Garbage business how to start. Waste sorting and recycling as a business

Solids processing household waste V last years is becoming an increasingly promising business. Just two or three years ago, this business was less profitable than taking waste to landfills or recycling recyclables, but a lot has changed since then.

Waste recycling in Russia: prospects

For nature and society, the problem of waste recycling is very acute. Russia has accumulated 3 billion tons of waste that requires disposal. This amount increases every year by 60 million tons. Approximately 96% of MSW (municipal solid waste) is still sent to landfills. Of this amount, at least 60% can and should be recycled for the reason that these are valuable recyclable materials: glass, paper, cardboard, metal, polymers, etc. Here is some data for Moscow: last year, out of 3 million tons of solid waste, only 1% was recycled.

But the situation was the same five and ten years ago. What makes waste recycling a promising type of small business right now?

  • Inexpensive domestic equipment of low and medium productivity has appeared on the market. Sorting complex
  • More and more small industries for processing recyclable materials are appearing. This expands the sales market.
  • and last: Ministry natural resources has long been planning a ban on burning recyclable waste. When such a ban is introduced, sorting will become even more profitable and have no alternative.

In your particular region, the situation may have its own nuances that require elaboration. But we can absolutely say that in any city in the country a small solid waste processing line will pay for itself in about a year and a half.

Garbage collection: problems and ideas

What's in the average trash can? Half of its contents are polymers: polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene, polypropylene. Another quarter is food waste. Up to 10% - paper and cardboard. The remaining 15 - 20% is rubber, metal, textiles, etc. As you can see, at least 60% of household waste can be recycled. But this is in theory. In practice, separate collection of solid waste, which is common in many European countries ah, Japan, for us it’s a distant matter. And from unseparated waste, using modern recycling lines, only 25% of recyclables can be recovered. Although some cities are installing containers for sorting waste, such initiatives have not yet brought real benefits. Therefore, businessmen involved in the disposal of solid waste have to provide themselves with raw materials themselves, by sorting them in special installations.

Where the best place for such a business? Of course, close to the source of waste, that is, a landfill. It could also be an industrial zone near the city. You can buy special mobile processing plants and move production from one meta to another. This is relevant, for example, for the disposal of construction waste.

Sorting installations can be either manual or automated. Their cost ranges from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars.

Waste recycling business plan

Let's illustrate the idea with an indicative business plan. It’s good if there is an opportunity to attract investments in the amount of $20 million. That’s how much a full-cycle solid waste processing plant is valued at. But if this is not possible, then start recycling one of the types of waste.

Equipment: Exactly what you need depends on the type of raw material you choose to process. But you almost certainly will not do without: a sorting line, a crusher, a magnet, a storage unit and a press. A melting furnace would also be useful. Let's assume that the cost of the equipment is $60,000.

Premises: 100 sq. m required. for warehouses and not less than 600 sq. m. for production. To ensure that the premises meet sanitary and fire safety requirements, be prepared to invest another $2,000 - $3,000.

Staff: Recycling waste is a labor-intensive process. Your production may employ up to 40 workers. Salary – $300 per month.

Practice shows that utility costs in such production will be 20%.

Receiving from 400 to 1400 dollars per ton of processed raw materials, minus all expenses, it is possible to have a net profit of 10 thousand. dollars. In this case, your business will show a 50% profitability and will pay off within a month.


The main document required to open a waste sorting business is a license, which is issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources. To do this, your line must undergo an environmental assessment. It is carried out by the local (city or regional) environmental management department. Based on the results of the examination, a conclusion is issued (positive or negative). The conclusion is issued once for the entire period of operation of the enterprise.

To obtain a license, you will need to obtain permission in advance from the fire inspection and SES, utilities and water services, and provide a project with a detailed description of the technical process. Preparation of a package of documents can take up to six months.

Every year you need to obtain permission from the ministry to store solid waste on the territory.

There are usually no problems with permission to open a business from local authorities. Such enterprises are welcome.

Tire recycling

Tires can be disposed of in one of three ways:

  • crushing into crumbs. This is the most common and simplest method. Crushed rubber is used as a filler for soft street surfaces, for example, for children's and sports fields. Tires are also crushed for easy transportation for subsequent pyrolysis.
  • burning. The method is unacceptable from an environmental point of view and is not suitable for small businesses, but is still used, for example, in heating plants.
  • pyrolysis. This is the most promising method and an excellent topic for a medium or small enterprise. Pyrolysis (depolymerization) is a method of decomposing rubber into:
  1. carbon black;
  2. gas similar to natural
  3. metal cord, raw materials for metallurgy
  4. synthetic oil.

All pyrolysis products are in demand raw materials, and with proper sales organization, the tire recycling business can show very high profitability.

Recycling construction waste

Construction waste must first be sorted. It may contain concrete, brick, wood, metal. The task of recycling concrete comes down to crushing it with the parallel extraction of metal particles from it. The process takes place in several stages:

  1. Grinding large parts, for example using a hydraulic hammer.
  2. Splitting up
  3. Metal extraction
  4. Sorting particles by size on a screen.

The result of such disposal will be secondary crushed stone.

Disposal of construction waste also has great importance from an environmental point of view. The pace of construction in our country is constantly increasing, old houses are being demolished. And export the resulting construction garbage landfills are becoming unacceptably expensive and there is simply nowhere to go. But it can be reused on site! For this purpose, crushing and screening complexes are used. Recycled crushed stone is useful, for example, for backfilling an old pit. It can also be used simply for construction. The cost of concrete is reduced by 25%.

In world practice, it has long been the practice not to demolish, but to dismantle buildings with simultaneous sorting of construction waste. Up to 80% of construction waste can be used.

Glass recycling and cullet recycling

Non-standard and broken bottles which should go to landfill, as well as scrap glass production You can also recycle it at a good profit for yourself and organize a glass recycling business.

You can take cullet from its production (there is always breakage and defects), at your own specially organized collection point, or receive it from your own waste sorting line, which was mentioned above. Manufacturers are willing to buy processed broken glass since its remelting requires a lower temperature than glass production. At the same time, a significant amount of energy is saved and the furnaces operate in a gentle mode. How to prepare broken glass for recycling? It needs to be cleaned and crushed using a special installation. Modern glass processing plants melt and filter the crushed mass. The price of glass processing equipment starts from 100 thousand rubles.

The resulting raw materials are used not only in the production of glass products, but also in many industries: abrasives, ceramic products, insulation, tiles and bricks.

Paper recycling business

Currently, 50% of used paper and cardboard in the world is recycled. With paper the situation is somewhat different. It can withstand no more than 3 to 5 processing cycles. After this, irreversible deformations of the fibers lead to the fact that the bonds between them are destroyed. But, despite this, the number of waste paper processing industries is constantly growing, and this waste paper recycling business market is still far from being filled.

