Ecstasy: what it is and ways to achieve it. What is ecstasy What is ecstasy

(from the Greek extasis - admiration) - a term recorded in ancient literature to designate a special state of consciousness in which the boundaries between external and internal are lost. This state is accompanied by a feeling of enthusiasm, intoxication, detachment from reality, and ignoring real external sensations. The delight is so great that a person forgets about everything for a short time. In terms of the nature of the sensations and the dynamics of the process, it is close to the sphere of sex. Pictures and images pop up in the mind that are usually inaccessible to him. It can be accompanied by both positive emotions (happiness, bliss) and negative ones (fear, horror). Physical activity may be reduced to a state of stupor, or increased to the point of frenzy. Forced speech (glossolalia) is common in this condition. For the mystics it is key concept individual development person. Ecstasy symbolizes the fact that a person is only a kind of “vessel” that is filled with cosmic content. According to Plotinus, this is the primary exit from the boundaries of individuality and “fusion” with a beloved being, which is primarily the absolute. This is a state of mind at the level of higher knowledge. It is achieved through the use of certain psychotechnical means (fasting, prayer, inaction, dance), through sex, or develops endogenously. For example, it is typical for alcohol or drug intoxication, also for schizophrenia and some forms of epilepsy.

(Source: Sexological Dictionary)

(from Greek - frenzy, admiration), the highest degree of delight, inspiration, sometimes turning into frenzy. E. may be accompanied by visions, auditory hallucinations, prophecies, etc. It occurs in various spheres of human life, incl. and in the genital area.

(Source: Dictionary of Sexual Terms)


See what “Ecstasy” is in other dictionaries:

    - (from the Greek displacement, movement, frenzy, delight), the term is another Greek. philosophy, one of the main concepts of Neoplatonism. In its original meaning, the word E. meant, in particular, the transition from a normal state to an abnormal one (as in ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    - (Greek frenzy). Frenzy, an enthusiastic state of spirit, as if separated from the body, so that the subject, in this state, does not notice anything around him; type of effect. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    ecstasy- oh, well. extase f., gr. A frenziedly excited state; extreme degree of enthusiasm, reaching the point of pain. BAS 1. How all your friends Should be in ecstasy at this change; You know such phenomena between them. 1815. Shakhov's Lesson... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    See ardor... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. ecstasy, inspiration, fervor; trance, extra class, rapture, ecstasy, exaltation, fascination, admiration,... ... Synonym dictionary

    ECSTASIS, ecstasy, many. no, husband (from Greek ek from and stasis position) (book). A frenziedly enthusiastic state, an extreme degree of inspiration, reaching the point of pain. “Ecstasy... is that excited state when a person is under the influence... ... Dictionary Ushakova

    - (from the Greek έκστασις frenzy, admiration) positively colored affect. The highest degree of delight and inspiration. A term recorded in ancient literature to designate a special state of consciousness in which one gets lost... ... Wikipedia

    ecstasy- a state of extreme delight, reaching the point of frenzy. Dictionary of a practical psychologist. M.: AST, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998. ecstasy… Great psychological encyclopedia

    ecstasy- ECSTASIS, a, m. 1. and in the sign. tale What l. good; what you like. Girl ecstasy. 2. intl. Expresses positive emotion... Dictionary of Russian argot

    - (from the Greek ekstasis, frenzy, admiration), the highest degree of delight, inspiration, sometimes on the verge of frenzy... Modern encyclopedia

    - (from the Greek ekstasis, frenzy of admiration), the highest degree of delight, inspiration, sometimes on the verge of frenzy... Big encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (from the Greek extasis admiration) a term recorded in ancient literature to designate a special state of consciousness in which the boundaries between external and internal are lost. This state is accompanied by a feeling of enthusiasm... Psychological Dictionary


  • Ecstasy, Ryu Murakami. The novel “Ecstasy,” like the scandalous “All Shades of Blue,” is terribly shocking and extremely merciless to public taste and morality. Main character- Miyashita is not only an avid drug addict, but also...

). Frenzy, an enthusiastic state of spirit, as if separated from the body, so that the subject, in this state, does not notice anything around him; type of effect.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N..,



a painfully enthusiastic state, strong excitement, causing a person to forget even physical exercise. flour.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Pavlenkov F.,



extreme degree of enthusiastic excitement, reaching the point of frenzy, to self-forgetfulness.

