Love compatibility between Capricorn and Libra. Capricorn Woman, Libra Man: a union mixed with reality

If a Libra woman and a Capricorn man decide to start a family, it is unlikely to be a love marriage. The compatibility of this couple rests on completely different pillars, most likely on the agreement of the newlyweds’ parents, the possibility of pooling capital or merging a business, and the legal advantages of family status. Will the calculation be correct from an astrological point of view?

Character compatibility between Libra woman and Capricorn man in the family

In family life, it turns out that the couple’s compatibility is quite acceptable. The Capricorn man is predictable, stands firmly on his feet, which is important for the Libra woman who values ​​stability, and the stubbornness of her husband can always be countered by the ability to elegantly insist on her own.
The Libra woman quickly establishes good relations with her husband's in-laws. The further you go, the more reasons there are to stay together: acquired wealth, often a common business, children. You can’t count on romance and spiritual intimacy: these concepts are absent altogether or they are assigned an extremely insignificant role at the suggestion of Libra; both will prefer to express feelings through practical actions aimed at improving living conditions, rather than sentimental gestures.

Compatibility at work

In the business sphere, the compatibility of these two is beyond doubt. Both are hardworking, respectful of personal space and the workload of other employees. In a large team, they intuitively find each other and join forces, ready to negotiate and provide support for a common goal. In addition, mutual sympathy often arises between a Libra woman and a Capricorn man, which rarely goes beyond the scope of etiquette or professional relationships.
Capricorn is little attracted by the prospect of being subordinate to Libra, however, if this happens, he will show himself as an exemplary worker. True, at the first opportunity he will remove the boss.
The Capricorn leader will certainly pay attention to the Libra employee and will find many ways to express sympathy that are acceptable to both: he will promote career growth, treat the request with understanding, will not miss the opportunity to give out a bonus, or publicly praise.

How a Capricorn man can win a Libra woman

To win a Libra girl, a Capricorn guy should have an idea of ​​how she sees him. At first, restraint can be mistakenly regarded as a sign of indifference, lack of interest; some manners and statements will seem tactless.

At the same time, the ability to keep one’s word, seriousness, and manifestations of care will instill confidence in a fragile young lady in a stable future. Perseverance, which Capricorns are endowed with in abundance, will play an important role; the lady is pleased to know that her favor is persistently sought. You should not count on an easy victory; Libra is a rather strong-willed sign.

Most likely, compatibility built on falling in love alone will not last long: until passions outlive themselves or until Capricorn’s first financial or social problems - high status and prestige mean a lot to Libra. It should be taken into account that Libra’s arguments are clearer than comments, even if they are just.

How a Libra woman can win a Capricorn man

The Capricorn man, resistant to female charms, is not indifferent to serious, balanced girls. He has far-reaching plans: to once and for all provide himself with the comfort of a home, so that order and peace will always await him at home. It is for this reason that the willingness to adapt to his routine and support him in all endeavors is valued above external data. A Capricorn guy can also be attracted to such rare qualities as adherence to the traditional way of life. Among Libra girls there are very few arguers and stubborn people; amenability undoubtedly appeals to the representative of the sign.

External coldness is often the other side of a strong-willed character. It should be noted that such self-control has many advantages: it is difficult to imagine Capricorn being a brawler, which is important for the peace-loving Libra. It would be unfair to call this man insensitive, as you will be convinced of in the process of communication. A sensitive companion will quickly learn to recognize subtle gestures and facial expressions, and notice the slightest mood swings. Usually Capricorns are not spoiled by understanding; Libra’s natural gift will help melt the ice. The excellent sense of humor of both will finally confirm compatibility.

Who and how raises children in a family?

When communicating with children, Libra parents try, first of all, to maintain a balance: a woman endowed with self-control, a sense of humor, and the talent of a diplomat makes it clear to the kids from the cradle that she loves the charm of the city. The slightest change in the child’s behavior or facial expressions will not escape the curious eyes of the Libra mother; she is always ready to find out the reason and, if necessary, provide support. Children unwittingly absorb such elegant communication skills, which is why they usually have many friends. Children develop such qualities as the desire for beauty, loyalty to ideals, and a sense of justice. Even the most extravagant ways of self-expression and unusual hobbies resonate with others; being inquisitive, they know how to interest others and enjoy life to the fullest. Representatives of the sign are able to raise happy children.

