Types of juicy fruits. plant fruits

The fruits of flowering plants are very diverse. They can be classified according to different criteria. Various classifications of fruits follow from this: from what parts of the flower are formed, how many seeds they contain, open or not open, dry or juicy. Most often, the latter option is used. Among dry and juicy fruits, their subgroups are distinguished.

Classification of fruits according to their formation from flower parts

True fruits. Only the ovary of the pistil is involved in the formation of such fruits.

False fruits. Not only the pistil is involved in the formation of the fruit, but also other parts of the flower (receptacle, sepals, bases of stamens).

Classification of fruits according to the number of pistils involved in their formation

simple fruits. Only one ovary of the pistil (wheat, cherry) is involved in its formation.

Complex fruits. They are formed by several pistils of one flower (raspberry).

infructescence. This type of fruit forms a whole inflorescence. In it, as it were, many fruits grow together (pineapple, figs).

Classification of fruits by the number of seeds

One-seeded fruits. The fruit contains one seed, since there was only one ovule (wheat, plum) in the ovary.

Multi-seeded fruits. If there are many ovules in the ovary, then fruits with several seeds or many seeds (tomato, watermelon, currant) are formed.

Classification of fruits according to the consistency of the pericarp

Juicy fruits. Their pericarp has a lot of water, so it looks juicy, soft and fleshy. Juicy fruits are divided into berry-like And drupes. Each of these fruit types contains its own subtypes.

dry fruits. Their pericarp contains little water and looks like a dry shell around the seed or seeds. Dry fruits are also divided into two groups ( box-shaped And walnut), each of which includes its own subtypes.

Berry fruits

Berry-shaped are juicy fruits, in which most often there are several or many seeds. Berry fruits, in turn, are classified into such subtypes as berry, apple, pumpkin, orange, pomegranate.

Yagoda distinguished by a thin skin covering the juicy pulp. Representatives of berries are the fruits of currants, tomatoes, grapes.

Apple It is formed not only from the ovary, but also from the lower part of the stamens, receptacle, sepals, petals. Seeds in an apple-type fruit are in membranous relatively hard shells. Representatives with this fruit are apples, pears, quince.

Tykvin distinguishes woody outer layer of the pericarp (pumpkin, watermelon, cucumber). Pumpkin seeds are located in the juicy fleshy part of the pericarp.

Pomeranian- This is the fruit of citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, tangerines, etc.).

Fetus pomegranate has a pomegranate.

Drupe fruits

The main sign of drupe-shaped fruits is the presence of a hard stone in them. Most often it is one (cherry, apricot). However, there are several or many (raspberries). The drupes are divided into drupes And polydrupes. In the drupe, the inner layer of the pericarp is lignified and usually forms one stone surrounding the seed. A lot of small drupes are formed on a white receptacle in a polydrupe, their bones are very small.

Nutty fruits

Nut-shaped have a dry, non-opening, fairly strong pericarp, which contains one seed. Nut-shaped fruits include such types of fruits as nut(hazel, hazelnut), weevil(wheat, corn), acorn(oak), achene(sunflower), lionfish(maple). Between themselves, they mainly differ in the strength of the pericarp.

box-shaped fruits

Box-shaped fruits have a dry pericarp, which contains many seeds. Most often, their pericarp is drop-down. Types of box fruits: bean(peas, beans, beans), pod(cabbage, radish) box(flax, poppy, tulip) and some others.

The bean, unlike the pod, does not have an internal baffle. In the pod, the seeds are attached to the partition, and in the bean directly to the valves. At the box, the seeds are poured out through special holes.

Fetus- the reproductive organ of flowering plants, which performs the functions of formation, protection and distribution of seeds. The fruit is formed as a result of those changes that occur in the flower after fertilization. In most plants, the genitsa takes part in the formation of the fruit, but in very many plants, especially those that have a lower ovary, other parts of the flower, in particular the receptacle and pedicel, also take part in the formation of fruits. Fruits formed only from the ovary are called true, if other elements of the flower are involved in the formation of the fruit - false, and from several ovaries - prefabricated.

