What time is the season in Vietnam. When is the best time to go to Vietnam? Overview of weather and resorts by month

On the streets of Saigon.

Most tourists, planning a trip to this wonderful country, are wondering - When is the best time to go to Vietnam?In this article we will try to answer this question.
The Socialist Republic of Vietnam is located in Southeast Asia, bordering China in the north and Laos and Cambodia in the west. It is washed by the waters of the South China Sea, and from the south by the Gulf of Thailand. Before 1945 Vietnam was a French colony. On September 2, 1945, the independence of the country was proclaimed. As of 2013, the population of Vietnam is approximately 93 million people.

In power is communist party However, in recent decades, Vietnamese socialism has taken on a human face. Liberal reforms were carried out, which gave impetus to the development of the economy in general and the tourism industry in particular. Beautiful tropical nature, gentle warm sea, rich story, a large number of attractions and exotic culture have contributed to the fact that over the past couple of decades, the tourist flow to the country has grown by orders of magnitude. Our compatriots also reached out to Vietnam, which was largely facilitated by the opening of direct flights to Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon).

Now let's try to understand When is the best time to go on vacation to Vietnam? If you look at the map of Vietnam, we will see that the country is very strongly elongated from north to south (almost 2.5 thousand km). Because of this, in different parts countries at the same time, the weather can be completely different. Conventionally, Vietnam can be divided into three climatic zones: North, Central and South. Each of them has its own resorts, its attractions and each of them is worth a visit. But due to the difference in climate, it is comfortable to rest in them at different times.

Southern part of Vietnam.

In the south of Vietnam (from Mui Ne to Ho Chi Minh City), two seasons can be distinguished - dry and wet. The air and water temperatures fluctuate slightly here - within a few degrees. The average annual temperature is 26-28. Dry season from December to April. From February to May hot weather with almost no rain. The wet season starts in May and ends in November. The largest number precipitation falls from June to August. However, the rains are short and you can even say that cloudy days provide a pleasant respite from the heat. To the south Vietnam is the best place to go on holiday from December to April. This period is considered high season. For those who seek to relax economically, a wet period is suitable. At this time, prices are much lower for both flights and hotels.

Resorts in the south of Vietnam.

Mui Ne.

The main south of Vietnam is Mui Ne, Vung Tau and Phu Quoc Island. Mui Ne is located about 200 km north of Ho Chi Minh City near the town of Phan Thiet. The former fishing village over the past decades has become one of the best resorts in Vietnam, and throughout Southeast Asia. We can say that Mui Ne is a year-round resort. Along with Nha Trang, this is the most visited resort by Russian tourists. Here in all restaurants there is a menu in Russian, and most of the signs are also in Russian.

The advantage is that all the hotels are located on the beach (on the first line), in addition, there are a huge number of restaurants and bars. The disadvantages include the wind blowing throughout almost the entire year. But it's also a plus for fans. aquatic species sports. The resort is considered the best place for lovers of Kiting. There are kite schools along the coast. The best time for kiting is from November to March. Sometimes with a strong wind, the waves reach 4 meters in height. Swimming lovers best to go on holiday in Mui Ne from April to September. The sea at this time is calm and clear.

Red dunes. Mui Ne.

Statue of Jesus in Vung Tau.

Vung Tau is a resort located just 128 km from Ho Chi Minh City, which has a very developed tourist infrastructure. This is one of the oldest resorts in the country. All along the coast are the former villas of the Vietnamese nobility, now converted into restaurants and guesthouses. There are several beaches in Vung Tau: front, back and mulberry. There is also a small picturesque beach with the French name Roche Noir. On the mountain above the city stands a huge statue of Jesus. Its height is 32 m and this statue of Jesus is very similar to the one in Rio. The disadvantages of the resort include close proximity to oil platforms, which is why the sea in Vung Tau cannot be called clean.

Beach on Phu Quoc island.

Phu Quoc Island is located in the Gulf of Thailand, 45 km from the coast and is the largest island in Vietnam. The island is 48 km long and 25 km wide. For a long time, the island was considered a disputed territory between Vietnam and Cambodia. The island currently belongs to Vietnam. This is perhaps the quietest and most beachy of the Vietnamese resorts. The beaches stretch from the town of Duong Dong to the south and are built up with hotels almost along their entire length.

In 2008, Fukuoka's beaches were recognized as the cleanest and most beautiful in the world. Time, When is the best time to relax in this Vietnamese the island is from October to March. April to September is the wet season. There are practically no sights in Fukuoka, but the nature is beautiful and often untouched. It is noteworthy that, unlike other regions of Vietnam, rice is not grown here. But black pepper is grown. Phu Quoc is the world's number one exporter of peppers. You can get to the island by plane from Ho Chi Minh City, or by bus and ferry from Ha Tien.

Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) is also located in the South of Vietnam and is certainly interesting for tourists. This is the most Big city Vietnam (population about 8 million people). During the French rule and later from 1955 to 1975. Saigon was the capital of the country. At the end of the war with the communist North Vietnam, Saigon was renamed Ho Chi Minh City. But the locals continue to call it Saigon. Ho Chi Minh City is young - all historical buildings date back no earlier than the 19th century. Attractions mainly relate to the war period - these are the Kuchi tunnels in the vicinity of the city and the War Museum. Ho Chi Minh City has an international airport through which all tourists enter southern Vietnam. Therefore, it is convenient to travel around the country from Ho Chi Minh City, move to resorts or go on excursions. For example, the Mekong Delta or Cambodia.

