How to calculate vacation if it falls on holidays? Vacation calculation We calculate the vacation period.

is an official memorial date of the Russian Federation, established in memory of the adoption of Christianity as the main religion in the Russian state.

History of the establishment of the holiday:

date July 28th(according to old style July 15) was chosen because is the day of remembrance of the Baptist of Rus'- Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Great Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich. The date July 15, 1015 (according to the Old Style) is the date of the repose (death, “transfer” to the afterlife) of Vladimir the Baptist.

The main date of the Baptism of Rus' is considered to be 988 AD, although there are several sources based on archaeological data that indicate an earlier spread of Christianity. This is most likely explained by the fact that in 988, Prince Vladimir performed the first official baptism, which was recorded in the chronicles.

In Russia, the Day of the Baptism of Rus' was included in the number of official memorial dates from June 13, 2010.

The fireworks will begin at 22:30 and will last 10 minutes.

30 volleys of artillery guns and more than 2,000 fireworks will be launched into the evening sky of St. Petersburg.

Where is the best place to watch the fireworks display on Navy Day, July 28, 2019:

To hold the festive salute and fireworks on July 28, 2019, 2 sites will be organized. The first will be located on the Big Beach of the Peter and Paul Fortress, and the second - in Kronstadt.

Fireworks on Navy Day 2019 will be visible from different parts of the city. However, it is best to watch the fireworks from a safe distance as close as possible to the launch sites. To view it, it is better to take a place in advance on the Palace Embankment, the spit of Vasilyevsky Island, on one of the bridges (Dvortsovy, Liteiny, Birzhevoy, Troitsky).

The fireworks dedicated to Navy Day 2019 will be clearly visible from the Neva water area. To do this, you need to rent a place on the “water craft” in advance, which will cost one and a half to two thousand rubles per person.

Over the course of 10 minutes, 30 salvos will be fired by a battery of 12 D-44 guns, and two thousand fireworks will be launched using 12 fireworks installations based on KamAZ.

Military sports festivals in honor of Navy Day will be held in 7 cities of Russia: Astrakhan, Vladivostok, Baltiysk, Severomorsk, Sevastopol, Novorossiysk and, of course, in St. Petersburg.

Also in the Northern capital of Russia a naval parade will be held, in which more than 40 ships, boats and submarines, as well as 41 aircraft will take part.

Parade start time Navy ships in St. Petersburg on July 28, 2019 - 11:00 (local/Moscow time).

On which channel to watch the live broadcast of the Navy parade in St. Petersburg:

Naval parade July 28, 2019 Channel One will show live. To prepare a colorful broadcast of this grandiose spectacle, about 100 television cameras will be used, which are located in the water, on ships, on land, in the sky (on airplanes), and even under water.

That is, the 2019 Navy Parade in St. Petersburg:
* Start time is 11:00.
* Live broadcast - on Channel One.

The largest, most powerful and beautiful ships of the Baltic, Black Sea, Northern and Pacific fleets will take part in the naval parade dedicated to the celebration of Navy Day 2019. To carry out the festive passage, they arrived in advance in the city on the Neva. At the head of the parade on July 28, 2019 will be the Magnificent sailing ship "Poltava", which is an exact copy of the historical 54-gun battleship of the Peter the Great era. And in the air show, more than 40 modern naval aircraft and helicopters will fly in a single formation.

When and where will "Europa Plus LIVE 2019" take place:

"Europa Plus LIVE" is the largest project of the radio station "Europa Plus". It is held in the form of an annual open-air concert. The first open-air "Europa Plus LIVE" was organized in 2008 in St. Petersburg. And since 2009, concerts have been held exclusively in Moscow.

The best DJs of the Europe Plus radio station annually become hosts and co-hosts (“behind the scenes”) of the summer open air. Most of the concerts took place in Luzhniki, with the exception of 2008 and 2011. In 2019 The venue for the concert "Europa Plus LIVE 2019" will also be Moscow Luzhniki.

Traditionally, the summer music festival "Europa Plus LIVE" is held on the last Saturday of July. Therefore, the date of "Europa Plus LIVE 2019" is July 27, 2019, Saturday.

That is, the concert "Europe Plus Life 2019" (official date and location):

This question often arises among personnel officers, since such a vacation may partially or completely coincide with the New Year holidays.

