.

This is the title

We are calling …(title),

It defines thought and idea,

To comprehend the secret of the text helps us


22 He can croak with a frog,
Cry with the crocodile
Grow from the ground with grass
But he cannot bloom.

To be continued.

Spelling is ok!

“Thank you,” we say ... MYSTERY!


1 Russian language. 6th grade. Textbook for general education organizations at 2h. [T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.T. Baranov, L.A. Trostentsova and others; scientific ed. N. M. Shansky].-5th ed.-M.: Enlightenment, 2015.

2 Ageeva I.D .

500 word puzzles for kids. - 2nd ed.,

revised - M .: TC Sphere, 2016

3 Riddles for children 10-14 years old. Cognitive school riddles / N. Ivanova, V. Chernyaeva. - Novosibirsk: Sib. univ. publishing house, 2009.

4 Zhirenko O.E., Gaidina L.I., Kochergina A.V., Yarovaya L.N. Learning Russian with passion

2 parts. M .: 5 for knowledge, 2005.

5 M. Kanovskaya 1000 riddles about everything in the world. M .: Astrel, 2011

Internet: - picture with children

3 class 1
Himself scarlet, sugar, caftan green, velvet. Watermelon

It's big like a soccer ball
If ripe, everyone is happy.
It tastes so good!
What is this ball? Watermelon

The caftan is green, without folds,
And the body is like a kumach.
Tastes like sweet sugar
It's big, like a ball. Watermelon

Round, striped, taken from the garden,
Sugar and scarlet became - eat, please! Watermelon

The shores are green, the water is red, the fish are black. Watermelon

They came to us with melons
Striped balls. watermelons

A speckled chicken pouts under the fence. Watermelon

It is green, striped
But still
He is also a big berry. Watermelon

The river roars furiously and breaks the ice.
The starling returned to his house,
And in the forest the bear woke up
A lark trills in the sky.
Who came to us? .. April

The sisters are standing in the field: the dresses are bleached, the caps are green. birches

In the spring in the forest high -
On the edges and in the wilderness -
All I delicious sweet juice
I feed from the heart. Birch

The pillars are white, their caps are green. Birch

Stands in white clothes, dangling earrings. Sheds tears in spring. Birch

woke up in the spring
She put on earrings.
The beauty washed herself with dew.
Slim. Talkative.
White body.
And with lush green braids. Birch
The trunk turns white, the cap turns green, stands in white clothes, hanging earrings. Birch

Russian beauty stands in the meadow
In a green blouse, in a white sundress. Birch

This fashionista is forest
Often changes his outfit:
In a white coat - in winter,
All in earrings - in the spring,
Green sundress - in summer,
On an autumn day, she is dressed in a raincoat.
If the wind blows
The golden cloak rustles. Birch

Alena is standing - a green scarf,
Thin camp, white sundress. Birch

Green, not a meadow, white, not snow, curly, not a head. Birch

Sticky buds, green leaves,
With white bark stands under the mountain. Birch

White and curly -
She's in circles with her friends.
Her earrings are gold
The kids are on their lips. Birch

Shadows fell from the birches
The woodpecker's knocking has stopped,
Like a curtain on a stage
The evening suddenly fell.

Not a step back, one step in place,
Only forward and only all together.

Stand, Kolya, in a circle,
Let's go around you.

Put, children, a Christmas tree in a circle.
Let's go around it.

Here's one waved lazily
Wings - and suddenly,
Moisture splashed playfully
Pearls around.

Clear morning. Silently breathes
warm breeze;
The meadow is green like velvet
In the glow of the east.

Who watched sunrises, 3
I didn't yawn at dawn
He remembered by heart
Where is the east.

