Sokolov mikit cranes. Complex work "the cranes fly away"

Subject: I. Sokolov - Mikitov “The Cranes Are Flying Away”

Target deepen and clarify children's knowledge of cranes as a symbol and amulet

Ukraine; develop skills in correct expressive reading of text,

enrich vocabulary, practice dialogue, develop

figurative perception of the surrounding world; cultivate love and respect

attitude towards the nature of the native land.

Education: Syllable tables, tables, for vocabulary work, “Connect

words"; exhibition of books by I. Sokolov - Mikitova, Red Book of Ukraine, picture



    Organizing time.

Here's a call for us - a signal

He gave me time to work.

    Exercises to develop articulation. apparatus.

    1. FBG
















      IN PRO












      Reading the syllabic table

Free along the VBR path;

Clearly, abruptly along the ON track;

Tongue twister;

Only with your eyes.

2.2. Reading tongue twister

Crane in the swamp

I've been looking for sorrel all day

And already collected for borscht

How the rain stopped at that hour.

Working on a tongue twister:

Reading to yourself;

In one breath;

Fun, with a sense of humor;

Jerky, fast;

4 students recite by heart.

    1. Game "Translator".

Why is it redundant?





    1. Bottom line

Well done! Always remember that memory, attention, coherent speech -

the treasury of the mind, it must be constantly replenished.

    Checking homework.

Cards with diff. tasks

Group 1 -Read poems by heart about trees and present their drawings

(4 people)

Group 2 – Retelling of “Autumn Christmas Tree” by N. Sladkov

(3 people)

Group 3 – Description of the Christmas tree. Description of the forest

(3 people)

Well done! We must always be attentive to the surrounding nature and

take care of her.

4. Motivation for the lesson topic.

4.1. Autumn (a girl in an autumn outfit with a basket filled with gifts).

I flew to visit you on a gust of warm autumn breeze, but not with empty

hands, but with gifts. And I want to ask you: do you know who:

Long-legged, long-necked,

Long-billed, gray body,

And the back of the head is bare and red.

Wanders through the dirty swamps,

Catches frogs in them.


Leaves are falling from aspen trees

A sharp wedge rushes through the sky.

Autumn brings a lot of colors. It is rich in its fruits. People are cleaning

harvest in the fields, vegetable gardens, orchards. Animals are preparing for winter. And the geese

rooks, swans, and cranes go to warmer climes for the winter.

4.2. Updating knowledge about cranes

“Znayki” prepared their messages.

What does the gray crane look like?

(The gray crane is a large beautiful bird that resembles a stork.

It has long legs, neck and beak. Plumage – gray, tail, part of the head and neck,

and also the ends of the wings are black. There is a red spot on the top of the head)

Where do cranes live?

(In Ukraine, the gray crane nests in the inaccessible swamps of Polesie)

This bird is listed in the Red Book of Ukraine.

In the Zhytomyr region there is the Polesie Nature Reserve (1968), where these

beautiful birds.

What do cranes eat?

(Most of all they love cranberries. They also eat roots, fish,

toads. They also eat insects, protecting plants from pests).

Or maybe someone knows where they build their nests?

(Nests are sometimes built in holes on the ground, where 1-2 eggs are laid).

Cranes fly in a triangle, or as they say “in a wedge.” People love

cranes. And, probably most of all, for their love for the Motherland. So they are building

wells with cranes as a symbol and amulet.

Cranes also live in omens

Cranes are flying low to the south - winter is coming.

The cranes are flying one after another - there will be a lot of water and warmth.

Early arrival of cranes - in early spring.

    Learning new material

5.1. -Today we will get acquainted with the story of I. Sokolov -Mikitov

"The cranes are flying away."

I. Sokolov-Mikitov was born at the end of the 19th century.

Lived abroad, in Germany. Traveled a lot. In their

works shows the beauty of nature, tried to educate careful

attitude towards nature. Describes the forest at different times of the year, writes articles about

inhabitants of the forest, about birds, about the earth.

5.2. Vocabulary work (connect with an arrow)

small wading bird with

long legs



many trees growing on

large space



constant water flow with

natural flow along the riverbed



swampy place with standing water









which? which?

5.3. Independent reading

Exercise "Lips"

Why did the cranes wake up before dawn?

5.4. Reading check.


    The cranes are preparing to fly away:

a) early autumn; b) golden autumn days.

    They gathered in schools and pulled into:

a) distant countries; b) native swamps; c) distant swamps.

a) V. Korkin; b) B. Zakhoder; c) I. Sokolov-Mikitov.

    How the cranes flew:

a) alone; b) in a flock; c) a joint.

    The cranes woke up:

a) before dawn; b) at midnight.

6. From the high sky we will hear:

a) farewell cry; b) hum; c) farewell votes.

    1. F/m

Cranes have no time for science

Oh, it’s been a long time since I endured the torment.

My legs and wings were numb.

