Platinum Hydro Whey - features and rules for taking protein from Optimum Nutrition. Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydrowhey Optimum nutrition hydro whey platinum reviews


How does hydrolyzate compare favorably with other types of protein supplements. What components are included in its composition. Dosage calculation and regimen.

Protein for an athlete is more than a regular diet. It is on its quality that the effectiveness of training, the beauty of the body, the relief, the addition of strength and other successes largely depend. So if you buy an additive, then only high-quality. In this regard, one of the leaders is platinum hydro whey - a high-quality protein that is distinguished by unique purification and a high rate of digestion in the stomach. The supplement quickly enters the bloodstream, and then to the main destination - the muscles.

Let's start with the benefits

To set the tone for further discussion of the product, let's highlight the main advantages of hydrowhey. These include:

  • 30 grams the purest protein in just one serving, plus 9 grams of bcaa amino acids such as valine, isoleucine, and leucine;
  • high-quality peptides of the ACTITOR series, characterized by maximum efficiency;
  • lack of cholesterol and lactose, which reduces the harmful effects on the body and improves digestion;
  • the presence of useful enzymes that contribute to rapid utilization;
  • high dissolution rate, which eliminates any lumps after preparation and speeds up the process of mixing the cocktail;
  • activation of insulin production, which contributes to better absorption of useful components.

All in all, hydrowhey protein is one supplement that has a lot to say.

What is this food?

After the chic praises, you can proceed to a more detailed review of the product. So, hydrowhey is a modern sports supplement that is very popular among athletes. This is not surprising, because the protein manufacturer is a world-famous company (Optimum Nutrition). A serious confirmation of the quality is the first place according to the resource and in the category "New Supplement of 2010". At the same time, despite its considerable age, the protein is still in demand, interesting and ahead of competitors in many respects.

The main feature is the use of a unique form of hydrolysis, which allows you to create a truly fast-digesting and high-quality protein. The process of hydrolysis is the splitting of large molecules into smaller elements. The latter, in turn, are quickly absorbed by the body and do their job perfectly - they assist in muscle recovery and accelerate the processes of their growth. ACTITOR elements act as a kind of effect accelerator - peptides that simplify the work of the stomach.

A big plus of hydrowhey protein is the high speed of action, due to the presence of only pure and “fast” protein in the composition. In addition, the product does not contain anything extra to slow down important processes. Sugar, fats, lactose, cholesterol - all this is absent in the product from Optimum Nutrition. So you can safely take the product and not worry about your health.

Muscle Growth Supplement

Protein from Optimum Nutrition is positioned as an effective supplement that promotes rapid growth muscle mass. Reason - application modern technologies in production and obtaining the purest ingredients at the output. In general, one serving gives the body everything it needs most.

The main component is the most valuable protein, which promotes rapid muscle growth and effective recovery of the body at any time - both before and after training. The manufacturing process itself takes place in three stages - purification, hydrolysis process and enrichment of the product.

The main benefit is efficiency.

An important point is the effectiveness of the purest protein. High-quality hydrowhey protein is maximally purified from impurities and contains the most useful and most pure components. Reception of each serving saturates with a large amount of amino acids necessary for regeneration and building muscles.

The speed of assimilation is at its peak

The hydrolysis process turns the protein into an easily digestible product. After entering the stomach, hydrowhey does not linger in it, but immediately enters as directed - to the cells of the body. An important aspect is a competent combination of proteins that have undergone weak, strong or moderate hydrolysis. As a result, the product combines only best qualities- retains the most valuable components in the composition, enriches the body with special microfractions and, importantly, is quickly absorbed.

If we discard all the complex formulations and processes during production, then we can say it easier. Protein hydrowhey is a sports nutrition that can be taken several times a day and be sure of its absorption. For example, one serving can be divided into morning and afternoon intake. As for linking to a workout, there are two options here - drink a portion before and after class.

What else is useful?

It is no secret that the constituents of protein are amino acids. The only downside is that not all of them are equally useful. Thus, BCAAs are the most demanded by the muscles - a trinity of amino acids that are actively involved in the synthesis of new proteins. Their feature is a high rate of absorption into the stomach, protection of the body from catabolic processes, strengthening of the name system and assistance in recovery. One measuring cup of platinum hydrowhey powder contains about 8.8 grams of bcaa.

