Western script. Wild West Party: Become a Western Hero! Competition "Gold Mine"

Number of guests - 12
Venue - apartment

Possible characters:
- cowboys
- Indians
- cabaret dancers
- sheriff
- barmaid
- pastor
- ... and etc...


1.1 Invitation
It was created in Photoshop and sent to all participants of the event. Dress code is required

1.2 Made bottles for whiskey, tequila and other strong drinks

1.3 A notice board was made with photographs of regular visitors (templates for Photoshop were found on the Internet, and the faces of friends were inserted)

1.4 The doors of our “saloon” have been made

1.5 Country music was found and downloaded on the Internet (for the background during the event)

For example:
Rednex "Riding alone"
Rednex "Cotton eye Joe"
Sheryl Crow "Mississippi"
and etc


Names of cocktails for the "Cowboy" party:

1. Green Mexican (you won’t start dancing with him on the bar counter) - mojito
2. For little Sue (pleasantly invigorating and cheerful) - a champagne-based cocktail
3. Hot Macho (for real machos who are not afraid of fire) - B-52
4. Control shot (may be the last) - tequila, salt, lime
5. Death of a Mexican (burning, strong - knocks you out of the saddle) - a cocktail based on cognac and Coca-Cola
6. Busty Mary's Milk (Safe for the Head!) - Milkshake
7. Blonde in foam (only for warming up and warming up) - beer
8. Hot black woman (no degree!) - hot chocolate
9. Coyote's Lair (or gimlet) - a cocktail based on vodka and juice
10. Kamikaze (don’t know who this is?) - vodka, beer, a few drops of Tabasco sauce
11. Sex on the Prairies (this is usually a pleasant process) - a cocktail based on Cointreau liqueur
12. Red Glory (she’s a beauty, but she won’t drive you crazy) - Bloody Mary
13. Dream - Acapulco (strong, tart - hot) - coffee with cognac
14. Sheriff (a servant of the law does not drink at work) - mix juices in equal proportions: orange, grapefruit, pineapple, apple, add grenadine or any red syrup + ice
15. What a real cowboy desires (surprise) - any drink at the request of the guest

What can a cowboy eat before he puts on his hat?
or where it all begins - with foreplay... and appetizers

Smoked Indian (several types of smoked meats: sausages, sausage, meat, lard)
- Salty dog ​​(pickles, tomatoes, cabbage, mushrooms)
- A sea adventure with a brunette, a redhead and a blonde (black bread croutons, sandwiches with red caviar and white bread))
- Cold and trembling cowboy who would eat a bull (jelly)
- Sea wolf (herring with onions)
- Well-fed white eagle (filling of cod liver, eggs and herbs is wrapped in pita bread; the roll is cut into slices 2 cm wide)
- Salty Indian in winter - in a fur coat (herring under a fur coat)
- Exotic prairies (capers, olives, olives, greens)

For those who like it hot:
no sweets, only men's food... hot

Eagle Wings (Garlic Fried Chicken Wings)
- Bloody eagle heart (fried chicken hearts with soy sauce on a skewer)
- Baconato (fried bacon with fried egg)
- Cowboy's Pride (grilled sausages)
- Boar saddle (baked meat in the oven with onions, potatoes and mayonnaise)

Spicy details of the cowboy's preferences:
No eroticism, only sweet... dessert

Mulatto in the hayloft (chocolate sausage or chocolate biscuit)
- Strawberry lover (strawberries and cream)
- Caress with tongue (lollipop)
- Cuban macho dessert (cigar)
- Banana millionaire (fried bananas with cognac, drizzled with chocolate)

Entertainment for a cowboy:
Not only shooting, whiskey, but also something interesting...

Cowboy nostalgia (watch any video where participants of this holiday are filmed)
- Cowboys and football (watching the “best goals” disc)
- Taxi blues (call a taxi home at the expense of the bar)
- Striptease (excerpts from the films “Striptease” and “Male Striptease”)
- Dance on the bar counter (excerpt from the movie “Wild Coyote Bar”, where they dance on the bar counter)
- Romantic adventure (CD with melodrama as a gift)
- Roll some balls (an hour of bowling or billiards at the expense of the bar)


Meeting with guests. Free cocktail "Mamajuana" at the expense of the establishment ("Drink of Passion" from the Dominican Republic. National alcoholic herbal tincture. Rum, red wine and honey are used to prepare it.)

