Sergei Nosov. Sunny governor of the Magadan region sergey nosov

Representative of a dynasty of metallurgists

Sergey Nosov and Vladimir Putin, NTMK 2002 / Photo:

Sergei Nosov was born in Magnitogorsk (Chelyabinsk region), his grandfather Grigory Ivanovich was the director of the legendary Magnitogorsk during the Great Patriotic War.

Sergei Nosov's father Konstantin Grigorievich, continued the path of metallurgists - he headed a number of large plants in Ukraine (Dneprovsky, Krivorozhsky, was the deputy director of the Makeevsky plant).

In the 90s, Konstantin Grigorievich participated in the creation of " Evrazholding”, by inheriting a part of the company's shares to his son.

Sergey Nosov himself worked for some time as deputy director of Magnitogorsk, but, as they say, he did not work well Viktor Rashnikov, the owner of the enterprise and was forced to leave.

A well-known top manager was invited in 1999 by the governor of the Sverdlovsk region Eduard Rossel.

First, Nosov became deputy director of the Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works, then - its general director. This was his “native” field of activity, besides, NTMK was already part of Evrazholding by that time (which, as mentioned above, was created by Nosov’s father).

Nosov vs. Rossel. Governor's ambitions.

Sergey Nosov and Eduard Rossel / Photo: All News

For several years, Nosov literally "raised" the metallurgical plant "from his knees", provided social packages for employees, and helped in the construction of housing. The workers of the plant simply adored him. And, since NTMK was the city-forming enterprise of Nizhny Tagil (the second Sverdlovsk city), then all the townspeople saw the results of the new director's activities.

At that time, Nosov was a little over 40 years old and his ambitions clearly stretched further than just the director's chair of NTMK. At that time, in the highly politicized Sverdlovsk region, opposition demonstrations were already beginning against the current head of the region, the charismatic and experienced Eduard Rossel. The gubernatorial elections were to be held in 2003.

The leadership of the Sverdlovsk branch of the United Russia party noticed a young industrialist who has the support of the population of a 400,000-strong city. On the sidelines, he was made an offer that he could not refuse - to go against the incumbent governor in the elections

To do this, Nosov was instructed in 2002 to head the list of the United Russia party in the elections to the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region.

Voters liked Nosov - young, representative of the real sector. Peak became arrival of President Vladimir Putin to the Nizhny Tagil plant, where he personally shook hands with the young director.

The United Russia party, young at that time, received a good result in the elections to the ZSSO. However, Rossel did not forgive his former protégé for such an act - he publicly called him a traitor and, in the end, did everything to ensure that Nosov's career ended there.

In general, this is what happened.. EP suddenly changed its mind about nominating Nosov for governor and supported Rossel. Nosov himself could not do anything. Then he did not have the slightest experience of political activity and he made many mistakes.

"So that he was not on the territory of the Sverdlovsk region!"


But the story didn't end there. Rossel, as an experienced politician, understood that it was impossible to leave a potential competitor on his territory, and he got the owners of Evrazholding to transfer Nosov to Moscow. He was removed from the post of director of NTMK and appointed to a formal position in the capital's office.

He did not last long in this position and was forced to leave Evraz, and even, as they say, to sell the company's shares.

The next place of work for Sergey Nosov was the newly created holding " Russian Technologies» ( now - Rostec).

Here he headed the metallurgical division of the holding - " Russpetsstal”, which included four enterprises from different regions, mainly in the Volgograd region. However, the idea with "Ruspetsstal" was not very productive and the project was curtailed. Not through the fault of Nosov, however. Rumor has it that he was then very framed for money.

Sergei Nosov and the Widow of the first President of Russia Naina Yeltsina / Photo:

Nosov was helped by good connections in the family of the first president of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin.

Speaking of France, according to one version, Sergey Nosov was almost the initiator of the deal to buy Mistrals for the Russian Navy (French universal helicopter carrier ships), moreover, he worked at that time at Russpetsstal. Insiders say that he already had some useful connections in France then.

As we remember, the deal fell through in 2014, after the crisis in Ukraine and subsequent anti-Russian sanctions.

People's Mayor


However, in 2012, Nosov's political career unexpectedly continued. He was invited to the post of mayor of Nizhny Tagil, a city that remembered him very well. Despite a long absence.

Already the head of the region Evgeny Kuyvashev, a representative of the "Tyumen team", a rather weak politician, in contrast to Nosov, who became quite experienced after all the failures.

Sergei Nosov won the mayoral election with a "Chechen result" - more than 92%. Residents of the city enthusiastically met the former director.

For four years in this post, Nosov has achieved a lot - the city has really changed.

Governor of the Sverdlovsk region. Double 2.

Vladimir Putin's visit to Nizhny Tagil, 2016 / Photo:

The support of the population gave Sergei Nosov a head start - he was not afraid to openly object to the governor and defend the interests of the city. Which, of course, caused discontent in the Kuyvashev team. Nosov began to be regularly attacked by the regional media.

On the other hand, certain forces again saw in Nosov a potential candidate for governor. He himself did not openly show ambitions, but it was clear that Nosov had long "outgrown" the position of mayor.

In 2017, the election of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region was to be held. In the Kremlin, Nosov was considered as one of the contenders.

Significant for Nosov was another visit to Nizhny Tagil by President Putin. Then Nosov personally talked with the president and his connections helped him in this again ...

However, Nosov did not manage to run - half a year of undercover struggle continued, as a result, the Kremlin made a bet on the incumbent governor ... just like back in 2002, luck again passed by. under similar circumstances.

After that, Nosov again won the election of the mayor of Nizhny Tagil, but in personal communication he said that this was not for long. He was preparing for new appointments - to spite his ill-wishers.

Sergei Nosov: “I will take any position that the President offers me. I am a member of his team"

Working meeting with Sergei Nosov. The President signed a Decree on the appointment of S. Nosov as Acting Governor of the Magadan Region / Photo: Kremlin Press Service

Sergei Konstantinovich has always stood out among other systemic politicians, and not only with his heroic growth. His approaches have always been purely individual. Nosov, in principle, has never been a politician, remaining a good business executive. Political intrigue is not his forte.

Maybe that's why he had to wait so long to be appointed to a post corresponding to his competence. Therefore, perhaps, he did not receive an appointment in the "comfortable" regions where he was prophesied - in the Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk or Kemerovo regions.

