What does true and false beauty mean? The problem of true beauty and false (According to the novel by L

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True and false beauty in the understanding of Leo Tolstoy In the epic novel "War and Peace"

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The question of true beauty has always been one of the most exciting in literature and in life, so discussions on this topic are relevant to this day. Throughout his entire career, Leo Tolstoy tried to prove this. He endows his unloved heroes with almost divine beauty, depriving them of feelings and mind.

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The most striking example of this is Helen Kuragina “Helen was so pretty that not only was there no trace of coquetry in her, but on the contrary, she seemed to be ashamed of her undoubted and too powerful beauty. She seemed to want and could not belittle the effect of her beauty. Pierre Bezukhov is one of the few who sees the callousness, lack of spirituality and stupidity of his wife. Sitting at the evenings with Helen, he experiences the feeling that "a magician must experience, expecting every time that his deceit is about to be revealed." Pierre's fears are not in vain. For those who admire appearance Helen, soul and mind are of no value.

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Helene is a stupid woman: "... But she is stupid, I myself said that she was stupid," he thought. "After all, this is not love ..." "... Pierre, who knew that she was very stupid .. ." "... But is it because it is precisely stupidity that is needed to run such a salon ..." "... she could say the greatest vulgarities and nonsense, and yet everyone admired her every word and looked for a deep meaning in it , which she herself did not suspect..." "...and one of the most stupid women in the world, thought Pierre ... “However, the people around are blinded by her beauty and do not notice this

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The author contrasts the beautiful Helen with Natasha “A black-eyed, with a big mouth, an ugly, but lively girl, with her childish open shoulders that jumped out of her corsage from a fast run, with her black curls strayed back” “He did not see her marble beauty, which was one with her dress...” “...only on a marble, somewhat convex forehead...” “She was, as always at parties, in a dress that was very open in front and behind, according to the then fashion. Her bust, which always seemed marble to Pierre ... "Natasha Helen

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An equally striking example of spiritual beauty is Princess Marya Bolkonskaya. Unlike Natasha Rostova, who, having matured, turns from an “ugly duckling” into a “beautiful swan”, Princess Marya is not at all beautiful. Only her "radiant" eyes give the appearance of the heroine attractiveness. Eyes reflect her harmonious internal state which she acquired in faith. Life according to the commandments made Princess Marya a person who became an example of the greatest love for people and self-sacrifice.

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Ugly, weak body and thin face. Eyes, always sad, now looked at themselves in the mirror with particular hopelessness.<...>the eyes of the princess, large, deep and radiant (as if the rays warm light sometimes sheaves came out of them), were so good that very often, despite the ugliness of the whole face, these eyes became more attractive than beauty

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“said the princess, looking timidly and smiling timidly” “the princess thought, smiled thoughtfully” “everything was lit up with a cheerful, self-satisfied, young, unchanging smile” “she said to Natasha with her uniformly beautiful smile” Marie Helene

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The problem of true beauty and false (Based on the novel by L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace") (Option: Images of Helen, Natasha and Princess Mary)

what is beauty

And why do people deify her?

She is a vessel in which there is emptiness,

Or fire flickering in a vessel?

N. Zabolotsky

Beauty is one of the most important categories of human consciousness. Without the ability to feel the beautiful, a full human life is impossible. Beauty is an eternal concept, but at different times in different parts of the Earth, its own interpretation was put into it. Despite its universality, beauty is a subjective category, since each person evaluates it in his own way. IN Ancient Greece it was customary to bow before external beauty. The statue of Aphrodite of Knidos, with its perfect forms, personified true beauty for the ancient world. The philosopher Plato was one of the first to talk about the fact that external beauty should be filled with an equally beautiful inner content. He created his famous theory about the unity of love, goodness and beauty.

LN Tolstoy's views on beauty are in many ways similar to Plato's theory. Tolstoy does not conceive of true beauty without a spiritual beginning. In the novel Voya and the World, the author contrasts two types of beauty: beauty of the physical and beauty of the soul.

The most characteristic in this regard are the images of Helen, Natasha Rostova and Princess Marya.

