Design and research work "What is a zoo?" What are zoos and when did they appear? What is a zoo

Who are the animals?
Animals are the animals you meet most often. Their main difference is the presence of fur, teeth and ears, paws and tail. But there are absolutely surprising exceptions.Scientists include both the swimming dolphin and the flying bat as animals. So by what signs can one distinguish a beast from other species of animals? First of all, it is feeding newborn babies with mother's milk. On this basis, humans can also be classified as animals. This type of animal is called mammal. Another sign of animals is the birth of live babies. Fish first lay eggs, then tadpoles appear, and only then the fish. In birds, the egg appears first. In animals, a full-fledged animal is born immediately, exactly like an adult, but small and helpless. Animals live in a wide variety of conditions. And in the desert, and in the forest, and in the taiga there are these animals. Each animal has signs that allow us to judge its habitat. Polar bears have thick fur to help them stay warm in cold conditions. Small animals have sensitive ears and noses to sense the approach of an enemy. The animals also vary greatly in size.

What is a zoo?
A zoo is a place where a wide variety of animals are kept in captivity, confined to cages and fences. Zoos are created so that you can come to them and look at wild animals that children have only seen in pictures. This way you can appreciate all the beauty and strength wild world. Another goal of zoos, the most important and necessary, is to save some animals from extinction. In their usual environment, that is, in the desert or taiga, many animals are in danger. If you leave them all to live there, they could completely disappear from the face of our planet.

In zoos, veterinary scientists help these rare animals reproduce and live. Coming to the zoo, people understand that although the animals are bigger and stronger, they are helpless in the face of many troubles. We are the ones who can help them, it is our responsibility. The zoo helps to survive weak animals that are sick, injured and would not be able to survive among their relatives. While at the zoo, you need to remember that you should never feed animals in cages. And if you have a delicious chocolate bar in your hands, the animal that eats it may become seriously ill or even die.

In anticipation International Day biological diversity introduces its readers to the very best zoos on the planet, which have gained fame and earned popularity all over the world.

What is a zoo?

Wild and unusual animals have long been kept “for the amusement of the public” and as their own palace “trick” by many rulers of the most different countries. Rare animals were brought from afar and given to each other by sovereigns. The question is whether these overseas living wonders could fully exist in a foreign environment, whether they could be properly cared for. Reliable written references to the first full-fledged zoos, in our understanding, date back to approximately the middle of the 15th century.

The main goal of the best modern zoos is not only (and sometimes not so much) the demonstration of wild animals, but also the preservation, reproduction and study of their species diversity. Including the rarest endangered species. Currently, about 40% of mammals and birds and approximately 54% of reptiles are under threat of destruction in nature - think about it!

Everyone is aware of the catastrophic situation with giant pandas, which the Chinese government even “leases” to other zoos in the world for the purpose of conservation and reproduction. But there are a lot of similar examples: David’s deer, Przewalski’s horse... And for all these and many other animals, zoos today, alas, are the only real opportunity not only to survive in our world, but sometimes, which is the special pride and joy of biologists, even to restore their populations V wildlife. This has already happened, for example, with bison and kulans.

Of course, what we are talking about above is not cramped zoos, much less mobile menageries, where animals are sometimes kept in inappropriate conditions. The main feature of modern zoos is the creation of conditions for animals that are as close as possible to their natural habitat; interactive with visitors (are you interested in hearing the world through “rabbit ears”, feeding a liger or, for example, jumping with frogs?); participation in various international programs on the conservation and restoration of endangered species. It is these real zoos that will be discussed in our mini-review. So, get acquainted, here they are, the very best!

Zoo ()

Vienna's Schönbrunn Zoo is the oldest zoo in the world. The imperial menagerie near the palace in its place has existed since the 16th century, but the official year of birth is considered to be 1752, when an elegant breakfast pavilion was added to the enclosures, and in 1779 the general public began to be admitted here, free of charge.

Today, here on the territory of the palace and park complex, about 500 species of animals exist peacefully, many of which are rare and unusual, because the zoo specializes in studying the behavior and breeding of rare animals. And they do it with success. For example, here, for the first time in Europe, a giant panda was able to produce offspring; Amur tigers breed regularly.

