Research work “Pantry of the Sun” of my small homeland. A brief retelling of “The Pantry of the Sun” Prishvin M Prishvin The Pantry of the Sun main

Work by genre orientation is a true fairy tale and tells about children left orphans during the war years, overcoming life's difficulties.

Main characters The story is about brother and sister Nastya and Mitrasha, who are forced to survive on their own because they lose their parents early.

The writer gives a detailed description of the main characters, presenting the girl Nastya, the eldest in the family, in the image of a responsible and hardworking little girl, distinguished by her freckled face, blond curls, fragility and sharp mind. The girl always helps her little brother and even gives in to him in his whims. The author calls Nastya a golden hen with high legs, because the girl gets up before dawn, drives the cows out to pasture and spends the whole day busy with housework.

Mitrasha is presented as a little man in a bag, since he has some craft skills from his father and does men’s work in the house, sometimes selling his products or exchanging them for food.

The writer emphasizes the division of household responsibilities between children, demonstrating the cohesion and friendship of family members.

Story line The story develops through an event that happened to the children at the time of their trip to the forest for cranberries. Nastya is interested in picking berries and does not notice the absence of her brother, who ends up in a swamp and cannot get out of the quagmire on his own. Help is provided by the dog Travka, who brings his sister to his brother. Until this moment, Mitrasha does not really like the dog, but after the rescue he becomes a full-fledged owner for it.

However, the children's adventures do not end there, since they still have a meeting with a hungry wolf ahead. In this situation, Mitrash proves himself to be a real man, without hesitation he shoots at the beast.

Distinctive feature The story is the author's description of the surrounding nature, which appears in the work as an independent character attuned to the lives of children.

At the moment of Nastya and Mitrasha’s parting, a gray cloud appears in the sky, covering the sun’s rays, accompanied by a sharp wind, howling and groaning. Thus, nature warns the heroes about the upcoming test.

The meaning of the work lies in the manifestation of true human feelings even by small children, in whose souls there is a lot of warmth, love, self-esteem, understanding of nature and family relationships.

Option 2

Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin's story “The Pantry of the Sun” tells about orphans, how they coped with difficulties, how they learned to live without parents.

The author describes the main characters very carefully. The girl, Nastya, the eldest in the family, seems to the reader to be responsible and very hardworking. She has freckles on her face, blond hair, is fragile and very smart. She always gave in to her brother, tried to do the best and helped him in everything. The author calls her a golden chicken with high legs. In my opinion, it was not for nothing that Mikhail Mikhailovich gave such a nickname to Nastya. Throughout the story, he writes about her with respect. Nastya got up before sunrise, drove the herd of cows out to pasture and, without going to bed, did all the housework until nightfall.

The author describes Mitrasha, the brother of the main character, as “a little man in a bag.” He learned some craft from his father and took care of men's household chores. Mitrasha sold or exchanged the results of his craft. This is how the orphans lived, arranging their lives.

The author of the story very accurately divides household responsibilities between the children. Left alone, without parents, Nastya and Mitrasha do household chores together. “The golden hen on high legs and the little man in the bag” do women’s and men’s chores, respectively. This division of labor between children gives them, in my opinion, the cohesion and friendship that should exist between family members.

One day the children decide to go get cranberries. In the forest they diverge along different paths. Mitrasha ends up in a swamp and cannot get out for a long time, and Nastya, carried away by picking cranberries, forgets about her brother. A forester's dog named Travka helps the children find each other.

Mikhail Prishvin called his story “Pantry of the Sun” because there is a lot of peat in the forest swamps. During World War II, this fuel was very valuable, and remains valuable to this day.

In my opinion, the author of the story very accurately conveyed the entire atmosphere that should exist between children who were left without parents. Prishvin showed brotherly and sisterly love. Nastya and Mitrasha were always together and lived in peace. After all, they were left alone in the whole world, and they had no one closer to each other. The author clearly shows in his work what can happen if a brother and sister do not get along with each other.

After reading the story “Pantry of the Sun,” every reader will ask the question: how do I feel about my sister or my brother? After all, a person has no one dearer than his sister or brother. They should always be together and help each other. And to better understand how to treat a loved one, it’s worth reading this story.

Analysis Pantry of the Sun - where is the truth and where is the fairy tale

The work was written in 1945, so its plot and characters in the story correspond to that difficult time for the country.

