How to set fire to a tank in World of Tanks. Where should you shoot to set fire to a tank? Where should you shoot to set fire to a tank?

5 years and 7 months ago Comments: 10

As I said, let's start with terminology. So, as you know, any tank has 8 functional modules, these are: a turret (most tank destroyers do not have one), a gun, a walkie-talkie, a caterpillar, an ammunition rack, an engine, fuel tanks, and surveillance devices. Damage to each greatly affects the tank's combat effectiveness, which can be critical in the heat of battle. In addition, each module has its own armor level, as well as its own amount of HP. Therefore, in the design bureau, our famous T1 can either shoot down the IS-3 track, or beat the Rhm.-Borsig Waffentrager.

How to set a tank on fire

There are two ways to set fire to a tank:
  • Critical damage to tanks;
  • hitting the engine.

We shoot at the tanks

If the tanks are completely damaged, the tank catches fire. Everything here is extremely simple. They hit the tanks, took all their HP off them and the tank caught fire. It is in the tanks (they are located along the entire length of the sides, and therefore it is very difficult to miss them when you shoot at the side), and not in the engine, as some players think, that the secret of fire lies. Therefore, the Driver Skill “Cleanliness and Order” is Soviet tanks considered absolutely useless.

Let's shoot at the engine

Getting into the engine is a more complicated matter. When you installed the engine, did you see the percentage of its fire? What does it mean? If the fire percentage is 15%, then approximately 15 out of 100 hits on the engine will result in a fire(this value may be greater, or it may be less, depending on your luck, but over time the value of these will approach the number 15 out of 100).

The game also has one feature: The transmission is also part of the engine, therefore, if it gets into the transmission, the game will consider it as hitting the engine, and this can result not only in critical damage (crit) of the engine, but also in a fire. Thus, the transmission of German tanks is located at the front, in the NLD, which makes them (together with weak armor) very uncomfortable for beginners. But experienced players first learn the mechanics - the driver is “Cleanliness and Order”, in order to reduce the number of arson attacks by half, and at the same time preserve their nerves and the health of their tank.

Ammunition rack detonation

Well, okay, arson, it takes a while to extinguish, there’s also a fire extinguisher, but what about the detonation of the ammunition rack? Boom and that's it, there is no tower or tank. What to do now? You need to learn some rules. And the first is the simplest: do not substitute the places where you have a bookmaker!

If you see that detonation and damage are too frequent, learn the “Non-contact ammo rack” skill from the loader; if this does not help, then we install the “Wet ammo rack” equipment, or we revise the tactics.

How to blow up an enemy's ammunition rack

How can you not only avoid being left without a tower yourself, but also snatch it from the enemy? The enemy's ammunition will be undermined in the following conditions:
  • Penetrating the enemy (if the module is internal, and the BC is just like that);
  • Modulus hit;
  • Breaking through a module (as mentioned, each module has its own armor);
  • Destruction (crit) of a module (each module has its own HP).

How to find ammo rack

“Then how will I find out where the enemy’s ammunition rack is?” - you ask. There are two options:
  • Download skins with penetration zones;
  • Remember.
Let everyone choose to their own taste; it’s easier to download skins and more reliable to remember (what will you do if the enemy is behind the bushes?). If all the conditions are met, then you will see a beautiful fireworks display... “Watch out from above!!! Hu... I almost hit Mouse's tower..."

What is more profitable to shoot?

As you know, the most destructive projectiles are .

But there is one caveat: they rarely reach the modules, since they do not penetrate armor. They can be used to shout something at the LT, or the French. It is worth noting the British landmine with increased armor penetration, since they are able to crit well not only weakly armored targets, but also stronger targets... In the rest there is almost no difference, except that the armor of the tank in relation to the module can act as a screen, and the module may not be penetrated. In relation to the modules, there is no difference.

I think that's all. Good luck tankers, and remember: “The main part of any weapon is the head of its owner.”

If you, while playing WoT, decided to complete existing combat missions, then, having reached medium tanks, you will certainly encounter the task of setting fire to a tank in World of Tank. How to do it? Where is it better to shoot and with what shells? More on this below.

Selecting a gun caliber

When starting the next battle to set fire to a tank in World of Tanks at the LBZ station, you don’t need to choose combat vehicle with the maximum caliber of the gun. The bottom line is that you can set a tank on fire if you fire an accurate shot at the enemy's tank or engine. You don't need a large caliber for this. A small one is even more effective in this situation. It is worth noting that you can find the cheapest ones in our online store of digital goods.