The crane is up to the task:

Anu, glorious little ones,

The rakes began to string and move.

Lift the krill up the mountain,

Wave them kindly,

Turn your head

Put your feet down.

Become kind and easy at once.

5.6.Re-reading the text

3 reading exercises (1 min each)


Reading aloud.”Earth.Sky.”

5.7.Selective reading

a) continue the sentences

Through the forests, through the fields, through…….

In a deep forest, on the edge...

A little glimmering over the river...

It will rise soon......

b) read the exclamatory sentences.

5.8. Compiling a dialogue (work in pairs).

Today in the lesson we expanded our knowledge about the amulet of our native land -


Now let's practice composing a dialogue.

Imagine that one of you will be a crane and the other a sandpiper,

make up a dialogue between two birds.

6. Lesson summary

Game “Magic Wand”.

What did you take away from today's lesson?

(children tell what they remember). 7. Homework

7. Expressive reading.

Expressive reading.

Write a description of the forest.

Author information

Teacher of the speech therapy group Ogneva Yu.A.

Place of work, position:

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 17" Teacher

Leningrad region

Characteristics of the lesson (lesson)

The level of education:

Preschool education

The target audience:


The target audience:


The target audience:


The target audience:

Pupil (student)


Literary reading


Speech therapy


The world

The purpose of the lesson:

GCD purpose: development of coherent speech through learning to retell.


Educational: Expand knowledge about the autumn season, about birds, their way of life. Establish connections between changes in nature and the departure of birds. Clarify the concept of “migratory birds”. Activate the dictionary on the lexical topic, introduce the words into speech: golden autumn, slender school, native swamp, clear sky.

Educational: Develop children's coherent speech, teach children to retell text based on graphic symbols, using mnemonics. Develop fine finger motor skills.

Educational: To develop an interest in living nature, the ability to see the beauty, fragility of nature, and the desire to help wintering birds. Develop cooperation skills during educational activities.

Lesson type:

Combined lesson

Methodological literature used:

Used Books:

1). “Teaching retelling to preschoolers” Lesson notes. Team of authors. (Algorithm for constructing a summary, see attached files)

2). T. B. Polyanskaya “Using the mnemonics method in teaching storytelling to preschool children” (Exercise “Why?”)

3). N. V. Nishcheva “The system of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with ODD” (Text of the story, exercise “Rain” p. 458)

4). L.L. Timofeeva “Child and the world around us” complex classes in the senior group. (Speech game “What happens when?”)

Mnemonic diagrams for retelling were developed independently.

IN teacher Ogneva Yu. A. (see attached files)

Equipment used:

Equipment, attributes:

Pictures depicting wintering and migratory birds. Mnemonic diagrams for retelling. A4 sheets, colored pencils. Ball.

Preliminary work:

Examination of paintings depicting migratory and wintering birds.

Reading the fairy tale “The Frog Traveler” Garshin

Memorizing the poem “Leaves are falling, falling” using mnemonic tables.

Bird watching while walking.

Short description:

A lesson on teaching children of the preparatory group to retell an adapted text using the author's mnemonic tables (see attached files). Similar lessons can be compiled based on a special algorithm (see attached files).


1. Organizational moment.

Creating a positive emotional background:

Now, guys, we will repeat the finger gymnastics familiar to you and you will understand what time of year we are talking about.

"Autumn leaves"

One, two, three, (bend fingers, starting with thumb)

four five,

We will collect leaves (clench and unclench fists)

Birch leaves (bend fingers, starting with the thumb)

Rowan leaves,

poplar leaves,

Aspen leaves,

We will collect oak leaves,

We'll take an autumn bouquet to mom. (walk their fingers on the table)

N. Nishcheva

What time of year were we talking about?

About autumn.

That's right, guys. We have already talked a lot about autumn and now we will repeat its signs.

Speech game “What happens when?”

Purpose of the game: Clarify knowledge about the seasons, develop attention and reaction speed.

Equipment: Medium size ball.


Children stand in a circle, the teacher inside the circle with a ball calls out the signs of the seasons. If the omen is autumn, then the child simply catches the ball; if it is a different season, then he immediately throws it to the teacher and explains why. When explaining, children should make sentences with the adversative conjunction “a”.

The leaves are turning yellow

Flowers are blooming


A blizzard is blowing

People sunbathing and swimming

Collecting mushrooms

It rains frequently

The buds are blooming

Birds fly to warmer climes

Well done, you were attentive, take your seats.

2. Main part.

Preparation for text comprehension.

Today we will talk about birds. What happens to them in the fall?

They fly away to warmer climes.


It gets cold, food disappears.

Do all birds fly away?

No, only migratory ones.

What do we call birds that stay for the winter?


Let's remember the names of the birds, look at the pictures and clarify which of them are migratory and which are wintering.

Didactic exercise “Birds”

Children are sitting at tables. On the demonstration board there are pictures with images of different birds.

