Object, subject and method of organization theory. Organizational Relations as a Subject of Organization Theory

Every person is connected with organizations in one way or another throughout his life. It is in organizations or with their assistance that people grow, study, work, overcome illnesses, enter into diverse relationships, develop science and culture. Within organizations, human activity takes place everywhere. There are no organizations without people, just as there are no people who do not have to deal with organizations.

An organization is a complex organism. It intertwines and coexists with the interests of the individual and groups, incentives and restrictions, rigid technology and innovation, unconditional discipline and free creativity, regulatory requirements and informal initiatives. Organizations have their own image, culture, traditions and reputation. They develop confidently when they have a sound strategy and use resources efficiently. They are rebuilt when they cease to meet their chosen goals. They die when they are unable to complete their tasks. Without understanding the essence of organizations and the patterns of their development, one cannot manage them, nor effectively use their potential, nor develop modern technologies their activities. Why organizations are needed, how they are created and developed, on what principles they are built, why and how they change, what opportunities open up, why their members act this way and not otherwise - the answers to these questions are called upon to give an organization thorium, based on a generalization of the latest world experience.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the scientific substantiation of all aspects of the functioning of organizations in the conditions modern Russia when there is a radical change in socio-economic relations. New requirements for the construction and behavior of organizations are imposed by market relations, entrepreneurial activity, the development of various forms of ownership, changes in the functions and methods of state regulation and management. Organizational activity is influenced by revolutionary changes in the technological base of production. The transition to effective forms of organization and management based on scientific principles has become the main condition for the success of economic reforms. The competition of products and services has become, in essence, the competition of organizations, forms, methods and management skills used.

Traditions of centralized typing of all structural constructions, severe formalization of internal and external relations subordination, lack of freedom of all lower levels, mass distribution and long-term use of organizational schemes that are suitable only for certain conditions or emergency circumstances, gave rise to a stereotype of conservative thinking and organizational constraint.

The subject determines what the given science is engaged in, and what phenomena of objective reality it studies. The theory establishes the laws and regularities of the course of processes or phenomena studied by a particular science. The method of science characterizes the system of means and methods of research and generalization of the phenomena of reality in a given field of knowledge. organizational structural centralized

Until now, the subject and essence of the theory of organization have not been comprehensively substantiated. The theory of organization is a fundamental universal organizational science about the laws of functioning and the principles of formation of integral formations (systems) of the most diverse nature. At the same time, if the word "organization" means "system", then first of all the question arises - "what" ?, and if "process", then "what"?

The object of study of organization theory is any object under study that can be represented through the relationship between parts of a whole or a whole with its environment. external environment. At the same time, it must be remembered that the laws of organization are the same for any objects, and the heterogeneous phenomena themselves are identified through the analogy of connections and patterns. Now let's move from the level of organization theory to the level of organization theory in order to specify the object of application of this science.

The object of application of the theory of organizations is mainly socio-economic systems, primarily economic entities: industrial, trade, construction organizations and enterprises, research institutes, educational establishments all kinds, government agencies, distinguishable depending on the tasks they perform, the means used and the size. Any of these organizations is a complex socio-economic and technical system. The most common organizational division in practice social systems is the division into subsystems associated with the implementation of certain functions of the system. The main elements of social systems are people, objects and means of labor.

The subject of the theory of organization is organizational relations, that is, connections and interactions between various kinds of integral formations and their structural components, as well as processes and actions of an organizing and disorganizing orientation.

At the level of the theory of organizations of social systems, their main feature lies in the fact that their organizing principle is joint work. It is he who connects people working together with each other and with the means and objects of labor and is a system-forming factor. As a connecting factor, it combines all intra-system processes into a single integrated process focused on achieving a specific goal of the organization. Labor connects the three main elements of the social system - people, means and objects of labor.

connections and are the result of organizational in social systems, then specific organizational ones are the subject of organizational Man acts as an element of the social rational organization of the process involves connections in the elementary, which are provided by the layout and equipment of the place, the use of techniques and methods

The elementary part (objects and means) is part of a large subsystem, it is necessary to provide stable connections with the elements of the subsystem. it is necessary to provide links between and establish rules, the order of their relationship, through the organizational system. Finally, the system should be stable with the external environment. the totality of these internal and external and the subject of organizational

The social system is considered from two perspectives:

  • · statics, which follows the structure of connections by its elements and subsystems. the structure of relations by the organizational structure or its part;
  • · under which to understand activity, on an establishment and maintenance of communications between and parts of system, its normal functioning. connections display material, energy and flows. Both perspectives complement each other.

way, the physical organizational activity is a complex of purposeful organizer (or organizers) focused on:

  • a new organizational system;
  • improvement organizational structure- restructuring of the system (parts, abolition and creation of new ones, etc.);
  • · technical re-equipment
  • expansion of the existing
  • operation of existing
  • · the implementation of rational and methods of organizing processes in space and in (information, production, etc.).

