Print hedgehog stencils for paper cutting. We make funny paper applications with our kids

Good afternoon. In this article you will find a large piggy bank of ideas for creating a Hedgehog craft. Here are collected ideas that are suitable for children in kindergarten and school. We will work with our own hands in a variety of techniques. Glue hedgehogs from paper and cardboard, make a hedgehog craft from natural material. I will show the most beautiful applications with a hedgehog in several techniques. We will sew hedgehogs from felt and felt from felt. Cross stitch hedgehogs. Crochet hedgehogs and much more. I also have articles with hedgehogs' favorite foods - apples and mushrooms. You can also make an apple craft for your hedgehog, or a mushroom applique.

Here is what you will find in this article.

crafts hedgehogs

To small children

(age 3-4 years).

In the younger group kindergarten children are just learning paper appliqué techniques. Kids of 3 years old cannot yet use scissors - and their task is simply to glue ready-made, cut out by the hands of the educator, appliqué details in the right places with glue. And this is already quite a difficult job, a craft that is not easy for young children. Manage the clumsy brush, try to spread the sticky glue evenly over the paper piece. And stick all the details in the right places, without confusing anything and without turning upside down.

Here are handy applications for toddlers 3-4 years old. A simple cute chubby hedgehog for children is in the photo below. It is simple and easy to do it yourself. First, we glue the spines, then we put the detail of the tummy on them and lay out the paws and ears. Just for 15 minutes - this is how long a lesson in kindergarten lasts in the 2nd junior group.

But on this craft below, children are given the back of a cardboard hedgehog. And paper contours of the head, paws. Girls can also offer a bow. As a boy, add an apple to the back. It’s better to let the teacher himself draw the eyes and mouth on the muzzle in advance (a pencil in children’s hands will tear paper wet from glue, and a felt-tip pen can fall into a puddle of pva glue and stop writing).

Here is another task that is feasible for children - a hedgehog craft. Here, a prickly back is glued onto an apple from cardboard, then a muzzle is already on top, then eyes, cheeks, and a nose on it. It looks like a complicated craft - but simple and accessible to children 3-4 years old.

And here is another craft below - where the hedgehog hugs the apple. Children love the very fact of the HUG. Important note - do not give the hedgehog handles to children in advance. They will hurry and stick them to their tummy before the apple - and will cry that their hedgehog does not hug the apple.

First, let them glue the apple to the belly of the hedgehog, and for those who managed, let's give the hedgehog's handles.

And here is the task for the second half junior group . Here it is important to correctly stick the triangles of thorns on the hedgehog - so that acute angle looked the other way from the muzzle of a hedgehog. Keys can be cut not only from ordinary colored paper. It is very good to cut the spines from the COVERS from colored paper - this way they will turn out to be multi-colored with bright splashes of the pattern. And paper is saved, and covers are not thrown away. And the hedgehog turns out to be festive.

Craft Hedgehog

For the middle group of kindergarten

Age 4-5 years.

In the middle group of kindergarten, children are already starting master scissors. They learn to hold them correctly and make CHIC-CHIC in the air without straining their fingers (make sure that during the process of chik-chik, the child’s fingers do not curl from tension). Let him learn to do this movement in a relaxed way.

The first cutting tasks for children are the easiest. As a rule, this is cutting grass-fringe. In this fringe cutting technique, you can also make a craft in the form of a hedgehog. We give the child a wide oval (rectangle with rounded edges). And the task of the child: in a circle, fill this oval into cuts (as in the figure below). You can draw lines for future cuts in advance on each oval with a pencil. So the child will have a clear guideline for the application of scissors.

Pay special attention to children that when we stick hedgehog needles on a paper background, we glue ONLY THE MIDDLE of the back - the cut fringe DO NOT GLUE GLUE at all. And after gluing this fringe, we wind it on a pencil - or bend it up with our hands.

In preparation for the lesson, the silhouettes of the hedgehog's body can be drawn with a black marker on a piece of paper - and this sheet reproduce on xerox. You need to cut out the silhouettes of the body of the hedgehogs so as not to form marker lines. The task of the child will be to bend the handles to the hedgehog and head forward. And in order for the hedgehog's ears to stick up above the fold line of the hedgehog's head, they must not be forgotten to be cut in advance.