Resorts of Central Vietnam.

In this part of the article, we will look at When is the best time to go to Vietnam to its central part.

The main resorts of the central part of Vietnam are Nha Trang and Da Nang. In addition, the cities of Dalat, Hue and Hoi An are certainly interesting for tourists to visit.

City beach in Nha Trang.

Nha Trang is located 450 km north of Ho Chi Minh City. You can get to Nha Trang either by bus (about 9-10 hours on the way) or by plane. There is an airport 25 km from the city. Nha Trang is perhaps the most popular resort in Vietnam among Russian tourists. Russian speech is heard everywhere, most of the signs are in Russian. And it’s easier to communicate with local Vietnamese in Russian than in English. Unlike Mui Ne, which is also popular with Russians, which looks more like a village, Nha Trang is a city with a well-developed infrastructure. Along the seven-kilometer sandy beach stretches a number of luxury hotels, including well-known international chains. And the rest of the city is built up with hotels very densely.

The beach in Nha Trang is very clean and well maintained, like the whole city. The mountains here approach the coast itself, so there is less rainfall than in other regions of the country and the likelihood of typhoons is minimal. Nha Trang is suitable both for a relaxing, beach holiday, and for lovers nightlife. There are many bars, nightclubs and discos. In addition, here is a paradise for diving enthusiasts. Dive clubs in the city are literally at every turn. At the same time, diving in Vietnam is the cheapest in the world. Nha Trang is also known as a medical resort. There is a clinic of mud therapy and treatment in the city mineral water. People come here to be treated for diseases of the joints, broncho-pulmonary and skin diseases. It's best to go on vacation in Nha Trang from February to May. At this time, there is no rain, the weather is clear and the sea is completely calm. September to December is the wet season. The rainiest months are November and December. At this time, the sea is usually cloudy, cool and stormy.

Hotels on the waterfront of Nha Trang.

View of the Danang embankment.

Da Nang is located 500 km north of Nha Trang. It is one of the largest port and industrial cities in Vietnam. It ranks fourth in terms of population. Despite the developed tourist infrastructure, a large number of hotels and good beaches(China Beach is recognized as one of the best in the country), the number of tourists coming to Da Nang is much less than in the same Nha Trang. Most travelers consider Da Nang as a transit point when moving from north to south or vice versa. There are no signboards in Russian, in restaurants you will not be offered Russian or even English menus. But this also has its advantages: people are not spoiled by tourists, prices are much lower than in Nha Trang and Mui Ne, and, importantly, there is no hectic traffic on the roads. Moving around the city on foot and on a rented motorbike is much more comfortable than in most other cities in Vietnam. The best time to relax in Da Nang from February to August.

View from the sea to Da Nang.

Imperial Citadel.

25 km south of Da Nang is the small town of Hoi An, standing on the banks of the Thu Bon River, a few kilometers from sea ​​coast. Hoi An is a city frozen in time. Nowhere else in Vietnam are there places where the atmosphere of antiquity is so preserved. Currently, there are about 850 monuments of historical significance in the city.

Covered Japanese bridge.

To the north of Da Nang is the ancient capital of Vietnam - the city of Hue. Miraculously surviving during the fierce fighting during the war, he still has not lost his romantic sophistication. From 1802 to 1945 Hue was the capital of Vietnam. During this time, thirteen generations of emperors of the Nguyen dynasty were replaced. In 1945, with the coming to power of Ho Chi Minh City, the capital was moved to Hanoi. The city has preserved a huge number of ancient buildings: palaces, pagodas, temples. The surroundings of the city are also full of impressive monuments. All this makes Hue one of the most visited cities in Vietnam.

About 150 km from Nha Trang, in the mountains at an altitude of about 1500 m, there is one of the most beautiful cities in Vietnam - Dalat. Any tourist who arrives in Dalat invariably gets the feeling that this is Europe. This is felt both in architecture and in grooming, and in the general aura of the city. There is certainly something to see in Dalat. These are also natural beauties: waterfalls, lakes, magnificent views of the surrounding mountains and cultural attractions. For example: a Buddhist monastery, pagodas, Buddha statues.

In the evening you will be pleased to sit in one of the many restaurants with Vietnamese and European cuisine. In the center of the city is the amazingly beautiful Xuan Huong Lake, which has a curved shape and is surrounded by walking paths and a park. To the northeast of it are the central areas of the city, where most of the hotels and restaurants are concentrated. Special mention is the road from Nha Trang to Dalat. About a third of the way is a mountain serpentine, from which unforgettable views open up. The road is especially impressive when you ride a motorbike along it and have the opportunity to stop at any convenient place and admire the surrounding nature.

Northern Vietnam.

