The life of saints boris and gleb brief summary. Holy Passion-Bearers Boris and Gleb



Lord, bless, father!

Lord, bless, father!

“The generation of the righteous will be blessed,” said the prophet, “and their seed will be blessed.”

“The family of the righteous will be blessed,” said the prophet, “and their descendants will be blessed.”

Sitsa would have been little earlier than these. I am the lord of the entire Russian land, Volodimir, the son of Svyatoslavl, and the grandson of Igor, who also enlightened this entire Russian land with the baptism of the saints. His other virtues, let’s say, now there is no time. And about these in a row there is: because Volodymyr had sons 12 not from one wife, but from different mothers. In them, Vysheslav was older, and then Izyaslav, 3 - Svyatopolk, who also invented this evil murder. This mother was formerly a chernitsa, a princess, and Yaroplk, brother Volodymyr, gave birth to her, and cut off the beauty of her face. And this Svyatoplok begot from her, and Volodymyr the filthy one, having killed Yaroplk and drunken his unidle wife. From her was born this window Svyatopolk, and from two father and to my brother. Volodymyr doesn’t love him even more, because he doesn’t belong to himself. And from Rognida he had 4 sons: Izyaslav, and Mstislav, and Yaroslav, and Vsevolod, and from another, Svyatoslav and Mstislav, and from a Bulgarian, Boris and Gleb. And having planted all the lands throughout the Russian lands in the reign, as we sometimes say, these are the same, and this is the story about them.

This is what happened shortly before our days under the autocrat of the entire Russian land, Vladimir, son of Svyatoslav, grandson of Igor, who enlightened the entire Russian land with holy baptism. We will tell about his other virtues in another place, but now is not the time. We will talk about what we started in order. Vladimir had 12 sons, and not from one wife: they had different mothers. The eldest son is Vysheslav, after him - Izyaslav, the third is Svyatopolk, who planned this evil murder. His mother is Greek and was formerly a nun. Vladimir's brother Yaropolk, seduced by the beauty of her face, undressed her, took her as his wife, and conceived the accursed Svyatopolk from her. Vladimir, at that time still a pagan, having killed Yaropolk, took possession of his pregnant wife. So she gave birth to this accursed Svyatopolk, the son of two fathers and brothers. That’s why Vladimir didn’t love him, because he didn’t come from him. And from Rogneda Vladimir had four sons: Izyaslav, Mstislav, Yaroslav, and Vsevolod. From another wife were Svyatoslav and Mstislav, and from a Bulgarian wife were Boris and Gleb. And Vladimir put them all in different lands to rule, which we will talk about in another place, but here we will talk about those about whom this story is told.

Plant this great Svyatopolka in the reign of Pinsk, and Yaroslav in Novgorod, and Boris in Rostov, and Gleb in Murom. I’ll stop saying a lot, so that we don’t forget about too much writing, but let’s just start talking about this. Much has already passed, and as if Volodymyr’s days were ending, already in the summer of 28 after his holy baptism, he fell into a severe illness. At the same time, Boris came from Rostov, and the Pechenegs were about to march to Rus', Volodymyr was in great sorrow, unable to go against them, and grieving a lot. And calling Boris, whose name was given in holy baptism Roman, blessed and quick to obey, betraying many in his hand, sent and against the godless Pecheneg. He stood up with joy and said: “Behold, I am ready to do before your eyes as the will of your heart commands.” The Parable speaks about such people: “The son would be obedient to his father and loved before his mother.”

Vladimir put the accursed Svyatopolk to reign in Pinsk, and Yaroslav in Novgorod, and Boris in Rostov, and Gleb in Murom. However, I will not explain much, so as not to forget about the main thing in the verbosity, but about whom I started, let’s tell you this. A lot of time passed, and when 28 years had passed after holy baptism, Vladimir’s days came to an end - he fell into a serious illness. At the same time, Boris came from Rostov, and the Pechenegs again moved into the army against Rus', and great sorrow gripped Vladimir, since he could not oppose them, and this greatly saddened him. Then he called to himself Boris, who was named Roman in holy baptism, blessed and quick to obey, and, giving him many soldiers under his command, sent him against the godless Pechenegs. Boris went joyfully, saying: “I am ready to do before your eyes what the will of your heart commands.” The Pritochnik said about such people: “There was a son obedient to his father and loved by his mother.”

I will go to him and will not find my adversary, turning back to him. And behold, a messenger came to him, telling him about his father’s death, how his father Vasily had passed away, for he was named after him in holy baptism, and how Svyatopolk hid his father’s death, and at night he stood on the platform on Berestov and in the fortress. r grown, hanging on the The land, taken to the Sankh, was placed in the church by the Holy Mother of God. And as soon as Saint Boris heard, he began to swallow his body and his face was completely filled with tears, and he was overflowing with tears and could not speak. In my heart I began to say: “Woe is me, the light of my eyes, the radiance and dawn of my face, the mind of my despondency, the punishment of my misunderstanding! Alas for me, my father and lord! Who will I run to, who will I look to? Where will I get my fill of such good teaching and testimony your mind? Alas for me, alas for me! As soon as my light goes down, I won’t exist! Yes, I would have hidden your honorable body with my own hands and handed it over to the coffin. But I neither despised the beauty of the courage of your body, nor was I able to kiss your kind gray hair. Well, O blessed one, remember me in your chambers! Are my hearts on fire, my souls confused, and I don’t know whom to turn to and to whom to extend this bitter sadness? Should I go to my brother, who would have taken the place of my father? Well, I remember, I study about the vanities of the world and about the beating of my think. Even if my blood is shed and my murder is sought, I will be a martyr to my Lord. Because I do not resist, it is written: “The Lord resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” The Apostle: “Whatever says, “I love God,” but to hate my brother is a lie.” And again: “There is no fear in love, perfect love can replace fear.” Why should I create a river or something? Behold, I go to my brother and the river: “Be my father, you are my brother and grow old. What do you want me to do, my Lord?

When Boris, having set out on a campaign and not meeting the enemy, was returning back, a messenger arrived to him and told him about the death of his father. He told how his father Vasily passed away (Vladimir was named by this name in holy baptism) and how Svyatopolk, having concealed the death of his father, at night dismantled the platform in Berestovo and, wrapping the body in a carpet, lowered it on ropes to the ground, took it on a sleigh and placed in the Church of the Holy Mother of God. And when Saint Boris heard this, his body began to weaken and his whole face became wet with tears, shedding tears, he was unable to speak. Only in his heart did he think like this: “Woe is me, the light of my eyes, the radiance and dawn of my face, the rein of my youth, the teacher of my inexperience! Alas for me, my father and lord! To whom shall I resort, to whom shall I turn my gaze? Where else will I find such wisdom and how will I manage without the instructions of your mind? Alas for me, alas for me! How did you set, my sun, and I wasn’t there! If I had been there, I would have removed your honest body with my own hands and given it to the grave. But I did not carry your valiant body, I was not honored to kiss your beautiful gray hair. O blessed one, remember me in the place of your rest! My heart is burning, my soul is confused, my mind is confused and I don’t know who to turn to, who to tell this bitter sadness? To the brother whom I revered as a father? But he, I feel, cares about the vanity of the world and is plotting my murder. If he sheds my blood and decides to kill me, I will be a martyr before my Lord. I will not resist, for it is written: “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” And in the letter of the apostle it is said: “Whoever says: “I love God,” but hates his brother, is a liar.” And again: “There is no fear in love; perfect love casts out fear.” So what will I say, what will I do? So I’ll go to my brother and say: “Be my father - after all, you are my elder brother. What do you command me, my lord?

And thinking about this in my mind, I went to my brother and said in my heart: “Then will I see the face of my little brother Gleb, like Joseph Benjamin?” And she put it all in her heart: “Thy will be done, my Lord.” I thought in my mind: “If I go to my father’s house, I will turn my heart into pagans, so as to drive away my brother, just as my father did before with holy baptism, for the glory and dominion of this world, and those who all pass by are worse than a spider. So when will the imam come and wash from here? How will I end up then? What answer will we have? Where can I hide the multitude of my sin? What did my father’s brothers or my father gain first? Where are their lives and the glory of this world, and scarlet and britches, silver and gold, wine and honey, rich goods, and swift horses, and beautiful houses and greatness, and many possessions, and tribute, and sterile goods, and pride, even about your patients? That's it se to them, as if there was no one else: everything was with him, and there was no help from anyone - neither from the property, nor from the multitude of slaves, nor from the glory of this world. Darkness and Solomon, having gone through everything, having seen everything, having acquired and purchased everything, having examined everything: “Vanity and vanity, be vanity,” so help comes from good deeds, and from orthodoxy, and from unfeigned love.”

