What is orthoepy? Definition of the term "spelling"

As a result of studying this chapter, the student should:


  • laws and rules of Russian literary pronunciation;
  • chronological and regional differences in Russian literary pronunciation systems;

be able to

  • establish a relationship between the results of modern phonetic laws and pronunciation standards;
  • highlight old and new phenomena in the field of pronunciation in oral speech;
  • distinguish literary Russian pronunciation from its non-literary forms;


  • terminological apparatus of orthoepy;
  • norms of Russian literary pronunciation;
  • the ability to logically and competently construct statements on various issues of the section of the course being studied.

Key terms and concepts: orthoepy; orthoepic norm; senior norm; junior norm; Old Moscow pronunciation.

Orthoepy as a branch of the science of language

Orthoepia (from Greek. oithos- 'correct', epos- ‘word, speech’) is a system of norms of literary pronunciation, a set of rules for the sound design of significant units of language: morphemes, words, sentences. Among the orthoepic norms, a distinction is made between pronunciation proper, associated with the peculiarities of the implementation of phonemes in various positions, and accentological, regulating the placement of stress in words and word forms. Orthoepy is also a branch of the science of language that studies pronunciation norms and develops pronunciation recommendations.

Traditionally, orthoepy includes all pronunciation norms of the Russian language, for example, the pronunciation of “-shaped or “-shaped sounds in the first pre-stressed syllable (E[a b ]ma - dsh - [р’е]/ш), deafening of a noisy voiced consonant at the absolute end of a word (only a voiceless consonant [s] is possible, and in a word pass before a voiced [d] - only a voiced [z]. In accordance with the point of view of M.V. Panov, orthoepy should study only those pronunciation norms that allow variation in the literary language: “Orthoepy is a science that studies the variation of pronunciation norms of a literary language and develops pronunciation recommendations (orthoepic rules).” Thus, in the same phonetic position it is possible to pronounce bakery And brown, dare[s’]ya And we laugh. Orthoepy evaluates pronunciation options, formulates rules and demands their implementation (it was not by chance that M.V. Panov called orthoepy “imperative”).

The presence of orthoepic variants is due to several reasons. Differences in pronunciation characterize the so-called senior and junior pronunciation norms. The senior norm is typical for people of the older generation, for stage and oratorical speech; junior - for people of the younger and middle generation, for conversational literary speech. It is not surprising that the new pronunciation is gradually replacing the old one; for a certain period, two pronunciation norms coexist in the language. For example, according to the older norm it is pronounced [s’l at ]yoza, according to the youngest - [sl. ’]yozy. On Moscow metro trains, announcers pronounce words differently doors in the phrase “Caution, the doors are closing”: [d’v "]yori and [dv ’]yori.

In accordance with the older norm, a soft consonant [p’] is pronounced before subsequent velar and labial ones: four[ r']g, first. In the first half of the 20th century. the consonantal combination |kk] was pronounced as [hk], and the combination [yy] - like [yy]: [x] to whom,[y] city. Now this pronunciation is outdated, it is preserved only in the words lekh’k]y, my[h’k’]y(and cognates).

Different spelling options are characteristic of different pronunciation styles - full and colloquial. A complete style presupposes consistent adherence to phonetic laws, clear articulation of sounds, and calm speech patterns. Conversational style is used in conditions of unprepared speech and casual communication. This style is characterized by the presence of certain phonetic features, such as a qualitative reduction of the unstressed [y]: listen, stupid, complete vowel reduction: specially, t(e)atr, vi(o)loncell, complete reduction of consonants: sko(l)ko, ko(g)da, like, complete reduction of word fragments: rightly, from (the) one day, in (generally) and many others.

Orthoepic variants can characterize professional speech: cf. production And loot, compass And compass.

By studying pronunciation options, orthoepy evaluates what place each of them occupies in literary pronunciation. In the event that the options are not recognized as equal, spelling recommendations may have the following character: “recommended”, “acceptable”, “acceptable, obsolete”, “special”, “not recommended”, “incorrect”.