Capricorn parents are responsible, reasonable, and also strive for the ideal: the man is convinced that the father’s main task is to ensure a cloudless future for the heirs. This is especially true for Capricorn dads, who, by inertia, blame a difficult childhood full of deprivation for all failures. They work tirelessly so that their children can avoid a similar fate and set the younger generation on track for success. Among the priorities are a prestigious education and the development of business qualities: discipline, determination. For many Capricorn fathers, it is a real tragedy when the child is not like them or does not share parental values. Attempts to transform a restless, active extrovert lead to alienation; frequent family quarrels always hurt the Libra soul mate. Only with age do sons and daughters begin to appreciate such fatherly qualities as integrity, crystal decency, and concern for the well-being of the family.

Intimate compatibility between Capricorn man and Libra woman

At first, the intimate compatibility of astrological symbols leaves much to be desired; they have completely different approaches to sexual games. The Capricorn man clearly underestimates the importance of foreplay, conversations, caresses, treats sexual intercourse as a necessary component of family life, nothing more, and inspiration or a creative approach can be found in much more practical applications. This attitude hurts a sophisticated partner who is looking for not only physical, but also spiritual unity. Despite some differences, the spouses are unusually attractive to each other.

Pros and Cons of Capricorn men and Libra women

The most significant disadvantage of compatibility is the lack of romance. Representatives of the earthly element experience much less need for walks under starlight, beautiful words, kisses, gifts, and memorable dates. Sometimes it’s truly a shame when a spouse considers such trifles an unnecessary waste of effort and money.

Not every Libra woman is able to completely redirect attention to such aspects of life together as well-being, raising children, common hobbies, hobbies, and without receiving gratitude for dedication. Your loved one takes delicious meals for granted, immersed in his iPhone, does not seem to notice what he is eating, but does not miss the opportunity to point out the shortcomings. The urge to criticize and lecture your wife claims a completely honorable place in the anti-rating. A dangerous habit, outwardly well-mannered air symbols can be cunning and vindictive; it is easier for them to cause mischief on the sly than to directly sort things out. It doesn’t happen often, but it happens that families break up for this very reason.

Compatibility is directly proportional to the age of the spouses: the older they are, the more both are satisfied with this way of life. Erotica and romance fade into the background, the value of high status, material well-being, reliability of a partner, stability, and community increases. The Capricorn man actually values ​​his other half very much, listens to her opinion and advice, but he just rarely admits it out loud. A time-tested relationship, free from unnecessary emotions, will most likely never fall apart.

What is the likelihood of compatibility between a Capricorn man and a Libra woman?

Frankly, the responsibility for a couple's compatibility mostly falls on the Libra woman. It is thanks to her sensitivity, flexibility, and versatility that advice and love reign in the family. She quickly gives up trying to change her husband, but always finds an approach to unobtrusively insist on her own, always has spare airfields for self-realization: work, shopping, physical education, a circle of like-minded people, but there are almost never affairs on the side. Relationships, once built on responsibility and the desire for constancy, are not in danger of collapse.

There are few significant advantages between them that can unite them and hold them for a long time. Unless the Capricorn man can provide a carefree, beautiful life for the Libra woman. Solve practical issues and take on most of the worries and troubles. And with him, the Libra woman will feel more confident, there will be stability in life, material wealth, which is important to her.

In turn, she will be able to diversify the boring, monotonous life of a Capricorn man with interesting communication, impressions, and a positive mood. It is a positive mood that the Capricorn man often lacks, since he takes life seriously and is able to work a lot, which often results in overwork.

Life with a Libra woman will be beautiful and full of impressions. She will always be confident in her man. As a rule, he is distinguished by enviable constancy, respect for traditions, practicality and hard work.

The love relationship between them will be serious and beautiful, where romance and realism will miraculously combine. But this will be the case if they manage to get used to their personalities and can get along with their completely opposite half.

A Libra woman will be in love

  • Interesting
  • Feminine
  • Positive
  • Desired
  • Tactful
  • Elegant
  • Cultural
  • Sociable
  • Charming
  • Gorgeous
  • Informative
  • Erudite
  • Versatile

A Capricorn man will be in love

  • Serious
  • Faithful
  • Realistic
  • Rational
  • Practical
  • Logical
  • Hardworking
  • Responsible
  • Traditional
  • Punctual
  • Executive

Libra woman and Capricorn man compatibility in love relationships - cons

If at the beginning of a relationship a Libra woman can be captivated by the seriousness and realism of a Capricorn man and his strong qualities, then as the relationship progresses, disagreements will still arise. In any case, completely different views on life will appear.