And what about the magnificent Aquarium here, reproducing the tropical nature of the Amazon, or the Polarium - a pavilion for the inhabitants of the Arctic! Who else can you see here? Giraffes, serow, Galapagos tortoises, rhinoceroses, American bison, anteaters, red-crowned cranes, Asiatic buffalo, zebras, bearded vultures, hippopotamuses, koalas and many, many others.

Zoo ()

In London, in Ridgen Park, there is the oldest scientific zoo in the world, founded at the beginning of the 19th century as a zoological collection intended exclusively for scientific research. However, already in the middle of the century it was open to public visits. The zoo is not state-owned, but belongs to the Zoological Society of London.

It was here that specially equipped serpentariums, insectariums, aquariums and even a children's zoo were first available to the public.

Now the zoo is home to more than 750 species of animals and birds: gorillas, tapirs, lions, armadillos, penguins, hyenas, parrots, butterflies, lemurs, servals, flamingos, camels... Interestingly, in 2001, some of the large inhabitants like elephants and rhinoceroses were transferred to the Bedfordshire Zoo branch.

Zoo ()

The German capital's zoo is the richest in species diversity in the world, although only the ninth largest. More than 1,500 species of animals live here on an area of ​​35 hectares! Every year there are about 2.6 million visitors: at the same time, the zoo is the most visited in Europe.

This park opened in 1844, and its first inhabitants were antelopes. The zoo quickly grew, expanded, and expanded its collection of animals. And then the war happened and 98% of the animals and birds died, after which the livestock and structures had to be restored almost from scratch.

Today, in addition to enclosures and pavilions for numerous and varied animals, there is a landscaped park and even a three-story aquarium with fish, reptiles and amphibians. It’s interesting that they try to give the animals maximum freedom here: you may well see pelicans walking freely along the paths of the park, or hippos communicating with antelopes through a low stone wall.

Visitors to the Berlin Zoo can feed the animals, ride around the grounds in special chairs, and even railway, visit the castle of King Ferdinand, take part in numerous entertainment events. Rare and endangered species are bred here and they cooperate with many specialized organizations around the world.

Zoo ()

This zoo became a world record holder thanks to its area: not much, not little, but 300 hectares of natural landscapes with stylized pavilions for each type of animal!

The zoo is very young, “born” only in 1980, but it has something to boast about. For example, a show of drawing elephants. Or the largest outdoor poultry farm in the United States. Or a giraffe farm. And even an abundance of exotic tropical greenery from palm trees to orchids. No wonder he is among the top twenty in the world.

Instead of bars, there are moats of water or glass walls, so Komodo dragons, black rhinoceroses, gorillas, Cuban crocodiles, pygmy hippos, kangaroos and white tigers can be seen almost at arm's length. For the convenience of visitors, there are bicycle taxis and a monorail, children's playgrounds, cafes and souvenir shops.

Ranua Zoo ()

And this zoo is notable primarily for the fact that it is the northernmost in the world, being located just south of the Arctic Circle. It was opened relatively recently, in 1983, and serves as a home for many northern and arctic species of animals, which feel excellent because they do not live in cages, but in natural landscapes. In the zoo you can see musk oxen, white and brown bears, lynxes, wolverines, reindeer, arctic foxes, wild boars and many others, about 60 species in total. By the way, Ranua Zoo is one of the few where polar bears have successfully bred in captivity.

Every year there are at least 100,000 visitors, for whom, during the “hottest” winter season, there are attractions such as dog and reindeer sledding. The zoo is also famous for the fact that it houses a large animal hospital and a pet park.

Of course, we have not listed all the wonderful modern zoos that delight visitors in the world and which have wonderful conditions for animals. Zoos in

In general, happy International Biodiversity Day to you, dear curious travelers. We hope that now, looking at some corner of our planet, you will definitely ask: is there a nice zoo there too? Take a look - you won't regret it!

Currently, so-called “petting zoos” are becoming increasingly popular.

They appear in almost all cities of Russia and represent a fundamentally new form of communication with animals. In any case, this is what the organizers of this phenomenon themselves say. Now the animals do not sit in a cage, being completely fenced off from humans and they can not only be viewed from afar, but also come into direct contact by touching, petting and feeding the animal.

In general, petting zoos can be divided into two types: some of them are similar to simple rural farms, while others are more like something exotic.