Nosov does not belong directly to any FIG, which is why he was given one of the most difficult regions - the Magadan region, where serious work is required. And he certainly knows how to do this. In a word, Magadan was lucky: Sergey Nosov will be a good "acquisition" for the region.

The Acting Governor of the Magadan Region caused different emotions, from contradictory to enthusiastic. However, there are those who perfectly remember Sergei Konstantinovich and his mayorship in Nizhny Tagil - the city of tanks and the so-called "Putingrad". We would like to draw attention to the achievements of Nosov in Nizhny Tagil and warn the inhabitants of the Magadan region about what they will have to face during the booming governorship of this man.

"I'm tough but fair"- Nosov gave such an assessment to his person, speaking about the future government in the Magadan region. Local media, receiving funding from the budget, immediately began to rapidly create a positive image of Nosov - elections are ahead, and without passing this barrier, Nosov will not be able to remain governor for a long time. Therefore, laudatory articles quickly filled the Internet - people should not know about Nosov's deeds in Nizhny Tagil. For his constituents, he must be clean and fresh, progressive and fair. Is this really so, understand Statutory no.

Sergei Nosov - "a traitor to the interests of the Sverdlovsk region"?

About this famous saying of the ex-governor Eduard Rossel, in the context of Sergei Nosov, our publication has already reported. The topic "Sergey Nosov - Governor" in the circles of political strategists has been "run in" for a very long time. Long before he won the direct election of the head of Tagil in 2012. It arose back in the early 2000s, and became the cause of a quarrel between Sergei Nosov and the then governor Eduard Rossel, who called Nosov "a traitor to the interests of the Sverdlovsk region." It happened during the election campaign for the election of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the region (then bicameral) in 2002. Nosov headed the Unity and Fatherland electoral bloc, which was considered in opposition to the governor's For the Native Urals. After those elections, the general director of NTMK, Sergei Nosov, left the chair of the head, and generally left the Sverdlovsk region, having worked in Moscow for several years in structures close to the government of the Russian Federation. There he acquired connections, including entering into close career and business relations with a close friend of Putin. Sergei Chemezov.

Since then, the topic of Sergei Nosov's governorship has been constantly popping up in the crowd of political strategists and journalists, and has become a constant irritating factor for those governors in respect of whom these "undermining" were carried out. So, for several years, Sergei Nosov was considered a potential successor Evgenia Kuyvasheva as governor of the Sverdlovsk region. Since the end of 2016, there have been rumors that he could replace the Kemerovo governor Amana Tuleeva who has health problems due to age. And now - the possible appointment of the acting governor of the Chelyabinsk region, which is expected immediately after the presidential elections. And yet the question of whether the "charismatic and ambitious" Sergei Nosov can be considered a successful politician, a successful industrialist, a successful official, still remains unanswered. It seems that he lacks something in order to achieve the desired heights in his career.

And if we talk about the events of recent years, then at least two factors can be considered here. First, he failed to earn trust in the upper echelons of power, despite being the mayor. Putingrad(and the exhibition of weapons was taken away after all). The second version is that they know something about him in the special services, which does not allow him to have unlimited trust. Therefore, the issue of appointing the acting governor of the Chelyabinsk region should also not be considered definitively resolved. Other options are also possible. This can be judged by a number of publications in open sources, which, periodically appear in the public space, and by no means paint the “ambitious and charismatic”. So, a year ago, the agency "Mezhdu Strok" wrote about a comprehensive audit of the Ministry of Finance of the Sverdlovsk region, and the regional Prosecutor's Office, which investigated the causes of debts of the municipality, because of which Nizhny Tagil is still successfully balancing on the verge of bankruptcy.

“The thing is that for all the years of Sergei Nosov’s reign in Nizhny Tagil (by the way, he was re-elected with a “Chechen” result of more than 90% of the vote), the city not only did not significantly move forward as an independent municipality where industrial enterprises operate federal significance, but on the contrary, is on the verge of financial collapse. Now all hope is only for financial assistance from regional authorities, investments from "picture" projects with the support of the President of the Russian Federation (construction of a sports and recreation complex, reconstruction of a drama theater). Or other "exhibition" projects that were previously invented and implemented by completely different people (Eduard Rossel. Arms Exhibition). Nosov came, as they say, "to get ready." But he managed to lose even this “ready-made” one, ”wrote other publications of the Sverdlovsk region.

For example, as of January 1, 2016, in 2015, the debts of the municipality under the wise and far-sighted management of Sergei Nosov exceeded 3 billion rubles. And they continue to grow. Most of the municipal debt in the amount 1 billion 895 million rubles constitute loans. Of these, budget loans - 49 million rubles, commercial loans - 1 billion 495 million rubles, bank guarantees for the construction of the Presidential sports complex in the amount of 350 million rubles, and servicing bank loans, which in 2015 cost the budget 166 million rubles. Overdue accounts payable at the beginning of the year 2016 amounted to 1 billion 115 million rubles. In addition, the city owes payments to the budget. In the first quarter of this year, the debt exceeded 54% due to non-payment of insurance premiums and corporate property tax.

The budget of Nizhny Tagil barely reached 10 billion rubles for several years in a row. That is, the city under the control of Sergei Nosov is teetering on the verge of bankruptcy. Deputies of the City Duma spoke openly about this when discussing problems. At the same time, according to the norms of the new Budget Code, if the debt of the municipality exceeds 30% of its own revenues, then the regional government has the right to introduce external management in the municipality. In this case, measures of administrative influence on the head of the municipality are quite possible. But the most important thing is the loss of the political image of the mayor, who came to power in 2012 under the slogan "Seriously and for a long time" not only in the eyes of his own voters. That is the collapse political career, and given that the manager and business executive Sergei Nosov turned out to be an ineffective manager, then an independent career in industry. Here even "Uncle Seryozha" (Chemezov) is unlikely to help.