Helen has perfect external beauty. People around her always pay attention to her. Tolstoy calls her beauty "victorious" in the eyes of secular society. Helen is superbly built. The beauty sparkles with "the whiteness of her shoulders, the gloss of her hair and diamonds." Napoleon himself, noticing her in the theater, appreciated her appearance. Pierre Bezukhov is one of the few who sees the callousness, lack of spirituality and stupidity of his wife. Sitting at the evenings with Helen, he experiences the feeling that "a magician must experience, expecting every time that his deceit is about to be revealed." Pierre's fears are not in vain. For those who admire Helen's appearance, the soul and mind are of no value. Having a brilliant appearance and success in the world, Elena Vasilyevna "could say the biggest vulgarities and stupidities, and yet everyone admired her every word and looked for a deep meaning in it, which she herself did not suspect."

Apparently, even the name Helen itself carries a semantic load. So, Pierre, with fear and sadness, feels like Paris, to whom Elena is given. There is clearly a connection with the mythological Helen the Beautiful, whose external beauty brought so much grief to people, causing the bloody Trojan War. Such a parallel with Elena shows the destructive power of beauty, not filled with spiritual content.

Pierre gave an exact description of his wife: "... where you are - there is debauchery, evil ...". Countess Bezukhova takes an active part in the fate of the main characters of the novel. A destructive influence on Natasha is associated with her when she sets her up with Anatole. Pierre considers his marriage to Helen the biggest mistake. Helen in the novel is opposed by Natasha Rostova and Marya Bolkonskaya, although they do not resemble each other either in appearance or demeanor.

Natasha Rostova is not at all as beautiful as Helen. She has big mouth, irregular facial features, she is "ugly, but alive." And she can't help but like it. Natasha attracts with her swiftness, liveliness and spontaneity. Impulsive, cheerful Natasha managed to rise above the emptiness of secular society. She does not particularly think about the meaning of life, but this meaning is revealed in the way she lives. Unlike Helen, Natasha is "gifted with the ability to feel the nuances of intonations, looks and facial expressions." She is keenly aware of everything false and unnatural. Let us recall, for example, the scene of visiting the opera, where, looking at the dressed-up actors, Natasha is surprised at the lack of truth.

Natasha attracts people not with indifferent secular beauty, but with her liveliness and spontaneity, by the fact that she brings joy to everyone. Boris, for example, clearly seeing that he should not marry Rostova (she has almost no wealth), nevertheless goes to her, neglecting Helen's evenings. Andrei Bolkonsky understands that he loved in Natasha "spiritual strength", sincerity. It is the openness of the soul that makes it so easy and free for Natasha not only to feel, but also to recreate a truly folk dance in her uncle's estate. In this episode, the "countess", raised by a Frenchwoman, shows her true Russian soul and becomes extraordinarily beautiful.

Natasha not only feels human joys, she responds to the grief and suffering of people. She cries when Sonya is sad. She is deeply moved by the fate of the wounded soldiers. The feeling of empathy is one of the most important in Tolstoy's concept of beauty. It is in Natasha that the author embodies the best female traits. She doesn't have the perfect look that Helen has. But the main thing in it is the harmony of the spiritual and the physical, the natural and the moral. Natasha is not without flaws, but together with the author, we accept her for who she is.

The image of Marya Bolkonskaya also clearly fits into Tolstoy's concept of beauty. However, he is in many ways opposed not only to Helen, but also to Natasha. If Natasha Rostova conquers with her spontaneity, her sparkling sense of life, then the charm of Princess Mary lies in the depth of her moral aspirations, the intensity of her inner spiritual work, the strength of her mind and the stamina of her character. Not only does Mary not have the antique beauty of Helen, she is so bad-looking that it does not occur to women to be afraid of rivalry with her. Mary is unsure of herself. She is often embarrassed. Even her loving father thinks of her: "Bad, awkward." Marya Bolkonskaya and Natasha have no grace.

“The only thing that was beautiful in the face of the princess was her eyes. They were big and radiant. It seemed as if beams of light were coming from them." It is in the eyes that the external manifestation of the beautiful soul of the princess is embodied. They "were so good that very often, despite the ugliness in the whole face, the eyes became more attractive than beauty." When her eyes went out, if she was embarrassed or offended, then her face again became ugly and even painful.