On mini-farms you can see rabbits, turkeys, sheep, chickens, hens, goats and piglets. As for exotic zoos, you can see ponies, lemurs, kangaroos and many others there. There are also specialized petting zoos where lizards, snakes, centipedes, spiders and insects live. In addition, visitors can visit the garden of live tropical butterflies, which land directly on visitors.

Often, petting zoos are opened as part of a regular zoo. For this purpose, a group of specially trained animals is selected and placed in a special area. At the same time, the most tame and harmless animals are selected. The animals are fed with special food, which can be bought directly in this area.

There should be no animals dangerous to humans in petting zoos. However, caution will also not be superfluous, since even gentle and furry animals have teeth and claws. Therefore, children need to be especially careful. Such small and seemingly harmless animals as hares and rabbits are actually quite strong and can very strongly bite an annoying visitor. In addition, aggression can be shown by monkeys and squirrels.

Sometimes animals are still “lucky” and end up in good conditions content.

Visitors should not treat animals consumeristly, doing with them whatever comes into their not always reasonable head. There is no need to grab the animal by the tail or put it on your neck for a spectacular photo. Therefore, before going to a petting zoo, it would be useful to undergo special instructions on how to properly handle animals. It should be remembered that in any matter you need to adhere to a reasonable approach and a golden mean. That's what petting zoo owners say...

It would seem that everything is fine and all that needs to be done is to show a little more attentiveness and you can safely go with your child to the zoo, where in a short time he will immediately make friends with some animal. However, according to animal rights activists, all is well in name only, and more and more Russians are in favor of banning petting zoos. To the President Russian Federation was even sent open letter requesting that appropriate measures be taken.

According to animal rights activists, petting zoos are nothing more than commercial entertainment that is monstrously cruel in its cruelty, where hundreds of people every day, for some payment, at best, spend all day long touching animals that have no way to hide from them.

Such establishments flagrantly violate Russian laws, as well as veterinary and sanitary standards for keeping animals. And this type of pet commerce has spread only for two reasons: officials of relevant structures refuse to fulfill their job responsibilities, and the civilian population of Russia is either unaware or completely indifferent to this phenomenon.

The thirst for profit of businessmen devoid of moral principles and conscience, as well as the support of corrupt officials, made it possible to turn living and, we emphasize, sentient beings into a kind of inanimate toys that can be squeezed against their will all day long, chased around a cage, picked up, continuously woken up when they try to get at least a little sleep and take a break from this horror, and even take rich clients to their noisy parties and holidays. It must be said that one of the large chains of such zoos even has a name corresponding to “Animals as Toys.”

It seems that such savagery has no place in the twenty-first century and such cruel attractions should be considered completely unacceptable. For example, the old Chinese torture of constantly depriving a person of sleep, modern man causes shock and disgust. Pedagogy teaches parents to resolutely stop all attempts by a child to bother animals just because he wanted to play with them, demanding that children learn that a soulless, consumerist attitude towards animals is unacceptable. And at the same time, a business based on the lack of rights for animals continues to flourish. And what’s even worse is that even animals that are representatives of rare and even endangered species are drawn into this cycle of horror.

For example, one of these “touching” zoos opened in the Klyuchevoy shopping center. And one of these living toys ended up there fur seal, which is listed in both the International and Russian Red Books. According to legal norms, for improper use of an animal included in this book, a businessman must be sentenced to seven years in prison. However, instead, after checking this “action”, officials concluded that this state of affairs was completely normal.

At a time when citizens' complaints about such zoos are growing stronger every day, this commercial entertainment continues to spread across Russia like a cancer. The facts stated in the statements indicate that the functioning of such establishments is inextricably linked with blatant immorality, which dooms thousands of animals to prolonged daily torment.

For example, the bodies of some animals are covered with bleeding abrasions and calluses from the endless touching and stroking of visitors, some are torn to pieces, crushed by feet, animals are dropped many times, thereby beating off internal organs. Some animals are strangled, others have their wings broken, and others are thrown into neighboring enclosures. As a rule, the owners of such touching zoos do not have the appropriate education and experience to work with animals and their establishments, as a rule, are located not in ordinary zoos, but in shopping centers.

