Integrated lesson in the middle group “Walk in the forest. Summary of a lesson on life safety in the middle group Quiz “What do I know about safety? Outdoor game "Fire and Water"

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Physical development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”.


Development of the basics of life safety in preschool children.

Make children want to always be careful near the door,

Cultivate children's cognitive interest, promote memorization and assimilation of new material;



Open lesson in the middle group on Security

Molchanova Oksana Nikolaevna


MADOU "October kindergarten "Rainbow"

Topic: "Be careful near the door"

educational field: Cognition

Integration of educational areas: “Cognition”, “Physical development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Speech development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”.

Target :

- development of the basics of life safety in preschool children.

Make children want to always be careful near the door,

Cultivate children's cognitive interest, promote memorization and assimilation of new material;

- develop narrative speech , children's memory and attention ;


Continue to teach children dialogical speech, willingly engage in verbal communication;

Ask and answer questions, participate in a collective conversation, maintain a general conversation, find a place for your own remark in the general conversation;

Continue to introduce children to experimental activities;

Develop social motives of behavior in children, teach them to take into account the desires and needs of partners in activities;

Develop skills of safe behavior when encountering dangerous factors;

Develop readiness skills to solve problems of safe behavior;

Teach children cares about their health, explain to them how dangerous the door can be.

Preliminary work: Conversation with children about how to behave indoors, consolidation of knowledge about colors. Conversation about prohibiting and permitting road signs.Reading fiction: “Aibolit”, “Green Pharmacy”.

Material: colored cardboard, white paper, scissors, stencil, glue, napkins, a simple pencil according to the number of children, and a simple pencil for conducting an experiment. A poster depicting children getting their fingers caught in doors, drawers, and closets.

Vocabulary enrichment: "pinch”, “press down”, “dangerous”, “impossible”.

Methodical techniques:

Solving problem situations, giving personal significance to the upcoming activity, techniques for activating children’s independent thinking, experimentation, a surprise moment, the use of artistic words.

Progress of the lesson


Everyone come to me quickly!

Don't be shy, don't be lazy!

And smile at each other

Good mood.

Children's answer

Educator: Oh, guys, can't you hear someone is crying? No, you can’t hear, we need to check, in case someone needs our help, let’s take a look?

Children's answers.

Educator Children, look, who came to visit us?

Children's answer.

Educator Say hello guys - this is Shustrik. Guys, Shustrik has a bandaged paw, what do you think happened to his paw?

Children's answers

Educator: Shustrik, what happened to your paw? Asks the character and answers for him. Children, Shustrik says thatplayed with the door, butI didn’t understand how it happened, he suddenly felt very painful.

Educator And now I’ll show you what happened.

Children's answers


Come up to the door together.

Don't push anyone with your hands.

Be careful, look

Don't miss anything.

Out of trouble then

There will be no trace left.

You need to stand quietly

To find out something very important.

Educator we will need a pencil - this will be our finger. You need to insert a pencil into the opening, between the door and the jamb, and close the door.There will be a crunch, the pencil is broken.And the same thing could happen to your finger if you're not careful when you approach the door.

Children's answers

Teacher Well done. Guys, never put your fingers in doorways because you can get pinched or even break them, like this pencil (shows a pencil). Do you guys remember everything?

Children's answers

Educator: You are feeling sad, and so is Shustrik, so it’s time to play and cheer up our Shustrik.

Physical education minute Bunny .

The teacher stands in a circle with the children, sings a song and shows the movements:

Bunny, stamp your foot,

That's it, that's how

Children, standing in a circle, stomp their feet, while keeping their hands on their belts:

Bunny, clap your hands,

Children clap their hands.

That's how, that's how

Bunny, turn around

That's it, that's how

Children turn 1-2 times, keep their hands on their belts.

Little bunny, dance

That's it, that's how
Children jump on two legs as best they can.