The variety of fruits is determined by three groups of signs:

The structure of the pericarp;

By way of opening or disintegration;

Distribution features.

Pericarp represents an overgrown and often strongly modified wall of the ovary, together with other parts of the flower that make up the fruit. In the pericarp, the outer layer is distinguished - exocarp, internal - endocarp and middle - mesocarp. These parts are not always clearly distinguishable. All three zones differ best in fruits of the drupe type (Fig. 16).

Rice. 16. The structure of the fetus.

There is no single classification of fruits. There are both morphogenetic classifications of fruits, which to some extent reflect their evolutionary development, and morphological. The modern morphogenetic classification of fruits is based on the structural features of the gynoecium. Depending on the type of gynoecium, apocarps (monocarps) and coenocarps (syncarps, paracarps and lysicarps), pseudomonocarps are distinguished. Each of these types combines a large number of fruits of the same evolutionary-morphological level.

Apocarpia- the most evolutionarily archaic fruits. They are formed from flowers with an upper ovary, which have an apocarpous gynoecium. Each separate, free-standing simple pistil in a mature fruit corresponds to a free fruit.

Among apocarpies, juicy (multi-drupe, juicy multi-leaf), dry non-opening (multi-nutlet) and dry opening (multi-leaf) are distinguished. Multileaf is characteristic of many ranunculus, peony; polydrupe - for rosaceae of the genus Rubus; juicy multileaf - for lemongrass. Zemlyanichina is a special type of juicy polynutlet with an overgrown receptacle, characteristic of strawberries and wild strawberries.

Monocarps also formed from flowers with an upper ovary, but having a monocarpous gynoecium. They are genetically related to apocarps and are the result of the reduction of all carpels except one. The most typical among this group are the fruits of the following species: bean (in most representatives of legumes); dry odnokostyanka (almonds); juicy single-stone (rosaceae).

coenocarp fruits are formed from flowers with an upper or lower ovary, having a complex pistil and a cenocarpous gynoecium. If the cenocarp fruit is formed from one ovary, then it is called single-celled, and if it is from two or more ovaries, it is called multi-celled. Dry multi-celled cenocarp fruits can be opened and non-opened. They are able to disintegrate in the longitudinal direction (fractional fruits - schizocarps) or in the transverse direction (segmented fruits). Cenocarp fruits are the most numerous and morphologically the most diverse group of fruits. This group includes such fruits as a berry, an apple, a pumpkin, a cenocarp drupe, a box, a pod, a cenocarp leaflet.

This classification of fruits is rather difficult to use when identifying plants, since it lacks clear criteria for distinguishing gynoeciums. The morphological features of the fetus make it possible to diagnose its type quite accurately, therefore, the morphological classification of fetuses is used in the educational literature. This classification is based on the following features: the consistency of the pericarp (dry or juicy fruits), the number of seeds (opening or non-opening fruits), the number of carpels, may also indicate the method of distribution of fruits and seeds (Fig. 17).

Rice. 17. Types of plant fruits.

The table "Morphological characteristics of fruits" describes the most common types of fruits.

Table. Inflorescences (Bavtuto G.A. Workshop on anatomy and morphology of plants: Tutorial/ G.A.Bavtuto, L.M.Erey. - Minsk: New knowledge, 2002. - 464 p.: ill. pp.410-416)