Eyes are an important detail in Tolstoy. He notes more than once that Natasha had shining eyes. Helen's eyes shine only with the reflected light of the diamonds. They do not have a glow coming from within. Julie, a friend of Marya Bolkonskaya, writes in a letter that it was in the calm and meek look of the princess's wonderful eyes that she always drew strength.

Princess Mary dreamed of a family and children, but this happiness was unlikely for her. Suitors were attracted by her wealth, and her ugly appearance was repulsive, and none of them were interested in her soul. She considered it her calling "to be happy with other happiness, the happiness of love and self-sacrifice." Looking at the world with her extraordinary eyes, Marya wondered why people are so short-sighted, why they do evil to each other.

Natasha and Princess Mary showed true patriotism during Patriotic War 1812. Natasha, without hesitation, sacrificed the wealth of the Moscow Rostov house in order to save the wounded. And Princess Marya leaves the estate to the mercy of fate at the approach of the French. To trust the mercy of a French general, an enemy of his homeland, was tantamount to betrayal for Princess Mary. In this episode, she shows pride, courage, firmness.

The meeting with Nikolai Rostov transforms Marya. The wealth of the spiritual world of the princess, revealed to Nikolai, makes a huge impression on him. He immediately felt the power and charm of her extraordinary nature. "Nikolai was struck by the special, moral beauty that he noticed in her this time."

The spiritual, true beauty of Natasha and Marya is contrasted in the novel with the false external beauty of Helen. For Tolstoy, it is not so important how a person looks, the main thing is what this person is like, what makes up the meaning of his life, how demanding he is of himself. If Helen personifies in the novel a soulless, beautiful shell filled with nothing, then Natasha and Marya embody true spiritual beauty. They are able to rise to the height of spiritual love for people. They are beautiful at heart. And for Tolstoy, this is much more important than external secular gloss.

And one more feature makes Tolstoy's favorite heroines related. Princess Marya marries Nikolai Rostov, and the writer, drawing them family life, speaks of the happiness that she, like Natasha, found in the family. Helen Tolstoy deprives family happiness. Moreover, Helen dies.

Natasha Rostova and Marya Bolkonskaya are the favorite heroines not only of Tolstoy, but also of most readers.

Beauty ... What is it like? External and internal. External beauty is an attractive face, a slender figure and graceful manners. Inner beauty is spiritual beauty, and spiritual beauty is, first of all, philanthropy, high morality, sincerity, sincerity, the desire to understand other people and help them. It often happens that in one person, external and internal beauty do not merge into a single whole. That is why people tend to make mistakes and take external beauty for internal. No wonder they say: "They meet by clothes, but see off by the mind." Understanding the nature of a person is very difficult. That is why there is true and false beauty. The word "true" is derived from the noun "truth", that is, that which is accepted by all. True beauty is inner beauty. What is false beauty? It is appearances that are so often deceiving.

True and false... These concepts are closely intertwined with each other throughout Leo Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace". I believe that in the novel, true and false beauty is most fully revealed in the characters of Helen Kuragina and Natasha Rostova.

For the first time with Helen Kuragina we meet at the evening at Anna Pavlovna Scherer. Helen is so beautiful that there is no person who would not admire this beauty: "Slightly rustling her white ballroom robe, trimmed with ivy and moss, and shining with the whiteness of her shoulders, the gloss of her hair and diamonds, she walked between the parted men and straight, without looking at any whom, but smiling at everyone and kindly giving everyone the right to admire the beauty of her figure, full of shoulders, very open, according to the then fashion, chest and back ... "Yes, Helen is undeniably beautiful. The only thing that alarms about Helen is her smile. In fact, behind this smile-mask lies indifference to people, an empty soul.