When everyone has gathered - smoking a “peace pipe” (for us it’s a hookah)

After a small snack at the table there is a competition of questions on a cowboy theme. Riddle questions about cowboys.

1. A cowboy rides across the prairie and stops his horse at a saloon. He jumps off, ties him up, and goes inside. She sees the bartender and asks him for a glass of water. Instead, the bartender pulls out a gun and shoots. The cowboy says “Thank you” and happily rides off on his horse. Question: “What did the cowboy say thank you for?” (for the bartender saving him from hiccups)
2. Once upon a time there were 2 cowboys. They always competed with each other on horses to see who could run the fastest. When they turned 50 years old, they decided to bet for the last time whose horse would run first to the finish line, he LOST. They got up to the start and stood there. 2 hours have passed, and an old man approaches them. He said something to them, and the cowboys ran off like crazy. Question: “What did the elder say?” (swap horses)
3. Three people were sitting on the sofa at the table: a cowboy, a gentleman and a Japanese man. How many feet were there on the floor? (Answer: one, because the cowboy sits with his feet on the table, the gentleman sits cross-legged, and the Japanese sits with his feet under him)
4. Rooster - 8, Dog - 3, cow - 2, donkey - 2. Question: horse - how much? (Answer - 5 - and-go-go)

Competition for attention and memory.
A cowboy is chosen. The others freeze with a clap, and the chosen one looks at them carefully and remembers, then goes out the door. The rest change poses, places, details of clothing. The cowboy comes in and guesses what has changed.

Competition "The Sound of a Waterfall".
One cowboy stands on the opposite side. shore, there is a waterfall between him and the other cowboys, and nothing is heard. He must use gestures to explain the hidden phrase, for example:
- I saw an Indian
- the redskins are chasing me
- I found gold
- they're shooting there, it's dangerous

Competition "Duel"
Was compiled standings(cup system - for relegation), who is fighting with whom. As a result, the winner from each pair advances to the next round. In the end there was only one left =)

Darts competition

Karaoke competition

And in the end they played “mafia” in a cowboy style, where the mafia is the Indians, the doctor is the pastor, and the commissioner is the sheriff.

In general, it was a great success!

Ceremonial removal of the cake and making wishes.

Both adults and children enjoy such joyful holidays; it’s not at all difficult to create a party script. Moreover, you can hold one themed party for kids and their parents at the same time. It's just that the competitions and menus will be slightly different.

If the holiday is planned to be held in a private or country house, great opportunities open up. You can make a lot of noise, dance, fry meat over a fire, which you can’t do in an apartment. An ideal option for any company is a cowboy party! The main thing is to prepare thoroughly.

Decorating the ranch

If you have a great desire to make the party unforgettable, a little imagination - everything will turn out better than ever! You can make your own cowboy and sheriff costumes. The rest of the decorations are also easy to make using cardboard and paints! Make a stencil in the shape of large cacti and transfer it to cardboard, then paint it beautifully with gouache. There must be a barnyard and large poultry. For cattle, boxes from a refrigerator or washing machine are suitable. Place the animals behind a wicker fence; it can be made from twigs. For cool photos, you need to draw a poster with an imitation of a bar counter and strong drinks. Dress up one of the guests as a bartender. The party script needs to be thought out in detail and written down to avoid awkward moments and hiccups!

Western saloon

If the party is taking place in an apartment, then there will be no problems with the decorations either. Print posters with images of brutal cowboys, views of ranches and Wild West nature. Treat your guests to a truly exciting Western. Fun competitions and a variety of drinks at the bar accompanied by freshly prepared meat are exactly what you need this evening. In front of the entrance to the apartment, attach a piece of wood on which photos of guests with the title Wanted are hung.

Complimentary ticket

Now let's move on to the invitations. The easiest way is to print it on a printer ready-made templates and enter names. But you can make beautiful cards yourself. You will need rough paper and pieces of leather or substitute. The paper can be aged a little with a solution of strong tea; after drying, it will be yellowish and uneven; make a fringe out of leather and attach it to each invitation along the edge. You can use charcoal to write the time and place where the cowboy-themed party will be held. Delivering such a treasured ticket also needs to be unusual. For example, dressed up in a cowboy costume, play the role of a postman and hand it personally to each guest. Or use the services of real mail and send by registered mail.