And, thinking this way in his mind, he went to his brother and said in his heart: “Will I at least see my younger brother Gleb, like Joseph Veniamin?” And he decided in his heart: “Thy will be done, Lord!” I thought to myself: “If I go to my father’s house, then many people will persuade me to drive away my brother, as my father did for the sake of glory and reign in this world before holy baptism. But all this is transient and fragile, like a spider’s web. Where will I go after I leave this world? Where will I end up then? What answer will I get? Where can I hide my many sins? What did my father's brothers or my father acquire? Where is their life and the glory of this world, and scarlet clothes, and feasts, silver and gold, wine and honey, abundant dishes, and fast horses, and decorated and great mansions, and many riches, and countless tributes and honors, and the boasting of their boyars? All this seemed to never have happened: everything disappeared with him, and there was no help from anything - neither from wealth, nor from the multitude of slaves, nor from the glory of this world. So Solomon, having experienced everything, seen everything, mastered everything and collected everything, said about everything: “Vanity of vanities - all is vanity!” Salvation is only in good deeds, in true faith and unfeigned love."

As you walked along the way, you thought about the beauty and kindness of your body, and burst into tears. And although it’s impossible to resist. And everyone looked at him like that, crying for his noble body and his honorable mind. And every time in your soul you groan with heartfelt sorrow, and everyone is embarrassed about the sadness.

As he walked his way, Boris thought about his beauty and youth and burst into tears. And I wanted to restrain myself, but I couldn’t. And everyone who saw him also mourned his youth and his physical and spiritual beauty. And everyone groaned in their souls from heartbreak, and everyone was overcome with sadness.

Who wouldn’t cry at the death of that destructive thing, bringing his heart before his eyes?

Who would not weep when he imagines this disastrous death before the eyes of his heart?

The image of him was saddened, the look and contrition of his holy heart, so the blessed one is truthful and generous, quiet, meek, humble, having mercy on everyone and providing all.

His whole appearance was sad, and his holy heart was contrite, for the blessed one was truthful and generous, quiet, meek, humble, he pitied everyone and helped everyone.

To think In his heart, God-blessed Boris said: “You see, the evil spirits forced my brother to kill me and destroy me. Yes, if my blood is shed, then I will be a martyr to my Lord, and the Lord will receive my spirit.” So, forgetting the sorrow of death, now your heart about the word The weight of God, “Whoever loses his soul for me and my words will find it in his life to keep forever.” And go with joy in your heart, “do not despise me,” said, “Lord, most merciful, who trust in you, save my soul.”

This is what God-blessed Boris thought in his heart and said: “I knew that evil people were inciting my brother to kill me, and he would destroy me. And when my blood is shed, I will be a martyr before my Lord, and the Master will accept my soul.” Then, forgetting mortal sorrow, he began to console his heart with God’s word: “He who sacrifices his soul for me and my teaching will find and preserve it in eternal life.” And he went with a joyful heart, saying: “Most merciful Lord, do not reject me, who trusts in you, but save my soul!”

Svyatopolk, sitting in Kiev on his father’s side, called upon the Kiyans, gave them many gifts, and let them go. She sent to Boris, saying: “Brother, I want to have love with you and give it to you.” It is flattering, and not the truth of the verb. When night came to Vyshegorod, call upon Putsha and the Vyshegorod men and say to them: “Tell me the truth, do you have any kindness towards me?” Putsha said: “We can all lay down our heads for you.”

Svyatopolk, having reigned in Kyiv after the death of his father, called the people of Kiev to him and, having generously presented them with gifts, released them. He sent the following message to Boris: “Brother, I want to live with you in love and I will add more to the property I received from my father.” But there was no truth in his words. Svyatopolk, having come to Vyshgorod at night, secretly called Putsha and the Vyshgorod men to him and said to them: “Confess to me without concealment - are you devoted to me?” Putsha replied: “We are all ready to lay down our heads for you.”

Seeing the devil and hating the good of man from time immemorial, as Saint Boris put all his hope in the Lord, he began to become more active, and found, as before Cain was burning for fratricide, the same Svyatopolka. According to the truth of the second Cain, catch his thought that he would kill all the heirs of his father, and he himself would take all power alone.

When the devil, the primordial enemy of all that is good in people, saw that Saint Boris had placed all his hope in God, he began to plot intrigues and, like in ancient times, Cain, who was plotting fratricide, caught Svyatopolk. He guessed the thoughts of Svyatopolk, truly the second Cain: after all, he wanted to kill all the heirs of his father in order to seize all power alone.

Then call to yourself the godly, damned Svyatopolk, the leader of all evil and the leaders of all untruth, and open your holy mouth to speak, and let out an evil voice to the child of Putin: “If you promise to lay down your head for me, then, as you go, my brethren, depart, where will you find my brother Boris , hurry up and kill time.” And promising him to do this.

Then the damned damned Svyatopolk called to himself the accomplices of the crime and the instigators of all untruths, opened his vile lips and cried out in an evil voice to Putsha’s squad: “Since you promised to lay down your heads for me, then go secretly, my brothers, and where you will meet my brother Boris, having seduced the time is right, kill him.” And they promised him to do this.

The prophet spoke about such things: “Soon, the blood of the demon of righteousness will be shed. For this reason they promise blood and collect evil for themselves. These paths are to gather iniquity, to fill your soul with uncleanness.”

The prophet said about such people: “They are quick to commit vile murder. Desecrated by bloodshed, they bring misfortune upon themselves. Such are the ways of all who commit iniquity; they destroy their souls through wickedness.”

Blessed Boris turned back and took up his tent on the river. And the squad decided to go to him: “Go and sit on the table in Kiev, for all howls in your hand the essence." He But you answered them: “Do not let me lay hands on my brother and also on my eldest, whom I had as a father.” Hearing the howls, she left him, and he himself remained with his youths. And it was on Saturday. In grief and sadness, my heart was dejected and I climbed into my tent, crying with a broken heart, and with a joyful soul, I pitifully let out a voice: “Do not despise my tears, Master, as I trust in you, so with your servants I will accept part and lot from to all your saints, for you are a merciful God, and we send glory to you forever. Amen".

Blessed Boris returned and set up his camp on Alta. And the squad said to him: “Go, sit in Kyiv on your father’s princely table - after all, all the warriors are in your hands.” He answered them: “I cannot raise my hand against my brother, and besides, the elder one, whom I honor as a father.” Hearing this, the soldiers dispersed, and he remained only with his youths. And it was the Sabbath day. In anguish and sadness, with a dejected heart, he entered his tent and cried in contrition of heart, but with an enlightened soul, plaintively exclaiming: “Do not reject my tears, Master, for I trust in you! May I be worthy of the fate of your servants and share the lot with all your saints, you are a merciful God, and we give glory to you forever! Amen".

Let us think about the torment and passion of the holy martyr Nikita and holy Vyacheslav, similar to this former murder, and how Saint Barbara became his father’s murderer. And you thought about the words of the wise Solomon: “The righteous will live forever, and their reward is from the Lord, and their building is from the Most High.” And about the seven words I was comforted and rejoiced.

He remembered the torment and suffering of the holy martyr Nikita and Saint Vyacheslav, who were killed in the same way, and how the murderer of Saint Barbara was her own father. And I remembered the words of the wise Solomon: “The righteous live forever, and their reward is from the Lord and their adornment is from the Most High.” And only with these words did he console himself and rejoice.

Then it was evening and he commanded the evening chant, and he climbed into his tent and began to say the evening prayer with bitter tears and frequent sighs and many groans. For now, he lay asleep, and by now he was sleeping in the confusion of thoughts and in sadness, strong and heavy and terrible: how to give in to passion, how to suffer and end the course and maintain faith, as well as to receive a spare crown from the hand of the Lord. And seeing, beating early, as if the year is morning. On Holy Week. Speech to your speaker: “Get up, start the morning meal.” He himself, having put on his shoes and washed his face, began to pray to the Lord God.

Meanwhile, evening came, and Boris ordered to sing vespers, and he himself entered his tent and began to create evening prayer with bitter tears, frequent sighing and continuous lamentations. Then he went to bed, and his sleep was disturbed by melancholy thoughts and sadness, bitter, heavy, and terrible: how to endure torment and suffering, and end his life, and preserve the faith, and accept the prepared crown from the hands of the Almighty. And, waking up early, I saw that it was already morning. And it was Sunday. He said to his priest: “Get up, begin matins.” He himself, having put on his shoes and washed his face, began to pray to the Lord God.