It is considered appropriate to sort paper into 12 grades according to whiteness, density, wood species and others. The composition of recyclable materials determines how it will be used in the future.

A simple (so-called wet) waste paper recycling technology consists of:

  • dissolving paper in water. A pulper is used.
  • removing all foreign objects from it. A cyclone cleaner is used
  • in the case of cardboard recycling – thermomechanical processing
  • fine purification of the mixture. Filtration through a sieve.

Recycled paper is used in the production of packaging cardboard and toilet paper in 75% of cases. The rest is used in the production of roofing materials.

Plastic recycling as a business

Although many types of plastics end up in household waste, PET containers, that is, plastic bottles, are considered the most promising in terms of recycling. They are the raw material for the production of so-called flex. This recycled product subsequently turns not only into the same plastic bottles, but also into paving slabs, film, synthetic bristles and much more.

Brief plastic recycling technology:

  1. Preliminary stage: sorting by color, removing stickers, dirt and foreign objects, pressing raw materials.
  2. On line: grinding, processing in a steam boiler, where residual impurities are removed, rinsing and polishing.

Where to get raw materials? There is plenty of it in landfills. Thus, the best supplier of raw materials for flex is a waste sorting line. You can purchase a mobile unit and organize processing directly at landfills, where you will have hundreds of tons of raw materials at your fingertips.

What is the price of plastic processing equipment?

A production line with a capacity of 1.5 tons of flex per hour will cost 160 thousand dollars and will pay for itself in a maximum of a year and a half.

♦ Capital investments: from $50,000.
♦ Payback: from 2 months.

Waste recycling as a business is considered an interesting and potentially profitable field due to several factors.

First of all, there is minimal competition.

Despite favorable conditions for creating a processing business and its development, there are not many entrepreneurs in this moment invests money and effort into the development of this industry.

In addition, the amount of raw materials allows us to “expand” - people produce more and more waste every day, and conventional disposal methods are outdated (detailed statistics can be studied below).

This business is also favorable in terms of payback periods.

According to statistics, a similar enterprise in Russia, launched from scratch, will pay for itself within two months!

This is an excellent indicator for business.

In this case, the profitability will be around 20-50%.

Typically, processed raw materials are sold to related production.

But if they wish, entrepreneurs can expand their scope of activity and begin to produce their own products from recycled secondary raw materials.

And these are additional prospects for development.

As you can see, you can find continuous advantages in such a business.

Therefore, you can safely consider your progress in this direction.

The main disadvantage is that organizing a processing plant in Russia will cost you at least $20,000,000.

But you can get by with fewer sacrifices if you recycle only one type of waste (batteries, wood waste, glass).

Creating one workshop will cost you $50,000-250,000.

How much waste do people produce?

According to statistics, in different countries produce different amounts of waste.

And, of course, the data will differ depending on the types of settlements.

For example, in villages where people practically do not buy food in plastic and plastic packaging, the numbers will be radically different.

But for an average city in Russia, the amount of waste will be about 250 kilograms per year.

With all these indicators, the accepted scheme for waste disposal (removal - landfill - reclamation) has long lost its relevance.

Moreover, it is even recognized as dangerous to human health.

All this makes the waste recycling business a very relevant idea.

What will it take to start a waste recycling business?

Interesting fact:
Even in religion, garbage left its mark. The thing is that near Jerusalem there was a small piece of land where, as a rule, garbage was dumped and then burned. In the Bible it is called the Fire Hyena. Subsequently, for Christians, Gienna became a symbol of Hell.

To open a business from scratch in Russia that will bring you income from garbage, you need quite a bit:

  • First of all, to open a waste recycling business, you need an appropriate license.
  • A plot of land (required - outside the city); permission for it is issued by the local government authority.
    In this area it is necessary to equip appropriate premises for warehouses and production.
  • Necessary technical equipment for waste treatment.
    The equipment will depend on the types of raw materials processed (recycling of batteries, glass, wood waste).
  • To run a waste recycling business, it is important to select qualified personnel.
  • Transport for transporting waste is also needed.

What goals should you indicate in terms of organizing a waste recycling business?

To open any business project, and even more so to launch a plant, it is necessary to draw up a business plan.

One of its most important points is the goals of implementing the idea.

For this industry they will be:

  • Obtaining new components for the production of goods in certain areas: bottles are made from glass that are not inferior in quality to new ones; from wood waste - fuel or cheap furniture, plywood.
  • Counteracting the accumulating mountains of garbage and the increase in landfill area.
    This allows us to normalize the sanitary living conditions of people in nearby areas.
  • Disposal of hazardous waste is caring for the ecology of the region.
    In the shell of the simplest and most common batteries, for example, lies a great danger.
    Heavy metals entering the environment can damage both land and water.

How much does it cost to open a waste recycling plant?

To open a serious waste recycling business, you need to put a plant into operation.

The ideal location for it is near city garbage dumps.

In order to process several types of waste at once, you will need to invest a very large amount.

Not every entrepreneur can afford this.

But if you limit yourself to processing only glass, batteries or wood waste, business expenses can be reduced.

Let's calculate how much it will cost to open a waste recycling plant:

Business expense itemApproximate amount (RUB)
Construction of a complex (factory) from scratch20 000 000
Arrangement of premises60 000 – 300 000
Bringing it into compliance with sanitary standards100 000 – 200 000
Purchase of equipment for processing glass, batteries, wood waste55 000 – 70 000$
Payment of utility services50 000 – 100 000
Salary to employeesDepends on staff size

Even if the funds allow you to open a plant for integrated waste processing, it is still better to choose a narrower direction.

Combination is expensive not only financially, but also because of the complexity of organizing this process.

Which business sector should you choose in waste processing?

As you already understand, it is worth highlighting only one, or maximum two related areas in the waste processing industry.

Which ones are the most attractive?

Battery recycling

The collection and recycling of this type of waste began relatively recently.

And at the moment there are not many companies doing this.

First of all, because this direction is not considered particularly profitable.

During recycling, some expensive elements (zinc, manganese and others) are removed from batteries, which can account for up to 80% of its weight.

But the volumes of collected batteries themselves are not sufficient to allow us to talk about a mass production launch.

Glass recycling

But glass processing is a simpler and more profitable activity.

A significant part of the raw materials will be provided to you for free.

Consequently, one of the cost items is reduced.

And selling it is quite easy.

Broken glass is used both in the production of building materials and for the manufacture of new glass products.

The applications don't end there!

And another important argument in favor is all possible assistance from the state.

You are doing something useful for everyone, so you can count on some benefits and a more loyal attitude.

The equipment included and the operating technologies themselves will differ depending on what type of processing you plan to use.

The most affordable activity financially and organizationally is recycling waste into cullet and then cleaning it.

Wood waste recycling

One of the most cost-effective and efficient options for processing waste from the wood processing industry is the production of pellets and briquettes.