Winter in Northern Vietnam is quite cool, in December and January the temperature can drop below 10 degrees Celsius. Summer is hot, sometimes even hotter than in the south. The landscape is mostly mountainous nature reserves And national parks. It often snows in mountainous areas, especially in the Sapa region. In the north of Vietnam is the capital and main administrative center of the country - Hanoi. The main resort of northern Vietnam is Halong.

Hanoi. Cathedral of Saint Joseph.

Halong Bay is a real pearl of Vietnam. It is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. There are buses and a train from Hanoi to Ha Long, so getting there is not difficult. Over 1,600 rocky islands are scattered throughout Halong Bay. The view of the bay is stunning at first sight and leaves no one indifferent.

Beach season in North Vietnam, due to climatic features, rather short. In winter, the water temperature drops to 15 degrees. Summer is very rainy. That's why best holiday in northern vietnam from mid-March to the end of May and from September to October. At this time, there is little rain, it is warm and the sea warms up to 24-26 degrees.

Vietnam is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Southeast Asia. Tourists are attracted to this country by beautiful tropical beaches, clear sea, small and very cozy resort towns. When planning your trip to Vietnam, keep in mind that there is a rainy season here, which may not be very pleasant for a holiday.

Rain season

In order to choose the right time to visit Vietnam, you must be aware that the weather in different parts of this country can vary greatly. Despite the fact that on the map Vietnam looks like a small piece of land, there are three climatic zones:

  1. South Vietnam - popular tourist resorts Ho Chi Minh City, Con Dao, Phu Quoc Island
  2. Central Vietnam - famous beaches near Nha Trang, Phan Thiet, Phan Rang
  3. Northern Vietnam - beach holidays in Hai Phong, Thai Binh, Nam Dinh

In the southern cities of Vietnam, tropical showers begin in May and continue until recent weeks november. In December, tourists from different countries, because the sunny clear weather is finally set. For five months, until the first days of May, there is never any precipitation here.

Central Vietnam will be attractive to tourists whose vacations fall on summer period. The period from April to August is considered the dry beach season here. The rains begin in September and end closer to January.

The rainy season in North Vietnam lasts from April to September. At this time, it is not only rainy here, but also quite cool. The air temperature can drop to +6 degrees. So it is best to relax in the north of the country during the favorable period from October to the end of March, when it is dry and warm here.

Despite the fact that the rainy season is not very popular, in the south of Vietnam you can relax almost all year round. It is a common misconception that it rains around the clock here, and whenever you go outside, you will definitely get wet to the skin. However, this is not the case: showers in the southern part of Vietnam occur mainly at night. During the day, tropical rain lasts only 30-40 minutes, and you can easily wait it out in a hotel or cafe. The rest of the time it is still hot and sunny. The air temperature is stable at +30 °C. The sea is warm (+28 °C) and almost always calm.

However, if you are planning a trip to Central or Northern Vietnam, it is best not to go here during the rainy season. The fact is that along with the rains, monsoons come to the central regions. Large waves rise on the sea, and it becomes unsafe for swimming. In the northern regions, the low season is characterized by the fact that cold air comes here from China. Of course, by Russian standards, the temperature drops slightly - usually to plus 10. However, in combination with high humidity, it becomes rather cool and uncomfortable here.

How long is the rainy season

The rainy season in Vietnam lasts approximately 5-6 months, while in different parts of the country this wet period can vary by month. For example, in the summer it rains in the south of Vietnam, while in the central regions, on the contrary, dry weather sets in.

Six months of rain is quite a long period. However, do not think that it rains every day for many hours. In the south of Vietnam, rains practically do not interfere with a comfortable stay. They go about 30 minutes a day and bring invigorating coolness after a long heat wave. Sometimes it happens that even during a rainy period, not a single drop may fall from the sky for 4-5 days.

rainy season nha trang

The popular resort of Nha Trang is located in the central part of Vietnam. The rainy season here is quite short: showers begin in September and end in January. Unlike the southern resorts of Vietnam, the rainy period in Nha Trang is accompanied by stormy winds. Serious destruction and disasters have never been here, but hurricanes are definitely not suitable for a good rest. On the beaches in the off season, it becomes impossible to swim because high waves rise. In addition, the rainy season in Nha Trang is unpleasant due to the invasion of mosquitoes.

Despite the fact that the rains in Nha Trang end in January, the beach season here begins only in April. The fact is that from January to March the weather here is quite cool for a tropical resort. The air warms up only to 22-25 °C, the water temperature averages about 20 °C. This weather is great for long walks and excursions, but sunbathing and swimming in winter is better in southern Vietnam.

Rainy season in Phan Thiet

Phan Thiet is one of the most developed and popular resorts in the south of Vietnam. Tropical showers come here in May, and go throughout the summer and autumn months. In the second half of November, there may be no more rain, but there is no guarantee that the showers will not last until early December.

Most tourists visit Phan Thiet from December to April, when there is no rainfall. It becomes especially crowded here during the New Year and Christmas holidays. However, you can relax in this Vietnamese town all year round. During the rainy season, showers occur mainly at night, and during the day you can swim and sunbathe. In addition, in summer and autumn, hotel prices are reduced in Phan Thiet, and you can save a lot on accommodation without sacrificing a comfortable stay.

