Seven places on the planet where the weather is always perfect - photos. Seven places on the planet where the weather is always perfect - photo How to deal with sunburn if you get sunburned

While Kiev residents are trying to hide from the rain, the editors recall 5 ideal corners on the planet where such inconveniences will not threaten you under any circumstances. Dream or act - the choice is yours.

Oahu, Hawaii

The third largest island of the Hawaiian archipelago is a branch of heaven on earth for Americans and others. Of all the Hawaiian islands, it has the most stable and favorable climate, and the duration of the rainy season, which is mandatory for the tropics, is minimal. The air temperature ranges from 20-29 degrees all year round.

Malaga, Spain

One of the largest cities in Andalusia is famous mainly for the birthplace of Pablo Picasso. However, even if you are not a fan of cubism, you probably have nothing against the mild and warm climate of the Mediterranean coast. There are an absolute majority of sunny days a year.

Canary Islands

Spain is definitely lucky: in addition to the homeland of Picasso, it also owns this archipelago, whose name has become a household name for a paradise holiday. Palm trees, sea, mountains and warm (not lower than 20 degrees Celsius) ocean throughout the year. Yes, the canaries really came from here.

Sydney, Australia

The subtropical climate of the Australian capital means warm winter and cool summer. Snow was last seen here in 1836, and the temperature stays between 12-25 degrees Celsius all year round. Plus about 340 sunny days a year: isn't this an ideal place?

Nice, France

It’s not without reason that the mood and temperature rise. It's all about the singer's birthplace - the island of Barbados. The temperature here remains almost unchanged all year round (even boring!): air - 24-27 degrees, water - 25-28 degrees. It is believed that the local climate is the key to longevity. After all, it was in Barbados that the second longest-living man on Earth lived - James Sisnett, who at one time managed to celebrate his 113th birthday.

You can imagine how monotonous and economical the wardrobe of the inhabitants of the Colombian coast looks: shorts-T-shirts-shorts-T-shirts-shorts-T-shirts. How can we live differently if it’s always (!) 35 degrees outside and there are palm trees? Amazingly, drive a few hours to the Colombian capital Bogota and you will find yourself in one of the rainiest and grayest cities on the planet. Local residents give each other a new umbrella for all holidays.

Most quick way to keep warm in bad weather - look at a selection of photographs of the island of Tahiti. It instantly gets warmer. Find 10 differences between frames taken in different months, almost impossible.

You always want to relax - both in summer and winter - and preferably in warm and good weather. But there are not many places on earth that have good cloudless and warm weather all year round. If you are satisfied with a temperature of 21-26 degrees, then we invite you to find out about 8 places in the world where such a blessed climate persists constantly, well, maybe plus or minus a few degrees.

1. San Diego

IN summer time in California's paradise, the temperature rarely rises above 27 degrees, while in winter it is usually between 18 and 21 degrees. Approximately 300 sunny days a year are ready to shelter and warm with gentle rays. San Diego not only has excellent weather and a pleasant climate, but also amusement parks, kilometers of beaches, an abundance of waves that amateurs and surfers can ride, as well as natural landscapes.

2. Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara, famous from the TV series, attracts with its picturesque California coastline. Winter temperatures are only 10 degrees below the pleasant summer temperatures of 20-25 degrees, and for an evening walk in December or January, all you need is a light jacket. Santa Barbara still has a little more rainfall than San Diego, but this only helps highlight the local picturesque and flowery landscape.

3. Canary Islands

This paradise on earth off the west coast of Africa, where summer temperatures rarely rise above 30 degrees, while in winter you can continue to enjoy daytime temperatures of up to 21 degrees, attracts many tourists. Apart from a few exceptions (namely the northern part of the island of Tenerife), the local climate is quite arid and sunny, which gave the islands the name “Land of Eternal Spring”.

4. Sao Paulo

Famous Brazilian paradise with endless summer. Thanks to its location far from the water and quite high above sea level, this huge metropolis boasts almost the most pleasant weather of any city in the country. During a year average temperature changes little; in January and February it rises only to 27 degrees, while in July and August it does not fall below 20.