The creation of this environmentally friendly fuel not only allows people to heat their homes, but at the same time is a solution to global difficulties (reduces the volume of toxic emissions, the production plant provides people with jobs, resources are spent as usefully as possible).

Plastic recycling

Recycling of plastic containers is one of the most popular segments of the industry.

Every year more and more goods are produced in such packaging, although the period of its natural decomposition is too long (from 300 years), and the decay products poison the environment.

But by processing this waste, you can produce new bottles, film, and other products.

Due to the benefits of creating such a plant, its organization is strongly encouraged by the authorities.

You can collect raw materials for pennies by setting up collection points for the population.

Or you can do it even simpler and place bins for bottles near regular trash bins.

It is guaranteed that the local administration will be only in favor and no difficulties will arise.

About how the waste recycling business works from the inside,

watch the video:

At the moment, only a few understand that waste recycling as a business is a very promising area for development.

Let opening a factory cost a pretty penny. But if you focus on only one area - processing batteries, glass or wood waste - the organization will cost less.

At the same time, competition is still minimal, including at the state level.

So it’s worth not wasting time, but starting a waste recycling business!

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One of the wise men once said a long time ago that you can make money even from what lies under your feet.

Modern practice confirms his words. Waste recycling is a very profitable business, and the following indicators confirm this fact:

  • Processing companies are not that common, and there is plenty of raw material.
  • The entrepreneur has the opportunity to organize different kinds garbage.
  • High profitability is ensured by the possibility of recycling waste and turning it into secondary raw materials.

The relevance of this business can be seen in almost every aspect, from the fact that it has a positive effect on the environmental situation, and ending with the fact that the result gives greater profit to the owner.

The positive aspects include:

  • support from local authorities (this area is very poorly funded, and the local administration is obliged to ensure cleanliness, therefore, you can safely count on support for such an idea and help with finding industrial premises);
  • unlimited volume of production raw materials;
  • if it is not possible to get involved with the expensive and labor-intensive process of creating a waste processing plant, then you can limit yourself to building a workshop, which will cost several times less and will bring a decent profit.

Despite many positive aspects, entrepreneurs may also encounter some problems related to the delivery and sorting of waste. The correct approach to these issues will certainly lead you to an adequate solution.

An interesting story about this field of activity in Russian conditions is in the following video:

What kind of waste can you deal with and what is most profitable?

So, let's look at the most common options:

  • Car tires. The most promising and profitable method of processing this variety is called pyrolysis (depolymerization), which consists in the decomposition of rubber:
    • on carbon;
    • for gas;
    • for steel cord, which is an excellent raw material for the metallurgical industry;
    • for synthetic oil.

    Each of these products is a sought-after raw material, and if sales are organized correctly, the result can be high profitability.

  • Construction garbage usually consists of concrete, brick, wood and metal. After careful sorting, you can, for example, begin processing concrete, which includes crushing and parallel extraction of metal particles from it. As a result, it is possible to obtain secondary crushed stone used in construction. In world practice, it is now increasingly common to dismantle buildings and sort construction waste, about 80% of which can be reused.
  • Recycling broken glass involves reusing non-standard and broken bottles that would otherwise end up in a landfill. Broken glass You can take it directly from production or organize your own glass container collection point or your own waste sorting line. Recycled raw materials are readily available to glass manufacturers because the material can be melted at lower temperatures than the glass-making process requires. Also, this secondary raw material is in great demand among manufacturers of abrasives, ceramic products, tiles and bricks.
  • Used paper. The process of processing simple (so-called wet) waste paper involves:
    • dissolving paper in water using a thinner;
    • removing all foreign objects from it with a cyclone cleaner;
    • thermomechanical treatment, if we are talking about cardboard;
    • fine purification of the mixture (filtration).

    Recycled paper can be used to make packaging board, toilet paper or roofing material.

Necessary documents for business registration

Legal recycling of solid household waste involves obtaining a license from the Ministry of Ecology. The Law “On Environmental Expertise” regulates the obligation of each entity that decides to collect and process waste to conduct an environmental assessment. This conclusion can be used throughout the entire life of the company (the approximate cost of this document is 5,500 rubles).

The entrepreneur must obtain permits from services such as fire protection and sanitary, and also stock up on project documentation that will describe all the technological processes of the future waste recycling organization. The total period for collecting and confirming documentation varies from 2 to 4 months, and the cost is approximately 24,000 rubles.

Where to get garbage?

The average trash can contains:

  • 50% polymers: polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene, polypropylene;
  • 25% food waste;
  • 10% paper and cardboard;
  • 15-20% rubber, metal, textiles.

In general, household waste is at least 60% recyclable. But this is only from a theoretical point of view, since separate collection of solid waste, generally accepted in many European countries, seems to us only a distant prospect. And unseparated waste sent to a modern recycling line can only give a result of 25%.

The best option is to install special mobile processing units. They can be manual or automated, and their cost ranges from several hundred thousand to several million dollars.

There is another option: concluding an agreement with a local landfill or collection point for glass or plastic containers. Then the problem of sorting will disappear by itself: production will be provided with ready-made and sorted waste at a price of up to 5 rubles/kg.

Efficient production organization

Suitable premises are a very important stage, because for waste processing production you need at least 600 m2, for a processing workshop - 300-400 m2, and for a warehouse - 200 m2. In addition to buildings and structures for industrial purposes, it is necessary to allocate space for administrative premises, which can be located both on the production site and outside it. By the way, workshops located next to the city landfill will help reduce costs both for the delivery of raw materials and for renting premises.

The minimum equipment package should include:

  • sorting line;
  • storage bunker;
  • crusher;
  • magnet;
  • bake.

Additional equipment is a melting furnace, but it is worth considering that it will significantly increase the cost side of the project.

Domestic equipment is considered the most affordable and functional.


It is impossible to recycle household waste without manual labor. In order to carry out sorting, selection, calibration and many other production steps, it is necessary staff from 20 to 40 people(it all depends on production volumes).

In addition, high-quality functioning of the enterprise is impossible without accountant, driver, manager and cleaner.

Sales channels for finished products

The final result directly depends on the raw materials used:

  • Toxic waste, such as mercury lamps, can be used to produce many industrial and construction materials;
  • compost can be made from plant waste, which serves as an excellent soil fertilizer;
  • from electronic waste (picture tubes, electrical appliances) - iron, copper, aluminum and glass;
  • from paper - secondary raw materials, from which new materials are subsequently formed.

And the main consumers of waste processing services and materials will be:

  • enterprises whose activities are related to one or another final product - cellulose, wood, glass;
  • industrial and individual consumers in need of secondary raw materials.

About costs and future profits

Waste recycling is quite a profitable business even considering the amount of funds required for its organization. This type of business will pay for itself very quickly (1.5-2 years) if sales are well established. Experts, based on their own observations, claim that The level of profitability of waste recycling production ranges from 42 to 80%, because this market segment is practically not subject to competition.