Without arms, without legs, but opens the gate. Wind

Without arms, without legs, knocking under the window, asking for it. Wind

The pike wagged its tail, bent the forest. Wind

Snorts, growls, breaks branches, raises dust, knocks people down,
You hear it, but you don't see it. Wind

Walking in the field, but not a horse.
Flies in the wild, but not a bird. Wind

It is unknown where he lives.
It will fly - the trees are oppressed.
Whistling - trembling along the river.
Mischievous, but you won’t get away. Wind

Wearing, whistling,
Rushing, roaring.
Where will run -
The leaf is trembling.
Where will it pass -
The tree is bending. Wind

I'm walking around the world
Like a shepherd I chase clouds
I want - a wave will be born,
Oak and pine stagger.
Road dust swirls
And the feather grass will bow to the steppe. Wind

Roams the field, sings and whistles. Wind

Sometimes he is in the cold, sometimes he is in the heat,
Sometimes he is good, sometimes he is evil.
Now it circles through the forest, then it whistles in the field.
But we haven't seen what it looks like. Wind

So guys
All hippos
Busy with business.
Well, in the evening
Back from work
They keep the gates at the houses.

Well, what, - asked Mushka, - 4
What does a frog eat?
And the frog answered her:
- Come to lunch!
And she went to her swamp,
Closing the gate behind you.

Not alive, but squeak and creak. Gates.

Two brothers under one roof. Gates

Though not strong, but very brave,
Takes on any business
There is a mountain behind the kids -
That's just what we call a hero.

Without arms, without legs, crawls on a batog. Peas

The green house is cramped -
Narrow, long, smooth.
Sitting side by side in the house
Round kids. Peas

The cramped house split into two halves
And beads fell from there - pellets. Peas

Dried up in the hot sun
And peas burst from the pods.

Brothers are sitting in the pods - they would be reached. Peas

The brothers began to get out of the cradle,
They fell to the ground, rose green. Peas

Even though he's handsome, don't touch him
Not a toy for you fire!
Who touches, he will cry.
Because he is very hot.

The rooster says: - I dream
Forty thousand roosters
And I'm ready to fight them
I'm ready to tear them apart.

many guys
Shouldered and strong
many wear
T-shirts and caps,
Plenty in the capital
The same icons
Everyone is ready for work - defense.
I bend, I freeze
I straighten up, to the flax branch.
It seems like I'm measuring
So and so its length. Caterpillar

hairy, green,
She hides in the leaves.
Even though there are many legs
Still can't run. Caterpillar

Waking up early
I find the issue right away:
I drum loudly with my beak,
I wake up all the animals and birds. Woodpecker

Blacksmiths forge in the middle of the trees. Woodpecker

I will knock out patients
And I will heal from illnesses.
My constant patients
Oaks and pines are ancient. Woodpecker

It's there, on the Christmas tree who
Pound like a chisel?
Tell me a secret
What is the name of this bird. Woodpecker

Name it guys
A month in this riddle:
His days are shorter than all days,
All nights are longer than nights
To fields and meadows
Until spring, snow fell.
Only our month will pass,
We are meeting New Year. December

Home caresses
And wild ones bite.
They are everywhere and everywhere:
On land, in the sky and in the water,
There are forest, marsh
We call them animals.

Standing on a hill
Egorka in a red shirt.
Whoever gets through
Everyone bows down. strawberries
Not blueberries or cranberries.
I'm basking in the warmth of the sun
Blushing, I love to fall
To dear mother earth. strawberries

Red, juicy, fragrant, grows low, close to the ground. strawberries

Alenka grows in the grass
In a red shirt.
Whoever gets through
Everyone bows down. strawberries

On the bake at the stumps,
Lots of thin stems.
Each thin stem
Holds a scarlet light.
Unfolding the stems
Collecting lights. strawberries

I am a drop of summer on a thin leg.
Weave boxes and baskets for me.
Whoever loves me is glad to bow.
And the name was given to me by my native land. strawberries

Tatyana flaunts in a forest clearing:
Scarlet sundress, white dots. strawberries

Morning early without cheating
Eat a bowl of semolina porridge
After all, the "five" in any way
You won't get an empty stomach. Breakfast

Uncle Sasha is upset
Here's what he said
I saw Nastya, an October girl,
I'm outside now.
Nastya is a nice girl.
Nastya goes to the first class.
But long ago from Nastya
I don't hear the word "hello".