The message came from Svyatopolka on Lto night and came close, and heard the voice of the blessed passion-martyr singing the Psalter of the morning. Then he got the news about his murder. And start singing: “Lord! Why have you multiplied the distress! Mnozi got up on me,” and so on psalm, to the end. And the Psalter began to be sung: “Offended me psi mnozi and untsi tuchni opodrzhasha me.” And again: “Oh my God! I trust in you, save me.” There are also seven canons. And when he finished his morning prayer, he began to pray, in vain to the icon of the Lord the speech: “Lord Jesus Christ! If this image appeared on earth with the will to be nailed to the cross and accept the passion of sin for our sake, grant me the passion to accept the passion too!”

Those sent by Svyatopolk came to Alta at night, and came close, and heard the voice of the blessed passion-bearer singing the Psalter at Matins. And he had already received news of his impending murder. And he began to sing: “Lord! How my enemies have multiplied! Many rise up against me” - and the rest of the psalm, to the end. And, having begun to sing according to the Psalter: “Groups of dogs surrounded me and fat calves surrounded me,” he continued: “Lord my God! I trust in you, save me!” And after that the canon sang. And when he finished Matins, he began to pray, looking at the icon of the Lord and saying: “Lord Jesus Christ! How do you, who appeared on earth in this image and by your own will allowed yourself to be nailed to the cross and accept suffering for our sins, grant me the ability to accept suffering in this way!”

And when he heard the sound around the tent, he was shaking and began to shed tears from his eyes and said: “Glory to you, Lord, oh seven, for you have made me like envy for the sake of accepting this bitter death and suffering everything for the sake of love for the sake of your word. Don’t rush yourself out of desperation; I deigned nothing for myself according to the apostle: “To endure all things, to have faith in all things, and not to seek our own.” And packs: “Fears in There is no love - perfect for love to take away fear.” Darkness, Master, my soul is in thy hand, for I have not forgotten thy law. For the Lord's year will come - wake up tacos" And when he saw him, the boy who served him, and seeing his master become decrepit and overcome with sorrow, burst into tears and said: “My dear and dear master! I was so filled with goodness that I couldn’t resist to his brother love for Christ’s sake, and hold the colic in your hand!” And this remark was touched.

And when he heard an ominous whisper near the tent, he trembled, and tears flowed from his eyes, and said: “Glory to you, Lord, for everything, for you have made me worthy of envy for the sake of accepting this bitter death and enduring everything for the love of your commandments. We ourselves did not want to avoid torment, we did not wish anything for ourselves, following the commandments of the Apostle: “Love is patient, believes everything, does not envy and does not boast.” And again: “There is no fear in love, for true love casts out fear.” Therefore, Lord, my soul is always in your hands, for I have not forgotten your commandment. As the Lord wills, so it will be.” And when they saw the priest Borisov and the youth serving the prince, their master, overwhelmed with grief and sadness, they wept bitterly and said: “Our merciful and dear master! What kindness are you filled with, that you did not want to resist your brother for the love of Christ, and yet how many warriors you held under your hand!” And having said this, they became sad.

And you will see them flowing towards the tent, the flash of weapons and the mark of swords. And without mercy, the holy and merciful body of the holy and blessed passion-bearer Boris of Christ was pierced. I put on copies of the names Putsha, Talts, Elovich, Lyashko.

And suddenly I saw those rushing towards the tent, the flash of weapons, naked swords. And without pity, the honest and merciful body of the holy and blessed passion-bearer Boris of Christ was pierced. The cursed Putsha, Talets, Elovich, Lyashko struck him with spears.

Seeing his youth, he fell upon the body of the blessed one and said: “Let me not stay with you, my dear lord, so that even as the beauty of your body fades, I will be likened to you.” with you finish your belly!

Seeing this, his youth covered the body of the blessed one with himself, exclaiming: “Let me not leave you, my beloved lord, where the beauty of your body fades, here I too will be honored to end my life!”

By the way, my name is Ugrin, my name is George. And he invested a hryvnia of gold on her, and we loved Boris more than anything. And the same one pierced.

He was a Hungarian by birth, named George, and the prince awarded him a golden hryvnia, and was loved immensely by Boris. Here he too was pierced.

And as if he was quickly wounded and destroyed his tent in a daze. And he began to say standing around him: “Why are you standing there looking at us! We have come to the end of what is commanded to us!” Hearing this, the blessed one began to pray and was kind to them, saying: “My dear and beloved brothers! Give me a little time, so that I can pray to my God.” And looking up at the sky with tears and mountaineer Sighing, he began to pray with simple verbs: “Lord my God, most merciful and merciful and most merciful! Glory to you, for you have enabled me to escape from the seduction of this flattering life! Glory to you, most generous life-giver, for making me worthy of the labor of the holy martyr! Glory to you, Lord who loves humanity, who has made me worthy to put an end to the desire of my heart! Glory to you, Christ, to your many mercy, who directed peaceful people to the right path legs my mother-in-law is unkind to you! Look down from on high at your shrine, see the illness of my heart, which I have received from my relative, as if for your sake we are killing this whole day, treating me like a sheep for food. Believe me, my Lord, for I do not resist in spite of what I say, but I hold in my hand all the war of my father and all my father’s loved ones, and I have not plotted anything against my brother. He's the same as much, as much as possible, move towards me. Yes, “if the enemy had reviled me, he would have suffered, and if he had spoken loudly, hating me, he would have hidden himself.” But you, Lord, see and judge between me and between my brothers. And do not put this sin on them, O Lord, but accept my soul into the world. Amen".

And, wounded, he jumped out of the tent in shock. And those standing near the tent spoke: “Why are you standing and looking! Having begun, let us complete what we have been commanded.” Hearing this, the blessed one began to pray and ask them, saying: “My dear and beloved brothers! Wait a little, let me pray to God.” And looking up to heaven with tears and sighing bitterly, he began to pray in these words: “O Lord my God, most merciful and merciful and most merciful! Glory to you for making me worthy to escape the seduction of this deceptive life! Glory to you, generous giver of life, for making me worthy of a feat worthy of the holy martyrs! Glory to you, Lord, lover of mankind, for making me worthy to fulfill the innermost desire of my heart! Glory to you, Christ, glory to your immeasurable mercy, for you have directed my feet to the right path! Look from the height of your holiness and see the pain of my heart that I suffered from my relative - after all, for your sake they are killing me on this day. I was compared to a ram prepared for slaughter. After all, you know, Lord, I do not resist, I will not contradict, and, having under my hand all the soldiers of my father and everyone whom my father loved, I did not plot anything against my brother. He raised up against me as much as he could. “If an enemy reviled me, I would endure it; if my hater were to slander me, I would hide from him.” But you, Lord, be a witness and bring judgment between me and my brother. And do not condemn them, Lord, for this sin, but accept my soul in peace. Amen".

And he looked up at them with tender eyes and his face fell, and he was bathed in tears and said: “Brothers, having come, end your service. And wake up the world brother to mine and to you, brothers."

And looking at his killers with a sad look, with a haggard face, shedding tears, he said: “Brothers, having begun, finish what has been entrusted to you. And may there be peace to my brother and to you, brothers!”

Yes, I hear his words so much, because of the tears I can’t say a word, because of fear and sadness there are bitterness and many tears. But with a bitter sigh, I pityingly said ahu and weeping and groaned in my soul: “Alas for us, our dear and dear and blessed prince, the driver of the blind, naked in clothes, old age, unpunished! Who has already fixed everything? What is not the desire for the glory of this world, what is not the desire to have fun with the nobles of honor, what is not the desire for greatness, there are seven in life. Who wouldn’t be struck by great humility, who wouldn’t be humbled by seeing and hearing his humility?”

And everyone who heard his words could not utter a word from fear and bitter sadness and abundant tears. With bitter sighs they lamented and wept, and each one groaned in his soul: “Alas for us, our merciful and blessed prince, guide to the blind, clothing to the naked, staff to the elders, mentor to the foolish! Who will guide them all now? I didn’t want the glory of this world, I didn’t want to have fun with honest nobles, I didn’t want greatness in this life. Who will not be amazed at such great humility, who will not humble himself, seeing and hearing his humility?

And abye succeeded, having betrayed his soul into the hands of God alive, on the 24th day of July, formerly the 9th calendar of August.

And so Boris rested, surrendering his soul into the hands of the living God on the 24th day of the month of July, 9 days before the Kalends of August.

And many youths were beaten. It is impossible to take away the hryvnia from George and cut off the head, otvergosh and besides. And even then I was unable to know his body.

They also killed many youths. They could not remove the hryvnia from George and, having cut off his head, they threw it away. That's why they couldn't identify his body.

Blessed Boris was wrapped in a tent, placed on a stake, and carried away. And as if they were in the forest, they began to worship their holy head. And having seen Svyatoplak, he sent two Varangians and a perforation and a sword to the heart. And so they will end and receive the unfading crown. And he laid his body and brought it to Vyshegorod near the Church of St. Basil in the burial grounds.