Based on the practice of existing enterprises, you can work with the following statistical data:

  • One shift can process 3 tons of waste paper, 1.5 tons of polymer waste or 250 kg of plastic raw materials.
  • One ton of any raw material costs on average from 9,000 to 45,000 rubles.
  • Consequently, the average monthly profit of such an enterprise can range from 150,000 to 3,300,000 rubles.

A huge universal complex for processing any type of waste (wood, plastic, metal, paper or glass) will cost a huge amount of money. Experts claim that the amount will exceed the $20 million mark.

But even a modest enterprise has the opportunity to bring a decent profit. Setting up a workshop specializing in one type of waste will cost from 50 to 300 thousand dollars. Arrangement of warehouse and production premises in accordance with fire and sanitary requirements - another 2-3 thousand. A crusher, sorting line and other necessary equipment will require 50-70 thousand dollars.

In general, the business of receiving and processing waste is very relevant. The size of the initial investment is of course higher than that of or, but the amount of profit will also please you at the very beginning.

Business on garbage: how to make money “out of nothing”

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Starting investments (reception point)

50,000 - 100,000 ₽

Starting investment (garbage removal)

from 2,000,000 ₽

Starting investments (sorting shop)

from 4,500,000 ₽

Starting investment (processing shop)

from 5,000,000 ₽

Garbage - problems of ecology and waste disposal. How to open your own business using garbage with a budget of 100 thousand rubles.

Garbage is a unique resource: people are willing to pay both for its acquisition and for its sale. At the same time, it is inexhaustible. Every year each resident produces 300-400 kg of household waste. This means that a city with a population of 1 million people produces 300-400 tons of garbage per year. And over time, this number increases. This is the basis of the business idea.

Relevance of business on waste

Russia has accumulated a huge amount of household waste that requires urgent disposal. Currently, only 1% of solid waste in the country is recycled, and more than 31 billion tons remain undisposed of. Of these billions of tons, about 60% are recyclable materials and can be recycled. Such raw materials include paper, metal, glass, polymers, etc. But garbage continues to accumulate in landfills and pollute the environment. Today the question of recycling waste that has become environmental problem, is being discussed at all levels - and, nevertheless, has not yet been resolved. The problem of waste disposal in the 21st century seems ridiculous because at every stage of the process you can make money from almost nothing.

Not so long ago, the garbage business was not considered highly profitable. But now the situation has changed dramatically. Throughout our country there are a huge number of landfills that need to be cleaned up. The small number of processing plants that operate in Russia cannot cope with the scale of work.

A business idea based on recycling waste will not lose its relevance as long as humanity continues to produce it. And this process is unlikely to stop as long as we live as a consumer society.

Advantages and disadvantages of business on waste

Often in business articles about waste recycling there is an opinion that this area is low level competition, but this is far from the case. The fact that there are few participants in the segment does not mean that few people want to engage in waste recycling. This means that not everyone can get into it.

Since January 2016, Federal Law No. 458-F3 has been in force, regulating the procedure for collection and disposal of waste. According to it, certain territories will not be served commercial organizations, and regional operators. They are selected on a competitive basis in the last quarter of the year for 10 years. Their competence includes: coordinating the work of the management company, organizing the collection, transportation, storage and recycling of waste. This law leads to the centralization of business, which increases competition. Large players will fight for the position of regional operator, while medium and small players will fight for survival. These processes are for new participants, but will create higher demands on newcomers.

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At the same time, it cannot be said that there is no place for new players in the field. You can start your own business, but the market has its own specifics, which can become more complicated with changes in legislation. Therefore, those who want to open a similar business using garbage need to constantly keep their finger on the pulse and carefully study everything that happens in the market. You should communicate with other market participants, analyze the actions of competitors, attend events organized by ministries, executive authorities, etc.

Why you should start a business using waste

    Relevance. It can be seen in almost every aspect, from the fact that it benefits the environment to the fact that this business brings great profit to the owner.

    Local government support. This area is poorly financed, so local authorities can assist you in organizing your business.

    Unlimited supplies of raw materials.

    High business profitability, which is 60-70%.

    Possibility to start with small volumes. Even if you do not have the financial ability to build a waste processing plant, you can limit yourself to a small workshop. It does not require large investments, but at the same time brings a decent profit, which will allow you to further develop your business.

What difficulties may you encounter:

  • High investment. Equipment even for a small solid waste processing workshop is quite expensive.

  • Bureaucracy. Difficulties may arise at the stage of obtaining permits from regulatory authorities, as well as with the sale of processed raw materials from waste. There are many bureaucratic difficulties to build an enterprise and operate legally: licenses, permits, allocation of a sanitary zone, project preparation and other nuances turn the process of starting a business into a labor-intensive and lengthy process.

    High competition. You should not organize your business using waste in regions where there are already similar enterprises. In this case, it will be almost impossible to overcome competition.

    No waste sorting. In Russia there is a specific problem - there is no preparatory waste sorting and separate waste collection, which significantly complicates the entire recycling process. In order to prepare raw materials for processing, the company will need many workers to sort household waste, and this is no longer profitable for doing business. Of course, there are automatic waste sorting lines, but such expensive equipment is not available to every businessman.

Legal aspects of business in waste

Before starting a waste business, you must obtain permission for this activity. This is done by the Ministry of Ecology, which issues a license for the right to collect and process solid household waste. And for this you need to undergo a special environmental assessment, which will allow you to obtain a conclusion. It is carried out by the local (city or regional) environmental management department. The peculiarity of the conclusion is that it is issued to the entrepreneur once and is valid for the entire period of the company’s existence. Its cost is about 6,000 rubles.

In addition, you will need to obtain permits from the sanitary and fire departments, as well as municipal and water authorities. To do this, you must draw up project documentation with a detailed description of the technological processes at your enterprise. These conclusions will cost you approximately 1000 rubles. Also, every year you must obtain permission from the ministry to store solid waste on the territory.

Preparation of a package of documents can take up to six months. You can also use intermediary services to complete a full package of documents to launch your business. The average cost of such services is 40 thousand rubles. The paperwork process, including the license, will take about 2-3 months. If you decide to obtain all permits yourself, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the “Regulations on licensing activities for the collection, transportation<…>waste of I-IV hazard classes”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1062 in 2015.

State regulation of the waste business consists of environmental supervision, licensing, organization of reporting, monitoring compliance with standards and setting tariffs for waste disposal.

Legal regulation is carried out by the federal law “On Production and Consumption Waste”, which specifies five classes of waste: from “extremely hazardous” waste of the first class to “virtually non-hazardous” waste of the fifth. The first three classes are industrial and construction waste, and the fourth and fifth are household waste (the so-called MSW - municipal solid waste). According to the law, the owner of waste of classes 1–4 can transfer the right to dispose of it to a person only if he has the appropriate license: for its use, neutralization, transportation, disposal. Licenses are issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources. To obtain a permit, you need to carry out a number of activities:

    prepare a waste passport;

    purchase or rent special means of transport;

    conduct vocational training workers and obtain the appropriate certificates;

    pay a state fee of 7,500 rubles.

