Necessary equipment for a hike in the fall. How to go hiking in autumn

UPD 03/03/2018, 09/08/2018, 06/24/2019

Here I will write what you need to buy for a person who decides to engage in tourism. And it doesn’t matter what: on foot, water, etc. The list of equipment and clothes below is universal and suitable for any trip in the summer and in the off-season, where special equipment is not needed. Mountain, winter and other hikes have their own characteristics, they are mentioned in separate articles, but the things listed below are still needed.


If you decide to get out first time in the forest with one night and try as much as you like, you only need 4 main things: backpack, sleeping bag, foam mat (any, find on friends or rent) and boots/sneakers (tested, those that do not rub the leg). This is the necessary minimum. Everything else will be shared with you for the first time and shown what and how. Below is a description of the ideal option to purchase.

This article is about personal equipment - equipment that every tourist should have. Read about group equipment (, etc.) in separate articles.

Basic Equipment


Up to 90 liters for a guy, 75 for a girl. You definitely don't need more.

If you are going to go only to PVD (weekend hikes), then 70 is enough for a guy (even 50 for the summer will be just right). The main criterion for a backpack is a good back and a waist belt. You can not be shy, ask the seller to load the backpack and try it on loaded. In a normal store they will always understand. In a well-fitting backpack, most of the weight should be carried by the waistband, with the straps serving only to keep the pack from tilting backwards.

Pay attention to how the valve (valve - the top of the backpack - its "lid") is attached to the back of the backpack.

The flap is sewn to the back. It is not removable, you can’t stuff large dimensional objects under the valve when the backpack is full to the top.
The valve is attached to the back on slings. It can be removed and used as a small backpack. Also, the straps can be released, the valve will “leave” up and the backpack can be filled with excess

The backpack strap is the basis of everything. If it is not placed correctly or is not tightened, the weight of the backpack will fall on your shoulders and it will be hard for you. Pay attention to how the tightening of the belt is arranged.

The sling comes out of the waist belt. You have to pull from the center to the side. This is not convenient and a fragile girl or child will not be able to tighten the belt tightly enough.
The slings pass through the fast and go to the double slots. It turns out a block, which is easier to pull through. The movement of the hand goes from the side to the center. Such a belt is easy to tighten for everyone.

Zippered pockets increase usability but add weight. Army options made of dense fabric with numerous slings sewn on are also unnecessarily heavy. The weight of the backpack is not the most important factor (more important is his back), but tentatively aim for a backpack weighing about 2.5 kg if less, good.

I do not use the inner partition of the backpack, I usually cut it off to save weight. Remember that if you use this baffle, then less things will fit into the backpack than with the baffle open.

Sometimes it comes with a backpack rain cape. Designed to keep the backpack and its contents dry. Often it is thin - it is torn, small - a rug does not fit under it or is blown away by the wind, flies off, catching on knots, etc. Therefore, I advise you not to dwell on this accessory and store all wet things in hermetic bags (sleeping bag, clothes, electronics). So you can even bathe a backpack in the river - everything will remain dry. I usually choose a green cape and use it to hide my backpack in the bushes when I want to go for a walk without it. In addition to the actual protection from the rain, the cape protects the backpack from dirt or passers-by/subway passengers from an already soiled backpack 🙂

Good firms producing backpacks from foreign countries: Tatonka, Deuter, Osprey. From ours: Basque, Alloy, also nothing.


The most common Izhevsk rug for 450 rubles (in the picture on the left) is the most versatile and cheapest option. The weight of this rug is 450 grams. Do not take thinner than 8 mm - it will be hard and cold. Perhaps someone will like rugs folded like an accordion - so they are a little more compact.

You can take a self-inflating mat. On such a rug it is softer to sleep, bumps, snags and stones under the body are not terrible, spending the night on the snow will not bring inconvenience. Also, these rugs are more compact, wear them inside a backpack. But cheap self-inflators die quickly, while normal, compact and lightweight ones are expensive. Some of the best mats are made by Termarest, their self-inflating mats come with a lifetime warranty. I have not yet seen people who would refuse to use the Termarest self-inflator. The weight of this rug is about 700 grams.

Important: A self-inflating mat is a mat that has foam inside that creates a thermal insulation barrier and which “bursts” the mat a little, giving it a chance to inflate itself a little if the valve is open. You still have to blow it with your mouth. If such a rug is pierced, then you will be left with a bedding as thick as a regular non-inflatable rug. It will not be comfortable, but if the overnight stay is not on the snow, then nothing terrible will happen. (In an emergency, you can additionally lay a backpack, rope, clothes, etc. on the snow.)

It is better to store such a rug in a straightened form, for example, behind a cabinet, so that the foam “remembers” the correct volume and does not cake.

An INFLATABLE mat is the same as a mattress for swimming in the sea: a rubber shell that inflates with air, like a ball. Such a carpet is colder, often rustling and more afraid of punctures. Such a carpet is much cheaper, lighter, but you do not need it.


Separately, it is written about the sleeping bag. There is also how to store and collect it.