Blessed Boris, wrapped in a tent, was placed on a cart and taken away. And as they rode through the forest, he began to lift his holy head. Having learned about this, Svyatopolk sent two Varangians, and they pierced Boris with a sword in the heart. And so he died, having received the unfading crown. And, having brought his body, they laid it in Vyshgorod and buried it in the ground near the church of St. Basil.

And the holy Svyatopolk did not leave the murder until now, but began to stretch out into a great frenzy. And as if I had already fulfilled the desire of my heart, I would not remember the evil of my murder and my many blessings, and I would never bow down to repentance. And then, in the heart of his son, they began and began to commit great and bitter deeds and the greatest number of murders. You say in your soul: “What will I do? If I leave the matter of my murder until now, then the imam expects two things: because if my brethren hear me, here you are preparing to repay me and this is bitter. If not, then let me be destroyed and I will be a stranger to the throne of my father, and the pity of my land will overwhelm me, and the reproaches of those who reproach them will attack me, and I will accept my reign and there will be no one living in my courtyards. The Lord loved him because I drove him away and added the plague to the disease, I will add it to the iniquity for the sake of lawlessness. Either way, it’s my mother’s sin that I won’t be cleansed, and I won’t write with the righteous, but I’ll be consumed from the books of the living.” As it will be, we’ll say it later. Now there is no time, but let us return to what is before us.

And the accursed Svyatopolk did not stop at this murder, but in his fury he began to prepare for a greater crime. And seeing the fulfillment of his cherished desire, he did not think about his villainous murder and the gravity of his sin, and did not at all repent of what he had done. And then Satan entered his heart, beginning to incite even greater atrocities and new murders. This is what he said in his damned soul: “What will I do? If I dwell on this murder, then two fates await me: when my brothers find out about what happened, they will lie in wait for me and repay me worse than what I have done. And if not, then they will expel me and lose the throne of my father, and regret for my lost land will consume me, and the reproaches of those who reproach will fall on me, and my reign will be seized by another, and there will be no living soul left in my dwellings. For I have destroyed the beloved of the Lord and added a new plague to the disease, and I will add lawlessness to iniquity. After all, my mother’s sin will not be forgiven and I will not be included with the righteous, but my name will be taken out of the books of life.” And so it happened, which we will tell you about later. Now is not the time yet, but let’s return to our story.

And having put it in your mind, the evil preacher the devil, the ambassador to the blessed Gleb of the rivers: “Come to the Barze. Father call you and displease you great.”

And, having planned this, the devil’s evil accomplice sent for blessed Gleb, saying: “Come without delay. Father is calling you, he is seriously ill.”

He went up the mountain, in a small squad, and rode off on horseback. And having come to the Volga, a horse galloped into the field under him in the ditch, and broke his leg. And when he came to Smolinsk and departed from Smolinsk, we saw one hundred on Smyadina in a boat. And at that time news came from Peredslava to Yaroslav about the end of death. And Yaroslav sent the river to Gleb: “Don’t go, brother! Your father died and your brother was killed from Svyatopolka".

Gleb quickly got ready, mounted his horse and set off with a small squad. And when they came to the Volga, his horse stumbled in a hole in the field under him, and slightly injured his leg. And when Gleb came to Smolensk, he went not far from Smolensk and stood on Smyadyn, in a boat. And at this time news came from Predslava to Yaroslav about the death of his father. And Yaroslav sent to Gleb, saying: “Don’t go, brother! Your father died, and your brother was killed by Svyatopolk.”

And when the blessed one heard the bitter cry and the sadness of his heart and his face, he said: “Oh, alas for me, my lord, for two things I weep and lament, for two things I lament and lament. Alas for me, alas for me! I cry hard for my father, but even more so I cry and despair for you, brother and master Boris. Why were you pierced, why did you give yourself over to death without mercy, how did you suffer harm not from the enemy, but from your brother? Alas for me! I wouldn’t die with you, if I had been secluded and separated from you in seven lives. I can see your angelic face, and now you are too close to me, and wouldn't we I will die with you, my lord! Now what will I do, touched, alienated from your kindness and from the father of my many minds? O my dear brother and lord! If you have received encouragement from the Lord, pray for my despondency, so that I may be able to accept the same passion and live with you, other than the seven deceits in the world.”

And hearing this, the blessed one cried out with bitter weeping and heartfelt sadness, and said thus: “Oh, alas for me, Lord! I cry and moan twice, I lament and grieve twice. Alas for me, alas for me! I cry bitterly for my father, and I cry and grieve even more bitterly for you, my brother and master, Boris. How was he pierced, how was he killed without pity, how did he suffer death not from an enemy, but from his brother? Alas for me! It would be better for me to die with you than to live alone and orphaned in this world without you. I thought that I would soon see your angelic face, but what misfortune befell me, it would be better for me to die with you, my lord! What will I do now, unfortunate, deprived of your kindness and the wisdom of my father? O my dear brother and lord! If your prayers reach the Lord, pray for my sadness, so that I too may be worthy to endure the same torment and be with you, and not in this vain world.”

And his mother groans and weeps and wets the earth with her tears, calling on God with frequent sighs, hastening suddenly with a message from Svyatopolk, his evil servant, an unmerciful blood-drinker, a brother-hater who is fiercely cruel, who savages the soul of beasts property.

And when he groaned and cried so much, watering the earth with tears and calling on God with frequent sighs, his evil servants sent by Svyatopolk suddenly appeared, ruthless bloodsuckers, fierce brother-haters with the soul of ferocious beasts.

The saint went to the boat and Sretosh and the mouth of Smyadina. And when I saw the saint, my soul rejoiced, and they saw it and darkened and rowed towards him, and hoped to receive kisses from them. And as if swimming equally, they began to gallop into his body, with swords drawn in their hands, shining like water. And all the oars fell from his hand, and all died from fear. Seeing the blessed one, realizing that they wanted to kill him, looking up to them with tender eyes and washing his face with tears, he crushed his heart, calmly reasoned and sighed frequently, all spilled with tears, and his body wasted away Oh, you let out a pitiful voice: “Don’t kid me, my dear brothers and dragging! Don't harm me, you have done nothing evil! Do not neglect, brothers and Lord, do not neglect! What offense have I done to my brother and to you, my brothers and Lord? If there is any offense, take me to your prince, but to my brother and master. Have mercy on my suffering, have mercy, my Lord! You will be my lord, A I am your slave. You will not reap me from a life that is not ripe, you will not reap class, not from a life that is ripe, but carrying the milk of innocence! You will not cut the vines until they are fully grown, but you will have the fruit! I pray to you and you are dear. Beware of the words of the apostolic mouth: “Don’t have children’s minds, be childish with malice, but have mature minds.” I, brethren, have malice and cheer up when I am still a child. Behold murder, behold cheese cutting! Witness to us what evil we have done, and I do not regret it. If you want to be satisfied with my blood, you are already in the hand, brothers, both my brother and your prince.”

The saint was sailing in a boat at that time, and they met him at the mouth of Smyadyn. And when the saint saw them, his soul rejoiced, but when they saw him, they became gloomy and began to row towards him, and he thought - they wanted to greet him. And when they swam nearby, the villains began to jump into his boat with naked swords shining like water in their hands. And immediately everyone’s oars fell out of their hands, and everyone died with fear. Seeing this, the blessed one realized that they wanted to kill him. And, looking at the murderers with a meek gaze, washing his face with tears, resigned himself, in heartfelt contrition, tremblingly sighing, bursting into tears and weakening in body, he began to pitifully beg: “Don’t touch me, my dear and dear brothers! Don't touch me, I haven't caused you any harm! Have mercy, my brothers and lords, have mercy! What offense have I caused to my brother and to you, my brothers and lords? If there is any offense, then take me to your prince and to my brother and master. Have pity on my youth, have mercy, my lords! Be my masters, and I will be your slave. Do not destroy me, in my young life, do not reap the ear, not yet ripe, filled with the juice of goodness! Do not cut a vine that has not yet grown, but has fruit! I beg you and surrender to your mercy. Be afraid of the one who said through the mouth of the apostle: “Do not be children in your mind: be like babies in evil deeds, but be mature in mind.” I, brothers, am still young in both deed and age. This is not murder, but murder! Tell me what evil I have done, and then I will not complain. If you want to be satisfied with my blood, then I, brothers, am in the hands of you and my brother, and your prince.”