Among other things, all entrepreneurs involved in such a waste business must have a certificate confirming their professional training. No such permits are required for processing solid waste. These include food waste, metals, waste paper, wood, plastic containers, textiles, rubber.

Therefore, at the initial stage of opening, it is necessary to find out what class of waste the entrepreneur will work with. To do this, he must order the appropriate examination.

Before starting work, you must register with the Federal Tax Service as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. For a waste business, the legal form of an LLC is more suitable. To register with the Federal Tax Service, you must prepare a package of documents and select codes for the types of your entrepreneurial activity in accordance with the OKVED-2 classifier. For example, if you decide to establish a waste removal company, then the following codes should be indicated in the application for registration of the enterprise:

    38.11 – Collection of non-hazardous waste;

    38.12 – Collection of hazardous waste;

    49.41 – Activities of road freight transport.

Depending on what services you will provide, the codes may be different, so there is no point in listing them all.

How can you make money from trash?

The waste business is divided into three large sectors: waste removal; waste sorting; recycling or disposal of waste. Each sector requires a lot of effort and money to develop, so it is useless for a novice entrepreneur to try to cover everything. It is better to start a waste business by organizing one of these stages. Below we will look at the features of each type of waste business.

Option 1. Garbage removal

The initial task of waste disposal is to remove it from the consumer's territory. Removing waste is generally quite simple. The most difficult stage is preparing for this work and obtaining the necessary permits. Once the legal issues have been resolved, you can begin purchasing equipment.

Equipment. In order to organize a waste removal business, you will need a minimum set of equipment - these are special trucks equipped with an elevator or garbage containers, if the main object is household waste.

The cost of new special equipment is from one and a half million, but you can purchase equipment on lease.

Garbage trucks with a built-in press are more economical and profitable. This configuration reduces the number of flights and, accordingly, reduces fuel costs. If you are planning to remove construction waste, you may need large trucks.

Office. Despite the fact that this service sector is associated with constant transport movements, office space will still be needed. Administrative staff, accounting and dispatchers can be located there. For an office, 15-20 sq.m. will be enough. – this is enough to organize a reception and create conditions for workers. The office must be equipped with appropriate furniture, computer equipment and communications equipment.

Staff. In order to organize a waste removal business, you will need the following staff: drivers, dispatchers, administrator, accountant. Also, when increasing the fleet, it is recommended to hire a mechanic.

Client base. The main clients of waste removal companies are various restaurants, cafes, canteens - those who produce daily a large number of food waste.

It is also possible to enter into agreements with utility companies, which will allow garbage to be removed from the residential complex. The main advantage of working with residential buildings is large volumes. Despite the fact that the tariff rate in this case is lower than waste removal from the commercial sector, you can make good money due to large volumes.

Another direction is construction waste removal services for both individuals and construction organizations.

Ready ideas for your business

Peculiarities. You need to enter into agreements with landfills where waste will be transported using coupons. It is also necessary to solve the main problem of this business - reducing transport costs. This can be done in two ways, which involve increasing the capacity of garbage containers. You can take care of everything in advance and purchase a garbage truck with a press, which will significantly increase transportation productivity. Another option is to purchase a trash can with a press, which reduces the frequency of garbage disposal.

Advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of this business made from waste is that it does not require renting large areas or purchasing complex, expensive equipment. Compared to other waste business options, organizing waste removal services is not that expensive. The main disadvantages are high fuel costs and the need to enter into an agreement with a waste storage site or waste disposal company. The cost of storing waste is 1,500–2,000 rubles per 5 tons;

How much can you earn from garbage removal?. The cost of exporting a standard container with a volume of 0.8 cubic meters. m. in a large city is from 300 rubles. One garbage truck contains 25-60 such containers. This means that for one flight you can earn from 7,500 to 18,000 rubles. Within a month the amount will increase to 400-500 thousand rubles. According to companies that deal with waste removal, they receive 500 rubles from each Russian. per month. By simple calculations we find that such companies earn 50 million rubles from residents of a city with a population of 100 thousand people. per month.

Starter kit: investments of about 2 million rubles, special transport, drivers, dispatchers who will take orders and coordinate the routes of garbage trucks.

Option 2. Collection and sorting of waste

In European countries, up to 80% of household waste is returned to production. And in Russia, the system for collecting recyclable materials is still at the initial stage of development. For many entrepreneurs, this is a good chance to open their own profitable business using waste with minimal investment.

Any waste recycling is impossible without sorting. At the same time, a significant part of recyclable materials loses their properties when mixed in a common container - for example, paper becomes damp and rots. Therefore, it is so important to take care of the correct sorting of waste at the collection stage. This will make it possible to reuse up to 60-80% of the solid waste composition.

Collection. Those who have just entered the waste business are advised to start by organizing the collection of secondary raw materials. This will require about a million rubles. For this money you can purchase several containers - each for a specific type of waste, obtain permission from the municipality and rent a small area for containers. All that remains is to find a buyer for the recyclables. Many processing companies have their own special equipment, so you do not need to purchase expensive equipment.

Within a month, the following can be sorted from the garbage:

  • 7-8 tons of waste paper (cardboard boxes, packaging paper). The cost of one ton is up to 1,500 rubles;

  • 900-1000 kg of polymers (film, fruit boxes). The cost of one ton is up to 9,000 rubles;

    150-200 kg plastic bottles And aluminum cans. The cost of one ton is up to 15,000 rubles.

Sorting. If you want to open a waste sorting company, you will need more investment. The most minimal set of equipment consists of a sorting line, a storage hopper, a crusher, a magnet and a press. All equipment is expensive and requires an investment of about 4 million rubles. This is how much the most budget equipment will cost.

It should be noted that almost all work in the sorting room is done manually, so a medium-sized sorting plant will require at least 5 workers. And this costs at least another 100 thousand rubles. per month.

Also, for the sorting workshop you will need a room with an area of ​​at least 300 sq.m. The cost of renting a production facility with such an area will be about 50 thousand rubles. per month.

If you add the costs of obtaining permits, organizing and running a waste business for sorting raw materials will cost approximately 4.5 million rubles. initial investments and monthly costs of at least 250 thousand rubles.

A medium capacity sorting shop is capable of producing 15-20 tons of products per month. The cost per ton depends on the type of waste. The average income of a sorting shop varies between 100-150 thousand rubles.

Supply of raw materials. If you are planning only a sorting facility, you will have to take care of the waste supply. To do this, the easiest way is to conclude agreements with the head of local landfills, representatives of container collection points and plastic waste. In addition, local supermarkets, which throw away a lot of cardboard and plastic boxes, paper, etc., can become reliable suppliers of raw materials.