"Vicious ties" and "dirty money" by Sergei Nosov

The steadily deficient budget of Nizhny Tagil, from where Sergei Nosov so successfully jumped out, is not able to cope today not only with the obligations to service bank loans, but also with obligations for debts to entrepreneurs who fulfilled municipal orders. Oleg Bakhteev, former chairman of the commission of the Nizhny Tagil Duma on the budget, gave a harsh assessment of the work of Sergei Nosov to the agency "Mezhdu Strok":

“To be honest, I don’t know what the head of the city is doing today. Adults praise Tagil, tell how wonderful it is there, what an embankment, how everything is being built. But, on the example of the concepts of the family, these are children who see all the benefits, but do not understand the price they cost. A single family can take five loans and pay off within a few years. But if one family or company takes eight to ten loans and is unable to pay them, it will become bankrupt. There were no precedents for a city to become bankrupt in Russia. Maybe the head of the city, knowing all these things, is pursuing such a policy. Well, let Tagil have three billion debts, but benefits have appeared. Then another chapter will come, there will be new facilities and five to ten billion debts. I don't know how right or wrong this is. They hope for a chance, ”he shared with reporters.

Despite the fact that in Tagil they did not like to pay off suppliers and contractors, one company still received decent money for endless delays in deadlines and failure to fulfill contracts. It was said that the company is a personal feeder directly to Sergei Nosov. This LLC "UralStroyMontazh". The company was registered in Nizhny Tagil in 2004 with an authorized capital of two million rubles. The organization is registered on the street. Vostochnoye shosse, 23. For the last reporting year, its revenue amounted to 1.3 billion rubles, profit - 109 million. The main activity of LLC "UralStroyMontazh" is the production of construction and installation works. The enterprise takes an active part in the implementation of government contracts, the portfolio of which today is 4 billion 143 million 209 thousand 01. Manages the organization Alexey Sergeevich Golyashchenko (TIN: 666900281688), and, apparently, is a partner of Sergei Nosov in the implementation of his projects in Nizhny Tagil. Because almost all state contracts performed by the enterprise are orders from the municipality and its structural divisions. At the same time, the quality of the work of these builders leaves much to be desired, as Nosov himself repeatedly and publicly spoke about. But, at the same time, the government contracts of the mayor's office still go to this particular company. Pro incredible story the success of the Tagil company under the patronage of Sergei Nosov.

More recently, the News wrote about this "perverse connection":

“To hide the vicious connection of the Tagil mayor with an enterprise that does not cope well with countless state contracts is somewhat more difficult than Sergei Nosov himself thinks. No matter how much he swears and stamps his feet, over and over again the company takes on new projects, and the decision that they will be carried out by UralStroyMontazh is made, including with the participation of Nosov. No need to think that the mysterious brownie runs around and plays pranks, giving contracts to a powerless and careless company. For understanding - among other things USM, we will call it that for brevity, is engaged in road repairs. Those in the know know that these are the tastiest contracts, where the most substantial money leaks come from. After which you can throw up your hands and say “oops”, and no one will complain.”

Strange as it may seem, Nosov and the road builder also have common priorities: together with the mayor, the company has designated the Tagil Lagoon embankment reconstruction project as a priority. Still, because on the embankments you can make such money, be healthy. Is it for nothing that Nosov personally acts as the curator of this project? The main hater of UralStroyMontazh gave this company an embankment and a contract for 491 million rubles. Remember our introduction about half-truths? So it is with Nosov, “war is peace”, and the incapable and failing USM is the contractor for the most important and “fat” project. Do not rush to bite your elbows and shout that almost 500 million have flown into the pipe. First, let us prove that, in addition to everything else, the same company got the repair of the Serovsky tract (another 214 million rubles), so that the amount is knocked up to 700 million. Some hearers are not at all shy about saying that the company is controlled by Sergei Nosov, and not just supervised by him. The main customer of the company is the mayor's office, contracts go through the mayor's office, and who manages the mayor's office? Agree, this is very similar to how President Vladimir Putin has been struggling with the rampant rise in gasoline prices for many years, and can not defeat him in any way. USM and orders from Sverdlovskavtodor fell, and some from the management of the Tagil economy, very small, "up to 5 million rubles." Nosov feeds, Nosov scolds. Noses and feeds?

“In information reports, the name “UralStroyMontazh” is inevitably paired with the wording “failure to meet deadlines”. Back in the summer, the company was supposed to restore the pumping station in the village of Pokrovskoye-1, but something went wrong. Sergey Nosov personally rushed to the check in November. This is convenient - he and the "shadow leader", he and the inspector, it turns out. In the test mode, by the winter everything worked, but in a very “raw” form, it was in order to finish it. And that's until the first of July! Sergei Nosov then personally stated that due to the failure to meet the deadlines, the townspeople would have to pay for water supply from their own pockets. The object was not equipped with counters, which led to a recount.

“Penalties will be imposed, of course, but the main thing is to complete the collector by the end of the year,” the head of the city said. It even sounds like, they say, "I will scold them, but the main thing is being done."

The contractor lazily explained that the complexity of the terrain, swampy terrain, and a couple of other factors led to the fact that nothing happened on time. The mayor still scolded, said that there were excuses, and that "the contract was given to the company in vain." Nevertheless, the design itself was still somehow assembled. And they would have screwed up, given the issue price of 80 million rubles. This is not the first, it is far from the only such case: the company somehow built a road on Cosmonauts Street in Nizhny Tagil. The mayor's office scolded and demanded to eliminate the comments in 2018. This is not the only "road" case of USM - at its facilities, the company ignores safety precautions, does not enclose repair areas and does not care about pedestrians and bridges for them. The city meeting acknowledged that the residents were endangered and that the contractor again did everything wrong, without even informing the residents about the timing and location of the work. By the way, the contractor was “kicked” for these flaws even during the work, but the director of the company, Alexei Golyashchenko, apparently did not attach any importance to this. They complained to Sergei Nosov, he began to talk about the "inadmissibility" of such an approach to work and irresponsibility. He made a noise and stopped. And then he completely “dumped” to Magadan, leaving the Nizhny Tagil economy to mess around with a bankrupt company.

Therefore, everyone will definitely be punished, but only when the mayor's office ceases to be profitable to give money contracts to a deliberately failed company. It is difficult to even admit the idea that the Tagil mayor does not have friendly feelings with Alexei Golyashchenko, the head of UralStroyMontazh, who each time masters budgets and executes contracts in such a way that Nosov tears his hair, swears, but endures. This is also talked about in the telegram channels of the Sverdlovsk region, and in Tagil in particular. For example, when they whispered about sending USM to the list of unscrupulous contractors, moreover, by the hands of Sergei Nosov, telegrammers immediately labeled this version as an anecdote. In their opinion, UralStroyMontazh serves as a “plug in every barrel”, and that the mayor not only generously endows the company, but also gives it not the most convenient and monetary tasks, if only it gets done. Moreover, according to rumors, even not everything was paid for the Tagil Lagoon, but USM nevertheless takes up the job.

