Is it true that Kadyrov slaughtered Russians? Kadyrov said that he did not kill Russian soldiers in Chechnya

Daria Antonova © IA REGNUM

“I never, anywhere, told anyone, either jokingly or seriously, that I killed Russian soldiers. I have never said such a phrase! These words are attributed to me, they were deliberately released on the Internet,”- said Kadyrov.

Kadyrov stressed that such statements about him are a blatant lie. He clarified that during the first Chechen campaign “he was with his people in arms.”

“I was little then, stupid, but was always next to my father.”, he noted.

Kadyrov said that he remembers how two captured soldiers and one contract soldier were taken from the militants and rescued. Then these people were transferred to headquarters.

« Musa Dadaev, he is now working as a minister Agriculture in our government, he also snatched captive contract soldiers from the hands of bandits and returned them to the federals. He said then: “We are not animals. Treat them like human beings. Let them go home and tell their mothers and wives that Chechens are defending their land.”, Kadyrov recalled.

The head of Chechnya said that he might be suspected of dishonesty: that he is afraid to tell the truth. “I’ll be damned if I don’t answer as it was! I have nothing to hide", - he said. Kadyrov emphasized that he went with his father, who, as a mufti, saved many military personnel from death.

As previously reported IA REGNUM, Kadyrov made working visits to Saudi Arabia and United United Arab Emirates. Both visits are devoted to the issues of intensifying the republic’s relations with two Middle Eastern countries in the fields of economics, education, and the fight against terrorism.

The head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov gave a detailed interview to TASS. The politician spoke about the conflict with Fedor Emelianenko, called himself the most peaceful man in the world, and Boris Nemtsov an enemy of Russia and said that he never said that he killed Russian soldiers.

Ramzan Kadyrov gave an interview to TASS, where he touched upon the topics of blood feud, love for the people and the conflict with Fedor Emelianenko. The conversation was published on November 28, Andrei Vandenko spoke with the Chechen leader.

The interview begins with a question about whether Kadyrov likes being feared. The head of Chechnya said that the enemies of Russia - “terrorists, extremists and others” should fear him.

The politician said that he was “irritated by all the nonsense that the people are against Kadyrov.” According to the head of the republic, he lives with the worries and troubles of his people.

Kadyrov called IS (an extremist organization banned in Russia) enemies, said that Chechens fighting on the side of terrorists would not return to the republic, and accused America and Europe of “dreaming of using the wrong hands to undermine our state.”

When asked whether the non-systemic opposition is his enemy, Kadyrov answered negatively, calling its representatives “talkers” and “shameless people.” According to the politician, their goal is to sell the interests of the state “for thirty measly pieces of silver.”

Kadyrov emphasized that Boris Nemtsov, who was killed in February 2015, was not an enemy for him, but called the deceased an enemy of Russia. According to the Chechen leader, the oppositionist was killed by “his friends.”

When asked why Kadyrov was not interrogated in the Nemtsov case, although he promised to do so, the head of Chechnya said that he was ready to do this “even now,” but first they must send him an official summons.

They also talked about the events of the 1990s and the war in Chechnya. Kadyrov emphasized that he fought against citizens of five dozen countries, the backbone of which, in his opinion, were employees of Western intelligence services, but he never spoke about killing Russian soldiers.

The politician spoke about his relationship with his children. Kadyrov called his sons excellent students and said that he would do everything to fire a teacher who would unfairly inflate their grades - in his opinion, his children are capable of achieving everything on their own.

The head of Chechnya touched on the topic of what happened due to the famous fighter’s criticism of children’s fights in Chechnya. Kadyrov said that Emelianenko posted a photo on social networks with the son of the head of Chechnya, after which commentators began to insult the child. According to the Chechen leader, the fighter “acted unethically and unmanly.”

The journalist mentioned that many people who spoke critically about the leader of Chechnya later apologized to him. Kadyrov said that he “does not humiliate anyone,” but later noted that he must “keep his word” and stated that blood feud prevents murders.