The best months for holidays

Vietnam is a unique country where you can avoid the rainy season by moving from one city to another. When tropical showers begin in the southern regions, you can move to the northern or central resorts and enjoy dry weather and bright sun there.

Therefore, it does not matter at all what months the vacation will take. In winter and spring, it is best to relax in the southern resorts - Phan Tien, Fukuoka or Ho Chi Minh City.

In May, June, July and August, the most favorable cities for recreation will be the cities of Central Vietnam: Nha Trang, Da Nang, Hue.

autumn high season can be found on the northern beaches of Vietnam in Hanoi and Nam Dinh.

Which is located on the Indochina peninsula. It occupies 331,000 sq. km, and inhabited by about 92.5 million people. Tourism is very important for the country's economy - several million tourists visit it every year. People from all over the world are attracted here not only by exoticism, but also by very democratic prices.

The best resorts in Vietnam

There are many interesting places for tourists in Vietnam, but for recreation it is better to choose one of the best resorts in the country:

  • . It is located on the shore of the bay of the same name. Main advantages: white velvet sand, soft turquoise sea, yellow-gray rocks, green mountain forests, fabulous landscapes, beautiful resort bays. One of the attractive places for tourists in Nha Trang is Winperl (Che Island) - an island of entertainment and recreation.
  • attracts with its democracy and tranquility. The beaches here are not crowded, the sand is white and clean, the entrance to the water is gentle. This place is ideal for families with children. There are few attractions here, so the main focus is a beach holiday.

  • . This resort is located near Phan Thiet and is attractive for active tourists. Constant wind provides excellent surfing, kitering (launching kites) and windsurfing. Prices are higher than in Phan Thiet due to the large flow of tourists (most of them Russians).

  • . Tourists prefer this resort for families. He is quite large, but calm. The resort is attractive with wide sandy beaches and a lot of natural and historical attractions.

    Binh Chau Park in Vung Tau

  • . The resort is located on the southernmost and largest island of the same name in Vietnam. It is attractive with luxurious long sandy beaches, trekking jungle, numerous gardens and parks. Here you can kayak or kayak, go diving, visit one of the pearl factories. Today, Phu Quoc is a calm and quiet place, but the rapidly developing infrastructure will soon change this situation.

    Trekking in the jungle of Phu Quoc island

The video evaluates holidays in resorts, Nha Trang and Phu Quoc:

Holiday prices

The currency in Vietnam is the Vietnamese dong. There is ~350 dong in one Russian ruble, so having only a few thousand rubles after exchanging for the local currency, you can feel like a millionaire.


It is better to choose a tour yourself from the "big three" online aggregators. We mean and. They collect offers from all tour operators in a convenient form with reviews and ratings.

To buy a tour as profitably as possible, it is better to do it in advance or choose the closest departure dates. In the latter option, you can often "catch" a good tour at a big discount.


The cost of a flight to Vietnam depends on the season, the chosen airline, the level of comfort, the place of departure and arrival. Flights from Moscow and back will cost approximately the following amounts:

  • to Hanoi;
  • to Ho Chi Minh City;
  • to Danang;


The cost of housing in Vietnam depends on the resort and the chosen level of comfort:

  • A day in Nha Trang will cost 702.4 thousand dong (1,962 rubles) for apartments with sea views in a 5-star hotel, from 70.53 thousand dong (197 rubles) for a bed in a 10-bed shared room. A one-bedroom villa in Nha Trang costs from 304.66 thousand dong (851 rubles) per day.
  • Phan Thiet. There are no five star hotels here. A day in a 4 * hotel will cost from 1,054 thousand dong (2,944 rubles), and a place in a shared 8-bed room - from 117 thousand dong (327 rubles).
  • Mui Ne. There are few 5-star hotels here, a 2-bed room will cost from 2,787.75 dong (7,787 rubles). A room in a 4-star hotel costs from 819.82 thousand dong (2,290 rubles), and a bed in a 10-bed shared room will cost from 46.5 thousand dong (130 rubles).
  • Phu Quoc. A 2-bed room in a 5-star hotel will cost from 1,897.4 thousand dong (5,300 rubles), and in a 4 * hotel - from 1,522.57 thousand dong (4,253 rubles). A tent here will cost from 46.5 thousand dong (130 rubles), and a bed in a dormitory room - from 93.8 thousand dong (262 rubles).
  • Vung Tau. A 2-bed room in a 5-star hotel will cost from 1,663 thousand dong (4,645 rubles), a similar option in a 4 * hotel - from 679.49 thousand dong (1,898 rubles). A day for a place in a dormitory room costs from 93.8 thousand dong (262 rubles).

In Vietnam, you can cheaply rent accommodation in hotels of any level. 5 * establishments provide both luxurious rooms and places in shared rooms for several people.

Double room in 5-star hotel «The Shells Resort & Spa Phu Quoc»


Vietnam is an exotic country, which is strongly reflected in its cuisine. Here you can try many unusual dishes:

  • Pho - soup with rice noodles;
  • spring rolls: vegetable, with seafood, nori replaces lettuce;
  • crepe pancakes - thin pancakes with a variety of fillings;
  • Vietnamese sandwich - French baguette with various fillings;
  • crocodile fillet;
  • snake meat;
  • frog legs;
  • seafood: fish, shrimp, crabs, shells and other seafood;
  • fried chicken feet;
  • cane juice;
  • exotic fruits: mango, longan, lychee, durian, sapodilla, cream apple, pitahaya, mangosteen.

