Crafts from plasticine for girls 7 years old. Crafts from plasticine

For babies preschool age you can come up with many entertaining activities, a special place among them is occupied by modeling from plasticine. Thanks to this type of creativity, parents will be able to instill in their child a love of creativity, develop imagination, imagination, and fine motor skills. In addition, by making figures from plasticine, the baby learns to be independent.

What to make

Before starting a lesson, every parent thinks about what can be made from plasticine. Fantasize a little, imagine yourself as a child, think about what will interest your son or daughter most. Children's crafts may involve the use of many additional materials, which include: flowers, leaves, acorns, cones, and chestnuts.

Take note of what you can make from plasticine:

  1. and birds. Interesting and funny hedgehogs, bunnies, and turtles will delight your little one. In addition, such plasticine crafts for children are made very quickly and simply.
  2. Thematic figures. Undoubtedly, for every child it is a special, long-awaited event, because it is associated with toys and various gifts. Simple crafts made from plasticine in the form of a Christmas tree decoration, a snowman and, in fact, the Christmas tree itself will lift your spirits on the eve of the holiday.
  3. Flowers. Mesmerizing compositions made with a child will look as if they were alive. Depending on the age of the baby, you can make flowers with a minimum number of details, as well as more complex volumetric compositions.
  4. Trees. Having mastered easy crafts from plasticine, you can move on to more complex figures. Of course, a child will not be able to mold a tree on his own; he will need the help of an adult. But after taking a few steps in creating a craft, the child will be able to easily complete the job he started.
  5. Vegetables, fruits, sweets. Even novice craftsmen will be able to master the process of creating miniatures of their favorite delicacies. Select the necessary colors of plasticine, then you can safely start creating.
Isn't it fun and interesting to make crafts from plasticine with your own hands? Let's get started with this exciting activity right now. Prepare plasticine, glass, cardboard and some available materials and you can start working. We will teach you how to make a wide variety of crafts from colored plasticine; such an activity for kids will be entertaining and will cause a lot of positive emotions. Well, let's get down to business?


A small forest animal with thorns will end up right on your table. Even you can make a cute rodent Small child. Modeling from plasticine for children is incredibly exciting fun.

How to make:

Kitten with a heart

On Valentine's Day, you can give not only valentines, but also original crafts. We recommend that you make a kitten from plasticine step by step according to the photo instructions provided.

Sculpting technique:


Make a small plasticine craft with your child; with step-by-step instructions you will very quickly master the entire manufacturing process. A funny turtle will complement your collection of crafts.

How to sculpt:

Angry Birds

“Angry” birds are known to almost all children. Learn how to make such a craft from plasticine from our photo tutorial.

Sculpting process:

Rowan tree

Making a beautiful tree is very simple. This does not require spending too much time; the characteristic fruits will decorate the lush green foliage.

Features of creation:


Make lollipops from plasticine; the finished products cannot be distinguished from the real thing. The kids will definitely love this kind of fun.

How to do:

Bouquet of flowers

Give a touching gift for the holiday - a bouquet of roses. An original craft can be dedicated to the day.

How to make:

New Year's crafts

During the winter holidays, get your child interested in creating beautiful crafts from plasticine. You can place each molded figure on cardboard.


This easy-to-make craft will truly decorate the interior of a child’s room; start making it together with your children.
Features of creating crafts:

Christmas tree decoration

Preparations for the New Year can begin with making original crafts, the whole family is guaranteed a festive mood.

Modeling stages:


Even from ordinary plasticine you can make the symbol of the New Year - a Christmas tree; from improvised means you will need scissors and a bamboo stick.

How to do:

And a few more interesting ideas for inspiration, crafts on paper/cardboard:

Plasticine horse

You can make it from plasticine a large number of a variety of gifts and toys. IN kindergarten special attention is paid to modeling, as it develops fine motor skills, perseverance, patience and imagination. Crafts made from plasticine have a positive effect on abstract thinking, logic, and even children’s speech. younger age. You can try to teach your child to sculpt at home, because he can do this from the age of 1.5 years.

DIY children's crafts from plasticine

Today there are many special books for plasticine applications, as well as special tools for modeling. Need to prepare workplace for the child, so as not to stain everything around with plasticine. To start classes you will need a table, a board, and a plasticine knife.

First, let the child knead a piece of plasticine in his hand. After this, trust him to cover a picture or an ordinary glass jar with plasticine. When your baby gets used to working with this plastic material, you can try simple crafts, for example, a snake or a caterpillar. They are made from strips or plasticine balls.