fruit type Main features Examples
Juicy fruits Berry The fruit is coenocarpous, multi-seeded with a juicy indehiscent pericarp. The seeds are immersed in the pulp of the pericarp. Their outer dense layer is formed as a result of sclerification of the integuments of the ovule. Some plants have only one seed. (barberry). Grapes, gooseberries, currants, tomatoes, blueberries, potatoes, cranberries. Cowberry
Apple The fruit is syncarpous, lower, juicy multi-seeded with a thin leathery exocarp. In addition to the ovary, the receptacle, the lower parts of the stamens, petals, and sepals take part in the formation of the fetus. The seeds, surrounded by cartilaginous tissue of the endocarp, are located in nests. The fleshy mesocarp is formed from the overgrown modified hypanthium tissue. Apple, pear, rowan, quince
pumpkin The fruit is paracarpous. Juicy multi-seeded with hard (woody) exocarp and fleshy growing placenta. It develops from the lower ovary formed by three carpels. Watermelon, melon, cucumber. Pumpkin
Pomeranian (Hesperidium) The fruit is coenocarpous, juicy, multi-seeded. The exocarp is dense, leathery, colored, with many essential oil glands. Mesocarp white spongy. Endocarp thin leathery (its overgrown hairs make up the edible part of the fruit) Species of the genus Citrus: lemon, orange, tangerine
grenade The fruit is coenocarpous. Develops from the lower ovary. has a dry leathery, very dense pericarp, opening with irregular cracks. The nests of the fruit are densely filled with large seeds with a bright red, very juicy skin (the edible part of the fruit). In the process of fruit development, due to the growth of the receptacle, the carpels of the outer circle shift upward and are above the carpels of the inner circle. As a result, the genitsa becomes two-tiered, and in its lower circle the placentation is central-angular, and in the upper one it is parietal. The fruit of the pomegranate in a longitudinal section is two-tiered-four-celled common pomegranate
Juicy odnokostyanka The fruit is juicy. The layers of the pericarp are sharply differentiated into a thin leathery exocarp, a juicy mesocarp, and a lignified endocarp containing the seed and forming a stone. Cherry, sweet cherry, apricot, peach, viburnum, dogwood, buckthorn, elderberry
Dry single stone Single-celled cenocarp fruit with leathery or fibrous mesocarp Almond, walnut, coconut
polydrupe The fruit is juicy, apocarpous. Consists of two or numerous drupes. The mesocarp of each such fruit is juicy, and the endocarp is hard, sclerified. The fruit is cenocarpous Raspberry, blackberry, drupe, cloudberry. Bearberry, ginseng, heart-leaved linden
Dry indehiscent fruits Nut The fruit is dry, one-seeded, non-opening, pseudo-monocarpous. The pericarp is strongly sclerified, woody, bears one, occasionally two seeds. It can be quite large or relatively small. Sometimes it is winged (lionfish). Hazel, hornbeam. Buckwheat, alder, hops. Birch, rhubarb, elm, alder
Multinut The fruit consists of numerous loose nuts, apocarpous Types of buttercup, adonis, cinquefoil
Submerged polynut Each nut is located in the recess of a disc-shaped spongy overgrown receptacle Nut-bearing and yellow lotuses
cinnarodium Multinut; fruitlets are located inside the pitcher juicy hypanthium Species of the genus Rosa (rose hip)
Zemlyanichina, or Fraga Multinut; fruitlets are located on a fleshy overgrown receptacle Species of the genus Fragaria (strawberries, strawberries)
Acorn The fruit is dry, one-seeded, syncarpous. Formed from a flower with a lower ovary. The pericarp is hard, leathery, partially or completely enclosed in the plush. Which is formed from fused axes and bracts of a reduced inflorescence (the oak has only one acorn in the plush, the beech has 2-3 each) Beech family (oak, beech, chestnut)
Achene The fruit is dry, single-seeded, cenocarpous with a relatively thin leathery pericarp, easily separated from the seed; often - with appendages (modified integuments of a flower or bracts), with voles Compositae family (annual sunflower, medicinal dandelion, meadow cornflower, etc.)
Zernovka The fruit is dry, one-seeded, pseudomonocarpous, with a thin pericarp tightly pressed to the seed and growing together with it. In rye and wheat it falls naked, in oats, millet, barley and wild cereals - together with lemmas. Such grains are sometimes equipped with: - tufts of hairs; - feathery awns and other appendages that contribute to the spread of fruits Cereal family (rye, wheat, oats, timothy grass, millet, etc.) Reed grass, feather grass
