Who are the parents of Natalya Alexandrovna Timakova? Medvedev's press secretary on vacation (5 photos)

From the Board of Trustees of the Cinema Fund and the Board of the Ministry of Culture. His “irresponsibility” of the Foundation and the appointment to the council of the press secretary of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Natalya Timakova, whom he accused of “latent Russophobia under the guise of democracy.”

As you know, the Cinema Fund is a state non-profit organization that provides financial support for film production. On August 1, for example, the Foundation approved (leaving out the disagreement of some members of the board of trustees on a number of issues) the allocation of tens of millions of state money to new projects of Alexei Efimovich Uchitel, Pavel Semyonovich Lungin, Karen Levonovich Oganesyan, the comedy “Groom-2” by TNT comedians Nezlobin and Svetlakov, the horror film “Forest of Hands and Teeth” by British director Kate Maberley.

The new composition of the Foundation's board of trustees was appointed by Prime Minister Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev in April 2017. For the first time, it included Medvedev’s press secretary - Natalya Aleksandrovna Timakova, the head of Channel One Konstantin Lvovich Ernst, 1st Deputy General Director of VGTRK Anton Andreevich Zlatopolsky. The scientific director of the Russian Military Historical Society, Mikhail Yuryevich Myagkov, a protégé of the Minister of Culture Vladimir Rostislavovich Medinsky, left the council.

Discussion of the results of the work of the Cinema Fund was the first item on the agenda of the meeting of the Board of the Ministry of Culture, held at the Skolkovo Innovation Center. At the meeting, film director Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov announced his resignation from the Foundation’s board of trustees.

“I am leaving the board, the board of trustees, because I feel my own irresponsibility and, unfortunately, the irresponsibility of the Foundation. What happens when films come out that simply don’t mean anything or that mean something but no one knows what to do with them, when two blockbusters on the same topic come out at the same time and there is a battle between channels - this is all the result of this irresponsibility that needs to be recognized,” TASS and Interfax quote Mikhalkov.

Mikhalkov was particularly dissatisfied with the presence of Timakova. In addition to the position of press secretary to Prime Minister Medvedev, she also holds the position of deputy chief of staff of the government and is responsible for state policy in the field of cinematography.

“When a person with ideological views opposite to yours comes to the council, that’s one thing. But when a person vested with power and opportunity comes, it’s different,” Mikhalkov commented on the composition of the Board of Trustees of the Cinema Fund.

“I have no reason to doubt that Ms. Timakova understands filmmaking, and she certainly does. But I have reason to believe that this is a completely opposite point of view on what is happening, which is incompatible with my idea of ​​​​what is good and what is bad. And I also have every reason to believe that telephone law and hidden politics will now resolve issues at the Fund,” he added.

After his speech, Mikhalkov left the hall. On the way out, he answered questions from journalists who asked him what exactly he didn’t like about Timakova.

“Because I believe that Mrs. Timakova considers many issues of our existence from the point of view of latent Russophobia. It doesn `t suit me. Conclusions from my communication experience,” Mikhalkov explained.

Her views are “completely opposite to mine” and are “destructive,” the director continued. “With its help, destructive processes are taking place under the guise of democracy.” Russophobia, in particular, is manifested in Timakova’s support for the Yeltsin Center.

Timakova, in a response speech at a meeting of the Cinema Fund, recalled that in her position as deputy head of the government apparatus, she oversees cinematography issues, “whether someone likes it or not.”

“I am very sorry that Nikita Sergeevich made such a decision in fact because of me,” she said.

Russophobia Nikolay Yaremenko Lavrushniks are jumping In Ukraine, as in the Moscow market, there are more of them only among the “thieves in law” group. And although the “Georgian godfather” has been dealing with “dead bzhols” for a long time, even today Ukraine cannot ignore Georgia and movements...

September 8th, 2017

Original taken from general_ivanoff Timakova is lobbying for the replacement of Mikhalkov with Uchitel at the Cinema Fund

Director Alexey Uchitel may replace Nikita Mikhalkov on the Board of Trustees of the Cinema Fund. This option is currently being actively discussed, sources in government structures told Gazeta.Ru.

Informed people clarify that the demonstrative replacement of Mikhalkov with Uchitel is being lobbied by Medvedev’s press secretary Natalya Timakova. The composition of the Board of Trustees of the Cinema Fund is approved by D. A. Medvedev.