“So go and light a candle for Golyashchenko in the temple - we believe in it, Nosov can do it. We don’t believe it, we can’t blacklist it, ”the telegrammers laugh.

Paradoxically, even in the "Tagil Lagoon" the former mayor found reasons to find fault, and frankly far-fetched. He voiced USM's criticism aloud at INNOPROM-2016, accusing the contractor of equipping Laguna's sewers with imported sewer systems, which interferes with import substitution and is generally unfair to the domestic manufacturer.

“Could use domestic and at the same time save. After all, the mere transportation of parts from another country significantly raises their price. Unfortunately, we cannot always influence contractors to use domestic equipment,” Sergey Nosov said.

“The mayor smashed his friends at a United Russia briefing, scolded the system of auctions for contracts and said that every office “from any toilet” (quote) can participate in the competition. UralStroyMontazh even reacted sluggishly to such a dressing, stating that no norms, requirements and wishes were expressed to equipment manufacturers, therefore, there was no need to ask. At the same time, they blamed the designers - Tagilgrazhdanproekt, which received a contract from the MKU "Customer Service of the Municipal Economy". "Tagilgrazhdanproekt" also said that the mayor came up with a nitpick already in hindsight. It is paradoxical that Nosov literally on the eve PRAISED the “lagoon”, which suggests that he is either “a little bit of it”, or is acutely worried about every problem that arises on the project. And excessive nervousness can mean direct involvement ... "Laguna" is still being built, the 500 announced millions have already gone, it will soon come to the point that additional funds will go. And Nosov will again begin to swear and allocate money, swear and allocate.

The most interesting thing is that the company "UralStroyMontazh" at the end of 2017, a twin brother appeared, and this is a very bad sign. LLC "UralStroyMontazh", like the first USM, is registered at the same address, and the general director's name is the same as the head of the first USM - Alexey Sergeevich. His real name is Samsonov (TIN: 662306045286). The problem is that the appearance of a double may indicate the imminent deliberate bankruptcy of the first company and the withdrawal of assets from it. The second company with an authorized capital of 3,000,000 rubles and the same OKVED, which is formally unrelated to the first, will continue to successfully receive government contracts.

Now that Sergey Nosov has been appointed to the post of governor in Magadan, the meaning of these strange reshuffles and multi-way moves in the Uralstroymontazh firms is clear - it was decided to bankrupt the first company that received government orders, and the second company with a large authorized capital will go after Nosov even to Kolyma, even to Magadan, "earn" with the help of an official.

“The Russian publication Kompromat-Ural wrote about the appointment of the head of the Federal Tax Service as the new prime minister several months before the event itself,” news reports in a number of federal media came out with similar headlines the day before.

So, Polit.Ru (one of the first media in Runet) notes that “the Russian publication wrote about the appointment of Mishustin as prime minister back in the fall of 2019.” We quote in more detail: “The Russian publication Kompromat-Ural wrote about the appointment of the head of the Federal Tax Service as the new prime minister a few months before the event itself. An article titled “Mishun Dimona is not sweeter. Mishustin Mikhail Vladimirovich will sit in the prime minister's chair" was released in September 2019. The surprisingly accurate prediction of the Kompromat-Ural editors was also noticed by the Info24 media outlet.

It is noteworthy that Mikhail Mishustin (in any case, publicly) did not react to the September forecast in the Kompromat-Ural news feed. There was also no official denial.

Almost exactly four months after our forecast, on January 15, 2020, Vladimir Putin proposed the candidacy of the head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia Mikhail Mishustin for the post of head of the Cabinet of Ministers. This happened after Dmitry Medvedev announced that the current government is resigning in its entirety. The resignation of the Cabinet was the result of the guidelines announced in the presidential address Federal Assembly. In his message, Putin announced the dismantling of the power structure, which is provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in particular, he will cut the president's powers after he himself formally leaves this post and moves to another official status (of course, still "the most important in the country" - Let's not be under any illusions.)

Some time ago, the infamous "figure" of the oil and gas industry Babaev Azad Kamalovich(the RU-Energy company and related structures) posted publications in the media that caused skepticism and irony in the expert community. With feigned pathos, it was reported that Mr. Babaev himself wrote an open letter to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kolokoltsev. According to the editors of Kompromat-Ural, the addressees of Babaev's message also included the heads of the police headquarters for the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and the Volgograd Region - Alexander Udovenko And Alexander Kravchenko, respectively. In his opus to law enforcement bosses, Babaev complains about his fate and that he, they say, became a victim of his family squabbles: he did not share the business with his uncle and cousins ​​( Kerimovs). Really, according to Babaev, Russian law enforcement officers have no more important things to do than get involved in Caucasian clan conflicts on the basis of the redistribution of financial flows?

The long-term squabble of southern merchants is taking place over the redistribution of the Naftagaz group of companies. According to one of the versions circulated in the media, both Naftagaz-Service and NG-Drilling were created on the production base of the Naftagaz company, which at the beginning of the 2000s was associated with Tokay Kerimov, a close friend of the chairman of the board of directors of the scandalous service holding RU-Energy, the same Azad Babayev. The holding accumulated hundreds of millions of debts to its partners and then went bankrupt.

The editors of Kompromat-Ural continue to study the negative media background around Babayev's commerce. So, a year and a half ago, journalists conducted an investigation into how "Azad Babayev's relatives got involved in a confrontation with Sberbank"...

Readers who have additional information about the activities of Roskomsnabbank (former sign - Bashkomsnabbank), which was controlled by a merchant close to the authorities of Bashkiria, turned to the editorial office of Kompromat-Ural Flyur Gallyamov(TIN 027408945156) and members of his family. In March 2019, the Gallyamovs' cash desk was covered with a wet hat. The Central Bank revoked the bank's license for dubious operations and repeated violations of the Federal Law "On countering the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism." From the office of the chairman of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina materials on the Galliam bank were sent "to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation and the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for consideration and adoption of appropriate procedural decisions."

