The best time to relax. Where and when is the best time to relax: traveler’s calendar

We must immediately make a reservation that for Thailand the time of the “tourist season” is limited not so much by weather conditions as by the position of this country in the tourism services market. So when best month for a holiday in Thailand?

In fact, you can come here all year round. It all depends on your specific goals, preferences and health status. Based on practical experience, we can roughly talk about the following “seasons” of holidays in Thailand:

  • High.
  • Short.
  • Beach.
  • Rain season.
  • Hot.
  • Chill.
  • Excursion season.
  • Fruit season.

High season

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So-called " high season in Thailand" lasts from late September to early May. This period is due to the end of beach holidays in European countries, so travel companies begin to offer “Asian” destinations.

Good months for a holiday in Thailand (peak high season) are December, January and February. Particularly saturated new year holidays and Christmas holidays.

The best destinations are the resorts of the Andaman coast (Krabi, Phuket, Lanta and Phi Phi), as well as the east of Thailand (Mak, Chang and Kud). Due to high demand, prices for tours to Thailand in the high season are significantly higher than in other periods.

Low season

Lasts in the Kingdom of Thailand from May to October. The number of tourists is falling significantly, and although this period is differentiated as “”, this does not greatly affect the holiday, which of course has some peculiarities.

Firstly, real heavy downpours occur in the north of the country, far from popular holiday destinations.

Secondly, even if it rains a little in Pattaya or on the islands of Koh Phangan and Koh Samui, after it stops, everything dries out within one hour.

Therefore, experts on Thailand advise in the “low season” to visit the south and center of the country - the resorts of the Gulf of Thailand (Phangan, Samui and Tao) and the resorts of Cha Am, Hua Hin. The low season in Thailand is a time of “budget” prices and the absence of “crowds” of tourists.


As already mentioned, the time for a beach holiday in Thailand continues all year round. In one period of the year it is relatively drier, in another it is relatively hot, in a third it is more humid, and in a fourth it is windier. The most preferred time for a beach holiday is the period from November to February - this is best season for relax.

Rain season

This is the time of year from June to September, which is characterized by frequent rainfall and nothing more. Despite the “stories” that it is better not to come here during this period, the rainy season has a number of advantages and benefits:

  • Since you are coming from a plus “temperature zone” to a “plus temperature zone,” your body does not need to acclimatize.
  • There are traditionally few tourists here at this time. All tourists are in Turkey and European resorts.
  • It’s not so hot, nature is changing, the waterfalls are deep and extremely beautiful, there are a lot of inexpensive exotic fruits.
  • A real paradise for surf lovers.
  • Lowest prices.

The only drawback of the “rainy season” is high humidity.

Hot months

The hot season lasts in the Kingdom of Thailand from March to May and is characterized by dryness, heat and not very comfortable air temperatures - from 35 to 40 degrees Celsius. The water temperature near the shore is 28 degrees Celsius.

Cooler months

This is one of the most comfortable times of the year for beach holidays and swimming. The cool season lasts in Thailand from November to February. It is characterized by dryness and comfortable temperature - the air is 30 degrees Celsius, the water near the coast is 27 degrees. Rainfall is rare or absent.

Excursion period

This is usually during a beach holiday - the period of the year from December to March. It is characterized by low air humidity and “comfortable” heat.

Fruit season

It would be more accurate to say “fruit seasons”. By the way, exotic fruits are one of the main reasons to visit the kingdom of Thailand at least once in your life.

In this case, each of the fruits corresponds to a certain period of the year:

  • From January to May - mango.
  • From April to June - lychees.
  • From May to June - durian, mangotan, longan, and mangosteen.
  • From June to August - carambola, sugar and rose apple.

And pineapples, papaya, jackfruit and dragonfruit can be bought here all year round.