And so another craft using the FRINGE technique(cutting with scissors) - for children middle group kindergarten = in the form of a hedgehog.

For younger children a ready-made curved base of the hedgehog's body is given . older children they themselves bend a wide strip of paper into the shape of a DROP.

THEN you will need to teach the children how to manage the scissors well: keep the hand with the scissors straight - change the cutting direction without turning the hand with the scissors, but turning the sheet of paper (this correct technique cut)

And when the children master this technique, you can give them the task of cutting out the prickly silhouette of a hedgehog coat in zigzags (as in the photo below). This is already a task for the second half of the middle group of kindergarten.

You can offer children such a hedgehog craft (as in the photo below).

On a sheet of colored paper, draw a large silhouette of a hedgehog. We make incisions on it with a blade in advance (children will not make such internal incisions with scissors themselves). And the task of the child will be to cut out the entire hedgehog drawn on cardboard along the contour and bend the cuts with his fingers.


crafts with hedgehogs

in kindergarten.

When the children get comfortable with cutting along the contour, you can give them cardboard cards on which the contours of fruits (pears and apples) will be drawn. And some children will get the contours of the needle skin of a hedgehog.

And then you can make just such a COLLECTIVE craft hedgehog with fruit in the classroom in kindergarten. Each child participates, cuts out his part of the craft - and then at the end of the lesson, together with the teacher, the children collect all the details into a craft.

In the same way, you can give the children cards with a contour drawn on them. autumn leaves(maple, oak). And after cutting out, we collect the autumn leaves into a garland held by a hedgehog cut out of cardboard.

Children's craft Hedgehog

From newspaper and glue.

You can cut a hedgehog from an unusual material - multilayer newsprint. We take White list paper we smear it with PVA glue- and quickly, until the glue is dry, lay it out on it pieces of torn newspaper. Again, we smear this sheet with glue on top - and again lay out the newspaper pieces in places not covered by the newspaper. Dry this multi-layer newsprint. This is the first session for children. Continuation of crafts in the second lesson.

After all layers are dry, put on top hedgehog silhouette template- circled with a black marker. And we succeed billet for the second lesson with children. On it, they will have to cut out the drawn silhouette of a hedgehog. Then on a sheet of paper - on glue - lay out dry leaves. And stick the silhouette of a hedgehog on top. On scraps of newsprint (remaining after cutting out the hedgehog) draw an apple and a leaf. We paint them in red and green watercolor. We dry. Cut out. And glue the apple on the back of the hedgehog.

Craft Hedgehog

for older children

in the BEER technique.

We fold a sheet of colored paper into an accordion (like a fan). From the two ends of this folded accordion we make an OBLIQUE CUT with scissors (due to which the fan will have a jagged edge).

Now we bend the accordion in half in the middle - we fold it. And we straighten the blades from one half of the accordion and from the other half of the accordion. And now it remains to glue the muzzle of the hedgehog. Easy hedgehog craft for kids senior group kindergarten.

Crafts pendants on the window

In the form of a hedgehog.

From cardboard we cut out the contours of a hedgehog with a large hole cut inside. WITH reverse side attach a piece to the tape polyethylene film. And on it we lay autumn dry leaves on PVA glue. We hang the craft on the window - the light beautifully shines through the foliage, and in the sun the leaves shine like an autumn lamp. Children like this hedgehog craft the most - they love working with natural material. And later in the same article I will have many more hedgehogs made from natural material.

And on such a hedgehog-shaped frame, you can stick pieces colored paper napkin. The napkin will also shine through in the sun when you hang this children's craft on the window.

If the edges of the cardboard frame in the form of a hedgehog are pierced with holes (using a hole punch), then you can make craft with lacing. String beads or paper leaves through the lace as you weave. Such a hedgehog craft is suitable for older children - for schoolchildren, because lacing is a long business.

DIY hedgehog

in the technique of "palms"

And here are a few crafts that use prints or silhouettes of children's hands. For the youngest children, such a craft is suitable, where brown palm prints must be applied to the already drawn outline of the hedgehog - several times.