One of the main factors when choosing is taste. The developers of Optimum Nutrition have succeeded in this aspect as well. They managed to give the powder excellent taste qualities, which allows you not to suffer, but to enjoy a cocktail. There are several options to choose from - classic, chocolate and vanilla. The quality, composition and solubility of the product does not depend on its taste. You can cook the product on any liquid - be it milk, juice or plain water.

Keep in mind that protein by itself is ineffective, no matter how pure and saturated it may be. The best option- Proper and nutritious nutrition, protein intake from Optimum Nutrition, as well as its combination with other supplements (more on this below).

Reception features

To ensure the proper effect, it is important to drink platinum hydrowhey correctly. The algorithm looks like this:

  1. Take your first serving of the supplement early in the morning. To replenish the body with minerals and vitamins, you can add variety to the "diet" by adding Opti-Men. A serving of this supplement will help in the rapid utilization of the resulting proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  2. Before going to the gym. To fill the body with protein and saturation muscle fibers a portion of the supplement is needed before the start of the workout. So, for 40-50 minutes, take the second serving of hydrowhey. You can add some creatine in the form of a Micronized Creatine Powder supplement to increase its effectiveness. The explanation for this recommendation is simple. Many studies have confirmed that creatine together with protein is capable of more than alone. This combination promotes muscle growth, increased endurance and increased strength.
  3. After classes. Active training depletes the body. Protein and other useful components are used up. In such a situation, it is important to make up for the existing deficit in time. How? The best option is to combine three components:
    • protein from Optimum Nutrition, mixed with chilled coffee;
    • Glycomaize;
    • Glutamine Powder.

    Why so many things? After training, the muscles are open for reception useful substances. At no other point in time do they have such a high sensitivity as after exercise. That is why muscles need amino acids and carbohydrates so much, which contribute to muscle recovery and regeneration. Studies have shown that just a little coffee in combination with protein can speed up glycogen synthesis and charge the body with useful substances (including energy).

  4. The last dose is before going to bed. Here you can give preference to another pair - slow casein Gold Standard 100% Casein and fast BCAA 5000. This combination will allow you to qualitatively protect the muscles from catabolic processes and ensure stable nutrition of the body with protein.

The calculation of the daily dosage is made taking into account two grams per kilo of weight. This is enough to start the growth of muscles and finally achieve the desired effect.

Prices and where to buy Platinum Hydrowhey

Platinum Hydrowhey


Solid composition, excellent reviews, sales experience in the market and the trust of athletes. ON's hydrowhey protein is a real treat. But if you want to achieve a result, learn how to properly combine it with other supplements and clearly follow the rules of admission.

Platinum Hydro Whey is a popular choice among athletes from Optimum Nutrition. For athletes and bodybuilders, it is very important to provide your body with a sufficient amount of quality protein. This product has good reputation, as it has a high absorption rate with the most beneficial effect. The protein does not linger in the stomach, but is quickly broken down and absorbed into the blood, from where it already enters the end point - the muscles.

Supplement Features

To begin with, we should take a closer look at what exactly is contained in the Platinum Hydro Whey supplement. Based on this information, it can be concluded that this protein can be useful for athletes.

Thanks to this composition, the product is easily and quickly absorbed by the body, giving a maximum of useful substances. The hydrolyzate is completely lactose-free, as well as cholesterol, sugar and fats. This improves the digestion process and side effects are completely absent.

Important: A problem with protein supplements can be poor solubility and clumping during cooking. Platinum Hydro Whey eliminates such shortcomings - it has a high dissolution rate.

The product is obtained by hydrolysis. When obtaining a protein, a three-stage method for obtaining a highly effective protein is used: purification, hydrolysis and enrichment. The unique production technology introduced by Optimum Nutrition allows you to quickly deliver the necessary substances to the body, without losing them. useful properties. The resulting "fast" protein, as well as peptides and enzymes, go directly to the muscles. The absence of impurities allows you to maximize this process and ensure rapid growth of muscle mass.

Each bodybuilder should take a responsible approach to the choice of supplements. After all, who wants to pay a lot of money for food that will not work. The hardest part is finding a supplement that actually works. To do this, you need to read the relevant materials, reviews, consult with professional trainers.

Advantages and principle of operation

The main advantages of the protein of this brand, in comparison with competitive products, are the following characteristics:

  • maximum absorption rate;
  • optimal combination of components;
  • lack of metabolism-slowing additives;
  • use of a high-quality pure product;
  • ensuring rapid muscle growth.