Start notifying your family about the party one or two weeks in advance, because they will need to prepare costumes! The party invitation should look intriguing so that your friends will want to quickly plunge into the life of the Wild West. Make it in the shape of a cactus, a cowboy hat, or a bottle of saloon whiskey. Print the invitation cards, paint them with acrylic paints and stick them on cardboard. If all this is done a little sloppy and roughly, it doesn’t matter. A cowboy themed party means a little casualness.

Music has tied us

Cowboys love good music. Therefore, musical instruments will come in handy. Harmonicas, piano, mandolin, guitar will complement the interior and add color to the atmosphere. A country-style cardboard ensemble will delight your guests, but if this is not possible, cut out musicians from cardboard and place them on stage. Makes a great background for a keepsake photo. But what will be played throughout the evening is a matter of taste for the host and guests. You can include several cowboy tunes in your playlist, but you shouldn’t get carried away with this genre. Choose incendiary, dance tracks so that no one invited gets bored! After all, a cowboy party is constant fun, laughter and active competitions.

Costumes and paraphernalia

You can make all the accessories for the party yourself. But it is better to indicate on the invitation card what kind of clothing each person should wear. Worn old jeans, checkered shirts, scarves and hats, leather jackets and Wellingtons- there is at least something in any wardrobe. Maybe one of the guests has a wide belt with a huge plaque. Girls can create a more elegant look: denim shorts, skirts with fringe to the toes, a shirt tied with a knot at the waist. When entering the house, give each guest a bright bandana or hat; you can prepare a sheriff's badge for each. Be sure to come up with new cowboy names for your guests, it will be even more interesting to plunge into this world full of adventures and dangers!

The host of the holiday must have a real cowboy costume. You can purchase a ready-made outfit for him. It could be an Indian, a sheriff, or even a cowboy's faithful horse! The more comical the presenter's outfit, the better. After all, he will always be the center of attention and set the tone for the party. Don’t forget about small gifts for guests who will begin to actively participate in competitions.


To prevent your guests from getting bored from eating meat and strong drinks, give them a good shake-up. Party competitions need to be thought out in advance and paraphernalia prepared.

Let's check which of the guests has every chance of becoming an oligarch. To do this, we take water into a large basin and throw into it a lot of pieces of gold foil rolled into a ball. Now everyone can feel like a gold digger. With their eyes closed, the participant must use a sieve to catch as many nuggets as possible! After the calculations, award the winner a chocolate gold medal.

Agility and Stamina

A cowboy party is not a place to sit quietly and make small talk. This is where real adventures begin, in which you can show your skills and strength.

Organize a horse race for your guests. Glue the mane and muzzle of a horse onto two huge inflated balls - these will be the faithful mounts of cowboys! Gymnastic balls with handles or ears that you can easily move around on are best. Now divide the guests into two teams and those who complete the relay will be the first to receive a prize!


Well, what cowboy doesn't know how to use a lasso? You definitely need to check how accurate and dexterous your city representatives are. Tie a tight rope and make a ring. You can lasso anything: a magnificent beauty, a cow, and even a chair. With each stage the target moves further and further, identify the most accurate winner!

Contests for the party should be both active and calm, so that guests can relax a little. A quiz with tricky questions will also come in handy.

Try to check the reaction of all invitees. The presenter says the word and shows what movement needs to be done, everyone repeats after him. With every word he tries to confuse the participants. When you hear the word “sheriff,” you need to grab the pistol from the holster; when you hear the word “storm,” you need to cover your face with a handkerchief. Come up with several interesting movements and repeat them one by one; inattentive participants will get confused and quickly leave the game. The most attentive of the guests will remain!

Bull by the horns

Parties for adults are usually very fun and lively. Give your friends a real rodeo. To do this you will need to make an angry bull. Place a log or thick board on the chairs along the edges. Lay a blanket in the middle to form a seat. Divide the players into two teams. The first one sits on a log and holds on to it with all parts of the body as tightly as possible. But the second team begins to swing the log, trying to throw off their opponents! It will be a very fun competition, but such activities are best done outdoors. Then the teams switch places and the fun begins again.

Water treatments

If the cowboy party takes place outside during the hot season, you can arrange water fights. Buy several toy water guns and have clean, large containers ready. Collect buckets or bins clean water and you can start shelling. Players will be divided into two teams and will remember their childhood while having fun frolicking in the fresh air. The driest team will win.

If dousing is not to your liking, you can shoot at the cans with a water gun. Make the scenery for a real cowboy shooting gallery; you can stick photos of criminals on the cans, and the shooter will imagine himself as a formidable sheriff.

