What awaits a girl in April.

Virgos are advised to resolve issues related to travel, signing important documents, and execution of contracts before April 10. The reason lies in Mercury, which after this date turns around and begins to move backward. A retrograde planet creates problems in the areas of communication, education, and transportation. During this period, it is not recommended to buy anything, especially electronic equipment.

Although on April 15, the planet of beauty and love, Venus, returns to the direct phase, it is still worth holding off on weddings, weddings, and christenings. The time favorable for such important events will come in May 2017. In mid-spring, it is better to start solving current problems and routine matters. The Virgo horoscope for April 2017 does not encourage initiative or excessive activity.

Virgo love horoscope for April 2017

The first half of April will still be stressful with instability in relationships, periodic quarrels, and irritation. At this time, it is important for Virgos to abstract themselves, treat human shortcomings with understanding, try to smooth out rough edges and calmly react to troubles. You can’t be critical of others, or at least you shouldn’t focus on it.

Already in the second half of April, Virgos will be able to enjoy a peaceful family life. After Easter, there will be harmony and mutual understanding in relationships. If you want to update your wardrobe, you should take a closer look at the spring offers, but it is better to postpone purchases until May. April is suitable for fittings and budget calculations.

Favorable days for love in April 2017 for Virgo: April 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, 24, 25.

Virgo financial horoscope for April 2017

The Virgo horoscope for April 2017 does not welcome any radical actions. Mid-spring is not suitable for changing jobs, concluding long-term contracts, or signing agreements. There is a high probability that all this will disappoint in the near future and will not bring the expected profit. In order not to expose themselves to risk, it is better for Virgos to postpone all important decisions until the beginning of May. April 2017 is not suitable for business trips, launching advertising campaigns, or negotiations with investors.

Favorable days for money in April 2017 for Virgo: April 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28.

Virgo health horoscope for April 2017

April 2017 is not the best month for surgery. If the operation is planned, it is advisable to postpone it to May. Of course, everything is individual; to make such a decision, it is important to consult a doctor and an astrologer. In mid-spring, there is a taboo on operations on the face and lumbar area. There is a high probability that they will be unsuccessful and will require repeated intervention. April is great for walking in the fresh air. Virgos can go jogging and cycling.

Virgos will constantly be in the spotlight, says the horoscope for April 2019. Virgo will become a kind of irritant. Management and colleagues may experience a wide variety of feelings towards them - envy, love, jealous, and blame, but the main thing is that their attention will be constantly focused on her.


The most interesting thing is that for such heightened interest, Virgo will not have to do anything special in April. And it absolutely does not matter whether Virgo has real preconditions for someone’s indignation or delight, someone’s envy or someone’s resentment - those around him will unconsciously try to unravel the secret of his real or imaginary success.

The horoscope for April 2019 strongly recommends that Virgos take advantage of this favorable feature and try to captivate those around them with their projects, instill enthusiasm, and offer joint participation in a common cause. The magical attractiveness of Virgos will force many to take on faith everything that the representative of the sign says, believe in his lucky star and follow him without looking. Even if Virgo herself is not very sure of the chosen direction.


To prevent clouds of hostility and discord from hanging over Virgo's family relationships, they need to learn to control their emotions. Jealousy is the Achilles heel of many Virgos, and in April 2019 it will often subjugate the Virgo's mind with its power. Virgos should learn to trust their partner in marriage more, because, as time has shown, all your conflict situations due to jealousy have turned out to be groundless.

In April, Virgos will face quite significant financial expenses. Finances can be used to educate children, purchase real estate, or treat family members. Try to be philosophical about these expenses, and you will very soon restore your financial balance.

Mid-spring will delight many representatives of the sign with communication with friends both at the table and in the lap of nature. Do not forget that the Yellow Earth Pig, the patron of the year, is a cordial and hospitable host, and if a meeting with friends is planned on your territory, then make every effort to ensure that it is held at the highest level.

Virgo woman

Virgo Woman in April may be subject to severe criticism from her household due to excessive wastefulness. Moreover, and this was completely out of character for her before, significant sums will be spent specifically on her beloved self. The 1500th bottle of perfume, jewelry that is absolutely not in demand later, investments in hairstyle and appearance will not bring the desired pleasure, but will only complicate relationships with others.

To avoid aggravating the situation, when leaving home, take with you only the amount necessary for your planned purchases.

Virgo man

Like the fair half, stars predict unplanned expenses for Virgo men. The situation will be very unfavorable for representatives of the zodiac house who are fond of gambling. At this time, you need to take the tenth route around the card table or roulette; Fortune will turn away from you seriously and for a long time if you spend her favor in this way.

Many Virgo men have to solve some technical issues within the confines of their home. The same can apply to a vehicle. Most likely, they will have to carry out repairs on their favorite car themselves.