The rules are as follows: if I name a migratory bird, then you raise your hand, and if it’s a wintering bird, then your hands are folded on the desk.

Crow, rook, tit, sparrow, swallow, magpie, stork, crane.

Okay, you know birds very well, game over. How many of you remember which bird I named last?

Crane. (The pictures of everyone except the crane are removed from the board)

That's right, today I will read you the story “The Cranes Are Flying Away.”

Reading the story: "The cranes have flown away." Development of auditory attention and memory.

Listen carefully to I. Sokolov-Mikitov’s story “The Cranes Flew Away.”

"The Cranes Are Flying Away"

On the golden autumn days, the cranes gathered to fly away. We circled over the river, over our native swamp. They gathered into slender groups and headed to warm countries. From the high clear sky we heard their farewell cries. Goodbye, goodbye, cranes! See you joyfully in the spring.

According to I. Sokolov-Mikitov

Conversation based on content, content and language analysis of the text.

On what days did the cranes gather to fly away? (On the golden autumn days the cranes gathered to fly away)

What were they circling over? (They circled over the river, over their native swamp)

Where did the schools of birds go? (Slender schools flocked to warm countries)

Where do we hear their farewell cries? (From the high clear sky we hear their farewell cries)

What did the children shout to the cranes? (Goodbye, goodbye, cranes. See you in the spring)

Lexico-grammatical exercise “Why?”

Now we will play the game “Why?” I ask what everyone thinks, and the one I point to answers.

Why are autumn days golden?

Why is the swamp native to cranes?

Why are schools of birds slender?

Why is the sky high and clear?

Why the farewell shouts?

Why will the meeting in the spring be joyful?

Physical education break


Coordination of speech and movement

To us on a long thin leg (jumping on one leg)

The rain is bouncing along the path.

In a puddle - look, look! - (rhythmic squats)

He blows bubbles.

The bushes have become wet (hands up, shaking hands)

The flowers became wet. (bending, hands to the floor, shaking)

Wet gray sparrow (straighten up, hands down, shaking)

Dries the feathers quickly.

N. Nishcheva

Re-reading the story.

During the reading process, mnemonic tables are displayed on the demonstration board, one for each sentence. The teacher explains what the symbols mean, pronounces phrases from the text, and shows the symbols with a pointer.

And now I will read the story to you again and show you magic diagrams - assistants that will help us remember and retell the text.

Children are called to retell the text, first one sentence at a time, then the entire text.

Productive activity.

Sketching a plan - diagram.

Children are invited to sketch mnemonic tables using colored pencils.

Guys, now you will draw your magical plans so that at any moment you can peek and remember the story “The Cranes Flew Away.” At home you can tell it to your parents.



What time of year were we talking about today?

What are the names of birds that fly to warmer climes?

What is the name of the story we retold today?

With what help were we able to easily make a retelling?

Did diagrams help you while memorizing?

Assessment of children's activities. At the end, for good work, the children are awarded medals made by the teacher.

Design of an exhibition of children's works.

Cranes fly away

On golden autumn days, cranes gather to fly away. Before the long journey, they circled over the river, over their native swamp. They gathered in slender shoals and headed to distant warm countries. Through forests, through fields, through noisy cities, cranes flew high in the sky.

In a deep forest, on the edge of a swamp, we stopped to rest.

Even before dawn, sensitive cranes woke up.

An early dawn is just breaking over the river, over the black forest tops. The dense forest seems dark and gloomy at this time. At this early hour, birds wake up in the forest, agile waders run along the shore.

Soon the cheerful sun will rise over the river and forest.

The cranes will rise high. From the high clear sky we will hear their farewell voices.

Goodbye, cranes! See you in the spring!

(I. Sokolov-Mikitov) (110 words)

Assignment (students' choice)

  1. Name the signs by which this passage can be called a text.
  2. What are the means of connecting sentences in the text?
  3. Perform different types of analysis (phonetic, morphemic, morphological, syntactic).

Current page: 6 (book has 6 pages in total)

G. Skrebitsky

There was a chill in the air. The foliage on the bushes and trees turned yellow. The forest dressed itself in multi-colored clothing. Rooks and other migratory birds have long gathered in flocks. And finally, the farewell crowing of cranes is heard in the cool autumn sky.

Summer is over - it's time for fun walks in the forest to pick berries and mushrooms. Swimming in the river is over. The carefree days of complete rest are over for the boys. Now, with new strength, you need to take up your studies, and only Sundays are left for trips to the forest or to the river.

But young naturalists should make the best use of these few days.

Autumn - September, October, November - is the most interesting time for observing nature. After all, at this time all animals are preparing for winter. Most birds fly to warm countries for the winter. Many animals insulate their nests and lairs for winter, and some carry food supplies into their “pantries” and “cellars.” The squirrel stores nuts and acorns in hollows and wood crevices, and dries mushrooms on tree branches.