  • See: Avanesov R.I. Russian literary pronunciation. M., 1954; Orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language. M„ 1985.
  • See: Panov M.V. Russian phonetics. M., 1967; His own. Modern Russian language. Phonetics. M., 1979. Wed. additional: Modern Russian language / ed. V. A. Beloshaikova. M., 1989.
  • For another selection of pronunciation styles, see: Kasatkin L.L. Modern Russian language. Phonetics. M., 2006. P. 181.

The term “orthoepy” (from the ancient Greek ὀρθός “correct” and ἔπος “speech”) is used in relation to to the norms of pronunciation of sounds and significant units of language, correct placement of stress and intonation.

Relatively speaking, orthoepy dictates to us which syllable in a particular word should be emphasized, and explains why.

The concept of orthoepy as a branch of linguistics

Linguistics interprets the term “spelling” in two meanings:

  • a set of pronunciation norms of a literary language, pronunciation features - sound design of lexical units (words);
  • the name of a science, a branch of phonetics that studies pronunciation norms, their variation, and develops pronunciation recommendations (otherwise - orthoepic rules).

In modern linguistics, there are two approaches to understanding orthoepic norms: in the first case, the term is interpreted more broadly - in addition to pronunciation rules, stress placement is normalized; in a narrower sense, these norms are excluded from the scope of the study of orthoepic.

Orthoepic norms serve only the literary language, they are necessary for people to communicate and facilitate speech understanding. Norms and rules are determined by phonetic laws existing in a particular language.

IN different languages they are theirs. Thus, in many European languages, the sound [l,] is always pronounced softly, while in Russian there are two pronunciation options - [l] and [l,].

Pronunciation standards

It is orthoepy dictates the need for pronunciation:

  • [a] instead of [o] in an unstressed position: not v[o]da, but v[a]da, not t[o]t, but t[a]t;
  • [i] instead of [a], [o], [e] in syllables that are not stressed: h[a]s - h[i]sy, v[yo]dra - v[i]dro;
  • a dull sound instead of a soft one at the end of a word (deafening): zu[b]y – zu[p], droz[d]y-droz[t], para[d]ny – para[t];
  • a dull sound instead of a voiced sound before a dull consonant sound: ru[b]it - ru[p]ka, lo[d]ochka - lo[t]ka, [in] the lake - [f] park;
  • voiced - instead of deaf before voiced (assimilation): ko[s]it - goat, molo[t]it - molo[d]ba, etc.

If a language system allows for multiple pronunciation possibilities, orthoepy dictates the choice of option. Often this need arises when words of foreign origin enter the language. For example, in most foreign languages, the consonant before the sound [e] is not softened. When a word enters the Russian language, some words require a firm pronunciation, while others, on the contrary, require a soft pronunciation.


  • firm pronunciation: t[e]mp, ac[e]nt, amber[e] and others;
  • soft: mu[e]y, d[e]claration, d[e]kan, etc.

The rule says:

  • the hard consonant sound is preserved in foreign surnames (Volt[e]r, Schop[e]ngauer);
  • in bookish and little-used words, as well as those that have recently entered the language, a hard consonant is retained (r[e]iting, d[e]-jure, d[e]-facto), although as the word is actively consolidated in the language, it is possible to replace the hard pronunciation to soft (as, for example, now this happens with the words r[e]iting, d[e]odorant, where double pronunciation is possible).

Pronunciation may vary and on the type of consonant that comes before the vowel. Recently, in words of foreign origin, there has been a tendency to soften the consonant sound in the combination “de” (as we write, so we pronounce: d[e]declaration, d[e]decree, d[e]monstration, etc.). Similar processes are observed in the combinations “not”, “re” (chin[e]l, aquar[e]l).

Thanks to the presence of orthoepic norms, it is necessary to say bulo[sh]aya, egg[sh]itsa, horse[sh]o, etc.

Stress norms

Orthoepy also normalizes stress and establishes accent norms. Many people know from the school Russian language course that you need to say ringing, not ringing, alphabet, not alphabet, but complex cases are also possible.

Many languages ​​have a fixed accent. Russian language is considered difficult to learn also because the emphasis in it is:

  • free - it does not have a specific position, the stress can fall on any syllable;
  • movable - even when a word changes, the emphasis can move, not to mention related words.