“In the activities of ROSCOMSNABBANK (PJSC) there were unfair actions of the management related to the participation of the bank in the operations of its individual clients - legal entities aimed at attracting Money population with unobvious prospects for their return under a scheme that has signs of a "financial pyramid". The credit organization accepted funds from individuals at an increased interest rate in favor of a client-legal entity, which was ultimately used to issue loans to a number of companies. At the same time, the repayment of obligations to individuals for such contributions was actually carried out at the expense of newly attracted funds from the population. In addition, "during the survey of the credit institution, signs of operations aimed at withdrawing the assets of Bashkomsnabbank by lending to borrowers who are unable to fulfill their obligations were established," the regulator's materials say.

Where is the criminal-legal assessment of the revealed frauds? Judging by the official silence of subordinates Yuri Chaika and Lieutenant General of Justice Alexandra Romanova(Head of the SD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Deputy Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev), what the auditors of the Central Bank managed to dig up, gentlemen, law enforcement officers quietly shelved. Readers of the Kompromat-Ural portal, in connection with the journalistic investigation of the "Bashkir Landromat", recommend paying attention to the activities of another deputy minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - Secretary of State Igor Zubov. A very interesting person… “Another surprise is that in 2018 Roskomsnabbank received the P.A. Stolypin in the nomination "Best Regional Bank"! And it is strange that no one noticed the big problems with the balance. Or maybe they didn’t want to notice?”, - competent interlocutors are perplexed.

Current Publications

Chairman of the Investigative Committee Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin issued a number of orders aimed at preventing possible infection and spread among employees of the department of coronavirus infection (COVID-19).

In particular, a decision was made to minimize the presence of women serving in the Investigative Committee of Russia for the current week, until April 6, at the workplace. These measures are aimed, among other things, at the possibility of exercising control over their children and observing their self-isolation regime. This applies to women serving both in the central office of the department and in regional investigative units.

The measures taken by the Investigative Committee of Russia on the self-isolation of employees will not affect the work of the department. During this period, the work of the central office and regional divisions of the IC of Russia will be carried out according to the work schedule. During the self-isolation of all women of the Investigative Committee, the Chairman instructed all their duties to be performed in full by male officers. This applies not only to the supporting structures of the department, but also, if necessary, male investigators will take over criminal cases investigated by female investigators.

In accordance with a separate order, men will continue to work in all educational institutions of the Russian Investigative Committee under the conditions of ensuring the necessary security measures to prevent the possibility of the spread of the virus. In addition, the leadership of cadet corps and academies in Moscow and St. Petersburg was instructed to continuously monitor students' compliance with the self-isolation regime and the quality of their remote learning. Particular attention should be paid to orphans and children left without parental care, ensuring their daily examination and monitoring of their health, disinfection of premises at their place of residence and compliance with isolation rules.

All regional divisions of the Investigative Committee of Russia have been instructed to establish remote communication with sponsored orphanages for the subsequent organization of targeted assistance. Within the framework of these instructions, employees of regional investigative bodies must provide assistance to pupils of specialized cadet classes of the Russian Investigative Committee located in their jurisdictions, excluding their violation of the established rules to prevent the spread of a new coronavirus infection.

“Is it possible to defeat the disease with the help of counterfeit?”, such a rhetorical question is asked by colleagues of the editorial board of Kompromat-Ural, who studied “the continuation of the scandalous story with dubious drugs supplied by ROUTEK and ROZLEX-PHARM, owned by an Indian citizen Sameer Srivastava».

“As you know, impunity gives rise to permissiveness and pushes to commit new “feats”. This happened with Samir Srivastava, who felt that he was given a "green light" to implement new schemes.

This time, in addition to what can be called "falsification", we are talking about much more serious violations. First of all, you should pay attention to the drug Levoflox-Routek, solution for infusion 5 mg / ml 100 ml, vials (1) with a wide spectrum of action, which is often used in medical institutions in especially severe cases.

So, according to the documents, this drug is packaged on the territory of the Russian Federation by Rozlex Pharm, and it is produced outside the country, namely in India.

On the packaging of any medicinal product must contain the manufacturer's details, address and license number. This information is available on Levoflox-Routek packages, only the address and name of the manufacturer do not seem to match the license number. It turns out that the package contains data from two manufacturers at the same time, and which one produced what is in the package is unknown. With regard to a medicinal product, such a “mistake” is unacceptable and should lead to the immediate withdrawal of the entire batch of drugs. Relevant inquiries were sent to the manufacturers indicated on the packaging, but no response has yet been received. It may also turn out that none of the manufacturers admits that this drug was produced by them, then what is it? Counterfeit?

It turns out that it is impossible to reliably determine exactly where and by whom exactly this drug was produced, respectively, there is no one to present claims for quality in case of questions. Instead of an antimicrobial drug, containers can contain anything, professionals understand that such “drugs” are unlikely to help patients ... well, if they do not harm. But at the same time, this drug is supplied with impunity to medical institutions throughout our country. Will our doctors be able to cure someone using such drugs? Why law enforcement do not react to such actions?

Leading Russian economists with world-famous names demanded a strict quarantine in Russia in order to prevent the further spread of coronavirus infection. Statement posted on page fb professors at the University of Chicago and the National Research University Higher School of Economics Konstantin Sonin.

The Kremlin has read a letter from well-known economists in which they stated that the government should spend from 5 trillion to 10 trillion rubles to support enterprises, citizens and banks, the presidential press secretary said. Dmitry Peskov.

Specialists criticized the strange decision to introduce a non-working week. “The fact that our economy is going through a recession along with the whole world is already obvious. And an extra non-working week will only exacerbate this decline,” said the director of the analytical department of Loko-Invest Kirill Tremasov. At the same time, the expert wonders why the weekend was announced at the expense of employers. “This measure is clearly contrary to the goal of supporting businesses in an epidemic. And it is completely incomprehensible how one week can solve the problem of the spread of the virus (even if everyone stays at home). We have just begun an accelerated increase in the number of infected, and according to the experience of other countries, this process does not stop in a week, ”the analyst emphasized. The proposal to everyone to "rest" causes particular concern among business representatives. At a meeting of entrepreneurs with Vladimir Putin March 26, the founder of the network of cafes "AnderSon" Anastasia Tatulova said that a number of industries do not have any airbag, and this is "just a tragedy."