08/23/2017 Nikita Sergeevichleft the board of trustees of the Cinema Fund. Among the reasons, he named the inclusion of Timakova among its members, whose views, according to Mikhalkov, are “destructive.”

Mikhalkov then accused Timakova of Russophobia. Well, isn't he right?

The Teacher himself coquettishly broadcasts (in an interview with NSN) that he has no desire yet "replace Mikhalkov."

August 24th, 2017

Original taken from general_ivanoff in Mikhalkov vs. Timakova: the director accused Medvedev’s press secretary of Russophobia

Nikita Mikhalkov announced his resignation from the board of trustees of the Cinema Fund and the board of the Ministry of Culture. He was outraged by the “irresponsibility” of the Foundation and the appointment to the council of the press secretary of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, Natalya Timakova, whom he accused of “latent Russophobia under the guise of democracy.”

As you know, the Cinema Fund is a state non-profit organization that provides financial support for film production. On August 1, for example, the Foundation approved (leaving out the disagreement of some members of the board of trustees on a number of issues) the allocation of tens of millions of state dough to new projects of Alexey Efimovich Uchitel, Pavel Semyonovich Lungin, Karen Levonovich Oganesyan, the comedy “Groom-2” by TNT comedians Nezlobin and Svetlakov, the horror film “Forest of Hands and Teeth” by British director Kate Maberley.

The new composition of the Foundation's board of trustees was appointed by Prime Minister Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev in April 2017. For the first time, it included Medvedev’s press secretary Natalya Aleksandrovna Timakova, the head of Channel One Konstantin Lvovich Ernst, and 1st Deputy General Director of VGTRK Anton Andreevich Zlatopolsky. The scientific director of the Russian Military Historical Society, Mikhail Yuryevich Myagkov, a protégé of the Minister of Culture Vladimir Rostislavovich Medinsky, left the council.

Discussion of the results of the work of the Cinema Fund was the first item on the agenda of the meeting of the Board of the Ministry of Culture, held today at the Skolkovo Innovation Center. At the meeting, film director Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov announced his resignation from the Foundation’s board of trustees.
"I am leaving the board, the board of trustees, because I feel my own irresponsibility and, unfortunately, the irresponsibility of the Foundation. What happens when films come out that simply don’t mean anything or that mean something but no one knows what to do with them, when two blockbusters on the same topic come out at the same time and there is a battle between channels - this is all the result of this irresponsibility that needs to be recognized", TASS and Interfax quote Mikhalkov.

Mikhalkov was particularly dissatisfied with the presence of Timakova. In addition to the position of press secretary to Prime Minister Medvedev, she also holds the position of deputy chief of staff of the government and is responsible for state policy in the field of cinematography.
"When a person with ideological views opposite to yours comes to the council, that’s one thing. But when a person comes with power and opportunity, it’s different.", Mikhalkov commented on the composition of the Board of Trustees of the Cinema Fund.
"I have no reason to doubt that Ms. Timakova understands filmmaking, and she certainly does. But I have reason to believe that this is a completely opposite point of view on what is happening, which is incompatible with my idea of ​​​​what is good and what is bad. And I also have every reason to believe that telephone law and hidden politics will now resolve issues at the Fund", he added.

After his speech, Mikhalkov left the hall. On the way out, he answered questions from journalists who asked him what exactly he didn’t like about Timakova.
"Because I believe that Mrs. Timakova considers many issues of our existence from the point of view of latent Russophobia. It doesn `t suit me. Conclusions from my communication experience", explained Mikhalkov.
Her views" completely opposite to mine"and wear" destructive nature", the director continued. " With its help, destructive processes are taking place under the guise of democracy.". Russophobia, in particular, manifests itself inTimakova's support from the Yeltsin Center.

Timakova, in a response speech at a meeting of the Cinema Fund, recalled that in her position as deputy head of the government apparatus, she oversees cinematography issues, " whether someone likes it or not".
"I am very sorry that Nikita Sergeevich made such a decision in fact because of me", she stated.

based on materials from TASS, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Vedomosti newspaper, Interfax agency, BBC Russian Service, portal.