Insects: butterflies, beetles, ants, as soon as it gets cold, they hide in all directions. Some hide in different crevices, others climb into earthen holes. There the insects, those that do not die in the fall, fall asleep until spring.

Frogs, snakes, lizards, and even some animals: hedgehogs, dormice, and chipmunks also go to sleep for the winter. The largest of our forest animals - the bear - also arranges a “winter bedroom” for itself and sleeps in it throughout the long winter.

Since autumn, he has been choosing a convenient place for a den in a dense forest. It will drag fallen leaves, moss, and dry grass there. Makes an excellent bed. Now he is not afraid of either frost or wind. Just lie there and lie there until the warm spring days.

Did you guys forget to keep an eye on the calendar? Remember: June 21 was the longest day and the shortest night. But from the twentieth of June the day began to wane. And on September 21, the length of day and night will be equal again. The day of the autumn equinox will come. From this date the night will lengthen, and the day will begin to decrease and decrease, and so on until the second half of December.

The dark time is coming, the time of long autumn nights and short days.

N. Sladkov
Golden autumn

All summer the leaves exposed their palms and cheeks, backs and bellies to the sun. And they became so full and saturated with the sun that by autumn they became like the sun - crimson and gold. They filled up, became heavy and flowed. There was a golden shower in the forest!

A drop will click on a leaf and the leaf will fall off. The tits are flying around on the branches - leaves are splashing on the sides. The wind will suddenly blow and a colorful tornado will spin. And if a heavy braid breaks into the branches in flight, a sparkling leafy waterfall will pour out!

The Christmas trees were decorated with colorful leaves, the mushrooms hid under the leaves, the ferns warmed up under the leaves.

The leaves rustle, scrape, babble. Leaves fly, jump, float. Leaves sway on cobwebs. Leaves above, below and around.

Golden rain is making noise.

K. Balmont

Lingonberries are ripening,
The days have become colder.
And from the bird's cry
It only makes my heart sadder.

Flocks of birds fly away
Away, beyond the blue sea.
All the trees are shining
In a multi-colored dress.

The sun laughs less often
There is no incense in the flowers.
Autumn will wake up soon -
And he will cry sleepily.

M. Lermontov

...I like to ride in a cart on a country road
And, with a slow gaze piercing the shadow of the night,
Meet on the sides, sighing for an overnight stay,
The trembling lights of sad villages;

I love the smoke of burnt stubble,
A convoy spending the night in the steppe
And on a hill in the middle of a yellow field
A couple of white birches.

With joy unknown to many,
I see a complete threshing floor
A hut covered with straw
A window with carved shutters...

I. Sokolov-Mikitov
Cranes fly away

On golden autumn days, the cranes gathered to fly away. Preparing for a long journey, they circled over the river, over their native swamp. Having gathered into slender shoals, they were drawn to distant warm countries. Through forests, through fields, through noisy cities, cranes flew high in the sky. In a deep forest, on the edge of a swamp, we stopped to rest.

Even before dawn, sensitive cranes woke up. An early dawn is just breaking over the river, over the black forest tops. The dense forest seems dark and gloomy at this time. One by one the cranes rise from the swamp.

At this early hour, birds wake up in the forest, agile waders run along the shore. Soon the cheerful sun will rise over the river and forest. Then everything will shine, everything will change in the dark autumn forest.

The cranes will rise high. From the high clear sky we will hear their farewell voices.

Goodbye, goodbye, cranes! See you in the spring!

G. Skrebitsky

The sky is frowning. Often, fine cold rain splashes onto the ground from low clouds. The forest has long shed its leaves, it stands all naked, silent. It’s no more fun in the fields and on the river either. Everywhere is empty, cold and dull. The water in the river seems somehow gray and thick. Low clouds are reflected in it. And when the wind rises, steep waves run one after another along the river. They hiss angrily and whip up dirty yellow foam near the shore.

Whole flocks of migratory northern ducks visit us at this time, rest and feed, and then move on their further journey to the south.

The underwater inhabitants of rivers and lakes are also preparing for winter. This is well known to every fisherman.

With the onset of cold weather, different fish behave differently. Inhabitants of stagnant waters - ponds and lakes - lazy, clumsy crucian carp and tench in the fall, as soon as it gets cold, they hide at the bottom in underwater thickets, sometimes even bury themselves in the silt and doze there. Try to catch crucian carp or tench with a fishing rod in the cold - it’s unlikely to succeed. But river fish - roach, perch, ruff - at this time greedily grab the bait. The toothy pike is also in a hurry to eat up for winter. But burbot has a particularly large appetite. All summer he dozed in a hole under snags or among stones. But autumn came, the cold and bad weather began, and then the burbot woke up from its slumber, crawled out from under the snags and began to hunt for fish, frogs and other living creatures. This glutton will eat whatever living thing he sees.

K. Ushinsky
From childhood memories

Intercession is our temple holiday. How many people were in the church, and how cheerful everyone was! This year there is a big harvest!