The Capricorn man takes everything seriously. For him, life is, first of all, work, hard work, everyday worries, troubles. Monotony doesn't bother him at all.

When, as a Libra woman, a monotonous, boring life is unbearable, everyday troubles and worries are not interesting. She wants everything new, a feeling of celebration, positivity, and getting new impressions.

She wants to look luxurious, beautiful, and can spend a lot of money on clothes and self-care. When, as a man, Capricorn does not like a wasteful attitude towards finances. And in general he believes that one can be content with the little and the most necessary.

She loves fun, jokes, socializing in the company of friends, girlfriends, where she can have fun, and cannot stand loneliness. When, as a Capricorn man, he doesn’t like noisy holidays, he feels quite good alone. He will perceive jokes and the desire to misbehave as stupidity and frivolity.

The Libra woman herself is very sociable, she needs information, food for thought, and loves to talk on any topic. When, as a Capricorn man, he is a man of few words, and talking about everything seems like idle talk to him. He prefers to speak to the point, to the point.

She likes everything beautiful, elegant, she wants freedom and harmony. When a Capricorn man can be pedantic. In this case, you will have to say goodbye to freedom and the desire to live as you want. We'll have to live the way we should.

The truth is that the problem is that the Libra woman will not obey. If a man violates her sense of harmony, then the already fragile relationship may end.

Negative qualities of a Libra woman

  • frivolity
  • Impermanence
  • Impracticality
  • frivolity
  • Unreliability
  • Irresponsibility
  • Extravagance

Negative qualities of a Capricorn man

  • Restraint
  • Cold
  • Reticence
  • Stinginess
  • Pedantry
  • Demandingness
  • Conservative
  • Criticality

Compatibility of Libra woman and Capricorn man in love

For an ideal relationship, only feelings of love are not enough for them. You will still have to get used to your characters, change, work on your negative character traits. So that each partner can learn the best from their other half and become one.

Ideally, a Capricorn man will be able to feel more relaxed, get rid of tightness, and become more sociable. And the Libra woman will begin to take life more seriously, use her knowledge for practical benefit in order to get a material result.

It happens that such unions arise due to material motives. For example, a Capricorn man has achieved status, position, and prosperity. And he needs a beautiful, well-groomed woman who would adorn his status as a successful man. He can create a beautiful life for her and be less demanding of her whims.

but if a Capricorn man has not reached a significant social level and prosperity, then he will treat finances sparingly; he is not such a lover of a beautiful life as Libra.

See also How a Libra Woman Loves How a Capricorn Man Loves

How can a Libra woman win a Capricorn man?

It will be difficult for a Libra woman to win a Capricorn man and it may take a lot of time before he trusts him and lets him come closer to her. He is not one of those who likes flirting, coquetry, beautiful words. He is indifferent to them, as well as to communication about everything in the world.

He is attracted to serious views on life, conversations on the merits, to the point, on topics where he can derive material, practical benefit. Accordingly, he likes practical, economic women who know how to make a career and achieve their goals.

Libra woman and Capricorn man in bed

The compatibility of a Libra woman and a Capricorn man in bed is far from ideal. He cannot be called a skilled lover that a Libra woman would like. She has aesthetic tastes, while his tastes are purely practical, traditional, without a hint of romance. In intimate relationships, coldness, restraint, and traditionalism can also appear, without special words or compliments.

The Capricorn man is not a sensual, gentle, soft lover, while the Libra woman likes everything sensual, long foreplay, sensual experiments. But he is quite satisfied with the traditional rhythm of intimate relationships.

It is worth noting that this article contains only a description of the zodiac sign, that is, only the position of the sun in the zodiac sign is described. When there are many other planets and aspects involved in the formation of character, behavior, habits, and a person. If you need the help of an astrologer or want to find out more detailed information about yourself or a person you are interested in, use the astrological services on our website.

Astrological services are developed by professional astrologers. And they will help you find out more specific and interesting information, taking into account the position of all planets, aspects based on your individual horoscope. Before ordering, you can see an example of a horoscope.