There are two types of sleeping bags "cocoon" and "blanket". The first is more compact, lighter and warmer. The second one is only useful in that, when fully unfastened, it turns into a blanket and many guests in the country are covered with it at once.

Sleeping bags vary in temperature. Manufacturers indicate several numbers on sleeping bags: upper comfort temperature ( tmax) - indicates the temperature when it becomes hot in such a sleeping bag - it’s not at all clear why you need it, if it’s hot - unzip; extreme temperature ( text) - indicates the temperature at which you will die from the cold in a sleeping bag. It is also not clear why it is needed, although many are guided by it - they probably want to die from the cold ...; comfort temperature ( t comf) is the minimum temperature at which the average woman will be normal in this sleeping bag. It is on her that girls should be guided when buying! Men are more frost-resistant, so they need to choose a sleeping bag according to the minimum comfort temperature ( T comf min or T limit).

Take a sleeping bag with a comfortable temperature under your floor around 0 degrees. This is the most versatile option - for the cold northern/mountain summer and for autumn and spring in central Russia. Such a sleeping bag should weigh 1.2 -1.3 kg. At -5 comfort 1.5 kg.

If the store sells sleeping bags of different sizes, I advise you to take a sleeping bag equal to your height + 10-15 cm. This will greatly reduce the weight of the sleeping bag.

There are also sleeping bags with synthetic insulation and downy ones.

On initial stage It is better to take synthetic. Of the synthetic heaters, Primaloft insulation currently has the best performance in terms of weight / thermal conductivity. Fluff is even better, but it is very afraid of moisture and much more expensive.

Also, sleeping bags come with left and right lightning (in the common people "left" and "right"). They are designated respectively by the letters L and R. The left and right sleeping bags are fastened together, and it becomes warmer to sleep. And in an emergency, three people can be put in a twin of two sleeping bags. Make it a rule to buy left sleeping bags for guys in your group, and right sleeping bags for girls. Then there will be no problems with stitching and everyone will be warm :)

Some companies sometimes produce women's sleeping bags. They just have more insulation, especially in places that are heavier for women.

The sleeping bag is sold with a compression bag. But it is worth keeping it in it only on a hike !!! Long-term storage of a sleeping bag in a compressed form worsens the thermal insulation properties of the insulation.


With these magic letters, tourists designate TO pen, L burn, M lawsuit H wait. No one has ever seen a case where a fork comes in handy on a hike 🙂

On the first trip, buy what you like. In a more serious approach, it is better to think over your dishes so that you can boil water in one of the containers (bowl or mug). Those. it should be metal and with long handles. The second container can be taken plastic to lighten the weight. You can read about dishes.

You probably shouldn't take a knife at all - you don't need more than one per group (if the leader has included it in the list of public equipment). If the food layout is without cans, then the knife is needed simply to open the food packaging and cut them - a light stationery knife is suitable for this. If you still want to take a knife, take a light, sweet option. I have a detailed article on what knives I wore on a campaign.


A separate article about my lanterns.

It’s better to immediately have a bourgeois company (Petzl, Fenix ​​or BlackDiamond) for normal money - it will be cheaper than buying Chinese disposable ones for 100 rubles. And in the economy vseravno useful. Leave a hand-held (not headlamp) lamp at home if you do not want to portray a disabled person who can perform useful actions with only one hand.

If you love nature (you don’t want to throw away spent batteries) and your own wallet, buy a portion of batteries for a flashlight. The coolest in terms of price / quality ratio are sold in Ikea, both AA and AAA. More about batteries. And they can be charged in the field.


You can put things there so that they do not get wet, even if they fall into the river. They are the size of a backpack - for things and a sleeping bag (first of all!), There are very small ones - for a mobile phone and documents. It is desirable to have both.

There is even a special germ for toilet paper :)
It is convenient if large herms are equipped with a valve - it is more convenient to bleed excess air in the bag, and they have a transparent window - you can see what is inside.

Do not take dense, thick large germs. They are designed for rafting, designed for the fact that you will take them out of the kayak and throw them on sharp stones. What you want is a light, flexible herm that won't take up much room in your backpack and weighs little. You will carefully take it out on the foam in the tent.


The ability to make a fire always and everywhere is often vital. Carrying with you always the means for this is a good form of a tourist. Put one lighter closer - in the pocket of your clothes. Put the other one in an airtight container with kindling in case the one in your pocket gets wet. The packaging can be a small hermetic case, a sealed jar (for example, from under vitamins), a tied balloon. Kindling can be dry fuel (dry alcohol), a small candle, birch bark, cotton wool,.


If you understand how this thing works, it will allow you not to get lost while going to the toilet 🙂 At the same time, you can start learning how to work with the map until you have purchased a GPS receiver. Take any where the numbers are written around the arrow (azimuth designation) and the arrow is spinning in the liquid (so as not to flutter). An orienteering compass on a clear plastic plate (like the one in the picture) from any travel store will do just fine. An article on how to use a compass.


This unique invention, which is a piece of foam with an elastic band, put on the fifth point, so that it is warm and not wet to sit, costs a penny, is sold everywhere and increases the pleasure of staying at the bivouac many times over.


