Free police games. Free police games Car games police racing 2

Well, people cannot live honestly towards each other. And that is why the concept of crime is an integral part in the life of any locality. Criminals, no matter who they are - petty thieves or serial killers, disrupt the peaceful and quiet life of honest and decent people. In order to protect the population from these violators, the authorities come up with new laws every day. But what is a law if there is no one to enforce it? And here law enforcement officers come to the aid of the state.

DPS police games

If you want to become a defender of a quiet and peaceful life hometown, then police games are what you need. But if your secret dream is the desire to become a notorious criminal and at the same time not bear any punishment for your illegal actions, then police games are also for you. In these games you choose who you want to be: a hardened criminal or a noble law enforcement officer. In both the first and second cases, you will be able to have a blast, getting a lot of pleasure from the game. Chases, pursuits, police sirens and flashing lights, danger and an adrenaline rush - this is what you can get absolutely free by visiting our website!

On opposite sides of the barricades

Some are constantly looking for peace and tranquility, while others simply cannot live in this harmony and order. They always want chaos, global disorder and turmoil. But, despite all this, both the first and second dream of a good life. The only difference between them is the way they achieve it. After all, some are sure that they need to earn their living honestly, cross the road in strictly designated places, and the place for garbage is exclusively trash cans. Others believe that it is more fun to live when the main type of income is robbery, when flower beds serve as sidewalks, and garbage lies right under your feet.

Stole, drank - go to jail! Romance!

There are times when the desire to become a free bandit just overwhelms you. And here you need to be very careful! After all, such experiments in real life are very dangerous. And all because the criminal world can suck you in and never let you go. And this is where police games come to the rescue. In them, everyone can try themselves in the role of a criminal. The game process itself is very reminiscent of reality: police pursuits, stories for law enforcement officers to be able to escape. The only difference is that in the game you can correct your reputation with one press of the exit key, but in reality, your bad reputation can remain with you for the rest of your life... and this is in the best case.

Police rescue team games

Therefore, if you want to try on the mask of a bandit, it’s better to do it in virtual reality. And don't be upset. After all, it is much safer to come into conflict with the police in the game than to do it in reality. Agree, it’s not very interesting to be in a position - face on the hood, hands behind your back, if this real life. But in the game this trouble will not sadden you much.

Our service is both dangerous and difficult

If you want to do a noble deed, stand up for law and order. After all, this profession is always held in high esteem. All books, all TV series describe police officers as honest and noble people. These are the “Uncle Styopa” who are always ready to help you if you need it.
The only sad thing is that in reality the work of law enforcement officers is very risky. After all, when leaving home for work, the policeman does not know whether he will return back. It turns out that police service is more dangerous than military service. And all because war is, fortunately, a rare occurrence in our country. And bandits, armed from head to toe, are encountered more and more often every day. And there is no one else to neutralize them except the police.
Police games are your opportunity to try yourself in the role of a law enforcement officer. You can choose any virtual city and fight crime there. Yes, there is practically no benefit from this when compared with the real work of an operative. But it’s all completely safe! In addition, you will get a lot of real emotions while pursuing especially dangerous criminals in the game.
Regardless of who you want to feel like: a bandit or an honest citizen, do not rush to embody this image in reality. Police games can teach you a lot, give you the opportunity to play the role of a positive and negative character, and also show you the good and bad sides of each of them. By visiting our website, you will get the opportunity to play police games absolutely free. Plus, you don't need to install anything. If you have access to the Internet, then you can always and everywhere entertain yourself with your favorite police games!

Do you dream of serving in government agencies? Do you carefully observe the laws and closely monitor that petty hooligans do not violate public order? This means that police games were created especially for you! Stand up for the rule of law and the safety of citizens, give a decisive rebuff to malicious criminals, and prove your courage and courage in a harsh confrontation with the most inveterate scoundrels of our time!

Humanity has existed on earth for more than a hundred thousand years, and all this time it has been accompanied by crime and criminality. Fraudsters, thieves and especially dangerous repeat offenders are actively sowing confusion and anxiety, and the main task of any game is to pacify and neutralize the rampant criminals.