Like it or not

At a party where close friends are present, you can hold an interesting competition - “like it or not.” The host asks each guest in a circle what he likes about his neighbor at the table. When everyone has expressed their views, the presenter offers to kiss the place that the neighbor likes. And then, on the contrary, bite what you don’t like! It will turn out to be a lot of fun, but it is better to carry out such an action at the very end of the feast, when all the embarrassment has disappeared from the guests and the team has rallied.

Fun milking

Cowboys are great cattle breeders. Invite them to milk a cow, let them show their abilities in handling their horned friends. Take three rubber gloves and poke holes in each finger. Fill the glove with water and distribute it to the participants. The one who milks the most water is the winner. You can give him a liter of milk as a gift! The more participants, the more interesting it is to watch them. Especially if the milkers are men. For a comical touch, tie them bright scarves and put on aprons. This competition can be held both indoors and outdoors.

Have fun! To make the party memorable and bright, just put in a little effort. Select costumes and paraphernalia in advance, send invitations to friends. Prepare gifts for the winners, even if the budget does not allow you to buy something worthwhile, lollipops and chocolate medals will do! Competitions, quizzes, delicious meat over the fire and a lot of positive emotions - this is the motto of a cowboy party! Enjoy the holidays like children and create a cheerful atmosphere at your celebration.

December 03, 2016
Birthday or other joyful occasion? It's time to try throwing a cowboy party! Tell your friends about this and before you know it, they will all come to you in leather and hats!

Today you have so many sources of inspiration!

Cowboy movies are still in fashion (eg Django Unchained)

Distressed jeans, leather boots and trendy belt buckles are easy to find

It's always easy to find tracks from artists like Kelly Clarkson and LeAnn Rimes

We offer you a way to organize a cowboy party in six stages.

Step 1. Invitation

Find a photo of each of the invitees and make something like a wanted poster like you see in movies. You can use phrases like “Wanted! For the most beautiful hairstyle” or “Has anyone seen the beauty? Reward $1000"

Print out the invitations and use a lighter to scorch the edges for an aged, sun-scorched look. You can come up with something else, for example, make invitations in the shape of hats or sheriff's badges.

Step 2: Costume Ideas

Dressing Western is SO much fun. You can find a lot of role models in cowboy films.

Think of different images: cowboys, bandits, buffaloes, elders, town sheriffs, bandits and robbers. And know that even ordinary hats are enough to instantly lift the mood of all guests.

Step 3: Cowboy Party Decoration Ideas.

Turn your room into a real bar or saloon. Make a bar counter with beer, place small tables with chairs around. Set aside a room or a place outside for shooting!.. With water pistols

Hang rope lasso on the walls.

Place a hat rack, hang guns and revolvers (preferably artificial or unloaded). It will be great to find a tomahawk somewhere, but keep it where no one can get it J

Print large versions of your invitations and hang them up too.

Make the lighting yellow and semi-intimate, like in a bar

Buy inflatable cacti, or place real ones around the room

Cover surfaces with soft brown and white blankets to resemble cow hides.

Find a big rocking horse with a saddle that everyone can rock and laugh on and take pictures with.

Step 4: Fun

Riddles based on cowboy films: Write the names of films on the theme on pieces of paper, mix them in a hat. The player takes out a piece of paper and everyone must guess his movie. These could be films like "The Wild Wild West", "Brokeback Mountain" and "The Magnificent Seven"

Cowboy Dance Floor: Let the guests dance! The following tracks can be used.

  • Jolene - Dolly Parton
  • Come Monday - Jimmy Buffett
  • Achy Breaky Heart - Billy Ray Cyrus
  • The River - Garth Brooks
  • I Don't Feel Like Dancing - Scissor Sisters
  • Stand By Your Man - Tammy Wynette
Water Shootout: This can be done either in a separate room or in the courtyard. You will need a wall, six empty beer cans and water pistols. And have a competition for accuracy! In the process, someone will probably hit another guest and it could all end in a fun shootout and wet T-shirts.

And when shooting at cans, you can make them heavier for fun by putting tennis balls in them. If you're not playing outside, bring some towels.

Learn a themed dance together. An excellent training video can be found by the title “Line Dancing for Beginners DVD - Learn with Lynne”

Step 5: Snack ideas.

Here you can cook traditional American dishes for your cowboys!

