Dandelion applique in the senior group templates. Volumetric applique “Dandelion”

A voluminous applique made from dandelion napkins is a wonderful craft for children aged 4-7 years. Of course, four-year-olds will need your active help. If you take white, rather than yellow, napkins, you will get a “ripe” dandelion with “parachutes”. By combining white and yellow flowers, as well as “buds,” you can create a variety of compositions. Despite the simplicity of production, the applique from napkins turns out to be very lively and voluminous. Before making the applique, you can learn some poem about dandelions with your children. For example, this:

The sun dropped a golden ray.

The first dandelion grew, it was young.

It has a wonderful golden color.

He is a big sun, a small portrait.

(O. Vysotskaya)

Master class on making three-dimensional applique from Dandelion napkins

Necessary materials:

  • Napkins yellow or white;
  • Colored cardboard;
  • Green colored paper;
  • Stapler;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • A simple pencil.

Take three napkins and cut them into four pieces. If you have large napkins, then two pieces will be enough, but you need to cut them into six pieces.

Divide the resulting squares in half and stack them. If you are doing this applique with children 4 years old, then make the stacks thinner, otherwise it will be difficult for them to cut through them. In this case, proceed from the calculation of one napkin - one flower.

Punch and staple the stacks in the middle.

By cutting and rounding the corners, we will turn a square stack into a round one. For kids, you can suggest this method of cutting out a “circle”. First, cut thin strips around the perimeter on all sides so that there are no folds left from the napkin. Then cut off four corners. We get an octagon. For this application of napkins, such a “circle” is quite enough.

But if there is a desire, then we cut off eight corners of the octagon. We get a hexagon - almost a circle.

Cut the napkins into “noodles” in a circle.

Let's fluff up the dandelion petals.

Preparing the base-background for a three-dimensional appliqué made from napkins. Let's make leaves. To do this, take green paper, fold it in half and cut out a symmetrical piece of paper. You can use a template or draw half a leaf by hand. For small children, it is better to simplify the shape of the leaf. We also cut out the second leaf.

Let's cut out strips of stems from the same paper. Together with the leaves we will paste them onto colored cardboard.

To make a dandelion bud, take a small strip of napkin, cut it into “noodles,” roll it into a tube and glue it to the applique.

Glue dandelions from napkins onto the base of the applique.

Cut out a sepal for a bud from green paper and glue it on. The application is ready.

In order to give the work a more finished and solid look, you can stick on a cardboard sheet or thick paper of a contrasting color and a slightly larger size. If you are planning such a “frame”, then it is better to do this operation before the voluminous dandelions are glued on.

Using the technique of making flowers from napkins, you can, by varying the background and color of the napkins, make, for example, or

Application “Dandelions” for children 3 – 4 years old. Master class with step-by-step photos.

Master class for younger children preschool age With step by step photos"Dandelions".

Chebotareva Alexandra, 3 years old, student of the Cherlak kindergarten No. 2, rural settlement. Cherlak, Omsk region
Supervisor: Zimenko Tamara Aleksandrovna, teacher of MBDOU "Cherlaksky kindergarten No. 2" r.p. Cherlak, Omsk region
Description of material: I offer you a master class on making applique from small strips. This material will be useful to educators junior groups, parents. This master class can be used to introduce children to the first spring flowers - dandelions, when creating works to decorate the interior of a group room, a corner of nature, or a foyer. kindergarten.
Purpose: this work can be used for decoration when implementing projects: “First spring flowers”, “Journey through a clearing”, as a gift or interior decoration.
Making an object applique from small strips.
1. To develop children’s ability to perform object appliqué using ready-made parts;
2. Develop skills in arranging parts on a sheet;
3. Develop the ability to use glue when gluing parts;
4. Cultivate accuracy when doing work.


Spring is a wonderful time of year! With her arrival, all nature comes to life. The most familiar flowers to all of us from childhood are blooming - dandelions! Watching them always arouses great interest in children.

A poem will help to interest a child:
Dandelions are everywhere
On spring grass:
Flashed in the yard
They fled across the mountain,

They hid in a ditch.
M. Polyanskaya

1. To make the application we will need:
- sheets of colored paper in blue, yellow, green and white,
- ruler,
- glue stick,
- board for applique,
- scissors,
- a simple pencil,
- green felt-tip pen.