Stress is often the only sign of the grammatical form of a word (ruki - ruki), helps to distinguish the semantics of words (atlas - atlas).

Literary and non-literary spelling norms

The basis of literary pronunciation is the Moscow dialect. Other regions have their own characteristics:

  • “akanye” and “yakanye” - for the southern ones;
  • “Okanye” – for the northern ones;
  • characteristic pronunciation of the sound [g] – [g].

A person who consciously strives for literary pronunciation tries to get rid of them, but in the dialect system they can be considered the norm.

With the development of the literary language Pronunciation standards may change however, a person can be considered literate only when he adheres to the traditional norm.

Orthoepy(Greek orthоpeia, from orthоs - correct and еpos - speech). The term “orthoepy” has two main meanings: 1) “a set of norms of a literary language associated with the sound design of significant units: morphemes, words, sentences. Among such norms, a distinction is made between pronunciation norms (the composition of phonemes, their implementation in different positions, the phonemic composition of individual phonemes) and the norms of supersegmental phonetics (stress and intonation)”; 2) a branch of linguistics that studies the rules of oral speech.

The scope of the concept “orthoepy” is not completely established: some linguists understand orthoepy in a narrowed way - as a set of not only specific norms of oral speech (i.e. norms of pronunciation and stress), but also the rules for the formation of grammatical forms of a word: candles - candles, sways - sways, heavier - heavier. In our manual, in accordance with the definition given at the beginning of this paragraph, orthoepy is understood as a set of rules of pronunciation and stress. The formation of grammatical forms is considered only if the form-distinguishing function is performed by stress.

Orthoepy is closely related to phonetics: pronunciation rules cover the phonetic system of the language, i.e. the composition of phonemes distinguished in a given language, their quality, changes in different phonetic conditions. The subject of orthoepy is pronunciation standards. Orthoepic norm- this is the only possible or preferred language option that corresponds to the pronunciation system and the basic patterns of language development.

Orthoepy includes the following sections.

1. Orthoepic norms in the field of vowels and consonants.

2. Features of the pronunciation of borrowed words.

3. Features of the pronunciation of individual grammatical forms.

4. The concept of pronunciation styles. Their features.

Orthoepy norms

Orthoepic norms are also called literary pronunciation norms, since they serve the literary language, i.e. a language spoken and written by cultured people. Literary language unites all Russian speakers; it is needed to overcome linguistic differences between them. And this means that he must have strict norms: not only lexical - norms for the use of words, not only grammatical, but also orthoepic norms. Differences in pronunciation, like other differences in language, interfere with people's communication by shifting their attention from what is being said to how it is being said.

Pronunciation standards are determined by the phonetic system of the language. Each language has its own phonetic laws according to which words are pronounced. For example, in Russian the stressed sound [o] in an unstressed position changes to [a] ( V[O] du - in[A] Yes,T[O] cheat - t[A] read); after soft consonants, stressed vowels [o, a, e] change to unstressed sound[And] ( m[I] with - m[And] sleep, V[ё] l - V[And] la, l[e] h - ow[And] shut up); at the end of words, voiced consonants change to voiceless (du[b]y - du[P], Moro[h] s - Moro[With]). The same exchange of voiced for voiceless occurs before voiceless consonants ( RU[b] it - RU[P] ka, how much h it - how much[With] co), and voiceless consonants before voiced ones change to voiced ones ( co[With] it - co h bah, molo[T] it - molo[d] bah). Phonetics studies these laws. Orthoepic norms determine the choice of pronunciation options - if the phonetic system in this case allows several possibilities. So, in words of foreign origin, in principle, the consonant before the letter e can be pronounced both hard and soft, while the orthoepic norm sometimes requires hard pronunciation (for example, [de] when, [te] mp), sometimes soft (for example [d "e] declaration, [i.e.] temperament, mu[z"e] th). The phonetic system of the Russian language allows both the combination [shn] and the combination [ch"n], cf. bulo[h"n] and I And bulo[shn] and I, but the orthoepic norm prescribes to speak horse[shn] O, but not horse[h"n] O. Orthoepy also includes stress norms: pronounce correctly document, but not document,began, but not started,ringing, A Not rings, alphabet, but not alphabet).