Helene is a mature person, a statue that does not change and will be the same in 20 and 40 years. And who is Natasha? Natasha is a child. She is a living girl with her own strengths and weaknesses. Natasha lives a rich life, rejoices and is upset, laughs and cries. And Helen does not live, but exists. Helen needs marriage for only one thing: for the money that she needs to exist: balls, theaters, guests and numerous lovers. Not once throughout the novel did Helen show normal feelings: she was not afraid, she was not happy for someone, she did not feel sorry for anyone. And what about Natasha? Natasha is very busy life and I don't think it's bad. Yes, maybe she acted a little badly when she could not stand the year without Andrei and fell in love with Anatoly, but, on the other hand, it was also not good for Andrei to leave her alone for a whole year. At first, Natasha did not understand at all that Anatoly Kuragin did not initially have any serious intentions about her.

Natasha is a person, she "loves" people, remember the scene when she removes things from the cart because of the wounded, whom she does not want to leave. Would Helen ever do that? I think that she would never have done this, she would not even have such an idea, to help people. What is the secret of Natasha's charming charm? I believe that in sincerity, because the essence of Natasha's nature is love, and these concepts are inseparable. It is Natasha who is able to support her mother, who is distraught with grief after Petya's death. After marriage, the only meaning of life for Natasha is the family. From Natasha comes the energy of liberation from everything false, false. False secular society is alien to Natasha (after marriage, she practically ceases to be in the world). It is only through her love for Pierre and the education of her family that Natasha finally finds peace. Tolstoy emphasizes that happiness is not given by nature, it must be earned by the spiritual work that is so valued in people. That is why Natasha deserved happiness, and the magnificent beauty Helen never knew happiness, because happiness, true beauty and love are three inseparable things.

"Teacher “He is a person who studies all his life.” Therefore, an important criterion for the success of the teacher's work is his self-education, the purpose of which is to master new teachers. various methods and forms of teaching.

The use of ICT in the lessons of literature and the Russian language, based on the use of a computer, allows you to activate cognitive interests students, supervise the activities of each, study new material, fasten, execute practical work, including different types exercises, to deepen knowledge, to conduct control. Students work with passion at any stage of the lesson, and this maintains interest in the subject.

True and false beauty in the novel.

(Lesson-research in grade 10).

The purpose of the lesson: study of the author's position, summarizing what has been learneddevelopment of research and associative thinking of students.


    Tutorial: explore the position of Leo Tolstoy in relation to the "true and false" beauty of a person.

    Developing: moral and emotional development students, the development of the ability to argue, to defend their opinion.

    Nurturing: education of a sense of beauty on the example of the heroes of L.N. Tolstoy.


Board layout.

On the left side:

Good - Everything is positive, good, useful.

Beauty - Everything beautiful, beautiful, everything that gives aesthetic and moral pleasure.

Is it true - 1. That which corresponds to reality, the truth.

2. Order based on justice, honesty.

Simplicity - Kindness, innocence.

Spirituality - The property of the soul, consisting in the predominance of spiritual, moral and intellectual interests over material ones.

On the right side:

Wealth - 1. Abundance material assets, money.

well-being - 1. Calm and happy well-being

2. Life in contentment, complete security.Material well-being.

Career - 1. The path to success, a prominent position in society, in the service field, as well as the very achievement of such a field.

Texts of the novel (volume 4, epilogue, vol.II).

On the teacher's desk:

· a nondescript plant beautiful flower;

· unblown branch;

· crystal vase,

· candle

During the classes:

1. Music screensaver.

It sounds like an old waltz. (In the background of music )

teacher's word : Guys, of course, you know the heroes of Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" well. Now look at the illustrations, read the phrases, remember and name their names.

Student responses.

Thank you, let's continue the lesson.

2. Announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Teacher's word. The topic of our lesson is "True and false beauty in the novel."The purpose of the lesson:explore the position of the author of the novel and answer the question, "what kind of beauty the author considered true, and what kind of false."

3. Issues for discussion:

Do you agree with Leo Tolstoy's point of view that there is no beauty where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth?

4. Dictionary work (emancipation, sixties ). Updating students' knowledge.

5. Independent work.

Teacher's word. The main compositional technique used by Tolstoy in the novel is the antithesis. The writer turns to opposition in order to emphasize positive and negative phenomena, images, true and false beauty. Who is opposed to military drones in the novel? Ordinary soldiers, the modest captain Tushin, who are led not by personal, selfish, but by popular, liberating motives. In other words, true beauty is opposed to false beauty. Given this point of view, complete the table.