The politician said that the republic is trying to reduce the number of divorces so that there are none at all, but at the same time spoke positively about polygamy.

During the conversation, we also talked about the republic’s budget. Kadyrov said that there is no need to “confuse the money that went to restore the social sphere.”

The Chechen leader emphasized that the republic has no budget privileges.

“I fought against those people, against citizens of five dozen countries, who for some reason ended up in Chechnya, although they had probably never heard of it before in their lives,” he said in an interview with TASS. “Their backbone was professional staff Western intelligence services. They killed my people."

“I never, anywhere, told anyone, either jokingly or seriously, that I killed Russian soldiers,” Kadyrov emphasized. “I never uttered such a phrase! These words are attributed to me, they were deliberately released on the Internet. They are replicated, knowing full well: "This is a blatant lie. Yes, during the first campaign I was with my people in arms. I was little then, stupid, but I was always next to my father."

According to the current Chechen leader, in the early 1990s he “strongly supported” Dzhokhar Dudayev, but then “many people in Chechnya wanted independence, believed the words of Dudayev, Udugov, Basayev, Maskhadov, did not know that they were guided by enemies who dreamed about the death of Russia and used our people as cannon fodder."

“We didn’t figure everything out right away. At first we thought that we would defend our people like warriors. That was our ideology,” Kadyrov said.

According to him, his position changed after the then authorities of Ichkeria violated Khasavyurt agreements(with the signing of which on August 31, 1996, the first Chechen War. - Note website), Basayev invaded Dagestan, the second began Chechen campaign, which turned out to be even more cruel.

“My father spoke out against Maskhadov and Basayev and said: this is not jihad, but a betrayal of the laws of Islam. That was our fundamental disagreement. They sentenced Akhmat-Khadzhi to death penalty. We began to fight with Wahhabis and terrorists,” Kadyrov concluded.

In 2006, journalist Yulia Latynina said on the air of Echo of Moscow that Ramzan Kadyrov is “the person who was in the reception room of (Dmitry) Kozak (then holding the post of presidential envoy in Southern federal district) can say loudly: “And I killed my first Russian at the age of 16.” And in 2013, journalist Evgeny Mikhailov published an article in Novaya Gazeta in the Southern Federal District in which he called Ramzan Kadyrov “an ordinary bandit who committed mass murders of Russian citizens,” Dozhd recalls.

In this regard, the Commissioner for Human Rights in Chechnya, Nurdi Nukhazhiev, filed a lawsuit against Mikhailov for the protection of honor and dignity in the Leninsky District Court of Rostov-on-Don. At the trial, the journalist referred to Latynina’s words. The court called Kadyrov as a witness, but his press secretary Alvi Karimov said that the head of Chechnya “should not and is not obliged to refute what did not happen,” and “never in his life and under any circumstances stated that he was 16 killed someone." Later, the court changed its mind about summoning Kadyrov.

“I owe my life to Putin”

According to him, he is grateful to Russian President Vladimir Putin for the opportunity to fight terrorists in Chechnya after the death of his father, the first president of the republic, Akhmat Kadyrov. At the same time, Ramzan Kadyrov once again declared his absolute devotion to the Russian leader, adding that he has not yet earned the title of “Putin’s foot soldier.”

“I am devoted to the president. Infinitely. Like no one else. Vladimir Vladimirovich has security, special forces, but I am devoted to him not in office, but personally. I owe him my life... I owe him! Once he called himself Putin’s foot soldier, to the phrase immediately got hooked, but so far I haven’t even earned this title - Putin’s foot soldier,” Kadyrov said.

“If Vladimir Vladimirovich gives a task, any, the most difficult one, it will be the highest reward for me, great happiness. I dream about it!” he emphasized.