Peculiarities. Sorting can be organized in the form of purchasing individual types of waste (sorting at the collection stage). We are talking about accepting glass containers, waste paper, and plastic waste. This form is less profitable, but does not require large investments. You can open such a waste business with 50-100 thousand rubles. To do this, you just need to find a small area where the waste collection point will be located.

Advantages and disadvantages. The demand for waste collection and sorting is quite high. Therefore, when starting such a business using garbage, you can be sure that your services will be in demand. But the disadvantage of running a waste business is the significant cost of expensive equipment. To open a sorting workshop, you will need to purchase expensive equipment and find specialists who can work with it. For example, the cost of organizing separate waste collection in St. Petersburg costs 1.5 billion rubles. Although in this segment there is an opportunity to spend a minimum to open your own business. A small stall that accepts a certain type of waste is also a garbage business, but the profits here are much more modest.

How much can you earn from collecting and sorting waste? The amount of profit depends on the quality of the raw materials. If you sell recyclables compressed, the price will be higher. A small stall that accepts glass containers, for example, can earn 30-50 thousand rubles a month. And your own sorting shop can bring in about 200 thousand rubles. net profit for the month.

Starter kit. For the sorting shop you will need: about 4.5 million rubles. investments, premises, equipment, staff of workers. To organize a waste collection point, you need starting capital in the amount of 50-100 thousand rubles. and renting a small retail space to house the item.

Option 3: Recycling

The most complex process in this segment is waste recycling. Recycling is anything that turns waste into something useful: energy, new raw materials, fertilizers, etc.

A waste business brings not only economic benefits to its owner, but also benefits for environment and society. That is why the topic of waste recycling is spreading so actively, being of interest to investors.

With the advent of new technologies in waste processing, it has become possible not only to recycle solid waste, but also to create recyclable materials from it. By opening a business on garbage, you can improve ecological state cities, and also make good money from it.

This area is constantly evolving, and today there are several directions and methods for recycling waste. Before planning the creation of a plant, you need to decide which method will be used: composting, briquetting, pyrolysis, pressing, etc.

The income of your business will depend on what type of waste it can accept and process. Experienced entrepreneurs in this field admit that it is most profitable to deal with paper and plastic. Processing of this raw material is considered the most profitable (50-70%).

Stages of opening a waste processing plant:

    Decide what type of waste your company will work with;

    Enlist the support of the regional leadership and local authorities;

    Register a business, get everything necessary permissions and licenses;

    Obtain a plot of land for a plant and landfill for the storage (disposal) of solid waste;

    Get technical specifications to connect to communications;

    Build buildings in which production will be located;

    Purchase equipment, install and configure it;

    Train personnel to operate the equipment;

    Find suppliers of raw materials;

    Find buyers for finished secondary products of the plant.

Room. A waste processing plant requires a spacious room. Its minimum size is 500 sq.m. Of these, 300 sq.m. is for the processing workshop, and 200 sq.m. for the warehouse. In addition, you need to have about 100 sq.m. for administrative premises. The office can be located both on the production site and outside it.

Important nuance: workshops located near the city landfill can reduce the cost of delivering raw materials and renting premises.

    Convenient access of freight transport to the territory

    Asphalt or concrete flooring

    Floor height of at least 7 m

    Availability of water supply (at least 3 cubic meters/hour) and industrial sewerage

    Availability of heating that maintains winter time temperature not lower than +21C

    Power supply designed for power consumption up to 300 kW

    Availability or possibility of industrial ventilation equipment

    Multiple gates available big size for the passage of freight vehicles.

    Possibility of installing special equipment

Such premises are quite easily rented out by the owners or sold. An important nuance: since placement technological equipment will require quite serious preparation of the site, it is advisable to enter into a long-term lease agreement (lasting 3-5 years).

You will have to spend about 150 thousand rubles per month on renting premises.

Equipment. The production area can accommodate:

    storage bunker;


  • front loader.

It is necessary to take into account that for each type of equipment there is additional equipment, which is also not cheap. Therefore, plan your spending budget with reserve. Also, for processing certain types of waste, specific equipment will be required. You can save money by purchasing used equipment. Domestic options are considered the most affordable and functional.

The table shows the approximate amount of equipment costs. Don't forget that you need to add the cost of installation to this.

Cost of equipment for a waste processing plant

Technological process. To plan production, you need to clearly understand all technological process. It includes the following steps:

    acquisition of raw materials for processing;

    processing of secondary raw materials and pressing of waste that does not meet production requirements;

    sale of secondary raw materials and disposal of pressed briquettes.

Since the equipment necessary for collecting and sorting waste is very expensive, it is possible to concentrate the work of the workshop only on processing, and purchase already prepared raw materials.

Raw materials. To ensure your production has an uninterrupted supply of waste, plan your deliveries in advance. Here, the location of the enterprise in close proximity to the city landfill is another advantage. You can agree on the supply of recyclable materials with local waste collection companies, housing and communal services, owners of city landfills, waste collection points, etc. It is cheaper and more profitable to enter into an agreement with large waste collection companies or municipal utility organizations. You can also consider the prospect of opening your own recycling collection points. This will save on the purchase of raw materials.

As a rule, small factories buy recycled plastic at a price of 14,000 to 18,000 rubles, then process it into special granules and sell it for 30,000 rubles per ton.

It is better to organize the delivery of raw materials to production using your own fleet of vehicles, but this will also increase the size of the initial investment.

What kind of garbage to work with?. This issue needs to be resolved at the initial stage of project planning, because the list of equipment, the nuances of processing, and the customer base depend on the selected type of waste.

The most profitable waste for recycling:

    Tires for car wheels. The technology for their processing is carried out using pyrolysis or depolymerization. It occurs as a process of rubber decomposition into steel cord, gas, carbon and synthetic oil. These decomposition products are sought-after raw materials;

    Construction waste: wood, metal, concrete, brick, etc.. For high-quality processing of this type of waste, automatic waste sorting is necessary. Further processing produces recycled crushed stone, metal shavings and other types of recyclable materials. Most of the recycling goes into the production of building materials;

    Waste paper– processed into toilet paper, soft roofing, cardboard. Modern technologies allow for waste-free recycling of paper waste. During this process, a large amount of thermal energy is generated, which can be converted into electrical energy and used to service production;

    Batteries as a type of waste for recycling, it appeared recently, but has become a fairly popular business. The difficulty with this type of waste is that there is no specialized collection of batteries; they, as a rule, go in the general waste stream. Therefore, if you decide to recycle batteries, we recommend organizing your own waste collection point.