Prices in Vietnam are democratic. This also applies to various food establishments and markets. Expensive restaurants are located mainly in large cities and on popular resorts. Often they open by the hour - for the three main meals.

You can eat almost everywhere in Vietnam on the street. A sandwich will cost from 10 thousand dong (28 rubles).

In mid-level establishments, rice with meat or chicken costs an average of 25,000 dong (70 rubles), and Pho soup costs 30,000 dong (84 rubles). A seafood dish for two costs an average of 250,000 dong (about 700 rubles).

Dinner in a gourmet restaurant for two will cost from 600-800 thousand dong (1675-2235 rubles) with alcohol.

Romantic restaurant by the sea in Nha Trang

In Vietnamese state-level catering establishments, a tip of 5% is included in the bill. In private establishments, they are left at will - 5-10% of the bill is enough.

Tourists really like Vietnamese coffee - fragrant and thick. It will cost from about 10 thousand dong (28 rubles) - they prepare a drink in front of the client, often they serve cold green tea for free.

Market prices are as follows:

  • 1 liter of milk - from 30 thousand dong (84 rubles);
  • a loaf of bread - from 11 thousand dong (31 rubles);
  • a dozen chicken or 3 dozen quail eggs- from 15 thousand dong (42 rubles);
  • 1 kg of rice or pasta - from 13 thousand dong (36 rubles);
  • 1 kg of local cheese - from 155 thousand dong (433 rubles);
  • 1 l sunflower oil- from 60 thousand dong (168 rubles);
  • 1 kg of pork - from 60 thousand dong (168 rubles), chicken costs half as much;
  • 1 kg of shrimp - from 200 thousand dong (559 rubles), crab - from 90 thousand dong (251 rubles);
  • 1 kg of fruit costs 10-30 thousand dong (28-84 rubles), the most expensive apples - from 40 thousand dong (112 rubles);
  • 1 kg of potatoes - from 15 thousand dong (42 rubles), tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini - from 10 thousand dong (28 rubles).


Public transport in Vietnam is represented by buses, but not all cities have them. The advantage of such transport is its comfort and the presence of air conditioners, and a significant drawback is the height restriction (Vietnamese are short). A bus ticket will cost 6-8 thousand dong (1,723 rubles).

Another option for getting around the city is a taxi. The trip will cost from 50 thousand dong (140 rubles). The cost is calculated by the counter.

Not every city in Vietnam has airports, so intercity transport is in demand:

  • buses - from 140 thousand dong (391 rubles);
  • trains - an average of 320 thousand dong (894 rubles), the price depends on the distance and the level of comfort (seat or bed, air conditioning, soft or hard seat).


Shopping in Vietnam can be called exotic. There are no world-famous luxury brands here, but you can buy a lot of wonderful things at affordable prices:

  • Classic souvenirs. You can buy a magnet or key chain from 15 thousand dong (42 rubles), a postcard - from 10 thousand dong (28 rubles), and a T-shirt with an inscription - from 100 thousand dong (280 rubles). As a keepsake, you should definitely take a hat Non - it costs from 35 thousand dong (98 rubles).
  • Medicines from natural ingredients. Cobra ointment from 20 thousand dong (56 rubles), ointment "Tiger" ("White Tiger") from 25 thousand dong (70 rubles), preparations on Lynchi mushrooms from 110 thousand dong (307 rubles), tinctures on snakes (scorpions , spiders, turtles) from 600 thousand dong (1,676 rubles) for 0.5 liters. The export of some drugs is limited in quantity (refers mainly to aphrodisiacs).
  • Green tea - from 25 thousand dong per 100 g (70 rubles).
  • Coffee - from 50 thousand dong per 100 g (140 rubles).
  • Pearl. The popularity of this product is explained by low prices - at least a third lower than in Russia. In Vietnam, you can buy one or more beads for memory, as well as finished pearl products. It is better to choose stores where they can provide a certificate of quality and authenticity.
  • Leather products. These are shoes, various accessories. The skin used is exotic: ostrich, python, crocodile. A leather wallet can be bought from 800 thousand dong (2,240 rubles), a belt - from a million dong (2,794 rubles).
  • Paintings. The material can be silk, sand, there are popular prints and lacquer products. The cost of the painting depends on the material and starts from 940 thousand dong (2,626 rubles).

Attractions, entertainment

One of the main attractions of Vietnam is its magnificent nature and beaches. You can enjoy them almost anywhere in the country. Of the other attractions and entertainment, the following deserve special attention:

  • Imperial tombs and royal citadel in the ancient capital of Hue. In addition to the rich decoration of the tombs, hundreds of guards and stone mandarins (warriors) are noteworthy.

  • Fragrant river in Hue. It got its name from the scent of jasmine that blooms on its banks. The river turns burgundy red at sunset, a perfect time for a picnic.