At the request of readers, the editors of Kompromat-Ural publish verbatim an appeal by economic gurus to combat COVID-19...

The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation analyzed the practice of prosecutorial supervision in the implementation of the national projects "Small and Medium Enterprises and Support for Individual Entrepreneurship", "Labor Productivity and Employment Support" and "International Cooperation and Export".

Given the importance of creating favorable conditions for doing business in the country, prosecutors are closely monitoring the proper implementation of the activities of the national project "Small and Medium Enterprises and Support for Individual Entrepreneurial Initiatives."

In the course of its supervisory support, measures were taken to eliminate about 400 violations of the law, 143 submissions were made, 71 persons were brought to disciplinary and administrative responsibility, 2 applications were sent to the courts, 7 officials were warned about the inadmissibility of violating the law, 1 criminal case was initiated on the basis of the inspection material sent by the prosecutor. case.

One reason for the underutilization budget funds is a long-term non-acceptance by the authorized bodies of the procedures for providing financial support to economic entities.

In the Chelyabinsk region, the prosecutor's response was required due to the late approval by the regional ministries economic development And Agriculture procedures for granting subsidies to entrepreneurs and agricultural producers, as a result of which more than 60 million rubles of financial assistance to businesses remained unspent.

In the republics of Adygea, Bashkortostan, Crimea, Tyva and Khakassia, Altai and Krasnoyarsk territories, Kemerovo, Kirov, Kursk, Nizhny Novgorod, Orenburg and Penza regions, Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, prosecutors took measures to ensure the formation of a legal basis for the implementation of this national project and the suppression of cases of imposing duties on entrepreneurs that are not provided for by law. In total, prosecutors protested 38 illegal normative legal acts.

In a number of regions, prosecutorial intervention was required due to inadequate information support for small and medium-sized businesses (Republics of Crimea, Tuva, Altai Territory, Voronezh, Rostov, Tyumen and Ulyanovsk regions, Sevastopol).

Violations of the procedure and conditions for providing assistance to entrepreneurs (the Udmurt Republic, the Kamchatka and Krasnoyarsk Territories, the Bryansk, Kaliningrad, Kaluga, Kemerovo, Kostroma, Murmansk, Nizhny Novgorod, Omsk, Ryazan, Samara, Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions) were suppressed by means of prosecutorial supervision.

Cases of non-achievement of the target indicators of regional projects during the implementation of the national project (Krasnoyarsk Territory, Samara Region) required a fundamental assessment of the prosecutors.

Judge of the Shcherbinsky District Court of Moscow Anna Boriskin received from a lawyer Alexandra Zabrodin a strange lawsuit that could have “viral” consequences for the entire law enforcement system. Businessman from Sevastopol, director and founder of a one-employee company Inter 2012 LLC Yuri Hermann(his interests are represented by Mr. Zabrodin) demands to prohibit the disclosure of his individual taxpayer number (TIN) under the pretext of protecting "personal data". According to experts, the situation is particularly scandalous due to the fact that the TIN of tens of millions of Russians have been openly published in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for many years in a row as part of innovations to increase the transparency of the business environment, organized Mikhail Mishustin during his leadership of the Federal Tax Service (FTS). Public access to the numbers of individuals is in line with the international practice of fiscal authorities. Lawyer Zabrodin avoided journalists' questions.

Yury German’s claims to online publications became known recently, although his lawsuit was filed with the Shcherbinsky District Court in early July 2019. It is noteworthy that Anna Boriskina, who is considering the case, was appointed a federal judge only in November last year, before that Anna Vladimirovna was a justice of the peace (judicial section No. 432 of the Moscow and Mosrentgen settlements of the city of Moscow). According to journalists, the plaintiff did not apply directly to the editorial office. “The position is illogical, and the claim itself seems far-fetched. In the summer of 2018, an article is published, for some reason you “endure” for almost a year, only then you file a lawsuit. Months go by, years go by. The publication remains, and you have never written to the editor about the essence of your dissatisfaction, in order to at least try to remove yourself from the public without a trial. How so? ”, - the lawyer interviewed by us, familiar with the details of the process, is perplexed.

Mr. German is dissatisfied with the episodic mention of his person in a journalistic investigation published in August 2018 about the former beneficiary of Dialog-Optim Bank Alexandra Polyakov, in respect of which criminal cases were initiated in Russia and Ukraine (on the facts of fraud on an especially large scale and the use of a deliberately fake passport to cross the border). According to the latest data, after the illegal departure from Ukraine, Polyakov settled in Slovenia. Journalists drew attention to a number of legal entities that, after Polyakov left the Russian Federation and was put on the wanted list, continued to operate in Moscow, were listed on his wife Larissa Slivinsky and sons: Kirill And Mikhail Polyakov.

Nosov, Sergei Konstantinovich

Sergei Konstantinovich Nosov
from October 17
Predecessor: Valentina Pavlovna Isaeva
1st Vice Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region
July 11, 2012 - October 15, 2012
Birth: February 17 ( 1961-02-17 ) (51 years old)
Magnitogorsk Chelyabinsk Oblast, USSR
The consignment: United Russia
Education: Magnitogorsk Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation
Academic degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences

Sergei Konstantinovich Nosov(February 17, Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region) - the third Head of the city of Nizhny Tagil, vice-governor of the Sverdlovsk region (July-October 2012), CEO (1999-2005).


At school, he was focused on good studies. He was especially fond of physics. Successfully participated in regional and all-Union Olympiads. As a result, he received an exclusive invitation to a boarding school at Moscow State University. But the words of his father: “It is better to be a good metallurgist than an average physicist,” determined the choice of profession. Like grandfather and father, Sergei Nosov decided to become a metallurgist.

After school, he entered the Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute, which to this day bears the name of his grandfather, Grigory Ivanovich Nosov. His father also studied here. Sergei set himself the goal of proving that he is worthy of the legendary Nosov family. He tried hard and learned to achieve victories. He was especially proud when older teachers, who at one time gave “fours” to his father, evaluated his knowledge as “excellent”.


Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works

After graduating from the Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute, he came to work at the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK). He was accepted into the open-hearth workshop as the third assistant to the steelmaker. On the first working day, they did not even let me near the stove. He swept the pedestrian gallery, removed the garbage and did everything that was supposed to be a helper. Apparently, this was how the endurance of the young Nosov was tested. But he was eager for everything new, more interesting, he wanted to grow. And he got his way. Gradually rising up career ladder(the third assistant of a steelmaker, production foreman of furnaces, deputy head of the shop, head of the oxygen-converter shop, head of the entire metallurgical complex of MMK), Sergey Nosov in the late 90s became the deputy general director of MMK for production and investment. He was a member of the Board of Directors of MMK. In December 1998, he left MMK, as the Chelyabinsk media wrote, due to a conflict with the team of General Director Viktor Rashnikov.

Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works

In October 1998, Sergei Konstantinovich received an offer to become the first deputy general director of the Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works (NTMK). And accepted it. And a few months later he headed NTMK. In those years, the company was in a difficult situation. The plant was threatened with bankruptcy, people - the loss of work. The blast furnaces stood, no one believed in a bright future, except for Nosov. It was he who managed to resolve all the problems and save NTMK for the people of Tagil. The plant began to grow production volumes and wages. In addition, Nosov achieved the adoption of a program for large-scale reconstruction of production. It also included the construction of a plate mill "5000" with pipe welding production. Over the years of Sergey Nosov's work at the head of NTMK, a lot has been accomplished. These are new production facilities - continuous casting machine No. 4, blast furnace No. 6, new turbogenerators at the plant's CHPP, reconstruction of coke production, rail and beam, converter, wheel and bandage shops. The plant managed to complete the long-term construction and build several residential buildings, build an Orthodox church, transformed its boarding houses, laid a modern road to Galyanka. Thanks to NTMK, the Metallurg-Forum sports complex appeared in Nizhny Tagil, Lenevka was reconstructed, where a health-improving complex with a water park was also built. And the plant also became the main sponsor of the famous women's volleyball team Uralochka.

In October 2002, he was appointed Managing Director of NTMK.

He took part in the management of other enterprises: he was a member of the boards of directors of Vysokogorsky GOK, Tagilbank, Seversky Pipe Plant, in 2002-2003. concurrently was the managing director of the West Siberian Metallurgical Plant (Novokuznetsk).

After NTMK

In 2005, Sergei Nosov leaves the post of managing director of the Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works and becomes vice president for technical policy at Evrazholding, the main shareholder of NTMK.

Since October 2006 - President of CJSC RusSpetsStal.

Since 2007, he has been an adviser at the state corporation Rostekhnologii, with whom OJSC Research and Production Corporation Uralvagonzavod named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky closely cooperates.

Political career

In 2000 and 2004, he was elected to the House of Representatives of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region from the Leninsky constituency No. 17 of Nizhny Tagil. Sergey Nosov is one of the founders of the Sverdlovsk regional office party "United Russia", where he served as secretary of the political council.

In 2004, Nosov again took part in the elections of the Regional Duma, was number two on the United Russia list (E. E. Rossel headed the list). He again refused the mandate received as a result of the elections, as he was elected to the House of Representatives of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region.

On July 26, 2012, he won the primaries of United Russia for the election of a candidate for the post of mayor of Nizhny Tagil, having received the support of 817 people out of 946 who voted.

On October 15, 2012, he wrote a letter of resignation of his own free will from the post of vice-governor of the Sverdlovsk region in connection with his election to the post of Head of Nizhny Tagil.

Family life

Married, raised three daughters: Tatyana, Natalya, Ekaterina.

Nasov dynasty

Sergey Nosov is the third generation leader of metallurgical enterprises.

"Steel King of Russia" was called his grandfather Grigory Ivanovich in the West, "working director" - in his native Magnitka. Grigory Ivanovich became the General Director of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works in 1940, when he was 35 years old. He was the first in the world to set up the cooking of armored steel using a new technology on existing open-hearth furnaces - there were no furnaces specially designed for this at the enterprise. In the summer of 1941, armored steel was rolled on a conventional blooming machine, without waiting for the plate mill evacuated from Mariupol. In October 1941, armor steel, so necessary for the manufacture of tanks, began to flow. Nosov's armor protected Moscow. The Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute (now the State Institute) is named after him. educational institution higher vocational education"Magnitogorsk State Technical University them. G. I. Nosov”), which was graduated by his son Konstantin Grigorievich and grandson Sergei Konstantinovich. On the anniversary of the death of the “working director”, many people come to commemorate him at the cemetery and gather in the museum-apartment, preserved by the townspeople in Beryozki.

Sergei Nosov's father, Konstantin Grigorievich, was awarded the highest state awards, became a laureate of the USSR Council of Ministers Prize. Just like his father, he worked as the director of a metallurgical plant - Krivorozhstal in Ukraine, and before that he raised production at Zapsib as the chief steel smelter and at the Dnieper metallurgical plant as a general director. He was from the golden pool of directors-rescuers, whom the government threw into the narrow, breakthrough sections of Soviet industry. The development of Ukrainian metallurgy in the pre-perestroika period owes much to the work of this Ural engineer, who worthily continued the work of the founder of a glorious dynasty - his father Grigory Ivanovich Nosov.


  • (1995);
  • State Prize of the Russian Federation "for the creation and industrial development of a resource-saving technology for the converter processing of low-manganese cast iron" (1995);
  • Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology (1999).
  • (2000);
  • Order of the Russian Orthodox Church of St. Daniel (2000);
  • Cherepanov Prize (2001);
  • Honorary badges of the Demidov Foundation and the Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology "300 years of Ural metallurgy" (2001);
  • Laureate of the annual all-Russian competition "Persons of the Year" held by the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in the nomination "Head of the Year" (2001);
  • Laureate of the national award "Darin" of the All-Russian public organization"Russian Academy of Business and Entrepreneurship" (2004).



The mayor of Nizhny Tagil and hereditary metallurgist Sergei Nosov replaced Vladimir Pecheny as governor of the Magadan region. Baked served almost the entire term of his office and managed to leave before the official launch of the election campaign in the region. Observers characterize the new leader of Kolyma as a tough person and a truth-seeker who is not afraid to argue, but at the same time has a strong charisma, thanks to which the population loves him.