Bunny, bow down,

That's it, that's how

Children bow, spreading their arms to the sides.

Educator: Well done. Children, Shustrik looks at the door with apprehension, he doesn’t want anyone else to pinch his finger, but what can be done so that everyone can see that the door is dangerous, that it can pinch a hand or even break it. What can you come up with, Guys?The teacher asks leading questions. Maybe an applique? Pedestrian crossing, main road?

Children's answers

Educator : Tell me, what color can we make our sign?

Children's answers

Educator: let it be:

There is a white circle in the red circle

To make it clear, suddenly

If anyone takes

He will bring his hands to the door

So that our sign and red color

He remembered for many years

we will make a hand sign

So that she does not know the torment.

And now it's time

Sign to you kids

Educator : Take your seats, but before you start, you need to stretch your fingers.

Finger gymnastics“Happy fingers.

"Merry Fingers"

This finger listened to mom,

This finger listened to dad, (First, bend your fingers one by one, starting with the big one.)

This finger kept playing naughty

This finger opened the door, (Show your little finger and move it.)

I pinched my brother in the door. (Hands clenched into fists)

Ay-ay-ay the finger started crying. (Wag your finger. Hands to your eyes show that it’s crying)

Well, brother: “Hooligan!” (Hands to head)

Educator: Well done boys. We stretched our fingers. Please tell me what we need to make signs?

Children's answers

Educator: Children, take white paper with a simple pencil, trace the stencil to make a circle, apply the stencil to the edge of the sheet. The circle must be cut carefully along the line. The Educator also has a ready-made sign. When the circle is cut out, you need to put a small white circle on the red large circle, glue your hand in the center of the white circle, and then glue a strip of red paper in the middle, through all the circles. While the children are cutting, the TEACHER reminds them of the rule for working with scissors.The teacher makes a sign together with the children, consistently showing what is going for what, since at this age children have visual and figurative perception.

Educator: Well done, it's working out very well. Now you know that your fingers can be pinched by the door. Therefore, when you stand next to the door, always watch your hands, and then your fingers above will be safe and sound.

Educator: Children, look, we have different pictures hanging on our magnetic board. One is a picture of a door, another is a picture of a closet, the third is with drawers, and in all these pictures, children are pinching their fingers, but let’s attach all our signs to a magnetic board around these pictures, so that everyone can see our signs and not forget that it is forbidden sticking your hands into doorways and drawers, and into cabinet doors.

Children's answers:

Educator: Remember who you helped?Children, please tell me what you remember today?What did you like? What would you like to tell your mom when she picks you up?

Children's answer

Educator : Well done children. Well, the time has come to say goodbye to Shustrik, his paw doesn’t hurt, he’s in a good mood. And he is sure that your fingers will remain safe and sound. Shustrik - this is a sign for you (the teacher gives his sign) so that you don’t forget how painful it is to get your finger pinched by a door or a desk drawer. Guys, don’t you send Shustrik and Vera Anatolyevna to the senior group? And tell the guys everything you learned. Take your signs with you, and when you are in the senior group, attach them to where you can pinch your fingers.

Children's answers.

Complex lesson on the topic: “Safety” in the middle group.

Subject: Fire hazardous items, use and storage of dangerous items.

Target: Help children remember the main group of fire hazardous items that cannot be used independently both in the city and in rural areas. Tell the children that there are many objects that they need to know how to use. And that they should be stored in specially designated areas.

Organize a conversation

The beginning of the lesson can be organized at your discretion: use the appropriate literature (“Cat’s House” by S. Marshak, “Confusion” by K. Chukovsky, “Once upon a time there lived a little elephant” by G. Tsyferov).

Discuss with children the special situations in which the characters in the works they read found themselves. Ask them why this happened. Ask what they should have done correctly in each of the cases considered.

Give the children riddles.

  1. Hisses and gets angry

He is afraid of water.