The last apples were picked from our garden yesterday; Only one rowan tree still has berries that turn red and are waiting for the first frost.

Green groves turned into colorful ones; the aspen trembles, all golden and purple; the wind tears off the last leaves, the wings of the mills do not stop turning, my new kite flies high, and in the entryway there are already prepared winter frames.

I. Turgenev
Forest in autumn

There is no wind, and there is no sun, no light, no shadow, no movement, no noise; an autumn smell, similar to the smell of wine, is diffused in the soft air; a thin fog stands in the distance over the yellow fields. Through the bare, brown branches of the trees, the motionless sky peacefully whitens; Here and there the last golden leaves hang on the linden trees. The damp earth is elastic underfoot; the tall dry blades of grass do not move; long threads glisten on the pale grass. The chest breathes calmly, but a strange anxiety enters the soul. You walk along the edge of the forest, looking after the dog, and meanwhile your favorite images, your favorite faces, dead and alive, come to mind, long-dormant impressions suddenly flash by; the imagination soars and flutters like a bird, and everything moves so clearly and stands before the eyes. The heart will suddenly tremble and beat, passionately rush forward, then it will irrevocably drown in memories. All life unfolds easily and quickly, like a scroll; A person owns all his past, all his feelings, his powers, his entire soul. And nothing around him bothers him - no sun, no wind, no noise...

And an autumn, clear, slightly cold, frosty day in the morning, when the birch, like a fairy-tale tree, all golden, is beautifully drawn in the pale blue sky, when the low sun no longer warms, but shines brighter than the summer one, a small aspen grove sparkles through and through, as if it is fun and easy for her to stand naked, the frost is still white at the bottom of the valleys, and the fresh wind quietly stirs and drives fallen warped leaves - when blue waves joyfully rush along the river, quietly lifting up scattered geese and ducks, in the distance the mill knocks, half-covered by willows, and, colorfully in the bright air, pigeons quickly circle above her...

G. Skrebitsky

According to the calendar, November is considered the last month of autumn. But in our middle zone this is often already the beginning of winter. Every day the morning frosts are getting stronger and stronger. When the kids go to school, the ice is already crunching under their feet.

The river near the banks is also frozen, only in the middle the water is still free of ice. And wide ice edges appeared on the lakes. A small pond near the village is already completely covered with ice, but you can’t walk on it - it’s still very thin.

Reservoirs, large and small, are covered with ice. And here comes the snow. More and more often, white winter flies are flying in the air, landing on the ground, on the roofs of houses and barns. They will sit and disappear again - they will melt. And again the bare deserted fields and forests frown.

Cold, uncomfortable. All living things hid from the bad weather.

Animals dress in winter coats, warm and fluffy. In such a fur coat they are not afraid of the piercing autumn wind.

Late fall. It's a sad time of year, but it's a wonderful time for hunters. While deep snow has not yet fallen in the fields and forests, there is no need to wear a sheepskin coat, felt boots, or carry heavy skis with you. Put on a padded jacket, throw a gun over your shoulder and go wherever you want. You can travel dozens of kilometers in a day.

At this time in the forest it is very convenient to keep an eye on animals and birds. There are no leaves on the bushes and trees, the grass has dried up, and the autumn rains have beaten it to the ground. It is not easy at this time for the four-legged and winged inhabitants of the forest to hide from the watchful eye of the hunter-tracker.

This is a good time for young naturalists to observe the life of forest inhabitants.

For those of you, guys, who have hardened yourself in the summer, who are not afraid of rain and cold, there will be a lot that can and is worth observing in the autumn fields and forests.

A. Blok

Little bunny
On a damp hollow
Before my eyes were amused
White flowers...

We burst into tears in the fall
Thin blades of grass
The paws are coming
On yellow leaves.

Gloomy, rainy
Autumn has come,
All the cabbage was removed
Nothing to steal.

Poor bunny is jumping
Near the wet pines,
It's scary to be in the clutches of a wolf
Gray to get...

Thinks about summer
flattens his ears,
Looks sideways at the sky -
Can't see the sky...

If only it were warmer
If only it were drier...
Very unpleasant
Walk on water!

S. Aksakov

I love autumn, even the late one, but not the one that everyone loves.

I love non-frosty, red, windy days almost from morning to evening; I love warm, grey, quiet and, perhaps, rainy days.

The harshness of the irritable dry air is disgusting to me, but the soft humidity, even the dampness of the atmosphere, is pleasant to me; You can always protect yourself from rain, of course not torrential rain.

Autumn, deep autumn! The sky is gray, low, heavy, wet clouds, gardens, groves and forests become bare and transparent. Everything can be seen right through in the deepest thicket of trees, where the human eye could not penetrate in summer.

The old trees have long since fallen off, and only young individual birches still retain their withered yellowish leaves, shining with gold when touched by the slanting rays of the low autumn sun.