The easiest option is to take plastic bottle from under water about a liter in the nearest stall. And your camping flask is ready! If you take a flask with a wide mouth (for example, from Nestea tea), it will be convenient to throw a lemon or something else tasty there. The disadvantage of such flasks is their rejection of boiling water. If the flask is made of plastic that can withstand boiling water (there are many in tourist shops), then you can pour yourself tea without waiting for it to cool down - very convenient, speeds up the collection time. And it happens that you can’t use water without boiling at all, then such flasks are salvation. I do not recommend iron flasks. They are heavy, and it is not clear what kind of dirt is there behind the opaque walls in the dark.

The cool American company Nalgene makes a lot of boil-resistant models and accessories.


For the first time, any small towel is taken. To wipe your feet after the ford and get into dry shoes or finally wash in the bathhouse at the end of the route. For the second time, I already advise you to buy a microfiber towel - a quick-drying lightweight material similar to fleece.



They are bought so that they don’t rub anything anywhere and sit like relatives. The ankle must be fixed. It is desirable if they are made from a single piece of material on top - this way the water resistance lasts longer.

Sandals / Crocs

A very necessary thing.

  • walk in the parking lot so that the legs rest from heavy boots;
  • walk in the parking lot so that the basic boots dry;
  • wade the river and not soak the main shoes;
  • walk along an easy path when the boots rubbed the foot.

Remember that ordinary sandals often rub people's feet, especially if they are wet. I don't know how your sandals behave on your feet 🙂 Sport sandals with a closed toe are good, but they weigh a lot.

In the picture, I placed exactly crocs, since they are perfect in my opinion. They are not hot in them, they do not fly off the leg, they cover the leg from above from stones, they are soft and do not rub, there is a protector at the bottom for walking on the terrain.

The choice is yours. You may have to try different things and get your own experience to make a final decision.


On your first weekend trip, you can get by with a regular windbreaker or the cheapest oilcloth raincoat. The trouble is that you will sweat under such an oilcloth and get wet. Therefore, I strongly advise you to still buy a suitable windbreaker jacket with a membrane. It's the windbreaker without heater other layers will keep you warm.

A membrane jacket should protect against wind, water from above, but at the same time prevent you from getting wet from sweat from below.

The membrane has the following properties: vapor permeability and water tightness. Both should be around 20,000 (one in g/m2/24 hours, the other in mmH2O). If you have doubts and money, take a jacket with a GoreTex 3L membrane - you will not lose.

If you are going to go to the mountains, choose a jacket so that the hood fits over the helmet.

Such a jacket in tourist shops can be found in the section hard shell, in the military this is called the 6th layer of clothing.

For those who are not on their first trip: Once you have a reliable jacket that protects you from the rain, you will not want to sit around the fire in it, carry firewood or wear it out on winter hikes where there is no rain. Then think about a cheap travel anorak or what is called SoftShel in stores. A softshell is a cross between a fleece (it is soft and stretchy, “breathes”) and a membrane jacket (protects from wind and light rain). In such clothes it is convenient to walk in windy, dry weather. Examples of lightweight softshell windbreakers and durable softshell jackets. Whether to take such clothes on a big hike with a HardShel membrane jacket is a question that you have to answer for yourself.


From the sun. Whoever likes it, I personally am for bandanas / buffs, because if you don’t need this thing, this thing goes into your pocket, hangs on your wrist, and the cap is lost.

Often I wear second buff around the neck to protect the throat from the wind. Cheap buffs have one side white color- this helps to better protect your head in the vigorous sun in the mountains.


Should fit the entire body. Otherwise it doesn't work. Contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary to warm, but to remove moisture from the body. Choose thin sweat-wicking models. The top (jacket) is often needed, the bottom (pants), I personally put it on only at low temperatures.

To travel in the mountains you need thermal underwear:

  • with long sleeve(a rag is more reliable than a cream, protects the skin from the sun;
  • light(if the thermal underwear is black, you will be very hot due to the high solar activity in the mountains).

In the absence of thermal underwear, you can exist in a regular T-shirt. Keep in mind that cotton fabric takes a long time to dry.


Fleece/polaratek jacket. Your insulating layer. I recommend with a hood - otherwise very often (in the evenings, on the water or higher in the mountains, in the wind) you will still want to put on a hat that is not at hand. Fleece (aka Polartec), unlike a regular wool sweater, warms even when wet.
If not, it is replaced by a sweater, sweatshirt from the closet.

Pants should be without insulation, not hot, durable and not easily soiled. It is best to take pants made of quick-drying synthetics. Such pants are sold in tourist shops called "route", those called "Soft Shell" are also suitable. They are not hot, they dry instantly right on the body. Only the sparks of a fire are afraid.

If you are going to walk a little, and hang out more under an awning by the fire (trips to barbecues in the forest), then it is better to take pants with a high content of cotton - such pants deteriorate more slowly from sparks.