Dry opening fruits One leaflet The fruit is dry multi-seeded. Formed from a single carpel. Opens along the seam (monocarp). Seeds are located along the seam, less often - over the entire surface of the carpel (in umbrella susak) Larkspur high, field juices
Juicy single leaf The pericarp becomes juicy when ripe. Due to the red color and juicy consistency, the leaflets resemble a berry, but the seam of a single carpel is easily guessed along the longitudinal groove on their surface. The juicy tissue of the pericarp is poorly developed. Seeds make up the bulk of the fruit. They are arranged in two dense rows and fill the entire cavity of the fetus. Voronet spiky
Juicy multi-leaflet The fetus usually does not open. In lemongrass, by the time the fruit ripens, the conical receptacle, seated with free pistils, is very lengthened. As a result, a semblance of a branch is formed, on which red juicy fruitlets - leaflets sit. The fruit of the kadsura is a head (several cm in diameter) formed by crowded fruitlets sitting on an expanded fleshy axis. Schisandra chinensis Kadsura Subtropical Annonaceae family
Bean The fruit is dry multi-seeded. It develops from a single carpel. It is opened with two wings, i.e. along the ventral suture and dorsal fold (monocarp). Fruits are morphologically extremely diverse - sometimes even within the same genus. The legume family (sowing peas, common beans, sowing alfalfa, forest peas, fence, etc.)
bob non-opening When ripe, it falls off without opening. Contains up to five seeds, more often 1-2 seeds with constrictions, slightly swollen. The pericarp is dirty-yellow, with a pitted-mesh surface, leathery, dense, but fragile. Geocarpic: The fruits ripen in the soil. Astragalus licorice, peanut (peanut)
Bob jointed When ripe, it breaks up along false transverse partitions into closed one-seeded compartments. Vyazel multi-colored, loosestrife monetized, seradella sowing
Bob juicy non-opening The fruits are similar in shape to dry beans (characteristically underdevelopment juicy tissues): - - flat large (20-45 cm in length and up to 3 cm in width); endocarp slightly fleshy and sweetish; exocarp dense, leathery; long remain on the tree after ripening; drying out, they become brittle, brittle, freed from seeds; - very peculiar, beaded, fleshy, slightly wrinkled; individual single-seed plots appearance reminiscent of raisins. (In Sophora, the entire pericarp becomes fleshy.) During storage, the fruit breaks up into segments. Gledichia vulgaris Sophora japonica
single seed bean The fruit is apocarpous, quite common in legumes: Types of clover (meadow, meat-red, mountain, plowed, alpine Alfalfa hop-like, white and medicinal sweet clover, licorice
Pod The fetus is formed by two carpels, with a membranous septum between the placentas. Its length is approximately 3 times its width. It is opened with two doors along the longitudinal-annular cracks in the wall. Coenocarp (pericarp) dry multi-seeded. The seeds remain on the placenta surrounding the septum. The cruciferous family (common colza, high walker, smooth tower, gray left)
Pod The fruit is a short pod. Its length is approximately equal to its width. Lunnik perennial, shepherd's purse, field yarutka, borage camelina
Pod jointed The fruit when ripe (like segmented beans) breaks up along the transverse false partitions into closed one-seeded segments Wild radish, perennial turnip
box The fruit is dry, opening, cenocarpous: - single-seeded boll, develops from the upper ovary: - multi-seeded boll, develops from the upper and lower ovaries: a) single-celled, with parietal placentation b) single-celled, with central placentation: Solanaceae, bellflower, lily, violet, bellflower, poppy, plantain, clove, etc. families
fractional fruits Visloplodnik The fruit is two-seeded, fractional. It breaks up when ripe into two mericarps, hanging on the so-called carpophore. Most umbrella plants (curly parsley, common cumin, poisonous milestones, parsnips, sowing, sowing carrots)
cenobius It develops from a cenocarpous upper two-nested gynoecium. In the early stages, partitions appear in the nests; by the time of pollination, the ovary is divided into four nests, each of which contains one ovule. The mature fruit consists of four lobes, one of which corresponds to half of the carpel. Such semimericarps are called erems. Borage family (common bruise, medicinal comfrey, medicinal borage, obscure lungwort, marsh forget-me-not, etc.). Lamiaceae family (creeping tenacious, ivy-shaped budra, common blackhead, common pikulnik, white yasnotka, etc.).