Evergreen spruce and pine trees, as if rejuvenated, stand out brightly through the reddish network of birch branches, refreshed by cold air, fine, steamy rains and humid night fogs.

The earth is covered with dry, varied and multi-colored leaves: soft and plump in wet weather, so that the rustle of the feet of a carefully stepping hunter cannot be heard, and hard, fragile in frosts, so that birds fly far away from the rustle of human feet.

If the air is quiet, then the careful jumps of a hare and squirrel and all sorts of forest animals can be heard at a great distance, easily distinguished by the experienced and sensitive ear of a trapper.

Tits of all genera, which do not fly away for the winter, except for the roadside tit, which has disappeared for a long time, have moved towards human habitation, especially the Muscovy tit, called the Novgorod tit in St. Petersburg, and the imp in the Orenburg province.

Its ringing, piercing whistle can often be heard in the house through the closed windows. Bullfinches also got out of the forest thicket and appeared in gardens and vegetable gardens, and their creaky singing, not devoid of some pleasant melody, is quietly heard in the bare bushes and trees.

Blackbirds that have not yet flown away, clinking glasses and squealing, having gathered in large flocks, fly into gardens and urems 49
Urema – forest and bushes near the river, flooded with water.

Where elderberries, honeysuckle and even redder clusters of rowan and viburnum attract them. The bird cherry berries they love have long since dried up and fallen off, but they will not be in vain: they will all be picked up from the ground by greedy guests. Here a flock of blackbirds flies noisily - and straight into the park. Some will sit in the trees, while others will descend to the ground and jump in all directions.

First, they will quiet down for two hours, quietly satisfying their hunger, and then, having satiated themselves, filling their crops, they will gather in a heap, sit on several trees and begin to sing, because these are song thrushes.

Not everyone sings well, but probably the old ones; others just squeal; but the general chorus is very pleasant; It will amaze and delight the one who hears it for the first time, because the voices of birds have long since fallen silent and in such late autumn you will not hear the former varied singing, but only the cries of birds, and then mostly woodpeckers, bullfinches and demons.

The river took on a special appearance, as if it had changed, straightened out in its bends, became much wider, because the water was visible through the bare branches of bent alder branches and the leafless twigs of the shore bushes, and even more so because the water color had disappeared from the cold and that the shore water grasses , beaten by frost, withered and sank to the bottom.

In rivers, lakes and ponds with clay and especially sandy bottoms, the water brightened and became transparent like glass; but dammed rivers and streams that flow slowly get a bluish-green color, however, this is an optical illusion; the water in them is completely clear, but the bottom is covered with settled debris 50
Shmara is mud on the water.

With fine green moss or short water silk - and the water gets a greenish color from its lining, just like crystal or glass, lined with green foil, appears green.

This is the kind of autumn I love not only as a hunter, but as a passionate lover of nature in all its various changes.

A. Chekhov
Belated flowers

...The day is clear, transparent, slightly frosty, one of those autumn days on which you willingly put up with the cold, the dampness, and the heavy galoshes. The air is so transparent that the beak of a jackdaw sitting on the highest bell tower is visible; it is completely saturated with the smell of autumn. You will go out into the street, and your cheeks will be covered with a healthy, wide blush, reminiscent of a good Crimean apple. Long-fallen yellow leaves, patiently waiting for the first snow and trampled underfoot, turn golden in the sun, emitting rays like chervonets. Nature falls asleep quietly, peacefully. No wind, no sound. She, motionless and dumb, as if tired from spring and summer, basks under the warming, caressing rays of the sun, and, looking at this beginning peace, you yourself want to calm down...

A. Pushkin
* * *

The sky was already breathing in autumn,
The sun shone less often,
The day was getting shorter
Mysterious forest canopy
With a sad noise she stripped herself,
Fog lay over the fields,
Noisy caravan of geese
Stretched to the south: approaching
Quite a boring time;
It was already November outside the yard.

G. Snegirev
How birds and animals prepare for winter

The she-bear dug a den under the roots of an old spruce tree, covered it with branches, and gathered moss. In winter, bear cubs will appear in her den.

Autumn in the forest. No bird songs can be heard. Fieldfare thrushes have gathered in flocks and are fattening up before migrating to warmer climes.

Crake set off on his journey before everyone else, because he either flies to the south or walks.

The jay buries acorns for reserve. He chooses the ripest ones, but often forgets about them, and in the spring young oak trees grow from these acorns.

While the ground is not frozen yet, woodcocks feed in the swamp. The woodcock puts its beak into the ground and pulls out worms and larvae.

A capercaillie swallows pebbles on a river shallow. In winter, it pecks at needles and frozen cranberries, and the pebbles, like millstones, grind food in the capercaillie crop.

The badgers have eaten too much over the summer, accumulated fat, and do not move far from the hole.

The squirrel will soon turn gray and put on a winter coat, but for now it is storing nuts and acorns. Puts them in a hollow. And he hangs the mushrooms on thorny branches to dry.