The basis of the Russian literary language, and therefore literary pronunciation, is the Moscow dialect. This is how it happened historically: it was Moscow that became the unifier of Russian lands, the center of the Russian state. Therefore, the phonetic features of the Moscow dialect formed the basis of orthoepic norms. If the capital of the Russian state were not Moscow, but, say, Novgorod or Vladimir, then the literary norm would be “okanye” (i.e. we would now pronounce V[O] Yes, but not V[A] Yes), and if Ryazan became the capital - “yakanye” (i.e. we would say V[l "a] su, but not V[l"i] su).

Orthoepic rules prevent errors in pronunciation and cut off unacceptable options. Pronunciation options recognized as incorrect, non-literary, may appear under the influence of the phonetics of other language systems - territorial dialects, urban vernacular or closely related languages, mainly Ukrainian. We know that not all Russian speakers have the same pronunciation. In the north of Russia they “okayat” and “ekayat”: they pronounce V[O] Yes, G[O] V[O] rit, n[e] su), in the south - “akat” and “yak” (they say V[A] Yes, n[I] su), there are other phonetic differences.

A person who has not mastered the literary language since childhood, but is consciously mastering literary pronunciation, may encounter in his speech pronunciation features characteristic of the local dialect, which he learned in childhood. For example, people from the south of Russia often retain a special pronunciation of the sound [g] - they pronounce in its place a voiced [x] (a sound denoted in transcription by the sign [g]). It is important to understand that this kind of pronunciation features are a violation of norms only in the system of a literary language, and in the system of territorial dialects they are normal and correct and correspond to the phonetic laws of these dialects.

There are other sources of non-literary pronunciation. If a person first encountered a word in a written language, in fiction or other literature, and before that he had never heard how it was pronounced, he may read it incorrectly, pronounce it incorrectly: the pronunciation may be affected by the lettering of the word. It was under the influence of writing that, for example, the pronunciation of the word appeared chu[f] quality instead of the correct one chu[With] yours, [h] That instead of [w] That, help[sch] Nick instead of help[w] Nick.

The orthoepic norm does not always affirm as the only correct one of the pronunciation options, rejecting the other as erroneous. In some cases, it allows variations in pronunciation. Literary, correct pronunciation is considered e[f"f"] at, in and[f"f"] at with a soft long sound [zh "], and e[LJ] at, in and[LJ] at- with a hard long; correct and before[f"f"] And, And before[railway] And, And ra[sh"sh"] ist And ra[sh"h"] ist, and [d] believe and [d"] believe, And P[O] ezia And P[A] ezia. Thus, in contrast to spelling norms, which offer one option and prohibit others, orthoepic norms allow options that are either assessed as equal, or one option is considered desirable and the other acceptable. For example, Orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language edited by R.I.Avanesov (M., 1997) word pool allows you to pronounce with both soft and hard [s], i.e. And ba[s"e] yn And ba[se] yn; in this dictionary it is suggested to pronounce maneuvers, glider, but pronunciation is also allowed maneuvers, plner.

The appearance of many orthoepic variants is associated with the development of the literary language. The pronunciation is gradually changing. At the beginning of the 20th century. talked A[n"] gel, this[R"] forge, ve[r"x], ne[R"] vyy. And even now in the speech of older people one can often find such pronunciation. The hard pronunciation of the consonant [s] in the particle - is quickly disappearing from the literary language. Xia (sya) (laughed[With] A, met[With]). At the beginning of the 20th century. this was the norm of the literary language, just like the hard sounds [g, k, x] in adjectives in - cue, -Guy, -hey and in verbs ending in - nod, -give up, -huff. Words high, strict, dilapidated, jump, bounce, shake off pronounced as if it were written strict, dilapidated, jump up, jump up. Then the norm began to allow both options - old and new: and laughed[With] A And laughed[s"]i, and strictly[G] th strictly[G"] th. As a result of changes in literary pronunciation, variants appear, some of which characterize the speech of the older generation, others - of the younger.