Small-caliber guns are characterized by a high rate of fire. When firing at key modules, they give excellent results. Take this point into account.

Hidden parameter

When choosing a tank to set fire to an enemy vehicle in World of Tanks, pay attention to the hidden indicator. We are talking about damage by modules. It belongs to the balanced type of parameters and is used for more comfortable game. Thus, when playing in teams of vehicles that differ by 2 levels, the chances of “junior” tanks and “senior” tanks are equalized. For example: A level 10 IS-7 tank has a module damage indicator of 180 HP, despite the fact that the damage from its shot is 490 HP. Tanks with fast-firing small-caliber guns have much higher damage per minute against enemy modules than their counterparts with large calibers.

Let's summarize how to set fire to a tank in WoT:

  1. Target tanks and engines at enemy tanks. Even if you fail to set it on fire, you will deprive it of some lives and damage the modules. In any case, you will be in the black!
  2. The smaller the caliber of the gun installed on your vehicle and the higher the rate of fire, the greater your chances of setting fire to a tank in World of Tanks on CT. Of course, playing on vehicles with a large-caliber gun will be much more useful, but to carry out LBZ for arson, it is better to choose small-caliber tanks.
  3. “Skins” or penetration zones will help you set fire to a combat vehicle in WoT. It will be much easier for you to target the desired areas. It is quite difficult to remember on your own the location of tanks and engines on all equipment. And there is no need, because penetration zones are freely available. They are not cheats, so you can safely download and use them.

The player's task is World of Tanks is clear from the first minutes of the game - you need to be able not to get lost in all the turmoil of the battle, and neutralize maximum amount opponents. But what is the best way to do this? Are there any tactics for destroying enemy tanks, and if so, what are they?

Of course, there are dozens of tactics and techniques for quickly neutralizing enemies, one of which will be discussed in the article. One of the most quick ways destroying an enemy tank means setting it on fire. But making a tank burn is not the easiest task, and therefore let’s look at it in detail. how to set fire to a tank in World of Tanks

We find the weak point of the enemy tank

Both people and tanks have weak points. Therefore, if you want to inflict maximum damage on the enemy with several shots, you need to aim at these places.

The tank's weak point is the gas tank. Getting into it can not only seriously damage the car, but also set it on fire. Gas tanks, regardless of the tank model, as a rule, are always located in the rear of the vehicle, so this is where you should aim to achieve what you want.

One more weak point The tank's engine is considered. But the percentage of its combustion is very small. If you believe the statistics, then only fifteen shots out of a hundred will end in success.

What shells should be used to set tanks on fire?

So, gas tank or engine the enemy has been detected, but do not rush to shoot, because it is more difficult to set them on fire with simple armor-piercing shells. To cause combustion, you need not only to accurately hit the gas tank or engine, but also use high-explosive fragmentation shells. However, even if the target is hit, there is no 100% chance that the tank will ignite. Therefore, it is recommended to fire a series of shots at once, mainly in one place.

It is also worth considering the number of remaining tankers. The likelihood of a successful tank fire is much greater if the enemy has few crew members left or has damaged modules - the engine or tanks. Because the fewer tankers left in the squad, the more difficult it is for them to cope with the resulting fire (provided that the player has not taken or has already used a fire extinguisher), which gives the fire a chance to flare up in earnest and completely destroy the enemy tank.

Where and how is this tactic useful?

In war, all means are good! If possible set fire to a tank in World of Tanks, owned by the enemy, this will undoubtedly benefit the team in any battles. By the way, a set fire to a tank, through its combustion, will bring the player who managed to set it on fire additional experience and credits. Players who often play in company or clan battles should seriously focus on honing the technique of setting fire to tanks.


World of Tanks- a game in which you need to think through your every action and fight for the benefit of the whole team. To quickly neutralize enemies, you will need months of training, and even more time to develop various techniques for destroying and intercepting enemies. But there are methods that are more friendly to beginners and do not require special knowledge of the game mechanics. Set a tank on fire in WOT is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

If you complete LBZ missions in World of Tanks, then, playing on medium tanks, you will definitely encounter the task of setting fire to an enemy tank, and sometimes more than one. How best to do this, where and what to shoot with – we’ll figure it out below.

Gun caliber

When entering the next battle in order to complete the task of destroying an enemy tank by setting it on fire, do not try to take the tank with the largest caliber gun. The fact is that you can set a tank on fire by making an accurate aimed shot into fuel tanks or engine. And it’s easier to make such a hit with a small-caliber weapon.

Small-caliber guns have a higher rate of fire and, in practice, show excellent results when firing at key modules than their large-caliber counterparts.