In its most form, the socio-economic cycle includes three phases: 1. organizational 2. organization design; 3. organizations.

In practice, the simplified cycle is divided into whole stages. This approach to the definition of organizational processes

  • · firstly, a clear area of ​​organizational in the socio-economic - is the establishment and expedient links in the activities of the organization;
  • · provides an opportunity for this activity to design and provide a complete structure of relationships that determine the effective functioning of the socio-economic system.

From the same elements, by their mutual arrangement, it is possible to obtain different systems, with a level of organization and a level of efficiency.

about the theory of organizations to cover: the design and socio-economic and flowing in them while management has the maintenance of systems within the threshold values ​​of the parameters. When organizing directly with the category of management. From the standpoint they are considered as systems:

  • organization state, measure of the system;
  • management of the change in its level

At the center of design and organization stands

The organizational model (or improved) should include, in a way, subsystems and structures that provide:

  • established for the purpose;
  • uninterrupted system and its components
  • the minimum level of expenses;
  • · labor optimization, etc.;
  • maximum

The organization theory method is a set of epistemological and logical principles, as well as scientific tools for studying the system of organizational relations.

There are 2 groups of methods:

  • 1. general scientific;
  • 2. specific.

General scientific methods include systematic, complex, historical approaches, as well as statistical, abstract-analytical methods and modeling.

System approach is a way of thinking according to which an object can be considered as a system. This means that an object consists of a number of interconnected parts and elements that provide, as a whole, its certain properties, functions, and, consequently, behavior. In this case, the object is considered as part of a larger major system, and the overall goal of its development is consistent with the development goals of this large system.

A complex approach specifies a systematic approach and consists in considering objects and phenomena in their connection and dependence, using research methods of various sciences for this.

The historical approach makes it possible to trace the history of the origin of an object, the stages of its transition from one state to another, and to identify patterns in the development of an object in the future.

The statistical method consists in quantitatively taking into account factors, phenomena, and determining their frequency of occurrence.

The abstract-analytical method makes it possible to isolate from the general mass of phenomena the universal laws of organization, which have an all-natural character. At the same time, abstraction is the mental selection of the essential properties and relationships of an object by abstracting from the particular properties and relationships inherent in a particular object, and analysis is the study of an object by dividing it into its component parts. The study of organizations has become the main task of research conducted by representatives of various scientific disciplines. It gradually turned into an independent scientific area - the theory of organization - a relatively young area and not having established canonical forms, a system of scientific knowledge that generalizes organizational experience and reflects the essence of organizational relations, their internal necessary connections, laws of functioning and development. Organization theory is closely related to the natural and social sciences, which serve as a source of organizational experience for it. Of particular importance is the connection between the theory of organization and the social sciences, which makes it possible to predict the development of social relations. Defining the fundamental laws of the development of the organization, it provides a new conceptual apparatus, unequivocally sets the goals and objectives of the development of the organization, organically connects various directions modern management theories. Recently, the discipline "theory of organizations" has been spreading, the object of which is social organizations, and the subject is the laws of their functioning, the main task of which is to study the influence that individuals and groups of people have on the functioning of the organization, and on the changes taking place in them, on ensuring the necessary results. At the same time, organization theory uses the achievements of a number of related sciences.

The theory of organization considers the phenomenon of the material and spiritual world from the standpoint of organizational experience and determines the laws of organization that are common for any objects.

Any researched with the so-called. object organization theory is seen as:

the relation between the whole and the parts of the whole;

the relation of the whole to its external environment.

Organization Theory Object- organizational experience of the reality surrounding us. The theory of organization covers the material of many sciences and life practices, studies and generalizes the methods and means of organizing nature and human activity, establishes patterns and trends in their development.

The subject of organization theory is these are organizational relations, i.e. connections and interactions between various kinds of integral formations and their structural subdivisions, as well as the process and action of organizing and disorganizing orientation.

Methods of organization theory

1. Induction - the movement of thought from the individual to the universal. From knowledge of a lesser degree of generality to knowledge of a greater degree of generality.

2. The abstract-analytical method is a mental or real distraction from the non-essential with the so-called. analysis of the properties and characteristics of the object for the purity of the experiment.

3. Synthesis - generalization of data about the observed object or phenomenon into a single ordered system of knowledge.

4. Deduction is the movement of thought from the universal to the individual, from knowledge of a greater degree of generality to knowledge of a lesser degree of generality; this method creates conditions for new theoretical generalizations and practical conclusions.

The place of organization theory in the system of scientific knowledge

Existing sciences from various tz. consider a single integrity, i.e. the world. Such fragmentation makes it possible to deeply study it for practical use, however, further development of knowledge about the integral world is not always possible to obtain using the base of specialized sciences. As a result, interdisciplinary sciences arise that combine knowledge from various fields. In particular, organization theory is based on the key (general) concept the whole. At the same time, the theory of organization uses knowledge of other sciences for a holistic understanding of the unity of the world: sociology, economics, philosophy, human resource management.