Under the ground, the bird made a nest, laid eggs. Potato

Dig a little under the bush
Potatoes will pop out.

Unsightly, lumpy,
And she will come to the table,
The guys will say cheerfully:
- Well, crumbly, delicious. Potato
And green and thick, a bush grew in the garden.
Dig a little. Potato under the bush.

The hen has built a nest in the yard.
Lays eggs, lays in the ground. Potato

What they dug from the ground, fried, boiled,
What did we bake in the ashes, ate and praised? Potato

Round, crumbly, white,
She came to the table from the fields.
You salt it a little
Indeed, delicious potatoes.

In the apartment there is a forest, a river and a field,
But this is not a mirage at all.
For us, the artist is Uncle Kolya
Depicted such a landscape. Painting

A painted house hangs on the wall
Glade and a herd of cows outside the window;
All this the artist brought us yesterday.
Now spring is coming to our house. Painting

The lady handed over to the bag
Sofa, suitcase and luggage.
Oh, the words got mixed up themselves,
And you swap them.
The lady checked in the luggage
Sofa, suitcase, bag,
Dog, cardboard box, basket
But what did she lose? picture.

I am a great cook
I live hot on the stove.
I help your mother
feed you delicious porridge. Pot

I'm always used to being angry
Of all, perhaps, herbs
I have, as they say,
Recalcitrant, burning temper. Nettle

Itself is cold, but it burns people. Nettle

Hey don't touch me
I'll burn it without fire! Nettle 8

Not a bumblebee, not a bee, but stings. Nettle

Just touch - pull your hand away:
Burns grass like fire. Nettle.

Angry, like a she-wolf, it burns like mustard!
What is this wonder? That's nettle.

They didn't let me into the garden
That's why she chews. Nettle

Early in the morning every day
Too lazy to wake up children
I don't want to get up!
The bed is to blame

Alyonka has worries:
Wash the doll's diapers
Put her to sleep
On a sofa or bed.

There lived a scattered man
On Basseinaya Street.
Started putting on a shirt
Sitting on the bed in the morning

The cat began to sing to the mouse:
- Meow! Meow! Sleep, baby.
Meow, meow, let's go to sleep
Meow, meow, on the bed.

Vanyatka in me at night,
Before that, he will doze off sweetly,
That you don't want to get up.
What kind of thing am I? ... bed

Four legs, not a beast.
There are feathers, but not a bird. Bed

Snow comm on the syllable "ta" -
Got a room.

Crane, our friend,
Lays the twelfth floor.
We will live there with my sister Ira
We are in a wonderful apartment.

With the letter K - bitter,
With the letter M - sweet. Kalina, raspberry.
L 9
wooden road,
She goes up slowly.
Every step is a ravine. Ladder

A steep mountain, every step is a hole. Ladder

Everyone walks on me in summer and winter, but you can’t ride. Ladder

It's a hard road
Here is a railing to help you.
Climb up the stairs
On the letter T do not stumble. Ladder

What a road: whoever walks on it limps. Ladder

I am sure this summer
I'm going there on the third shift.
There for twenty-odd days in a row
The family will not be a detachment.
You definitely won't be bored.
What is the name of this children's "paradise"? Camp

I play hide and seek with the kids
Do not ask for a basket to her.
Who am I? Dozens of berries
In every berry of mine. Raspberries

It grows on bushes and is sweet as honey. Raspberries

Little red nesting doll, little white heart. Raspberries

In the summer I'm glad I'm fresh
And dried in stock
It heals us from colds. Raspberries.

The calf has a strong fever -
Got sick with angina.
He drinks a healing decoction
With honey and raspberries.

Red beads hang
They look at us from the bushes
Love these beads
Children, birds and bears. Raspberries.