With tongue, and not barking,

No teeth, but bites. (Fire)

  1. Thin girl.

White skirt

Red nose.

The longer the nights.

The shorter it is

From burning tears. (Candle)

  1. Mother is fat

Krosna's daughter,

Flew to the skies. (Oven, fire, smoke)

In any of the chosen options, the beginning of the lesson is important to show that fire can be not only an enemy, but also a friend of a person. Indeed, in ancient times, when people did not know how to get it, they froze from the cold and ate raw food. Therefore, fire is needed, but the main thing is to remember the danger and be very careful with it.

Offer to children on pre-prepared pieces of paper, color flames of a candle, kerosene lamp, stove. Let them also paint the electric stove to show that it is hot.

Joint discussion.

Review with the children the results of their work in the notebook. The flames, painted in bright yellow, orange and red, look like fairy-tale flowers. Now I ask, can a flame be dangerous? Discuss in what situations. Encourage children to imagine what could happen if they handle fire carelessly. I tell you that accidents most often occur due to a rash act, ignorance, or curiosity.

Physical exercise.

One - rise, stretch, Two - bend down, stretch, Three - clap three hands, Four - arms wider, Five - wave your arms. And quietly stand in place.


  1. Two ends, two rings

In the middle of the carnations. (Scissors).

  1. Little Erofake.

Drowned to the neck (Nail)

  1. He eats quickly, chews finely,

She doesn’t eat herself, she doesn’t give it to others. (Saw)

  1. They love to cut

Cut and score (Scissors)

  1. My Antoshka has it

Just a hat and an iron leg. (Nail)

Then I ask the children what objects they consider dangerous. What items are considered dangerous. What items can become dangerous? In which cases? Do the guys know how to use them correctly?

If you have difficulty answering, explain how you should behave if you have such an object in your hands.

  1. Is it possible to distract or push another if he is cutting?
  2. What other dangerous objects do you know?


  1. Here is an iron cheat,

Holds sheets very deftly.

Squeezes them tightly together,

He will never lose. (Clip)

  1. I'm a needle's friend

I just don't have an ear. (Pin)

  1. Steel cane, linen tail -

Make friends with me (Needle)

  1. Bows, bows

He'll come home to stretch out. (Axe)

  1. I'm sitting in my house

Don't make me angry boy!

Handle with care

After all, you can get hurt by me (Pocket knife)

I invite the children to name objects that children should not use (matches, lighters, iron, TV) - for this you need to grow up, and those objects that should be used carefully, as adults have shown - needles, forks, nails, hammer.

I ask the children where such items are stored at home, whether they are scattered around the apartment or occupy certain places. Where does mom put needles, pins, scissors? Where does dad keep his tools? Where are the medications and thermometer?

Ask the children to imagine that they are in a house where the kings are in complete chaos. Invite them to help clean up the mess and put all dangerous items in their places.


Invite children to find among the images of cut material those in which potentially dangerous objects are grouped, and cut them out, and then select suitable storage places for them and stick them.

At the end of the work, ask the children why they placed certain objects in this way.

In case of a wrong decision, explain to the child the reason.

Showing your children's work to their parents is a good reason to remind them of the need to keep dangerous items at home in specially designated areas at all times.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

“General developmental kindergarten No. 44 “Mushroom”



Compiled and conducted:

secondary teacher

group No. 08 “Why”

Usmanova Zarema Vaitovna

Topic: “Road Safety”



Educational area "Cognition"

    To consolidate children's knowledge about the operation of traffic lights, road signs and their purpose.

    Generalize knowledge about traffic rules. To instill in children a culture of street behavior.

Educational field "Security"

    Develop sustainable skills for safe behavior on the street.

    To instill in children a sense of responsibility, to make children aware of what violation of traffic rules can lead to.

Educational field "Communication"

    Develop coherent speech skills, attention, memory, intelligence.

    Enrich and activate children's vocabulary: pedestrian, sidewalk, pedestrian crossing, traffic light.