Previously, Ramzan Kadyrov has repeatedly demonstrated his personal loyalty to Putin. Among other things, he said that Putin gave the Chechen people a “second life,” and also argued that “Allah appointed him (Putin) to this place,” that “Putin is a gift from God, he gave us freedom,” that he “ a godsend for Russia." In addition, Kadyrov expressed his conviction that as long as Putin has health, all Russians “must ask him, to kneel so that he rules the state.”

Nemtsov himself “made himself an enemy of Russia”

Kadyrov also stated in this interview that he has no personal enemies left, there are only enemies of Russia and Chechnya: “Yes, I had blood enemies... They are no more, they were all destroyed.”

At the same time, speaking about the non-systemic opposition, he stated that the murdered politician Boris Nemtsov was not his personal enemy or friend.

“He made himself an enemy of Russia - my country,” Kadyrov said. “But today’s Russia needed such an enemy: no one stood behind Nemtsov, he only had chatter. Knowing that Boris Efimovich was no longer useful, his friends decided to kill two in one gulp: shoot Nemtsov and eliminate Kadyrov.”

The head of Chechnya expressed his readiness to appear at any time for questioning by the investigator in the Nemtsov murder case, but first let him be sent a summons.

Formerly lawyers eldest daughter Nemtsova Zhanna expressed the opinion that those who ordered the crime should be sought among the leadership of Chechnya. Zhanna Nemtsova herself asked the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation to interrogate Ramzan Kadyrov and nine other people, but the investigators refused to do this.

There will be no American instructors in Chechnya

In addition, Kadyrov denied information about inviting American instructors to the International Forces Training Center special purpose in Gudermes.

“I did not invite the Americans to Chechnya. And in the interview (to Interfax. - Note website), which many are now referring to, this is not true, I didn’t say that,” he claims.

Kadyrov stressed that the Chechen authorities would under no circumstances involve members of American special forces to work in this center. “They have nothing to teach us,” said the head of Chechnya. “Besides, all official US structures are subject to sanctions in Chechnya.”

Emelianenko did not act like a man

He also spoke out about the resonant story of fights involving the children of the head of Chechnya at the Grand Prix Akhmat 2016 tournament in Grozny, which were publicly condemned by the head of the Union of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) of Russia Fedor Emelianenko, after which his daughter was attacked in Moscow, which drew condemnation from the Kremlin.

According to Kadyrov, claims against Emelianenko in this regard arose due to the fact that, along with the comment, he posted on the Internet a photo of the little son of the Chechen leader, “and in social media different people come in, and so the insults against the child began..."

“Fedor could put up a heavily decorated portrait of himself after the fight with Maldonado, if he’s so principled! But there’s no need to touch someone else’s son. Emelianenko acted unethically and unmanly, he interfered with my family,” Kadyrov emphasized.

“My assistant called him and explained everything for half an hour. And that the children’s fights were exhibitions, and that the parents were in the hall... We asked to remove the photo. Fedor refused, replied that then they would think that he was scared,” said the head of Chechnya.

About the enemies of Russia.“If we are talking about the enemies of Russia - terrorists, extremists and others, such enemies should be afraid of me. Mortally. They know: my position is principled. A person who is plotting evil, who has set himself the goal of committing a terrorist attack, taking the lives of innocent people, must to be neutralized before he manages to press the button. Detain, bring to justice, and in case of armed resistance, destroy. Humanity has not yet come up with anything else. Should these enemies be afraid of me? Yes! Not just afraid, but to stay on the other side of the world. You can't stand on ceremony with them! Behind bars or two meters deep. Let them choose which option they like best. If they try to appear in Chechnya, we will destroy them. All of them. Until the last one."

About Europe and the USA.“America and Europe dream of using someone else’s hands to undermine our state. If it were their will, they would turn Russia into a complete Aleppo. They are trying in vain. Nothing will work. We will not kneel down, and we will not die of hunger! Sanctions are powerless against us. Not on those attacked! Praise be to Allah, Russia has a huge territory, rich land, we will become even stronger from trials, and the West itself will ask us for help. I’m sure this is where everything is heading. But today they are our enemies. That means they are mine too. As citizens "But I have no personal enemies! I am the most peaceful person in the world."