It makes it easy to make small details. You can try making combined crafts, for example, from chestnuts and plasticine.

Dinosaur made of pine cones and plasticine

Caterpillar made of chestnuts and plasticine

We sculpt from plasticine. Step by step diagrams

The cheerful cow is perfect for agricultural themed craft ideas.

Anastasia Dubonosova

Target: introduce the cylindrical shape, teach children to roll out a cylinder-log from plasticine, teach them to construct a house from molded logs, develop spatial thinking, imagination, cultivate perseverance and aesthetic taste.

Equipment: plasticine, cardboard, stacks, napkin, beads, sequins.

Progress of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment.

1. Preparation of the workplace.

2. Greeting children.

II. Theoretical part.

1. Subject message.

Guys, plasticine has a magical property - you can mold it into whatever you want! For example, you can make a tomato and a cucumber, an apple and a pear, a beetle and a caterpillar - they all have different shapes.

Today we are making a log house out of plasticine.

2. Working with illustrations.

(Children look at illustrative material depicting wooden houses. You can take illustrations from Russian folk tales).

Look at the illustrations, how do artists depict houses?

How did the craftsmen decorate the windows? (carved shutters)

You and I can also decorate our houses with beads, sequins, and beads.

3. Conversation.

Guys, what were houses called in the old days? (hut)

The hut is the lamp of the earth.

Wooden houses were built very reliably. They prepared the log house very carefully, there were rules - not to cut down trees planted by humans, trees with unusual features (an unusual intertwined trunk, roots connected to a stone, a tree with a hollow, etc., dry dead trees, as well as cursed trees.

Houses were decorated with shutters. They were carved and painted. The roofs were wooden or thatched.

Guys, the logs are shaped like a cylinder.

How to create a cylindrical shape?

4. Teacher's explanation and demonstration.

To make a house, you need to roll up a lot of logs.

There are several methods for sculpting logs (cylinders):

a) roll out a piece of plasticine in your palms with longitudinal movements back and forth;

b) roll out a piece of plasticine with one palm on a hard surface using straight movements;

c) roll out a piece of plasticine with the tips of two fingers (thumb and

index) - this method produces very small cylinders and thin flagella.

III. Exercise.

1. Make log cylinders from plasticine for the house.

2. Assemble a log house from logs.

IV. Physical education minute.

A small house on a Christmas tree,

A house for bees, where are the bees?

We need to knock on the house,

One two three four five.

I'm knocking, knocking on the tree,

Where, where are these bees?

They suddenly began to fly out:

One two three four five!

V. Practical work.

1. Roll 16-20 cylinders from plasticine, i.e. logs for our house, approximately 15 cm long.

2. Place two logs opposite each other at a distance of 5-10 cm, and place two more logs on top.

3. When all the logs are laid, we cut the window and door with a stack.

4. For the roof, roll out a rectangle, bend it in half and secure it to the house. You can also make a roof out of logs. Attach the pipe.

VI. Summary of the lesson.

What were houses called in the old days?

What does the word "izba" mean?

How to roll plasticine on a hard surface?

VII. Giving grades and motivating them.

VIII.Cleaning the workplace.

Modeling from plasticine is not only a great way to have fun and exciting time with your child, but also quite effective method comprehensive development of the baby, because it is not without reason that this type of needlework is given special attention in kindergartens and child development centers. With the right approach, making crafts allows you to develop such important qualities of a child as:

  • fine motor skills and speech;
  • logical and abstract thinking;
  • attentiveness;
  • perseverance and even responsibility for the result of the work done.

All this has a positive impact on the child’s growing up process, imbuing him with qualities that are important for the formation of a full-fledged personality.

You can start modeling classes with your child from the age of one and a half years, when the baby begins to form his own thinking, and bone and muscular system already allow you to perform some simple actions. However, in order to accustom a child to a new type of activity, the right approach is important, which includes several key points:

  • Firstly, the child must be interested in the type of needlework offered to him, which can be achieved by jointly making crafts that interest him, for example, characters from his favorite fairy tales or cartoons.
  • Secondly, it is very important to choose a material suitable for children's hands. It should not only be non-toxic, but also easy to knead and keep its shape.
  • Thirdly, you should not shift all the work of making crafts to the child. At first, the baby is only able to perform simple actions, so all complex work, for example, sculpting small elements of crafts, must be done by the parents, not forgetting to demonstrate this process to the baby.

