Sunflower made of plasticine. Modeling lesson

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 41" of the Engels municipal district of the Saratov region


Educational field artistic and aesthetic development

direct organized activities


theme: "Sunflower".

Compiled by: Baranovskaya Tatyana Petrovna

teacher of the first category MBDOU

"Kindergarten No. 41"


Age group: average (4-5 years).

Gaming technologies for the intellectual and creative development of children

Theme (in accordance with comprehensive thematic planning) “Golden Autumn”.

Educational field Artistic and aesthetic development

GCD topic: Modeling a sunflower.

Target: Creating an original image through testoplasty.

Tasks: Create conditions for expanding visual and sensory impressions; continue to enrich children’s understanding of oval and round objects and their depiction in modeling;consolidate techniques for sculpting oval and round objects;develop a sense of form and composition;to cultivate an interest in learning about nature, a positive attitude towards the results of one’s activities and other children.


Game, educational and research, visual,

communicative, reading fiction, motor.

Forms of organization: group

Forms of implementation:children's activities: play, independent.

Equipment: dough, modeling board, sunflower, velvet paper stacks, cocktail tubes.

Preliminary work:looking at pictures, reading a poem to children, memorizing a poem, examining a sunflower, highlighting color, size, shape.


First part (introductory).

Doll Masha and Sasha sent us an SMS. In the summer we met a bee. Zhu-zha treated us to delicious honey, which she collected from different flowers. And she said healthy, medicinal honey on sunflower flowers, but they had not yet bloomed. We really want to try it!

Teacher: What can be done? Guys, I have colored dough, we will need it, who can tell us why? (children's answers).

SMS response: Our dear friends, doll Masha and Sasha, we will help the bee, we will prepare a whole meadow of sunflowers!

The teacher invites the children to touch a sunflower (knitted from colored threads), noting its features.

Teacher: Guys, what are the parts of a sunflower and what color are they (middle, petals). Ask them to remember which names of colors they know (children’s answers).

Teacher: Yes, today we will prepare a lot of sunflowers, they will all make a very sunny composition.

Second part (joint productive activity).

Teacher: Guys, our friends will be watching your work; they are already visiting us, the doll Masha and Sasha. We need to make the middle of a round shape, roll out a ball of dough, roll it out between your palms like this, pressing evenly, then place it on the board, press it on top, you get a slightly flattened shape. Using a tube, we will make round holes on the top surface to press out the “seeds”.

Roll out the yellow dough and cut it into five pieces. We make ovals from the pieces, flatten them and pinch the corners. We make veins in stacks of different shapes. Stacks will be needed in the process to separate a piece from the main one.

Teacher: In the same way, we make smaller petals, connect them, smooth them out. You can make a leaf out of green in the same way, just cut along the edge and press out the veins.

Teacher: Remember that when working with dough, you need to roll it out on a special board for modeling. Guys, where should the stacks be? How to use stacks correctly? (children's answers). That's right, the stacks must always be kept with the pointed end down, and after working with the stacks, they must immediately be placed on the stand.

Physical education minute.

In the garden by the path, (marching in place)

The sun is standing on its leg (stretching upward).

Only yellow rays (place hands on belt in a circular motion)

He is not hot (turns his body to the right - left).

Our sunflower is like the sun (light half squats - “spring”)

We are happy about the yellow petals (waves with raised hands).

Look at the seeds through the windows (make a “window” with your hands)

And they wink at us (“look out” from it).

During the modeling process, the teacher provides individual assistance (using his piece of dough, showing techniques for rolling, flattening, rolling out, cutting, connecting parts, smoothing, etc.).

Teacher: Place your sunflowers on a velvet sheet of paper, now we’ll see together how beautiful our clearing turned out.

I am a golden sunflower!
The children all know me.
That's why my outfit is yellow,
That I grew up under the sun.
My seeds are ripening,
For adults and children.
Look: how many there are,
On my hat!

S. Bogdan

3. The third part is final.

Teacher: Guys, what did we do today? Good (children's answers). Look guys, how many sunflowers there are, what do they look like? They all turned out beautiful because you tried, and everything around you became a little brighter. The guests, the dolls Masha and Sasha, say thank you very much, you are all great guys and they really liked your work. What color are sunflower seeds? What did we sculpt from yellow? What new did you learn? What have you learned?

Thank you all for your attention and active work!