Educational field "Physical education"

    Develop attention, improve coordination of movements.

    Develop children’s ability to respond to a specific traffic light signal. Strengthen children's ability to compare their actions with a traffic light signal.

Materials: road signs, traffic lights (circles - red, yellow, green), traffic light model, ball, parcel.

Progress of the lesson.

Organizational moment (the teacher asks the children to stand in a circle). Conducts physical exercises.

"We are drivers"

Let's go, let's go by car

(steering wheel movement)

Press the pedal

(leg bent at the knee, extended)

Turn the gas on and off

(turn the lever toward you, away from you)

We look intently into the distance

(palm to forehead)

The wipers clear away the drops

Right, left - cleanliness!

("windshield wipers")

The wind ruffles your hair

(ruffle hair with fingers)

We are drivers anywhere!

(right thumb up)

Children sit on chairs.

Educator: Guys, do you follow the traffic rules? (children's answers).

I was asked to give you a parcel (takes out items from the parcel one by one, takes out a model of a traffic light without three-color windows).

Educator: Guys, what is this? A rocket or something, or some kind of pillar. Is there something missing here, what do you guys think? (children's answers). Do you think that three colored circles are missing here? (children's answers). And what will it be? (children's answers). Guys, do you know what the traffic lights mean? (children's answers). Why do people need a traffic light in general? (children's answers).

And now I’ll tell you a story, I accidentally overheard it. In one beautiful old city, three lights met at a crossroads: Red, Yellow and Green. A dispute ensued between them about which of the lights was the most important.

Red spoke : I, red, am the most important - the color of a fire, a fire. When people see me, they know that there is anxiety and danger ahead.

Yellow spoke : No, I, the yellow color, is more important. My color is the color of the sun. And it can be both friend and enemy. So I warn you: Be careful! Attention! Do not rush!

Green spoke : Friends of the lights, stop arguing! This is me - the most important color - the color of grass, forest, leaves. I remind everyone to be safe and calm.

And so the dispute between the cherished lights would have continued at the crossroads of the city if a lone hero had not intervened. He had three eyes, but they had no color. This is what he said: “Friends, there is no need to argue! Each of you is a very bright color, and each of you is very important. Let's be friends! We will always work together to help all people on the streets of the city.”

The cherished lights were very happy. And since then, at the intersections of big cities, cars and pedestrians are controlled by friends-lights and friend-traffic lights!

Guys, guess the riddle:

Three colorful circles

They blink one after another.

They light up, blink -

They help people. (Traffic light)

And now we will play with you.

Outdoor game "Traffic signals"

For each signal shown (red, green and yellow circles), children must perform the following movements: red - stop, yellow - get ready, green - go.

Educator: Well done guys, you remembered the traffic light rules.

Children sit on chairs.

Educator: Where can pedestrians walk? (Children: Along the sidewalk).

Educator: What is the name of the part of the road along which traffic moves? (Children: Roadway).

Educator: But on the street there are not only traffic lights, but also road signs. They talk about what the road is like, how to drive, what is allowed and what is not allowed. Each sign has its own name and is installed in the place where it is needed.

The teacher asks riddles (with pictures shown) about road signs, and the children guess.

This zebra on the road

I'm not at all afraid.

If everything around is okay,

I'm setting off along the stripes.

(Pedestrian crossing sign )

Will never let you down

Us underground passage:

Pedestrian road

It's always free.

(Sign "Underpass" )

Hey driver, be careful!

It's impossible to go fast.

People know everything in the world -

Children go to this place.

("Children" sign )

Red circle, rectangle

Even a preschooler must know.

This is a very strict sign.

And wherever you are in a hurry

With dad in a car -

You won't get through!

(No entry sign )

I didn't wash my hands on the road,

Ate fruits and vegetables.

I'm sick and I see a point

Medical assistance.