You can also divide the craft into 2 classes in kindergarten. At the first lesson, the child makes 3-4 multi-colored handprints on a white sheet of paper. In the second lesson, he cuts out these prints and sticks them on the back of a hedgehog cut out of cardboard.

You can make a collective common craft in kindergarten, where each child makes and then cuts out a handprint and then all the prints are glued around the colored paper hedgehog - I form its spines.

You can do without paints. Just trace the child's palms with a pencil on a sheet of colored paper. Then cut and make voluminous application with a convex nose-cone of a paper hedgehog (as in the photo below). A simple collective craft for kindergarten.

Applications Hedgehog

From colored paper.

Here are some ideas for simple beautiful paper applications on the theme of a hedgehog. In kindergarten, you can make such an application with your own hands, if you cut out at least half of the details in advance. It will be difficult for a child to cut both mushrooms and leaves and a hedgehog in one lesson (20 minutes long). Let him get some details already ready.

And here is a craft application based on a disposable paper plate. Don't worry if you don't have plates. You can take a regular sheet white cardboard put a plate on it, circle it. Cut out rounds. And on one half of the round, draw cloves-needles.

The task of the child will be simple - cut the teeth along the contour. Decorate the circle in two colors - make the jagged half of the circle brown, paint the round half in green color. Then glue the muzzle and paws, mushrooms and leaves.

But I found a very beautiful handmade postcard with a hedgehog. This is also a good idea for a layered appliqué. Here, the prickly back of the hedgehog is made up of four scalloped strips of cardboard. In which you need to bend the teeth and stick them in tiers one after another, starting from the back of the hedgehog. Decorate the craft with leaves and berries.

And here is another hedgehog application for children. Here, the hedgehog's coat is discs folded in half with a serrated edge. The more wings you use in the application, the more magnificent your hedgehog will be. By the same principle, you can make a voluminous fungus and a cloud. But for kindergarten - it's too much. Therefore, one volumetric element in the blade technique is enough.

VOLUME hedgehog crafts


Packaging corrugated cardboard is a good and cheap material for children's crafts. If you make SLOTS WITH SCISSORS on cardboard parts, then you can put the parts one on one. And we will get a voluminous craft.

So I drew where to make cuts on the parts in order to properly assemble them into a cute cardboard hedgehog. Beautiful children's craft. It should be borne in mind that the corrugated cardboard has a thickness, so the cuts must be made wide - like a gap. Then the parts will easily fit on top of each other.

And you can also expand the boundaries of your imagination and create a more complex hedgehog craft from packaging cardboard. Part of the cardboard material needs to be painted black.

And from two sheets of cardboard you can make volume craft-lamp in the shape of a hedgehog. Triangular cuts are made on cardboard silhouettes - we form needles. We glue two silhouettes in the spout area and in the back of the hedgehog's back. We let the glue dry and after that we push the middle of the silhouettes to the sides - inserting a glass jar with a candle-tablet inside. It is convenient to light a candle at the bottom of the jar with a long spaghetti pasta - it burns perfectly brightly and evenly, like a long match.

Cardboard can be used not only sheet, but also household the one that we usually throw away - cardboard toilet paper rolls, cardboard egg packaging.

Craft hedgehog for children - from a roll of toilet paper.

If you have colored brown double-sided paper and a toilet paper roll, then you can make a simple and quick hedgehog craft with your children.

Draw a prickly hedgehog coat on a piece of paper. We cut the toilet paper roll slightly with scissors in height so that it is lower. We draw on it the eyes, nose, mouth and paws of a hedgehog. We flatten the upper part of the roll and fix it with a stapler. We smear the back of the roll with glue and glue a prickly coat of colored paper. We bend the top of the fur coat forward - we get an overhanging bangs of a hedgehog.

Do-it-yourself hedgehog from an egg box - a master class in photographs .

Using scissors, we separate the cells of the box from each other, cut each cell into petals. These will be the spines of the hedgehog. We leave one cell intact - this will be the muzzle of a hedgehog.