DIY plasticine crafts

Due to its special softness, as well as its flexibility for fine processing, this material makes it possible to make a wide variety of crafts, and children's crafts are represented by a wide variety of fairy-tale characters, representatives of flora and fauna, as well as household items. For example, using the instructions below, in just one or two hours you can make a figurine of a cheerful cow together with your baby, which can decorate the interior of any room.

Making such crafts will teach your child how to perform various actions with a mixture for creativity (making balls, ovals, thin sausages, etc.), which will allow you to move on to sculpting more complex figures and figurines.

In this category of our thematic site you can find a lot of instructions for making children's crafts, the list of which will probably include guides for making your favorite cartoon and fairy-tale heroes your baby, and detailed instructions for creating crafts on video will make the lessons as comfortable and exciting as possible. We have crafts for both little ones and preschool children.

Below we will provide several step-by-step instructions, following the advice of which, each child will be able to create bright and interesting crafts independently or together with their parents.

Craft Dolphin

Making a beautiful and cheerful dolphin is very simple.

To make a figurine, we need blue or cyan plasticine, as well as white and black.

At the first stage of modeling, we will need to prepare blanks for all the main elements of the craft, namely:

  • the oblong body of a dolphin in the shape of a truncated cone;
  • blanks for front fins and tail;
  • upper fin;
  • blank for a dolphin's face (key);
  • blanks for eyes;
  • some white for the breast of a marine mammal.

Now you can start assembling the craft. First, let's wrap the lower part of the dolphin's body with white plasticine so that we get a white chest typical for these animals. And then we attach a tail consisting of two halves to the back of the body.

After this, we attach the upper fin in the middle of the upper part of the body, and the rounded nose of the animal, formed from two halves, to the front part. Using the stack, we will make the necessary cut in it.

Let's attach eyes to the dolphin's muzzle, which will white with black pupils.

Now it’s time to attach the front fins to the body symmetrically on both sides of the body) so that they are curved to the bottom. This will make the craft more stable.

Carefully smooth out all the joints, and our cheerful dolphin is ready.

If desired, you can also make an accessory for the dolphin in the form of a lifebuoy made of white and orange or in any other colors.

VIDEO: Want to learn how to make a dolphin?

Craft Airplane

With this short lesson we will learn how to sculpt a beautiful toy airplane, for which we will need purple, blue and green plasticine.

Let's start sculpting the airplane by making blanks for:

  • fuselage in the shape of an ellipse (elongated ball);
  • wings;
  • tail, consisting of horizontal and vertical parts;
  • six small blue balls that will act as portholes;
  • a flattened blue rectangle – the pilots’ viewing window;
  • a flattened green oval that will decorate the nose of the aircraft.

We begin assembling a plasticine model of an airplane, for which we first attach the wings to the fuselage (symmetrically on both sides).

Then we attach the prepared tail blank to the rear of the fuselage.

We attach a blue rectangle to the upper part of the front of the fuselage, and wrap the nose itself with a green blank.

We attach three prepared blue balls on each side of the fuselage symmetrically along the horizontal axis of the body.

That's all, the airplane is ready and can take its first flight to decorate the interior of the children's room at the landing site.

VIDEO: Crafts. How to make an airplane?

Craft Steamboat

With the help of the following instructions, every child will be able to make a model of a toy steamship.

First, let's make a blank for the steamer's hull in the form of a tall blue triangle with slightly raised sides.

Then take some plasticine yellow color and make a small elongated cube out of it. We will also make a blue blank for the steamer pipe in the form of a small barrel.

Then take a little red or orange and roll it into a thin long sausage, with the help of which we divide the hull of the steamer into two parts, thus making a waterline.

We will attach an already prepared yellow cube to the back of the upper part of the steamer, and to the front side of which we will attach a flat white square, thus making an observation window.

Let's make eight small flat circles from white and attach them to the hull of the boat as shown in the figure below. They will serve as windows in the cabins of the ship.

All that remains is to attach the pipe to the top of the yellow square and the steamer is ready. If desired, the ship model can be decorated with a small anchor, for the manufacture of which plasticine of any color is suitable.

The steamer is ready, and we spent very little time sculpting it.

VIDEO: Crafts. How to make a STEAMER?

Craft Helicopter

The following instructions will be especially interesting for boys of preschool and primary school age, because with its help you can make a very bright model of a toy helicopter.