A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. - Popov M.,

. Synonyms:

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    ECSTASY- (from the Greek displacement, movement, frenzy, delight), the term is another Greek. philosophy, one of the main concepts of Neoplatonism. In its original meaning, the word E. meant, in particular, the transition from a normal state to an abnormal one (as in ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    ecstasy- oh, well. extase f., gr. A frenziedly excited state; extreme degree of enthusiasm, reaching the point of pain. BAS 1. How all your friends Should be in ecstasy at this change; You know such phenomena between them. 1815. Shakhov's Lesson... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    ecstasy- See ardor... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. ecstasy, inspiration, fervor; trance, extra class, rapture, ecstasy, exaltation, fascination, admiration,... ... Synonym dictionary

    ECSTASY- ECSTASIS, ecstasy, plural. no, husband (from Greek ek from and stasis position) (book). A frenziedly enthusiastic state, an extreme degree of inspiration, reaching the point of pain. “Ecstasy... is that excited state when a person is under the influence... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Ecstasy- (from the Greek έκστασις frenzy, admiration) positively colored affect. The highest degree of delight and inspiration. A term recorded in ancient literature to designate a special state of consciousness in which one gets lost... ... Wikipedia

    ecstasy- a state of extreme delight, reaching the point of frenzy. Dictionary of a practical psychologist. M.: AST, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998. ecstasy… Great psychological encyclopedia

    ecstasy- ECSTASIS, a, m. 1. and in the sign. tale What l. good; what you like. Girl ecstasy. 2. intl. Expresses positive emotion... Dictionary of Russian argot

    ECSTASY- (from the Greek ekstasis, frenzy, admiration), the highest degree of delight, inspiration, sometimes on the verge of frenzy... Modern encyclopedia

    ECSTASY- (from the Greek ekstasis, frenzy of admiration), the highest degree of delight, inspiration, sometimes on the verge of frenzy... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Ecstasy- (from the Greek extasis admiration) a term recorded in ancient literature to designate a special state of consciousness in which the boundaries between external and internal are lost. This state is accompanied by a feeling of enthusiasm... Psychological Dictionary

    ECSTASY- (Greek ekstasis - being outside, displacement, being outside oneself) a state of altered consciousness, accompanied by: a person’s loss of the sense of time, delight, extreme positive emotional rapture, often visual and auditory... ... The latest philosophical dictionary

    Ecstasy- Ecstasy ♦ Extase A state that allows you to go beyond yourself and everything around you in order to dissolve in something else (in particular, in God); a kind of leap into transcendence or the absolute. Thus, it resists enstasis... Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

    Ecstasy- (from the Greek ekstasis, frenzy, admiration), the highest degree of delight, inspiration, sometimes on the verge of frenzy. ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Ecstasy- (Greek ekstasis, literally “outside state”, from ek “you” and stasis “state”) – an ecstatically enthusiastic state, as well as a type of affective mental disorder; a state of, as it were, entrainment from the sensory world. It was ecstatic... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

    ECSTASY- (gr. going beyond oneself): a movement through which our spirit, as it seems to us, goes beyond ourselves and touches a higher and universal reality (God, nature or history). Neoplatonism (in particular, Plotinus) sees here an act... ... Eurasian wisdom from A to Z. Explanatory dictionary

It is difficult to describe that state of euphoria and happiness on the verge of frenzy, which is understood by the word “ecstasy”. What an ecstatic state is, only people who have experienced it at least once know. Somerset Maugham said about this feeling: “The beautiful is ecstasy: it is as simple as hunger. In essence, you can’t tell anything about him. It’s like the scent of a rose: you can smell it, that’s all.”

Ecstasy. What is an ecstatic state

Translated from Greek, ekstasis means “frenzy, admiration.” This is the highest delight, a change in human consciousness, a loss of the sense of reality and time. In a sense, it's like a trance. There are several interpretations of this word. Thus, religious ecstasy is mentioned very often in literature. What is frenzy and euphoria from long prayers, however, few people know today. Another similar emotional state is attributed to boundless inspiration and delight from visual pleasure, that is, the intoxication of beauty.

Modern people, as a rule, perceive the word “ecstasy” in only one meaning - the highest point of a sensual surge at the moment of sexual intimacy with a partner.

Ecstasy and orgasm are not the same thing

Some sources mistakenly use orgasm and ecstasy as synonyms. What is an orgasm really? This is a purely physiological, although very strong, pleasure, which is accompanied by involuntary spasms of some pelvic muscles. Orgasm is characterized by a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction. Most often, this state is achieved by stimulating the erogenous zones; much less often, orgasm occurs spontaneously, for example, in a dream.