The plot is simple. In some Russian village there live a boy and a girl. They live alone because they are orphans - their father died in the war, and their mother died of illness. The girl is 12 years old, the boy is 10 years old. They have a house, they have pets: a cow, sheep, chickens.

When you start reading the story, you immediately realize that it is fiction. It can’t be that the kids don’t have relatives in the village. It cannot be that the children of the deceased Red Army soldier were not placed in an orphanage. And how, at that age, did they manage a household that even an adult couldn’t handle?

Further events develop like this. A common village thing: the children went into the forest to pick berries (cranberries). The girl, of course, carries a basket, and the boy, in today’s terminology – “cool”, takes with him a gun and a compass. Well, the compass is clear - a toy, but the gun is taller than a ten-year-old boy. How will he carry it? But the author comes up with an excuse: a lonely and hungry wolf lives in the forest. So, for protection from the wolf, he took a gun with him.

I should note that the fabulousness is also in the title of the story: “The Pantry of the Sun.” This, according to the author's idea, is the name of the swamp. But Russians never fired their stoves with peat. We had enough firewood. And such a name would never have been given to the swamp. They were far from the scientific idea that peat, coal and oil are a concentrate of solar energy.

So the boy and the girl went into the forest and, of course, quarreled (as in the fairy tale - don’t drink water - you’ll become a little goat). The brother did not listen to his sister: he did not follow the path, but followed the compass. He reached the swamp and fell into the swamp there. Thank God he had a gun with him! He grabbed the gun and did not drown.

And then a stray dog ​​(man’s friend) came to the rescue and pulled him out of the swamp. And then he shot the evil wolf. Then his sister, having collected cranberries, found him, and they returned home. And in the village everyone was already alarmed: where did the children go? This is a semi-fairy-tale story.

The story is written beautifully, but what does it teach us? Maybe live together, love dogs and kill wolves. Or - don’t go, the children are alone in the forest: wolves live there.

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  • " The teacher’s task in this case is complicated by the fact that the fairy tale “The Pantry of the Sun” is not just a work about nature. In his diary entry, M. Prishvin says: “In “The Pantry of the Sun” I wrote that truth is a harsh struggle for love...” creates a fairy tale “for everyone.” The meaning contained in it is deep. Just as the sun deposited its energy in peat deposits, the writer put into the “Pantry of the Sun” everything that he had accumulated over many years: a kind attitude towards people, love for nature... Truth is not just love for a person. It is concluded in a harsh struggle for love and is revealed in the clash of two principles: evil and love. “On one side of the semicircle a dog howls, on the other a wolf howls... What a pitiful howl it is. But you, a passer-by, if you hear and a reciprocal feeling arises in you, do not believe in pity: it is not a dog, man’s most faithful friend, howling, it is a wolf, his worst enemy, doomed to death by his very malice. You, passer-by, save your pity not for the one who howls about himself like a wolf, but for the one who, like a dog that has lost its owner, howls, not knowing who now, after him, to serve.”

    Evil, seeking to satisfy predatory instincts, encounters the power of love, the passionate desire to survive. Therefore, Prishvin’s fairy tale shines not only with love - there is a struggle in it, a clash of good and evil in it.

    The author used some techniques of a traditional fairy tale. There are confluences of almost fabulous accidents and coincidences here. Animals take an active part in the fate of children. Raven, poisonous snake, magpie, wolf nicknamed Gray Landowner are hostile to children. The dog Grass, a representative of “good nature,” faithfully serves man. It is interesting to note that the tale was originally called "Man's Friend." All the author’s philosophical discussions about the “true truth” are placed in the chapters telling about Grass.

    And at the same time, the events in the work have a real basis. “Pantry of the Sun” was written in 1945, after the end of the Great Patriotic War. And “back in 1940, the author spoke about his intention to work on story about how two children quarreled and how they went on two separate roads, not knowing that in the forest very often such bypass roads are again connected into one common one. The children met, and the road itself reconciled them”10 (according to the memoirs of V.D. Prishvina).

    The technique of merging the fabulous and the real made it possible for the writer to express his ideal, the dream of the high purpose of man, of his responsibility to all life on earth. The fairy tale is imbued with the writer’s optimistic faith in the closeness and possibility of realizing this dream, if one looks for its embodiment in real life, among seemingly ordinary people. This thought writer First of all, he expressed it in the main characters of the work - Nastya and Mitrash.