In the Magadan region, the governor was replaced. Vladimir Pecheny, who had ruled the region for the past five years, resigned on the eve of the start of a new election campaign. According to experts, the main reason for Pecheny's departure was his age (68 years), and not claims to work from the federal center. Even in April, when rumors about the imminent resignation of the governor were already circulating in the region, the Magadan Region was included in the list of subjects with high stability in the rating of Petersburg Politics.

At the same time, Pecheny’s powers expired in September 2018, before the end of the term, he did not complete it for only three and a half months. The change of the head of the Magadan region in the fall, when the successor Pecheny would have to work for a whole year in the status of interim until the next elections, the Kremlin, obviously, did not suit. And Sergey Nosov, appointed acting governor on May 28, who is part of high council United Russia will still have time to take part in the primaries of the ruling party.

Nosov will move to Magadan from the Urals. In September 2017, with 90.8% of the vote, he was re-elected for a second term as mayor of Nizhny Tagil, a metallurgical center and the second most important city in the Sverdlovsk region.

Doctor political science from Yekaterinburg Sergey Moshkin in an interview with the Club of Regions, he noted that although rumors about the appointment of Nosov as governor had been circulating for a long time, his transfer to the Magadan region was a complete surprise: Nosov, as a hereditary metallurgist with gubernatorial ambitions, was considered as a contender for the chair of the head of the region of Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk and Kemerovo regions.

Moshkin considers Nosov a rather tough person. “This is a truth-seeker, a person who was brought up in a factory environment. This is not a career type official, he came from real production and public service happened almost by accident. He is not afraid of conflicts, he is not afraid to argue. In Nizhny Tagil, he was the favorite of the population, he is very charismatic. He really appreciates popular support, for him it is fundamentally important - if we win, then with a real big result in the elections. He is a very consistent and firm person, he is not afraid to make enemies for himself, but at the same time he knows when to retreat, and retreats, ”the interlocutor of the Club of Regions described Nosov.

Sergei Nosov is 57 years old. He comes from Magnitogorsk (Chelyabinsk region), where he graduated from the Mining and Metallurgical Institute, after which he went to work as an assistant to a steelmaker at the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. By 1994 rose to the rank of Deputy Director of MMK for production and investment, and in 1998. due to a conflict with the management of the enterprise, he moved to Nizhny Tagil, where he soon became the general director of the Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works and vice president of Evraz Holding. Since 2007 worked as an adviser at Rostec. He was elected several times as a deputy of the House of Representatives of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region (a regional analogue of the Federation Council), participated in gubernatorial elections. In 2012 was appointed vice-governor, but left this post in connection with the election of the mayor of Nizhny Tagil.

print version


Governor Ilyukhin: the ASEZ regime has given a serious impetus to the development of Kamchatka
The Kamchatka Territory has repeatedly exceeded the indicators in terms of investment and job creation, planned during the creation of the Kamchatka ASEZ. Governor Vladimir Ilyukhin stressed that the ASEZ and FPV regimes give a serious impetus to the development of the region. Doctor of Economic Sciences Alexander Vilensky noted that one of the main factors for the effective work of the TOP is the personal initiative of the governor and his attention to the development of this territory. The expert added that the fulfillment in Kamchatka of the indicators planned as part of the creation of the ASEZ will have a positive impact on the investment attractiveness of the region.
Political observer Solonin: governor Kobzev will have to reconcile the inhabitants of Irkutsk with its elites
Acting Governor of the Irkutsk Region Igor Kobzev called the transition of the ex-head of the government of the region Ruslan Bolotov to work in the mayor's office of Irkutsk logical. “In my opinion, this is a great chance to remove turbulence in the city,” Kobzev explained. Political observer Galina Solonin believes that Bolotov can solve "only the problem of turbulence in the elites", and "Kobzev will have to reconcile the city with its elites." According to the expert, this is possible only by strengthening the influence of the governor on the activities of the mayor's office. At the same time, observers regard Kobzev's statement as his support for Bolotov in the competition for the election of the head of the city.
Ekaterina Kolesnikova: the regions of the Northwestern Federal District will not survive the Sobyanin-style self-isolation
After the recommendation of Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin to extend the strict regime of general self-isolation to all regions, following the example of Moscow, such restrictions were introduced in six regions of the North-Western District. Ekaterina Kolesnikova, a social technologist and director of the North-West Center, is convinced that only the capital is capable of surviving self-isolation “in the Sobyanin way”. In her opinion, in the regions of the Northwestern Federal District, three weeks of strict quarantine will be enough for small businesses to go bankrupt.
Experts assessed the possibility of transferring the subjects of the Russian Federation to the mode of self-isolation of citizens
The governors began to transfer the regions to the regime of general self-isolation, following the example of the mayor of Moscow. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin also recommended extending the Moscow experience to the whole of Russia for the prevention of coronavirus. Experts interviewed by the Club of Regions note that in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, far from all citizens are aware of the danger of the spread of the epidemic. The interlocutors admit that the regions are able to implement a set of strict prohibitive measures, but most of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation will not be able to cope with the economic consequences of quarantine.
State Duma deputy Gerasimenko: it is important that the head of Kamchatka promptly responds to issues related to coronavirus
The Governor of the Kamchatka Territory, Vladimir Ilyukhin, will consider a proposal on the possibility of closing air traffic with other regions due to the situation with the coronavirus. “I received an appeal regarding the termination of communication with the mainland. I have already instructed, within the framework of the regional headquarters, to evaluate all the pros and cons, as well as the very possibility of taking such a measure, ”Ilyukhin said. State Duma deputy, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Nikolai Gerasimenko noted the importance of the governor's prompt response to citizens' questions. He also stressed the need to discuss the proposals of the population with experts.
Political observer Belov: United Russia will support the head of Chuvashia Nikolaev in the elections
Acting head of Chuvashia Oleg Nikolaev met with State Duma deputy Alena Arshinova, previously appointed secretary of the regional department of United Russia. They discussed the forthcoming election campaigns in September, including the election of the head of the republic. Observers note that the previous leadership of the United Russia in Chuvashia "without enthusiasm" met the appearance of a member of the "Fair Russia" Nikolaev as acting head of the region. Political observer Alexander Belov believes that the appointment of Arshinova as the head of the local United Russia party is a signal from the federal leadership of the party that they are ready to cooperate with Nikolaev. In his opinion, United Russia will support the acting head of Chuvashia in the elections.