Choose your holiday season in the Maldives wisely

As in any tropical country, rainy season in the Maldives- Not unusual. However, the rest of the time, the islands and atolls of the archipelago have a calm, warm and gentle climate with wonderful weather. The best time to holiday in the Maldives is in winter and autumn, from September to January. We invite you to learn more about the details of the seasons in the Maldives to turn your trip into an unforgettable adventure.

While in most of Russia in September the dull time of a long rainy autumn begins, a luxurious holiday season in the Maldives. Right now, when the fine and nasty autumn rain is drizzling, and fallen leaves are crunching under your feet, you really want the sunny bright days not to go away; I want the sea, summer and warmth.

The Maldives will delight tourists with scorching sun rays and white sand beaches, blue waves of the gentle ocean and excellent weather. After all, it’s in September season in the Maldives is especially popular among tourists all over the world. The southwest monsoons may sometimes bring short-term rain, but do not be upset. Usually on the islands it rains only at night, and during the day this season’s holiday in the Maldives will delight you with a constant temperature of 29 degrees and warm sea, the temperature of which reaches 26 degrees.

Unlikely short-term rainfall provides only 120 mm of average monthly rainfall. According to the observations of the aborigines, the September holiday season in the Maldives can be divided into three periods: “fura” (08.24-06.09), “utura” (09.07-20.09) and “ata” (09.21-03.10). The first two are characterized by light winds and rare rains, while the latter is characterized by exceptionally clear weather.

What to enjoy on a holiday in the Maldives in October

The September “ata” season (09.21-03.10) gives way to the October “hita” (10.04-17.10) according to “Nikaya” - the ancient calendar of local residents. Light winds, clear skies, moderate weather and almost complete absence of rain - the weather this season in the Maldives is truly unparalleled.

The Hulhangu monsoons leave the islands in October, but they are still strong at night. However, during the day in the Maldives the temperature does not fall below 28 degrees, the water temperature is below 26, and the light breeze and warm air are perfect for a wonderful beach holiday. Please note that this is the weather that best promotes an even golden tan.

Rainfall during the October holiday season in the Maldives becomes even less, reaching general level only 100 millimeters. And if you were given a vacation at work in October, don’t hold a grudge against your bosses - go to the Maldives and celebrate a real celebration of life there.

Holidays in the Maldives in November have some surprises in store

It is in November that the northeast monsoon begins to dominate the Maldives. Thanks to him, the islands enjoy a dry and hot atmosphere; the holiday season in the Maldives in November guarantees you only sunny and hot days, however, sea ​​water cools down a little - to 23 degrees. Locals call this season “Iruvai” - this is what we dream about when we wrap ourselves in warm blankets on chilly November evenings and warm our feet by the fireplaces or heaters.

If you want to admire the lush flowering of tropical plants and exotic palm trees, go to the Maldives in November. It is at this time that the Maldives turns into a luxurious paradise on earth. However, this season will soon be replaced by the “dosha” period (from 09.12), which always brings with it northwest winds and rains.

Holidays in December in the Maldives

The climate of the Maldives becomes more moderate in December. While the native expanses are enveloping White snow In the Maldives, people go windsurfing, explore tropical bushes and bask on the white sand of exquisite beaches.

Hurry up to get to the Maldives before the rainy season and celebrate the New Year and Christmas holidays in an exotic and unusual environment. Where else in December can the air temperature be 27 degrees and the water temperature 25 degrees? And in December there is almost no rain in the Maldives - the total amount of precipitation barely reaches 70 millimeters.

The November “dosha” season according to the local calendar gives way to the “mula” period (12/10-12/22), and from December 23 to January 5 the “furahala” season reigns, which brings a slight cold snap and rough seas.

Holidays in the Maldives in January - plunge into summer in the middle of winter

Sea disturbances and light precipitation “Furahala” are replaced by the sedate calm of “Uturahala” (06.01-18.01), which is characterized by weak winds, and then the complete calm of the period of the local calendar “Khuvan” (19.01-31.01), when the sea is absolutely calm, the air is unshakable , and the weather in general is perfect for a leisurely and lazy coastal holiday.