But there is also back side medals: in our police games you can take on the role of a desperate criminal and challenge the guards of law and order. Steal the coolest cars, engage in racketeering and banditry, run away from law enforcement officers pursuing you and free your accomplices from prison. We guarantee that you will have a great time and experience all the difficulties of being a police officer!

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Our service is both dangerous and difficult

Being a servant of the law is a very interesting and slightly risky experience, but you can easily try the profession of a cop for yourself. Wear a bulletproof vest and grab a weapon, they will definitely be useful to you during your service.

During the chase you can use different vehicles, choose for online games about the police, the one you like best:

  • car (the obvious choice - simple, fast and most safe);
  • motorcycle (for the strong and brave, because driving a motorcycle requires more skill and effort);
  • helicopter (fly over the most dangerous areas of the city, it’s unlikely that anyone will get you in the sky, although it’s a little more difficult to control such transport).

Policeman - sounds proud

Real cops have access to a large arsenal of weapons and can choose any, depending on the mission they are sent on. Rest assured, playing police is just as cool as being a real policeman. In everyday life, cops train a lot to fight crime: they learn to counter terrorism or find a criminal using fingerprints and other evidence. You are luckier - training is really a rather boring and long process, and playing a police officer online does not require any special knowledge or skills at all.

Every day, brave defenders fight criminals in all corners of our country, don’t you want to join this important and difficult task of maintaining order in the world? Maybe you will eventually realize that your calling is to serve in law enforcement.

Any chase always keeps you in suspense and keeps you intrigued about what the result will be. A police game, the result of which depends entirely on you and your ability to go through the route and successfully complete all the pursuits. To do this, simple keyboard control will help you; use additional keys, for example, turn on acceleration. Complete all versions of police racing on our website.

The police cars of the game are very different, you can choose to race with SUVs and peaks or regular police cars. You can take part in chases all over the world. Or choose a free chase - just speed, a track, and cars ahead escaping from the chase.

Ugonki – games for every taste

Online games remain as popular as they were some time ago, with racing being one of the most popular. We have put together an interesting and exciting selection of racing games for you on the Ugonki portal. We know a lot about racing! All games can be played for free and you don’t need to install anything or send SMS right away! All you have to do is select a game, familiarize yourself with the controls if necessary, and go on the chase! So, we have for you:
- interesting and varied games
- here everyone will find a game to their liking, beginners and experienced users, children and adults
- everything is absolutely free, such as the Police games.

IN computer games all areas of our lives are reflected. Any profession and even lifestyle is the basis for a certain direction of online games. And right now there is an opportunity to infiltrate the role of a real police officer and experience the difficult and exciting everyday life of this profession.

You can always play free police games on our entertainment website without registration and without any payments. Becoming a guard of order in entertainment called police games is what allows you to experience unique emotions and new sensations. The plots here are dynamic and very exciting. Of course, you will have to fight evil and do noble deeds. Police games are presented to you for free and combine:

  • adventure games,
  • shooting games,
  • arcades,
  • shooters,
  • fighting games,
  • race,
  • and even flying cars.

Fight the criminal world by playing Police games

All this is very well and harmoniously intertwined in police games and makes them multifaceted and versatile. If you want to take part in exciting events, chase criminals and show your strength and superiority, then online police games are what is right for you. Moreover, if you just can’t decide which genre of game to choose, then police games for boys will certainly please you, because here you have to do everything you like real guys. First, you will receive super special forces equipment in the form of a helmet and a bulletproof vest for your own safety. Then you will be given a weapon at your disposal, without which there is absolutely no way in this profession. We have a variety of things in our arsenal firearms, which you can only imagine - and all this will be available to you, as a real fighter for justice.

Then the fun begins - adventures and operations to track down the villains and neutralize them. To do this, you will have to sweat and often risk your virtual life, because criminals are unceremonious and fearless people. You need to be able to react correctly and in a timely manner to any attacks from the enemy. You will drive police sports cars in pursuit of criminals, run through the city streets, looking into all corners, and even fly in helicopters to view the centers of evil in the city entrusted to you by the state from a flight height. Your task in such games is to track down all the criminals and put them behind bars. Agree, the task is very responsible and very interesting. All your best will certainly appear here. best qualities, endurance, strength, courage, ingenuity and ability to handle weapons. Play and try yourself in the role of a good guy who will certainly defeat all the villains.