For example:
- steak, chicken legs, fried chicken
- Popcorn and beans
- Corn cobs and tomato salad
- Tacos, nachos, burritos
- Apple pie, ice cream
- Cocktails and beer.

Step 6. Souvenirs and prizes for games.

Let everyone take away something memorable from your party, such as:
- cowboy hat
- plastic sheriff badge
- cookies in the shape of hats and stars
- CD with Western music - water pistol.

Idea: Hosting a party in the style of the Wild West. This script can be adapted for both children's party, and for an adult party.

  1. Invitations. Gather your friends and family to your Country Party with personalized invitations. We offer you an example of such an invitation, which you can download directly from our website and sign in this style. It will be more interesting if you put something in the envelope along with such an invitation: a cowboy scarf, a sheriff’s badge or Western-style confetti - stars, cacti or cowboy hats and boots. #
  1. Use your imagination to come up with some really interesting invitations. Here are some ideas for you:
  1. Design Western WANTED posters for your party invitations! Include all the party details in them, roll them up and wrap them in bandanas. Use for this colored paper or parchment, write in black ink.
  1. Another idea for an invitation to such a party is a message in the form of a cow bell. Buy jingle bells, paint the guest's name on the outside, and attach the party details to the tongue on the inside. Send the bells by mail or deliver them in person. You can find these bells in a gift shop.
  1. Another idea for a unique invitation is multi-colored cowboy hats for each guest with all the party details written on paper that needs to be folded and tucked into the inner lining. Be sure to ask your guests to come to the party wearing an invitation (with a hat, not a paper on their head).
  1. Whatever invitation you choose, ask your guests to come dressed for the occasion. Of course, you, as the owner, should wear the following: jeans or denim (skirt or pants), fringe, cowboy boots with spurs, bolo tie (in the form of a lanyard with an ornamental clip), sequined cowboy hat, holster, leather pads trousers.
  1. Decorations and decorations. At the entrance, display a huge banner with greetings such as "Welcome to the Good Old Wild West." Before entering, set up a life-size cardboard cutout of a celebrity dressed as a cowboy so that each guest can take a souvenir photo with the famous figure! You can also place a large laundry basket in front of the entrance with bandanas (multi-colored head scarves with white designs) and cowboy hats so your guests can fill in any gaps in their cowboy attire.
  1. The ideal party location for your favorite cowboys was a rented barn, stable (not working) or farm (also not working). But this is hardly possible in big city, so get ready to create large quantity decorations if you want to give your party a real Wild West flair. In the absence of a farm, a large hall or dining room with a spacious interior is best suited for such a party. Set up a small stage in the center of the hall and place several haystacks around it. Also, place real (if possible) or large cacti in pots cut out of paper or foil throughout the room. You can scatter plastic or rubber toy snakes all over the floor. If possible, install a real saddle on one of the stacks.
  1. Here are some more ideas for decorations:
  1. Use various Western-themed items you've seen in movies: Remember the little wooden shutters at the entrance to any bar or saloon? Or a bar counter? They can be used for the same purposes - instead of (or on) the door and against the wall (on the wall - if these are painted decorations). And to enhance the impression, hang a large Western-style poster on the wall.
  1. Hang posters all over the walls. You can personalize them by depicting the host or hostess of the evening.
  1. Hang “Cowboy Room” and “Cowboy Girl Room” on the restroom doors.
  1. Using a rope, make several lassos and hang them as garlands.
  1. Don't forget about the music: turn on CDs with country music (Johnny Cash, Loretta Lynn, Willie Nelson).
  1. Table and menu. On top of the red tablecloth, cover the tables with more gingham cloth and pure red and pure white napkins for added chic. Another option is denim. You can even use Sheriff's stars as napkin rings.
  1. It would be great if you could find disposable cardboard plates somewhere with a bandana, cowboy hat or cactus design, and similar cups, as well as mugs in the shape of a cowboy boot and cactus, and toothpicks with tips in the same theme.