(First aid station sign )

The sign was hung at dawn,

So that everyone knows about this:

The roads are being repaired here -

Take care of your feet!

(Road Works Sign)

Educator: Well done boys! That's how many road signs you already know.

Let's play some more. (Children stand in a circle, teacher in the center)

Educator: I will throw the ball to you and ask questions, and you will answer “Yes” or “No” and return the ball to me. And at the same time I’ll check if you know the traffic rules.

Game "Yes or no"

Educator: Driving very fast in the city. Do you know the rules of movement? Children: Yes.

Educator: The traffic light is red. Can I go across the street? Children: No.

Educator: Well, the light is green, so then you can go across the street? Children: Yes.

Educator: I got on the bus without taking a ticket. Is this what you're supposed to do? Children: No.

Educator: The old lady is very old. Will you give up your seat to her? Children: Yes.

Educator: Is there a pedestrian walking down the street? Children: Yes.

Educator: The traffic light has 8 eyes, but we only have two? Children: No.

Educator: Are people waiting for the bus at the bus stop? Children: Yes.

Educator: Can you play or ride a bike where cars are driving? Children: No.

Educator: Does everyone always have to cross the road? Children: Yes.

Educator: Shouldn't you calmly walk down the street when you can skip along it? Children: No.

Educator: Guys, did you enjoy playing? (children's answers). What road signs do you know? (children's answers).

Be careful on the street, pay attention to road signs, follow traffic rules and never break them. Thanks to all the guys for participating.