    The originality of the work is the revelation of man through nature, through man’s relationship to nature. Prishvin wrote: “After all, my friends, I write about nature, but I myself only think about people.”

    Possible distribution of material among lessons

    Part of the first lesson is devoted to getting acquainted with individual facts of the biography of M. M. Prishvin, as well as his works. This will awaken interest in the work of the writer, with whom most sixth-graders will become acquainted for the first time. In this case, it would be possible to invite students to read in advance some of his works - stories in the collections “Forest Drops”, “Floors of the Forest”, “Golden Meadow”, “Forest Doctor”, etc., and then in a small conversation at the beginning of the lesson to express their opinion or read a review of what you read book.

    M. M. Prishvin was born in 1873 near Yelets, on the noble estate of Khrushchevo, owned by his father, who came from Yelets merchants. He grew up among peasant children, studied at the Yelets gymnasium and was expelled from there with a “wolf ticket” for a major quarrel with the teacher. Then Prishvin studied at a real school in Tyumen, passed exams externally for a classical gymnasium course, and entered the Riga Polytechnic. For participation in a Social Democratic student organization, he was arrested and, after a year in prison, deported to his homeland under open police surveillance. In 1899, Prishvin traveled to Germany, to Leipzig, from where he returned four years later with a diploma in agronomist. He works at an experimental agricultural station, preparing himself for scientific and pedagogical activities in the laboratory of Academician D. N. Pryanishnikov. But the awakened interest in literature forces him to dramatically change his destiny.

    Since 1905, Prishvin became a travel writer, ethnographer, and essayist. Publishes books. Actively collaborates in newspapers. He travels and walks around the country. He maintained this way of life until old age. Prishvin admitted more than once that he embodied in him the dreams and fairy tales of his own childhood...

    In children's literature, Prishvin remained as the author of several collections of stories (“Fox Bread”, “The Chipmunk Beast”, “Grandfather’s Felt Boots”, “Stories of the Gamekeeper Mikhail Mikhalych”, etc.), the fairy tale “The Pantry of the Sun” and a wonderful adaptation of the autobiographical story of the Canadian Indian Vash Quonnazin "Grey Owl" 11.

    Instead of a story about a biography, you can read excerpts from “The Golden Rose” by K. G. Paustovsky (chapter “Mikhail Prishvin”).

    The second part of the lesson is devoted to reading aloud (by the teacher or a previously prepared student) the beginning of the fairy tale “The Pantry of the Sun.”

    At home, sixth-graders read M. Prishvin’s work to the end.

    The second lesson can be devoted to an initial acquaintance with the ideological and artistic features of the fairy tale “The Pantry of the Sun”, the characters of its main characters - Nastya and Mitrasha.

    The purpose of this lesson is to understand why “The Pantry of the Sun” is called a “fairy tale”. This question is very complex, so you should not try to achieve comprehensive answers in class. At this stage, students will only indicate what can be classified as a fairy tale and what
    to were.

    To this end, the following questions are proposed:

    1. Where and when does the action take place in M. Prishvin’s work “The Pantry of the Sun”?
    2. How does the beginning of the work resemble a fairy tale?
    3. Remember artistic images, individual episodes that can be called fabulous. Think about what role they play in the work.
    4. What is true in “The Pantry of the Sun”?

    By highlighting fairy-tale and realistic elements, let us draw students' attention to the fact that the fairy-tale elements in Prishvin's work are no more, but no less, fabulous than all the other images of the work. Consequently, everything here can be called a fairy tale and at the same time a reality. Here it is important to note the features of the writer’s style: when talking about something magical, Prishvin will carefully note “seems”, “as if”, “similar”, and if we are talking about the real, the writer will definitely emphasize the magical properties of kindness and hard work.

    Thus, when analyzing, it is important to focus students’ attention on the fact that in the work “The Pantry of the Sun” “a true story and a fairy tale never become different images, different components of the narrative - the essence of Prishvin’s manner is precisely
    in that they are clearly perceptible and absolutely inseparable in every detail of the text” 12.

    The next stage of the lesson is working on the characteristics of Nastya and Mitrasha. Sample questions for conversation:

    1. What does the author say about Nastya and Mitrash at the very beginning of his story? What feelings does he put into the words “golden chicken”, “little man in a bag”?
    2. Highlight comparisons and epithets that help to understand the author’s attitude towards Nastya and Mitrasha. What properties of these children’s characters do you think are especially dear to the author?
    3. Remember how Nastya and Mitrasha lived after the death of their mother. What kind of relationship developed between them? What do you think was most amazing about their lives?