As usual, we’ll start making the craft by preparing its elements, which will be:

  • sphere-shaped cabin made of orange tint;
  • three small orange barrels, one of which is used to attach the main propeller to the cockpit, and the other two are used for helicopter skis;
  • the tail part in the form of a thick oblong sausage is also orange;
  • two elongated, slightly flattened ski tracks, which we will make from pink;
  • main and tail rotor blades (four pieces for each in the form of thin elongated sausages).

Let's also prepare a little blue tint, which we will later wrap around the part front side helicopter cabin, thus making the windshield, and the side parts of the fuselage.

Let's start assembling the helicopter by connecting the tail part of its structure to the cabin.

After this, using blue plasticine, we will make the front and side windows in the cabin.

We will attach one of the prepared orange barrels to the top of the cabin, and four longer yellow sausages to it. Thus, the main helicopter rotor is ready. Let's connect all the propeller blades using a small orange ball.

We attach the tail rotor to the end part of the tail of the helicopter, forming it from the second part of the prepared yellow sausages (those that are smaller). We also attach a small orange ball in the middle of the screw.

We attach the two remaining orange barrels to the bottom of the helicopter fuselage, and then one pink ski to each of them. The helicopter is ready and can decorate the interior of a children's room.

VIDEO: How to make a helicopter

Craft Cat

Using these instructions we will make a figurine of a funny cat.

To begin with, as usual, we will make blanks for the future figurine of a playful pet in the manner shown in the figure below. As a result, we should have blanks for the kitten’s body and head, front and hind legs, as well as pointed ears, tail and white collar. We will make all the other small elements of the craft during the process of sculpting it.

Let's start making the craft by sculpting the head, and first we will make a white cat's nose from two white balls of the same size, which we will place next to each other (so that they touch) in the middle of the round head. Then, a little above the nose, we will symmetrically place two small white rounds and in the middle of them small black rounds, thus forming the eyes of a domestic predator.

Place a small pink ball at the top in the middle of the nose, and an orange tongue at the bottom.

We attach the ears sticking up to the head and decorate them with white inserts. We will also make pink cheeks for the cat from the corresponding shade.

Let's attach the figurine's head to the body, and then the front and hind legs to him. Using a plastic stack or a regular toothpick, we make cuts on the paws, thus forming the kitten’s toes.

We attach a long tail to the back of the body by rolling out gray plasticine in the shape of a sausage, and decorate its tip with white plasticine. Using a stack, we will make transverse shallow cuts.

We complement the image of the kitten with a white collar, and our craft is ready.

If desired, you can also make a ball for a plasticine kitten, for which plasticine of any color is suitable. In our case, this is yellow and blue material.

VIDEO: How to make a cat

Craft Dog

Since we have made a figurine of a playful kitten, it would be useful to make a plasticine craft in the form of a puppy. Moreover, it will not be difficult.

To make the work easier, as usual, the first step is to prepare blanks for the future craft, namely blanks for the puppy’s torso and head, front and hind legs and other basic elements, as shown in the figure below.

Let's start assembling the figurine by connecting the body and head of the future dog.

After this, we will decorate the sides of the body with orange inserts, thus making the puppy’s color tan. In the same way, we will make an orange insert in the area of ​​the dog’s right eye.

Let's make eyes for the puppy, forming them from white and black colors: the eyes themselves will be white, and the pupils will be black.

We attach the front and hind legs to the body so that the puppy is in a sitting position.

All that's left is to make some small tweaks:

  • Using a plastic stack or a toothpick, we form toes on the puppy’s paws;
  • We fashion a bone out of white to complement the image of the craft.

Our cheerful and bright dog is completely ready.

VIDEO: Learning to sculpt a dog

Craft Owl

The following instructions will allow you to make a cute owl figurine. The craft consists of a small number of easy-to-make elements, so even the smallest craftsmen can make it.

Using multi-colored plasticine, we will prepare blanks for the craft, namely:

  • a blank for the body of a forest bird of prey made of orange, giving it the shape of an egg;
  • a small red triangle that will act as a crest on the bird’s head;
  • an oval-shaped blue breast with cuts made on it using a stack;
  • two yellow wings;
  • two paws with three fingers, which we will make from pink material.

Let's take the body blank and wrap one of its lower parts in a prepared blue oval as shown in the figure below.

After this, we attach the paws to the lower part of the body on both sides (symmetrically).

Now we will attach the already prepared wings to the sides of the body, and a red triangle to the upper part so that one of its corners looks down.

In the center of the light yellow round pieces we insert small white round pieces, to one of the edges of which we attach even smaller black round pieces.