Integrated lesson on Safety in the middle group "In the Country of Highways"
Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads, to cultivate a tolerant attitude towards older people, to cultivate a culture of relationships between boys and girls.
Program content:
Educational objectives: to develop safe behavior skills on the streets and roads.
Developmental tasks: developing interest in studying traffic rules, skills in following traffic rules as pedestrians and passengers.
Learning objectives: to consolidate knowledge about groups of road signs: prohibitory, warning, prescriptive, service signs. To consolidate knowledge that the road must be crossed at a pedestrian crossing. Keep the score within three.
Preliminary work:
Conversation about traffic lights, looking at signs, learning proverbs, riddles and poems about traffic rules.
Vocabulary work:
Activate in your speech the words prescriptive, warning, service signs, highway, pedestrian crossing.
Integration of educational areas in accordance with the requirements of FGT: “Health”, “Safety”, “Physical Education”, “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Fiction”, “Artistic Creativity”, “Music”.
Methodical techniques:
Literary word, surprise moments, games, interaction with fairy-tale characters.
Equipment: three cardboard circles (red, yellow, green), road signs, album sheets, appliqué kits, a tape recorder, a cassette with children's songs, a model of a bus, a letter, a traffic light and a costume of Interference - Neumehi.
Progress of the lesson:
Children with a teacher sit on a rug with a picture of traffic and play with model cars.
Educator: Boys and girls, do you like to travel? I suggest you go to the land of Road Signs.
A magpie flies in: I fly everywhere, I know everything, I have a letter for you. Letter!
He hands the envelope to the teacher, everyone stands around the teacher.
Educator: “We, the inhabitants of the country of Magistralia, were captured by the incompetent Interference. Now we have accidents. Help us! »
Educator: Let's help the residents of the country of Magistralia! Shall we save them from the Interference-Incompetence?
Voice-over: Hee-hee-hee! I can't do anything! I do not know anything! And I will interfere with you!
Educator: And after that, are you ready to help?
Children: Yes!
Educator: To save the first sign, you need to guess the riddle:
What a miracle is this house?
The windows are glowing all around
Wears rubber shoes
And it runs on gasoline.
Children: Bus!
Educator: Correct, but look what Interference did to the bus.
Shows cut parts of a picture of a bus.
Educator: Try to put together a whole picture from the parts.
Children restore the picture.
Educator: Well done! So we saved the first sign! What does it mean?
Display of the "Bus Stop" sign.
Educator: And here is the bus - the transport on which we will go to the country of Magistralia. - What type of transport is the bus? (passenger)
-Who do the buses carry? (of people)
- Let's go to the country of safety by bus.
-Where should we get on the bus? (At the stop)
- How do we find a stop? (according to the sign, there is a bus or the letter A drawn there).
But before we get on the bus, let’s remember what we know about the rules of conduct at the bus stop. Let's play the game "Allowed - Forbidden"
Play and jump at the stop
Screaming loudly at a bus stop
Behave calmly on the bus
Give way to elders
Leaning out of the window
Respect traffic rules
- And here is our bus. Take your seats quickly.
- In the meantime, we’re going for a little “Mental Warm-up”
What types of transitions are there? (ground, underground)
What do you call people walking down the street? (pedestrians)
Which traffic light is allowed to cross? (green)
We guys didn’t even notice how we got there. Someone is meeting us. Guess who it is?
From squares and crossroads
Looks straight at me
Looks formidable and serious,
Very important (traffic light)
Educator - Yes, this is our friend Traffic Light! He will help us cross the road. This cute creature has 3 different colored eyes. But what do I see? Our friend Svetoforich has white lights, probably these are the tricks of Interference-Incompetence. She
replaced colored signals with white ones and mixed up all the road signs.
Music is playing. Include a video clip.
Educator: Interference-Incompetent is rushing towards us. Look where she crosses the street! Violates traffic rules. An accident may occur.
Interference-Incompetence appears.
Interference-Incompetent: I don’t know! I do not know how! I'm disturbing everyone!
Educator: Don't make noise! Look and listen! Our boys and girls go to kindergarten, and they know and can do so much, and you are so well-fed and ill-mannered! Look where and how to cross the road (show video clip)
Educator. Guys, we need to save the signs, let's get to work. It is necessary to divide the signs according to their affiliation into 4 groups
1-warning signs
2-information signs
3- prohibition signs
4 service signs
Game Who can find their signs faster?
Children choose the signs of their group and tell which signs they chose, read poems about their sign.