Compatibility of zodiac signs is the first thing you should pay special attention to when building relationships.

There are signs of different temperaments and life positions that are not destined to build long-term relationships. But even in such cases, you should not reject the idea of ​​marriage.

Capricorn is a rational zodiac sign and therefore a woman born under it has a masculine mentality. In turn, the Libra man romantic and subtle by nature.

It would seem, what could they have in common? And such couples are often created, despite visible differences. These signs will complement each other perfectly in marriage. In such a union, mutual understanding and sexual attraction can reign, which will develop into strong love.

Heart on Libra

Capricorn is a smart woman who needs to use her intelligence in order for a man to become interested in her. To do this, you can use two main tools, described below.

1. Remedy number one is the location of the planets and their mutual attraction. The main planet for Libra is Venus with its sensuality and tenderness. Such people will always be drawn to the opposite energy sign of Mars, Capricorn.

This will indicate the strong sexual attraction that a man will experience when a Capricorn woman is in front of him. A girl should use her spectacular appearance, manners and sex appeal.

Compatibility built on sexual desire, however, must be supported by something additional. To do this, you need to monitor your business style of conversation and avoid it.

2. The firmness and inner masculine core of Libra is another trump card for building strong relationships. With women, Libra loves certainty and constancy, this is the key to successful relationships. Libra is a stone wall, behind which it is calm and safe.

The compatibility of the signs is not so romantic, but rather partner-like. Capricorn, with its conservatism and responsibility, makes an excellent partner. With such a distribution of roles in marriage, the couple will be perfectly able to put everything in its place, find the necessary priorities and achieve joint heights.

Women always feel like they are winning Libra's attention. In fact, Capricorn becomes a victim for a man, his prey for building a future family. In the future, the sign of balance is revealed as a reliable man who will always have the last word.

Perfect couple

From the outside, the couple looks very attractive, as secular and well-mannered people who take care of themselves externally and pay attention to harmonious internal development.

When paired, both signs become more restrained and show miracles of good manners. This compatibility plays into the hands of the spouses in most cases. Scales when paired, they become more rigid and cease to be as soft as before.

Also, a man ceases to be passive, begins to actively act and take on the necessary responsibility. Capricorn is a woman who will not be afraid to act openly, feeling support from a man. This behavior will spur the partner to stable displays of power.

Outwardly, the couple remains charming and interesting to communicate with, but they develop a strength of character that is also reflected externally.

With such a core, the woman in this couple acquires the tenderness and softness she lacks, without losing her rational attitude. From her chosen one, she will learn to hide her cruelty and direct it into other areas, such as business and professional.

Conflicts and difficulties of the union

There are not many global problems in the union of these signs. As a rule, they appear in the initial stages of a relationship, allowing you not to go too far.

In such cases, compatibility is not complete, but only superficial. Libra begins to demand too much, and Capricorn becomes disillusioned with the real development of the relationship. Most often, conflicts in relationships manifest themselves over various everyday trifles.

Thus, Libra shows aesthetics in everything in everyday life. They love their surroundings to be beautiful and harmonious down to the smallest detail, even if not functional. Also, such men like to spend time at cultural events, despite their busy schedule.

In contrast to this, Capricorn always wants to see functionally working objects in front of him without excessive pathos and beauty. This dryness and deliberate lack of femininity frightens and depresses a man.

Such a conflict can affect the compatibility of signs not only at a high and aesthetic level. Such different approaches to things manifest themselves in everyday trifles and in more global issues, which can cause separation.

The choice of clothes or dishes, furniture or place of residence - all this can become a stumbling block. The partner may not like the household items chosen by the companion. In turn, the companion is a waste of money on his part for something that has no practical application.

Needless to say, such compatibility will not last long. The man will be abandoned because the chosen one does not like this approach to the distribution of finances.

Secrets of keeping peace as a couple

  1. In order for a man and a lady to remain in such a union for a long time, it is necessary to work on themselves. Compatibility grows in a couple that becomes harmonious. Capricorn such a woman who overprotects her family, regardless of the desires in it. She knows better what will be best for him. But Libra sees everything a little differently, wanting to dominate. Therefore, a woman should listen more to her partner.
  2. A man will not run away from his chosen one who does not want to change his nature. Libra is not suitable as a sign for rationalization and pragmatism. In many matters, a woman will have to give in to her partner for the sake of his peace of mind. If we talk about finances, then their management should simply be distributed between the partners so that tension does not arise.
  3. In work, these signs are combined in different ways, it all depends on the positions and the relationship between them. The tips described are also suitable for business relationships between these signs.