And I was ashamed of not even a single word, but as if I had savaged the beast, I devoured it. He, seeing that they would not heed his words, began to say to his mother: “Save yourself, my dear father and Mr. Vasily, save yourself, my mother and mistress, save yourself, brother Boris, the eldest of my wisdom, save you, brother and ally Yaroslav , save yourself, brother and enemy Holy Father, you will be saved, brothers and friends, you will all be saved! It is no longer possible for the imam to see you in life; we are now separating you from you in need.” And she cried: “Vasily, Vasily, my father and lord! Incline your ear and hear my voice, and look and see what happens to your child, how we kill you without guilt. Alas for me, alas for me! Hear the sky and inspire the earth. And you, brother Boris, hear my voice. You called my father Vasily and did not listen to me, then you don’t want to listen to me? See the sorrow of my heart and the ulcer of my soul, see the flow of my tears, like a river! And no one will listen to us, but remember me about me to the common Master, as if I had confidence and prestige at his throne.”

And not a single word shamed them, but like fierce beasts they attacked him. He, seeing that they did not heed his words, began to say: “May my beloved father and Mr. Vasily, and my mother, my lady, and you, brother Boris, the mentor of my youth, and you, brother and accomplice, be delivered from eternal torment. Yaroslav, and you, brother and enemy Svyatopolk, and all of you, brothers and squad, may you all be saved! I will no longer see you in this life, for they are forcibly separating me from you.” And he said, crying: “Vasily, Vasily, my father and master! Bow your ears and hear my voice, look and see what happened to your son, how they are killing me for no reason. Alas for me, alas for me! Hear, heaven, and listen, earth! And you, Boris brother, hear my voice. I called my father Vasily, but he did not listen to me, do you really not want to hear me? Look at the sorrow of my heart and the pain of my soul, look at the streams of my tears flowing like a river! And no one listens to me, but remember me and pray for me before the Lord of all, for you are pleasing to him and will stand before his throne.”

And began, kneel down, to pray to the lady: “Generous and most merciful Lord! Do not suppress my tears, but be touched by my despondency. See the contrition of my heart: for I am slain, I do not know for what sake, or for what offense I bear. You weigh, Lord, my Lord! You spoke to your apostles like: “For my name, for my sake, you will lay your hands on you, and you will be betrayed by your family and friends, and you will betray brother and brother to death and you will die for my name.” And again: “By your perseverance your soul may be gained.” See, Lord, and judge: for my soul is ready to eat before you, Lord! And we send glory to you, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

And, kneeling down, he began to pray: “Most generous and merciful Lord! Do not despise my tears, have mercy on my sadness. Look at the contrition of my heart: they are killing me for no one knows why, no one knows for what guilt. You know, Lord my God! I remember the words you said to your apostles: “For my name, for my sake, they will raise their hands against you, and you will be betrayed by relatives and friends, and brother will betray brother to death, and you will be put to death for my name’s sake.” And again: “Strengthen your souls with patience.” Look, Lord, and judge: my soul is ready to appear before you, Lord! And we give glory to you, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Then, looking up at them with a tender voice and uttering a grunting speech: “Then you have already done this, you are not sent!”

Then he looked at the killers and said in a plaintive and intermittent voice: “Since you have already begun, once you have started, do what you were sent to do!”

Then the Okonny Goryaser ordered to slaughter and go out. The cook Glebov, named Tarchin, took the knife and, blessed be he, and slaughtered it like a lamb, blameless and foreheadless, on the 5th day of September, on Monday.

Then the accursed Goryaser ordered to kill him without delay. The cook Glebov, named Torchin, took a knife and, grabbing the blessed one, slaughtered him like a blameless and innocent lamb on the 5th day of September, Monday.

And the sacrifice was offered, pure and fragrant to the Lord, and we saw the heavenly abodes to the Lord, and we saw the desired brother And the crowns of heaven embraced him and began to swell, and rejoiced with great ineffable joy, even lusting.

And a pure and fragrant sacrifice was brought to the Lord, and he ascended to the heavenly abodes to the Lord, and met with his beloved brother, and both accepted the heavenly crown, which they had strived for, and rejoiced with the great and inexpressible joy that they received.

In the end, they killed the killer and returned to the message I sent, as David said: “Sinners will return to hell and all who forget God.” And packs: “Weapons extracted sinners, straining their bows, lay down their right hearts and thrust their weapons into their hearts their, and their hearts will be crushed, as if they were sinners to perish.” And as she told Svyatopolka that “I have created what you commanded,” and hearing this, I was lifted up in my heart, and what was said by the psalmist Davyd came true: “Why do you praise this mighty one about malice? Iniquity is the day of unrighteousness in your tongue. You loved malice more than goodness, untruth rather than truth. You have loved all the verbs of the flood and the tongue of flattery. For this reason, God will completely destroy you, uproot you and drive you away from your village, and your root from the land of the living.”

The accursed murderers returned to the one who sent them, as David said: “The wicked will return to hell and all who forget God.” And again: “The wicked draw their sword and draw their bow to smite those who walk the straight path, but their sword will enter their own heart, and their bow will be broken, and the wicked will perish.” And when they told Svyatopolk that “they have fulfilled your command,” then, having heard this, his heart was lifted up, and what the psalmist David said came true: “Why do you boast about your villainy, mighty one? This is iniquity this day; your tongue has devised iniquity. You loved evil more than good, lying more than telling the truth. You have loved all destructive speech, and your tongue is flattering. Therefore God will crush you completely, destroy you and uproot you from your dwelling and your family from the land of the living.”

I was killed by Glebovi and defeated in an empty place between two decks. And the Lord do not forsake your servants, as David said: “The Lord will keep all their bones, and not a single one of them will be broken.”

When they killed Gleb, they threw him in a deserted place between two decks. But the Lord, who does not abandon his servants, as David said, “keeps all their bones, and not one of them will be broken.”

And for this reason, do not leave the holy mind lying for a long time in ignorance and neglect to remain unharmed from now on, for the sake of showing: when you see a pillar of fire, when you see a burning candle, and when you hear the singing of angels, you hear guests passing by, or else, fishing active and grazing.

And God did not leave this saint, who lay for a long time in ignorance and neglect, but preserved him unharmed and marked him with apparitions: merchants, hunters and shepherds passing by this place sometimes saw a pillar of fire, sometimes burning candles or heard angelic singing.

Seeing and hearing, there was not a single memory of the search for the body of the saint, until Yaroslav, not suffering this evil murder, moving towards his fratricide, killed Svyatoplok and fought much war with him. And always with the help of God and the haste of the saint, having defeated much of the battle, he was put to shame and defeated and returned.

And not a single one who saw and heard this came to mind to look for the body of the saint, until Yaroslav, unable to endure this evil murder, moved against the fratricide of the accursed Svyatopolk and began to brutally fight with him. And always, with the permission of God and the help of the saints, Yaroslav won battles, and the accursed one was put to shame and returned defeated.

The rest, the damned one came with many cookies, and Yaroslav, having bought the howl, went against him to Leto and stood on the spot where Saint Boris was killed. And he raised his hand to heaven and said: “Behold, let the blood of my brother drink to you, Master, just as Aveleva before. And you take revenge on him, just as you put groaning and shaking on him at the fratricide of Cain. Yes, I pray you, Lord, yes perceive against it." And pray and river: « Oh my brother“Even if the body has died, it lives by grace and stands before the Lord and helps us with prayer!”

And then one day this damned one came with many Pechenegs, and Yaroslav, having gathered an army, went out to meet him on Alta and stood in the place where Saint Boris was killed. And, raising his hands to heaven, he said: “The blood of my brother, like Abel’s before, cries out to you, Master. And you, avenge him and, like the fratricide of Cain, plunge Svyatopolk into horror and awe. I pray to you, Lord, that he may be rewarded for this.” And he prayed and said: “Oh, my brothers, although you have left here in body, you are alive by grace and stand before the Lord and will help me with your prayer!”

And it flowed, and went against itself, and covered the field of Ltskoye with multitudes of howls. And he stepped down to the rising sun, and quickly slaughtered evil from there, and retreated three times, and fought all day long, and by the evening he defeated Yaroslav, and the other Svyatopolk ran away. And the demon attacked her, and weakened his bones, as if he had no strength to mount a horse, and carried him to death on a saddle. And Berestia came running with him. He said: “If you run away, you will marry us!” And send blasphemy against him, and do not pursue him or the wife after him. And, lying in weakness, he sobbed up the verb: “Let’s run again, get married!” Oh me!” And we cannot endure in one place, and we run through the land of Lyadsk and drive away the wrath of God.

After these words, the opponents came together, and the Alta field was covered with many warriors. And at sunrise they entered into battle, and there was a slaughter of evil, they entered into battle three times and fought like this all day, and only in the evening Yaroslav prevailed, and the accursed Svyatopolk fled. And madness seized him, and his joints became so weak that he could not sit on a horse, and they carried him on a stretcher. They ran with him to Berest. He says: “We’re running, because they’re chasing us!” And they sent to reconnoiter, and there were no pursuers or those following in his footsteps. And he, lying helpless and rising, exclaimed: “We run further, they are chasing! Woe is me!" It was unbearable for him to remain in one place, and he ran across the Polish land, driven by the wrath of God.