In addition, organization theory is closely related to cybernetics and synergetics.

Cybernetics defines the management of living and non-living systems through an informational approach to management. As a result, information is seen as an important and equal resource of any system.

Synergetics– combines knowledge of organization theory and cybernetics. Uses the universal concept of self-organization as a source of development of any systems by changing the internal structure and unifying actions that generate new qualities.

Functions of the theory of organization as a science

1) Cognitive or explanatory. Organization theory reveals the processes of organization and self-organization of social systems, as well as trends in organizational development.

2) Methodological. Explores holistic systemic formations at all levels organically interconnected and is the methodological basis for other sciences that reflect individual or particular aspects of organizational activity.

3) Rationally organizing. Orders and improves the organizational and managerial sciences on the basis of the universal laws of organization inherent in living and non-living systems.

Topic number 2.

Scientific approaches to the study of organization used in organization theory.

1. General systems theory.

2. Cybernetics.

3. Classification of systems.

4. Synergetics.

5. General and special organization theory in the scientific approach.

6. Activities of Bogdanov as the founder of organizational theory.

General systems theory

System literally means a whole consisting of parts. The entire world around us is a complex multi-level system consisting of a mass of interacting systems of various ranks.

The main properties that a group of objects must have in order to be considered a system are:

*integrity and divisibility: a system is a set or unity of elements that perform a certain role in the system and interact with each other. Elements coexist only in the system, and outside the system they are only objects that have the potential ability to form a system.

*connection: the integrity of the system is ensured by the links between the elements within it, which should be more powerful than the links of individual elements with the external environment. Otherwise, the system will not exist. And those elements with which the system's connections are not sufficient are excluded from it.

*O organization: to appear complete system it is necessary to form a certain structure of this system in order to streamline the presence of elements within the framework of this system. That. the presence of system-forming factors in the elements of the system creates the possibility of its occurrence.

*integrative qualities: this is a quality inherent in the system as a set of elements as a whole, but not characteristic of its individual elements.

Social systems are large and complex multi-level hierarchical (subordination) systems, each of which is a subsystem of a higher-ranking system (environment) and, in turn, it consists of subsystems formed from components. Components are made up of primary elements. The primary element is those parts of it that are not subject to further division, otherwise they lose the features of the system necessary to achieve the goals of the analysis.

Each system at a certain point in time is characterized by the parameters of the internal environment, i.e. certain state.

If a system is capable of transitioning from one state to another, then it is considered to have behavior.

The ability of a system to maintain its state in the absence of external disturbances or under constant influences is defined as equilibrium.

The ability of a system to return to a state of equilibrium after it has been brought out of it by external perturbing factors is defined as sustainability.

external environment in relation to the system, there are other systems and factors that can have a perturbing effect on it.


Literally means the art of management. How modern science cybernetics deals with the study of systems, forms, methods and means of control.

In the animal world, in social systems and in technical processes, management is carried out, which is subject to general laws. This commonality is that any management is an information process in which information about environment And internal state systems. That. cybernetics is the doctrine of the general patterns of management processes and information links in organizational systems.

Cybernetics is based on:

On the informational nature of the management process: in a general sense, information is signals, messages, knowledge that increase awareness and reduce uncertainty; the quality of information is characterized by the concepts of completeness and reliability. The achievement of goals in management depends on the quality and timeliness of information receipt.

On the theory of systems: any cybernetic system consists of two complex subsystems: control (implements the process of processing information about the external and internal environment of the organization) and controlled (under the influence of the received management information, it implements the process of the system functioning).

On modeling: this is the reduction of management processes to cybernetic models that reflect the managed information system.

On a probabilistic approach: this is the recognition of the probabilistic nature of management decisions and the consideration of this circumstance when building a model of effective management.

Basic concepts of cybernetics.

1) The concept of a black box is a system in which input and output quantities and effects are known and can be observed, but its internal structure and processes occurring in it are not known. However, observing the system for a long time, one can draw a conclusion about the processes occurring inside the system, and taking into account this knowledge, set the input action in such a way as to obtain the desired or desired result at the output.

2) The concept of feedback - with its help, information is obtained about the results of control actions and external disturbances (this is a feedback to control)

3) The concept of a hierarchical management system - each management level manages a lower level and at the same time is an object of management of a higher level.