Filling in the comparative table “True and false beauty in the understanding of L.N. Tolstoy”

6. Analytical conversation on the results independent work.

Name the images opposed to Tolstoy's favorite heroes.

Why are the heroes shining with external beauty, nevertheless, not internally beautiful for Tolstoy?

Whose point of view does Tolstoy argue with in the novel?

What unites the representatives of secular society?

How does Tolstoy understand true beauty?

Student responses.

The external beauty of such characters as Helen, Anatole, Vera, Berg covers an empty and cold heart, mercantile interests, naked calculation.

Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy argues in the novel with the position of secular society, which has a false idea of ​​beauty.

Representatives of secular society are united by the fact that they see in people, first of all, the contents of the wallet, the possibility of patronage. They are united by falsehood, lack of spirituality, vulgarity and immorality.

The writer saw beauty in human relationships, in behavior, in the thoughts and feelings of a person, in nature and in art. Such images are united by moral purity, naturalness, selflessness, love, generosity, and faith.

Teacher's word. Let's summarize everything that has been said (students draw a conclusion based on the results of independent work). Who is the bearer of true beauty in a novel for a Russian writer? You probably guessed what it is female image. And which one exactly? I suggest you answer this question using associative thinking. For this we use the following items: flower, vase, twig, candle.

7. Discussion .

teacher's word . You must give your answer by presenting arguments from the text, showing the position of the author, and draw a conclusion based on your answer.

So,how do you associate this nondescript indoor plant with a blooming beautiful flower? You can make a symbolic drawing in your notebook and relate it to the characters in the novel.

Student (ca).

I associate this inconspicuous plant with a beautiful flower with the image of Princess Marya. She has an ugly sickly body, heavy steps, ugly face. But Marya Bolkonskaya has big, radiant, beautiful eyes - a mirror of the soul. She believed that she was too ugly to dream of happiness. Tolstoy wrote that her face changed when she thought about others or cried. And after meeting with Nikolai Rostov, Princess Marya became completely different. She had a chest voice, grace and femininity. All this, in my opinion, became attractive to Rostov, and he fell in love with her. For Tolstoy, she is beautiful, because. she has a beautiful soul.

Student (ca). This vase reminds me of the image of Helen. The vase is very beautiful, but cold, empty. And Helen Kuragina shines in society with external beauty, but internally she is completely empty. Tolstoy emphasizes her beautiful shoulders, arms, chest, but it is as if varnish is on her from all views. Helen married Pierre to herself, and then she also chose her husbands. She has a beautiful smile, but this is a duty smile, she hides immorality and vulgarity, greed and selfishness - the main signs of representatives of secular society. I agree with Tolstoy's position. This is "false" beauty.

Teacher's word. (Teacher lights a candle). With which of the characters in the novel do you associate a lit candle?

Student. This candle reminds me of Natasha Rostova. She also gives herself to people without a trace. Natasha cannot live without love. “The essence of her life is love,” said Tolstoy. Love for loved ones, beloved, homeland ... She loves to dance, she admires the beauty of the night in Otradnoye, but at the same time she makes mistakes and suffers because of them. But in general, this is a changing image for the better. She knows how to do good, she is pure, lively, sincere, and it is impossible not to love her. Surrounding from it is light, like from a lit candle.

Student. The unblown twig reminds me of the image of Petya Rostov, who went to war at a very young age and died.

Student. Bolkonsky - bright and "burning" like a flame, he died very young, as this unburned candle went out.

Student. A nondescript plant with a beautiful flower is associated with Natasha.

Student . The candle is Pierre Bezukhov. He illuminates everyone with his kindness and love. But he wavers in his thoughts, as a flame wavers in the wind.

8. Analytical conversation (in the image of Natasha).

Teacher's word. Remember at what moments Tolstoy describes her as ugly, even bad-looking?

Student responses.

On the name day: "ugly, but a lively girl."

"Spreading her big mouth ... roared" out of compassion for Sonya.

During the evacuation from Moscow, when she ran to her parents, having learned that they did not want to give carts to the wounded, her face was ugly.

At the bedside of the wounded Prince Andrei, Natasha's face "was scary."

Teacher's word. At what moments is she beautiful, everyone admires her?

Student responses.

At her first ball, she beamed with happiness.

Next to Prince Andrei (before their engagement).

At the performance, where everyone noticed her, including Anatole.

Teacher. So, we have explored the position of the author of the novel "War and Peace". So whose is the true beauty? Who is the bearer of this beauty?

Natasha Rostov.

(A waltz from Sergei Prokofiev's opera "War and Peace" sounds.)

9. Working with text.

Teacher's word. HAlong with the images of Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov, Princess Mary, this is Leo Tolstoy's favorite image, but also the image of Natasha is an ideal, true beauty. And our lesson would be incomplete without a story about her in the epilogue of the novel. Even during the life of Tolstoy, Natasha in the epilogue withstood a lot of criticism. Refer to the text, find the lines showing Natasha after marriage (Epilogue, part 1, chapter X).

"... she already had three daughters and one son in 1820 ... She grew fatter and broader."

“Now one could often see her face and body, but her soul was not visible at all. One strong, beautiful and prolific female was visible.

Teacher's word. What did she look like now?

Natasha went down, abandoned secular society, she "did not care about her manners or the delicacy of speeches", she forgot about curls and a suit ...

Teacher's word. Why? What has become the main thing in her life now?

“The subject that Natasha completely immersed herself in was the family, that is, the husband ... and the children who had to be carried, given birth, fed, educated.”

Teacher's word. What was her relationship with her husband?

Natasha was jealous of Pierre for Sonya, for the governess, for every beautiful and ugly woman.

“Natasha in her house put herself on the foot of her husband’s slave ... As soon as he expressed a desire, Natasha jumped up and ran to fulfill it.”

Teacher's word. This Natasha appears before us in the epilogue. What do you not accept in the image of a married Natasha?

Untidiness, jealousy, thoughts only about her husband and children, no hobbies, rejection of the world.

Teacher's word. Guys, now you have confirmed the point of view that has existed in literary criticism for over 140 years. But would we believe Tolstoy if he painted in the epilogue the former Natasha - the mother of four children, fluttering at the balls, dreaming of being invited to the dance? Of course not. Could there be another mother who spends sleepless nights at the bedside of a sick child, absorbed in worries about big family, alarmed by the long absence of her husband? So, in the epilogue, Natasha is what Leo Tolstoy wanted to see a woman, this change is a logical continuation of her character. It was in the family that it manifested itself real beauty, it was in the family that she found real happiness, which every person dreams of. And how do you feel about the expression "fertile female"?

Student responses.

The writer said this with irony. To whom did Tolstoy say so? Maybe he was arguing with someone, portraying Natasha like this in marriage?

10. Vocabulary work.

Student message. In the 60s of the XIX century in RussiaThere was a women's emancipation movement. They were called "sixties". They fought for the rights of women to be on an equal footing with men, for self-renunciation of women's duties. This even affected women's fashion: emancipated women abandoned corsets, put on trousers for the first time, which was extremely outrageous at that time. The image of Natasha Rostova, both contradictory and integral, reflects Tolstoy's attitude to the family and motherhood. The Russian writer believed that for a woman there should be a higher vocation and purpose - motherhood. Therefore, Natasha in the epilogue, plump and wide, is Tolstoy's ideal. Perhaps, in this way, Lev Nikolaevich argued with the sixties, who wanted to equalize the rights of women with men.

10. The final word of the teacher. So, starting from the first pages and ending with the epilogue, Tolstoy brings us to his understanding of the destiny of man, his true beauty. And such an ideal for Tolstoy was Natasha Rostova. And if the writer had realized his original plan - to write about the returning Decembrist, we have no doubt that Pierre would have entered Senate Square in 1825. And we also have no doubt that Natasha, of course, would follow him to Siberia. One of the main ideas of the novel sounds in this image: beauty and happiness where there is simplicity, goodness and truth.

Who else from the characters of Tolstoy's novel, in your opinion, approaches the ideal?


14. Marks .