As the second pants, you can take PVC waterproof and windproof, and even better, membrane pants (although everything will get wet in a downpour and in a wet forest anyway). They will definitely come in handy if you expect prolonged bad weather and temperatures close to zero during the day. IN good weather Not needed.

If you add thermal underwear to your route pants in winter, then you will be fine down to -10 degrees or less.

About the color: it’s better to choose some greenish khaki color so that the dirt is not so noticeable 🙂

As for jeans, they take a long time to dry and usually restrict movement.
As for shorts, they are rarely needed. In case of a special heat, you can take it with you, but nettles, sharp branches and mosquitoes will appear exactly 50 meters after you change clothes :) In the mountains, your legs will burn from the sun. You can put the shorts in a bag with clean things to return to civilization. Some people wear shorts over running thermal underwear, and some people wear shorts with leggings - when walking on snow / glaciers in the bright sun, this can be comfortable.


It will come in handy in spring and autumn in the central strip of Russia and in summer for traveling in low mountains. Useful on cold evenings and on halts.

Like sleeping bags, they come with synthetic insulation and down. But outerwear is much easier to get wet from the rain, so I prefer synthetics. Do not dry a wet downy thing on a hike.

Things you already have at home:

- t-shirt. You can sleep in it or look like a decent person on the train :)
- a toothbrush, toilet paper (in a germ or at least a sachet!), It is written about a towel above;
- a smartphone is both communication and. Don't forget to buy a seal for it. Or at least a ziplock bag;
- an individual first aid kit. In addition to the medicines you may personally need, you should take with you 2 bandages, iodine, painkillers (for example, ketanov, nurofen), a bactericidal patch, a roll-on patch, suprastin, loperamide;

Bilbo: Stop! Stop! Stop! We must return!

Dwalin: What happened to you this time?
Bilbo: I forgot my handkerchief.

A group where I post my travel plans to join.

If you think that hiking is only possible in the summer, then you are greatly mistaken. Each season is beautiful in its own way and in any season you have the opportunity to enjoy the delights and beauties of nature, discover a new mysterious world, get to know the culture of the country, interesting people and find new friends and like-minded people who will help you cope with all the difficulties and overcome obstacles while trekking.

After a summer vacation, depression and a thirst for new adventures and relaxation often set in. So why sit in the office and be sad when, together with the SAMAR active recreation club, you can make an interesting and no less breathtaking trip in the fall. Say there is nothing to see at this time? Then pack your bags and go ahead with us to discover new spaces, countries, trails and routes!

autumn hike- this is an amazing opportunity to enjoy all the delights of the surrounding spaces. Nature at this time of the year is especially beautiful: the forest shimmers with different colors, the smell of rotten leaves hovers in the air, and there is simply darkness of mushrooms, berries and fruits. So who said summer best time for hiking.

Of course, the success of any campaign depends on the right time, and therefore there are some subtleties in the autumn campaigns. They mainly depend on which month you choose for trekking. Of course, if you go on a trip to another country, then the scorching sun, warm sand and azure sea await you there. But if we are talking about the Crimea or the Carpathians, then it is important to take into account the weather specifics in the mountains.

  • . Autumn comes to the mountains at the beginning of this month and after 3-4 weeks all the foothills and mountain slopes are covered with golden colors. Sometimes September is still a continuation of summer, and therefore the weather is especially good: daytime temperatures are kept within 20 degrees, and frosts are possible at night. In order not to freeze, you need to take a good and warm sleeping bag with you, which will allow you to warm up and not turn into an icicle. It is also worth dressing warmly, because the weather in the mountains can change very dramatically and the bright sun will be replaced by strong wind and rain. Nature at this time is already beginning to fill with yellow and red colors, the first leaves fall from the trees, and the birds gather in flocks and prepare for a long flight to another country.
  • . This month is known to tourists as Indian Summer. What are its charms? The bright sun gives us the opportunity to enjoy warm days before a long and cold winter. Daytime air temperature in the mountains does not fall below 5 degrees, and at night the first cold and frost are already possible. You will say that fog is very common at such a time, and visibility can be quite poor. Yes it is! But after all, there is some mysticism and mystery in the mists, and, accordingly, travelers have a special interest. Do not forget that at this time there is a high probability of intermittent rain, frost or even light snow. But this makes the mountainous expanses and landscapes even more attractive and alluring. But the right equipment and well-chosen clothes and shoes will help you stay warm on a hike and get a lot of positive emotions.
  • . This month, winter already dominates and rules in full. That is why the mountain slopes are wrapped in thick fogs, snow flies by, and severe frosts are possible. If you are going on a hike at this time, then it is better to postpone it to a more favorable season.

Tourism in autumn: choosing transport.

So, you have already finally decided to go camping, and now you are thinking with whom and how to do it.