5. Kunming, China

This metropolis, unlike all of China, in Yunnan Province takes advantage of its location high above sea level (more than 1,800 meters) and the surrounding nature. During most heat peaks, temperatures remain around 30 degrees, while the summer average is 21-26 degrees. Thanks to the pleasant weather, the city of Kunming was given the same name as a number of other places on our list - “City of Eternal Spring”.

6. Lihue, Hawaii

The weather in the Hawaiian Islands does not change much throughout the year. Although this American state is by far the warmest in terms of annual temperatures, it never gets very hot. In Lihue the most heat during the entire observation period it was only 32 degrees. As anyone who has spent long enough time on the islands can tell you, it rains often, but most of the precipitation falls in the form of light and short-lived showers. There are also serious storms, most cities experience severe weather several times a year, mainly in winter months. However, a vacation to Hawaii is unlikely to ever be a bad one, and the temperature will certainly remain within that pleasant range between “too hot” and “too cool.”

7. Medellin, Colombia

The Colombian city of Medellin, located at almost 1,500 meters above sea level, can offer almost ideal temperatures all year round. The average fluctuation is only about 4 degrees, and the temperature remains around 27 throughout the year. Whenever you visit this place, the mercury will drop to around 15 at night.

8. Durban, South Africa

Durban, a growing city on the east coast of South Africa, is a popular holiday destination thanks to its extensive beaches and pleasant temperatures. During the Southern Hemisphere summer, temperatures here reach 30 degrees and it often rains. However, storms usually occur in the afternoons and evenings, meaning the area is dry during the daytime. The winter months are also warm and sunny, with temperatures rising to 23 degrees during the daytime and little chance of rain. The temperate climate means that any time of year is suitable for visiting, but Durban's winter months from June to August are especially pleasant.

Kamran Jebreili/AP

For those who spent the whole summer in Moscow and worked non-stop, we recommend going to Dubai. Now there is the summer that any resident of the metropolis dreams of, who spent all the summer months wearing a coat and watching the rain outside the window. Throughout September, the temperature in Dubai varies from +34 to + 36, and there are no cloudy or partly cloudy days on the calendar!

Dubai is also attractive from a visa point of view. Firstly,

From February 1, visas to the UAE became free, which means the trip became cheaper by another $75.

Secondly, you no longer need to apply for a visa in advance, so you can go to Dubai even this evening, you just need to buy a ticket.

In addition to skyscrapers, shopping, luxurious beaches of the Persian Gulf and water in which you splash like warm milk (or soup - but then it’s already unpleasant), in Dubai you can immerse yourself in the world of contemporary art or pay attention to Muslim fashion - over the past few years a lot of interesting things appeared here.


Varvara Gertier/RIA Novosti

You can and should go to Montenegro in the fall - when the temperature does not go beyond +35, touching wilting begins to appear in nature, the danger of encountering a forest fire disappears, the beaches become freer, and figs and grapes appear in the markets (in July there are also figs , but you didn’t make it there in July?). The absence of oppressive heat means that you won’t lie helplessly in a hammock all day long and will be able to travel around the country, which, in addition to the beaches of Budva and the sunsets of Kotor, has a lot to offer.

For example, Cetinje is the cultural capital of Montenegro, to which no one goes of their own free will in the summer, because they really don’t want to move away from the sea. Here you can go to the National Museum of Montenegro and the Cetinje Monastery, see the oldest libraries in the country, find out what students of the Faculty of Fine Arts and the Faculty of Drama, as well as the Music Academy of the University of Montenegro look like, and walk through parks in English and French style.

In general, in Cetinje in the fall you can stop feeling like a sweaty vegetable and learn something about the culture and history of Montenegro,

because this is not just a resort, but a city where Prince Ivan I Cernoevich founded his residence in 1482, and in 1838 the first secular residence of Montenegrin rulers was built by the beloved fighter for the independence of the country, Peter II Njegos.

Agadir, Morocco

Amr Dalsh/Reuters

You do not need a visa to travel to Morocco. You can swim and sunbathe in Agadir throughout September; the air temperature throughout the month will not drop below + 27. However, in Agadir you can not only sunbathe.

For example, you can visit the Domaine Villate Limoune wild animal ranch, where porcupines, kangaroos, camels, and peacocks live. Or head to the city's main market, Souk el Had, where you can buy everything from babushka slippers, pottery and stoles to oils, olives, dates and oranges.