Pour boiling water over the remaining trimmings and the lid from the package. We let it stand, swell. We squeeze it with our hands and sculpt a triangular cone from this loose mass - the basis of the hedgehog's body. We give this blank a day to dry in the sun. Or dry in the oven.

One of the most favorite activities for children is making beautiful applications from colored paper. Application classes are necessary for the child to develop certain skills, such as the ability to cut out parts according to a pattern, glue parts according to a pattern, and, thanks to such activities, children develop fine motor skills hands It is desirable that the templates for children be made in advance, then it will be easier for the kids to complete the application.

Cheerful hedgehog

A hedgehog template will help make a colorful image of this animal. In addition to the template, you will need sheets of colored paper, paint, as well as scissors and glue.

First you need to cut out the parts according to a pre-prepared template, then glue the cut parts in turn onto the base, which can be a sheet of cardboard. First of all, you need to glue the muzzle, then the torso and, finally, the nose. Using black paint, you can make thorns, draw eyes and a mouth. To complete the picture, you need to glue an apple and a leaf.

Template for paper application "Mushroom"

In order to make an appliqué in the shape of a mushroom, you will need templates, a sheet of green cardboard for the base, sheets of colored paper, as well as scissors and glue. First you need to cut out the hat and leg of the future mushroom according to the template from a sheet of colored paper, then glue these parts onto the base. You can also complement the picture with grass and autumn leaves.

Templates for paper applique "Flowers"

The application, which depicts bright flowers. You can do this work if there are color templates for the application. Templates allow you to make the most different types colors. For example, you can cut beautiful daisies according to the template or cut red tulips by placing them in an exquisite vase. The vase is also made according to the template.


The child can make an application with the image of a butterfly with his own hands. To do this, according to the template, you need to cut out the body and wings from colored paper, then glue them onto the base. Then you can invite the child to put a symmetrical pattern on the wings so that the image of the butterfly turns out to be colorful.

How to make a bulk application

If this is grade 1, students can be asked to complete a three-dimensional application, this will help children develop spatial thinking. The essence of the volumetric application is that the glue should not be applied to the entire surface of the picture, but only to the places that are indicated on the back of the template. Templates for volumetric paper appliqués allow you to make truly beautiful and vibrant works.

Video on the topic of the article

Thanks to pre-prepared templates, it will be easier for children to cope with tasks. In the selection of videos below, master classes will be offered for making applications, the constituent elements of which are cut out of paper templates.

Autumn foliage is a wonderful material for creativity. Children are especially interested in making something out of it, and if your child is not very diligent, then be sure to try to make something out of foliage with him. He will definitely enthusiastically create an exciting toy, an animal from what he just ran around. In our article, we will present several workshops on making leaf applications for kindergarten and school.

Applications must be made by children at preschool older age and in primary school, because this type of fine art develops motor skills, imagination and creative thinking. You and your children, try at home to make these options for crafts from the natural material of autumn:

  1. Owl. To make such a craft, you just need to pick up leaves of different colors and the appropriate shape, as well as a small branch of the vine, because the owl that you will make will sit on it. From the office, prepare dry glue and plasticine. With glue, you will connect all the elements of the craft, and make eyes out of plasticine.

  1. Autumn tree. Prepare any decorative cardboard to make the picture bright, take blue paper. From another office, you will also need brown plasticine, a simple pencil to make a blank for wood, dry glue. From natural materials prepare as many dry leaves and rowan berries as possible.

  1. Butterfly. Just pick different leaves in shape and color. Be sure to find thin brown leaves to make the body of the butterfly. In extreme cases, yellow foliage can be painted with watercolors of the desired color.

When working with a child, it is very easy to come up with an application. You can invite him to make a favorite cartoon character or make a card for a person whom he loves very much and wants to show his feelings for him.

Application carpet of leaves, detailed with photo

The carpet of leaves is very easy and simple to make. Any child preschool age cope with such an application in 2 accounts:

  1. First, invite the child to lay out the leaves on a piece of paper in such a way that there is practically no gap between them.
  2. Then let him smear each leaf with dry glue and stick it in the place where he intended.
  3. If some gaps still remain, tell the child that they can be painted over with a felt-tip pen.