Virgo Child

The little Virgo will not cause any trouble to her parents in April 2019. On the contrary, she will become a constant source of joy for those closest to her. Most of them will display remarkable intellectual abilities, they will surprise with their rapid learning to read and write, their ability to observe everything that happens around them and draw thoughtful conclusions based on these observations. Try to ensure that the seeds of a little person’s self-development fall on fertile soil. Take the time to answer all your child’s questions.


April 2019 will be very calm for Virgo in all areas of life, including in terms of health! The Yellow Pig, the patron of the year, and the Moon, which holds the reins of fate for the representatives of the sign, endow Virgos with huge reserves of energy, high vitality and positive emotions. And Virgos will not tire of proving to everyone around them in April that a healthy mind lies in a healthy body.

Swimming, gym classes, swimming, running, dancing, yoga - whatever Virgo does, strengthening and tempering their body, they will get wonderful results that can exceed all their expectations. And everything that Virgo starts doing in April 2019 has every chance of quickly becoming a habit, and the representatives of the sign themselves will quickly acquire any useful skills in the chosen activity. The main thing to do is to take the first step and overcome the initial inertia and laziness.

Horoscope for April 2019, Virgo is jealous of her partner. Learn to trust!
The Virgo woman will face criticism for being too extravagant.
A Virgo man needs to beware of gambling.
Horoscope for May 2019, Virgo.

The stars say that April 2017 promises many Virgos changes in their personal lives. New feelings and passions cause slight dizziness and a desire to change something in your affairs of the heart. Many representatives of the Virgo sign will be able to achieve long-awaited events on the love front in April. For some representatives of this zodiac sign, such events will be new novels, weddings and declarations of feelings, for others - a long-planned break in an outdated relationship.

Lonely Virgos in April should be especially attentive to obvious manifestations of sympathy from unknown people. This month there is a risk of running into a dishonest person. Virgos should perceive all new acquaintances in April primarily as an opportunity for friendly communication. A slight detachment and an outside perspective will help Virgos determine a person’s sincerity and avoid trouble. However, the love horoscope does not advise representatives of the Virgo sign to go to extremes: it is likely that an acquaintance in April could become fateful and develop into a long, tender relationship.

Virgos who are in a stable relationship can look at their chosen one with different eyes. Many couples who are not yet married will decide to officially register their relationship. For representatives of the Virgo sign, connected by family ties, this month will help find ways to solve existing problems in relationships. All the efforts made by Virgos during this period to strengthen marital relations will not go unnoticed and will bear good fruit in the future.

Love horoscope for Virgo woman for April 2017

Single girls born under the sign of Virgo will not be too keen on urgently establishing their personal life. In April 2017, girls’ moods will not be subject to emotional outbursts, so from the outside it may mistakenly seem that Virgos are not interested in relationships at the moment. It’s just that representatives of this zodiac sign will approach the possibility of meeting and meeting new people with a cool head, not allowing illusions and emotions to dull common sense.

Virgos who have a stable relationship will receive support and care from their partner in April. The development of such relationships in this spring month will go quite smoothly for girls. Many Virgo women will be able to relax and feel a reliable male shoulder next to them. April of this year for many married Virgos can become a period of stability and manifestation of mutual love.

Some representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to finally put an end to their burdensome relationships. Virgo women are capable of initiating an overdue breakup, which will bring relief to both parties. This breakup will not cause long worries and unpleasant emotions. In this case, the love horoscope recommends that Virgos take their time looking for a new relationship.

Love horoscope for a Virgo man for April 2017

Single men born under the sign of Virgo will not be determined to change their status in April. Dating with representatives of the opposite sex will be more for the sake of sporting interest than with an eye to a stable future. In April, a Virgo man will be able to turn the heads of girls by flirting in rare cases. However, if he is interested in communication, then the relationship that ensues may well become fateful. Couples with a Virgo man formed during this period will have a passionate and sensual relationship.

What does April 2017 have in store for Women under the sign of Virgo?

In April, Virgo women will experience severe stress, both at home and at work. They must pull themselves together and calm down, otherwise health problems and trips to the doctors will inevitably arise. In terms of love, Virgos without a partner will have everything unchanged, and family representatives will have to keep an eye on their spouse so that he does not do anything stupid.

Love horoscope for Virgo Woman

Single Virgo women will have many admirers. They will have the problem of choosing, in the end they will be completely confused in their feelings and will not choose anyone. This decision will turn out to be correct, because they are yet to meet true love.

Married representatives of this sign should pay more attention to their spouse, who will be drawn to adventure. Do not allow this, otherwise your fragile shoulders will not only take care of your family, but also solve your man’s problems. After all, it’s better to prevent such a situation from arising than to tear your hair out later trying to solve it.

Love horoscope for April 2017: Virgo The woman will feel that her man needs supervision. Don't complain, because loving people should be together in joys and troubles.