And he ran into the desert between Czechs and Lyakhs, and his belly was destroyed. And he accepted retribution from the Lord, as if a destructive wound had been sent to her and, after death, eternal torment. And so both bellies were filled with joy: and here there is no reign, no life of persecution, and no longer the kingdom of heaven, and even the angels of life have sinned, and they will give themselves over to torment and fire. And his grave exists to this day, and an evil stench emanates from it, as evidenced by a person. Yes, even if someone does something and hears something like this, he will also receive it. Like Cain, who did not know how to accept revenge, and Lamech, who knew nothing about Cain, took revenge on him for seventy years. This is the essence of taking revenge on an evil deed. Just like Julian the Caesar, who shed so much blood from the holy martyr, received bitter and inhuman death: we don’t know from whom perforated Be a spear in your heart. So, running around, not knowing from whom, I will die with viciousness.

And he ran to a deserted place between the Czech Republic and Poland and died dishonorably. And he accepted vengeance from the Lord: the illness that gripped him brought Svyatopolk to death, and upon death - eternal torment. And so he lost both lives: here he lost not only his reign, but also his life, and there he not only did not receive the kingdom of heaven and stay with the angels, but was betrayed to torment and fire. And his grave has survived to this day, and a terrible stench emanates from it as a warning to all people. If anyone does the same, knowing this, he will pay even more bitterly. Cain, not knowing about revenge, accepted a single punishment, and Lamech, who knew about Cain’s fate, was punished seventy times more severely. Such is revenge on those who do evil. Here is Julian the Caesar - he shed a lot of the blood of the holy martyrs, and suffered a terrible and inhuman death: by someone unknown, he was pierced with a spear in the heart. Likewise, this one - it is unknown from whom, while running, died a shameful death.

And from here sedition of the throne in the Russian land, and Yaroslav took over the entire Russian volost. And they began to ask about the saints, how or where food should be. And I told him about Saint Boris, how Vyshegorod is supposed to eat. And not everyone knows about Saint Gleb, that Smolinsk was killed. And then I told him, even having heard from those coming from there, how I saw light and lamps in an empty place. And hearing that, she sent Smolinsk’s presbytera to ask her, saying, “That is, my brother.” And you found it and where you saw it, and you went from the cross and with the holy candles, and from the n dili, and with a lot of money, he put it into the ship, and when he came, he laid it in Vyshegorod, where the body of the blessed Boris lay, and dug up the ground, and also laid it, and, in bewilderment, as if it were white.

And since then, strife in the Russian land stopped, and Yaroslav took over the entire Russian land. And he began to ask about the bodies of the saints - how and where were they buried? And they told him about Saint Boris that he was buried in Vyshgorod. But not everyone knew about Saint Gleb that he was killed near Smolensk. And then they told Yaroslav what they heard from those coming from there: how they saw light and candles in a deserted place. And, hearing this, Yaroslav sent priests to Smolensk to find out what was the matter, saying: “This is my brother.” And they found him where the visions were, and, coming there with crosses, and many candles, and with censers, they solemnly put Gleb in the boat and, returning, buried him in Vyshgorod, where the body of the blessed Boris lies; Having dug up the ground, Gleb was laid there with due honor.

This was wonderful and wondrous and worthy of memory; no matter how many years the saint’s body has lain, it has not been damaged by any carnivore or any blackening, as is the custom of having the bodies of the dead, which are light and red and intact and have a good smell. Thus God preserved the body of his passion-bearer.

And this is what is wonderful and wondrous and worthy of memory: for so many years the body of Saint Gleb lay unharmed, untouched by any predatory beast or worms, it did not even turn black, as usually happens with the bodies of the dead, but remained light and beautiful, whole and fragrant. This is how God preserved the body of his passion-bearer.

And I did not see much of that holy, passion-bearing body lying there. As the Lord said: “A city cannot hide itself in the top of a mountain, nor can it cover a light with fire, nor place it on a lamp to give light to the dark.” Thus, let this saint shine in the world, with many miracles to shine in greatness in the Russian side, where there are many guardians of salvation: the blind see, the lame are quicker than the chamois, the prostration is accepted.

And many did not know about the relics of the holy passion-bearers lying here. But, as the Lord said: “A city standing on the top of a mountain cannot be hidden, and having lit a candle, they do not put it under a bushel, but put it on a candlestick so that it can give light to everyone.” So God appointed these saints to shine in the world, to shine with numerous miracles in the great Russian land, where many suffering people are healed: the blind receive their sight, the lame run faster than a chamois, the hunchbacked are straightened.

But either I can confess or say the miracles that are performed, in truth, the whole world cannot bear even the wonderful miracles that happen, and especially the sand of the sea. And not that one, but on all sides and across all lands, passing away, it will drive away all illnesses and ailments, visiting those in darkness and in chains. And on mѣstikh where the martyrs had become stuck, a church was quickly founded in her name. Yes, and she sees just as many miracles.

It is impossible to describe or talk about the miracles being performed; truly, the whole world cannot contain them, for there are more wondrous miracles than the sand of the sea. And not only here, but also in other countries, and throughout all lands, they travel, driving away diseases and illnesses, visiting those imprisoned and shackled. And in those places where they were crowned with martyrdom, churches were created in their name. And many miracles happen to those who come here.

Moreover, I wonder how to praise someone I don’t know or who I say I’m perplexed and can’t. Shall I name you an angel? others like it she soon found herself near those who mourned, and lived in humanity on earth. Whether I call you a man, then most of all the human mind is overcome by many miracles and visits to the weak. Whether it is a Tsar or a Prince, I will say, but more than a man, the simple and humble humility has acquired a nature where high places and dwellings have been settled.

Therefore, I don’t know what praise to give you, and I’m perplexed, and I can’t decide what to say? I would call you angels, for without delay you appear to all who mourn, but you lived on earth among people in human flesh. If I call you people, then with your countless miracles and help to the weak you surpass the human mind. Whether I proclaim you crowns or princes, you surpassed the simplest and most humble people with your humility, and this led you to mountainous places and dwellings.

In truth, you are the Tsar's Tsar and the Prince's Prince, for I give aid and protection to our princes who rise up and flee in a rusty manner, and I let them boast of their help. Because you are a weapon for us, the Russian land has taken away both the strengthening and the sharp sword of both, and we are putting down the filthy insolence and trampling the devil’s vacillation into the lands. In truth, I can say the most unreasonable thing: you are a heavenly person, an earthly angel, a pillar and strength of our earth. The same one fights according to his fatherhood and benefits, just like the great Demetrius did according to his fatherhood. Rek: “Even if he who rejoices with them will die, so will he who perishes with them die.” But otherwise, this great, merciful Demetrius informed the city about one city, but you are not giving care and prayer about one city, not about the city, not about the whole city, but about the whole Russian land!

Truly you are princes to princes and princes to princes, for with your help and protection our princes defeat all opponents and are proud of your help. You are our weapon, the Russian land’s protection and support, double-edged swords, with them we overthrow the insolence of the filthy and trample the devil’s machinations on earth. Truly and without a doubt I can say: you are heavenly people and earthly angels, the pillars and support of our land! You defend your fatherland and help in the same way as the great Demetrius did for his fatherland. He said: “As I was with them in joy, so in their destruction I will die with them.” But if the great and merciful Demetrius said this about only one city, then you are not caring and praying about one city, not about two, not about some village, but about the entire Russian land!

Oh, blessed one, having received from the grave my honorable body as a treasure of great value! Blessed Church, in this situation I quickly worship the saints, having blessed bodies, O saint of Christ! Blessed in truth and lofty above all is the Russian city and the highest city that has such a treasure within itself. He doesn’t care about the whole world. Truly Vyshegorod was called - the highest and superior city of all; The second Selun appeared in the Russian land, having in itself a merciless medicine, not only our single language was given salvation, but the salvation of the whole earth. From all those countries, healing comes to Tuna, just as in the Holy Gospels the Lord spoke to the holy Apostle: “Tuna will eat, and Tuna will give.” About these things the Lord himself said: “Believe in me, the works that I do, you will do and greater things.”

Oh, blessed are the graves that received your honest bodies as a valuable treasure! Blessed is the church in which your holy tombs are erected, containing your blessed bodies, O saints of Christ! Truly blessed and greater than all Russian cities is the highest city that has such a treasure. There is no equal to him in the whole world. Vyshgorod is rightly named - higher and higher than all cities: the second Thessaloniki appeared in the Russian land, healing free of charge, with God's help, not only our united people, but bringing salvation to the whole earth. Those who come from all lands receive healing freely, as in the holy Gospels the Lord said to the holy apostles: “Freely you have received, freely give.” The Lord himself said about such people: “He who believes in me, in the works that I do, will do them himself, and will do greater things than these.”