The fruit is one of the organs of a flowering plant. The structure of the fruit is diverse, therefore, they distinguish Various types fruits. The functions of all fruits are the same: the preservation of seeds and the promotion of their distribution.


Any fruit is formed from a flower, so only flowering plants have fruits.

Sometimes they say that the fruit is an overgrown ovary. Initially, the ovary inside contains ovules with eggs. After pollination of the flower and subsequent double fertilization, the ovules become seeds. The walls of the ovary gradually thicken, transform, and turn into a pericarp.


The fruit is made up of:

  • seeds;
  • pericarp.

Rice. 1. The structure of the fetus.

During the development of the pericarp, various organic matter. Some of them give the fruit color, others attract animals with their smell.

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The number of seeds and the nature of the pericarp are the main features by which different types of fruits are distinguished.


The pericarp can grow strongly and accumulate a significant amount of water. In this case, the fruit is called juicy.

Rice. 2. Juicy fruits.

If there is little water in the pericarp, the fruit is classified as dry.

Both juicy and dry pericarp equally successfully perform the function of seed protection.

Rice. 3. Dry fruits.

Fruits are also classified according to the number of seeds. There are fruits with one seed (peach), and multi-seeded (gooseberry).

Table "Classification of fruits"

The table shows only the main types of fruits. There are a number of peculiar fruits characteristic of a small number of species. For example, the fruit of a pomegranate is pomegranate. Its pericarp is dry, but it is incorrect to attribute it to dry fruits, because the peel of pomegranate seeds is very juicy.

There are complex fruits, consisting of simple ones. For example, the fruits of raspberries and blackberries are composed of small drupes.

Some types of fruits are similar. The difference between a nut and an acorn is a lignified pericarp. And the bean differs from the pod in the absence of internal partitions.

Also, the fruits differ in:

  • opening methods;
  • distribution patterns in nature.

For example, a box, a pod and a bean are classified as dehiscent fruits, and an achene, a caryopsis and a nut are non-dehiscent.

The main methods of distribution of fruits:

  • wind;
  • water;
  • animals.

Some fruits scatter seeds on their own. During maturation, inside the fruit is created high pressure, and the seeds are thrown out.


Small flowers of many plants are collected in inflorescences. With the formation of fruits, the inflorescences turn into infructescences. So, the sunflower flowers are collected in a basket. Each flower, when ripe, produces an achene. All achenes are collected in infructescence.

The variety and value of fruits is very great. For many animal species, they are the basis of nutrition.

A person also cannot live without fruits, since to this day they are an indispensable source of various organic substances for us:

  • carbohydrates;
  • vegetable oils;
  • vitamins;
  • proteins.

Therefore, people today, as in ancient times, collect the fruits of wild plants, and also cultivate cultivated plants that give:

  • fruits;
  • vegetable oils;
  • vegetables;
  • medicinal substances;
  • coffee and cocoa;
  • cereals.

The Indians of America considered the chocolate tree sacred and believed that cocoa enlightened the mind. The Latin name for the tree is Theobroma, which means "divine food".

The cotton fiber used to make cotton fabric is also part of the fruit. These are the hairs on the seeds.