Any modern theory is a system of scientific knowledge that summarizes practical experience and reflects the essence of the phenomena under study, their internal necessary connections, the laws of functioning and development. Theory performs an explanatory function. It shows what properties and connections the object of study has, what laws it obeys in its functioning and development. The emergence of a new theory is justified only when its own object and subject of research are discovered. The object of cognition is usually considered to be what the cognitive activity of the researcher is directed to, and the subject is the sides, properties, relations of the object studied for a specific purpose. From the epistemological point of view, both the object and the subject of cognition are phenomena of the same order, they relate to the reality around us and oppose the subject. Therefore, when general characteristics object and subject, some authors do not distinguish between the concepts of "object" and "subject of knowledge". The conditionality of the separation of these concepts is also seen in the theory of organization.

The starting point of the theory of organization is the recognition behind this theory of a special, own approach to the study of each phenomenon of the material and spiritual world from the standpoint of organizational experience. From this point of view, any object under study can be considered as a relationship between parts of a whole or a whole with its external environment. At the same time, it turns out that the laws of organization are the same for any objects, and the heterogeneous phenomena themselves are identified through the analogy of connections and patterns.

In the theory of organization, the object of study is the organizational experience of the reality around us. At the same time, the main tasks of cognition are to systematize this experience, to comprehend the ways of organizing nature and human activity, to explain and generalize these methods, to establish trends and patterns of their development and their role "in the economy of the world process." The general plan of this theory (according to A.A. Bogdanov, the general organizational science) "is similar to the plan of any of the natural sciences, but the object is essentially different." The theory of organization “deals with the organizational experience not of one or another special branch, but of all of them together; in other words, it embraces the material of all other sciences and all the life practice from which they arose; but it takes it only from the side of the method, i.e. interested everywhere in the way this material is organized.

The subject of organization theory is organizational relations, i.e. connections and interactions between various kinds of integral formations and their structural components, as well as processes and actions of organizing and disorganizing orientation. The variety of types of organizational relations is quite clearly revealed through the introduced by A.A. Bogdanov regulatory mechanisms: conjugations (connection of elements and complexes among themselves); ingressions (“entry”, formation of a connecting intermediate link between heterogeneous links in the formation of a new integrity); disingression (“entry”, formation of a neutralizing, destructive link in the process of disorganization of a certain integrity); chain link (associations through common links); selection and selection, spontaneous regulatory measures; biregulation (feedback); egress And degression (centralist and skeletal methods of formation of complexes). Thus, the theory of organization, as noted by A.A. Bogdanov, there is a theory of organizational relations.

The tool for the theoretical study of the subject is scientific method. The term "method" comes from the Greek methodos, which literally means "the path to something." A method is understood as an ordered activity to achieve a specific goal. cognitive activity human can be theoretical and practical, so the concept of "method" applies equally to theory and practice. The scientific method is associated with the actions of a scientist and is a set of mental or physical operations carried out in the course of research. It contains the knowledge of procedures for obtaining new knowledge.

The formation of the method is based on the properties, features, laws of the object under study, as well as the directed activity of a scientist with certain needs, capabilities and abilities.

Thus the scientific method is at the same time the result of scientific activity man, and a means of his further work.

In progress scientific work new knowledge arises, which is methodologically comprehended and replenishes the set of cognitive means. The method appears in this case as a product of scientific research.

Everything that has been said about the scientific method fully applies to the method of organization theory. Based on this, we can conclude that the method of organization theory is a set of epistemological and logical principles and categories, as well as scientific (formal-logical, mathematical, statistical, organizational) tools for studying the system of organizational relations.

The method of organizational science does not describe the object and subject of research itself (organizational experience and the system of organizational relations), but prescribes to the researcher what and how to use research tools in order to obtain true knowledge about the subject.

It is known that the methods of any science are determined based on the specifics of the tasks being solved. The task of organization theory is to systematize and comprehend organizational experience, which consists of many factors. It follows that one of the most important tools of its knowledge is induction.

Induction is the movement of thought from the individual to the universal, from knowledge of a lesser degree of generality to knowledge of a greater degree of generality.

Justifying induction as a method of general organizational science, A.A. Bogdanov argued that since tectology "should study various complexes from the point of view of their organization and disorganization", it is required to abstract from the specific nature of the elements that make up these complexes, replace them with indifferent symbols and express their connection with an abstract scheme.

Induction presents three main forms: generalizing-descriptive, statistical and abstract-analytical. In contrast to the special sciences, where generalizing descriptions are concrete, in organization theory they should be more abstract. Here, all the elements, complexes, interconnections, combinations, representations, ideas are quite symbolic, and it is necessary to find for them such a formulation that would be suitable for the whole multitude of heterogeneous elements.

The statistical method consists, as is known, in the quantitative accounting of factors and the frequency of their repetition. The study of mass phenomena of the surrounding world using the methods of probability theory, groupings, averages, indices, graphic images, etc. allows you to establish the nature and stability of the organizational relationships of structural elements in various complexes, assess their level of organization and disorganization. It is possible, for example, to evaluate the synergistic effect of the whole, i.e. to establish how much the whole is more or less than the simple arithmetic sum of its parts, or to calculate the quantitative values ​​of such characteristics of organization as proportionality, rhythm, synchrony, frequency or rarity of the occurrence of certain combinations and combinations, etc.