Official holidays in Russia in January, in accordance with, are considered:

  • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 — New Year holidays;
  • 7 - Nativity of Christ.

Official holidays in January are not included in the calculation (Article 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Note that the calculation rule applies to all employees, regardless of how they work: on a five-day week or according to a shift schedule.

The employer is obliged to notify the employee that it is time for him to rest at least two weeks before it begins (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This information is contained in, which is mandatory for both the organization and the employee.

In order for an employee to officially not go to work, the employer must issue an order. A copy of the order must be submitted to the accounting department for the accrual of funds. Vacation pay must be accrued and credited to the employee’s bank account three days before the start of the vacation period.

Calculation examples

We have already seen that holidays for vacation in January 2019 are days from the 1st to the 8th. We exclude them from the calculation, and they automatically extend their vacation time. This means that the official countdown of 14 days for this subordinate will begin only on the 9th. We get the end date - the 22nd, the 23rd for work.

In accordance with Part 4 of Art. 139 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), the average daily earnings are calculated as follows:

  • the salary for the last 12 months is summed up;
  • this amount is divided by 12;
  • then the result is divided by 29.3 (the number of days in a month).

The specifics of calculating average earnings are defined in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the specifics of the procedure for calculating average earnings” dated December 24, 2007 No. 922.

At the same time, in order to calculate how financially profitable it is to go on vacation in January, it is necessary not only to understand the mechanism for calculating vacation pay, but also to take into account how much salary an employee may receive less if he goes on vacation in a particular month, which will be discussed in next section.

How to calculate the profitability of a vacation in January 2019

  • New Year holidays - from January 1 to 6 and 8;
  • Christmas holiday is January 7th.

To optimize rest days, days off due to holidays may be postponed. In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the postponement of weekends in 2019” dated October 1, 2018 No. 1163, the January weekends in 2019 are postponed as follows:

  • from 05.01 to 02.05,
  • from 06.01 to 03.05.

Taking into account the above, there are 17 working days in January 2019 with a 5-day working week. However, the number of working days in those months in which there are no public holidays is greater. So, in August 2019, the number of working days is 22. In this regard, if an employee takes a vacation in January, he loses days with higher pay than in August.

Let's look at it with an example. A citizen earns 40,000 rubles. per month and is thinking about taking a 2-week vacation in January or August 2019:

  • for 1 day of his work in January there is: 40,000 / 17 = 2,352 rubles. 94 kopecks
  • 1 day of his work in August: 40,000 / 22 = 1,818 rubles. 18 kopecks
  • 14 working days in January - 32,941 rubles. 16 kopecks
  • 14 working days in August - 25,454 rubles. 52 kopecks
  • The difference between 2 weeks of work in August and 2 weeks in January 2019 will be 7,486.64 in 2019. Therefore, it is more profitable for an employee to work in January than to take a vacation.

How is vacation transferred in January 2019?

To understand how vacation in January 2019 is transferred, it is necessary to take into account that, in accordance with Art. 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, non-working holidays (that is, in January, days from January 1 to January 8 inclusive) are not included in the number of vacation days (both annual main and annual additional).

Therefore, if a vacation calculated in calendar days began in December 2018 and the vacation overlaps with holidays in January 2019, then the vacation will be extended by the number of holidays that coincided with the vacation.

So, if an employee takes a vacation for 14 calendar days starting from December 25, 2018, he will need to go to work on January 16, 2019 (if there were no public holidays in January, the employee would have gone to work on January 8, 2019, but at the start of the holidays he has 7 days of vacation left, which will begin to count from 01/09/2019).

So, taking a vacation in January 2019 is unprofitable, since every day of work in January costs more than in other months.

All these questions concern not only novice personnel officers and accountants. Let's figure it out.

Situation 1. Vacation starts in December and ends in January

In this case, leave is usually issued (see). But we need to take into account that the “red” days (which are eight days in a row from January 1 to 8) are not included in the vacation; we jump over them, counting the calendar days of vacation.
You must provide leave for 14 calendar days from December 28. We count: beginning December 28, last day of vacation January 18. That is, the vacation will actually last 8 days more. Although we will accrue vacation pay for only 14 calendar days, since we provide vacation of exactly this duration. And we think so regardless of what schedule and mode the employee works.