2. The teacher draws stems and leaves of a dandelion on a blue sheet of paper with a green felt-tip pen.

3. Teacher with a simple pencil flowers of the plant are drawn.

4. Using a ruler, the teacher measures strips 1.5 centimeters wide on sheets of white, yellow and green.

5. The teacher cuts off strips of white, yellow and green.

6. The teacher cuts colored strips crosswise into narrow lines - 2 - 3 millimeters wide.

7. The child spreads glue on the surface of the plant flower and glues the strips yellow color.

8. The child glues white stripes to the surface of the plant flower.

9. The child fills the surface of the plant leaves with green stripes.

10. The work is ready!

11. Finished work put it in a frame.

12. The finished work can be used to decorate a group room in a kindergarten, a living corner or at home.

13. Work made by a child’s hands can be used as a gift!
We wish everyone creative success!

As a gift for the spring holidays or just for the mood, the “Dandelion” applique made by a child will give a lot of pleasure and positivity to both the baby and his parents. This article will discuss in detail how to perform original craft and what advice should be used during the creative process.

Materials for implementation

To make the original “dandelion” application you will need:

  • blue colored cardboard (or white, painted blue with gouache);
  • colored paper in green, yellow and white;
  • PVA glue;
  • a simple pencil;
  • scissors with rounded ends.

The Dandelion applique can be made from the materials listed above or using yellow napkins instead of colored cardboard.

Step by step execution

Step-by-step description of the application:

  1. To begin, the bottom half of the blue cardboard is covered with green construction paper. If desired, you can paint the cardboard with green paint. Gouache is best suited for this, as it has a thick, dense structure.
  2. Now you can prepare the parts. First, you need to cut out a large circle and about ten thin strips from yellow colored paper. It will be the sun with rays.
  3. Then we start modeling dandelions. According to the number of planned flowers, you need to cut out circles of different diameters (1.5; 2.0; 2.5; 3.0 cm). It is recommended to “fluff” each of them around the edges and cut them with “grass”. This a large number of fringed parts are prepared so that the “Dandelion” applique is voluminous. Clouds are cut out randomly from white paper.
  4. Next, the paper applique is assembled onto the base. First, a sun is glued to the middle of the blue background. Then the clouds are attached. And last but not least, we will assemble the dandelions. First, the green field is randomly covered with the largest circles without fringe along the edge. Then the fringed circles are taken and glued on top. There is no need to attach fringe. Then the remaining circles are glued in the same way in descending order of size.
  5. Now you need to complete the application. To do this, the fringe of each dandelion must be raised, so to speak, to give the flower shape. Dandelions will become voluminous and fluffy.

The Dandelion application is ready.

One of the modifications

This picture can be done differently. The application “Dandelions” from napkins is this modification.

The work is done exactly the same as paper applique. The only change is to use tissue paper instead of cardboard to create the flowers. All circles for dandelions are cut out from napkins and glued as described above.

To increase the volume, you can use white napkins. They need to be crumpled a little and already crumpled, glued on top of the white clouds. The volume of napkins must be maintained. Such a change will diversify an ordinary craft, enliven it and make it more interesting.

Application is a very interesting activity that can bring a lot of joy and positive emotions to your baby.

Application "Dandelion"

Target : make a dandelion applique from colored paper and a napkin.

Tasks: develop cognitive and Creative skills children, learn to stick applique parts in accordance with the plan, develop fine motor skillshands, cultivate a love of nature, independence, and accuracy when doing work.

Materials and equipment: lcardboard sheets, colored paper, glue, scissors, pencils,

napkinsand on the table, paper napkins (same2-layer, cut

into squares3 x3cm.), wet hand wipes - for each child, illustrations with dandelions, audio recording of nature sounds.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, today we will go for a walk in the spring meadow. (nature music sounds)

Imagine that green grass is growing around you, on which ants, worms and bugs are crawling. The bright sun is shining in the sky. And birds fly merrily over the clearing and play catch-up.

There are many flowers in the meadow. What flowers can you see in spring? (dandelions, tulips, daffodils, mimosas). That's right, well done!