What have we learned?

preparing a report or homework in the 6th grade in biology, you need to remember that the fetus contains seeds - rudimentary daughter organisms. Its natural function is to keep the seeds until ripe and to promote their dispersal. According to the nature of the pericarp and the number of seeds, various types of fruits are distinguished. The value of fruits for human nutrition and many animals is very high.

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Many attempts have been made to classify fruits, but due to the wide variety of fruits, no classification is perfect. All classifications of fruits can be combined into 2 groups:

1. Ecological-morphological (biological) - based on external features (consistency of the pericarp, number of seeds, nature of opening, method of distribution).

2. Genetic (evolutionary) - taking into account the origin and evolution of fruits. These classifications are based on the type of gynoecium, and which the fetus is formed.

1. Ecological and morphological classification of fruits.

Main classification features:

1) character (consistency) of the pericarp (juicy or dry ). In dry fruits, all 3 layers of the pericarp are dry (membranous, fibrous, stony, leathery, etc.). In juicy fruits, not all layers are necessarily juicy, one or two are enough.

2) number of seeds. Distinguish: polysperms , low seeded And single-seeded fruit.

3) the nature of the opening of the fruit. Distinguish: a) drop-down multi-seeded fruits, b) decaying low-seeded fruits, c) non-opening single-seeded fruits.

Decaying fruits are divided into two groups depending on how they break up: along the line of fusion of carpels ( fractional fruits) or across ( jointed fruit). The part of a fractional fetus is called mericarp, and the segmented - segment. They usually consist of a closed part of the pericarp with a single seed inside.

4) devices associated with the distribution of fruits (wings, tufts, trailers, etc.).

Thus, in general view fruit classification is as follows.



low seeded

















jointed bean

Articular pod

1. Deploying dry multi-seeded fruits.

A) Leaflets - a type of dry multi-seeded fruits that open along the ventral suture.


Single leaflet multileaflet

(formed from one carpel) (formed from several

carpel apocarpous

polymeric gynoecium)

Leaflets are characteristic more often of primitive families and are usually formed from an apocarpous gynoecium. They are found in magnoliaceae, ranunculaceae, some Rosaceae, etc.

B) Bean - a dry, usually multi-seeded fruit, formed from an apocarpous monomeric gynoecium and opening along the ventral suture (the place of fusion of the carpels) and the dorsal vein (the median vein of the carpel). The seeds inside the bean are attached to the valves of the fruit. The bean belongs to the legume family. Some plants produce single-seeded beans - bobbins, thus losing the ability to open.

IN) Pod - a dry, usually multi-seeded fruit, formed from a paracarpous gynoecium, opening with two valves along the line of fusion of the carpels. Inside the pod has a false partition (formed by placentas) to which sections of carpels with seeds are attached in the form of a frame. The pod is characteristic of the cruciferous family. When the seeds in the pod are reduced to several or one, the pod shortens and is called pod.

G) box - a dry multi-seeded fruit of various structures and with a different nature of opening. Often the box is opened with flaps (along the line of fusion of carpels or along the central veins) (cotton, iris), less often - with valves (for example, in poppy), a lid (in henbane, amaranth). The bolls are formed from the coenocarpous gynoecium.

Fetus- an organ of angiosperms. Its function is to protect and spread the seeds. It is usually formed from the walls of the ovary. Sometimes the receptacle, pedicel, parts of the perianth may take part in the formation of the fetus.

The variety of fruits is determined by four groups of signs:

The structure of the pericarp;

opening method;

The structure of the gynoecium;

Features related to distribution.

pericarp (pericarp) represents the overgrown wall of the ovary. Sometimes other parts of the flower take part in its formation. In some plants (cherries, plums), the pericarp is clearly differentiated into three zones: exocarp(skin), mesocarp(edible fleshy part) and endocarp(bone surrounding the seed).

Depending on the consistency of the pericarp, the fruits are divided into dry (bean, box, caryopsis) and juicy (drupe, berry).