  • The Active Leisure Club invites you to travel with our best guides. Do you know what are the advantages of such trekking? And the fact that we take over the entire organization. That is why you do not need to worry about accommodation, food, travel, and most importantly about where to go and what to see while staying in an unfamiliar country. The autumn season allows us to choose other options for trekking.
  • Hiking. This option is suitable not only for professional tourists, but also for beginners in this matter. Calm, unhurried walks with climbing mountain peaks will give you a lot of positive emotions, allow you to get to know all the beauties of nature, fully enjoy the mountain landscapes, breathe in amazingly clean and fresh air. You can go on such tours with the whole family and even with a child.
  • . In autumn, there is also a great opportunity to go on a trip on a bike. Such trips are especially popular among sports fans. They will help you to see a lot more in a fairly short period than while walking. In addition, cycling is a great opportunity to test your own strengths and skills.
  • . This type of trekking allows not only to get acquainted with all the beauties of the surrounding spaces, but also to have fun in a good company. In addition, when going on a road trip, you do not need to carry heavy trunks of things, because you can put all the bags in the trunk and travel calmly.
  • Also, autumn trips are divided into some types according to duration. They can be:
  • One-day. Most often, these are group forays into the forest in search of mushrooms or berries. The advantages of such a tour are that you leave in the morning and return home in the evening, and therefore you will spend the night with all the conveniences and comfort in your own warm bed.
  • Multi-day. Going on tours of such a plan, you get a unique chance to feel like a real tourist, because you are waiting for crossings over different terrain, spending the night in tents and sleeping bags, as well as real harsh tourist everyday life.
  • Weekend hikes. This option is perfect for people who can not leave work or go on vacation. In just a couple of days you will see new things, learn interesting things, and also unwind and get a boost of energy.

Many tourists like to go on solo trips, but we do not advise you to do this, because it is always better to travel in a good and cheerful company. In addition, in a group trip you will always find the support of like-minded people, as well as interesting leisure and pastime.

Active recreation club SAMAR invites you not to be bored with gray rainy days, but to go on a trekking trip that will change your life forever and make you take a fresh look at the world. Traveling with us you will meet new interesting people, get to know the culture of the country better, gain new skills and abilities, and also discover completely new skills.

Before embarking on a tour, you should go through a detailed briefing with our guides. They will tell you how to prepare mentally and physically for the hike, what difficulties you may encounter during trekking, and will also help you pack your backpacks properly.

Do not postpone travel for the summer, let's conquer the world with the site in any season.

Equipment for hiking in spring and autumn will be lighter in weight and less in quantity compared to winter hiking. But it is worth remembering that in the off-season it can be quite cold and humid, although the main thing is the weather in the shower! Below I outline what you will need for a trip to the Carpathians.

Personal equipment and things:

  1. . It should be ergonomic, comfortable, with a lot of suspenders (straps) to adjust the backpack to the features of your physique. For myself, I chose the Deuter Aircontact 75 + 10 backpack and I am very satisfied . Also pay attention to the volume. It should fit not only equipment, but also food. Roughly, the supply of volume for food should be one and a half liters for each day of the trip.
  2. I choose a sleeping bag depending on the temperature outside the window. I am very thermophilic and prefer a light downy sleeping bag in the off-season (comfort -5 - 0 ° C), although you can also take a synthetic one.
  3. Rug tourist or. Bourgeois Wanderlust I bought back in old times in Moscow. It was not cheap, but it serves as a faithful service to this day. Now, to my regret, they only produce self-inflating mats. In general, Izhevsk is quite suitable, but their quality has recently not been as good as before.
  4. A seat (in the local dialect “foam pop”) is always useful for a hike. You can sit down almost always and everywhere.
  5. also a thing useful, compact and light. But if you are a happy owner of membrane clothing, then you can not take a raincoat. Although I personally prefer, especially in case of heavy rain. In extreme cases, you can get by with a plastic raincoat.
  6. A cape on a backpack in bad weather is a mandatory attribute for tourism.
  7. should not be wet. It is important. And warm enough. If there is snow along the route, I put on my winter Salomon with liners. In the evening, if we spend the night in a kolyba (a house in the mountains), I just walk around in liners - it’s very comfortable.
  8. I put on a jacket made of membrane fabric without insulation on a polar jacket (fleece). But this is in case of rain or strong wind. And so usually I just need a thick polarki.
  9. Warm sweaters and pants, as I said, I prefer polar or fleece (more in the article).
  10. Pants for everyday wear on a hike, I wear light, "breathable". I can, if it's cold, wear polar ones under them. In autumn I put on a thin fleece (hundredth) under the bottom, in winter a thick one (two hundred, three hundred, or a combination of them)
  11. I always take self-dumping pants with me, it’s easy to take off and put on in case of bad weather without taking off your boots (read more). Or something more similar, able to protect from rain and wind.
  12. Underwear and socks can be made from both natural fabrics and synthetic ones. Lots of positive feedback about.
  13. Spare socks - a pair for each day of the trip.
  14. Puff or warm jacket. In early spring and late autumn, a rather useful thing, in case of parking or stops.
  15. (in the common people "flashlights") are relevant in early spring and late autumn, in case there is snow.
  16. A cap.
  17. Warm mittens or gloves.
  18. Camera. I am a photographer and I am not too lazy to take my weighty camera and a couple of lenses to it. My motto: "Weight is reliability!" J. But for an amateur, a digital soapbox will be enough.
  19. Mug, spoon, bowl, knife. Or as they say KLMN.
  20. Headlamp.
  21. Plastic bottle for water.
  22. Strong plastic bags for, or airtight bags (sold in tourist equipment stores).
  23. Sunglasses are a must! The bright spring sun combined with snow can have a strong effect on the eyes and even on exposed skin.
  24. Trekking or ski poles. I recommend. If there is snow on the route, it is mandatory, with rings.
  25. Cream for sun protection. May be needed for owners of delicate skin in spring or in rare cases in winter. Not necessary.