Guess the riddle - what flower did I guess?

Then he is the radiant sun,
Then he is a fluffy cloud.
I didn’t want to wait for summer.
The wind blew and flew around!

That's right, dandelion. Guys, look how beautiful the dandelion is (show picture) and listen to the poem:

Bright yellow dandelion
I was chilled all over in the rain,
And when it dried out in the sun -
I couldn't recognize myself:
He turned white and swollen,

And crumbled like feathers.

Guys, why is dandelion compared to the sun? (same round and yellow).What can we see in a dandelion? (stem, leaves, root,flower)

Dandelion is an amazing flower. Rises with the sun.INIn cloudy, rainy weather, the dandelion does not open its petals, but holds themclosed.

Finger gymnastics “Flower”

A dandelion grew in a clearing, (join hands, slowly raise them up)

On a spring morning he opened his petals. (Open your hands, unclench your fingers.)

The flower basked in the sun all day (turn your hands left and right with unclenched fingers)

And at night he hid his petals (close your fingers, lower your hands)

And a few days later, instead of a yellow flower, a white fluffy ball reached for the sun (raise your hands, fingers unclenched, “holding the ball”)

A breeze blew and small parachutes flew across the clearing (unclench your fingers, raise your hands up)

Dandelion is a medicinal plant. A medicinal plant is a plant that is used in medicine for treatment. People once called dandelion the “elixir of life.” All parts of this plant - roots, leaves, and flowers - have medicinal properties. A decoction is made from the leaves and roots of dandelion and cough is treated with this decoction. And people make very tasty fragrant jam from dandelion flowers.

Bees, bumblebees and butterflies love to fly to dandelions. They drink sweet dandelion nectar and make dandelion honey - thick and fragrant.

Let's do a bee workout with you:

The bee works all day (hands rotate forward)
And she is not lazy to work. (arms rotate backwards)
Flies from flower to flower (hands on waist, bends to the sides)

Glues pollen to the abdomen. (circular movements of the palm on the stomach)

And now, guys, we will make the “Dandelion” applique.

On your plates, pieces of yellow napkin folded in the shape of a square and secured in the middle are future dandelion flowers. There are three of them. You need to cut out circles, and then make cuts along the edges of these circles (showing how to cut and make cuts)

After the flowers, we will make stems and leaves from green paper. When all the parts are ready, glue the stems first, then the flowers, and then the dandelion leaves. (working with paper)

What wonderful flowers they turned out to be!

The napkins suddenly became flowers, lighting up everything around!

In a new yellow sundress Dandelion Meadow.

Thank you guys for your work!

Tatyanka Kazakova

Goals: Development of cognitive and creative activity of children.

Tasks: Consolidate previously acquired skills in working with paper, glue, and scissors.

Develop creative imagination, independence, sense of color and composition during use different materials to create volumetric appliqués.

Foster love and respect for nature.

Materials: Yellow napkins, glue, dried leaves dandelion, cotton wool, colored paper, colored pencils.

Preliminary work.

Watched dandelions on the site in spring. We collected the leaves and dried them. We watched a cartoon and learned poetry.

Progress of the lesson:

I made a riddle about dandelion. We talked about it, remembered how we watched their growth in May, and what happened to them now (the work was done in early June.)

I suggest the children do cheerful dandelions, one is yellow, and the other is fluffy white.

I take cardboard for the background, blue for boys and orange for girls, maybe a different color.

Let's get started appliqués.

First, take a yellow napkin and fold it in half 2 times, fasten it in the middle with a stapler. Take scissors and cut out a circle. Next, we make light cuts in a circle so that the dandelion turned out fluffy.

As soon as this is done, we begin to lift each circle separately. And we should get a lush yellow flower.

Next, cut out a circle from yellow paper, glue it and our yellow flower (which we have already made), approximately in the middle opposite each other. Take pencils (felt pens) and draw cheerful face on a yellow paper flower. (we had our eyes ready) drew a mouth. Cotton wool was glued on top. We got a funny aerial dandelion.

The next step was to cut out stems from green paper and glued them to our flowers.

We glue them to our stems and select them according to size. And we did it FUN,FUNNY, dandelions.

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