  • Hoi An (on the UNESCO list). This is an old town where time seems to have stopped. Notable here are old lemon-yellow houses with Chinese tiles, many narrow-profile workshops where you can buy wonderful things. In Hoi An, you can enjoy local cuisine at affordable prices, attend cooking classes.

  • Reclining Buddha Pagoda and Mount Taku (Phan Thiet). According to legend, the pagoda was erected by the local ruler in gratitude to the monk who cured his mother.

  • Ho Chi Minh Zoo - more than 120 species of fauna and 2 thousand species of trees (the age of some specimens is more than a century). The biocomplex covers an area of ​​more than 20 hectares.

It is not necessary to book excursions in Vietnam in advance from tour operators. It is much cheaper and more interesting to contact the local population. The country is quite poor, so many will not refuse such a side job.

When is the best time of year to visit Vietnam?

The climate in Vietnam is different for the southern and northern parts of the country. In the flat south it is a tropical savanna climate, and in the mountainous north it is a tropical monsoon climate.

The air in Vietnam is very humid, precipitation falls in in large numbers but there are also many sunny days. The disadvantage of the country is the high exposure natural disasters– droughts, floods, salt water intrusions, landslides.

The average annual temperature in Vietnam is +22-25 degrees. The proximity of the southern part of the country to the equator ensures the absence of a pronounced change of seasons. Monsoons in the north bring cold air from China, so the temperature in winter can drop to +15 degrees. In the south in summer it is + 28-29 degrees, and in winter - + 26-27 degrees.

The greatest amount of precipitation falls in the hills - twice as much as in the flat terrain. The rainy season is observed in May-September, and in the central regions it drags on until January. Most of the precipitation is brought by tropical cyclones and typhoons.

For a beach holiday in the south of Vietnam, it is better to choose winter. In spring, it is better to give preference to the central regions of the country.

Summer rains make it irrelevant to rest anywhere in the country. In autumn, in the north of the country and in the central regions it is dangerous due to hurricanes and typhoons, and it is better to go to its southern part by the end of the season, when the rains subside.

Vietnam is a colorful and exotic country. Here is magnificent nature, interesting sights, special cuisine. Tourists are also attracted by democratic prices, magnificent beaches, local culture and way of life. Shopping is also of interest - in Vietnam you can buy original souvenirs and many exotic things.

Determining the season when it is better to relax in Vietnam

Amazing, full of contrasts, ancient and rapidly developing, invariably friendly and very hospitable Vietnam! Ten years ago, our tourist would have raised his eyebrows in surprise at the offer to visit Vietnam. For what? What else can you see there, except for poverty, wild jungle and socialism?! But now the situation has changed and it's time to talk about when it is better to relax in Vietnam.

Vietnam is a country where capitalism and socialism coexist quite peacefully. The intensively developing tourism industry dictates its own conditions, requires the development of tourism technologies and the entertainment industry, an increase in the level of service (how else to lure tourists from the notorious Thailand?).

Most of the country is occupied by mountains, green, covered with jungle, rocky, going straight into the sea, descending in steps of rice terraces, riddled with picturesque huge caves, and waterfalls that reveal fabulous beauty. The bay is considered one of the wonders of the world, and Nha Trang Bay is one of the most beautiful dive sites in the world. By the way, it is one of the most accessible in the world.

Nature tourism, coupled with its active types, is one of the most developing areas in Vietnam. Historical monuments that have come down to us after a millennium (the history of the country dates back to approximately the year 100 of the beginning of our era), carefully preserved and carefully restored, are of great interest not only to vacationers, but also to scientists.

Local trades and crafts are the amazing art of silk embroidery, Cham ancient pottery in the south of Vietnam, a kind of sunny painting by local artists…

When and how can you spend your holidays in Vietnam? The climate of Vietnam, stretching from north to south, allows you to relax here all year round. In the north at winter months the temperature can drop to + 1 °C, in the mountains there may be frosts and even snow, while in the south at the same time it will be +35 °C.

tourist seasons

It is because of the climatic diversity that the country is always open to tourists. Someone is interested in a purely beach holiday, without any activities, someone comes here for diving, someone likes the low season because of the low population and low prices.

beach season

Now about when it is better to relax in Vietnam in order to soak up the sun by the sea for a longer time. The Russians are fleeing to warmer climes from cold winter and prefer to come to Vietnam during the autumn and winter months. Especially on new year holidays. beach holiday at this time of the year is possible only in Nha Trang and in the south of Vietnam.

In the north of the country, winter begins in November and lasts until March. The temperature drops to +8–10 °C. The central part of Vietnam is attacked by typhoons, and it can be unsafe there.

In October and November, strong winds blow, a high wave rises on the sea, it rains and Nha Trang is not very friendly at this time. Despite the high air temperature by our standards - + 27-28 ° C, the water is cold, and sometimes the wave does not even allow you to enter the sea. It is better to go here from February to April - this period is considered the velvet season in Nha Trang. The air temperature is kept within +28–30 °С, the water warms up to +28 °С, and the sea becomes calmer.

The south of Vietnam is the resorts of Mui Ne, Vung Tau and the islands of Con Dao and Phu Quoc. In Fukuoka, a beach holiday is possible 11 months a year. It is not recommended to go here in October due to heavy rains. And it will also be useful to read about that in terms of features.