Finance and work

You will have a lot of stress at the beginning of the month, which will be related to money, which will have a bad effect on relationships with colleagues, as well as on family relationships. Towards the middle of the month the situation will gradually begin to improve, you will be able to devote more time to work and family. Most of your thoughts will be occupied by ideas on how to climb the career ladder and establish yourself well at work, all so that your boss will pay attention to you.

Health and leisure

In April, you will take on many responsibilities and a heavy workload, but remember that all this can take a toll on your body. If you don’t want to visit a gynecologist and gastroenterologist later (after all, constant stress will lead you to such problems), then you need to distribute your responsibilities wisely and not grab onto everything. Pay attention to your spine. A course of massages will help strengthen the muscle corset and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helping to cope with increased stress on the body and mind.

Many Virgo women can experience a lot of stress related to money. This will most likely happen in the first half of the month and will affect your partnerships and family affairs. The situation will become more favorable after April 15, and you will be able to devote yourself entirely to work and household chores.

Virgo men will be pleased to feel that something depends on them, that they are, to some extent, puppeteers. Mid-April will make you want to try on the mask of a gray cardinal and try to manipulate others. Thanks to the conjunction of Venus and Mars in Taurus, you will be able to give weight and significance to all your words and actions.

Horoscope for April 2017 Virgo woman

  • Favorable days for Virgo women in April 2017: April 1, 6, 11, 19, 23, 27.
  • Difficult days for Virgo women in April 2017: April 8, 15, 25.

Love. Your partner will surprise you either with his impossible requests or with his desire to involve you in solving his problems at all costs. So don't expect an easy life this week.

  • From 1 to 10 April. Personal relationships will become the subject of your serious and deep thoughts. No matter how you try to avoid the problem of choice and decision-making, you still have to do it now.
  • From 11 to 20 April. The most important issue this week is leadership in the family. It may seem to both you and your loved ones that someone else is actively pulling the blanket over themselves. The main thing is to try to avoid a quarrel.
  • From 21 to 30 April. You should show more patience and understanding towards the men around you. Otherwise, you risk acquiring sworn enemies instead of loyal fans.

Health. The time is favorable for both hair coloring and manicure. But the haircut will please you only if you remain faithful to your usual look. In cosmetics, novelty is also not welcome.

  • From 1 to 10 April. Your immune system needs support. Try to be outdoors more often and avoid crowded places.
  • From 11 to 20 April. This week, give yourself a rest - your body really needs it now. Watch your weight. Massage will make it easier to tolerate diet restrictions.
  • From 21 to 30 April. This week is a good time to start a course of treatment, undergo an examination, or get seriously involved in fitness.

Finance. You have planned a lot of things for yourself and do not intend to retreat. You are especially willing to devote a lot of time to thinking about work and advancing your career.

Love. Much about the ladies around you will baffle you. If you can cope with this confusion, you can play well on their weaknesses.

  • From 1 to 10 April. Romantic passions will occupy a significant place in your life. This could be either a new hobby or an old “unhealed” wound. You will quickly rush into such a relationship.
  • From 11 to 20 April. You may feel an irresistible desire to communicate with bright people, to meet a mysterious woman.
  • From 21 to 30 April. Your changeable mood will give you a fresh idea - should you go somewhere to unwind with your beloved?

Health. You should pay special attention to your diet and avoid stress. It is better to adhere to a strict rule - eat five to six times a day, but in small portions.

  • From 1 to 10 April. A difficult week, as there will be more than real reasons for concern. Take a contrast shower, regularly visit the pool, walk before bed - this will improve your tone.
  • From 11 to 20 April. A harmonious period is coming. Everyone will begin to wonder how you were able to regain your strength so quickly. And you will be happy to give advice left and right.
  • From 21 to 30 April. Emotions will be at their peak as you will feel pressure from others. It is likely that close relatives will persuade you to go to the doctor for consultations and examination.

Finance. Now you will have good prospects related to your position at work. Much depends on the apt and clever word you say to the point.

  • From 1 to 10 April. Your opinion and authority mean a lot to your partners. But if you are impatient, you will not see success.
  • From 11 to 20 April. You will enjoy the work process this week and bring moral and material satisfaction.
  • From 21 to 30 April. Now you will have many fruitful ideas about the effective organization of work.

Horoscope for April 2017 Virgo child

Daughter. Your girl is very observant. She will note any changes in the appearance of her girlfriends. Someone will attract her attention with a new dress, someone with a beautiful hairstyle. She may want to receive a gift that you clearly cannot afford. Or your daughter will urgently start losing weight and playing sports. If there are no quick results, she may be very upset. Support your child.

Son. During this period, your child will prefer to stay away from conflicts. This will be quite easy for him to do, since he is not very active by nature. However, your son may begin to feel like he is worse than others, so it is especially important for him to get support from his parents. In general, you are now the most important and authoritative people for him, do not undermine his faith in you.

Read the horoscope for April 2017 for other zodiac signs:
