How to fill in the insurance experience in 1s 8.3. How to enter experience data into a zup

In the next article, we will talk about what information needs to be taken into account in 1C ZUP 3.1 (3.0) for the correct calculation of retained earnings for the period of disability. Namely, we will consider how and where information is entered about earnings from a previous job employee, and also see how it is taken into account insurance experience for sick pay and all options for entering this experience in 1C ZUP 3.1 (3.0).

The first thing we will talk about is the employee's income, which is taken into account when calculating the average earnings on sick leave. The benefit is calculated based on the average earnings of the insured person for 2 calendar years preceding the year of temporary disability (Chapter 2 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ). If the employee worked during this period in some other organization, then information on the income received in this organization must be entered into the program.

Let's consider this situation using the following example: An employee was hired on 08/01/2016 and already on 08/10/2016 goes on sick leave.

If we calculate the document "Sick leave" without entering information about earnings from the previous place of work, then average earnings is equal to zero and the temporary disability benefit will be calculated based on the minimum wage, the program warns us about this (information appears: The allowance is calculated using the average daily wage from the minimum wage). The program can also perform such a calculation in the event that the insured person had no previous earnings (the employee has just started his labor activity), as well as in the event that the average earnings calculated for the full calendar month are lower than the minimum wage on the day of the insured event.

In our example, the employee had income in another organization, but when applying for a job, a certificate of earnings from the previous place of work was not entered. For the correct calculation of average earnings, you must enter data from the previous place of work. To do this, ZUP 3.0 provides a special document - "Help for calculating benefits".It can be accessed from the document "Sick leave" by clicking on the button in the form of a green pencil next to the inscription "Average earnings" (change data for calculating average earnings). This will open a window average salary calculator, in which by clicking the "More" button - "All certificates of earnings" you can go to the document journal "Help for calculating benefits".

In the certificate, you must enter data on earnings from the previous insured. In our example, this is earnings for 2014, 2015 Post a document.

However, this is not the case, necessary check this box to include the information entered in the calculation of the average.

After we check the box, the program will automatically recalculate the average employee's earnings, taking into account earnings from the previous job.

The document was automatically recalculated due to the fact that in the Payroll settings (menu section "Settings" - "Payroll") the checkbox is checked - "Perform automatic recalculation of documents when editing them".

If you do not have this checkbox checked, then the recalculation must be done manually by clicking on the "Recalculate document" button on the "Main" tab of the "Sick leave" document.

We have considered entering a certificate of earnings from a previous place of work directly through the document "Sick Leave", however, the program has another way to enter this certificate. Access to the journal of documents "References for the calculation of benefits" can be obtained in the section "Salary" - subsection See also - "References for the calculation of benefits".

Entering the length of service for calculating sick leave in 1C ZUP 3.1 (3.0)

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The second thing we will talk about is the introduction of experience in 1C ZUP 3.1 (3.0) for the correct calculation of sick leave. The amount of the benefit depends on the insurance period: up to 5 years - 60%, from 5 to 8 years - 80%, over 8 years - 100% (Chapter 2 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ).

In our example, when hiring an employee, no length of service was entered and the program calculated temporary disability benefits (sick leave) based on the lowest possible percentage, i.e. 60%.

This option may be correct if the employee has no length of service, in our example, the employee has a sick leave insurance record of more than 10 years, and therefore it is very important to enter the insurance record for the correct calculation of benefits. You can enter experience as follows:

After we apply one of these options, the program will automatically recalculate the benefit based on the entered insurance period. Since the insurance period for paying sick leave for an employee is over 8 years, the percentage of payment was 100%.

Be careful when specifying the date from which the insurance period is calculated for paying sick leave.

Thus, for the correct calculation of sick leave for a newly hired employee in 1C ZUP 3.1 (3.0), it is necessary to enter information about income of this employee at the previous place of work and enter information about insurance experience for calculating sick leave.

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Organizations annually submit reports to the pension fund in the form of SZV-STAZH. There are times when you need to clarify, correct or cancel the information provided on this form. In such situations, corrective information is submitted in the SZV-KORR form. How to create a SZV-STAGE adjustment in 1C 8.3, read on.


There are three types of SZV-KORR form:

  • "Corrective". Served in cases where it is necessary to correct erroneous data. For example, in the SZV-STAGE form, the period of work for an employee was incorrectly indicated;
  • "Cancelling". Served if it is necessary to cancel any information. For example, in the information provided, an extra employee was mistakenly indicated;
  • "Special". It is submitted if the insured person was forgotten to be indicated in the SZV-STAZH form.

How to create a corrective report in 1C 8.3 SZV-STAZH in four steps, read this article.

Quick transfer of accounting to BukhSoft

Also read the article on how to correctly fill out the SZV-INTERVENTION 2019.

Step 1. Create a new SZV-KORR form in 1C 8.3

Go to the section "Salary and personnel" (1) and click on the link "PFR. Packs, Registers, Inventories "(2). A window for creating the SZV-CORR form will open.
In the window that opens, click the "Create" button (3) and click on the link "Data on the correction of information of insured persons, SZV-CORR" (4). A window for creating the SZV-CORR form will open.

Step 2. Fill in the SZV-KORR form in 1C 8.3 with the sign "Corrective"

In the window for creating the SZV-KORR form, fill in the fields:
  • "Organization" (1). Specify your organization;
  • "Correction. Period" (2). Specify the period for which you are submitting the adjustment;
  • "Reporting period" (3). Specify the period in which you will submit the SZV-KORR form;
  • "Type of information" (4). Specify "Corrective".
Next, click the "Select" button (5). The Directory of Individuals will open.