  1. Cacti make a great centerpiece for your party table! Wrap colorful bandanas around your cactus pots and stick miniature spurs into the ground, found at your local toy store. With this you can achieve an amazing effect. Don't forget the western confetti - it's also a great technique! You can also use a composition of balls in the appropriate theme, a haystack or a huge decorative boot with a spur filled with sweets or souvenirs for the central element.
  1. You can use plastic or cardboard horseshoes or boots as name cards for the table, or you can also use our option for a name card.
  1. The most common type of food for a Western party is something roasted whole on a grill or spit: chicken, sausages, chops, skewers, or the like. Whatever it is, be sure to season your dish with barbecue sauce. You can also serve: chili, stew and boiled beans. Don't forget about different sauces for chips and other seasonings (mostly hot ones). You can also serve dishes in a very unusual way:
  1. Place a cowboy hat on the table, place a small bowl of sauce on the top, and pour a lot of chips on the brim.
  1. Place the other cowboy hat upside down, cover it with a napkin, and fill it with candy or some other treat. If you doubt the reliability of the napkin, you can simply place a bowl with the contents in the hat.
  1. Wrap bandanas around other bowls and place them under all other plates of food.
  1. Games and entertainment. You can hire real professionals who know how to square dance and can teach your guests a few steps.
  1. Game "Gold Rush". As you know, the first settlers in the Wild West were looking for gold. This game will remind everyone of those fun times; both adults and children can play it. You will need: a large box of sand, a sieve, trays, toys, coins, crystals, polished stones. Rules of the game: bury toys, crystals, coins and pebbles in a box filled to the brim with sand. Give each participant a sieve and tray. Participants must use a sieve to scoop sand and find treasures to place on a tray. Limit your time for this task. The one who finds the most valuable things wins.
  1. Game "Haystack with a surprise." This game is similar to the previous one, in which all participants must rummage through a haystack to find their prize. You will need: 4 or 5 haystacks, wrapping paper, toys, gifts. Wrap small cowboy-themed souvenirs (water pistols, a bag of gold chocolate coins, glass souvenirs, country music CDs, etc.) in wrapping paper, hide your gifts in haystacks, set a timer for 5 minutes and turn on catchy music. If participants could not find all the gifts in the first 5 minutes, arrange another round. Give consolation prizes to those who didn't find anything in the stacks.
  1. Game "Top Shooter". What you need: Empty drink cans, water guns, water, rope, paper and pen. Rules of the game: It is better to play this game outside. Place empty cans in a row on a flat surface, each participant armed with one water pistol. Provide some kind of container of water so they can load their pistols. Place a rope on the floor - this will be the line from which the participants will shoot. For each jar knocked down, the participant receives one point, which is recorded in his account on paper. Several rounds are held, or the competition can be arranged in such a way that those who miss are eliminated from the fight. In any case, the most accurate shooter wins.
  1. Game "Wild West". This is a classic game. It is also best played outside. You will need: horseshoes, stakes, ropes, a log, water pistols, empty drink cans, a table and chalk. Rules of the game: place empty cans in one row on the table, make a lasso from a rope and place it not far from the log (instead of the log you can make a cardboard horse), and at the very end of this path with obstacles, stick a stake into the ground. The task is as follows: the participant must run this path for a while: he must hit one jar with a water pistol, then catch the “horse” (log) with a lasso and at the end he must throw the horseshoe on the stake so that it lingers on it ( and did not fly past). You can make 2 such paths and divide all participants into 2 teams, the one who completes the entire task the fastest wins.
  1. Dance marathon "Quadrille". You can have a dance marathon. The point is that all the guests are divided into pairs, each pair is assigned a number that needs to be hung on the partner’s back, a CD with country music is turned on and the guests begin to dance, no matter whether they know how or not. The team that lasts the longest in the dance wins.
  1. If you have a stage, then you can put on a real show - a talent competition, let everyone show what they can do and don't forget about the prizes: cowboy hats decorated with badges and ribbons, CDs with country music, chocolate coins and horseshoes for good luck (iron , wooden or cardboard).
  1. Also, as a farewell and lasting memory of your party, you can give each guest souvenirs: bandanas, hats, a small pot of cactus, etc.