Orthoepic norms are established by scientists - specialists in the field of phonetics. On what basis do linguists decide which option should be rejected and which should be approved? Orthoepy codifiers weigh the pros and cons of each of the variants encountered, taking into account various factors: the prevalence of the pronunciation variant, its compliance with the objective laws of language development (i.e. they look at which variant is doomed and which has a future ). They establish the relative strength of each argument for a pronunciation option. For example, the prevalence of a variant is important, but this is not the strongest argument in its favor: there are also common mistakes. In addition, spelling specialists are in no hurry to approve a new version, adhering to reasonable conservatism: literary pronunciation should not change too quickly, it should be stable, because the literary language connects generations, unites people not only in space, but also in time. Therefore, it is necessary to recommend a traditional, but living norm, even if it was not the most widespread

In the pronunciation of genitive adjectives singular middle and male Traditionally, the consonant [g] is replaced by [v]: near a black [ch"yaoґrnav] stone, without a blue [s"yn"въ] scarf.

In adjectives starting with - hiy, -kyy, -hiy and in verbs ending in - nod, nod, huff the consonants G, K, X are pronounced softly, in contrast to the Old Moscow pronunciation, which required a hard consonant in these cases:

Unstressed personal endings of verbs 1 and 2 conjugations - ut, -ut, -at, -yat and suffixes active participles present time -ush-, -yush-, -ash-, -box- in the language of our days they are pronounced differently, their pronunciation is guided by writing. Old Moscow norms required the pronunciation of these endings and suffixes only according to option 1 of the conjugation. Such pronunciation options are now outdated, but they can still be heard in the speech of old intellectuals.

4. Pronunciation of postfixes -sya and -sya in reflexive verbs. Old Moscow pronunciation was characterized by the pronunciation of the hard [s] in these morphemes: battle[s], soap[sъ]. The only exceptions were gerunds in which a hard consonant was pronounced: fighting [s"], knocking [s"]. IN modern language It is recommended to pronounce [s"] in all cases, except for those when the postfix is ​​preceded by the sound [s]: carried [s'], shook [s'], but: stay [s"'], washed [s''].

Orthoepia translated from Greek means " correct speech"But it should be noted that the term itself has two meanings. The first of them is the norms of the language, among which pronunciation and supersegmental are distinguished. And the second meaning is that this is one of the branches of linguistics that studies the basic rules of oral speech .

Features of the definition of the concept

Until now, the scope of this concept has not been fully established. There are linguists who view it very narrowly. They include in the definition both the norms of oral speech and the rules by which grammatical ones are formed. For example: candles - candles, heavier - heavier, etc. Other experts argue that orthoepy is the correct pronunciation of words and the stress in them.

Orthoepy and its sections

As mentioned above, this is a section of phonetics. It covers the entire phonetic system of the Russian language. The subject of study of this science is the norms of pronunciation of words. The concept of “norm” means that there is one correct option that fully corresponds to the main laws of the language and the pronunciation system.

The main sections of this science are the following:

1. Norms for pronunciation of consonants and vowels.

2. Pronunciation of words that are borrowed from other languages.

3. Pronunciation of some grammatical forms.

4. Features of pronunciation styles.

Why are speech norms needed?

Orthoepic or pronunciation norms are necessary in order to serve the literary Russian language - the one that a cultured and educated person uses in speech and writing. This kind of speech unites everyone who speaks Russian. They are also necessary to overcome the differences in communication that exist between people. Moreover, along with grammatical and spelling norms, spelling norms are no less important. It is difficult for people to perceive speech that differs from the pronunciation to which they are accustomed. They begin to analyze how the interlocutor speaks, instead of delving into the meaning of what was said. Linguistics distinguishes the concepts of colloquial and literary speech. People who have high level intelligence, higher education, use literary language in communication. It is also used to write works of art, newspaper and magazine articles, television and radio broadcasting.

Basic meaning

A lot of people today do not understand the meaning of the word “spelling” and do not pay much attention to it. In their communication, they use the dialect spoken by many residents of the area in which they live. And as a result, they pronounce words incorrectly and put emphasis on the wrong syllables. Very often, when communicating, you can determine a person’s type of activity and his intelligence. Educated people will pronounce [document], and not [document], as can often be heard on the street.