By type of fruit opening distinguish:

- indehiscent fruits(the pericarp is destroyed under the influence of mechanical action, the activity of microorganisms);

- opening(dry, multi-seeded fruits). Opening of fruits can occur:

- longitudinal slits (along the ventral suture or dorsal vein);

- rupture along the partitions (septicidal fruits);

- gap in nests (loculocidal fruits).

Fruits can be opened completely or incompletely by valves: cloves (clove), holes (poppy), lid (henbane).

decaying fruits evolutionarily advanced. Among them there are two groups:

- fractional disintegrate longitudinally in the plane of fusion of carpels. In this case, closed single-seeded mericarpia(umbellate, labial, borage)

- jointed disintegrate transversely in planes perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the carpel. In this case, closed segments with transverse false partitions are formed (plants of regions with an arid climate).

There are several classifications of fruits. According to the morphological classification of fruits, they are divided into simple, prefabricated and compound fruits.

simple fruits develop from one pistil, represented by one or more fused carpels (bean, tulip). prefabricated fruits are formed from several free carpels, each of which forms a pistil (raspberry, strawberry, anemone). infructescence develop from a whole inflorescence (pineapple, fig).

According to the type of pericarp consistency, the number of seeds in the fruit, opening or not opening the pericarp, the fruits are divided into:

Juicy fruits

1.1. Juicy berry fruits:

Berry- upper syncarp multi-seeded fruit (in grapes, potatoes, tomatoes, gooseberries, currants, blueberries, cranberries, cranberries, eggplant). The mesocarp is juicy, the endocarp is absent. Seeds are in juicy mesocarp. The seed coat is very hard.

- Apple- a syncarp fruit (apple, pear, quince, mountain ash), inside which there are 5 nests with parchment-like walls. The fleshy tissues of the fetus are the overgrown lower part of the stamens, petals, sepals, receptacle.

– Pumpkin- syncarp juicy multi-seeded fruit, formed from the lower ovary, consists of three carpels. The exocarp is hard, woody, the pulp is an overgrown placenta (pumpkin, melon, zucchini, cucumber).

- Hesperidius (orange)- upper juicy syncarp multi-celled citrus fruit. Exocarp - dense, leathery, with spherical receptacles and essential oils, colored by carotenoids in yellow or orange. Mesocarp - spongy, white, with pectin substances. The pulp of the fruit (pulp) is formed as a result of the appearance of outgrowths that develop into succulent sacs, which fill the nests of the ovary.

– Granatin- coenocarp fruit. Develops from the lower ovary. It has a dry leathery, very dense pericarp, opening with irregular cracks. The nests of the fruit are densely filled with large seeds with a bright red, very juicy skin (the edible part of the fruit). In the process of fruit development, due to the growth of the receptacle, the carpels of the outer circle shift upward and are above the carpels of the inner circle (common pomegranate).

1.2 Juicy stone fruits:

– drupes- apocarpous juicy fruits with one seed (cherry, plum, apricot, cherry plum). A clear differentiation of the pericarp into three parts: thin exocarp, thick woody endocarp (stone), juicy mesocarp with nutrients. In some plants, the mesocarp is not juicy, but dense or fibrous (coconut, almond, walnut) - this dry drupes. In the fruits of hawthorn, buckthorn 2 or more seeds.

– Composite drupe- apocarpous one-seeded juicy fruit from small drupes located on a common receptacle (raspberry, blackberry, stone fruit, cloudberry).

dry fruits

Their pericarp does not contain water and spare nutrients. It is inedible and has the function of protecting the fruit. Opening the pericarp ensures the distribution of seeds.

2.1. Box-shaped multi-seeded opening:

– Leaflet- apocarpous dry one-celled multi-seeded fruit, formed by one carpel and opening along the ventral suture (in larkspur, magnolia peony, swimsuit, marigold, peony).