1-our prohibitory signs: “Entry is prohibited,” “Bicycles are prohibited.”
our warning signs: “Dangerous turn”, “Road works”, “Children”.
3our signs are informational signs: “Pedestrian crossing”, “Bus stop”, “Underground pedestrian crossing”.
4our service marks: “Hospital”, “Maintenance”.
Educator: Well, now, all the signs,
Get together in a row
And all the traffic rules
Tell for Interference.
No entry sign
The driver's sign is scary
Cars are prohibited from entering!
Don't try too hard
Drive past the brick!
No Bicycles Sign
Remember the sign, friends,
Both parents and children:
Where he hangs it is impossible
Ride a bike!
Pedestrian crossing sign
There's a land crossing here
People walk around all day.
You, driver, don't be sad,
Let the pedestrian pass!
Sign "Underground pedestrian crossing"
Every pedestrian knows
About this underground passage.
He doesn't decorate the city,
But it doesn’t interfere with cars!
Sign “Bus or trolleybus stop”
There is a pedestrian in this place
The transport is waiting patiently.
He was tired of walking.
Wants to become a passenger.
Hospital sign
If you need treatment,
The sign will tell you where the hospital is.
One Hundred Serious Doctors
There they will tell you: “Be healthy”
Maintenance sign
Ah ah ah! What a pity!
Something suddenly broke in you.
This sign tells us:
“Here is machine Aibolit! »
Dangerous turn sign
This sign sounds the alarm -
This is a dangerous turn!
Of course you can go here,
Just be very careful -
Don't overtake anyone
Do not change passengers.
Road Works Sign
Road works sign.
Someone is fixing the road here.
You will need to slow down the speed
There are people on the road.
"Caution Children" sign
There are children in the middle of the road,
We are always responsible for them.
So that their parent does not cry,
Be careful driver!
Educator: Guys, count how many signs you got in each group? Find and show the desired figure on the easel. (Children do tasks)
Teacher - well done guys, you completed the task! Educator: Boys and girls, you worked so hard! Let's play the game "Traffic Light".
I show a red light - you stand, a yellow light - you jump, and pedestrians walk when the light is green.
The teacher opens the traffic light: Well done! We saved the traffic light! You can pass! Green light!
Interference-Incompetence, now I’ll give you riddles, try to guess them (riddles)
1 This strong machine
Rides on huge tires!
Removed half a mountain at once
Seven-tonne (dump truck)
2 What is this zebra crossing on the road?
Everyone stands with their mouths open,
Are waiting. when green flashes.
Means. This is.transition.
3 Underground corridor
It leads to the other side.
There is no door, no gate.
This is also a transition.
4 The house on rails is like a knock.
He will kill everyone in five minutes.
Sit down and don't yawn,
The tram is leaving.
5 Drinks gasoline like milk,
Can run far.
Carries goods and people
You know her, of course.
The shoes are made of rubber.
It's called a car.
Interference-Numeha, well done guys, they guessed all the riddles correctly.
Educator: Guys, what does this sign mean? Right! This is where the traffic light science school is located! Shall we go in?
There are tables. On them lie, according to the number of children, black rectangles, circles: red, yellow, green, glue sticks, oilcloths, napkins.
Educator: These traffic lights should have gone to the kids. To help them remember the rules of the road. And Interference-Incompetence broke everything. Can you fix traffic lights? How to arrange colors correctly?
Children do applique.
Interference-Incompetence: It’s so interesting to be with you, you know and can do so much. Take me to your group!
Educator: Let's teach, guys!
Interference-Incompetence: I will return all the signs to their places.
Children sing a song:
1-There is nothing better in the world
Why friends can wander around the world.
For those who know the rules of the road
There is no threat of grief on the road.
2 Traffic rules taught
Friends are not afraid of cars
May the sky above us be blue,
No misfortune threatens you and me!
3 Everyone should know without exception
Traffic Laws,
If you know the rules of the road
We are not afraid of any worries
Educator: So our walk through the “Country of the Highway” has ended.
There are so many difficulties on the Dogs, no doubt.
But we have no reason to be afraid of them,
Because traffic rules
Available for pedestrians and cars.
And so that everyone is in a good mood,
Follow the traffic rules, people!
Educator: It’s time for us to return to the group, take your seats on the bus.
Music sounds, children get on the bus. Goodbye, they wave to Interference-Neumekha. She named them.
Educator: What action did we commit?
Children: We did a good deed!
Educator: Which signs were saved?
Children: Traffic lights and road signs.
Educator: What did they teach Interference the Incompetent?
Children: Cross the street at a pedestrian crossing when the traffic light is green.
Educator: What did you do for the kids?
Children: Traffic lights.
Children go to the younger children and give them crafts.