    To understand the conflict between Nastya and Mitrasha, some methodologists propose organizing a discussion that helps to arouse interest in what is read, and also promotes a conscious understanding of the work.

    Basic questions of the lesson:
    who is right - Nastya or Mitrasha?

    Whose side is the narrator on?

    Sample questions and tasks:

    1. Retell in your own words and then read the scene of the argument between Nastya and Mitrasha. Pay attention to how nature “behaves”. Is it possible to determine whose side the author is on?

    2. What made Mitrasha take an uncharted path? Why did he get into trouble? How does the author relate to Mitrasha in this stories? What helped Mitrasha emerge victorious from everything that happened? Support your assumptions with details from the text.

    3. How did Nastya behave when she was alone? Why did she forget about her brother? What does the author condemn in Nastya’s behavior? Find an artistic image that helps you understand the author’s attitude towards Nastya.

    4. Why does the writer insert into his narrative a story about a spruce and a pine tree growing together? Why is this story placed before the children appear in the forest?

    5. Read the description of nature after the episode of the children’s quarrel (from the words “Then the gray darkness moved in tightly ...” to the words “howled, groaned ...”). Think about how the author helps you understand the meaning of what is happening. What is the author's attitude towards this?

    6. Why did Grass come to the aid of man?

    It is appropriate not only to specifically remember what personification is, but also to carry out work that will help expand and consolidate this concept. Students give examples from the “Pantry of the Sun”, when inanimate objects are endowed with the signs of living beings, plants and animals seem to acquire human properties: a black grouse greets the sun, a guard raven calls for a close fight, a pine and a spruce, old Christmas trees growing together interfere with Mitrash etc. It is important to make it clear to students that throughout the course of the story one can feel a person’s desire to comprehend and animate nature, to make it understandable, close and dear to people.

    At home, students must answer in writing one of the questions proposed for conversation in class.

    In the next lesson, after checking your homework, you can begin to summarize what you have learned. The main goal of the lesson is to determine the main idea of ​​the work. Using a system of questions, the teacher will lead sixth-graders to the conclusion - the “truth” of life, its most important meaning lies in the unity of man and nature, in the kindred, wise relationship of man to nature. Using the example of the main characters, the writer strives to show the strength, beauty of man, his power and enormous capabilities. The title of the work is associated not only with peat deposits. The author means the spiritual treasures of a person who lives in nature and is her friend.

    Sample conversation questions

    1. Why did the writer call his work a fairy tale? What meaning did he put into these words?

    After answering this question, it would be appropriate to read the writer’s dedication, placed in one of the first editions for children, “The Pantry of the Sun,” which will help to better understand the meaning of the entire work:

    “The content of an ordinary fairy tale is the struggle of a human hero with some villain (Ivan Tsarevich with the Serpent-Gorynych). And at the end of the struggle there must certainly be victory, and a fairy tale in this sense is an expression of universal human faith
    in the victory of the good principle over the evil one. With this faith I walked my long literary path, with this faith I hope to finish it and pass it on as an inheritance to you, my young friends and comrades” 13.

    2. What significance does the story of Travka have in the work?
    3. What meaning does the writer give to the words “pantry of the sun”?
    4. What is the significance of the dispute between Nastya and Mitrasha in the work? How is this story connected with the words: “This truth is the truth of the eternal harsh struggle of people for love”?
    5. How do you imagine the narrator?
    6. Read the epigraph to the chapter. How does he characterize the writer?

    In conclusion, we can say that after the appearance of “Pantry of the Sun,” the Mosfilm film studio invited Prishvin to write a film script based on this work. The film was never created, but the film story entitled “The Gray Landowner” was published in the collection of works by M. M. Prishvin in 1957.

    Polukhina V.P., Korovina V.Ya., Zhuravlev V.P. , Literature 6th grade. Methodological advice - M.: Education, 2003. - 162 p.: ill.

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    1. Nastya And Mitrash- brother and sister, orphans. They do their own farming. They had a division of labor: the girl took care of the housework, and the boy did “men’s” things.

    What is the “pantry of the sun”

    The author says that wealth is hidden in every swamp. All plants, small blades of grass are nourished by the sun, giving them its warmth and affection. When plants die, they do not rot as if they were growing in the ground. The swamp protects its wards, accumulates rich peat layers that are saturated with solar energy.