All that remains is to complement the image of the owl with a beak, for which we use brown plasticine, making a cut in the middle using a stack. That's all, our bright craft in the shape of an owl is completely ready.

VIDEO: How to make an owl

Craft Butterfly

The next one is small and very simple instructions will allow kids to make a beautiful craft in the shape of a butterfly.

Let's start making the craft by sculpting blanks of its main elements. From brown (if desired, you can use any other color) we make a ball for the insect’s head, a thick sausage for the body, as well as four thin sausages for the butterfly’s legs, and two even thinner ones for the antennae.

We decorate the pink blanks with small multi-colored circles, and then attach them to the blue blanks, thus getting two beautiful wings.

We continue sculpting the craft: attach the butterfly’s head to the body, and then make its eyes out of white with black pupils, as well as a smiling mouth out of thinly rolled red sausage.

Let's attach the wings to the body of the butterfly, and the already prepared antennae to the top of the head. Let's twist them in different directions.

Using a stack, we make transverse shallow cuts on the body, and then attach the lower and upper legs to it. We will also make finger-shaped cuts on them.

The craft is almost ready. All that remains is to complement it with a small chamomile lawn. To do this, knead the green plasticine well, giving it the shape of an irregular oval, and attach two daisies to it. We will make them from orange and yellow: 4 yellow petals for each daisy and an orange center.

That's all, the plasticine butterfly is ready and can decorate the interior of a children's room.

VIDEO: Learning to sculpt a butterfly

Craft Hedgehog

Making a funny hedgehog is also not difficult.

Let's start making this craft by making blanks for the body and face of the prickly forest predator in the form of two balls: brown and slightly smaller yellow. We will also prepare a small black ball.

Connect the brown and yellow balls, sharpening the latter to form a sharp hedgehog face.

We make two small round pieces from yellow and attach them to the top of the hedgehog’s head symmetrically relative to its center. These will be the animal's ears.

Let's take a plastic stack and use it to make cuts on the hedgehog's body to get some kind of needles, as well as a cut in the shape of a mouth. Decorate the hedgehog's cheeks with pink plasticine.

Now we will make a small red apple, which we will decorate with a green leaf and a black stalk. Attach the apple to the hedgehog's spines.

The craft is almost ready. All that remains is to supplement it with a few mushrooms. They are very easy to make using white and brown.

VIDEO: Learn how to make a hedgehog

Craft Ladybug

To make a ladybug resting peacefully on the lawn, we will need plasticine in red, black, green, and yellow shades.

Let's start sculpting crafts by making blanks for insect body parts. To do this, we will fashion a ball from red, as well as a hemisphere from black material. In addition, we will prepare 8 small black balls, as well as two thin black sausages.

Let's give the red ball and the black hemisphere a flattened shape and connect them. Then we will form the eyes for the insect from white and black material, and divide the red body into two parts using a stack.

Decorate the body with previously prepared small black balls. ladybug in a manner characteristic of this insect.

We attach the antennae to the front of the cow's head, bending them in different directions.

The ladybug itself is ready. Now we’ll make a clearing for her. To do this, take green plasticine and give it the shape of an irregular circle of such a size that after placing the insect on it, there will be room for several flowers.

Using yellow plasticine we will make several daisies and place them around the ladybug. Also, if desired, you can insert dark green leaves near one or more of the daisies. Let's make the appropriate cuts on the daisies and leaves with a stack and our craft is completely ready.

VIDEO: Making a Ladybug

Craft Racing Car

This instruction will be especially interesting for boys of primary school age, because with its help everyone will be able to create an original model of a racing car.

First, we’ll make a blank for the car body, giving it a triangular shape with rounded corners, as well as a recess for the driver’s seat. We will also make four round blanks for the wheels from black and a wing from yellow.

Let’s finish the wheels, namely, we’ll make yellow “rims” for them, and decorate the middle with small round white inserts.

In the center of each side of the car body we will insert two old inserts of well-rolled thin sausages. Then we will make a small white circle and place it on the front of the body, in its center we will place the number “1” made of black.

We'll make the driver's seat blue and insert it into the recess in the body.

We will make a steering wheel and a stand for it from a brown mixture and attach them opposite the seat. Then we will install a wing on the rear side of the body and attach the wheels to their places.

That's all, the plasticine model of the racing car is completely ready.

Follow our website updates to make bright and beautiful crafts together with your growing child.

VIDEO: Craft Racing Car