You can use not only leaves in this application, flowers and fruits of autumn trees are also suitable.

You can make a carpet of leaves, but not completely cover the paper web. Come up with some kind of pattern, draw it on paper so that the contours are clearly visible to the child. Let him glue the leaves that he likes in place of the pattern. Of course, in the creative process, orient your child so that the picture looks symmetrical in the end.

Hedgehog from leaves application, step by step

  1. First, draw a hedgehog without needles. You can use the template we have attached below.
  2. Paint with paints or cover this blank with colored paper. Clearly draw the nose, mouth and eyes of the hedgehog.
  3. Lubricate the body of the hedgehog with PVA glue:

  1. Glue the leaves in a chaotic manner to the smeared base. The main thing is to have a resemblance to thorns:

Hedgehog template for applique

Fish from leaves applique in detail with a photo

  1. On a colored cardboard of blue or blue color (we choose this color if we want to show that the fish swims in the aquarium), we glue 1 yellow leaflet, which will depict the body of the fish:
  2. From the same red leaves we make the tail of the fish.
  3. We tear off a small piece from the same red leaf to make a mouth for the fish:

  1. From that red leaf from which you will tear off the part to create the mouth, tear off more pieces of fins. You can simply fold the rest and tear it in half.
  2. From colored paper, make the eye of a fish. You need to make one circle white color, and the second one (it should be smaller than the white one) is black.
  3. Under the finished fish, glue any dry grass or twigs that will act as algae:

Fish applique template

Peacock from leaves application, step by step with a photo

  1. Take 5 identical yellow leaves and lay them out on a cardboard of any color so that you get a semicircle. Glue them immediately with dry glue.
  2. Take the same number of elongated red leaves and glue them on top of the yellow ones in the same way - in a semicircle.
  3. Cut out the body of the peacock from colored paper. For contrast, use bright blue paper.
  4. Draw the eyes and glue the nose from yellow colored paper:

Peacock template for applique

Application autumn bouquet of leaves, step by step

  1. On decorative cardboard, first glue the base from dark brown leaves, which will depict a vase.
  2. Glue multi-colored leaves on top of it in a chaotic manner (the brighter these leaves are, the more beautiful your bouquet will turn out).

You can combine leaves in such a way that you get, for example, chamomile. Add more green leaves to this appliqué to make the bouquet look lively and bright.

Application vase with leaves

  1. On white cardboard or a piece of drawing paper, roughly estimate where your vase will be located.
  2. Use the template below to cut out a vase from pink and white dot decorative cardstock (you can choose any other color and print).
  3. Glue the leaves that you already have dried on top of the vase. The location of the leaves can be any.

Use PVA glue or dry glue to make this type of appliqué.

Template vase for applications

Application portrait of autumn from leaves, step by step

  1. First, prepare everything you need to get started. You will need: a sheet of white paper with the image of a head, a herbarium, PVA glue, stationery scissors with pencils (you will need a simple pencil and multi-colored ones):

  1. Print out the face template (if you know how to draw, create it yourself):

  1. Lubricate the head with glue, and then glue the leaves. They should be directed in the direction in which, according to your idea, the hair should fall:

  1. Paint the face with pencils and glue the nose from a strip of paper folded into a triangle:

Beautiful leaf applications:


1 class

Grade 2

3rd grade

4th grade

Children's creativity from natural material is an opportunity for children to touch something beautiful, it is useful for mental development. Create applications with your child at home just like that on any topic. You can rest assured that the time spent with your child in this way will benefit both you and him.

Video: "Appliques from leaves"

For the autumn holiday or for classes with the theme of forest animals, a paper hedgehog would be a great idea. There are a lot of all kinds of hedgehog crafts, this one is simple and affordable materials.

What do you need for a paper hedgehog?

  • Brown cardboard;
  • Beige cardboard or any other, slightly lighter than brown;
  • Compasses, black felt-tip pen, glue stick, simple pencil, scissors.

How to make a hedgehog out of paper?

A hedgehog in this pattern is beautiful, both large and small, so initial stage you need to decide what your hedgehog will be, and, based on this, draw two circles on brown cardboard.