In the directory that opens, click on the employee for whom you need to submit the adjustment (6) and click the "Select" button (7). Close the directory by clicking on the cross in the upper right corner (8). The selected employee will appear in the SZV-KORR form.

Then click on this employee (9). A window for editing data on it will open.

In the editing window, check the data on seniority (10) and, if necessary, correct them. Next, click on the cross in the upper right corner (11) to close the data editing window.

Save the SZV-CORR form by clicking the "Save" button (12). To check the created adjustment, click the "Check" button (13). To upload a file to be sent to the pension fund, click the "Upload" button (14). Click on the "Print" button (15) to print the form.

Step 3. Fill in the SZV-KORR form in 1C 8.3 with the sign "Cancelling"

Fill in all fields in the SZV-KORR form as in. In the "Type of information" field (1), enter the value "Cancelling". Use the "Selection" button (2) to select the employee for whom you want to submit cancellation information. Check and, if necessary, change the employee data as in step 2 of this article. Save the SZV-CORR form by clicking the "Save" button (3). To check the created adjustment, click the "Check" button (4). To upload a file to be sent to the pension fund, click the "Upload" button (5). Click on the "Print" button (6) to print the form.

Configuration extension for ZUP 3.1

When working in the "Work activity" window, if the places of work are filled,

calculation of experience and substitution of values ​​occurs automatically.

1. Open "Administration / Printable forms, reports and processing / Extensions"
2. "Add from file..."
3. Open the file "Experience Calculation.cfe"
4. Restart the program, check the extension indicator, it should be green:

5. Open the "Labor activity" of the desired employee
6. Fill in the table "Places of work" (it is enough to fill in the fields "From" and "To")

7. Click the inscription "Click to fill"

8. Data is substituted automatically, on the date of admission

9. Save.
10. If you click on the line with the completed experience, then a reconciliation takes place.
If the calculated data match, a match message is displayed:

if the data does not match, a NOT match message is displayed:

1C:Enterprise 8.3 (

Payroll and personnel management, edition 3.1 (


Updated 3.1

I leave processing for 3.0:

Developed and tested:

1C:Enterprise 8.3 (

Payroll and HR, edition 3.0 (

Work order in 3.0:

1. We start processing.

2. Select the required Individual from the list.

3. We work in the window "Name: Labor activity"

3.1. If the "Places of work" table has not been filled in, fill it in (it is enough to fill in the "From" and "To" fields) with the necessary data. Processing works with real data in the base.

3.2. Click the Arrange button (optional). Sort by field "C".

3.3. Pressing the "Fill" button will display the calculated experience.

3.4. When you click on filling in information about the experience, if the fields are not filled, the processing will calculate according to the current table "Places of work" and substitute the experience in the form. "Reference date" - The day the employee was hired.

3.5. If the length of service information is filled in, processing will compare it with the calculated one and, in case of discrepancy, will display a message. The data is not recalculated if the information is filled in "from the moment of employment".

3.6. We save the data in the database by clicking the "OK" button.

4. Next Individual.

ATTENTION! When calculating seniority, overlapping periods are counted once!

The insurance period is considered to be the total duration of the periods of payment of insurance premiums, as well as taxes. Users of "1C: ZUP" often have questions about how to enter data into the program to calculate the sick leave and calculate the length of service. We'll tell you how to do it.

The process of entering data on the length of service for sick leave in "1C: Salary and Human Resources Management"

During the entry of a document called "Sick leave", the insurance period is automatically calculated in the configuration for the calculation. When entering into the document a specific employee and the date of the beginning of his disability without the participation of the user, data on the length of service and the percentage of his payment will be filled in the document form.

Moreover, we can, if necessary, change these details directly in the document. Of course, it is much easier to enter them once in the process of hiring a specialist, so as not to re-check information about his experience during the entry of each disability sheet. Experience data contains a directory of individuals in the table labor activity. There you need to enter information when hiring an employee for the service.

You can activate the directory of individuals in "1C: ZUP" in the following ways:

  1. select the "Enterprise" tab on the desktop;
  2. in the main menu, click on the item "Enterprise", then - "Individuals";
  3. if the experience is not considered when introducing the "Sick Leave" because no data has been entered about it, you can open the directory "Individuals" directly from the document.
  • click "Open" (the picture of a magnifying glass on the right next to the "Employee" attribute);
  • the employee directory form will appear;
  • here we click on the hyperlink "More details about the individual";
  • the form of the element of the directory of individuals will open, corresponding to the selected employee;
  • at the top there is a button "Labor activity", it must be pressed;
  • a form will appear in which the experience is entered.

If it turns out that the total experience of a specialist is displayed, but does not affect the percentage of sick leave, then to calculate the experience, you will need to enter data on another experience. To do this, click on the general experience table with the right mouse button. In the activated menu, click on "Add".

We select "Insurance experience for paying sick leave" in the new line of the "Type of experience" column. Press Enter on the keyboard and enter the start time of the experience in the column "Reference dates". Now you need to click "OK", close the forms of directories of individuals and employees and refill the date of commencement of disability in the sick leave.

Now you can see that the length of service and the percentage of sick leave will be changed.

The next time you will not need to repeat this entire operation: the calculation of the length of service will be carried out automatically.

Additional features

Now on the network you can find extensions for "1C: ZUP", adding a special button to the form of labor activity, with which you can calculate the length of service according to the work book. To do this, you need to select the desired type in the table of information about the experience, enter the periods according to the work book in the table of places of work and click on "Calculate the experience".

Such extensions work in "Salary and HR Management" version 3.1 on the "1C:Enterprise 8.3" platform. You can add an extension using the configurator. To do this, you need to create a new empty extension and load the downloaded revision into it.