– Multi-leaflet (combined leaflet)- several unfused leaflets, collected together (near the common catchment area, European bathing suit, high wrestler).

– Bob- apocarpous dry one-celled multi-seeded fruit, formed by one carpel. It opens along the ventral suture and along the midrib of the carpel. When opened, the valves of the fruit are twisted, which ensures the distribution of seeds (in the legume family). Beans can be varied in shape: spirally twisted (in alfalfa), nut-shaped one-seeded (clover), jointed (elm).

– Pod- paracarp bilocular multi-seeded dry fruit (in cruciferous). There is an internal partition (false) to which seeds are attached; it is formed by outgrowths of the placental grooves. Opens at two seams. The length exceeds the width by more than 4 times. If less than 4 times, then it is called pod(at the shepherd's bag, field yarutka).

– box- syncarp dry single or multi-celled multi-seeded fruit. It is formed from the upper ovary, consisting of two or more carpels. It differs in opening methods: a lid (henbane, partulak), holes (poppy, bell, snapdragon), teeth at the top (cloves, primroses, horse chestnut, cotton), longitudinal cracks from the upper to the lower end (datura, euphorbia, violets, many lily).

2.2 Nutty fruits:

– Walnut- a syncarp one-seeded fruit (hornbeam, hazel). Ovary bilocular with one ovule in the nest. In the immature pericarp, the exocarp is sclerified, the mesocarp is a spongy tissue; over time, the mesocarp is destroyed and the space is filled with seed.

– Acorn- a syncarp one-seeded fruit, a special case of a nut with a leathery non-lignified pericarp, has a cup-shaped plush at the base (in oak).

– Nut- differs from a nut in smaller sizes (linden, buckwheat).

– Composite nut (multi-nut)- apocarpous one-seeded fruits (in cinquefoil, buttercup, gravilata, anemone, clematis, cinquefoil, gravilata). They have adaptations for distribution - trailers. In strawberries, the fruits are located on an overgrown receptacle (strawberry); at the wild rose - inside the goblet hypanthium or cinnarodium; in the Indian lotus - in a cup-shaped overgrown receptacle.

– Semyanka- paracarp dry one-seeded fruit, formed by two carpels with a single ovule. The seed coat is reduced, the seed is easily separated from the peel (in Compositae).

– Fractional achene- a syncarpous fruit, consists of two achenes, which are suspended on special legs attached to the placenta (in umbellate).

– Lionfish- a syncarpous fruit, the perianth has a leathery or membranous pterygoid outgrowth (in elm, ash, birch, maple). Outgrowths are involved in seed dispersal.

– Grain- paracarp indehiscent fruit, one-seeded. A very close contact between the pericarp and the seed coat is characteristic, up to fusion. The grains are naked (in rye, wheat, corn) and membranous (in barley, millet, oats, rice). Films are overgrown flower scales, on which outgrowths often form (near feather grass).


1. Seed fruit from free fruits

Inflorescences that preserve the structure of the inflorescence (the fruits remain free when ripe, and the morphology of the inflorescence is repeated in the inflorescence): grapes, mountain ash, elderberry, viburnum, bird cherry, hawthorn, lilac, banana, hop, alder,

2. Mixed fruits from fused fruits

Infructescence from fused flowers and other elements of the inflorescence: common beetroot, garden spinach, multi-leafed gauze, white mulberry, fig, pineapple.

Although fruit morphology is a species-specific trait, some species on the same plant may develop fruits that differ in structure. This phenomenon is called heterocarp.

Many plants also have a well-defined heterospermia- diversity. For example, three types of seeds are formed in white mari: large light brown, smaller black and the smallest shiny black. These seeds do not germinate simultaneously, but in groups. If for some reason large seeds do not germinate, medium ones germinate, and small ones remain at rest.

Heterocarpy and heterospermia are found only in highly developed families and are often characteristic of weeds that are characterized by high ecological plasticity and viability.