Nice, France

Eric Gaillard/Reuters

If the heat makes you dizzy, and the word “tanning” means “premature aging,” go to the Cote d'Azur in September-October. The sun is no longer burning here, but the weather is still good - the temperature ranges from + 22 to + 25. You can still swim in this weather, although there is already something to do in Nice. For example, you can go to the Museum fine arts or take a walk in the Botanical Garden, where more than 3.5 thousand plants are presented. For lovers of walking, we recommend exploring the old town (here, by the way, you can also visit the opera), and for fans of archeology, stop by the Semje quarter and see

an arena for gladiator fights, an antique bath complex and the remains of ancient buildings.

A holiday in Nice is also suitable for shopaholics - the range of boutiques on Rue de France is in no way inferior to the world's fashion capitals.

The biggest advantage of a holiday in Nice is the opportunity to make your holiday even more eventful by going to nearby Cannes and Monaco. The cities are only 30 minutes away from each other. There will be enough impressions from what you see for your entire vacation: casinos, premium car showrooms, yachts at arm's length, the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival and many Michelin-starred restaurants.

We recommend that nature lovers visit the Arboretum; here you can experience summer to the fullest. Or go see the waterfalls. There are Agur waterfalls to choose from - the most popular among tourists, Azhek waterfall - these are the two most beautiful waterfalls, and the highest waterfall - Orekhovsky (28 m). A one-day trip to Abkhazia (travel time will take about 3 hours) or to the mountains can diversify your trip - in summer Krasnaya Polyana looks even better than during the ski season.

Today, with snow slowly falling outside the window, we want to tell you about those places where “eternal May” reigns. Do you think this is a poetic exaggeration? But no.

There are many different and amazing places. Among them there are those where beautiful sunny weather reigns all year round. And this is reality!

We bring to your attention the 10 sunniest places on the planet.

San Diego, USA

A magnificent city on the coast with a fabulous climate: in summer the temperature is no higher than 27 degrees, in winter no lower than 18. Isn’t it magical? And add 300 days of sun per year. It’s not for nothing that travel companies literally make a cult of locals climatic conditions. Here is perhaps the most better weather in the world!

Santa Barbara, USA

Another wonderful town in California. It is slightly cooler here in winter - you will have to throw on a sweater for evening exercise. This is a city with history, it is beautiful and well-groomed, so it is attractive not only because of its climate.

Canary Islands, Spain

This chain of islands belongs to Spain and borders Africa. The excellent climate does not persist everywhere - this is due to the fact that the terrain here is mountainous. As you know, there is no mild climate in the mountains. But the coastline is a paradise for vacationers all year round.

Malaga, Spain

Pablo Picasso's birthplace is Malaga, a city with a deep history. Here you can walk along the ancient streets all year round, taking only a hat with you. IN winter time, however, the sun does not appear for long. But such places are beautiful even in the moonlight.

Sao Paulo, Brazil

The largest city in Brazil, located on the coast. The climate there is mild, non-arid, and storms are very rare. Unlike other Brazilian cities, it is not stiflingly hot here in the summer. And winter (southern hemisphere) is not winter at all, because temperatures do not drop below 20 degrees. Of course, with a plus sign.

Sydney, Australia

The weather on the coast of the continent is very comfortable - no droughts, no desert storms. In the main city it fluctuates between 20-25 degrees, and at winter nights it is not lower than 10.

Kunming, China

China's weather conditions vary greatly - some areas experience snow in winter, others experience heavy rain. In this metropolis they are most comfortable: in the summer, when all the residents of neighboring cities are melting from the heat, here, thanks to the high location, the weather remains very attractive.

Lihue, Hawaii

A wonderful place to relax - in summer the temperature here is very comfortable, and the rain, of which there is a lot, falls in the form of short and bright showers. In winter, however, local residents often suffer from storms. But this is in winter.

Medellin, Colombia

A picturesque mountainous city, pleasant for relaxation and visiting at any time of the year. The temperature fluctuates only within 4 degrees. But it’s not uncommon to find rain here.

Durban, South Africa

The city is located on the east coast, it is famous for its excellent beaches and wonderful weather. The period from June to August is especially good for relaxation.