Natalya Aleksandrovna Timakova with her husband Alexander Petrovich Budberg - a member of the board of the Institute of Contemporary Development (INSOR), a member of the Council of the Bolshoi Theater Foundation (where he represents the interests of the owner of the Summa group of companies Ziyavudin Magomedov and Yeltsin's son-in-law Valentin Yumashev) andrecent chairman of the executive committee of the Bolshoi Theater Board of Trustees, member of the Board of Trustees of the Mikhailovsky Theater, advisor to the president of VTB Bank, ex-columnist for MK, PR manager for Anatoly Chubais and Oleg Deripaska, friend of Arkady Dvorkovich, holder of a residence permit in Latvia

Natalya Aleksandrovna Timakova in the usual handshake environment

Natalya Aleksandrovna Timakova with her best friend Natalya Vladimirovna Sindeeva - founder, co-owner and general director of the opposition media holding Dozhd

May 25th, 2016

Original taken from rjadovoj_rus Peskov distanced himself from Medvedev, Timakova justifies him

In my opinion, he did this solely because the situation with Medvedev’s speech, which was completely stupid in form and mocking in content: there is no money, you hang in there, a good mood - is clearly a lose-lose situation, no matter how you look at it.


March 27th, 2015

Original taken from styazshkin to Budberg takes his mistress abroad for his family's money

You know that I never sin by reposting, but here they asked me to promote the topic. I still don’t understand who they are digging for here - Medvedev, or Budberg, or Timakova, but they are digging for someone. Of course it looks like Budberg, but why? In short, read:

Natalya Timakova, press secretary of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev

Born in 1975 in Almaty. Graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University. Married to journalist Alexander Budberg, who recently left the post of adviser to the president of VTB.

She began to engage in journalism during her student years: her first serious experience was associated with work in the politics department of Moskovsky Komsomolets, where she was entrusted with covering the progress of Boris Yeltsin’s presidential campaign.

In her last year of study, Timakova moved to the Kommersant publishing house, also to the politics department. Two years later, she began working as a columnist for the Interfax news service, where she ended up at the personal invitation of the head of this news agency, Mikhail Komissar. In October 1999, she was appointed deputy of Andrei Korotkov, head of the government information department of the government apparatus, and at the same time press secretary of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. They said that her work in the “Kremlin pool” in 1996 played a significant role in this appointment.

A young but already experienced journalist had to create the desired image for the prime minister, and one of the steps towards this was the book “First Person. Conversations with Vladimir Putin,” a co-author of which was Timakova.

The collection of articles about the life of the prime minister was supposed to appear on the shelves before the presidential elections, but the Central Election Commission saw in this elements of election propaganda - and the book went on sale only after Putin’s victory. Along with the “promotion” of the manager, Timakova also changed her place of work, becoming a deputy, and two years later - the head of the presidential press service department. In 2002, she was also appointed first deputy press secretary of the Russian leader.

Natalya Timakova held these positions until 2008, when the winner of the presidential election, Dmitry Medvedev, announced her as his press secretary. Timakova became the first woman in Russia to earn such a high appointment.

After the appointment of Dmitry Medvedev to the post of Chairman of the Russian Government in 2012, Timakova took the position of his press secretary and deputy head of the Russian Government Staff.

Alexey Solomin, correspondent for the Ekho Moskvy radio station in the government pool:

Natalya Aleksandrovna Timakova is, of course, press secretary No. 1 for me. For various reasons: objective (but from my point of view) and deeply subjective (which may not be so easy to formulate).

On the one hand, this is easily explained by the position and responsibility held. If the “Kremlin source in a pink dress” once became one of the centers of influence in the Kremlin (even if unofficially - in the words of opponents), this says something.

On the other hand, the absolute advantage of press secretary Timakova is that she is a journalist herself. And she knows what professional journalism is, what its goals are, what its tasks are and what its meaning is. At the same time, she also understands the role of the media in the image of the prime minister. You can’t explain everything, and if people don’t fully understand, then this is already a reason for misinterpretation. There are, of course, mistakes. The prime minister himself likes to emphasize that not everything always works out, but something important does happen. So, N.A. Timakova gets something important.

And there is one more peculiarity of Press Secretary Timakova. In the trend of “humanizing” civil servants with the help of social networks N.A. keeps to himself. Her pages are the most humane. Despite the accusations of unsuccessful check-ins, which separate her from the people, she, in my opinion, is closest to the people. She, I think, better than all the members of the government put together, understands what it means to “get onions” (the term on Instagram, however, in the original it is pronounced differently, but then you can’t print it), chooses the best plans for Instagram shots, does not spam tape, although sometimes the horizon is blocked. But all this makes her the most real, alive and close. That is, a hipster.