Above grandma's hut
Hanging loaf of bread.
The dog barks but can't get it. Month

Chubby, white-faced, looks in all mirrors. Month 10

Now a pancake, then half a pancake, then that, then that side. Month

At night, there is one golden orange in the sky.
Two weeks passed, we did not eat an orange,
But only remained in the sky
Orange slice. Month

In the endless meadows high
The horse Serko grazes at night. Month

Horned, but not butted. Month

Half a cake over the houses -
Do not reach it with your hands. Month

Only in succession
12 birds fly around. Months

12 brothers live together, but do not see each other. Months

An old man came out - a yearling, waved his wing, and 12 birds flew. Months

He himself is thin, his head is a pood, as he hits, he will become strong. Hammer

A metal bull on nails jump - jump. Hammer

He hit exactly on the nail -
Put a dot on the board
And when he hit obliquely -
The nail bent into a question mark. Hammer

He nods his head, hammers nails. Hammer

Titus went to work.
He knocked and you heard him. Hammer

He will knock, he will knock.
Look - a nail sticks out of the wall. Hammer

He is wooden, and the head is iron. Hammer

I am at any time of the year
And in any bad weather
Very fast at any hour
I'll take you underground. Metro

Crowded, noisy, young,
The city rumbles underground.
And at home with the people here
They run along the street. Metro

Where does it happen? eleven
The man is standing
And the stairs are moving. Metro

Without worrying about anything, the train carries us underground. Metro

Scattered Lukerya
silver feathers,
Twisted, swept
The street became white. Blizzard

Ball, car, machine
They are on the shelves here.
Come and choose
Whatever you need, buy. Shop

Here with your wide stride
He walks across the square.
And around the children a gang -
Curious people. (Uncle Styopa)

Any country in the world
They are only rich and they are only strong.
He brings glory and labor to her,
He will protect her, he will not leave her in trouble.
A part of it is each of you,
A bigger particle is your fun class. People

Hurrying home from hard work,
In the morning I met working people.

The field became black and white:
It's raining, it's snowing,
And it got colder
Ice bound the waters of the rivers.
Winter rye freezes in the field,
What a month, tell me! November

That month is the end of autumn.
It already has signs of winter -
Snow rises into the cold air
Then we enter December. November

No windows, no doors, the upper room is full of people. Cucumber

Egor lies under the boundary, covered with a green veil. Cucumber

And who is there, in the neighboring garden, 12
Hiding behind a leaf?
Not yet shaved fellow,
A very green cucumber.

Finally found a green cucumber.

In the summer in the garden - fresh, green,
And in winter in a barrel - yellow, salty.
Guess, well done
What is our name? Cucumbers.

The calves are smooth, tied to the garden. cucumbers

Lies between the beds is green and sweet. Cucumber

He's completely, completely green.
And oval. Elongated.
Tomato faithful brother -
It also asks for a salad.
Guessed? Well done!
Well, cucumber, of course.

Even though I'm well dressed
It always gives me chills.
Both spring and hot summer
I'm shivering all over, as in the cold. Aspen

No one scares, but the whole trembles. Aspen

What kind of tree is standing, there is no wind, but the leaf is trembling. Aspen

Who, tell me, is she like this: she is trembling all over, at least they don’t scare her. Aspen

In a small pot, porridge is sweet. Nut

Squirrels - food in the harsh winter,
Kids - for fun
For the joy of everyone, nuts will grow again in the forest in the summer.

Round, mature, tanned.
Got it on the tooth.
Couldn't break everything.
And got under the hammer
It crunched once - and the side cracked. Nut

Although he is not at all fragile,
And hid in a shell.
Look into the middle
You see the core
And he is harder than all fruits,
It's called a walnut.
It grew, it grew, it crawled out of the bush,
It rolled on my hands, I found myself on my teeth. Nut

Hanging high, falling low. Bitter on the outside, sweet on the inside. Nut

The pot is small, the couple is sweet,
You can't break the pot and you can't get the tarts. Nut

Ripened on the bush
And flew to the ground
The squirrel will pick up the fruit
And he will take it with him in the hollow. Nut

Grew, grew, grew, got out of clothes,
Puffed up - people came in handy. Nut

I hang high, it's not easy to get. Hard on the outside, delicious on the inside. Nut

The little man is a bone coat. Nut

As in the field, on the mound stands a hen with earrings. oats

As in a field, girls with earrings stand on the mound. oats

In the field of earrings on thin legs. oats

Throw in the dirt - you will be a prince. oats

We made a feeder
We opened a canteen
Sparrow, bullfinch - neighbor,
You will have lunch in the winter.