In fact, the hedgehog consists of three cones, so you need to divide the two circles into halves, one of which is not needed.

Roll each half into a cone and seal the edges. You will get three identical brown cardboard cones.

At this stage, you need to make hedgehog spines. To do this, the edges of the cone are cut into small strips, but only on one half of it. That is, the thorns will be only on top of the hedgehog and a little on the sides, the bottom of the cardboard should be in a holistic state. The length of the strip is up to the middle of the cone. After all the strips are ready, they need to be slightly bent to the side.

Glue all the cones together, leaving a small space between them.

Next, you need to make a hedgehog head. It will be slightly lighter than the body with spines and also be a cone, only smaller. Therefore, cut out a circle from beige cardboard, a little smaller than it was from brown cardboard.

Cut it in half and discard one half.

Roll the other half into a cone and glue. Try on the head to the body, the cone-head should be no less and no more than the place intended for it - up to the needles. Cut off the excess if the cone is too large, if it is small, it will have to be redone. Draw eyes on it and paint over the tip, which will be the nose of the hedgehog.

Any materials that you have at home will come in handy for creating an unusual hedgehog applique craft. Choose one of the available (or several) materials - and feel free to start working with your child. Prepare scissors, glue and a good mood.

Volumetric paper craft

Creating such a work is very simple - prepare a monophonic colored paper several colors. Come up with a composition and start implementing. We will cut out several blanks (for example, for hedgehog needles), bend them in half and glue them together to make a three-dimensional composition.

Also make clouds, fungus. Glue a bead in place of the eye. This activity is suitable for children from 3 to 5 years old.

Pencil shavings

It seemed like unnecessary waste - but it turns out a good material for the composition. Gather a large number of"skirt" of pencil shavings and stick on the stencil. These will be the spines of the hedgehog.

Threads are well suited to create an apple. Make paper eyes.

Needle from seeds

Draw or print a stencil. Lay out the needles from the sunflower seeds, observing the texture of real needles. A longer, but more naturalistic way is to place the seeds with the rounded side down. But this will take much more time. Small children will quickly get bored with a painstaking task. They can be decorated with small mushrooms or plasticine apples.

Decorate the background as you wish. The autumn hedgehog looks beautiful. The background for it can be from a herbarium and other natural materials: cereals, cones. The body is laid out with small cereals (for example, semolina), or you can simply paint it with gouache.

A simple product for the little ones

This type is paper. Flat craft that can be used as a postcard. Cut out the following pieces.

Glue the pink oval onto the orange one. Before this, glue the paws (forked strips) under the pink element.

We make eyes, nose, hind legs.

We make cuts, relatively straight. Cut to a pink circle. Don't shrink. From straight strips we make sharp triangles. We interlock the paws with each other and insert a stick or candy there.

This is the result of the work:

It is perfect as a DIY gift for Valentine's Day or a birthday.

Another option is for kids. To do this, cut paper strips 10 cm long and 1-1.5 cm wide. Bend them in half (in an arc) and stick them in a semicircle.

Cut out 2 mini circles and 1 large circle. Stick on the workpiece.

Draw a smile and a nose with a marker. to create them, you can use ordinary A4 sheets or other improvised materials. Decorate the needles with colored autumn leaves.

Hedgehog from knitting threads

For this product you will need:

  • thick knitting threads in brown or black;
  • school cardboard;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors.

This work is more painstaking than complex. From the threads, cut many short pieces. The smaller the segments, the more elegant it will look. For children, the optimal length is 5 cm. So the child will not get tired of working.

We glue the finished segments onto a cardboard blank.

Add eyes and draw red cheeks and an eye with a pencil. Make a highlight on the nose with corrector or paint.

A semi-volumetric creation of autumn leaves looks favorably. When collecting a herbarium, you can meet a real prickly friend, and then the child will definitely have a desire to work on such a craft.

Almost all ways to create a needle animal are simple and suitable for children of all ages. The assiduous will be able to assemble complex voluminous crafts, and simple paper postcards are suitable for fidgets.

Video master class “Application hedgehog”