Protein and BCAAs are the main building blocks for muscle tissue. Three types of proteins (obtained by weak, moderate and strong hydrolysis) combined in the hydrolyzate provide top speed assimilation of the supplement in order to start the growth processes as soon as possible. Full muscle recovery after training is ensured, which suppresses catabolic processes and stimulates anabolism.

Read also the article on our portal.

The use of this protein

In order for the results to meet the promises of the manufacturer, it is very important to adhere to a balanced diet and use it correctly. sports supplements. Consider the basic recommendations regarding the use of the hydrolyzate.

Methods of preparation and dosage

First of all, you need to determine how much substance a person needs for one day with his standard workload. To calculate the daily dose, the weight of the athlete is taken as the basis according to the standard. The best option is 2 grams of supplement for every kilogram of weight.

Tip: the daily dose can be divided into several doses: morning-evening or with reference to training.

The amino acids included in the protein mixture, when used correctly, guarantee the following result:

  • rapid absorption and assimilation of the product by the body;
  • decrease in catabolism;
  • increased immunity;
  • acceleration of recovery and regeneration processes.

You can prepare a nutritious cocktail in a regular glass, blender or shaker. It is allowed to mix the hydrolyzate with both clean water as well as milk or juice. The powder is perfectly soluble in any liquid and is not taken in lumps.

As for the taste, the manufacturer made sure that it was pleasant to consume the protein. Chocolate, vanilla, etc. flavored hydrolysates are commercially available.

Protein is another name for the protein from which human body wholly or partly internal organs, muscle tissue, skin, etc. If a sufficient amount of protein is not supplied to the body, then muscle growth will simply be impossible. Today there is a large number of specialized protein supplements that allow you to quickly build muscle mass.

Scheme of reception and combination with other additives

It is also very important to be able to correctly develop a protein intake regimen. Since excipients are needed for its better assimilation, some of which are not included in the composition of the product, it is recommended to use other Optimum Nutrition products, combining it with the main substance.

In order to make it easier to distribute supplements throughout the day and combine them correctly, pay attention to the scheme that is used by many athletes and has repeatedly proven its effectiveness:

  • Morning. Drink a serving of Platinum Hydro Wei immediately after sleep, and use a product such as Opti-Men to ensure the supply of additional vitamins and minerals. Thanks to it, the metabolism is stimulated, not only proteins, but also fats and carbohydrates are absorbed faster.
  • Before the gym. So that intense training does not cause catabolic processes in the muscles, you should provide the body with a sufficient amount of protein. Micronized Creatine Powder is used in combination with protein to improve endurance and strength indicators. This combination provides maximum performance.
  • After training. To restore the body after exercise and compensate for the protein consumed during the training process and other important elements, after class, it is recommended to use a complex cocktail consisting of three components: HydroWhey Platinum protein, Glyco-maize and Glutamine Powder, prepared with chilled coffee. In the period after training, a protein-carbohydrate window is created, that is, conditions that are optimally suited for saturating the body with nutrients. Everything that enters the stomach during this period is very quickly broken down into simple elements and absorbed. Sensitive muscles better perceive amino acids, protein and carbohydrates, which are necessary for successful tissue regeneration. Coffee, in turn, helps the exhausted body with a boost of energy and stimulates the synthesis of glycogen.
  • Before bedtime. Use Gold Standard 100 Casein Slow Casein in combination with Fast BCAA 5000. Thanks to the combination of such products, it is possible to slow down catabolic processes as much as possible, which prevents the destruction of muscle tissue and speeds up recovery of the body after daily stress. In addition, at night, the muscles will be saturated with a portion of protein, and stable nutrition of the body is the key to high-quality muscle building.

If you follow this algorithm and do not forget about proper nutrition, you will be able to achieve results in bodybuilding in short time. HydroWhey Platinum Protein is a quality, proven product to include in your nutrition program. If you want to build lean muscle and increase your strength and endurance.

Improved Hydrolyzed Formula whey protein, cleaner and faster than Optimum Nutrition has ever created.

The next step in the development of Optimum Nutrition and its product line was the appearance of a perfect product called Platinum Hydrowhey, which is, in fact, a hydrolyzate of whey protein isolate, which has a fast rate of absorption and action, with the purest and finest protein particles. However, in order to understand the exclusivity of this product, the progenitor of which is the well-known 100% Whey Gold Standard, it is necessary to understand in more detail what the developers and researchers of the eminent brand have invested in it.