Situation 2. Is it possible to provide vacation from January 1?

Yes, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not establish a ban on granting leave from a weekend or holiday. Annual leave can begin on any day established, even from January 1. But in this case, all days from January 1 to January 8 Not will be included in vacation days, they will be considered just days off and will be designated in the timesheet with the letter “B”
It is necessary to provide leave from January 1 for 20 calendar days. We count: beginning January 1st, last day of vacation January 28th. from January 1 to January 8, the report card includes days off, from January 9 to January 28, vacation days.

Situation 3. According to the schedule, working days fall on the New Year holidays. Is it possible to provide leave only for public holidays?

No, the law does not provide for such an option. If an employee wants to rest only for the New Year holidays, and you don’t mind, then you can provide vacation from January 1 to January 9. That is, it is necessary to include at least one non-holiday day in this period.
We provide annual leave for 1 calendar day from January 1. We count: beginning January 1st, last day of vacation January 9th. The employee will actually rest for 9 days.

Situation 4. An employee fell ill on holidays while on vacation.

This situation often occurs in my practice. Apparently, the stress of the past year is taking its toll, or perhaps the overzealous approach to the new one. By the way, being sick on New Year’s Day is quite profitable - you receive both a salary for January and disability benefits for all the days you were sick.
Let's return to our situation. The employee fell ill, and part of the period of incapacity occurred during the holidays. How many days should the vacation be extended? Vacation is extended by the number of days in which the period of illness coincided with vacation. And since holidays are not vacation, they do not serve as a basis for extending it.
Leave was granted from December 28 to January 18. The period of incapacity for work is from January 3 to January 10 (8 calendar days). We extend the vacation only for 2 days, which coincided with non-holidays (January 9 and 10). The last day of vacation, taking into account the extension, is January 20.

If the vacation falls on holidays, what should the company do: count these days toward vacation time or keep them for the employee for the future? What to do if vacation falls on public holidays - this question can also be of key importance for employees who decide which period to prefer for rest, because vacation is often taken immediately after public holidays or in the intervals between them (for example, from 1 to 15 May).

Determining the number of days of annual leave: general rules

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the right of all employees who have worked for a company for at least six months to take off the vacation days due to them (Article 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In order to go on vacation, an employee must write an application addressed to the manager.

For information on how to correctly compose such a statement, see the article.

The standard employee leave is 28 calendar days per year (Article 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). There are 12 months in a year, so for 1 month worked, the employing company must accrue approximately 2.33 days of vacation to the employee.

Therefore, in order to understand how many days of vacation a particular specialist is entitled to, you need to know exactly how many months he had already worked in the organization at the time he decided to take a vacation.

note! These months must be calculated not in accordance with the calendar, but starting from the day the specialist was hired by the company. For example, if a specialist’s first working day was March 10, then his first working month ends on April 9 (Rostrud letter No. 1519-6-1 dated December 18, 2012).

  • if a specialist has worked more than half of the total number of working days of the month, such month is counted as full when calculating the vacation period;
  • if less than half the days are worked, such a month is excluded from the vacation period.

When all the necessary information is known to the company, all that remains is to calculate the number of vacation days due to the specialist in the current year, using the formula:

Day par. = Month neg. × 2.33 - Day of departure. Spanish,

where: Day pr. — the number of vacation days that the employee has the right to take off;

Mes neg. - the total number of months (rounded according to the above rules) during which the specialist actually worked;

Day of departure Spanish - days of vacation that the employee has already taken off earlier.

In some cases, instead of taking unused vacation days off, an employee may ask for monetary compensation.

If an employee decides to leave the company, it is important for him to understand what compensation for vacation he can expect.

Note! Despite the fact that vacation time is calculated in working days and months, the company provides vacation itself in calendar days. As a result, the period when the specialist was on vacation may include weekends and holidays.

What to do if your vacation falls on holidays

If an employee goes on vacation, for example, for 14 days (from 1 to 14 November), 4 of which are days off (Saturday and Sunday), and 1 is a public holiday (4 November), is the weekend and the day of the holiday included in the total duration vacation?