Vaccinate fire safety skills;

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Equipment: model of a house with furniture, iron, ironing board, pictures on the topic "fire safety", a ball of thread, baskets for games, subject handout cards, fireman attributes, Cat costume.

Preliminary work:

Dramatization of the nursery rhyme “Tili-bom”;

Staging using toys “Fire in the forest”, “Fire in the house”;

Practicing practical actions in case of fire through games;

Conducting classes on art activities “Cat House”, “Don’t Play with Fire”;

Carrying out games in the “Security Corner”.

Progress of the lessonon the basics of life safety in kindergarten

Educator: Guys, I’ll tell you a riddle:

The red beast sits in the oven,

The red beast is angry with everyone.

He eats wood out of anger,

Maybe an hour, maybe two.

Don't touch him with your hand,

Bites the whole palm! (Fire)

Educator: Correct. This is fire. And now Masha will tell us the poem “Fire can be different”

Child: Fire comes in different forms:

Pale yellow

bright red,

Blue or gold

Very kind, very evil.

Educator: Guys, tell me, why do we need fire? (children's answers)

Educator: Correct. The power of fire is very great. It keeps you warm, helps you cook food, makes cars work and launches rockets. And there are also factories where fire also lives in the furnaces; it helps to “cook” the metal from which cars and airplanes are made. This is a good fire. (showing pictures)

Educator: And fire can also be evil. How is that? (children's answers)

Educator: Fire becomes dangerous when people forget to handle it carefully. There is a fire in the house; it is very dangerous when dry grass in the forest catches fire; crops in the field may catch fire. You need to handle fire very carefully. (showing pictures)

The phone rings.

Cat: Hello, is this kindergarten No. 1? Can I invite children to visit me?

Educator: Of course, we will come to you.

Visit our cat

I invite you to go.

More interesting adventures

We guys can't find it.


One after another

In an even circle

We walk along the paths.

And our legs will get tired,

Let's sit down together and relax.

Let's sit for a little while,

Let's get up and clap our hands

And we'll start walking again.

Visiting a cat

The cat is stroking a blouse, gets distracted, and forgets about the iron being turned on.

Educator: Hello, Cat!

Cat: Hello guys! Well done for coming. How good and beautiful you are. I invite you to come into the house and sit on the chairs.

Educator: Cat, look how inattentive you are, you left the iron on and burned your jacket. Children, is it really possible to leave electrical appliances on? What electrical appliances do you know? (children's answers)

Educator: Can children turn on electrical appliances? (children's answers)

Child: The iron cannot be turned on,

This is strictly necessary to know.

Closing the door in the house

Check if everything is turned off.

Cat: Let's play. But I don't have any toys. (thinks) Yeah, I came up with an idea, I have matches, so let’s play with them. (takes large matches, lights it and it turns out to be a fire. He is afraid and runs to hide in the closet).

Educator: You can’t hide in the closet.

Cat: Then I’ll crawl under the bed.

Educator: And you can’t go under the bed, they won’t find you there.

Educator: Children, what should you do when a fire starts? (children's answers)

Educator: Let's call the fire department for the cat. We need to dial 01, give the last name, first name and address. (children call firefighters)

Educator: You need to wet a towel or handkerchief, close your mouth and nose and leave the house. You can't hide. (hand out handkerchiefs. Everyone leaves)

A fireman arrives.

Fireman: Quiet, don't make noise!

Don't joke with fire!

But if a fire happens, don’t get lost!

Contact the fire department immediately!

Putting out the fire.

Educator: Children, let's thank you for your help.

Fireman: And you, cat, don’t play with matches and be careful with electrical appliances.

Child: So that there is no fire,

You can't play with matches.

Neither on the street nor in the kindergarten

We won't take matches.

Fireman: Goodbye.

The children say goodbye.

Educator: Guys, let us teach the cat to play and explain which objects can be played with and which cannot.

Didactic game “You can - you can’t” (dangerous situations)

On the table are pictures of toys and objects: matches, candles, iron, gas stove. Children must choose any picture and match it with the symbols on the baskets: “toys”, “prohibiting fire sign”, and explain their choice.

Educator: Well, Cat, now you know which objects you can play with and which you can’t.

The cat thanks the children and says goodbye.

Educator: It’s time for us to return to kindergarten.

Physical exercise "One after another"

Educator: Guys, I have threads of knowledge, I will give them to everyone. And you tell me what you found out. (children's answers)

That's how much you've learned, now let's connect the strings and wind them into a ball. See how much you know. And this knowledge will remain with us forever.

Children read poetry:

If suddenly a fire breaks out,

You must call immediately

Every citizen knows

Some of the firefighters are “01”!

If something catches fire,

Take courage:

Urgently call “01”,

Give the exact address,

What has been burning, how long ago, where.

And a fireman will help in trouble!