To work until the evening
You need to eat at noon.
No work for a whole hour
Everything is closed for lunch.

Would you like birds
Join us for refreshment?
- Shadow - shadow - shadow, - they answer, -
Your lunch is delicious.

Take your spoon, take your bread, and sit down to dinner.

Tanya told her mother:
- A tomato grows on a willow.
Mom said to Tanya:
- Don't be so stubborn!
Look in the garden
For salad vegetables.
You have to eat them all year round.
Their home is a garden. Vegetables

They are boiled, stewed, marinated,
Often eaten fresh.
They do not risk keeping them warm -
They keep it in the cellar all winter. Vegetables

He praises you: “Son, well done!”
You call him "father" like a man

From the heat and from the sand
The cactus was tormented by melancholy.
cactus dying of thirst
And he said to himself one day:
- I can't be here anymore.
I'll run away from here!

What a wonderful country!
She is full of vegetables.
On every bed they live
Beetroot there, cucumber here. Garden

When I'm green, I tend to be salty.
But sweet, satin,
If I am red.
And I am very proud that recently
They call me Senor Tomato.

Like in our garden
Mysteries have grown
Juicy and large
Those are round.
They turn green in summer, turn red in autumn. Tomatoes

Take a preposition in grammar
Put a couple of notes on it
Write a consonant at the end.
Everything is a healthy vegetable fruit. Tomato

It's round and red like a traffic light's eye
Among vegetables there is no juicier tomato.

There was a green fruit - it did not ask in the mouth,
They put him in bed - he changed clothes:
He put on the red one - he ripened for food. Tomato

In the field - with a panicle, in a bag - with pearls. Wheat

And the yellow wheat in the field is proud of its ears.
Here is a dog without a tail
Who pats the cat by the collar,
Which scares and catches a tit,
Which often steals wheat.

In the spring - green and fluffy,
In the summer - yellow and ruffy. Wheat

I grow up in a red cap
Among aspen roots.
You will see me a mile away -
I'm called a boletus.

Under a birch often - often
The mushroom grows one beautiful:
In a dark hat with a thick leg,
Put it in a bowl. boletus

My friend said yesterday
It's time to go to the cinema.
I just wanted to get together -
How he got into the idea of ​​swimming.
On the way he changed his mind
He began to drag me to the stadium.
- What are you - I shouted - really!
You have seven Fridays in a week.

Close, close weekend.
Let's finish the working days
Let's all get together again
Miracles on the "Field" to wait.
The drum is spinning
What day ends? Friday

It can be on the beach, and in the clock, which because of it you have to constantly turn over. Sand

It is both yellow and loose,
Heaped in the yard.
Feel free to take children
And play pies. Sand

The working week opens with me,
AND new life starts with me.
Clean as snow, the pages of the diary:
There are no complaints, no deuces yet. Monday

So that rain, natural hardships do not catch us on the way,
Do not forget to listen to the forecast, of course, the weather.

R 16
How many times have you heard this:
Cosmonaut, space suit, rocket.

Spread her scarlet tail
Flew into a flock of stars.
Our people built this
Interplanetary rocket.

No feather, no wing, but faster than an eagle.
As soon as it releases its tail, it will fly to the stars. Rocket

Heat rushes swiftly without wings - a bird,
The body is armor, the tail is made of fire. Rocket

A green plant asks for respect.

It breathes, grows, but cannot walk. Plant

The sheet of paper was clean
That's why he got sad.
Feel sorry for him from the bottom of my heart.
I took a brush, pencils,
Put in a lot of effort...
How did I revive the leaf? Drawing

Three wise men in one bowl
They set off across the sea in a thunderstorm.
Be vicious old basin,
My story would be longer.

Commas declared:
- We are very busy people.
Can't do without us
No dictation, no story.

