Download paranormal territory for android. Paranormal Territory is a game that can scare

Paranormal Territory– one of the brightest representatives of the horror genre for mobile devices.

Why is it worth downloading Paranormal Territory for Android?

This game will test your psyche for strength. Distinctive feature This project is its complete Russification. The main character will be you, the player. Download Paranormal Territory on Android for free from our website.

The plot develops quite typically for this genre of games: after returning from work late at night, main character does not find his family at home. The guy begins to look for all his loved ones throughout the house, but all efforts are in vain. Step by step, you, the player, will understand that something has happened, and this “something” is not entirely normal, but paranormal. The fate of people will depend entirely on your actions. So you better hurry up before it's too late. It is from the moment the search of the house begins that the most incomprehensible and inexplicable phenomena begin to occur, the essence of which you begin to understand only after playing the game.

During the search you will be greeted by many strange and inexplicable things: for example, blood flowing from the ceiling, various black silhouettes appearing here and there. On the walls, on top of children's drawings, various inscriptions, clearly written in someone's blood, suddenly appear and disappear, indicating your imminent death. In each of the mirrors you see ghosts. Ghosts of people you have never seen before in your life. This is the story of how a cozy house turns into hell. It is you, the player, who must go through various difficulties in order to get your family back, as well as a quiet and comfortable life. Can you do it? You can check! All you need to do is download Paranormal Territory for Android for free from our website.

The game will delight fans of games of this genre, first of all, with colorful and realistic three-dimensional graphics. The soundtrack will make even the most prepared player scared! All that remains is to download Paranormal Territory for Android for free from our website.

Which chills you to the bone with its terrible beginning and no less terrible continuation, download Paranormal Territory 2 on Android and see how shy you are. You will find the final result when you complete the entire test.

Why is it worth downloading Paranormal Territory 2 for Android?

Yes, yes, that is the structure of the game. The fear test is presented in a playful form that will appeal to everyone who loves this genre in games, films or books. By downloading Paranormal Territory 2 for Android, you will find a worthy continuation of this series. In order to fully experience the atmosphere of fear, you need to wait until the darkest night, turn off the lights and put on headphones! Believe me, it's worth spending the night in an empty house, but be on your guard, ghosts are not asleep. A good reaction and attentiveness are what you need to complete this horror movie. The story begins in a small town where you will go on your next assignment. You receive a letter from strangers who ask you to help them, because something strange and scary is happening in their house. This task is very useful, because you are a true lover of mystical things! The goal of the game is to explore this house, inhabited by terrible ghosts and mysticism. Immediately upon arrival at the house you will be given various tasks, first examine all the rooms and cabinets in the house, maybe evil is hiding somewhere, just don’t forget to do your feet in time! If you fail this test during the game, you will have to do it all over again. Try to remember as many details and the layout of the house as possible so that you can quickly navigate the area. Believe me, there will be enough moments where you can be scared to drop your phone from your hands.

The graphics in the game are made of very high quality, everything was done at home and are perfectly drawn, as are the special effects themselves that you will encounter during gameplay. Do you want to tickle your nerves? Download Paranormal Territory 2 for android- face your own fear!

Let's consider the continuation of an interesting horror quest, which was released in April 2017 and has already received many positive feedback and ratings.

Paranormal Territory 2 Review

The game keeps you on the edge of your seat from the very first second. Due to the fact that it is presented to us in the horror genre, fans of horror films and similar topics will be delighted.

I would like to say right away that the creators put a lot of effort into the graphics, which are pleasing to the eye throughout the entire game, despite the fact that we play on phones or tablets, where the screen, as you know, is not particularly large. There is also high-quality Russification, to the point that we can read the text on a piece of paper lying on the table in the office in Russian!

Game process

Immediately, we are faced with a completely standard situation for this genre - we receive a letter asking for help to save the house from something paranormal! Naturally, we go there and, in fact, begin our quest.

Throughout the game we will be informed at the top of the screen about the upcoming mission. As was said, our first task will be “Find 8 strange figurines.”

A kitchen opens in front of us, which, by the way, is also well designed in terms of interior (which indicates the high-quality work of the game designers). Let's go look for figurines that, when found, transport the player to another, strange reality, changing everything around for a few seconds.

Almost immediately after starting the search, we come across a scary image of a girl with white clothes, in the classic motif of horror films, but I immediately say that avid horror fans will not be afraid. The girl will chase us throughout the quest and move around the house, making strange sounds. It's better to play with headphones, it's much more interesting.

Further, after finding the 7th figurine, we go for the last “trophy”, where a hole suddenly appears. The same girl in white emerges from it, and it is not advisable to fall into her hands. Brave players will not be afraid to return to the room and pick up the last piece of the task so they can go do something else.

A new mission pops up: “Get out of the house and destroy the figurines.” After this, we head to the front door with a light heart, but a big setback awaits us there - the door is closed.

And here is a new mission: “Find the key to the doors.”

When going in search of the key, be careful, the girl in white and all the same terrible sounds will scare and disturb you in every possible way.

A terrifying journey is guaranteed for you. While exploring your own home, you will encounter the inexplicable, creepy, dangerous: rustling sounds, shadows, crowds of ghosts, blood flowing from the ceiling.

Game plot

Users find themselves in the role of an ordinary worker who returns home after a hard day at work. We enter the house, but no one meets us. We take off our clothes, call our children and wife - no one responds. Something has happened, you feel danger. Users will have to search the house and witness paranormal situations that defy reasonable explanation.

Game process

Do you think it will be limited to howls, rustling, flashing lights? No way. In all the reflections of the mirrors you will see crowds of ghosts. Blood will run from the ceiling along the walls. Dark silhouettes will appear regularly, and eerie screams will not bode well. So your cozy home yesterday turned into a branch of hell on earth today. At the same time, the game perfectly conveys all the terrible sensations that can engulf a person in such a situation. High-quality three-dimensional picture with natural shades and shadows ensures complete immersion. Users must bravely overcome all challenges. After all, in the end, it’s not our lives that are in question, but the lives of our loved ones. Whether you save them depends only on you!

The big advantage of the game is that it is completely Russified. However, to run it you must have mobile device with Android version 4.3 or higher.

Plot and action in the game

You yourself will be the main character in this game. After a long and rather stressful day at work, you return home. As always, you enter your cozy home, but no one is in a hurry to greet you.

This comes as a great surprise. Of course, you try to call your kids and wife, but no one answers. You want to figure out what's going on, so you start searching the house. From this moment on, completely illogical and downright strange phenomena will begin to occur.

Black, incomprehensible silhouettes appear everywhere, blood flows or simply drips from the ceiling, and in the mirrors you see ghosts every now and then. Inscriptions appear on the walls that foretell your imminent death.

So, your once sweet and cozy home turns into the threshold of the Underworld. Do you have the strength to go through all the difficulties to find your family, and most importantly, not to die in this strange place? Everything will depend only on you.


The game will delight users with excellent three-dimensional graphics. The interior of the house, all the objects and even the ghosts in the mirrors - everything is made as realistic as possible. All this is complemented by a rather terrifying soundtrack, constant frightening sounds and crazy laughter, which creates the necessary atmosphere.