    Such a wealth of swamps is called the “pantry of the sun.” Geologists are looking for them. The story that is described in this story took place at the end of the war, in a village that was located near the Bludov swamp, whose location was in the Pereslavl-Zalessky region.

    Meet the “golden hen” and the “little guy in a bag”

    A brother and sister lived in this village. The girl was 12 years old, her name was Nastya, and her 10-year-old brother's name was Mitrash. They lived alone because their mother died of illness and their father died in the war.

    The children were nicknamed “The Golden Hen” and “The Little Man in the Bag.” Nastya was given this nickname because of her face, which was strewn with golden freckles. The boy was short, stocky, strong and had a stubborn character.

    At first, neighbors helped the brother and sister manage the household, but soon they were able to cope on their own. Nastenka kept order in the house and looked after domestic animals - a cow, a heifer, a goat, sheep, chickens, a golden cockerel and a piglet.

    And Mitrasha took on all the “male” responsibilities around the house. The children were cute, understanding and agreement reigned between them.

    Cranberry picking

    In the spring, the children wanted to go for cranberries. Usually this berry was collected in the autumn, but if it sits through the winter, it becomes even tastier. The boy took his father’s gun and compass, and Nastenka took a large basket of food. The children remembered how their father once told them that in the Bludovy swamp, which was located next to the Blind Elanya, there was a treasured clearing in which there was a lot of this berry.

    The children left the hut before dawn, when even the birds were not singing. They heard a long howl - it was the most ferocious wolf in the area, who was called the Gray Landowner. The brother and sister reached the place where the path forked, when the sun was already illuminating the ground. A dispute broke out between Nastya and Mitrasha. The boy believed that he needed to go north because his father said so. But this path was barely visible. Nastya wanted to take a different path. Without coming to an agreement, they each went their own path.

    Dangerous swamp swamp

    In the vicinity there lived a dog, Travka, who belonged to a forester. But the forester himself died, and his faithful assistant remained to live in the remains of the house. The dog was sad without its owner and it let out a sad howl, which was heard by the wolf. In the spring, his main food was dogs. However, Grass stopped howling because she chased the hare. While hunting, she smelled the smell of bread that the little people were carrying. The dog rushed along this trail.

    Following the compass, Mitrash reached Blind Elani. The path the boy was following made a detour, so he decided to take a shortcut and go straight. On the way he came across a small clearing, which was a disastrous swamp. When he was halfway through, he began to be sucked in and the child fell waist-deep. Mitrash had only one thing to do: lie on the gun and not move. He heard his sister scream, but his sister did not hear his response.

    Happy Rescue

    Nastya followed the path that led around the dangerous swamp. Having reached the end, the girl saw that same treasured clearing with cranberries. She, forgetting about everything in the world, rushed to pick berries. Only in the evening did Nastya remember about her brother: Mitrasha was hungry, because she had all the food supplies.

    Grass ran up to Nastenka and smelled the bread. The girl recognized the dog and, out of concern for her brother, began to cry. The grass tried to calm her down, so she howled. The wolf heard her howl. Soon, the dog smelled the hare again and chased after him. On the way she came across another little man.

    Mitrashka noticed the dog and, realizing that this was his chance for salvation, began to call Travka to him in a gentle voice. When the dog came closer, he grabbed its hind legs, and thus he was able to get out of the swamp. Mitrasha was very hungry and decided to shoot the hare that the dog was hunting for. But the boy saw the wolf in time and shot almost point-blank. So the Gray Landowner disappeared from the forest.

    Nastya hurried to the sound of the shot and saw her brother. The children spent the night in the swamp, and in the morning they returned home with a basket full of cranberries and told about their trip. Residents found the body of a wolf in Yelan and brought it back. After this, Mitrashka began to be considered a hero. By the end of the war, no one called him “a little man in a bag” anymore, because after this adventure, the boy became more mature. Nastya was ashamed of her greed, so she gave all the collected berries to the children who were evacuated from Leningrad. Children became more attentive not only to people, but also began to treat nature even more carefully.

    “The story “The Pantry of the Sun”” - What did Mitrash take with him when he was going to the forest “berry by berry”? Who is the Gray Landowner? What are you doing? Why did the children disperse in the forest? Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin (1873 - 1954). What do we know about children: Prishvin wrote the fairy tale “The Pantry of the Sun” in 1945. What was the name of the children? Fairy tale - true story “Pantry of the Sun”. Nastya is the “golden chicken”.