The monsoons have left before the rainy season from the Maldives, and the atolls are immersed in a sleepy, warm calm - a real long-awaited summer compared to the long and harsh Russian winter. Dry climate, rare night rain, air temperature - 22 degrees.

When choosing the best time to vacation in Thailand, it is important to understand that Thailand is quite big country and in different parts of it the climate varies significantly. If in the northern mountainous regions it is relatively cool in January, then at the same time the most favorable conditions for recreation are established in the southern part of the country. Thus, you can relax in the land of smiles all year round, you just need to choose the right resorts. But let's take a closer look at when is the best time to go to Thailand.

Best months for vacation

Thailand has three seasons: cool, hot and rainy. The main resorts of the country are located in the south, and The coolest season, which lasts from December to mid-March, is considered the most favorable for relaxation.. But despite the fact that the season is called cool, this does not mean that it is cold during this period. Not at all, it’s just that the daytime temperature drops to an acceptable 27-30 0 C for Europeans and large waves do not bother the beaches. The largest flow of tourists occurs in December and January; if you are planning to vacation in one of these two months, then do it in advance or.

Hottest months

The hot season lasts from the second half of March to May. During these months, the air temperature rises to 35-38 0 C. This creates certain difficulties for a comfortable rest: if you walk around the city for a long time, you quickly get tired; you can quickly “burn out”; hotels without air conditioning get hot even at night; there is a lot of plankton in the sea, which creates great difficulties for swimming (on some beaches there is no plankton, so you just need to carefully choose a place and your vacation will be comfortable). But if this is not a problem for you, then you can safely go on vacation to Thailand during these months. By the way, the heat has its advantages, for example, in Bangkok during the hot season there are big discounts on almost everything: from fruit to equipment.

Rain season

Rainy season in Thailand starts in June and ends in October. Contrary to popular belief, during these months it does not rain around the clock every day. It can rain 2-3 times a week, and then they usually last a couple of hours, and then sunny weather immediately sets in. You just feel a strong humidity, but this is not critical. But the biggest disadvantage is that large waves rise in the sea, which make it difficult to swim safely (a person who swims poorly can be carried away into the open sea), and it is washed out onto the beaches. a large number of garbage. But there is a way out of this situation: some beaches in Thailand are protected by reefs (mostly those beaches that are located in bays, this is especially true), which means there are no waves or debris there, so if you choose the right beach, you can relax and during the rainy season. Moreover, during the rainy season, hotel rooms can be booked several times cheaper than in the cool (popular) season, in addition, prices for all goods are significantly reduced - this best time for shopping and budget travel.


So, when is the best time to go to Thailand on vacation? The most favorable conditions for a beach holiday are from December to mid-March, but you can relax in Thailand at any time, the main thing is to choose the right place. For example, on the same island there may be different conditions for relaxation: in the east of the island it rains, the waves are raging, and on the west side the weather is sunny with calm in the bay. Especially for visitors, I have compiled a table that shows in general terms which months in which places in Thailand have the most favorable weather for holidays. And here, in fact, is the table itself.

Endless beaches, warm sea, wild nature and pleasant climate create ideal conditions for tourists in Thailand; lovers can have a good rest here different types recreation, be it beach, excursion or dedicated mainly to shopping.

Conveniently, Russian citizens do not need a visa to enter Thailand for no more than 30 days.

Climate of Thailand

When choosing the most suitable time to travel to Thailand, you should take into account the weather conditions in the country and, of course, the peak of tourist activity if you want to spend your holiday in peace and quiet. Thailand is located in several climatic zones, so in different places of the country there can be absolutely different weather, the humidity level also differs. Most of Thailand has a tropical-monsoon climate, while Malay is in the equatorial climate zone.