But oh blessed passion-bearer of Christ, she does not forget her fatherhood, where she lived in the body, and she never leaves it behind. In the same way, in prayers she always prays for us, so that evil and injury may not come to us. start k telesi I'm a slave. You have been given grace to pray for us, God has given you to pray for us and intercede to God for us. In the meantime, we come running to you, and with falling tears, we pray, that the foot of pride and the hand of the sinner may not come upon us and destroy us, and that all destruction may not come upon us; He will create the infighting of the stranger and will protect us from all sins and attacks who put our trust in you. And we will earnestly bring our prayer to the Lord God, for we have sinned greatly and lawlessly, and committed wickedness beyond measure and in excess. Let us say this prayer hoping to the Savior, saying: “Master, the only one without sin! Look down from heaven upon us, your holy ones, who have sinned, but you have judged us, and the lawless one, weakened and stumbled upon the change, judge us as a harlot, and set us right as a publican! May your mercy come upon us! May your love of humanity come upon us! And do not let us give up on being our sins, neither sleep nor die slide death, and redeem us from present evil and give us time to repent, for our iniquity is great before you, Lord! Do with us by your mercy, Lord, as your name is called upon us, and have mercy on us and be merciful and intercede with your prayers for your exceeding passion. And do not turn us into diarrhea, but pour out your mercy on the sheep of your pasture, for you are our God and we send glory to you to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and to the ages of ages. Amen"."

But, O blessed passion-bearers of Christ, do not forget the fatherland where you lived your earthly life, never leave it. In the same way, in your prayers, always pray for us, so that trouble and illness do not befall us, and do not touch the body of your servants. You have been given grace, pray for us, because God has placed you before Himself as intercessors and intercessors for us. That is why we come running to you, and, falling down with tears, we pray, may we not find ourselves under the heel of the enemy, and may the hand of the wicked not destroy us, may no harm touch us, remove hunger and troubles from us, and deliver us from the enemy’s sword and internecine strife, and from all misfortune and attack, protect us who trust in you. And bring our prayer to the Lord God with zeal, for we sin greatly, and there is much iniquity in us, and we commit outrages in excess and without measure. But, hoping for your prayers, we cry out to the Savior, saying: “Master, the only one without sin! Look from your holy heavens at us, the poor, and although we have sinned, forgive us, and although we commit lawlessness, have mercy, and those who have fallen into error, like a harlot, forgive us and, like a publican, justify us! May your mercy descend upon us! May your love for humanity flow upon us! And do not let us perish because of our sins, do not let us fall asleep and die a bitter death, but deliver us from the evil reigning in the world and give us time to repent, for our iniquities are many before you, Lord! Judge us according to your mercy, Lord, for your name is named in us, have mercy on us and save and protect us through the prayers of your glorious passion-bearers. And do not give us over to reproach, but pour out your mercy on the sheep of your flock, for you are our God and we send up glory to you, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen!"

About Boris, as if in sight. Because the faithful Boris of the good root is obedient to his father, repenting in front of his father. The body is beautiful, tall, the face is round, the shoulders are great, the waist is high, the eyes are kind, the face is cheerful, beard small and mustache - still young. Glowing like a king, strong body, decorated in every possible way like a flower, flowery in its glory, in the army hrubar, in the world he is wise and reasonable, and the grace of God is upon him.

About Boris, what a sight he was. This blessed Boris was of good origin, obedient to his father, and submitted to his father in everything. He was handsome in body, tall, had a round face, broad shoulders, a thin waist, kind eyes, a cheerful face, a small beard and mustache - for he was still young, he shone like a king, he was strong, he was adorned with everything - like a flower he had bloomed in his youth his own, brave in battle, wise in advice and reasonable in everything, and the grace of God bloomed in him.

“Their righteous generation... will be blessed.”- Ps. 111, 2.

...Volodymyr, son Svyatoslavl...- The reign of Vladimir I Svyatoslavich is described in the Tale of Bygone Years from 980 to 1015.

This mother was formerly a chernitsa, a grynnitsa, and she gave birth to Yaroplk...- The reign of Yaropolk, his marriage and death in the “Tale of Bygone Years” is described under the years 973-980.

And from Rognida...- Rogneda Rogvolodovna, the Polotsk princess, is mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years under the years 980 and 1000. Article 980 also talks about Vladimir’s wives and his children from them.

And calling Boris, whose name was called Roman in holy baptism...- In ancient times, there was a widespread custom of giving two names - one “Russian”, “secular”, “princely”, and the second Christian, “godmother”. Boris' godname is Roman, Gleb's is Davyd.

The Parable is talking about such things...- The tributary - the compiler of the book of parables - the king of the Kingdom of Israel and Judah (X century BC) Solomon. The Book of Solomon's Proverbs is part of the Bible.

...and the night passed the platform to Berestov... we were transported to the Sankh...- Removing the body through a dismantled roof and transporting the deceased on a sleigh (at any time of the year) are elements of the ancient Russian funeral rite.

... "The Lord resists those who are proud... to give grace."- Jacob. 4, 6; 1 Peter 5, 5.

... “The same speech - “I love God” ... there is a lie.”- 1 John. 4, 20.

... “There is no fear in love... replace fear.”- 1 John. 4, 18.

“Then I’ll see my brother’s face... what is Joseph Benjamin like?”- Joseph and Benjamin are biblical characters: the youngest children of the Old Testament patriarch Jacob from Rachel, his beloved wife. Joseph meets with his younger brother Benjamin after a long separation, the culprits of which were their older brothers from Jacob’s other wives, who sold Joseph into slavery.

Boris recalls the names of those saints who died for loyalty to Christianity at the hands of their closest relatives: Nikita, the royal son, was tortured and executed by his father, who did not recognize Christianity; Vyacheslav (Vaclav) - Czech prince (921-929), declared a saint by the church, was killed by his brother Boleslav I; Barbara was executed by her pagan father for professing the Christian faith.

"God! Why have you multiplied the distress! Mnozi got up on me.”- Ps. 3, 2.

“Offend me psi mnozi... odrzhasha me.”- Ps. 21, 17.

"Oh my God! I trust in you, save me.”- Ps. 7, 2.

Canon- church hymn.

“You love to endure everything... don’t look for your own.”- 1 Cor. 13, 4.

“There is no fear in love... take away fear.”- 1 John. 4, 18.

...invested a hryvnia in gold...- Here the hryvnia is a neck hoop, a necklace as a badge of honor, an award.

Yes, “if only the enemy had reviled us... he would have hidden.”- Ps. 54, 13.

...the month of July on the 24th day, formerly the 9th calendar of August.- In the ancient Roman calendar, the first day of each month was called kalends, the 5th or 7th day of the month (day of the first quarter of the moon) - nones, the 13th or 15th day (day of the full moon) - ides. From these three points, days were counted backward (the original date was included in the count of days). Therefore, in calendar counting, July 24 corresponded to the ninth day before the August calendar. Calendar counting with the mention of calendars is found rarely in ancient Russian texts and in parallel with the indication of dates and days of the week according to the Julian calendar, adopted in Rus' along with Christianity.

Here we either mean a log - the trunk of a fallen tree, or a log - a coffin hollowed out from two halves of a solid tree trunk. ...Like Iulian the Caesar...- Julian the Apostate (Flavius ​​Claudius Julian), Roman emperor (361-363), restored paganism as an official religion in the Roman Empire and opposed Christianity. The name of Julian in Christian literature became a common name for the persecutor of Orthodoxy. He died either from an enemy arrow or from a spear strike in the back during a campaign against the Persians in 363. The unclear circumstances of his death gave rise to many legends.

...and put it in the ship...- In ancient funeral customs, the deceased was either carried on a sleigh (regardless of the time of year) or carried in a boat.

... “The city cannot hide itself... let the dark ones shine.”- Matt. 5. 14-15. the great Demetrius...- Demetrius of Thessaloniki, son of the Thessalonian governor, proconsul of Thessaloniki (modern Thessaloniki), was killed in 306 and recognized as a saint by the Christian Church. He was revered as the patron and protector of Thessaloniki. He was especially popular as a warrior saint not only in Thessaloniki, but on Mount Athos, in the Balkan countries and in Ancient Rus'.

..."Tuna...give it". - Matt. 10, 8.

...“Believe in me... and more those"- John. 14, 12.