Your little house and garden, and the river -
Everything that fills our heart.
We remember her in foreign lands
And we see her in amazing dreams. motherland

The land of light where Santa Claus and Santa Claus live. North

The royal throne was called the throne.
The city where he was located
Where the king and queen lived
They called everything the capital.

It's been almost a century now
How useless the throne has become.
But by tradition we call the main city the capital.
He is ready for fire and battle,
Protecting you and me.
He goes on patrol, and into the city
The soldier will not leave the post.

The tops are beveled by a combine,
And the stems are stacked in a stack,
dried in the sun,
Useful for a hat.
The answer is familiar
Who was lying in the straw.

He bows, bows, he will come home - he will stretch. Axe

If I want to, I’ll bow, but if I’m too lazy, I’ll fall down. Axe

You prick, do you chop from the shoulder,
Don't act hastily on them. Axe

Wonderful friend:
wooden hand
Yes, iron butt
Hardened comb.
He is held in high esteem by the carpenter -
Every day with him at work. Axe

He goes into the forest - he looks home.
He walks out of the forest - looks into the forest. Axe

A small dog came into the forest, barked at a tree. Axe

He went from the yard - that means there will be firewood. Axe

Early in the morning behind the window
Knocking and ringing and commotion.
On straight steel tracks
There are red houses. Tram

Who lives far away
He will not walk.
Our friend is right there.
He will rush everyone in five minutes.
Hey, sit down, don't yawn
The tram is leaving.

A house under an arc goes from the edge of the city to another. Tram

What kind of house rolls on rails? 18
There is enough space for many people.
Here comes this house
The doors swung open.
Here I am going to that house
And I don't believe myself.
I can't walk
But I can take the tram.

You need kefir, of course,
To make your dinner easy.

Mouse in a green mug
Made millet porridge.
Dozen kids
Looking forward to dinner.

In a long row of houses stand -
Ten, twenty, one hundred in a row
And square eyes
Everyone is looking at each other. Street

Plant in the spring, water in the summer, harvest in the fall. Harvest

Everything that was thrown into the ground in the spring will return a hundredfold in the fall. Harvest

Snow falls in bags from the sky,
There are snowdrifts from the house.
That snowstorms and snowstorms
They attacked the village.
The frost is strong at night
In the daytime, a drop is heard ringing.
The day has grown noticeably.
Well, so what month is it? February

Of the twelve brothers - the smallest.
There's nothing to be done - such was born. February

Who believes, who does not believe - differently happens
To whom they promised - on my day it always comes true.
Only the rain should fall from heaven in the morning,
Then only this trick can work. Thursday

Round, ruddy, I grow on a branch;
Adults and kids love me. Apple

Not mother is born, but she gave a gift. Apple
Himself with a cam, a red barrel,
Touch it - smooth, and bite - sweet. Apple

I won’t tear off a ruddy nesting doll from my friends.
I'll wait until the matryoshka falls into the grass by itself. Apple

First white as snow, then green as clover, then red as blood, very tasty for children. Apple

What does not fall far from the apple tree? Apple

These ripe fruits
They fall to the ground, and we,
Slowly, with a friend Zina
We collect them in baskets. Apples

That fruit was born on the tree,
Its name is anise
He was covered with a gentle blush,
Ripe and rushed down. Apple

Pinches ears, pinches nose,
Frost creeps into boots.
You splash water - it will fall
Not water, but ice.
Not even a bird flies
The bird freezes from the cold.
Turned the sun to summer
What, say, for a month is this? January

Open the calendar - January begins.

A riddle is folk wisdom. It expands the child's knowledge, develops intelligence and ingenuity. There are many comparisons, personifications, metaphors in riddles. They teach the child to understand the beauty of their native language. The riddle must not only be guessed, but also justified by analyzing the text. With the help of riddles dictionary words are better remembered. Therefore, use riddles more often when working with vocabulary words with elementary school children.

Letters-badges, like fighters on a parade,
in a strict order built in a row.
Everyone stands in a designated place.
and it's called build...