The hedgehog found a hole in a rotten stump, dragged leaves into it - and now its housing for the winter is ready.

A fox silently sneaks through the autumn forest. The leaves in the forest are red, and the fox fur is red. It is easy for a fox to sneak up on its prey unnoticed.

The deciduous bunnies were hiding. They don't jump, they don't leave traces. Otherwise the fox will find them and eat them. A hare will run past, feed her milk and then jump into the aspen forest.

Flocks of cranes stretched high in the sky. With sad cries they bid farewell to their homeland. The cranes will spend the winter in warm Africa. But as soon as the streams begin to ring in the spring, the grass turns green on the hillocks, and the cranes return home to their homeland.

The first snowflakes swirled in the air, and flocks of geese also flew south.

Folk calendar

The folk calendar calls September ryuyin(from yellowing leaves), spring(from flowering heather). And also - howler And frown. The winds are howling, the weather is gloomy, and the rain is pouring. Summer is over, street festivities and round dances have ceased. Goodbye, red sun! It got colder. That's why they called September summer guide.

IN October The fine, clear days will not last long, and the golden leaves will fall. And then bad weather comes - october-dirt. A fine cold rain will fall, the slush will dissolve - you can’t drive or walk: “October rides on a piebald mare - she loves neither the wheels nor the runner.” October - leafy, October - wedding dresser. Village weddings began in October.

Breast- that's what they called november(from piles of frozen earth). Leafy– from rotten leaves; semi-winter road– winter and autumn are fighting.

The day is waning, night is coming, the frosts are getting stronger. Autumn turns into winter.

Autumn riddles

Empty fields

The ground gets wet

The rain is pouring down.

When does this happen? 51

Red Egorka

Fell on the lake

I didn't drown myself

And he didn’t stir up the water. 52
(Autumn leaf)

It grew and grew, out of the bush

It crawled out, rolled over my hands,

It ended up on my teeth. 53

A man in gold is lying

Caftan, belted, not with a belt,

If you don’t lift it, it won’t get up. 54

There are old men standing - red caps;

Whoever comes up will bow. 55
(Red-headed mushrooms)

Folk proverbs and sayings

Summer with sheaves, autumn with pies.

In the autumn storm, there are seven weather conditions in the yard - it sows, it blows, it twists, it stirs, and it roars, and it pours, and it sweeps from below!

September is cold, but full.

In the spring the rain grows, and in the fall it rots.

In November, winter fights with autumn.

The first snowball is not easy.

Folk signs

Thunder in September – warm autumn.

October thunder - for a snowless winter.

From the first snow to the sleigh ride 6 weeks.

There are a lot of rowan trees in the forest - autumn will be rainy, but few - dry.

Autumn questions

1. Which side of the tree should you look for mushrooms on? 56
From the north. Mushrooms do not have green leaves, and they do not need the sun. Mushrooms need moisture.

2. Where can you see spring in autumn? 57
In a small swamp, near the water, where the marigold blooms. In autumn it blooms for the second time.

3. What forest bush does not know leaf fall? 58
Lingonberries, heather and cranberries.

4. Whose leaves fall green? 59
In the garden there are lilac leaves, in the forest there are alder leaves.

5. Which animal will give birth to cubs during leaf fall in the fall? 60
At the hare's.

6. Which tree leaves turn red in autumn? 61
Rowan, aspen, maple.

K. Ushinsky
Four wishes

Mitya sledded down an icy mountain and skated on a frozen river, ran home rosy, cheerful and said to his father: “How fun it is in winter! I wish it were all winter!”

“Write your wish in my pocket book,” said the father. Mitya wrote it down.

Spring came. Mitya ran to his heart's content for colorful butterflies in the green meadow, picked flowers, ran to his father and said: “What a beauty this spring is! I wish it were all spring.”

The father again took out the book and ordered Mitya to write down his wish.

Summer has come. Mitya and his father went to haymaking. The boy had fun all long day: he fished, picked berries, tumbled in the fragrant hay, and in the evening he said to his father: “Today I had a lot of fun! I wish there was no end to summer.” And this desire of Mitya was written down in the same book.

Autumn has come. Fruits were collected in the garden - ruddy apples and yellow pears. Mitya was delighted and told his father: “Autumn is the best season of all!” Then the father took out his notebook and showed the boy that he had said the same thing about spring, and winter, and summer.

While traveling over the taiga by air, I heard many interesting stories from pilots about forest and hunting adventures. The pilots told how they had the opportunity to observe animals in the taiga. At the forest airfield they showed me a little bear cub. Delivered from the taiga by plane, the shaggy aviator felt great with people. He lived in a cage built at the airfield. Sometimes the bear was let out for a walk, and, waddling funny, as if fulfilling the role of a strict guard, he chased goats that had climbed into the area prohibited for outside visitors... In addition to the bear aviator, she lived on the staff of the forest detachment, taking advantage of the general friendly disposition, a little squirrel Dusya, who was caught pilots in the river (squirrels often swim across wide rivers during their migrations). But the tame crane Vasily Ivanovich enjoyed the greatest love and respect in the aviation detachment. It is important, like a manager-dispatcher, he walked around the airfield. It seemed that he was observing the general order, and one would think that not a single plane could leave without Vasily Ivanovich. He was present at the airfield day and night, and it was strange to see his tall, sentry figure standing on one leg at night in the headlights of a car driving into the airfield.