Thailand is large enough that while Pattaya may be dry and sunny, Phuket may experience heavy rain.

There are three seasons in Thailand: hot, cool and rainy. The hot season lasts throughout spring - from March to May. This time of year is characterized by moderate rainfall, extremely heat and humidity, which is especially noticeable in the central part of the country and in the capital Bangkok.

The rainy season, which many tourists fear, begins in late spring and lasts until October. The heaviest amount of precipitation occurs in September; tropical rains are usually very short but strong. The cool season is from late October to early spring, and it is during this period that tourist activity peaks. There is practically no rain, the humidity level drops, and the air temperature, as a rule, does not fall below 30°C.

Best time for Thailand

The cool season, or the period from November to February, is considered to be the best for a holiday in Thailand, but when planning a trip during this time, you need to be prepared for a large number of tourists and you should hardly expect to see deserted beaches. People who can easily tolerate heat and high humidity can safely go to Thailand during the hot season, when there are much fewer tourists.

And for those who do not plan to sunbathe in the sun all day long, but rather want to enjoy the beauty wildlife, breathe clean air and try Thai fruits, you can visit this wonderful country during the rainy season. Low prices will be a pleasant bonus for traveling during the rainy season.

For those who prefer beach holiday, you should not go to Phuket or Samui in August and, since the waves are too high at this time, there is a high probability of bad weather, and many sea excursions are canceled.

Hawaiian Islands- a paradise archipelago in the middle Pacific Ocean. The natural beauty of the islands is truly perfect. Active volcanoes are combined with modern urban high-rise buildings. Azure waters, white sandy beaches, juicy exotic fruits, coral reefs, Pacific cuisine and endless space for a diver - all this is Hawaii.

The enchanting Hawaiian Islands immerse you in a relaxing atmosphere of a healthy and exciting holiday, unforgettable and at the same time dangerous. To ensure that your vacation memories are only positive, it is important to plan your trip carefully.

Choosing a season for a holiday in Hawaii

In order to competently approach the issue of choosing a season for traveling to the paradise islands, first of all, it is important to decide what seems most interesting to you in Hawaii, what type of vacation suits you best: active or quiet family.

The Hawaiian winter lasts from December to May; perhaps this is the best time to relax on the islands. This is simply the perfect time to surf. Plus, it's also whale season. You should not miss this unique chance to see these amazing and majestic living creatures in their natural habitat.

The average daily air temperature in this period of time is as comfortable as possible and ranges from 20 to 26 degrees.

It's no wonder that the Hawaiian winter is the most popular season to visit the islands. If you decide to travel to the islands in winter period, then you should take care of booking a hotel and transport to get around the island in advance.

Spring comes to Hawaii in March and continues through June. Couples in love from all over the world strive to visit the islands at this romantic time of year. Trees bloom in spring in Hawaii Jacaranda, and the islands seem to be shrouded in a fabulous lilac fog.

Also during this period, the city of Hilo hosts the traditional colorful “Merry Monarch” festival, the purpose of which is to perpetuate Hawaiian culture and the subtle art of graceful hula dance. average temperature The air temperature in Hawaiian spring stays at 25 degrees, however, clear days can be diluted by temporary rains.

Summer in Hawaii is hot and sunny, lasting from July to September. The air warms up to 30 degrees during the day. Summer in Hawaii is the season of juicy mangoes, from which a wide variety of dishes and drinks are prepared. The beaches, shops and restaurants are simply packed with tourists and locals. If you prefer a measured and relaxing holiday, then do not fly to Hawaii in the summer.

Hawaiian autumn– unbearably hot and humid season. There are fewer tourists and, accordingly, prices for food and accommodation also decrease.

Major Hazards in Hawaii

Among the main dangers paradise islands emit tsunamis (typical of the northern regions in the summer-autumn period), earthquakes (echoes of Chile and Alaska) and volcanic gases (dangerous for asthmatics and allergy sufferers).