About the Russian opposition."They are talkers. Such shameless people. Without honor, without conscience, without a homeland. All they want is to continue to sell the interests of the state. For thirty measly pieces of silver. I don’t want to name names. If I start saying it out loud, I won’t be able to train, I’ll vomit . They wait until I say a word, and then they immediately raise a cry, take advantage of the moment to remind themselves. Therefore, I’d better remain silent. Everyone already knows them. The time will come, the people themselves will drive these little people, like stray dogs, from the region to region. Even relatives will turn away so as not to disgrace the family name. Well, what kind of opposition? Judge for yourself. On September 18, the people came out and voted in the elections. In the Chechen Republic, these babbles received a few fractions of a percent. There is no trust in them. What do they say in this case? “Come on , Goodbye!".

“Yes, Boris Efimovich died. I have already expressed an opinion on this fact before. There is nothing to add... I had absolutely nothing connected with him. No, Nemtsov was never my personal enemy or friend. Our paths did not cross. He made himself an enemy of Russia - my country. But today's Russia needed such an enemy: no one stood behind Nemtsov, he had only chatter. Knowing that Boris Efimovich was no longer useful, his friends decided to remove the two in one gulp: by shooting Nemtsov, eliminate Kadyrov. But with "They didn't succeed with me. I'm absolutely calm, I don't react to lies and provocations. I send everyone away and live normally."

About rumors about the murder of Russian soldiers.“I never, anywhere, told anyone, either jokingly or seriously, that I killed Russian soldiers. I never uttered such a phrase! These words are attributed to me, they were deliberately released on the Internet. They are replicated, knowing full well: this is a blatant lie. Yes ", during the first campaign, I was with my people, armed in hand. I was small then, stupid, but was always next to my father. I remember how they took two captured soldiers and one contract soldier from the militants and brought them to Grozny, and handed them over to headquarters. You can to say, saved. Musa Dadaev, who now works as the Minister of Agriculture in our government, also rescued captive contract soldiers from the hands of bandits and returned them to the feds. He said then: “We are not animals. Treat them like human beings. Let them go home, tell their mothers and wives that Chechens are defending their land." Of course, you can decide that Kadyrov is afraid to tell the truth, otherwise society will not react the same way. I’ll be damned if I don’t answer as it was! I have nothing to hide. I repeat, I walked with my father. Next to me... And he, as a mufti, saved the lives of many, many military personnel."

About faith and medicine.“People need the mercy of the Almighty. They have the right to receive it. Always! But mosques are not built with budget money. Not a single government penny is spent on this. It’s not even discussed! But no one talks about a replacement. Medicine also cannot replace a person’s faith "I always treat myself by reading the Koran. Even if my finger hurts, I immediately read a prayer. I am a cowardly person and am very afraid of the Almighty. I always read a prayer. I perform the first prayer at half past six in the morning. This is at winter time. Even earlier in the summer. Every day. The rosary is always with me. I read Salavat to the Prophet - Salallahu alayhi wassallam! “I ask Allah to forgive sins, give strength, wisdom, courage, put me on the right path, allow me to serve faith and truth.”

“He runs an amateur MMA that has no relation to professional clubs, including ours. Why does he give ratings? But we had another question for Emelianenko. Along with the comment, he posted a photo of my little son on the Internet. And on social networks there are different people come in, and so the insults against the child began... Fedor could have put up a heavily decorated portrait of himself after the fight with Maldonado, if he’s so principled! But there’s no need to touch someone else’s son. Emelianenko acted unethically and unmanly, he interfered with my family.