Lack of care, linoleum or concrete floors, very bright artificial light, stuffiness and monstrous noise from the incessant flow of visitors during eleven to twelve hours of work, lead the animals into a state of deep stress. Moreover, no exceptions are made for any of the animals, regardless of what daily regimen each of them requires. During the day, you can feel thick-tailed galagos and hedgehogs and snowy owls, which are nocturnal and must sleep during the day, hidden in a shelter.

Perhaps the worst situation is for newborn goslings, ducklings and chicks, which are brought to children for cuddling as a disposable object. As soon as a tortured chicken dies, another one takes its place; fortunately, such consumption of “working material” more than pays off.

Quite often it happens that animals, distraught from the onslaught of visitors, show aggression. They can strike with their horns and bite or pinch with their beaks like ostriches. In addition, accidental bites that visitors receive while feeding the animal are very common. This service is a paid addition, which is provided by all such establishments.

In addition, visitors to such unfortunate zoos go to the animals’ enclosures directly in outer clothing, touch, stroke and feed them with unwashed hands, thus bringing and taking away with them incredible amounts of pathogenic organisms. After the animal has been touched by dozens and hundreds of hands, all of them will remain in the animal's bedding, on its fur and in its mouth. As a result, the immune system of such animals very quickly becomes unusable and malfunctions. And since the load on the immune system continues to remain high, the animal gets sick almost continuously, becoming a breeding ground for diseases for clients who come to touch it and for other animals.

“Petting zoos” are spreading across the country - tactile prisons where animals suffer and die for fun.

According to the documentation, all animals kept in such tentative prisons are considered healthy, but more than once the attention of the relevant authorities was drawn to the fact that some animals had signs of certain diseases, in particular skin diseases, such as lichen. As a result, some children were infected. All this indicates that this “business” also includes bribed representatives of veterinary and sanitary-epidemiological services.

The victims of such petting zoos are animals from a wide variety of climatic zones who absolutely need different conditions content, temperature conditions, different humidity, different lighting and other conditions that are difficult to satisfy even in specialized conditions, and even impossible in the halls of shopping centers.

Hiding behind the fact that such establishments are given the loud name of a “social project,” the owners of such zoos actually receive considerable profits. For example, the annual turnover of one of the companies providing such monstrous entertainment is 28 million rubles annually, and a newly opened petting zoo pays for all expenses within three months. From this it is clear that there is no talk of any social goals, and everything comes down to banal profit, for the sake of which businessmen are ready to do anything.

To truly love nature and be imbued with sincere feelings for it, to admire its uniqueness and beauty, as well as the fact that our fellow humans on the planet have no less value than ourselves, is possible only if we treat it with care and not with consumerism.

According to animal advocates, the claim that petting zoos introduce children to interacting with nature in an urban environment is untrue and does not stand up to criticism. Especially when you consider that you can take care of domestic or street animals or watch birds and insects even in the city, completely free of charge and at any time.

Would anyone want to spend their entire life in captivity, subjected to daily incessant pressure from beings who are strangers to them? Wouldn't you like to? Then maybe it’s worth thinking about the fact that animals, who have just as many rights to lead the lifestyle that was determined for them by nature, don’t want this either.

Therefore, animal advocates urge all concerned to make every possible effort to stop the activities of these establishments, which are dangerous to people and incredibly cruel to animals, and also to refuse to visit them.

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The zoo is interesting

Zoos are places where wild animals are kept, often brought from far away, from those parts of the planet where they live in natural conditions. In zoos, animals are cared for, where they are studied and bred, thereby often saving entire species of animals from extinction.

Today there are more than 300 zoos in the world, and the very first zoo was created in Ancient Egypt. It is known that the first zoo was built around 1500 BC, during the reign of the Egyptian queen Hatshepsut (1540-1481 BC). More than 3,000 years ago, Chinese emperors kept animals, birds and fish in their gardens. In the Middle Ages, it became fashionable for European kings to give each other exotic animals - monkeys, peacocks and lions. Private collections of animals were called menageries. Traveling menageries that roamed the cities of Europe were very popular in the 19th century.

Scientists began to show interest in studying animals at the beginning of the 18th century. It was at this time that they began to compose families of animals and give them Latin names - so that any animal could be recognized under its new name at any point globe. Their work led to the creation of the first public zoos. Initially they were called zoological gardens, and later simply zoos. One of the first was the London Zoo, opened in 1829.