Thus, the statistical method not only plays an active role in the processing of groups of specific factors in the manifestation of organizational relations, but also helps to find stable relationships and patterns between them.

A higher level of research is achieved with the help of an abstract-analytical method. With its help, the laws of phenomena are established, reflecting connections and constant trends. The means for this is "abstraction", i.e. mental selection of the essential properties and connections of the subject, abstraction from particulars, which allows you to see in pure form basis of the phenomena under study.

Abstraction can be performed in reality, as it happens in the process of conducting exact experiments in the natural sciences, and mentally, in the form of scientific concepts and categories. In all cases, abstraction is carried out either by isolating the phenomenon under study from a certain integrity, or by compiling a generalized picture of the phenomenon under study, or by replacing a real empirical phenomenon with an idealized scheme.

The general picture that abstraction gives us is not sufficient for a complete knowledge of the object. In order to study a phenomenon more deeply, it is necessary to decompose it, dismember it into its component parts, and single out its individual features. The mental division of the phenomenon under study into its constituent parts for the purpose of studying them is called analysis, and the method of decomposition and operation with simplified objects and conditions is called "analytical".

The abstract-analytical method makes it possible to isolate from the general mass of phenomena of the modern dynamic world the universal laws of organization that are all-natural in nature, and the subsequent use of synthesis and deduction creates conditions for new theoretical generalizations and practical conclusions.

Specific methods for studying organization theory are:

empirical method - observation, perception and collection of information;

a systematic approach in an organization, which is a logical way of thinking, according to which the process of developing and justifying any decision is carried out on the basis of the general goal of the system and subordinating the activity of all subsystems to this goal, including development plans and other parameters of this activity. At the same time, this system is considered as part of a larger system, and the overall goal of the system is consistent with the goals of this large system;

synergetic method - identification of common patterns and unity of methods for describing and modeling the processes of evolution and self-organization: physical, biological, social, ecological and other natural and artificial systems;

mathematical modeling methods - linear programming method, queuing theory, etc.

This is the main characteristic of the organization theory method. As can be seen from the above descriptions, it integrates the methods of general scientific knowledge, the symbolism of mathematics and the experimental tools of the natural sciences.

Organizational Relations as a Subject of Organization Theory

Currently great importance in any organization acquire organizational relationships. They contain a social essence, and the interaction of group members must be balanced and implies the need for coordination.

Organizational relations - the impact, interaction or opposition between the elements of the organization inside and outside it during creation, functioning, development and destruction.

Fig.1.2.1 Environment of organizational relations: B - interaction; P - counteraction

Elements of the organization - the constituent indivisible parts that underlie a particular organization, or its primary components, which are sufficient for the emergence of an organization as a new holistic phenomenon.

Organizational relationships can develop at the level of:

  • common sense;
  • Mutual destruction
  • pre-designed interaction.

The external environment includes conditions and organizations, including political, economic and environmental conditions; competing organizations, suppliers and consumers, social infrastructure, etc. So, for an educational institute, the external environment will be the city where it is located, the attitude of society towards education, etc. External organizational relations arise with officials of various municipal and federal services, sponsors, suppliers and consumers, etc. The internal environment for an educational institute is all its divisions, including departments, deans, economic services, staff, students.

Creating a favorable atmosphere for the interaction of the organization with the external environment and in the internal environment is the task of professional management.

A city with many organizations also has an external and internal environment. The methodology of the activity of an organization specialist depends on the integration (complexity) of the organization.

Organizational relationships can be vertical (by management levels) and horizontal (by functions). The following classification of organizational relations has been adopted: structural and processor relations.

Fig.1.2.2 Typology of organizational relations

Structural organizational relations include influences, interactions and counteractions.

Impact is defined as a unidirectional action to transfer an order, order, advice, request from one object (subject) of management to another. For example, the manager gives the work to the performer - this is the impact from the subject to the object; or the workshop foreman asks the chief engineer of the organization to help him - this is the effect from the object to the subject.

Interaction - this is a positive feedback action (positive reaction) on the part of a person (object of control) to the impact.

Opposition - it is a negative feedback action on the part of the person on the impact.

Organizational relations are formed in the processes of organization: production in general or its branches; labor in the enterprise; spheres of circulation; creation, reformation, reorganization, restructuring and liquidation. Organizational relations are based on order, i.e. the regulations adopted or established from above for the location of an object in time and space. Orders are alphabetic, numbered, official, established, departmental, special (in emergency situations), statutory, according to legislation, etc.

The accepted order is usually part of the tradition of the organization and to replace it, if necessary, requires great effort. Before forming sustainable relationships, each potential counterparty needs to identify a key set of orders in this organization. Compliance with the accepted order in a foreign organization is the duty of any person.