Group equipment:

  1. Tent
  2. Pot or cooking utensils
  3. Burner gas or petrol primus.
  4. Axe
  5. first aid kit
  6. repair kit
  7. Map, compass, GPS navigator
  8. Thermos or thermoflask

On hikes in Above the Clouds, all group equipment, except for tents and thermoses, will be with the guide (that is, me) for sure!

Some of the necessary things for a campaign from the "common fund": a tent, kettles, gas burners, a tourist saw, an ax, fire equipment, etc. - can be distributed among the participants of the campaign.

And more advice from personal experience: in the mountains, the temperature is always lower than in the plains, so do not be lazy to take an “extra” polar bag or a slightly warmer sleeping bag on a hike. Sunny mood to you in any weather!

Autumn and the onset of cold weather are no reason to stay at home and deny yourself outdoor activities. People who are fond of tourism go hiking at any time of the year and know well: there is no bad weather for a hike, there is bad equipment. At quality clothes, shoes, a sleeping bag and a tent, you can successfully go both in autumn and in winter mountains, and such a trip will become one of the most vivid memories for many years.

In addition, autumn is the most photogenic time of the year, and many of us go to nature to capture the bright, amazingly beautiful landscapes that you don’t always see even in summer. It is still warm and sunny during the day, and this farewell burst of heat can warm the soul a hundred times more than a hot July afternoon.

Of course, we can’t always afford a long trip, but it’s quite possible to get out of the city for the weekend with an overnight stay. The so-called PVD (weekend hike) is an excellent compromise for those who cannot be away from home for more than 2 days. Well, this may be quite enough: a weekend in nature will help overcome the accumulated stress and energize you for the whole week.

So, what is the most important thing in preparing for the autumn campaign? We will consider relatively easy trekking, without taking into account difficult mountain hikes at fairly high altitudes, which require special training and equipment.

When packing, it is necessary to take into account when and in what region the hike is held, what temperature is expected at night (affects the choice of a sleeping bag and the amount of warm clothes). Of course, it is recommended to look at the weather forecast 1-2 days before departure, but there is an important clarification here: no matter how favorable it may be, warm and waterproof clothing is a must! The off-season is characterized by a sharp temperature drop, and even if it is sunny and warm during the day, it will be much colder at night.

This is especially true for trekking in the mountains, where the weather changes very quickly and it often snows in September-October. Even fairly experienced tourists fall for lack of foresight in a situation where autumn campaign in the middle mountains (up to 2500-3000 meters) they expect the same favorable weather as on the plain. This is a mistake: even in the case of light autumn trekking in the mountains at low altitudes, it is better to be prepared for real winter weather and be able to warm up accordingly.

Of course, this does not mean that you need to fill your backpack with all the down jackets, fleece jackets and all kinds of sweaters available at home, but in your arsenal there should be one really warm thing for each part of the body, including brushes that should be protected from cold and wind hands, head and face.

So what equipment to choose for the autumn hike? Let's start with the most important thing.


If in the summer you can go for a walk in the forest in ordinary sneakers or trekking sandals (which, however, is unacceptable for routes on difficult terrain), then in the off-season, boots and only boots! Why is this trekking shoe so good?

Holds the ankle well, preventing sprains and more serious foot injuries;
- a dense sole made of special materials cushions the foot;
- well protects from moisture thanks to water-repellent impregnation;
- protection of the fingers and the entire foot from mechanical damage;
- and of course, no matter how trite, but the boots are warmer.

Recall Golden Rule: shoes should be broken in and a little big for you in size (one and a half sizes). This is important, because when descending in shoes of exactly the right size, the fingers will hit the hard toe of the shoe, and this, believe me, is very painful and unpleasant. typical story: a friend bought wonderful shoes from the famous brand Asolo, which were bought exactly the right size and provided him with knocked down fingers on the very first trip - he could not wear them afterwards. In addition, the size margin will not be superfluous at all if you decide to wear warm, thick socks.

However, not only quality is important, but also competent care of trekking shoes. So, you can use it, which protects tourist and sports shoes from water and dirt, and also extends its service life. This is important, since reliable hiking shoes are one of its main components, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate.

You can also enhance the special qualities of trekking boots with special ones that additionally fix the foot, enhance the shock-absorbing effect and absorb moisture. There are even - for maximum comfort.

Shoe covers


As practice shows, in the cold season, the optimal set of clothes looks like a multi-layered onion peel - each layer performs a specific function:

  • The outer layer (storm jacket, jacket) - protects from wind, rain.
  • The middle layer (fleece jacket, polar coat) - warms.
  • The bottom layer (t-shirt) - provides comfort and dryness.

outer layer- this is a windbreaker or storm suit (jacket with trousers). This layer should protect against wind and moisture (jackets made of membrane fabrics such as Gore-Tex more or less protect against rain). A windbreaker does not have to be warm - a second layer of clothing is intended for warmth. This means that the size of the windbreaker should be such that you can pry a sweater or a warm jacket under it.

Twenty years ago, windbreakers were made from a thin tarpaulin. Now synthetic materials have appeared (kapron, lavsan, cordura, windstopper), which are lighter than tarpaulin, and better resist abrasion, that is, they last longer. Plus, they dry quickly when wet.

Storm jackets and storm pants that are used on a hike must have zippered pockets. The jacket must also have a hood. Windbreaker sleeves should have tight cuffs - it will be warmer. Pleasant moments are the presence of ventilation and reflective elements.

You can choose the right model of trousers for the off-season, including those with good water resistance, in, we recommend the model - one of the most versatile waterproof and windproof models in the range. Also a good thing are self-shedding pants that can be put on or taken off while remaining shod (thanks to special zippers on the sides).

As for jackets, there are both, and a variety of colors and sizes. late autumn We highly recommend bringing a puff or warm jacket: if while walking it is quite warm in a windbreaker and fleece, then this will not be enough in the parking lot.

The outer layer also includes a headdress: in the autumn campaign, it is imperative to take a warm hat made of wool or fleece, as well as warm gloves (two pairs are better, so that when one gets wet, there is a supply of dry ones).

Another super thing for an autumn hike, which compares favorably with its functionality, is the so-called. This is a bandana, and a headdress, and a scarf, and face protection. The design of the Buff bandana is unique - this item can be worn on the head in 12 different ways. In the cold, piercing wind or snow, this transformer is simply irreplaceable, the picture below shows the main ways to use it.

middle layer of clothing- provides thermal comfort. It is always necessary to take warm clothes on a hike - a sweater, a jacket, warm pants that can be worn under a windbreaker or storm pants. Previously, almost the only material for the manufacture warm clothes was natural wool. Wool has a very important property - it warms even when wet. At present, synthetic materials (polar, fleece) have appeared that warm no worse than wool, but at the same time are devoid of the disadvantages of wool - they are lighter, better resist wear and do not shrink when washed.

Today, fleece jackets are a must-have for basic hiking gear and are available to everyone who loves and goes hiking. You can pick up a fleece jacket in ours.

bottom layer clothes- moisture wicking. This layer includes underwear - a T-shirt, shorts, socks, as well as special thermal underwear (in the common people termuha), which is made from synthetic (or semi-synthetic) materials, and it is not necessarily warm underwear. Its main purpose is to absorb the moisture released by the human body and take it outside, preventing heat loss and leaving the skin dry. Thermal underwear should fit snugly to the body.

Thermal underwear is sometimes referred to as thermal underwear. These are the same T-shirts, shorts, socks, which are made from modern synthetic wool substitutes (although natural wool may also be included in their composition). It makes sense to use them in the cold season. How to distinguish warm underwear from moisture-wicking? By appearance- Moisture-wicking underwear should fit snugly around the body, and warm underwear should be loose.

Travel mat and seat

For an autumn trip, an ordinary Izhevsk rug (two-layer) may not be enough, so you can purchase and use: such models are much better insulated from the cold. Don't forget to also take: she allows you to sit on any, even the coldest and wetst surface - on damp earth, stones, etc. It is fastened on a belt or on a backpack using a special elastic band and a buckle.

So, we have described the main, basic recommendations for choosing hiking equipment for an autumn hike. The article does not include such universal things as a backpack, a flashlight, dishes, trekking poles, hygiene items, a first aid kit: all this is implied by default and depends little on the seasonality of trekking. The most important thing in the off-season is a good sleeping bag, rug, shoes, clothes (warm enough, protecting from wind and moisture).

With the right selection of equipment, the autumn hike will not cause you tangible discomfort and will bring only joy. If you are in doubt about the choice - come to our store and we will definitely advise you.

Good equipment for an autumn hike is not cheap, but it is a fully justified investment, as quality items will not let you down and will last a very long time. However, if you want to go on a hike, and at the same time there is no way to purchase equipment, you can always take it on the most favorable terms.

Unforgettable hikes in all seasons!

Autumn is in full swing, which means that tourists are waiting for rains and frosts. But is this a reason to give up hiking? Of course not! Autumn hikes have a lot of undeniable advantages: the days are still warm enough not to freeze at the crossings, and the nights are already cold enough to prevent mosquitoes from breeding, besides, the forests are full of berries and mushrooms, but the riot autumn colors, of course, will not leave indifferent the heart of any tourist.

So why not get out on a little weekend hike? In order for the trip to bring only positive emotions, you should responsibly approach the choice of equipment that you take with you. Let's try together to pack a backpack for going out to autumn forest.