Dear clients, please note that payment for rental and leaving a deposit is made only in CASH!

Cowboy Party


Do you want to relax in a fun and noisy way? Preferably in a large company, in good location and with good alcohol and snacks? But don’t want to turn such a meeting into an ordinary drinking session? Then have a themed party! A party in the style of the Wild West, because at such a party both you and your friends will have a huge selection of images from which you can choose the one that is closest to you in spirit.

The advantage of themed parties is that they can be held in any place convenient for you: if you want, you can hold a “Wild West” cowboy party in a pub, bar or cafe, the design of which fits into your theme. Also, if you are holding a party in the warm season, you can hold it in a barn, stable or farm (the last two rooms should not be working, so as not to spoil your event with unpleasant odors). In fact, the main criterion for a good venue for a Wild West party is that it is spacious, as well as having a good bar counter.

To give the room the greatest resemblance to a Western-style bar, place real or artificial (you can cut them out of foil or paper) large potted cacti around the room. Also think about the location of the bar counter and the availability of strong and not very alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks in the bar (you never know, someone, like the characters in the film “The Man from the Boulevard des Capuchins,” will want to drink milk and nothing else). Another interior attribute characteristic of Wild West saloons is a small stage, which you can install on a raised platform in the center of the hall, so that it is convenient for everyone to climb up to it, and everything that happens on it can be seen from any point in the hall.

One more important point In the design of a room for a party in the Western style, there are posters on the walls depicting wanted criminals with an indication of the reward paid for their heads. You can take such posters from the Internet and simply print them out, or depict one of the guests as a wanted person. Remember that the paper for such posters must be aged and yellow (you can either find one that has already been aged, or you can age the regular office paper you have by placing it in strong brewed tea or coffee for a couple of minutes).

An important aspect of organizing a party room is organizing the bathroom. If you're hosting your Wild West themed party in a rented space, you can hang stylized signs on the restroom doors that read "Cowboy Room" and "Cowgirl Room." If the party is being held at your home, then you can hang on the door of your bathroom an image of a cactus being watered from a watering can so that your guests, through simple logical deductions, come to the conclusion of what exactly can and should be done in a room specially designed for this.

The interior decoration of the hall is also important. In addition to the above details, you can make a garland from typical cowboy accessories, namely a lasso. Twist several lassos from ropes, tie them together and stretch them under the ceiling as garlands. At the entrance itself, you can make a large sign with an invitation to the Wild West and put up a full-length cardboard cutout of a famous film actor in a cowboy costume. This layout will become both a kind of greeter and a photo zone, because... your friends will be able to take plenty of photos next to it.

Invitations for guests to a cowboy party

So, you have already thought through the decoration of the room for meeting guests, therefore, we can say that your cowboy hall is almost ready. It will be completely ready when it is filled with your guests. Now is the time to invite those who want to have fun to this celebration of life, so from this very moment (the moment of invitation) the countdown begins to meet the holiday and the beginning of unbridled fun in country style. You can, of course, invite all those whom you want to see at your holiday by telephone. It is possible, but not always necessary. Send your guests invitations in the style of the Wild West, and then they will definitely not get confused when, where, and in what form to come. You can come up with an original invitation to a holiday and make it yourself - just use your imagination to the fullest. For example, you can cut out invitations in the shape of a cactus from green cardstock and write your own text on it. In the envelope with such an invitation you can put confetti cut out in the style of the Wild West, for example, a sheriff's star, a cowboy hat or spurs on boots, small cacti. Also, an excellent option for an invitation to your party could be a cow bell, on which the name of the invitee will be written in paint, and more detailed information about the upcoming event will be attached to the tongue. You can buy these cow bells at any souvenir shop and then decorate them yourself. Such an original “bell-shaped” invitation can turn out to be quite cumbersome, so it is better to hand it to your friends in person. If for some reason you cannot invite someone personally, then send such invitations to your friends by mail. They will certainly be happy to receive packages that are so pleasant in all respects.

If you are throwing a cowboy party for your employees or colleagues, ie. If you are expecting a corporate party in the style of the Wild West, then an excellent invitation option would be cowboy hats, in which you will fold and put all the necessary information for the party. Thanks to such an invitation, your guests will definitely not have any questions about what theme the upcoming party is dedicated to and what image to choose.

Costumes and looks for a party in the Wild West

As for images for a country, Wild West or Western style party, there are actually a great variety of them. In addition to the well-known cowboys and sheriffs, not a single cowboy party is conceivable without the presence of the indigenous Indians, because, despite the by no means the most friendly relations between the indigenous population and white settlers, there is still friendship or, at least, mutual fruitful cooperation between representatives of the two such different civilizations still met.