Mutual concessions and attraction of souls and bodies will lead to harmony in marriage, and harmonious relationships and smoothed corners will lead to a good creative union in friendship and work.
Author: Anastasia Korobeynikova

The stars speak quite favorably about the compatibility of a Libra man and a Capricorn woman: these people are opposite in many ways, so there is a lot of chance for mutual interest and strong sympathy. On the other hand, the compatibility horoscope also warns of some difficulties - it is better to find out about them in advance, because forewarned means forearmed.

When zodiac signs belong to different elements, it is at least interesting. It’s interesting for them themselves - after all, a person from another planet literally enters your life: he speaks differently, looks strange, and in general he has such pictures in his head that no one else would even dream of.

Most likely, this is what a Capricorn girl will think about a sociable, charming and in many ways attractive Libra guy when she sees him for the first time. The fact is that Capricorn belongs to the element of earth, and this largely explains the real heaviness of this lady. In the best sense, of course. She is reasonable, takes life seriously and approaches everything with an exceptional sense of responsibility and duty. Capricorn dreams of a strong, wealthy man with whom she will feel very safe and comfortable. She treats everything like a clockwork that must be wound up every morning, waking up early and rushing to work.

But the Libra man is the personification of the air element. He is characterized by dreaminess, openness and sociability. Libra is usually a great storyteller; he prefers to win people not by force, but by charm. And by the way, in most cases he succeeds. What can I say – there is one goal, but there are many paths to it!

It will be all the more interesting for Libra and Capricorn to collide together on the path of life. At first, they will be a little confused, since the lady always thought that a man should be more severe, and Libra will be surprised that there is still a type of strong woman left in the world.

But surprise is a good harbinger of the beginning of a relationship. It doesn’t matter what they experience in the first second - it could even be a deep internal antipathy, and this is already the first step. Do you know why? It’s just that sympathy and antipathy are two sides of the same force, whose name is mutual interest. After all, if they simply passed by indifferently, everything would remain in its place. And here it’s a completely different matter: positive or negative, but they hooked each other!

It’s just that Capricorn may find this type of man incredibly attractive - most likely, she was not ready for such a meeting, and she simply does not have a plan of action. Which, by the way, happens to her very rarely. And Libra will be blown away by the incredible sexuality of Capricorn. Most likely, they will feel the attraction on a subconscious level: dreamy Venus, which patronizes a man born under the zodiac sign Libra, will rush towards militant Mars, who protects the assertive Capricorn.

A complex astrological calculation of the compatibility of partners in a love relationship, translated into ordinary language, means only one thing: you will definitely be attracted to each other. But this will most likely not happen right away. Surprisingly, relationships are destined to go through a whole preparatory stage, during which you will not have even a thought about some kind of romance.

The thing is that Capricorn is never in a hurry, and Libra is unlikely to immediately be drawn to such a serious, seemingly tough girl. At times she comes across as a professional, classy lady who knows the value of everything and loves order in everything more than anything else. And in relationships - above all.

But when a happy moment of spark and romantic feeling does slip through, it turns out that they have literally let the genie out of the bottle: Capricorn’s feelings, which have been skillfully contained all this time, will flow in a real torrent, which will be a real surprise for the discouraged Libra.

It turns out that the novel will go through several stages, and these stages will be very different from each other. In general, there are a lot of discoveries ahead of them: it is precisely this kind of mutual interest, dissimilarity of views and thoughts that will form a good basis for favorable compatibility in love, and then in marriage.

Marriage compatibility: a wonderful school of life

If a Capricorn girl has been dating a guy for a long time, we can say for sure: she has already made her choice. Yes, this is a really strong type of lady who is used to getting what she needs. She is ready to make many sacrifices for the sake of her happiness. And Capricorn knows exactly what she wants, which makes her pressure simply indestructible.

It is not surprising that her relationship with the light and freedom-loving Libra will certainly lead to marriage. A man of this sign will most likely deny, constantly come up with sophisticated excuses in which it is difficult to suspect deception, but this will not help him remain in his free state for as long as he would like. It will also be reflected that the Libra guy values ​​​​status and is completely indifferent to the notorious public opinion: indeed, half of his friends are already babysitting babies, but for some reason he is not like everyone else.