Organizational relations between the company's personnel can be represented in the form of basic, derivative and mixed schemes. The basic schemes include linear and ring, derivatives - wheel-shaped, star-shaped, hierarchical, staff and matrix. Mixed schemas are formed from sets of basic and derived schemas. Within one company, there can be several types of relationships.

Fig.1.2.3 Linear circuit (there is no feedback in the circuit)

There is no feedback in the circuit. The linear scheme works in small organizations with high professionalism and authority of the leader, as well as a great interest of the subordinate in the successful work of the organization.

The ring scheme has worked well in small organizations or divisions of medium-sized organizations with stable products and markets where there is a clear division functional duties among professional workers.

Fig.1.2.4 Ring diagram (functional connections)

The “wheel” scheme has worked well in small organizations or in divisions of medium-sized organizations with an unstable product range and sales markets, where there is a clear division of functional responsibilities among professional workers. The manager implements linear (administrative) influences, and employees perform their functional duties.

Fig. 1.2.5 "Wheel" scheme (linear-functional connections)

The star schema gives positive results with the branch structure of the organization and, if necessary, maintaining the confidentiality of each component of the organization.

Fig.1.2.6 "Star" scheme (linear connection)

The hierarchical scheme is based on the "wheel" scheme and is applicable for large organizations with a pronounced division of labor.

Fig.1.2.7 Hierarchical scheme (linear-functional relationships)

The staff scheme is based on the "star" scheme. It provides for the creation of functional headquarters under the head in the form of departments or groups (for example, financial department, HR department, etc.). These headquarters prepare draft decisions on relevant issues for the head. Then the manager makes a decision and brings it to the appropriate department himself. . The staff scheme has advantages if it is necessary to carry out linear management (one-man management) for key divisions of the organization.

Rice. 1.2.8 Staff scheme (line communication)

Rice. 1.2.9

The matrix scheme is based on the "line" and "ring" schemes. It provides for the creation of two branches of subordination links: administrative - from the immediate supervisor and functional - from specialists who may not be subordinate to the same leader (for example, these may be specialists from a consulting firm or an advanced organization). The matrix scheme is used in complex, knowledge-intensive production of goods, information, services and knowledge.

Rice. 1.2.10 Mixed pattern of relationships in the organization

The middle level of management determines the flexibility of the organizational structure of the organization - this is its most active part. The top and bottom levels should be the most conservative in structure.

Within the same organization and even within the same type of organizations, there may be several types of relationships.

Social organization as a public institution is characterized by different ways streamlining and regulating the activities of people and groups, which should be comprehensively studied and systematized. To this end, in a number of organizational sciences, an independent discipline has emerged - the theory of organization.

Organization theory studies modern organizations(enterprises, institutions, public associations), the relationships that arise within these organizations, the behavior of organizations and their relationship with the external environment.

The theory of organization as a scientific discipline studies the general properties, laws and patterns of creation and development of an organization as a whole.

TO object are social organizations, i.e. organizations that bring people together.

Subject The study of TO is the analysis of the processes occurring in organizational systems, including the patterns and problems of the development of organizations. In other words, the subject of TO is organizational relations arising in the process joint activities of people.

Prerequisites. At the heart of any company are industrial relations between workers in the process of social production, exchange, distribution and consumption of material resources.

Industrial relations are conditionally divided into economic, technological, organizational, legal, social, etc.

Organizational relationships link the entire set of constituent relationships. Organizational Relations include impacts, interactions and counteractions during the creation, reorganization and termination of the activities of organizational objects, hereinafter for brevity - "organizations".

The main types of organizational relations:

Formal and informal; legitimate and illegal; free and administrative; equality and inequality; dependent and independent; serial and parallel; stable and unstable; discrete and continuous; hard and soft; attraction and repulsion; centripetal and centrifugal; compatible and incompatible; equivalent and unequal; deterministic and stochastic; vertical and horizontal; diffuse and localized; additive and alternative; symmetrical and asymmetrical; centralized and decentralized.

Organizational relations are formed in the processes of organization: production in general or its branches; labor in the enterprise; spheres of circulation; creation, reformation, reorganization, restructuring and liquidation.

General maintenance method is dialectical method research. To solve specific problems, science uses systems approach.

1.2. Organization theory: its place in the system of scientific knowledge

Organizations cannot be the subject of study of only one science - organization theory. They should be considered as a subject of interdisciplinary study. The system of sciences about the organization is presented on fig. 1.

The decisive role in ensuring the viability of the organization and the achievement of their goals belongs to management science . The issue of distinguishing between the theory of organization and the science of management in ongoing research and published works is solved ambiguously. In some works, organization theory is considered as an integral part of the science of management. This is motivated by the fact that management as a purposeful activity to transfer an object to the desired state cannot be considered in isolation from the nature and properties of the managed object.