And, of course, she is a beautiful woman.

Alexey Merinov, artist:

It was after the Ray Charles concert at the Grand Kremlin Palace of Congresses.
And before that we worked with Natasha. I illustrated some articles for her, then she moved to Kommersant. And then, somehow, I lost her for several years, and, in general, I did not know who and where she worked. And at the entrance I saw Natalek coming. I spread my arms like a brother and said: “Timakova! My girlfriend"! And suddenly, with such peripheral vision, it is developed among us, among artists, I watch how out of the ground such young people, alarming in appearance, and such physically developed ones grow up and surround me. I understand that they will now “knit” me! But Natasha somehow stopped them with one such elusive movement. And besides, I looked like this, and for them, that Charles, that Muhammad Ali, these are some kind of people like this, from the world of imperialism. Enemies. Well, she and I chatted a little about this and that.

The next morning I arrive at the editorial office, since I am an artist, not a journalist, I am the last to find out everything. I say: “Guys, in general, where does Timakova work for us?” And they answer me: “Lyosh, do you even know Medvedev?” I say, “Well, I don’t know personally, but I draw him every day.” They tell me: “Here, she is there, somewhere, in his camp and works.” So, the artist almost suffered from the regime in those distant years. And now we are friends on Facebook, I keep urging her to go over to the side of light, but apparently their cookies are even tastier.

Dmitry Kurkin

This Monday, September 17, the Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on the resignation of his seemingly permanent press secretary, Natalya Timakova. After nineteen years in power, Timakova goes to work at Vnesheconombank. And this is that rare case when we can talk about the departure from power not only of an official, but also of a woman. Even if Timakova herself believes that power at this level becomes genderless.

“Some colleagues get so carried away that at some point they begin to know them by sight almost better than their manager. Of course, there are situations when the press secretary must take a certain public blow. But he should not have his own political ambitions, widely broadcast his personal point of view,” explained Natalya Timakova four years ago in an interview. The task of the press secretary is to speak in a second voice, without shouting down the boss; therefore, there are more women among press secretaries; in the public consciousness, it is “easier for them to go into the shadows.” There is, of course, some coquetry in this assessment of one’s political role.

And the point is not only that in the ranking of the most influential women in the country, Timakova at one time occupied third place. For a woman in Russian politics, Timakov, with all the formal attributes - after all, she worked only as a “mouthpiece” of the top government - she maintained a rather insubordinate position. Especially in comparison with Russian women parliamentarians or women ministers, whose positions, although they imply power, in practice more often represent the position of a supply manager. “It’s always a shame to realize that the backbone of the civil service is women, but the higher the positions, the fewer there are,” Timakova says in one of her farewell interviews.

For a woman in Russian politics, Timakov, with all the formal attributes - after all, she worked only as a “mouthpiece” of the top government - she occupied a rather insubordinate position

Timakova, who spoke for ten years on behalf of the president and the government, will be remembered primarily as the face of the “Medvedev thaw.” The one in which the president is interested not only in military equipment, but also in iPhones. In which a liberal TV channel may appear, and the head of state talks to its journalists. In which these same journalists are not threatened on behalf of the authorities. And if an attack on a political reporter did happen, then the president (at the suggestion of the press secretary) considers this event an emergency, and not payment for “eavesdropping and spying.” Where communication with journalists and the country in general is possible not only in the format of a long and tooth-grinding predictable “straight line”, but also within the framework of meetings where uncomfortable questions are asked and the names of “forbidden” politicians are heard. In which the first person of the country can be not only a steel superman, but also a person who is not alien to humanity. Timakova’s main PR successes and failures (for example, the video that finally convinced everyone that Dmitry Medvedev is more of a badminton player and not the leader of a new, freer country) are also associated with attempts to slightly humanize the Russian government.

Opinions about the extent to which Timakova was an accomplice of the “thaw” differ greatly and have even become overgrown with myths with a touch of compromising evidence. Medvedev’s press secretary was credited with almost preparing a “liberal conspiracy” to nominate Medvedev for a second presidential term or “financing from his own funds” that same liberal TV channel (a few years after Bolotnaya, Alexey Navalny counted the rooms in the press secretary’s Jurmala house, and Timakova called his investigation about Medvedev “propaganda attacks of an opposition and convicted character”).

In fact, without exaggerating or belittling the political weight of President Medvedev’s press secretary, one thing can be said - she reinvented her position in the new conditions as much as time and the situation allowed, adding to herself the functions of a personal adviser, on the one hand, and an image maker, on the other hand. another. Timakova herself was part of this “modernization” image of power. A woman press secretary is progressive, European, and simply human. Moreover, this was a woman in a bright dress (the dark suit on the day of leaving looked even symbolic) - no power training, and it’s clear whose words matter here.

A woman press secretary is progressive, European, and simply human. Besides, it was a woman in a bright dress - no power training

It is still not completely known why Timakova was called to be Putin’s temporary press secretary at the end of 1999. There are plenty of versions, and one is more colorful than the other - up to the assumption that Timakova was chosen because of her height (Putin could address her from top to bottom not only figuratively). But the most popular one boils down to the fact that the young woman had to soften the image of a former KGB officer, who at that time was still using expressions like the one that was later heard, “to soak in the toilet.” But it is clear why this idea failed, and Putin’s press secretaries in the future were only men: it is unrealistic to imagine a woman, and even a moderately independent one, in Putin’s circle - this simply does not fit into his picture of the world.

“I did not create the image of a liberal press secretary for a liberal president. I was a completely liberal press secretary,” Timakova believed. Now discussing the reasons for her departure, she talks about professional burnout and the fact that she was ready to leave the post of press secretary a long time ago. This is hardly disingenuous, but it is also obvious that not only women, but also simply “people” in the Kremlin now look like a much greater anomaly than five, and even more so eight years ago. Then Timakova, who openly supported director Kirill Serebrennikov in the “Seventh Studio case”, who took the side of journalists in the proceedings regarding Duma harassment, who entered into a clinch with Nikita Mikhalkov at the Cinema Fund, would not have seemed such an alien element in power. According to rumors, at some point they also planned to make a woman the Minister of Culture. But they left everything as is.

Cover: Dmitry Astakhov/TASS

At a time when the political situation in our country is very unstable in light of recent events, Dmitry Medvedev’s press secretary Natalya Timakova is calmly relaxing at an expensive resort.

The press secretary should smooth over unwanted news, not create it. Once again, Natalya Timakova (press secretary of Dmitry Medvedev) showed up not in the cheapest place in Europe. But first, a preface.
In the “next” - because a couple of years ago Mrs. Timakova “checked in” at the elite Italian hotel Grand Hotel a Villa Feltrinelli, where a night’s stay costs from 1,250 euros.

This fact greatly outraged the public. Then the entire Runet discussed Timakova’s action. Everyone suddenly remembered that they pay taxes, and that’s what they do.
A few years later, history repeated itself. This time in completely different circumstances, and now more than 1500 euros per night. I present to your attention fresh photographs of Timakova with her husband Budberg in the elite restaurant LE CAP HORN, which is located in the French (but practically domestic) ski resort of Courchevel.

In the photo, it’s easy to see Timakova wearing glasses with white frames and Budberg in a blue baseball cap sitting next to her.

The photo below is proof that they are not drinking tea from cut glasses in Yakhroma near Moscow.

If last time Timakova messed up badly, but only set herself and her leader up, now her actions look like a challenge to the entire political elite. The European Union introduces new sanctions almost every day: lists of Russian officials who have come under attack from the Old World are regularly updated.
As part of the team now running Russia, Timakova had no right to go to Courchevel. Not only because there is an unspoken ban on officials visiting this wonderful resort. At such a crucial moment for Russia, it should not leave its immediate leader, Medvedev. What logic did Timakova follow when choosing her ticket?
Or maybe her political views are at odds with the government policy? This is quite possible, because she has the right to her point of view. What if she is against the annexation of Crimea? Crimea, where millions of Russians demand historical justice. Crimea, for which she will say goodbye to a quality European vacation.
If this is true, then you and I have witnessed a real betrayal of our own country. After the rest of the country's second press secretary, Putin's words about national traitors began to sparkle with new colors. This is not at all about those who disagree with the authorities. National traitors are people whose personal interests of going to Courchevel are placed above the national ones. The Russian government has millions of disadvantages. But the main thing is the presence of traitors at the very top.