Before the altar, the couple will be very happy, because the natural course of events will lead to marriage. The Capricorn woman prefers to plan everything down to the smallest detail, and even more so such an important event as a wedding. Both will find what they have been looking for for a long time - stability and tranquility. It must be said that Libra will also appreciate this scenario: they themselves often secretly dream of finding long-awaited prosperity, even if this means sacrificing the comfortable life of an old bachelor.

The stars are less clear about the compatibility of Libra and Capricorn in family relationships: it is clear that there will be a number of mutual contradictions, which partners will be able to overcome only thanks to boundless respect and deep sympathy for each other.

First of all, a couple may begin to conflict over living conditions and financial matters. Indeed, a rational Capricorn girl, like a professional accountant, diligently counts every penny, and an aristocratic Libra may, no, no, and even bring into the house some luxurious, but completely useless thing like a grandfather clock with gilded hands. It's just beautiful! And the man of this sign is a true esthete and connoisseur of beauty.

Capricorn may be irritated by this view of money; she will consider it a squandering, which she will tell her husband everything about honestly and to his face. The fact is that she is not used to hiding at all. But Capricorn’s directness is more than compensated by her patience, but all patience will definitely come to an end.

Libra, embarrassed by the outbursts of violent anger of their beloved Capricorn, may even become seriously offended. But if they think it over and weigh everything (and Libras love to do this kind of work), then they will secretly agree with their spouse and try to make amends with gifts and other diplomatic moves, of which they have a great many in stock.

In general, Capricorn's patient disposition and sense of balance have a very good effect on the compatibility of partners in love relationships. In their family, conflicts with dust reaching the ceiling and throwing objects from the service are a real rarity that occurs no more often than snow in May. It’s just that Libras are reasonable and do not consider it possible to fall below a certain level, which they themselves invented. And Capricorn, as already mentioned, is very patient and has a sufficiently balanced character to resolve conflicts in a raised voice.

When the partners finally understand their characters and, as they say, smooth out the rough edges, they will be incredibly surprised at how much they have gone through together. And not only in a material, but also in a psychological sense. Perhaps they graduated from a real school of life, both with gold medals. Needless to say, this is exactly what happens in relationships between interesting personalities who always have something to learn from each other.

Sexual compatibility: from different angles

The difference in the elements, energy and the very characters of our heroes will certainly affect their intimate life. They will be incredibly interested in getting their partner into bed - indeed, experiencing the delights of love with such an exotic fruit will be incredibly interesting.

And when it comes to nightly adventures, both will feel euphoria, although this feeling will be of very different properties. If Libra views sex as one of many sources of pleasure, which, if necessary, can be replaced by a cultural event or a trip to the bathhouse with friends, then for a Capricorn girl, carnal pranks are a whole world, amazing and limitless.

So it turns out that each of the partners appreciates each other, tries to enjoy and enjoy. But they look at the marriage bed from very different angles - well, that’s why their relationship is not losing at all.

Compatibility at work: in different positions

As for compatibility at work, partners will immediately feel their difference. Often their relationship can be described with words from the fable about the swan, the crayfish and the pike, who pulled the cart in different directions.

They are unlikely to be successful in joint ventures, but in individual work, where everyone is given a clear task with interesting activities, they will succeed.

A Libra man and a Capricorn woman are so different that sometimes those around them are only surprised: where does a couple come from with such little, at first glance, chances of compatibility? But they don’t try to explain this phenomenon: they just live together and enjoy each other. And the stars are only happy for this union.

The percentage compatibility of Capricorn and Libra in love and marriage is high, about 80%. Already in the first minutes of acquaintance, a strong connection is established between them. This novel can be called fairy-tale because from the very beginning there is no misunderstanding between people, they are almost perfect for each other in everything. Their union is strong and indestructible, like a wall. Accustomed to weighing everything, such a sign perfectly complements and supports the thrifty Capricorn in everything.