There are also a large number of works highlighting the problems of the organization in a relatively independent field of knowledge. The initial position of their authors is that "organization" answers the question of what to manage, and "management" - why and how to influence the object.

Contribution psychology in the theory of organization manifests itself to the greatest extent through the study and prediction of the behavior of the individual, determining the possibilities for changing people's behavior. Psychology reveals conditions that hinder or promote rational actions and actions of people.

Research in the field sociology expand methodological foundations theory of organization through the study of social systems where individuals play their roles and enter into certain relationships with each other. Of fundamental importance is the study of group behavior, especially in formal and complex organizations.

Fig 1. System of organizational sciences

A special contribution of sociology is due to the study of the nature of social conflicts (and, above all, interpersonal conflicts) between small, medium and large social groups. For TO, the study of the motivation of human activity, the place and role of a person in social and technical systems, the analysis of factors of social activity and social pathology, the modeling of the social significance of human activity, the study of his social capabilities, expectations, restrictions, social movements, mobility, identification .

The questions that arise in the course of the functioning of the organization, about how individuals behave in group activities and why they behave in this way and not otherwise, are answered by a relatively new scientific discipline - social Psychology . When studying interpersonal behavior, the main guideline is how changes occur, in what forms they are implemented, and how barriers to their perception are overcome. Of exceptional importance for organizations are studies devoted to the assessment and analysis of changes in people's attitudes, forms of communication and ways to meet individual needs in a group activity.

Contribution anthropology in the theory of organization due to the fact that this branch of knowledge, among other problems, studies the function of the culture of society, i.e., a kind of mechanism for selecting the values ​​and norms of the past, transmitting them to living generations, armed with certain stereotypes of consciousness and behavior. This social memory of the past underlies the differences in fundamental values, attitudes and norms of human behavior that are manifested in the activities of organizations. In TO, it is extremely important to take into account the nature and degree of influence of these factors on the formation of people's priorities and their behavior in organizations.

Communication of organization theory With economics is determined by the objective need to form the goals and strategy of organizations as the basis for their construction, ensuring their internal and external interactions. Studies of property relations, market and state regulation, macro- and microeconomic aspects of the functioning of business entities, problems of efficiency and its meters, methods of economic incentives are directly related not only to the orientation of organizations, but also to all aspects of their effective activity.

Of particular importance is the connection between organization theory and legal science, studying law as a system of social norms and various aspects of law enforcement. Such industries have a direct influence on the formation of key sections of the theory of organization legal science as civil, labor and economic law. The same applies to administrative law, which regulates social relations arising in the process of organization. government controlled and implementation of executive and administrative activities. Let us highlight corporate law - a set of legal norms governing legal status, the procedure for the creation and operation of business companies and partnerships.

An important role is played by modern information systems that link together all the processes of the functioning of organizations and the actual management activities, as well as Informatics as a science that studies the laws, regularities, methods, ways and means of implementing information processes in these systems. In recent decades, the development of modern information systems is carried out at a high pace due to the widespread introduction of new information technologies, the development of computer networks and telecommunications. A new discipline deals with this area of ​​knowledge information Technology management.

Of course, organization theory makes extensive use of the methods, approaches, and achievements of many other classical scientific disciplines. Among them:

mathematics, providing a formalization of the description of some processes and phenomena occurring in the organization, and making it possible to present them in the form of systems of equations, formulas, graphs, tables, numerical dependencies and quantitative expressions;

probability Theory, allowing to assess the qualitative state of organizational systems and the reliability of the occurrence or that other event that determines the behavior of organizations in the future;

statistics, studying methods of analysis of mass phenomena and dealing with practical activities for the collection, processing, analysis and publication of data characterizing the quantitative patterns of development of organizations in their inseparable connection with the quality of management activities, which makes it possible to predict the development of organizational systems;

logics - the science of acceptable methods of reasoning, inference and methods for verifying their truth, including formal mathematical logic, dialectical logic and informal logic (intuitive, majority), the role of which in making managerial decisions under conditions of partial uncertainty is especially great;

game theory, allowing to solve combinatorial problems and apply a situational approach to analyze and predict the response of the organization's management system to various disturbing influences from the external and internal environment;

graph Theory, used as a toolkit for building a tree of alternatives and choosing the most optimal option for achieving the goal of the organization;

matrix theory, the applied sections of which are widely used in the study of the management system and generalization of the results of the analysis of the organization's activities in order to increase its efficiency.

1.3. The term "organization" as a process and as a phenomenon

The word "organization" comes from the Latin. the words "organizo" - to do together, to look slender, I arrange.

There are three approaches to the concept of organization.