Platinum Hydrowhey Facts:

  • Pure hydrolyzed whey protein isolate for faster muscle delivery.
  • 30 grams of ultra-pure protein per serving.
  • 9 grams of leucine, isoleucine and valine (BCAAs).
  • Does not contain lactose, cholesterol and sugar.
  • Contains digestive enzymes for better absorption.
  • Instant form for fast food.

Platinum Hydrowhey - creating value through the synergy of knowledge and technology.

By combining protein processing technology and the best ingredients into a whole, Optimum Nutrition has created the most valuable protein in building muscle tissue. Everything that went into creating Platinum Hydrowhey had only one goal in mind - to increase performance, both in terms of the training room and in terms of the nutrition program.

Platinum Hydrowhey can be called protein in its purest terms, as it is made from hydrolyzed whey protein, purified by isolation from excess lactose, cholesterol, carbohydrates and fats. The result was a product with the maximum degree of assimilation, purity and absorption, providing our muscles with the necessary amino acids for their construction and rapid recovery.

Fast muscle replenishment. protein hydrolysis technology.

The proteins included in Platinum Hydrowhey, 100% hydrolysed, i.e. they have gone through the process of breaking up the whole protein into small particles called peptides and including di-, tri- and oligo-peptide protein compounds, which ensures their better and faster absorption by our body and fast delivery to muscle tissues. Therefore, Platinum Hydrowhey is the first product ideal for taking in the morning, before training and immediately after it, when our muscles really need fast-acting protein, as well as BCAAs equally, since they are responsible for protein synthesis and building new muscle. tissues, protecting them from destruction. For this reason, each serving of Platinum Hydrowhey® has been pumped with an additional 8800 mg of BCAAs. What could be better for anabolic muscle growth?

Try to understand.

The result can be judged only after application Platinum Hydrowhey. Optimum Nutrition has achieved unsurpassed taste with a choice of Turbo Chocolate or Quick Vanilla, as well as an instant form. However, regardless of your taste preferences, it really works and dissolves instantly in both water and milk, juice.

Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydrowhey contains:

Platinum Hydrowhey is instant, so it is enough to mix one scoop of the powder in a shaker with 360 ml of water, milk or juice.

Shake the shaker for 20-30 seconds until completely dissolved and the cocktail is ready.

For best results, follow a high-protein diet throughout the day, evenly distributing the intake of the required amount of protein throughout the day.

Servings Per Container:
454 g - 11 servings.
795 g - 20 servings.
1590 g - 40 servings.

Availability: Voykovskaya metro station ✓ online store ✓

Description of Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydro Whey

  • made from hydrolyzed whey protein isolate
  • 30 grams of ultra-pure protein per serving
  • almost 9 grams of BCAAs
  • free of lactose, cholesterol and sugar
  • contains digestive enzymes for better absorption
  • easy to stir with a spoon

Platinum Hydro Whey - faster, cleaner, more modern! The ultra-filtered formula of protein hydrolyzate served as the basis for the creation of a fast-acting whey-type protein.

Hydrolysis makes large protein fractions look like dust - so substances penetrate faster and into more in fabric. This certainly affects regeneration. The proportion of enzymes and microforms of essential BCAA amino acids is also increased. The term "essential" can be misleading, as all amino acids are required and essential for proper metabolism. The 13 essential amino acids are alanine, arginine, aspartic acid, cysteine, cystine, glutamic acid, glutamine, glycine, hydroxyproline, proline, serine, and tyrosine. Double-chain BCAAs are of particular importance to athletes because they are not absorbed in the liver: after digestion, once the protein is broken down into individual amino acids, these amino acids can either be used to build new proteins or burned as fuel to produce energy.
The preparation excludes the presence of fat, cholesterol, lactose, which slow down the action.

Using hydrolyzed whey protein, we have created the fastest protein available. Hydrolysis breaks down large chains of protein molecules into smaller pieces that are able to be absorbed by the body in the shortest possible time, allowing your muscles to begin to recover immediately. We've also fortified this revolutionary formula with digestive enzymes and branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) to increase its effectiveness. In addition to being very fast, Platinum Hydro Whey is also very clean. This is achieved through the hydrolysis of whey protein isolate exclusively. Thus, it does not contain excess fat, cholesterol and lactose.

Our long-term cooperation with official representatives of brands and manufacturers is confirmed by certificates.