How the elements affect a love relationship

Compatibility in love relationships between earth and air is a controversial issue. The Libra woman and the Capricorn man often cannot find a common language due to their diverse views on life. The rich inner world of air representatives is not always clear to the pragmatic Capricornus, who values ​​the material side of life more. Capricorn's sexual energy and power are sometimes intimidated by the second sign represented. For a Libra girl and a Capricorn man, it can be difficult to understand each other because for an earth sign the main thing in a relationship will still be sex, but for the air sign of the horoscope, mental connection is more important than physical connection.

On the other hand, the air carries seeds that make the soil fertile. From this point of view, the compatibility of a Capricorn woman and a Libra man will be higher than the compatibility of a Capricorn man and a Libra woman. Earth signs have innate leadership qualities and tend to overpower their partner. The sexual compatibility of a Libra man and a Capricorn girl is much better than that of a Capricorn man and a Libra woman. The fact is that the Capricorn girl is often sexually complex, and therefore, courteous and gentle representatives of the air element are able to awaken ardent love and passion in her.

Capricorn woman and Libra man

The compatibility of Capricorn and Libra is justified by their spiritual closeness. Their thinking is almost the same, so conflict situations arise very rarely. Libra man and Capricorn woman feel comfortable together. Excessive wastefulness is alien to both of them; they make decisions mutually. However, the desire for leadership can sometimes play a cruel joke. Capricornus is ruled by Mars and therefore can often be overly aggressive.

Friendly relations

These two signs will be perfectly combined in friendly and friendly relations. Due to the fact that they have similar temperaments, they will always find a common language.

A Libra man will be more flexible and compliant in friendship, but in general, friendship between a Capricorn woman and a Libra man is an ideal combination.

What will the union be like?

Capricorn and Libra build an alliance on a mutual agreement. A Capricorn girl in love is trusting and vulnerable, often because of this she finds herself in awkward situations, succumbing to momentary weaknesses, but for the sake of her man she will do anything. She is scrupulous and picky, everything in her life is according to the rules. The Capricorn man has exactly the same qualities. Capricornus' habits are difficult to change, but for the sake of a loved one he can do anything and even give in a little.

A Libra man is able to conquer with masculinity and determination. The tenacity of a Capricornus man will quickly win the heart of any lady. They are endowed with innate wisdom. Their inner world is rich and beautiful. Air and earth signs complement each other perfectly. Without air, which rules the sign in question, the earth, ruled by Capricornus, will not bear fruit. Such a union is blessed by the stars themselves. People's interest in each other does not fade until old age; together they are not afraid of any problems, unless, of course, they can find a compromise. In many ways, family life will depend on the position of the Moon, as well as the ascendant and the exact time of birth.

How compatible are they in bed?

The Capricorn woman and the Libra man are ideally compatible not only spiritually, but also in bed they can give each other unearthly pleasure, which is very important for Capricorn. The woman in such a couple prefers to receive true pleasure, and the guy is able to “hear” his other half.

Sex in such a couple will never be boring. Both signs are full of passion and love for each other, which is why such lovers get married very often.

General business

If a Capricorn woman and a Libra man have a joint business, they will be able to achieve great heights. There are never “guilty” people in such unions. All problems are resolved mutually and, I must say, successfully.

Both representatives of this couple know what it means not just to command, but also to participate in the work process. Therefore, it is easy for them to find a common language and solve every problem at its root.

Capricorn man and Libra woman

The Capricorn man is attractive to the Libra girl with his thriftiness and ability to think rationally. This is the ideal wife for him. Libra woman, Capricorn man – this is a match made in heaven. A sexy, attractive girl knows perfectly well how to hook a sometimes too meticulous guy. A couple may have disagreements about money. The economical Capricorn does not understand how one can spend a fortune on trinkets.

How compatible are they in love?

The compatibility of the signs Capricorn and Libra is quite high in love relationships, due to the difference in characters. And although, at the beginning, the Libra girl is frightened by the strong pressure of her partner, over time her calculating brain understands that a better partner who can cover her rear and provide her family with finances cannot be found. Such a woman knows how to firmly tie a guy to her. She skillfully guides him, pretending that everything is in his hands and he has complete freedom of action.

Libras are romantic by nature, so Capricorns need to pamper their soulmate with attention more often, and not focus only on themselves and their affairs. But Libra should pay more attention to physical contacts, and then family life will be filled with new colors for both. For earth signs, sex itself is probably not as important as touching hands, hugs and kisses, when they can “touch” love. The family life of such different people often causes envy and girlfriends begin to plot in order to upset the marriage, so communication with friends should be limited to both spouses and more time should be spent together.