What is a zoo?

The world. 2nd grade

Subject."What is a zoo?"

Tasks. Introduce children to the zoo as a place for communication between people and animals, to the rules of behavior in the zoo, to the concept of “reptiles”; show that it is necessary to create decent living conditions for animals in the zoo; learn to establish a connection between the way of life of animals and the characteristics of their maintenance.

Educational materials. Hats depicting a “turtle”, “ant”; illustrated material about animals; sheets of paper in a cage for playing; video film “Moscow Zoo”, video equipment; postcards “Moscow Zoo”; tokens for the game “Field of Miracles”; plastic animal figurines; Medal "Animal Expert"


I. Organizational moment

II. Repetition of covered material

Two students wearing hats representing the Ant and the Turtle come to the board.

Ant. Getting to know different animals, I made many friends. We settled some of them with the boys on Green Island. It would be great if we could collect all the animals on Earth and place them together! But this is impossible: fish need water, animals need forest, some live in hot countries, and some in the north.

Turtle. Don't worry, Ant! Today we will all go together to one of the most fascinating places on Earth and get acquainted with many interesting animals. But we need to pave the way there.

Graphic dictation

Teacher. Guys, now I will read the statements. If you agree, then put a sign, if you disagree, then put a sign x, if you don’t know the correct answer, then put a dash. Condition – the end of the previous sign is the beginning of the next one.

On the desk:

- Yes, X- No, ? - Don't know

The work is done on checkered pieces of paper. One student works on an individual board, which is then hung up for checking.

- All birds have feathers.
- All birds can fly.
– If the animal is big, it is a beast.
– A bat is a bird.
- A whale is a big fish.
– A cat and a mouse belong to the same group of animals – animals.
- Butterfly, woodpecker, bat They belong to the same group of animals because they can fly.
– The body of animals is covered with fur.
– Ostriches and penguins are birds that cannot fly.

Children have a picture on their leaves. There is no need to analyze the results of the graphic dictation in detail, since children who made mistakes will have time to work on them in the next lessons.

– Check your drawings with the result on the board. Who did a great job laying the road? Well done!
Who tripped? No problem: we get up, take a friend by the hand and hit the road.

III. Lesson topic message

U. Guys, where have we come? Where did the Wise Turtle lead us?

The board is closed. Children find it difficult to choose an answer. A leading question should be asked.

– Name a place where we can meet many different animals that live in different parts of the world.

Children. Zoo.

U. What is a zoo? This is what we will talk about in the lesson.

IV. Getting to know new material

The teacher opens the board with the word written on it zoo and illustrated material on the topic is attached. Two trained students give short presentations about the zoo.

Student 1. A zoological park, or zoo, is a place where wild animals are kept. Here you can see animals that are found not only in our area, but also in distant countries.

Student 2. Scientists study animals at the zoo. Animals that find it difficult to survive in captivity also live here, since there are very few of them left. And scientists help these animals.

U. Keeping wild animals in captivity and showing them to the public is a very old, even ancient tradition. Menageries already existed in Rome and Egypt. There were menageries in Rus' too - even under Ivan the Terrible.
How many of you have been to the zoo? In which? How should you behave at the zoo? Why?

D. Calmly. You cannot tease animals or stick your hands in.

You cannot climb over the fence or feed the animals.

U. The Wise Turtle invites us to visit the Moscow Zoo. Why him? You will answer this question by listening to another message.

Student 3. The Moscow Zoo was the very first to appear in Russia. Its opening took place on February 12, 1864. Scientists at the zoo studied the living conditions of animals from different countries and their adaptation to local living conditions.

People who came to the zoo got acquainted with various types animals. Of particular interest were animals that live in other countries. Currently, the Moscow Zoo has 5,355 animals of 938 species. It is the main one among Russian zoos.

The teacher shows a video clip from the film “Moscow Zoo”.

U. What new things did you discover after watching this fragment? What do you remember most?

The children answer.

U. Remember: who lives in a terrarium?

D. Lizards, snakes, turtles, crocodiles.

U. Can we classify these animals into the studied groups?

D. No.

U. Why?

D. These are not fish - they have no scales; These are not birds - they have no feathers; these are not animals - their bodies are not covered with hair; These are not insects - they do not have six legs.