Ecstatic pleasure is beyond the limits of physical excitement, at the level of psycho-emotional perception. Simply put, ecstasy occurs in the head. This is a kind of explosion of accumulated positive emotions, happiness flowing like an uncontrollable fountain. Orgasm is not necessarily accompanied by ecstasy; moreover, this is a rather rare occurrence. At the same time, a person is able to experience an ecstatic surge even without sexual intercourse itself. Simply the proximity or touch of a loved one can cause such a feeling.

Female ecstasy

It is a well-known fact that for the fair sex the path to orgasm is much longer and more difficult than for men. If male satisfaction is the usual logical outcome of sexual intimacy, then for a girl it is more like a game of roulette, where luck is not always present. Moreover, a huge number of women are not at all familiar with these wonderful sensations. Such ladies most often imitate orgasm, and even ecstasy, in order to stroke the ego of their loved one.

By the way, if you ask women who receive real, genuine physical pleasure from sex about what ecstasy is, they will talk about it much more than men. The fact is that the psycho-emotional perception of the weaker sex is much subtler and more sensitive. Ladies are capable of receiving true delight even simply from the presence of a loved one, and intimacy with him can lift them above reality. Thus, ecstasy can be familiar even to women who have not known orgasm.

The Sure Path to Ecstasy

For love pleasures to bring real pleasure and delight, it is very important that both partners strive for this. There can be no question of any kind of joint work; this path should be based on a mutual desire to make the partner and, of course, yourself happy. There is no strict instruction on “What is ecstasy and how to get it.” Moreover, usually such moments come completely unexpectedly, without any preparation. However, some reasonable recommendations can still be found.

A woman should try to master the art of sensory concentration. Completely abstracting from external fuss and the desire to please your partner, you need to be only here and now, listening to your feelings. Using this tactic, over and over again the girl gets more and more pleasure, gradually approaching her cherished goal.

The stronger sex should not forget how important the environment in which the love affair takes place is for the partner. A bedroom decorated with flowers and candles will certainly create a positive effect and help the lady get maximum emotions. It is also important for a woman to realize that she is beautiful and desirable. A passionate look from her partner and a gentle whisper of compliments - this is what she is waiting for at this moment.

Tantric yoga

It also wouldn't hurt to use literature. Tantric yoga is a direction that studies sexual ecstasy and helps to achieve it. You can find a lot in the manuals interesting information: what is ecstasy, photos of special poses, ways of psychological attitude. According to this teaching, by using certain techniques, male and female sexual energies can be released beyond the limits of physiology and reunite, leading to supreme bliss.

Despite all sorts of scientific theories, only true love can create those unique energy vibrations that simultaneously embrace body and soul.

Ecstasy– (from the Greek ἔκστασις (ecstasis) - displacement) 1) a state of extreme enthusiasm, frenzy, admiration of the human spirit, caused by the special influence of the Divine; 2) a state of frenzy associated with the influence on human consciousness; 3) a type of affective state.

Meanwhile, the internal signs of demonic frenzy are fundamentally different from the internal signs of the ecstatic state in which God's saints are under the influence of grace. While the latter is accompanied by the revelation of the inner forces of the human soul and their aspiration towards God, the former, on the contrary, is characterized by the suppression of personal qualities, the darkening of the mind and will, the irritable and sensitive spheres of man.

A person who is in a state of grace-filled ecstatic frenzy is not characterized by passionate, sinful movements of the flesh and soul, while a person under the influence of demons is characterized by the excitation of sinful movements. After all, the task of demons is to overshadow the best in a person and set him up in a bad way that suits them.

Experiencing such an ungodly state, a person is often unable to see the danger; It happens that he gets carried away by a state of excitement, euphoria. And then he looks for opportunities to experience it again and again. Moreover, this happens even when the victim of demonic obsession understands that he is being moved by a demon.

An example here can be representatives of all kinds of occult practices, witch gatherings, and satanic rituals. Thus, step by step, a person loses moral and spiritual control, degrading, turning into an instrument of demonic forces. In addition, these practices can lead to serious psychological and nervous disorders.

If we are talking about cases of deception, skillfully arranging demons to look like angels, deceased saints, or God Himself, as a result, even a seemingly staunch ascetic may lean towards the side of the demon.

According to the observations of G. Bertram, who published the article “Praeparatio Evangelica in der Septuaginta” in 1956, the word amazement, “ecstasy” (Êξτασις) is used in the Greek Bible (together with the corresponding verb) 89 times, corresponding to 30 different Hebrew roots.