Tasks and goals of science

It is important to note that orthoepy is a science whose main task is to teach the correct pronunciation of sounds and stress placement. Quite often you can hear [colidor] instead of [corridor]. Many people pronounce the [t] sound in the word computer softly. When the emphasis is placed incorrectly, speech is distorted and made ugly. This is especially common among very old people. They were brought up at a time when educated citizens were not accepted by society, and incorrect, distorted speech was in fashion. Orthoepy is necessary to help speak beautifully and correctly. This is needed not only by teachers and writers - today many want to be educated. Therefore, this science strives to teach everyone to clearly pronounce sounds and correctly place emphasis on words. Nowadays, literate people are in demand in the labor market. A person who has the right speech has every chance of becoming a politician, a successful businessman, or simply building a good career. Russian orthoepy is now very important for the majority of residents of our country, and they are paying more and more attention to it.

Basic Rules

Unfortunately, errors are very often heard in speech spoken from the TV screen. Many celebrities or political figures put the wrong emphasis on words. Some say this consciously, while others do not even suspect that they pronounced the word incorrectly. It is very easy to avoid such misunderstandings - you need to first use a dictionary. Or you can read the rules that orthoepy offers. Words in Russian sometimes have several pronunciation options. For example, the stress in the word alphabet can be either on the second or third syllable. Also, before the sound [e], consonants can be pronounced differently. But dictionaries always indicate the main option and the acceptable one. Philologists study all the rules and regulations very carefully. Before approving a particular pronunciation, they check how common it is and what connection it has with the cultural heritage of all generations. Of no small importance is the extent to which this option complies with certain linguistic laws.

Pronunciation styles

We found out that orthoepy is a science that pays special attention to pronunciation. Now it should be noted that there are certain ones that are used for communication in society:

Colloquial language is characterized by an informal setting; people use it to communicate in a close circle;

In scientific circles, the book style is used, its distinctive feature is a clear pronunciation of sounds and phrases;

Who know the spelling rules well and master the literary style.

In order to easily master a literary language, there are certain norms, which are divided into main sections: pronunciation of consonants and vowels, grammatical word forms and borrowed words.

Phonetics and orthoepy

The Russian language is very rich and diverse. There is a lot of information about how to correctly pronounce words and put stress on them. In order to understand all the phonetic patterns, you need to have special knowledge that will help you figure it all out.
The main difference is that orthoepy is a science that identifies a single option for pronouncing sounds that corresponds to the norms, while phonetics allows for various options.

Examples of correct pronunciation

For clarity, it is necessary to provide examples that will help clearly define the rules of pronunciation. So, before the sound [e], consonants can be pronounced both hard and soft. For this purpose, there are orthoepic norms that remind you of which words need to be pronounced firmly and which ones softly. For example, in words declaration, temperament, museum[t] is pronounced softly. And in words dean and tempo- firmly. The same is true with the combination of sounds [chn]. Phonetic laws allow it to be pronounced as it is written, or replaced with [shn] (sku[chn]o, skuk[shn]o). And in accordance with spelling standards, you should only pronounce [boring]. This science is also strict in the case of stress. So, you need to say not [alphabet], but [alphabet], not [kitchen], but [kitchen], not [rings], but [rings]. Knowing these rules is very important for modern man, so is an indicator of the level of culture of both an individual and society as a whole.

The section is very easy to use. Just enter the desired word in the field provided, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-formation dictionaries. Here you can also see examples of the use of the word you entered.

The meaning of the word orthoepia

spelling in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


orthoepy, g. (from Greek orthos - correct and epos - speech) (lingual). Rules for exemplary pronunciation. Russian orthoepy. Orthoepy lessons. ? Compliance with these rules. Pay attention to students' spelling.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


    Rules of literary pronunciation.

    This is the correct pronunciation.

    adj. orthoepic, -aya, -oe. Orthoepic norms.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    A system of exemplary norms of literary pronunciation.