My assistant called him and explained everything for half an hour. And that the children's fights were exhibitions, and that the parents were in the hall... We asked to remove the photo. Fyodor refused and replied that then they would think he was scared (In the end, Emelianenko removed the photo. – approx.). He first had to congratulate the Akhmat fight club on its first championship belts, and then make some claims. Our club has already entered the top five in the world in the WFC rankings! We perfectly organized and held a major tournament that coincided with Grozny City Day! Nobody is saying that safety helmets are not needed. During training, children always use protection; take a look at the wrestling room where my sons are training now, and you will see for yourself. Exhibition fights are called that because they are a show! For the audience. For parents. The promoter announced everything in advance, the children's coach was appointed as the judge, he knew when to stop the fight so that no one would get hurt by accident. Everyone was happy, only Fedor was not. Why not be happy for others?"

About polygamy.“What man would refuse? I already said: if I meet a beautiful and worthy woman who conquers my soul, I’ll get married right away. Even now! But I haven’t found one yet. Because I wasn’t looking. I have Medni Musaevna, the mother of my children, who helps raise them. "We have six sons and the same number of daughters. The youngest Abdullah was born quite recently, on October 10. I love my wife very much. She does me too. We have known each other since school, and together since 1995. A long time ago, almost all my life!"

“You should also look at the share of subsidies in pre-war Chechnya! Calculate what and how much the republic lost! Don’t confuse the money that went to restore the social sphere. According to the federal target program calculated until 2020, we were allocated only 79 billion rubles instead of the promised 149 billion. Is there a difference? Sequestered almost twice. Neighboring regions receive tens of billions of rubles for agricultural development<...>After all, we also pay taxes to the federal budget, give away oil and gas that is produced in the republic. If they left us this money, we wouldn’t have to ask for so much in the form of subsidies. In 2007, Chechnya’s budget was 9 billion 600 million rubles, and now it is more than 60 billion. Do you understand? We work, we don’t sit with our hands outstretched, we don’t wait for a penny to be sent. The city of Grozny independently covers its expenses, the Sunzhensky district too, some others... We are improving the indicators every month. We do not have any budget privileges. Like everyone else, we protect every article.<...>

The Russian Ministry of Finance has proposed reducing budget expenditures for the Chechen Republic for 2017. How is this possible? We are now trying to find out and figure it out. Don’t forget yourself and remind others: since 1994, hundreds of thousands of peaceful Russian citizens have died here. About seven thousand are still listed as missing, leaving tens of thousands of disabled people and orphans. And I must work with these people, find a common language with each person, unite them under the Russian flag, so that people are not deceived again and are not used in a new war against our state. Do you think it's easy? Believe me, it is very difficult."

About Russia."Russia - multinational country, we must not allow ourselves to be dismembered. Now the peoples will quarrel among themselves, and then they will come and tear them into pieces, destroy them to pieces. We need to be together. At the same time, everyone must remember: Caucasians are not sheep or shepherds. We are warriors. Builders. Creators. We were and remain them. Don't try to make us different. And there is no need to denigrate, throw all sorts of stones into our garden. We will strictly protect Russia and our peoples. The Caucasus is a special area, a stronghold of Russia. Therefore, I can clearly say to all the laces that are trying to provoke us, to cause chaos and instability: dear friends, it’s better to shut your mouths. You're trying in vain!"

About Vladimir Putin.“I am devoted to the president. Infinitely. Like no one else. Vladimir Vladimirovich has security, special forces, but I am devoted to him not in office, but personally. I owe him my life... I’ll be damned if I speak empty words. I owe him! I once called myself as Putin's infantryman, they immediately latched on to the phrase, but so far I have not even earned this title - Putin's infantryman. If Vladimir Vladimirovich gives a task, any, the most difficult, it will be the highest reward for me, great happiness. I dream about it! I have chosen my commander ", the Supreme Commander-in-Chief and I will be faithful to him. In work and in life. Do you know that some Muslims accuse me of serving a Christian? They scare me with hell. But I know what kind of person Vladimir Vladimirovich is, what he did for my people and for me personally." .

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