The best time to visit Con Dao is March-June. The days are sunny, the sea is quite calm and clear. At other times, the weather brings surprises in the form of rain and unexpected storms from July to September and wet easterly winds from September to January.

Mui Ne does not have a pronounced rainy season due to the fact that the resort is located, as it were, in a ring of sand dunes, which, when heated, create a thermal curtain. Therefore, showers there are short-lived and mostly at night. Beach holidays here are considered to be the best during the wet season - from June to October - for two reasons. The first is almost windless weather, when the sea is relatively calm. The second is the absence of jellyfish in coastal water. They are brought here by the monsoon in the spring, and by June they disappear.

Surf season

Recently, namely since 2012, Vietnam has been recognized as one of the ideal countries for all types of surfing. The inhabited resorts in this regard are Nha Trang, Mui Ne, Vung Tau and Phan Thiet. They say that Vietnam is the most the best place to learn to surf.

In Mui Ne, you can study in numerous surf clubs, of which there are more than 20. best seasons for surfing in Mui Ne and Vung Tau - from January to March. At this time, the sea is warm, the weather is consistently clear, and most importantly, a steady even wind is blowing and a long coastal wave is coming. Phan Thiet and Nha Trang offer fabulous surfing conditions from September to January.

Season for divers

The best time for diving is when the water is calm and clear. The coastal waters of Vietnam are indented with coral reefs that attract even experienced divers here. Diving here is considered one of the best in the world and, at the same time, one of the most inexpensive. Vietnam is the only country on the planet where you can dive all year round, but in different places. The best of them are Hoi An, Nha Trang and the islands of Con Dao and Phu Quoc.

On the Con Dao Islands best months March-August are considered for diving. At this time there are no strong winds and the water is clear. Recommended for experienced divers due to the great depth and strong currents.

Fukuoka has the most interesting underwater world on the northern and southern coasts of the island. Here the diving season lasts from November to early June. Exclusively clear water creates excellent visibility even at shallow immersion. Recommended for beginners.

In Nha Trang, this time is from February to September. There are special spacious boats equipped with a diving platform. Diving today will be offered to you not only by specialized clubs, but also by many hotels that have purchased equipment and equipment for this purpose. Nha Trang Bay has the best diving in Vietnam. Recommended for all categories of divers.

It is better to go to Hoi An (central part of Vietnam) for diving from May to October. There are several dive centers in the city. The most popular are several islands near Hoi An - these are marine park Ku Lao Cham. But the most beautiful underwater world is on Cham Island. There, by the way, there is also a dive center.

fishing season

Fishing is considered a separate entertainment for tourists in Vietnam. Marlin, tuna, sea bream, cobia, shellfish are caught in the sea, but for them you need to go far into the sea, where tourist agencies do not carry tourists. In addition to the sea, there is river, lake fishing, fishing in rice paddies and from the seashore. Some travel agencies offer fishing tours to Vietnam, but it is very difficult to vouch for their success. The lack of experienced Russian-speaking guides, equipped ships, the inability to go far into the sea due to the proximity of border waters make it far from being as complete as it is presented in advertising booklets.

Sea fishing season - 10 months a year. October and November are excluded, when the sea can be closed for any sea excursions due to strong waves. Lake and river fishing is open all year round. Usually, travel agencies will take you to the nearest artificial lake for about $50, where you can sit with a fishing rod and catch a fish that will be cooked for you right there. Phu Quoc Island offers squid fishing. Entertainment is available at any time of the year, except for October, when it rains heavily and there are almost no tourists.


Sightseeing tours are possible at any time of the year and do not depend on the weather. In Nha Trang, for example, excursions are not canceled even in heavy rain. Tourists are given raincoats and taken to see the sights.

In Hanoi, excursions are also held in winter. Halong Bay is also open for day trips all year round. Although all its beauty - azure water, white sandy beaches on the islands and fancy grottoes - is best viewed from May to August.
The resort of Sapa, which is famous for its extraordinary beauty of rice terraces, is best visited from September to mid-December.

In Central Vietnam, it is worth visiting the city of Hue - ancient capital Vietnam. It is famous for the imperial palace and the tombs of the Nguyen emperors. You can take a very pleasant walk along the Fragrant River.

Not far from Hue is the third largest city in Vietnam - Da Nang. It is more popular among Europeans and Australians. You will rarely meet Russian vacationers there. And, of course, charming Hoi An, the Vietnamese Venice. It is included in the list world heritage UNESCO, as an exemplary South Asian medieval trading and port city. More than 800 buildings of those times have been preserved in the town. The sights of Central Vietnam are best visited from December to May.

We move to Nha Trang and study local historical and natural monuments. There are six main excursions here - the Northern Islands, the Yangbei Eco-Park with thermal springs, the mountain town of Dalat, the Southern Islands, the paradise beach of Zoklet and the sightseeing tour of the city, which is called the "religious triangle". The Northern Islands (Nha Phu Bay) and the Southern Islands (Nha Trang Bay) only close during a heavy storm in October or November, and even then not always.