Lanky Timoshka

Runs down a narrow path.
His traces are your works.

Broken cramped house
For two halves.
And poured out from there
Pellet beads.

On the bake, the stumps have many thin stems,
Each thin stalk holds a scarlet light,
We rake the stalks, we collect the lights.

wrapped up child
Forty diapers.

Buried in the ground in May
And they didn’t take out a hundred days,
And they began to dig in the fall
Not one was found, but eight.

Red girl
Sitting in the dark
And the spit is on the street.

In the garden is long and green,
And in a tub yellow and salty.

Little boy in a gray coat
Snooping around the yards, picking up the crumbs,
At night he wanders - he steals hemp.

The owner of the forest, wakes up in the spring,
And in winter, under a blizzard howl,
Sleeping in a snow hut.

Stroking - caressing
Teasing - biting. (dog)
The river is flowing - we are lying.
Ice on the river - we run.

I walk next to the janitor,
I'm shoveling snow all around
And I help the guys
I walk next to the janitor,
I'm shoveling snow all around
And I help the guys
Make a mountain, build a house.

Russian beauty stands in a clearing,
In a green blouse, in a white sundress.

In a golden ball
The oak tree hid.

No one scares, but the whole trembles.

If I got up, I would reach the sky.

Now I'm in a cage, then in a line, -
Feel free to write on them,
You can also draw
I am called...

I'm in my school bag
How do you learn - I'll tell you.

In winter he runs to school,
And in the summer it lies in the room.
As soon as autumn comes
He takes me by the hand. (briefcase)

My white brother lives in the ice
And eats sea fish,
I love bee honey
And wild berries. (bear)

red dairy
Day chews and night chews:
After all, the grass is not so easy
Convert to milk! (cow)

Lives in swamps and ponds, And wears fins on his feet,

He loves coolness, not heat, And spawns under water,

Her cubs with tails. Who is this? Guess yourself.

Her toad is not a sister, a friend. Tell me who is she? …(frog)

Fidget motley,
longtail bird,
talking bird,
the most chatty.
White-sided chirping,
and her name is ... (magpie)

Apples on the branches in winter!
Collect them quickly!
And suddenly the apples fluttered
After all, this is ... (bullfinches)

Who is without notes and without flute

Who is this? (nightingale)

Autumn has come to our garden
The red torch was lit.
Here thrushes, starlings scurry about.
And, noisily, they peck at him. (Rowan)

There are earrings
There are also bumps
Yes, not a pine;
And lives in the lowlands
Near the vine
Yes, not a girl (alder)

Fragrant and inviting
Gives tender flowers
Reach out your hand for the fence -
And it will be ... (lilac)

Either from the roof, or from the sky -
Or cotton, or fluff.
Or maybe snow flakes
Appeared in the summer all of a sudden?
Who is their surreptitious
Pouring like a bag? (poplar)

And when I mature
They cook a tomato out of me,
They put in cabbage soup
And so they eat. (Tomatoes)

He will paint a picture
And color Pinocchio.
He will write an ad
And a greeting card.
Draw posters master -
Bright, thin ... (felt pen)

Not water and not land -
You can't sail on a boat
And you can't walk with your feet. (swamp)
) lay down the asphalt belt
Through a hundred villages. (Highway)

Everywhere, everywhere we are together
Let's go inseparable.
We walk through the meadows
Along the green shores
We run down the stairs,
We walk along the street.
But a little wind on the threshold,
We are left without legs
And the legless - that's the trouble! -
Neither here nor there!
Well let's get under the bed
Let's sleep there quietly
And when the legs return
Let's jump on the road again. (boots)

Early in the morning behind the window
Knock, and ringing, and confusion.
On straight steel tracks
Red houses are walking. (Tram)

A giant goes to work in the ocean (ship)

wooden road,
She goes up slowly
Every step is a ravine. (ladder)

I walk next to the janitor,
I'm shoveling snow all around
And I help the guys
Make a mountain, build a house. (shovel)

sheet of paper in the morning
They bring them to our apartment.
On one such sheet
A lot of different news. (Newspaper)