Today we will replenish the plasticine collection of flowers with the most sun-loving flower - the sunflower. Many children associate this flower with the sun because of its bright yellow petals that look like its rays. Sunflowers also have the interesting ability to turn their cap towards the sun, thus accompanying it all day. Such a flower will not only be a worthy exhibit of your collection of plasticine flora, but also an excellent element for creating colorful summer applications, compositions and cards. In this master class you will find step-by-step photo instructions for creating a sunflower from plasticine.

Prepare the necessary tools and materials for sculpting a sunflower:

  • lemon, orange and yellow plasticine to create petals;
  • green and dark brown plasticine for forming the stem and center of the flower;
  • wire for the stem frame;
  • plastic spatula for cutting and texturing the mass.

How to make a sunflower from plasticine

Step 1. So, let's start the creative process. We create the center of a sunflower from dark brown plasticine. We first give the piece of mass the shape of a ball and then a cake. Using a sharp edge, we draw a mesh relief on the workpiece, simulating seeds.

Step 2. To create a beautiful shade of sunflower petals, it is better to use three tones of plasticine at once. First, we roll the bars into sausages, and then cut them lengthwise into three or four parts and form three-color sticks from these pieces.

We flatten one side of the sticks so that when cut, we get teardrop-shaped plates.

We flatten the plates and give them a beautiful shape of radiant petals.

Step 3. Glue the resulting petals in two rows to the edge of the back side of the center.

We bend the inner petals slightly inward, and the outer ones outward.

Step 4. From green balls we fashion a base for the sepals in the form of a plate.

We decorate their sides with sharp leaves of the same tone.

Attach the base with petals to the green cap.

Step 5. Using wire and green plasticine, create a massive sunflower stem. Bend the upper part of the stem slightly. We connect large buds with stems.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, a general developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of activities for the physical development of children No. 8 “Zoryanochka”

"I affirm"

Head of MBDOU

Kindergarten No. 8 “Zoryanochka”

S.Yu. Mesikova


group work

On the topic: "Sunflower"

for children of the preparatory group.


Nosova Nina Vitalievna

first qualification category



1.Introduce the technique of testoplasty.
2.Creating a souvenir, crafts for interior decoration.

Learn to create beautiful crafts from salt dough;
Develop aesthetic feelings, compositional skills;
Develop fine motor skills of the hands;
Foster hard work, accuracy, and independence;
Develop creativity, imagination, fantasy, abstract thinking;
Foster love and respect for nature.


Golden sunflower,
Petals are rays.
He is the son of the sun
And a cheerful cloud.

In the morning he wakes up,
The sun is shining,
Closed at night
Yellow eyelashes.

In summer our sunflower -
Like a colored flashlight.
In the fall we will have little black ones
He will give you some seeds.
Tatiana Lavrova

Sunflower - symbol of sun, joy and optimism.

Legends about the sunflower.

Plant name Helianthus came from the Greek language.
"Helios" means "sun" and "anthos" means flower.
Greek mythologytalks about the appearance of this flower:
One day, a water nymph named Clytia was thrown from the cool depths onto the shore of a sandy island. Fascinated by the bright light, she rested on the shore and watched in amazement at the previously invisible golden ball of the sun moving across the sky. This sight captivated her so much that she wished to always admire the sunlight.
Clytia's prayers were heard. Her mermaid tail sank into the sand, rooting her in place, her silver hair curled into petals around her face, and green leaves sprang from her fingers. The nymph turned into a sunflower - a flower of the sun, whose color reflects the gold of the solar disk and follows its movement every day.
It is believed that the sunflower was the herb of frankness. Many people in ancient times believed that if you put a sunflower under your pillow at night, it would induce prophetic dreams. The flower helped a person to show his best qualities, to protect himself from enemies; many people believed in the good power of the sunflower and preserved this tradition for several centuries in a row.
According to one of the ancient legends, the gods gave people a sunflower in order to
so that the sun never leaves them
. After all, sunflower flowers
always facing the sun, in any weather, even in the most foggy
and a rainy day. It is no coincidence that the sunflower has become a symbol of joy and optimism, as well as fidelity...
If you want to give a bouquet of sunflowers to someone you know, it means that you distinguish this person as a special and unique person and are proud of your acquaintance with him. It is customary to give sunflowers to extraordinary, bright and impressionable people. A bouquet of sunflowers is also suitable for expressing sincere gratitude.