U. Right. Lizards, snakes, turtles, crocodiles form another group of animals, and it is called “reptiles”. Listen to the message about them.

Student 4. Reptiles live both on land and in water. They are called that because they crawl on the ground - reptiles. They feed on fish, grass, algae, midges, beetles, and insects. All reptiles are thermophilic. During the cold season they are inactive. Dangerous for people Poisonous snakes, but if they are not disturbed, they will not attack a person.

U. Open the textbooks on p. 28. What do you think is shown in the photograph?

D. The main entrance to the Moscow Zoo.

U. Why did you decide so?

D. It was shown in a video clip.

Children read the text.

D. Lobsters, coral shrimp, moray eels, sharks.

The teacher shows photographs of the named animals.

V. Game “Field of Miracles”

U. Rare animals were named and shown in the video clip. For such animals, the zoo has created all the conditions for a normal life and reproduction. What is the name of the book that lists animals that are on the verge of extinction?

D. Red Book.

U. I invite you to get acquainted with rare animals listed in the Red Book and living in the Moscow Zoo. To do this, we will play “Field of Miracles”. The rules of the game are the same as those of television.

Qualifying round

Whoever answers the question faster gets a token. And the token gives you the right to participate in the game. There are three colors of tokens, and there are nine in total to form threes of players.

1. There are lumberjacks on the river
In silver-brown fur coats:
From trees, branches, clay
They build strong dams.

(Beavers are a green token.)

2. These birds cannot fly: their wings are small and look more like seal flippers than real wings. But they swim perfectly and dive to considerable depths.

(Penguins are a red token.)

3. This is a large predator from the cat family. His majestic gait, lush mane, large features of his “face” made it possible to call him the king of beasts.

(Lion is a blue token.)

4. I am a hunchbacked beast,
And the guys like me.

(Camel is a green token.)

5. Flies all night -
Gets mice
And it will become light -
Sleep flies into the hollow.

(Owl is a green token.)

6. Lord of the Arctic.

(Polar bear- blue token.)

7. Healers prepared medicine for weakness and cowardice from parts of his body.

(Tiger is a red token.)

8. On a large colored carpet
The squadron sat down -
It will open, then it will close
Painted wings.

(Butterfly is a blue token.)

9. This large white bird serves as a symbol of beauty and love, purity and tenderness.

(Swan is a red token.)

Round 1

U. I invite the first three players - with blue tokens.


This is a very valuable fur-bearing animal. It was on the verge of destruction, but the conservation measures taken by people saved this species of animal.

Photos or illustrations of the animals named in the game are posted on the board.

Round 2

U. The second three players are invited - with green tokens.


The young of these birds are born with long thick legs, a straight red beak and walk for two years in gray plumage, and then don a pink plumage.

The winners of the round receive a prize (this could be an animal figurine from Kinder Surprise).


U. The winners of previous rounds are invited to play in the semi-finals.


Name an animal that gives the strange impression of a dog with a cat's head. No animal in the world can run faster than him. In pursuit of prey, it can reach speeds of 110–120 km/h.

Super game

Conducted at the request of the semi-final winner. The winner is awarded the Animal Expert medal.

U. Name an animal that is one of the largest bulls in the world: its height is up to 2 meters, its weight is up to a ton. His powerful physique does not prevent him from being very fast and agile in his movements. These animals live in groups: cows, young bulls and heifers - 6-8 heads each.

– Look how many animals have appeared at the doors of our zoo! They probably want to get into it. Where do the animals live in the zoo?

D. In cages, enclosures.

U. In modern zoos, animals are housed in spacious rooms or open fenced areas - enclosures. They are very convenient: here animals can run, fly, swim, climb tree trunks - in a word, behave as in nature.

VI. Creative work

U. Try drawing enclosures for your chosen animals. Draw the animal itself. Justify the choice of certain devices needed in your enclosure.

Children work independently. Then there is a discussion of the illustrations.

Sample answer

Student. This is an enclosure with a pond. Flamingos can live here. The birds get their food in the pond.

VII. Lesson summary

U. Why was there a need to create a zoo?

D. Many animals are on the verge of extinction, so people are trying to preserve at least a small number of them. Scientists study the life of animals.
– To familiarize people with animals.

U. Thank you for your active work.