As follows from Art. 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, vacation is calculated in calendar days, for each of which the company must pay compensation. Such compensation is calculated based on data on the specialist’s average daily earnings. This means the average salary for 1 calendar day, not a working day (Article 139 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The legislator established such a mechanism to ensure that employees do not spread their vacation over workdays, but rather take the entire required calendar period, including generally established days off.


If he spreads out his vacation and takes rest days only for the periods from April 4 to 8 and from April 11 to 15 (i.e., only 10 days of vacation), he will receive (provided that his average earnings per day is 1,000 rubles. ) compensation in the amount of: 10× 1,000 = 10,000 rub.

If he takes calendar days of vacation for the entire period from April 4 to April 17, he will already receive vacation pay: 1,000× 14 = 14,000 rub.

If there are any standard weekends during the vacation period, they should also be taken into account by the employer company as days of vacation taken by the employee.

The situation is different with the holidays. Art. 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation requires that non-working holidays be deducted from a specialist’s vacation. In other words, if, for example, an employee takes a vacation from November 1 to November 14, then in fact he will only have 13 days off, since November 4 is a public holiday. And the 1 remaining day of vacation will remain with him for the future.

However, often days off are added to the holiday, moved from other days when the holiday already falls on a day off (for example, in 2019, the day off from Saturday and Sunday, January 5 and 6, was moved to Thursday and Friday, May 2 and 3, and also from Saturday 23 February to 10 May).

It turns out that if an employee is on vacation during this period, then along with the holiday and standard days off, his vacation also includes the weekends postponed from the holiday.

The question arises: such a postponed holiday is also excluded from vacation days, like a regular holiday?

In paragraph 2 of Rostrud’s recommendations on compliance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation when providing non-working holidays (approved by Protocol No. 1 dated June 2, 2014), it is explained that when postponing a day off that coincides with a holiday, it is the day off that is postponed, and not the holiday (which coincides with on a specific date, as opposed to a weekend). Consequently, only holidays are not included in the duration of vacation, but rescheduled weekends, like regular ones, are taken into account in the number of vacation days taken by a specialist.


IfAlekseev wants to take 2 weeks of vacation, from May 1 to May 14, 2019, then the company will count 12 days as time off for him, since May 1 and 9 are a public holiday, which is excluded from vacation days.

But May 2, 3 and 10 are rescheduled days off, therefore, like standard weekends (May 4, 5, 11, 12), the employer will consider them as vacation days off.

For a calendar with holidays and weekends in 2019, see the material "Production calendar for 2019 (5-day work week)".

Vacation at your own expense, additional and study leave on holidays

If a holiday falls on an employee’s regular annual leave, then, as already mentioned, such a day should be deducted from the duration of the employee’s vacation. But what if the holiday fell on some other type of vacation?

As follows from the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, employees whose working conditions differ in some way from the standard (for example, involve a special nature of work or are associated with factors that negatively affect the health of a specialist), in addition to annual leave, are entitled to additional leave (Articles 116 -119 of the Labor Code RF). Their purpose is to compensate the employee for damage caused by specific working conditions. But at its core, this is the same paid leave that must be provided by the company every year.

Important! With regard to additional vacations, the rule is similar to the case with simple annual vacation: holidays are deducted from them, but weekends (including postponed ones) are not (Article 120 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

If an employee goes on unpaid leave at his own expense, then this rule does not apply to him. Vacation at your own expense is provided for the number of days that the employee requires; the company does not pay vacation pay for it, and therefore there is no point in extending it for holidays that fall out.

But, for example, educational leave for employees who decide to get a higher education must be paid by the employer (Article 173 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Does this mean that holidays falling on such a vacation should not be taken into account in its duration?

Based on labor legislation, it can be argued that this rule does not apply to study leave. Clause 14 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the calculation of the average salary” dated December 24, 2007 No. 922 directly states that in the case of educational leaves, the company must pay for all days specified in the certificate of call from the educational institution, including holidays falling on vacation. This means that all holidays that fall on study leave are also considered days off.


Companies should remember that if vacation falls on holidays, such holidays should be excluded from the duration of the vacation. These days remain with the employee for the future. Weekends, including those postponed from holidays, are not excluded, but are taken into account in the count of used vacation days.

However, this rule only applies to regular annual and additional leave. If a specialist takes a vacation at his own expense or a study leave, then it does not matter whether they fall on holidays or not. You need to take as much time off as was allowed in advance.