Work area

If the compatibility horoscope of Libra and Capricorn in love and marriage says that there may be misunderstandings in relationships, then everything is perfect in their work. Their overall activities arouse the envy of others with their coherence and high results. Thanks to the natural flair of Libra and the high efficiency of Capricorns, their business is always successful. Sometimes, of course, they may have a conflict of interest, because Capricorn tends to devote himself entirely to work, and Libra often has his head in the clouds, but in general such a tandem can serve as an example for others.

How compatible are they in friendship?

In friendship, both Libra and Capricorn are very devoted to each other. But Capricorns often get into trouble because of their gullibility. They can give their last to a friend they didn’t immediately understand, while Libra will weigh everything first. In friendship, a Capricorn man and a Libra woman are inseparable. Many may envy such a relationship.

In friendship, these zodiac signs are attracted by a common worldview and the ability to carry on a conversation. Capricorn attracts people with his intelligence and ability to support any conversation. Often, these are comprehensively developed personalities, without unnecessary pretentiousness, who do not like to shock the public and attract attention with their clothes, as fire signs do. Capricorns in Libra are attracted by their rich inner world.

The influence of the year of birth on love affairs

The lunar disk affects all people. Depending on whether it was in a growth or decline phase at the time of birth, character traits will manifest themselves to a greater or lesser extent, so people of the same sign can be completely different. For example, Capricornus, born at the beginning of the month on a new moon, will be more susceptible to the influence of the elements of the earth; accordingly, he will be less concerned about issues of spiritual development, and those born in the waning phase, on the contrary, will be more creative and less aggressive.

The compatibility of the signs Capricorn and Libra will largely depend on the year of birth of the people. The combination of certain qualities that animals from the Eastern horoscope endow people with can unite or, on the contrary, separate a couple. Compatibility of Capricorn and Libra, according to year of birth, is presented below.

  1. The relationship between Capricorn the Rat and the Libra girl is possible only if they are business partners; in love they will be a complete failure. The Rat believes that nothing else exists more important than money and carnal pleasures, so a person who is subtle and has an elegant inner world will be of little interest to them.
  2. Compatibility of the signs Capricorn - Ox and Libra is also low. Oxen are distinguished by their perseverance and desire for leadership, they often become bosses, but here’s how husbands can be cruel tyrants, which Libra will not be able to withstand.
  3. The Tiger makes the phlegmatic Capricorn more sociable and emotional. Such a person has many talents, so Libra and Capricorn Tiger couples have every chance of living together all their lives.
  4. Couples Libra and Capricorn - Rabbit can be called ideal. The Rabbit reduces the negative impact of Mars and makes the earth sign more pliable and flexible.
  5. The Dragon gives Capricorns the ability to be forgiving and patient. Capricorn and Libra Dragons can build an ideal relationship and found a whole business empire.
  6. The Snake is also not a good partner for marriage. People ruled by a reptile are distinguished by their unusual straightforwardness, which sometimes goes beyond all boundaries, and in combination with the aggression of Capricorn or the pragmatism of Libra it creates an explosive mixture.
  7. A horse is a good wife and mother.
  8. The Goat makes Capricorns calmer. Such people most often work in creative groups, where they meet Libra, who, like the sun, brings joy to their lives and becomes their muses.
  9. The Monkey guy, born under the zodiac sign Capricorn, loves a vibrant life, strives to be in the center of attention, so he is unlikely to be able to find a common language with Libra, perhaps at a more mature age, when his youthful maximalism has passed and he has cooled down a little.
  10. The Rooster gives people creative abilities. If a Capricorn guy was born in the year of the Rooster, he has every chance to win the heart of the beautiful Libra and achieve her love.
  11. A dog is an ideal companion in life. People born in the year of the Dog are loyal and hardworking, they cannot be frightened by difficulties.
  12. The Pig girl will become a wonderful mother; such a wife always knows how to keep her man.

Summarizing information

In general, the union between these two signs is quite favorable if people learn to give in and hide some of their emotions. This, of course, applies more to hot-tempered Capricorns, although Libra men also have some intemperance, especially those born in the growth phase of the Moon. Libra woman and Capricorn man are a good match. He is strong, smart, attractive, and can provide his lady with a comfortable existence.