Hidden parameter

All weapons installed on vehicles have one more hidden indicator - module damage. This is a balance parameter used in the game for a more comfortable game. So, taking into account the difference in equipment in the team by + - 2 levels, the chances of “small” tanks over large ones are equalized. For example, the IS-7 has a module damage value of only 180 HP, despite the shot damage of 490 HP.

Vehicles with fast-firing small-caliber cannons have damage per minute modules much higher than their formidable large-caliber counterparts.

To sum up all of the above, let us outline the main actions for the successful execution of a LBZ to set fire to an enemy tank.

1. Targeting the fuel tanks and engine will help set the tank on fire faster. In addition, the enemy will lose some HP and will be left with damaged modules. Such situations often arise when performing a double arson task.

2. The smaller the caliber and the higher the rate of fire, the higher the chance of damaging the tanks or engine, even to the point of fire. Larger calibers are much less useful, but you shouldn’t give up the opportunity to perform LBZ either.

3. Using “skins” on tanks will make the targeting process easier. Moreover, remembering the location of tanks and engines on all tanks is not so easy.

There are countermeasures for any measures to speed up arson. Among these, it is worth highlighting the filling of tanks with carbon dioxide, training the crew in fire extinguishing skills, and the use of an automatic fire extinguisher.

Interesting fact: If you get into the transmission of a car, the game will count it as engine damage. This can also lead to arson. Don't be surprised if German tanks suddenly they light up when they hit the NLD. Their transmission unit is located in the front of the body. Study the layout of the modules on each tank and you can receive a well-deserved reward for completing the next LBZ to set the enemy on fire.

Selecting equipment to complete the task

Let's move on to practical advice on the choice of medium tanks to complete the ST 12 mission. Such vehicles include Japanese and Chinese STs like the Chi-Ri. Cromwel also copes well with this task. Representatives of Soviet medium tanks also do not herd the rear ones and can please the enemy by setting fire to them. In general, as already mentioned, the smaller the caliber and the higher the rate of fire, the more chances increase significantly.

Of course, it doesn't happen without a certain amount of luck. But you won’t be able to get by quickly on luck alone. You'll have to work hard.

You may be used to playing simpler online games that do not require special knowledge. However, in VOT it is impossible to become a high-quality player without studying the features of technology, cards, and the mechanics of the game as a whole. Do you think this is too difficult? Try to start studying, combining it with practice, and you will see that everything is not as scary as it seems at first glance.


Many WOT players wonder how to set a tank on fire? In fact, if you have started to carry out the main tasks, and are in charge of medium tanks, after a while the task will definitely appear - to set fire to the enemy’s vehicle, and sometimes even more than one. How to do this, where to shoot and how to hide then?

How important is the caliber of a weapon?

As soon as you enter the next battle, it is rational to complete the task of destroying the opponent’s tank by setting it on fire, although you should not try to take a tank with the maximum caliber of gun. The bottom line is that where to set fire to tanks in the world of tank is one thing, but when to set fire to tanks is a completely different matter. It is easier to make a hit with a small-caliber weapon; the minimum indicator gives results when shooting at key modules.

The emphasis should be on the hidden parameter

Any weapon installed on a vehicle has a hidden indicator - damage per module. The balance parameter is used accordingly to make playing extremely comfortable. Taking into account the difference in equipment in the team, the chances of miniature tanks begin to equalize. Vehicles with fast-firing but small-caliber guns have damage per minute modules that are several times higher than their large-caliber counterparts.

As a result, it is clear that you need to define certain actions in order to set fire to an enemy tank in world of tanks:

  • It is worth aiming at the fuel tank or engine, so the tank will be hit faster, in addition, the enemy will lose some of its HP and will end up with damaged modules. These situations are rational when performing a double arson task;
  • the smaller the caliber, and also the higher the rate of fire, the greater the chance of hitting the tank, or even the engine, directly for fire. There is no use with a large caliber, but refusing to complete the task is not relevant;
  • It’s rational to use “skins” on tanks to make aiming easier, because it’s easier to remember the location of the tanks and engines on each model.

As soon as you get into the car's transmission, the game will consider this to be damage to the engine; this fact can also provoke arson. Don't be surprised if German tanks suddenly catch fire directly from hitting the NLD. Their transmission unit is located in front of the body. It is better to first study the layout of the modules on different tanks, then you will be able to receive a worthy reward for completing the task of setting fire to enemy equipment.

Video of completing the task to set fire to a tank in battle

Detailed video instructions for the LBZ “arsonist”