The nutritional value

Package size: 795 g

Servings Per Container: 20



creatine 3-5 g
glutamine 5 g

BCAA 5 g

The nutritional value

Package size: 1590 g

Serving Size: 1 scoop = 39 g

Servings Per Container: 40

Ingredients: Whey Protein Isolate Hydrolyzate, BCAAs (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine), Artificial and Natural Flavors, Lecithin, Acesulfame Potassium, Aminogen (Aminogen), Lactase. Contains milk and soy (lecithin) components.


Platinum Hydro Whey contains an "ultra-fast" protein in its composition: whey protein isolate hydrolyzate. Thanks to this, Platinum Hydro Whey has an ultra-high absorption rate, which is due to its powerful anabolic effect. It should be taken in cases where a quick replenishment of the body with amino acids is required: in the morning, before and after training.

1 serving in the morning, immediately after waking up
1/2-1 serving just before workout
1-1.5 servings immediately after training

Add cold water, low-fat milk or your favorite drink at the rate of 350 ml. per scoop of powder and mix for 20-30 seconds in a glass, shaker or blender.

The Platinum Hydro Whey formula can be further enhanced by adding the following supplements:
creatine 3-5 g
glutamine 5 g
taurine 1-3 g (pre- and post-workout shake)
BCAA 5 g
casein 10-20 g (in post-workout shake with 1 serving of Platinum Hydrowhey)
carbohydrates: fruits, ice cream, yogurt, etc.

Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydrowhey is the fastest, purest and most technologically advanced protein we've ever made. In one word - perfection! By hydrolyzing protein, we have created our fastest acting protein. The hydrolysis process breaks down large protein particles into smaller ones, thereby digestive system absorbs protein even faster, which provides an even faster start to building your muscles. To be more effective, we've upgraded our revolutionary hydrolyzed protein formula with digestive enzymes and micronized BCAAs. In addition to being fast-acting, our new protein is also ultra pure because it's sourced exclusively from hydrolyzed whey protein isolate. Therefore, it does not contain any fat, cholesterol, or lactose, which slow down your progress in muscle mass growth.

Made with advanced hydrolyzed whey protein isolate for faster absorption

30 Grams of Ultra Pure Protein Per Serving

Contains approximately 9 grams of BCAAs (leucine, isoleucine and valine) per serving

Does not contain lactose, cholesterol or sugar

Contains digestive enzymes for better absorption

Easy to stir with a spoon

You can buy Platinum Hydrowhey at the BBR sports nutrition store.

Composition of Platinum Hydrowhey, composition nutrients per serving (1 scoop - 39 gr.) of the product**:

  • Calories - 140, incl. calories from fat - 10
  • Total fat - 1 gr., incl. saturated fat - 0.5 gr.
  • Cholesterol - 0 mg.
  • Sodium - 170 mg.
  • Total carbohydrates - 2 gr., incl. sugar - 0 gr.
  • Protein - 30 gr.
  • Calcium - 10%

Percent Daily Value of Vitamins and Minerals based on a diet of 2,000 calories per day.

Ingredients**: Whey Protein Isolate Hydrolyzate, Micronized Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine), Natural and Artificial Flavors, Lecithin. Contains 1.5% or less of: milk powder ( sunflower oil, maltodextrin, modified food starch, dipotassium phosphate, tricalcium phosphate, tocopherols), salt, cellulose gum, acesulfame potassium, sucralose, digestive enzyme blend (Aminogen, amylase, protease, cellulase, beta-di-galactosidase, lipase). Contains milk and soy (lecithin).

How to take Platinum Hydrowhey, instructions for use: Platinum Hydrowhey is instant, so it always mixes easily and dissolves completely. Simply add 1 scoop to a blender, shaker or 360 ml glass of water. cold water, milk or juice and stir for 20-30 seconds until the powder dissolves. The product should not be used as a substitute for a complete diet. Stop taking the product if you feel abnormal health conditions. Do not exceed the recommended dosage.

Servings Per Container: Platinum Hydrowhey 1590 grams - 40.

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the product, pregnant and lactating women, persons under 18 years of age. Before use, consult a doctor.

Note: is not a cure.

Storage conditions: store away from direct sunlight, in a dry, cool place out of the reach of children.

Best before date: look at the packaging.

Manufacturer: Optimum Nutrition Inc. Attn: Consumer Affairs Dept. 700 N. Commerce Street, Aurora, IL 60504, USA.

* description provided by the product manufacturer.

** The composition of nutrients and ingredients, as well as the weight of one serving and the weight of the product itself, may vary slightly depending on the taste of the product.