We lay the rug next to the tent. Speaking about the choice of a rug, one cannot fail to mention the eternal dispute between tourists about what should be chosen - “foam” or “self-inflating”. If in summer the foam allows tourists to sunbathe on the beach or just stretch out near the fire, because it is much stronger than self-inflating carpets, then in autumn it is recommended to change the “foam” to “self-inflating”, because the cold autumn earth requires a more serious insulating layer than created by thin foam. And the difference in weight between foam and a self-inflating rug is getting smaller every year - modern models of "self-inflating" weigh even less than standard foam.

Speaking of rug, there are many various ways wear it on a backpack, but in the fall it would still be more correct to hide the rug inside. There will be no problems with inflatables, but some skill is needed to pack classic foams. In this video I share with you my experience.

The complete set of tourist dishes can be varied: my dishes consist of two pots, a pan with a non-stick coating, a clamp, a lid, a titanium spoon and a mug - everything is compactly packed into a pot and takes up minimal space. You can also put matches or a lighter there.

Burner, gas and windscreen. If you intend to use a set of aluminum (or titanium) dishes, then you will undoubtedly need them. For autumn weekend hikes, you can use a miniature burner. Short trips don't need a lot of power or super fuel economy, so a small, no-frills burner will do just fine for all your needs, and a windscreen will keep the wind out of the flame and speed up the boil time.

If you're new to camping, be sure to check that the gas bottles you've purchased fit your burner - otherwise you'll need to purchase an adapter.

Knives - one with a fixed blade for cooking and camp chores, the other with a folding blade for picking mushrooms and other small needs. Many tourists do not go hiking without a multitool.

The seat is called differently in different circles: “pendel”, “nurse”, “pendyurka”, “heel”, “hoba”, “natsapnik”, etc. The seat will allow you to sit on wet logs, stones and cold autumn ground without loss.

Lantern - in autumn daylight hours become shorter, which means that a tourist cannot do without it. In hiking conditions, it is most convenient to use a headlamp - it will allow you to confidently move along the trail and free your hands for camp work in the dark. You can choose the simplest model.

Water tank. You can take any flask or collapsible bucket with you, it is very convenient to use flasks with a built-in filter, they allow you to drink water from more or less clean sources without boiling.

Thermoses - with the advent of autumn, they are increasingly found in the backpack of tourists, on a chilly day they come in handy.

A first aid kit is a necessary thing in any trip, regardless of its complexity and duration. On a short weekend hike, it’s probably not worth stocking the first-aid kit with scalpels and syringes - dressings, plasters, antipyretics, antiseptics, as well as remedies for abdominal pain and burns will be enough.

Cosmetic bag. Even the most brutal hikers should not forget about personal hygiene on a hike. In the "cosmetic bag" you can collect a light and compact microfiber towel, toilet paper, wet wipes, a space-saving soap sheet, dry shampoo, a toothpaste miniature and a toothbrush.

Clothing for an autumn weekend hike

Separately, it is worth talking about the choice of clothing. What to wear in the autumn forest when the weather is so changeable?

I would like to suggest the following layout:

    Membrane jacket - 1 Running pants - 1 Trekking boots - 1 Change of shoes - 1 Thermal underwear (pants/t-shirt) - 1 T-shirt - 1 Running socks - 2 Warm socks or chuni - 1 Warm hat - 1 Underwear - 2 Fleece pants - 1 Headwear - 1 Gaiters - 1 Warm fleece - 1

Now about everything in order:

A membrane jacket is an essential piece of equipment for rainy autumn seasons. If desired, the jacket can be replaced with a raincoat - it is more multifunctional and can serve you as a temporary shelter or as a cape for your things. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the membrane jacket is less bulky, more comfortable and, unlike a raincoat, is steam-conducting.

Running pants first of all, they must be durable, but if your path does not run through bushes or thick undergrowth, then you can turn your attention to membrane pants - they will allow your body to breathe and at the same time not allow it to get wet. A great alternative can be tight soft shell trousers, this is a kind of middle option between traditional trousers and membrane ones. Considering that autumn evenings and nights can be very cold, even if the day is a good plus, additional fleece pants may not be out of place for camping or for sleeping.

The choice of trekking boots for autumn should be approached responsibly, wet feet on a hike can ruin the whole impression of the rest. And here the membrane technology again leads the market, although high-quality leather boots with good impregnation can compete with it.

Removable shoes should first of all be light so as not to add too much weight to your backpack. In addition, it should be comfortable so that when you reach the camp, you can take off your heavy trekking shoes and get into a comfortable shift.

Thermal underwear has already firmly entered the list of equipment for a modern tourist - it removes moisture from your body and maintains the necessary temperature regime organism. It weighs little and warms better than traditional clothing. Plus, it's a great sleepwear.

If we are talking about a T-shirt, then a regular cotton T-shirt will do, but for avid hikers, it makes sense to pay attention to models of outdoor brands made from more breathable materials or with ventilation systems and using technologies such as CoolMax or bamboo fiber. Great option - woolen