If you decide to be a cowboy, then remember that the mandatory elements of a cowboy costume are jeans, a revolver and a cowboy hat. Another important detail of the cowboy wardrobe was a plaid shirt with a vest or cloak thrown over it. As accessories you can use lasso, neck scarves, bandanas, gloves, flasks of whiskey attached to your belt. The most interesting thing is that the wardrobes of modern cowboy boys and cowgirls are not very different from each other, most likely because jeans are unisex clothing that is popular among both boys and girls. But if young ladies come to dress up in the costumes of cowgirls of the past, then they need to remember that at that time ladies did not wear trousers, so long skirts or floor-length dresses are the best options. You can hang a holster with a revolver on the belt of a dress or skirt, tie a bright scarf around your neck and put a cowboy hat on your head - and the look is ready. Cowboy boots with wide tops, pointed toes, and iron or silver spurs will complete your look.

If you don’t want to be a brutal cowboy, the owner of the prairies, then choose a different image for yourself. You can be a warlike Indian - a tribal leader, or a sweet, modest Indian woman. When choosing Indian images, do not forget that every self-respecting Indian must have a feather in his hair; the more feathers, the more respected this Indian is in a particular tribe. You can also paint your face, however, remember that the more and more aggressive the paint on your face, the more likely it is that you will show that you are not in a peaceful mood, but are on the warpath... But it can also be a war with a bad mood. Another important point is that many Indian tribes had the main colors closest to nature, namely brown, beige, ocher, so take this into account when choosing your costume.

Another great in a feminine way for a party in Western style, the image of a cabaret dancer will be: short fluffy skirt with a colored hem, a bright corset (red, pink or black), a small flirty hat and elegant dance shoes. If you are not a timid and shy person, then you can wear fishnet stockings, paint your lips with bright red lipstick, and highlight your eyes with dark shadows. Also, cabaret dancers often wore long gloves to match their corsets on their hands.

Male in an interesting way will become the image of a bartender. You, being the organizer of the party, can become one yourself, or entrust one of your friends who can mix a cocktail, support the conversation, and calm the scandal in its infancy - a good bartender, especially at a costume party, is the key to success. A traditional bartender in a cowboy bar must wear a hat and vest; you can even wear a white short-sleeved shirt and bow tie under the vest. If you have a bartender you know, then this will turn out great, because you will be sure that your bartender knows and understands alcohol and, in addition, at your party he can relax well and get people drunk.

Another striking image cowboy party- this is the image of a prim immigrant, a merchant of some shop in the city, striking everyone with his snobbery. You can transform into such a young man and even get used to the character, but be in character only at the beginning of the evening: excessive snobbery will not allow you to enjoy the evening, to join the company of loitering and drunken cowboys.

Snacks, music and drinks for the party

Any cowboy party is unthinkable without catchy country music. You can call a cover band that could play for you all evening, but this is a very expensive option and requires a lot of space. Therefore, the best way out of this situation would be to play already recorded tunes. Works by Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, and Loretta Lynn will fit perfectly and support the holiday atmosphere. Country music should sound throughout the evening, at some moments it should be just a pleasant unobtrusive background, and at others it should be the queen of the evening.

In addition to pleasant music in the style of the Wild West, at a party you definitely need to think about what you will treat your guests to: menu and alcohol. The table decoration should match your theme, so cover the tables with a checkered fabric, lay out only white or only red napkins. One more good option Denim fabric will serve as table decoration. You can use stylized sheriff stars as napkin rings. You can also place bandanas under the plates, or tie colorful bandanas or ribbons around the bowls. You can serve or arrange food on disposable cardboard plates with a picture of a cowboy hat, bandana or cactus (if you can find disposable tableware of this type, of course). Drinks can be poured into cups or mugs with the same print.

You can use cacti, so characteristic of the arid cowboy area, as table decorations. Place pots of cacti tied with bandanas - your guests will undoubtedly enjoy them. Such pots can serve as seating cards if you pin the names of guests who should sit in the area of ​​such cacti on the spines. You can also use cardboard or plastic cowboy boots as place cards. And don't forget to consider one main stylized cowboy element that will be the center of your event: a handmade large cowboy boot that you fill with party favors or candy.

The main dish at a cowboy party is usually roasted whole meats or large pieces of meat, such as chicken, chops, sausages, and kebabs. The main sauce is barbecue sauce. Also, a Wild West style party accepts serving snacks such as chips, but always with different sauces. You can also put boiled beans, chili sauce, and stew on the tables.

And of course, what would a holiday be without dessert? Themed cakes and cookies are sure to lift your guests' spirits throughout the evening! You can also put gold crackers in a bowl and label them as gold bars. Or buy chocolate candies in the form of gold coins. After all, the gold rush is distinguishing feature that era - it was she who moved the settlers and contributed to the development of the Wild West.