    Compliance with these rules of pronunciation.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


ORTHOEPIA (from the Greek orthos - correct and epos - speech)

    a set of pronunciation norms of the national language that ensure the uniformity of its sound design.

    A branch of linguistics that studies standard literary pronunciation.


(Greek orthoépeia, from orthós ≈ correct and épos ≈ speech), a set of norms of the national language that ensure the unity of its sound design. The uniformity of the sound design of oral speech contributes (like spelling) to quick and easy linguistic communication. The concept of O. includes pronunciation and the norms of supersegmental phonetics (stress, tone, etc.). Pronunciation covers the phonetic system of the language, i.e. the composition of phonemes, their quality and implementation in certain conditions, as well as the sound design of individual words and grammatical forms (for example, pl [a] quiet, not pl [o] quiet, [sh] this, not [h]that). The meaning of the norms of supersegmental phonetics for O. varies in different languages. For example, for the Russian language, stress associated with the formation of grammatical forms is of great importance. Some scientists include the formation of variant grammatical forms (for example, “tractors” or “tractors”) in the composition of words. Oralism develops historically with the formation of the national language, when different forms of public speech develop and the share of oral speech in the life of society increases. At the same time, in different national languages ​​and in different eras, the degree of severity and uniformity of the norms of O. and their sociolinguistic meaning are very different. The rules of language have a long history and usually emerge as norms of the national language late. The norms of the Russian language were formed in their most important features back in the first half of the 17th century. as the norms of the Moscow dialect, which only as the national language developed and strengthened began to acquire the character of national norms. They finally took shape in the 2nd half of the 19th century, although in a number of cases there were fluctuations. The rules of clothing that existed before the October Revolution of 1917 have largely been preserved; only some particular rules have changed, assimilative softness has decreased ([d] ve, [z] believe next to [d] ve, [z] believe), the pronunciation has become closer in a number of ways to the spelling. Great importance in the development of O. there was a theater that cultivated the norms of O. in the most pure form. Stage speech in many languages ​​is the basis of orthoepic norms. The importance of cinematography increases with the development of sound cinema, radio, and television.

Lit.: Ushakov D.N., Russian orthoepy and its tasks, in the book: Russian speech, v. 3, L., 1928; Shcherba L.V., On the norms of exemplary Russian pronunciation, “Russian language at school”, 1936, ╧5; his, Phonetics of the French Language, Leningrad, 1939; Vinokur G., Russian stage pronunciation, M., 1948; Avanesov R.I., Russian literary pronunciation, 5th ed., M., 1972; Russian literary pronunciation and stress. Dictionary-reference book, M., 1959;. Siebs Th., Deutsche Bühnenaussprache-Hochsprache, 14 Aufl., Köln, 1927; Grammont M., Traite pratique de prononciation française, 9 ed., P., 1938;. Jones D., An outline of English phonetics, 9 ed., Camb., 1960; by him, An English pronouncing dictionary, 10 ed., L., 1955; Michaelis H. et Passy P., Dictionnaire phonétique de la langue française, 2nd ed., Hannover ≈ B. ≈ P., 1914; Vietor W., Deutsches Aussprachewörterbuch, 3 Aufl., Lpz., 1921.

P. I. Avanesov.



Orthoepy- a set of rules of oral speech enshrined in the literary language. Different authors interpret the concept of orthoepy slightly differently, the “broad” approach includes pronunciation and stress rules, the “narrow” approach excludes stress from the rules of orthoepy.

Orthoepic norms are very important in speech activity, since incorrect pronunciation or stress distracts attention from the meaning of the statement, complicates understanding, and often simply makes an unpleasant impression on the listener.

Examples of the use of the word orthoepy in literature.

The Kufis were analysts who allowed for the possibility of a number of deviations, especially in the field of syntax, who focused on colloquial speech and considered the standard of Arabic spelling Hijaz dialect.

He raises questions about the reliance of grammar on literature as the primary source of material, about the role of grammar in resolving issues of spelling and spelling, in the creation of new poetic creations, in the criticism of literary texts.

A prison song, despite many errors in spelling, always has a sincere character.

From Cioran, as we would call it if we were guided by the Romanian spelling, became Sioran.