Living with the pilots in the forest detachment, observing and getting to know the lives of people, I remembered the story about Vasily Ivanovich.

One day, pilot Ermakov had to fly over forests. The engine became capricious over the taiga, and the pilot had to descend into the forest. Landing in a continuous forest is especially difficult and dangerous. From above, the pilot saw a large open swamp below and began to glide. With the engine stopped, he slid through the air lower and lower...

In the swamp, he managed to land safely between the trees without damaging the car. When landing, the plane buried itself in a swamp and “slipped” - turned upside down. The pilot safely got out of the overturned car and looked around.

The swamp was large, clean - for many tens of kilometers. The pilot identified the place on the map and, having sent the flight mechanic for help, decided to patiently wait for people without leaving his car. “They’ll probably miss me soon and start looking for me,” he thought, getting ready for the night.

The pilot took his failure calmly. He knew well that his comrades would not leave him and would certainly find him soon. He had little provisions with him, but the pilot had a hunting rifle and cartridges with him. He was not afraid to die.

The pilot had to live in the swamp for more than a week. Every day he went hunting, and at night he slept on the wing of an airplane.

While wandering through the swamp, he once caught a crane calf. It was a long-legged, already fledgling chick that could not fly well.

The pilot tied the caught crane by the leg to the overturned plane.

“I didn’t know what the cranes fed on, so I started bringing frogs from the swamp and picking berries,” this is how the pilot later talked about his worries.

For more than a week, the pilot and the crane lived alone in the forest. And a few days later the pilot was found. The plane that arrived dropped him a note, a package of food and rifle cartridges. Soon people came to the plane along with the flight mechanic.

There was a lot of work. It was necessary to clear a place in the swamp for take-off, make a flooring of logs so that the car would not get stuck. When everything was ready, the pilot put his little crane in the cockpit, gave the gas and took off safely.

From the nearest point where he had to fill up his car with gasoline, he sent the following telegram to his squad:

“Everything is fine, I’m flying out like a crane. Meet me."

An incomprehensible telegram caused a lot of trouble at the headquarters of the forest aviation detachment. No one there knew Zhuravlev (at the telegraph they changed the word “crane” to “Zhuravlev”). “It’s probably our new superiors who have arrived,” said the chief of staff. “We need to meet him.”

Pilot Ermakov's plane was greeted at the airport in uniform. As soon as the car appeared in the sky, the duty officer came out to the airfield. He respectfully ran up to the car that had landed at the start and was still rolling on the ground. The familiar face of Ermakov could be seen from the cabin. There were no passengers visible on the plane. Having thrown his glasses onto his forehead, Ermakov smiled affably.

Hello comrades! - he said, stopping the engine.

Holding his visor up, the duty officer cautiously asked:

Where is Comrade Zhuravlev?

Zhuravlev?.. Comrade Zhuravlev is with me, in the cockpit.

The duty officer inquired anxiously:

Maybe Comrade Zhuravlev is feeling ill?

May be…

The pilot's face was beaming. The concerned duty officer carefully looked into the cabin. There, on the observer’s seat, lashed by a waist belt, sat calmly... a crane. Seeing the unexpected guest, the duty officer laughed:

So this is the kind of Zhuravlev you delivered to us! And here we were scratching our heads - we thought our new bosses were flying.

The arriving crane was settled at the airfield. He soon got used to people and, speaking importantly, walked near the winged cars that were taking off and landing. At the airport the new guest felt at home.

The crane really liked his new life. He began to take treats from hands and completely stopped being afraid of people. Day and night he was with the people working at the airfield.

In the fall, in due course, the crane began to learn to fly. Stretching his neck, he took a run into the wind and, like a runaway airplane, separated from the ground. Having made a circle over the airfield, the crane landed safely and carefully.

Watching his flight, the pilots said with respect:

Our Vasily Ivanovich flies great!

One day, being especially carried away, Vasily Ivanovich flew to a nearby swamp and stayed there almost the entire day.

In the evening, when the detachment began training flights, he heard the sound of engines starting and immediately returned.

Since then, he often flew to the swamp, but each time he returned to the sound of the engine. He seemed to consider it his official duty to be present at the airfield when the plane took off.

In late autumn, when the cranes started heading south, Vasily Ivanovich, they say, got pretty bored. He responded to the winged fellow countrymen who were crowing in the sky with his crane greeting and, raising his wings, anxiously rushed around the airfield.