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    Illustration by E. Lopatina

    Almost every swamp hides untold wealth. All blades of grass and blades of grass growing there are saturated by the sun, saturating them with its warmth and light. When plants die, they do not rot, as they do in the ground. The swamp carefully preserves them, accumulating powerful layers of peat saturated with solar energy. That’s why the swamp is called the “pantry of the sun.” We, geologists, are looking for such storehouses. This story took place at the end of the war, in a village near Bludov Marsh, in the Pereslavl-Zalessky region.

    A brother and sister lived in the house next to us. The twelve-year-old girl's name was Nastya, and her ten-year-old brother was Mitrasha. The children were recently orphaned - “their mother died of illness, their father died in the Patriotic War.” The children were very nice. “Nastya was like a Golden Hen on high legs” with a face strewn with golden freckles. Mitrasha was short, dense, stubborn and strong. Neighbors called him “the little man in the bag.” At first the whole village helped them, and then the children themselves learned to manage the household and turned out to be very independent.

    One spring, the children decided to go for cranberries. Usually this berry is harvested in the fall, but after lying under the snow during the winter, it becomes tastier and healthier. Mitrash took his father’s gun and compass, Nastya took a huge basket and food. Once upon a time, their father told them that in the Bludovy swamp, near the Blind Elani, there was an untouched clearing strewn with berries. That's where the children headed.

    They left after dark. The birds had not yet sung, only across the river could be heard the howl of the Gray Landowner - the most terrible wolf in the area. The children approached the fork when the sun had already risen. This is where they started arguing. Mitrash wanted to follow the compass to the north, as his father said, only the northern path was untrodden, barely noticeable. Nastya wanted to take the wrong path. The children had a fight, and each turned to his own path.

    Meanwhile, nearby, Travka, the dog of forester Antipych, woke up. The forester died, and his faithful dog was left to live under the remains of the house. The grass was sad without its owner. She howled, and the Gray Landowner heard this howl. In the hungry days of spring, he ate mainly dogs, and now he ran to the howling of Grass. However, the howling soon stopped - the dog chased the hare. During the chase, she smelled the scent of small people, one of whom was carrying bread. It was on this trail that Grass ran.

    Meanwhile, the compass led Mitrash straight to Blind Elani. Here a barely noticeable path made a detour, and the boy decided to cut it straight. Ahead lay a flat and clean clearing. Mitrasha did not know that this was a disastrous swamp. The boy had walked more than halfway when the elan began to suck him in. In an instant he fell waist-deep. Mitrash could only lie down with his chest on the gun and freeze. Suddenly the boy heard his sister calling out to him. He responded, but the wind carried his cry to the other side, and Nastya did not hear.

    All this time, the girl walked along the well-trodden path, which also led to Blind Elani, only in a detour. At the end of the path, she came across the same cranberry place, and began to pick berries, forgetting about everything. She remembered about her brother only in the evening - she had some food left, but Mitrash was still walking around hungry. Looking around, the girl saw Grass, which was led to her by the smell of edibles. Nastya remembered Antipych’s dog. Out of concern for her brother, the girl began to cry, and Travka tried to console her. She howled, and the Gray Landowner hurried towards the sound. Suddenly the dog again smelled the hare, rushed after him, jumped out onto the Blind Elan and saw another little person there.

    Mitrashka, completely frozen in the cold quagmire. I saw a dog. This was his last chance to escape. With a gentle voice he beckoned Grass. When the light dog came very close, Mitrasha grabbed it tightly by the hind legs, and Grass pulled the boy out of the quagmire.

    The boy was hungry. He decided to shoot a hare, which was driven out to him by a smart dog. He loaded the gun, got ready, and suddenly saw a wolf’s face very close by. Mitrash shot almost point-blank and ended the long life of the Gray Landowner. Nastya heard the shot. The brother and sister spent the night in the swamp, and in the morning they returned home with a heavy basket and a story about the wolf. Those who believed Mitrasha went to Yelan and brought a dead wolf. Since then the boy has become a hero. By the end of the war, he was no longer called a “little man in a bag”, that’s how he grew up. Nastya reproached herself for a long time for her greed for cranberries and gave all the healthy berries to children evacuated from Leningrad.