    Wood waste– a fairly common and profitable type of garbage business. Here, the most promising and cost-effective is the processing of wood waste into fuel briquettes and pellets;

    Glass waste– bottles and other glass containers. Large volumes of this type of waste require your own collection point for glass containers, as well as supplies of scrap from canneries. Glass factories and ceramics factories can sell processed raw materials;

    Plastic waste are also quite profitable for processing and sale as recyclable materials. To organize a mini-workshop, 700 thousand rubles will be enough for equipment. Full-fledged production will cost several million.

Client base. An important stage in the operation of waste recycling production is the stable sale of finished products. You must enter into long-term contracts in advance for the supply of processed raw materials. Thanks to a timely solution to this problem, you can quickly achieve a decent profit and recoup the initial investment. Otherwise, the business will be unprofitable, since profit depends on sales volumes.

The main consumers of waste recycling plant products are: industrial enterprises producing toilet paper and cardboard; farms; ceramic and glass factories; polymer production plants, etc. For example, when processing electronic waste, metals such as iron, copper, and aluminum are formed - these raw materials can be sold to wholesale buyers of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Compost is obtained from paper waste, which is used as soil fertilizer and can be sold to farms.

Staff. To work in production, a trained person is required special program, staff. The staffing must include at least 10 workers, a manager, an accountant and a vehicle driver.

Labor market research shows that meeting the enterprise's labor needs for the above-mentioned vacancies will not be a problem, since supply currently exceeds demand.

Expenses. The initial costs of opening a waste processing plant average 5 million rubles. In addition to equipment, you will have to spend money on obtaining permits and other bureaucratic procedures, as well as on renting premises.

But in addition to millions of investments at the start, a waste processing plant requires up to 900 thousand rubles. monthly. This amount includes wages for employees, payment for consumed power, rental of premises, and payment of taxes. Also, when drawing up a business plan, it is worth remembering this type of expense such as equipment depreciation.

Considering the large start-up costs, the payback period for the project is 2-4 years. The practice of the waste recycling business shows that in this area, payback within 5 years is a completely normal indicator.

How much can you earn from recycling waste? The profitability of waste recycling production is estimated at 40-80%. If you receive raw materials almost free of charge, then any final product is valued at 10-40 thousand rubles. per ton. However, in order to achieve such indicators, all stages of the technological process must be properly planned.

As for net profit, during the first year of operation of the enterprise it ranges from 50 to 150 thousand rubles. per month. But in this waste business, the prospects are the most attractive, since further development of production can make a profit of about 1 million rubles. per month.

Advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of a processing plant as a business is its prospects, relevance and stability. This is an opportunity to build a large production facility that will benefit society and multimillion-dollar profits for the owner. But for this to happen, you need to go through difficult process organization, have enough Money and be ready for long-term investments. This is the main disadvantage of this business idea.

Peculiarities. First, efficiency reuse waste directly depends on the quality of sorting. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a complex system from the collection of raw materials to the sale of finished products to consumers (in this case, processed products from recyclable materials). Here you cannot do without interaction with the authorities and numerous companies in the city, which is not always easy. Secondly, due to the underdevelopment of the market, prices for recyclable materials are very unstable: when demand grows, suppliers stop coping with waste collection, prices rise; when demand falls, goods quickly accumulate and fill storage facilities, and therefore are sold at bargain prices.

Starter kit for starting a business: initial capital of 5 million rubles, production premises with an area of ​​at least 200 square meters, a warehouse with an area of ​​at least 100 square meters, equipped in accordance with sanitary and fire requirements, installations, technologists and labor.

Option 4. Waste placement and storage

If the listed types of waste business do not suit you, you can stick to the simplest option. Disposal of waste - its storage or burial. Garbage needs to be stored somewhere. For this purpose, so-called landfills are used - a complex of equipment and structures that provide isolation and burial of waste masses. The solid waste storage facility is constructed in the form of a pit with a natural or special internal covering. This ensures the environmental safety of surrounding soils, groundwater and green spaces. Properly equipped landfills are located far from cities and do not harm the health of their residents.

The following requirements are put forward for the location of landfills:

  • life time- 15-20 years;

  • distance from populated areas- at least 1 km;

    protective strip- at least 20 m;

    distance to groundwater- more than 2 m;

    absence near natural bodies of water.

Today, there are officially a little more than 1,000 testing grounds in Russia, but their occupancy is approaching or already exceeding 100%. Therefore, the business of creating landfills is in demand.

To implement this idea, you will need several hectares of free land outside the populated area, water protection and recreational zones. Ideally, a landfill should be built, since it has certain requirements. In addition, you must obtain permission to create a placement. This permit confirms compliance with geological, hydrological and other standards). You should also include the landfill in the unified state register and monitor the environmental situation - even after the end of operation.

How much can you earn from storing garbage? The profitability of landfills is small, since landfill tariffs are set by the municipality. In large cities, the landfill can accept municipal waste for 250 rubles. per cubic meter, and commercial - for 500-600 rubles. A garbage truck delivers from 2 to 10 tons at a time.

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“Money doesn’t smell” is a completely accurate expression that describes making money from recycling waste.

Perhaps, high profitability This kind of business is due to the fact that for most people, garbage is a completely useless thing, from which you certainly won’t earn anything.

Therefore, these days, when rapidly infrastructure is developing, technology, production of products and materials, waste recycling business seems irrelevant and not profitable.

Believe me, this is a big misconception. Let's take a closer look at how the waste recycling business works.

Russia has accumulated about 3 billion tons of waste that requires urgent disposal. Every year another 60 million tons are added to this number. The prospect of its processing is more relevant today than ever.

Let's look at the situation in more detail: about 95%-96% solid waste are thrown into landfills.

Of these, approximately 60% is the most valuable material for processing:

  • glass,
  • cardboard,
  • metal,
  • plastic.

A small example: in 2014 in Moscow, out of 3 million tons of waste to be disposed of, just over 1% was recycled.

Why is the waste recycling business so relevant today? After all, the same situation in the waste disposal market existed before. Distinctive factors most suitable for project implementation similar business right now, the following positions have become:

  • The emergence of inexpensive domestic equipment small and medium-sized waste processing facilities.
  • Filling the sales market with many new small organizations engaged in production related to the processing of recyclable materials.
  • So far, the government has not in any way prevented this type of disposal, such as waste incineration, but it is planned to do so soon. passing a law banning waste burning. Thus, a waste recycling business becomes a win-win option.

Turning trash into money

Of course, digging through someone else's trash can is not very pleasant, but let's analyze its contents in theory:

  • to 10% waste paper;
  • 15%-20% metal, rubber, textiles etc.;
  • up to 25% food waste;
  • 4.45%-50% polymers.

Eventually, minimum 60% the contents of the average person's trash can can be processed and marketed for good money.

But, of course, this is just a theory. In practice separate collection We don’t even smell of waste. In this regard, we are far from Japan and many European countries.

Yes, of course, in some cities various containers are installed for sorting waste, but at the moment they are not particularly useful.