Necessary materials:

4.Satin ribbons of different colors and thicknesses;
6. Gouache, brush,
9. Varnish for decorative works.

Step-by-step process for completing the job.

Salt dough recipe:
2 cups flour, 1 cup salt, 250 gr. water. Mix flour and salt, add water and a little PVA glue (for the strength of the product).
I knead the dough for 15-20 minutes, then put it in the refrigerator to rest for about an hour. That's it, now you can get to work.
We take our discs and immediately thread them through the hole of the ribbon.

Let's start making sunflower petals. Roll out the sausage, flatten it, forming a petal, and make veins in a stack.

Using water, glue it onto the disk.

So, all around the circle.

Now let's move on to the second layer of petals.

Making the core of a sunflower.
You need to add a little black or gray gouache to the colorless dough and knead the dough. This is necessary so that you don’t have to paint over it later.

We make a small “cake” and glue it in the middle.

Now insert the seeds.

One sunflower is ready.
I will need three of these flowers.

When the dough is dry, we start painting.

Cover with varnish.

We put them on the slats, decorate them with ribbons and the pendant is ready.

Can be hung individually.

I am a golden sunflower!
The children all know me.
That's why my outfit is yellow,
That I grew up under the sun.
My seeds are ripening
For adults and children.
Look how many there are
On my hat!

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution –

kindergarten No. 5 “Pochemuchka” of a combined type.


Educational field of artistic, aesthetic and cognitive development of direct educational activities: modelingwith natural materials.

subject:“Sunflowers for our mothers!”

In the older group

November 23, 2015

Prepared by a teacher of the 1st category:

Pavlova S.D.


“Sunflowers for our mothers!”

Subject: Modeling a sunflower with natural materials.

Target: Continue teaching children to sculpt from plasticine, using previously learned sculpting methods. Strengthen children's ability to combine plasticine and natural materials in crafts. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Develop imagination and fantasy. The ability to create an original image through sculpting. Continue to learn to understand and analyze the content of the poem. Develop the ability to give detailed answers to questions. Work with paints carefully. Develop teamwork skills. Develop a sense of composition.

Activities :

Game, educational and research, visual,

communicative, reading fiction, motor, musical.

Forms of organization: collective.

Forms of implementation: children's activities: play, independent.

Equipment: Reproduction of a painting by the Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh, plasticine, modeling board, sunflower, sunflower seeds (white and black), yellow paint, stacks.

Preliminary work: looking at pictures, reading a poem to children, memorizing a poem, examining a sunflower, highlighting color, size, shape.

Progress of the lesson.

First part. Organizational.

Conducted on the carpet.I know that you love poetry, and I found new, interesting ones especially for you. Listen.I read a poem by O. Lebakin to children

I am sunflower seeds

That summer I planted

I loosened it, poured some water on it,

He fenced it off.

And the sunflowers grew

I'm much taller

Delivering with your hats

Almost to the roof!

And the seeds are ripe

I'll feed it to the birds in winter:

Sparrows, doves,

Crows and titmice.

Ask the children:

What is this poem talking about?

What does a sunflower look like?

Ask the children what a wattle fence is?

If the children find it difficult to give the correct answer, then the teacher explains to them himself. A wattle fence is a fence made of woven branches and twigs. But today we will weave a basket for our future bouquet. I show the children how to make a wicker basket: you need to roll several columns from brown plasticine and place them horizontally at the bottom. Then we intertwine them vertically. I suggest the children make a basket for sunflowers. But before we get to work, we need to warm up our fingers.

Finger gymnastics “Sunflower”

The sunflower has a palm oh-ho-ho! (show left palm)

A hundred seeds in his generous palm (tapping with fingers)

In cramped conditions, but everyone is not offended, (clench your palms into a tight fist)

With the clear sun they talk about summer. (Raise both hands up, spread your fingers).

Shall we get started?

We listen carefully,

We work diligently.

Legs? On the spot! Hands? On the spot!

Elbows? At the edge! Back? Straight!

Teamwork in making a basket for a bouquet. Work takes place at a common table. And now I suggest you stick your columns onto our sheet so that we have a basket.

Gymnastics for the eyes “Sunflowers and Sun” The teacher picks up the image of the sun on a stick and moves it, and the children follow it, moving only their eyes. Then the children sit down in their places.

Second part. Practical.