1 approach. phenomenon (structural education)- it represents the physical combination of real elements to carry out a program or goal. For example, a set of elements that make up the Stinol washing machine company. In Russia, organizations as a phenomenon are regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Organization = Phenomenon

2 approach. The organization is seen as process (a special kind of human activity)- is a set of actions leading to the formation and improvement of relationships between parts of the whole, for example, the process of creating a workable team. Organization as a process is regulated by labor laws, procedural and criminal codes.

Organization = Process

3 approach. The organization is considered as a system (see paragraph 1.3.).

Organization = System

It is typical for any organization (company) vertical(by management levels) and horizontal(according to the functions performed) division of labor.

When considering the organization as a phenomenon, it should be noted that the organization legally seen in four forms:

A legal entity is registered with a government agency, has a seal and a bank account, for example, OJSC, LLC.

A non-legal entity not registered with a government body, such as a division legal entity, simple partnership, a number of associations;

A non-legal entity registered with a government agency, but without a separate registered office or official seal, such as an unincorporated entrepreneur;

An informal organization of citizens, for example, activists of an apartment building, an association of beach volleyball enthusiasts.

In more detail, the main organizational and legal forms (OPF) of organizations are presented in fig. 2. At the same time, the characteristics of commercial organizations on various grounds are presented in Appendix 1.

common features for them are the presence of at least one person, at least one goal aimed at meeting the needs or interests of a person or society; joint activity to obtain a surplus product in various forms (material, spiritual, informational).

Organization theory emerged from management theory. If management theory answers the question “why and how to influence an object”, then organization theory answers the question “what to manage?”.

Understanding the organization provides the basis for the study of management.

The theory of organization studies the principles, patterns and laws of creation, functioning, reorganization and liquidation of organizations.

Organization Theory Object- organizational systems. The object of the theory of organization is multilevel in nature - from society as a whole, its main subsystems to entrepreneurial, state and public organizations.

The subject of organization theory- organizational processes and, above all, relations regarding the organization of joint activities of people to achieve the goal.

2) categories that mainly reflect organizational phenomena and processes occurring in social and socio-economic systems (organizational system, organization, organization structure, mission, organization goal, organization leader, formal and informal organization, laws of the organization, organizational culture, etc.);

3) categories that reveal the technology of organizational activity and management (rules, procedures, cycles, communications, conflict resolution, composition, typification, classification, etc.).

Close in content and subject of research are such scientific areas as: general systems theory, cybernetics, synergetics.

Despite the complexity of the general problems solved by these related scientific areas, each of them has its own definite circle of researched problems.

Thus, cybernetics studies the laws of functioning of a special type of systems called cybernetic, which are associated with the perception, memorization, processing and exchange of information.

The scientific method is the instrument of the theoretical study of the subject. Under the method (from the Greek methodos - literally "the path to something") is understood as an ordered activity to achieve a specific goal.

Organization Theory Method- a set of epistemological and logical principles and categories, as well as scientific (formal-logical, mathematical, statistical, organizational) tools for studying the system of organizational relations.

Organizational processes are all-natural in nature and cannot be described by the methods of any one discipline. Therefore, along with the methods of studying control systems (inductive, deductive, statistical, abstract-analytical, comparative methods, etc.), such approaches as complex, functional, systemic and historical are widely used.

Rice. 1. Approaches to the study of organizational problems

Systems approach- consideration of the organization as a system. The study of the integrity of the object, the identification of the variety of types of connections in it and their reduction into a single picture.

situational approach- consideration of the organization in specific circumstances of the external environment.

functional approach- consideration of the organization from functional positions. Disclosure of its functional integrity and laws of behavior (functioning).

Process approach– consideration of the organization as a set of processes.

Historical approach- consideration of the organization in time, from the standpoint of its history and the disclosure of the patterns of its transition from one qualitative state to another.

A complex approach- disclosure of new properties of the organization through the study of the object in an interdisciplinary plan at the junction of various sciences;

There are four main questions that organization theory as a science must answer:

1) determining the size and boundaries of the organization;

2) determining how to organize the elements of the organization;

3) definition of the elementary unit (“atom”) of the organization;

4) determining how the organization adapts to change.

1.2 The place of organization theory in the system of scientific knowledge

The theory of organization has emerged from management theory into an independent discipline, due to the increasing importance of knowledge about the nature and properties of a managed object to increase the effectiveness of purposeful activities to transfer an object to a desired state, which is actually management.

Organization theory uses the approaches and achievements of related disciplines:

- psychology, sociology, anthropology in terms of identifying the place and role of a person in the formation and functioning of social systems, group behavior, socialization processes, communications, nature social conflicts, status of power, bureaucracy;

– economic theory in terms of research on property relations, market and state regulation, macro- and microeconomic aspects of the functioning of business entities, problems of efficiency and its measurement, methods of economic incentives;

- strategic management in terms of the need to form the goals and strategy of the organization as the basis for its construction, ensuring internal and external interactions in accordance with the chosen course.