Of the actual 60% of good waste, after sorting, a little less than 30% of recyclables actually turns out. However, there is a way out of the situation - the acquisition of special sorting plants.

While foreign companies are making fortunes from waste, in Russia this area is almost completely free. So why not start turning trash into money today?

Selection of plant specialization

Certainly, best option- purchase complete chain production for processing solid waste, but, let's be realistic, who of those who want to open a business in waste has a spare 20 million dollars?

Therefore, it is best to start developing a business by recycling a certain type of waste.

Car tires

There are three types of tire recycling:

  • grinding,
  • burning,
  • pyrolysis

The last method is the most profitable and promising.

This is a method of decomposing rubber into:

  • carbon,
  • raw materials for metallurgy,
  • synthetic oil.

There is probably no need to say how in demand the above-mentioned raw materials are.

Also, a very common method tire shredding.

From crumb rubber make:

  • floor coverings for sports grounds and halls,
  • produce rubber tiles,
  • used as a filler for sports equipment,
  • component in new road surfaces,
  • finishing material for construction, etc.

Construction waste

In this area, it is impossible to do without special sorting plants, since construction waste can contain completely different materials:

  • metal,
  • concrete,
  • brick.

An example of recycled material from such a production line is crushed stone. The high profitability of this segment of the waste waste market is due to the increased number of construction projects being implemented, as well as an increase in the cost of removing construction waste.

Thanks to mobile crushing and screening stations, waste from collapsed buildings can be processed right on site.


Finding material for recycling is quite easy:

  • you can take cullet from glass factories,
  • from our own organized collection point for glass containers,
  • from waste collected using a sorting line.

With an inexpensive equipment price, demand The cost of the resulting raw materials is very large, the costs of organizing production instantly pay off.

Paper and cardboard

Currently, 50% of the recycled material in the world is cardboard and paper.

But, despite the fact that the number of new production organizations in this area is growing rapidly, the platform for business in it is still not very competitive.

75% of recycled content goes to production and production of packaging, the remaining 25% is attributed to the production of roofing materials. Therefore, the demand for the resulting raw materials is unshakably high.

Plastic bottles (PET)

There are plenty of products for disposal in landfills. You yourself can become a supplier of raw materials for your plant by equipping your plant with a sorting line. You can also purchase a mobile unit that can recycle bottles right on site.

It pays for itself in a maximum of one and a half years.

Documents receiving

The main document, without which there can be no talk of legally organizing a waste business, is license, giving the right to engage in the processing of solid waste. They receive it from the Ministry of Ecology. The official cost of the document is about $7,500. But to obtain it, you often have to fill out various additional documents, and the total amount can increase by 2-3 times.

To fully register a waste recycling plant, one license from the Ministry of Environment is not enough. It will also be necessary to register the organization in the form of an LLC or individual entrepreneur.

To create and register your LLC, in addition to the license, you will need to prepare a number of documents:

  • Registration card of a private person (owner).
  • Permission to use a leased or own plant land plot, building, room.
  • Extract from the tax office.
  • Permission from SES, electrical and fire supervision.

Search for raw materials for processing

It is most profitable to take garbage from the housing stock. After all, it is the urban population that throws out the most garbage, which requires disposal. Here it is very important to encourage residents to throw garbage into your “container”. Of course, people pay pennies for garbage removal, but you need to convince them to spend these pennies on the services of your company.

Organize own collection points of one or another type of waste, advertise your company, convey to residents why it is better and more profitable than others, locate your production near a landfill or solid waste landfill, or as close as possible to accumulations of raw materials, etc.

Premises and equipment

Typically a warehouse and the production premises are located next to a landfill or solid waste landfill.

The area of ​​the first should be approximately 100 square meters. m, the area of ​​the second is at least 300 sq. m.

The premises must comply with sanitary and fire standards.

In general, their purchase and improvement will cost no less than 2 thousand dollars.

A “minimum” kit, which is suitable for implementing the first steps of a waste recycling business, will cost approximately $50,000. It includes:

  • Sorting line.
  • Crusher.
  • Press.
  • Bunker.
  • Magnet or any other additional equipment.

Perhaps it seems to you that it is best to immediately buy expensive imported equipment - we have to disappoint you. As experts say, it is much better to purchase domestically produced equipment for the following three reasons:

  1. Cheaper.
  2. Very often, more reliable.
  3. It is much easier to find parts to repair.

Also, according to experts, one should not lose sight of inexpensive Chinese products: do not be biased towards the country of origin. In China, there are many internationally recognized companies engaged in the manufacture of waste recycling equipment.

To locate your production line near a landfill, you must obtain permission from the city utility service. It is issued only if there is a license for solid waste processing.


Waste recycling production cannot exist without labor. As a rule, even a relatively small plant employs up to 40 people. Typically a shift consists of 10-15 people. The salary is pennies, you definitely won’t go to a loss on it.

There are two classes service personnel at a waste treatment plant:

  • 1.Worker.
  • 2. Specialist.

There is a difference in the monthly salaries of the two above-mentioned employees, but it is not significant.

When opening an LLC, you definitely need to hire an additional manager, an accountant and a couple of management people who control the production process at all its stages.

As a rule, they are paid the highest wages at the plant.

Where to sell the products?

Take care of searching for companies engaged in the manufacture of products from recycled materials for your type of production.

  • Glass. Look for glass factories that make abrasives, tiles, insulation, and brick products.
  • Crushed stone. Post advertisements for the sale of crushed stone, search for customers and provide them with a delivery service.
  • . A cardboard and packaging plant or a toilet paper manufacturing plant would be perfect for you as a client.
  • Flex or granules(plastic recycling). Look for a polymer plant for cooperation that produces plastic containers, films, etc., as well as small offices and enterprises.
  • Rubber crumb. This is a great success for factories producing rubber tiles, asphalt, road surfaces, sports equipment, building materials using rubber, etc.


It is clear that the cost of building a plant directly depends on the material it will process, but you are unlikely to be able to do without:

  • crushers,
  • sorting line,
  • bunker

The cost of the listed order is ~$40,000.

Also, be prepared to invest about 2 thousand dollars to purchase:

  • warehouse space,
  • premises for the production line.

Approximately $300 will be spent on monthly salary for staff(up to 40 people).

About 20% – payment for utility costs.

For a ton of recycled waste, you will receive from $500 to $1,500, and, taking into account expenses, you may have $10 thousand in net income. Thus, Your business will pay off within six months after opening, gaining 50% profitability.

Before you do anything, you need to create at least a short business plan for yourself.


Are you excited about starting your own waste recycling business? Don't put it off until later - it will be too late. Very soon, competition in this market will increase noticeably due to the factors mentioned in the article.

Having a budget of $50,000 or more, you can create and organize production for processing a certain type of waste and pay it off in 1-2 years. Receiving stable income, there is an opportunity to gradually expand production, earning more and more!

The process of sorting and recycling waste is presented in the video:

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