The teacher invites the children to look at the pictures with sunflowers. He asks why sunflowers are grown. Listens to the answers. He says that the sunflower got its name because it always exposes its flower to the sun. That it is not only useful, but also beautiful. Tells the children that, admiring the beauty of the sunflower, the Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh loved to paint these sunny flowers. I propose to consider this famous painting.

Want to make your own sunflower?

Children's answers.

Educator : To make the petals we take white seeds and insert them on the sides. In order to decorate the middle, take black seeds and insert them into the center of the sunflower onto plasticine, and then paint the petals with yellow paint.

Independent work of children to music

Children place their sunflowers on a piece of paper, then on a common one. Now we will see together what a beautiful composition we have turned out to be.

I am a golden sunflower!
The children all know me.
That's why my outfit is yellow,
That I grew up under the sun.
My seeds are ripening,
For adults and children.
Look: how many there are,
On my hat! S. Bogdan.

Dynamic pause “Yellow Sunflower”

The yellow sun looks at the earth,
(Hands up, stretched, looked up)

A yellow sunflower watches the sun.
(With a turn to the right, draw an arc with raised hands)

Only his yellow rays are not hot.
(Tilts the head to the left-right shoulder)

It grows on a long stem
(Arms along the body, stand on tiptoes)

With petals like horns,
(Spread your arms to the sides and slightly up)

Its head is large and full of black seeds.
(Join rounded arms above your head)

3. The third part is final.

Educator: How beautiful and bright our sunflowers turned out. And even though it’s late autumn now, one look at our craft will make you feel like it’s truly summer!

What did you especially like or remember about today’s lesson?

Guys, what did we do today?

Good (children's answers).

Look guys, how many sunflowers there are, what do they look like?

What color are sunflower seeds?

What did we sculpt from the white seeds?

What did you do next?

What new did you learn?

What have you learned?

What was the middle made of?

What is a wattle fence?

They all turned out beautiful because you tried, and everything around us became a little brighter. Moms will really like your gift and will definitely thank you very much, you are all great.

Thank you all for your attention and active work!

Compiled by: Mikha Yilova N.V. Presentation for teachers. Plasticineography

Plasticineography is an unconventional modeling technique, which is expressed in “drawing” with plasticine more or less convex in volume (bas-relief) images on a horizontal surface. What is plasticineography?

“I’m not a simple material, sculpt from blocks and colored ones, play with me, don’t forget to wash your hands.” Every child from early childhood is familiar with such a pliable and soft material as plasticine. But not everyone knows that you can draw with it. Preschoolers love to sculpt and draw. The technique of drawing with plasticine - plasticineography - allows you to combine two such enjoyable activities for children.

This technique helps relieve muscle tension and relaxation, develops children's imagination, artistic and spatial thinking, awakens imagination, and encourages preschoolers to be independent. If you successfully master the technique of drawing with plasticine, you can perform group work, create paintings, and original gifts for parents and friends. The child has the opportunity to create a picture in relief, which means more expressive and lively. The technique is easy to perform, does not require special abilities, captivates and does not overload children either mentally or physically.

In order for children to better learn and consolidate skills, training should be carried out in stages. First, it is important to teach how to press on the plasticine, then smear it from the center to the edges of the contour. Plasticineography should be taught in order of increasing difficulty level: it is better to start with simple pictures and gradually move on to more complex ones.

To avoid deformation of the picture, thick cardboard should be used as a base. An adhesive film or tape applied to it will help prevent the appearance of greasy stains. You can eliminate an error made in the process of depicting an object by drawing its outline under the film or a special marker. Coating the plasticine picture with a colorless varnish, will extend its “life” “Useful tips”

Another type of plasticine applique. usually performed on a smooth and transparent glass or plastic surface. Having marked (laid out) the contour of the future drawing with plasticine, the open areas are sequentially filled with plasticine. At the end of the work, turning the product over with the smooth side facing you, you get an amazing design for a painting or panel! "Reverse applique"

Modeling enriches a child not only artistically and creatively. Modeling classes affect his overall development. - increases sensory sensitivity (promotes a subtle perception of shape, texture, color, weight, plasticity, proportions) develops general manual skill, promotes the development of fine finger movements, spatial thinking and imagination. Forms the ability to plan work. “What does modeling give a child?”

Modeling mass Ball Modeling dough hardening plasticine Floating plasticine Ball non-hardening plasticine “New generation plasticine”

"Methods of working with plasticine"

I wish you creative success!