The Northern Islands - Orchid Island and Monkey Island - can be visited at any time of the year. To the South Islands - Hon Mun, Hon Tam and Hon Mieu in the Chi Nguyen Aquarium - it is better to refrain from traveling in October and November. Near Moon Island, tourists are offered snorkeling, but in muddy water it is not at all impressive, and besides, it is quite cool.

The most interesting and rich excursion is the city of Dalat. It is located on a highland at an altitude of about 1500 m above sea level. The city was built by the French and is very young - it is a little over 100 years old. The unique mountain climate makes it possible to grow coffee, tea and grapes on the local slopes. It is called the city of love and eternal spring. It is especially good in February, when the sakura blossoms. It seems that the streets are floating above the ground in a pink cloud. Excursions to Dalat are carried throughout the year.

The south of Vietnam is interesting for the remains of the Cham Empire in the form of towers, preserved from the 10th-11th centuries AD. Mui Ne is notable only for its nature - there you should definitely see the colorful sand dunes. On the islands of Con Dao and Phu Quoc, the only historical sights are military prisons.

It is impossible not to visit Ho Chi Minh City. So it is called only by Russian tourists. For everyone, it remains Saigon - a huge metropolis, the southern capital of Vietnam, where almost all of the country's industry and many historical monuments are concentrated, especially those related to the war with America. You can go here at any time of the year. From Saigon you can get to the Mekong Delta.

Wellness vacation

Vietnam can be considered one big health resort. Almost throughout the country in the mountains there are healing mineral springs. But the main sanatorium city is Nha Trang. There are three mud baths here - Thap Ba, and I-resort.

Each is good in its own way, but the water and mud there are the same in composition. Eat thermal springs and Yangbei Eco Park, but it takes too long to get there. Water and mud treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, skin diseases, have a healing and tonic effect. There are similar spa centers in southern Phan Thiet. Wellness vacation possible at any time of the year and does not depend on the seasons.

- a beautiful country with a long history, today attracts tourists with its beautiful long white sandy beaches. As in any Asian country, Vietnam has different periods for a comfortable visit to this country.

Best time to visit Vietnam

The best and most comfortable months are: December - April.

Peak tourist season: July - August.

The least popular months for tourists: April - June, September - November.

Vietnam has 4 seasons: May - June (monsoon period), July - August (summer), September - November (monsoon period), December - April (winter).

The best time to visit this country should be chosen taking into account where you want to go, as during the year the amount of precipitation and the amount of sun is different. However, the most comfortable season throughout the country is between December and April.

  • The best time to visit the south of Vietnam is from December to April, when the weather is dry and warm.
  • Central Vietnam, best time for a trip - February - May, at this time it is not hot and there is little rain.
  • The north of the country is best visited - from October to December, at this time the weather is most comfortable.

In the period from July to August, the tourist season begins in Vietnam, but at this time the weather is quite hot, the streets are very close, so this time is not the most comfortable for a trip. From December to March, the weather is comfortable and pleasant throughout the country, except for the northern regions, it can be cold there. There is practically no rain during this period. Periods from April to June and from September to November are comfortable periods of time to visit Vietnam, but typhoons and heavy rains are possible, mainly in the north and in the central part of the country.

Seasonal overview

Winter - December - April

This is the driest season in Vietnam. There may be light rain in central Vietnam, while the rest of the country is warm and dry. It can be cold in the north of the country, especially closer to January.
Do not forget that December and January are a popular time for tourists, so book hotels in advance.

  • Average temperature: 22 - 35 ° C (in Hanoi);
  • Precipitation: 22 - 37 mm.

At that time convenient places to visit: Phu Kok, Nha Trang, Con Dao, Hoi An and Halong. In February, you can participate in the meeting of the Vietnamese New Year.

Spring - May to June

May and June - temperatures begin to rise, in some regions the rainy season begins, mainly in the north and south. Typhoons are possible. The weather in Hanoi, Ha Long and central Vietnam is warm and dry.

  • Average temperature: 37 - 38 ° C (in Hanoi);
  • Precipitation: 0 - 12 mm.

At this time, you can comfortably visit Hanoi, Da Nang, Nha Trang, Qui Nhon and the Central Highlands.

Summer - July to August

In Vietnam, this is a hot and humid period, not the most comfortable time to visit. High spirit. Central Vietnam will be incredibly hot and dry, the monsoon in the south begins by July. It is raining in the north of the country.

  • Average temperature: 36 - 38 ° C (in Hanoi);
  • Rainfall: 1 – 9 mm

At this time, comfortable places to visit the beaches in Hoi An, Da Nang, Nha Trang. It is best to avoid the southern part of the country. At this time, the Vietnamese festival, the Festival of Traveling Souls, takes place.

Autumn - September to November

At this time, it is comfortable in the north of the country, in other parts the rainy season begins. The climate is hot and humid. Not a popular time for tourists, so discounts are everywhere and everything is cheap.

  • Average temperature: 29 - 35 ° C (in Hanoi)
  • Rainfall: 9 - 23 mm

You can visit Sapa, rice fields in Mu Cang Chai. There are many festivals across the country and national holidays Vietnam.