The holy noble princes-passion-bearers Boris and Gleb (in Holy Baptism - Roman and David) are the first Russian saints canonized by both the Russian and Constantinople Churches. They were younger sons Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir (+ July 15, 1015). The holy brothers, born shortly before the Baptism of Rus', were raised in Christian piety. The eldest of the brothers, Boris, received a good education. He loved to read the Holy Scriptures, the works of the holy fathers and especially the lives of the saints. Under their influence, Saint Boris had an ardent desire to imitate the feat of the saints of God and often prayed that the Lord would honor him with such an honor.

Saint Gleb with early childhood was brought up with his brother and shared his desire to devote his life exclusively to serving God. Both brothers were distinguished by mercy and kindness of heart, imitating the example of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, merciful and responsive to the poor, sick, and disadvantaged.

While his father was still alive, Saint Boris received Rostov as an inheritance. While ruling his principality, he showed wisdom and meekness, caring primarily about inculcating the Orthodox faith and establishing a pious way of life among his subjects. The young prince also became famous as a brave and skilled warrior. Shortly before his death, Grand Duke Vladimir called Boris to Kyiv and sent him with an army against the Pechenegs. When the death of Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir followed, his eldest son Svyatopolk, who was in Kyiv at that time, declared himself Grand Duke of Kyiv. Saint Boris was returning from a campaign at that time, having never met the Pechenegs, who were probably frightened of him and fled to the steppe. Upon learning of his father's death, he was very upset. The squad persuaded him to go to Kiev and take the grand-ducal throne, but the holy Prince Boris, not wanting internecine strife, disbanded his army: “I will not raise my hand against my brother, and even against my eldest, whom I should consider as my father!”

However, the insidious and power-hungry Svyatopolk did not believe Boris’s sincerity; In an effort to protect himself from the possible rivalry of his brother, who had the sympathy of the people and troops on his side, he sent assassins to kill him. Saint Boris was informed of such treachery by Svyatopolk, but did not hide and, like the martyrs of the first centuries of Christianity, readily met death. The assassins overtook him while he was praying for Matins on Sunday, July 24, 1015, in his tent on the banks of the Alta River. After the service, they burst into the prince’s tent and pierced him with spears. The beloved servant of Saint Prince Boris, Georgy Ugrin (originally a Hungarian), rushed to the defense of his master and was immediately killed. But Saint Boris was still alive. Coming out of the tent, he began to pray fervently, and then turned to the murderers: “Come, brothers, finish your service, and may there be peace for brother Svyatopolk and you.” Then one of them came up and pierced him with a spear. Svyatopolk's servants took Boris's body to Kyiv; on the way they met two Varangians sent by Svyatopolk to speed up the matter. The Varangians noticed that the prince was still alive, although he was barely breathing. Then one of them pierced his heart with a sword. The body of the holy passion-bearer Prince Boris was secretly brought to Vyshgorod and laid in a church in the name of St. Basil the Great.

After this, Svyatopolk just as treacherously killed the holy Prince Gleb. Having insidiously summoned his brother from his inheritance - Murom, Svyatopolk sent warriors to meet him in order to kill Saint Gleb on the road. Prince Gleb already knew about the death of his father and the villainous murder of Prince Boris. Deeply grieving, he chose death rather than war with his brother. The meeting of Saint Gleb with the murderers took place at the mouth of the Smyadyn River, not far from Smolensk. September 5/18 is the day of the martyrdom of Saint Gleb.

What was the feat of the holy noble princes Boris and Gleb? What is the point in dying like this - without resistance at the hands of murderers?

The lives of the holy passion-bearers were sacrificed to the main Christian good deed - love. “Whoever says: “I love God, but hates his brother” is a liar.” John. 1, 4, 20). The holy brothers did something that was still new and incomprehensible to pagan Rus', accustomed to blood feud - they showed that evil cannot be repaid with evil, even under the threat of death. “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul” (Matthew 10:28). The holy martyrs Boris and Gleb gave their lives for the sake of obedience, on which a person’s spiritual life and, in general, all life in society is based. “Do you see, brothers,” notes the Monk Nestor the Chronicler, “how high is obedience to an older brother? If they had resisted, they would hardly have received such a gift from God. There are many young princes today who do not obey their elders and are killed for resisting them. But they are not worthy of the grace that these saints were worthy of.”

The noble passion-bearing princes did not want to raise their hands against their brother, but the Lord Himself took revenge on the power-hungry tyrant: “Vengeance is mine, and I will repay it” (Rom. 12:19).

In 1019, Prince Yaroslav the Wise of Kiev, also one of the sons of Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, gathered an army and defeated Svyatopolk’s squad. According to the Providence of God, the decisive battle took place on a field near the Alta River, where Saint Boris was killed. Svyatopolk, called the Accursed by the Russian people, fled to Poland and, like the first fratricide Cain, did not find peace and refuge anywhere. Chroniclers testify that even his grave emanated a stench.

“From that time,” the chronicler writes, “sedition in Rus' died down.” The blood shed by the holy brothers to prevent internecine strife was that blessed seed that strengthened the unity of Rus'.

The noble passion-bearing princes are not only glorified by God for the gift of healing, but they are special patrons and defenders of the Russian land. There are many known cases of their appearance in difficult times for our Fatherland, for example, to Saint Alexander Nevsky on the eve of the Battle of the Ice (1242), to Grand Duke Dimitri Donskoy on the day of the Battle of Kulikovo (1380). The veneration of Saints Boris and Gleb began very early, shortly after their death. The service to the saints was compiled by Metropolitan John I of Kyiv (1008-1035).

Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise of Kiev took care to find the remains of Saint Gleb, which had been unburied for 4 years, and buried them in Vyshgorod, in the church in the name of Saint Basil the Great, next to the relics of Saint Prince Boris. After some time, this temple burned down, but the relics remained unharmed, and many miracles were performed from them. One Varangian stood irreverently on the grave of the holy brothers, and a suddenly emanating flame scorched his feet. From the relics of the holy princes, a lame youth, the son of a resident of Vyshgorod, received healing: Saints Boris and Gleb appeared to the youth in a dream and made the sign of a cross on his sore leg. The boy woke up from sleep and stood up completely healthy. The blessed prince Yaroslav the Wise built a stone five-domed church on this site, which was consecrated on July 24, 1026 by Metropolitan John of Kyiv with a cathedral of clergy. Many churches and monasteries throughout Rus' were dedicated to the holy princes Boris and Gleb; frescoes and icons of the holy passion-bearing brothers are also known in numerous churches of the Russian Church.

story princely drama psychology

“The Tale of Boris and Gleb” is one of the oldest hagiobiographical works, the so-called Boris-Gleb cycle about the holy princes Boris and Gleb, killed in the dynastic struggle on the orders of their elder brother Svyatopolk Vladimirovich. This is actually not a classical hagiography, but a historical narrative with elements of martyrium, i.e. testimonies, descriptions of the martyrdom of the saints, with background and final words of praise to the saints.

Some manuscript researchers believe that the idea of ​​the “Tale” is an affirmation of the principle of subordination of the younger to the elder, on the basis of which clan relations were built in Rus', others interpret this work as the glorification of voluntary suffering in imitation of Christ, affirming the idea of ​​a divinely established princely power.

But you can always give Old Testament and historical examples of how the father’s and God’s blessing often rested on younger children, which gave them the right of power over the elder. As for Prince Boris, personal piety, military valor and the love of soldiers and people for him make the prince completely worthy of accepting the honor of the main ruler in Rus'. He was offered this way out of the situation: the establishment of pious rule, but through violence and blood. Like any person endowed by God with freedom of choice, Boris had two options: take power by force and the blood of others, or give it up, sacrifice himself voluntarily to establish peace in Rus'. On this basis, a conflict and a dramatic situation arises. A person always carries within himself the instinct of self-preservation, which actually holds life on earth (if no one was afraid of death, did not love to live, then life would cease), it is common for a person to strive to protect his life, even when he enters into a fight for his fatherland, your loved ones. Boris understands that he can listen to his squad and go against the elder Svyatopolk, but then the blood of innocent people and his own brother will be shed. As a human being, he does not want to die and is afraid of death, but loyalty to God, love for Him and His commandments, likeness to Him forces him to make a choice in favor of his own death - this is the main dramatic feature in the created image of Boris. He accepts death consciously, as evidenced by the prayer before the icon of the Savior, “hearing his murderers”: “Lord Jesus Christ! Just as you appeared on earth in this image, allowing yourself to be nailed to the Cross by your own will, and accepting the suffering of our sins for our sake, grant me the honor to accept suffering too!” The author usually increases the tension with his own commentary: “... he trembled, cried and said: “Glory to Thee, Lord, for deigning me to accept this bitter death out of envy.”

In the “Tale” there are numerous allusions and reminiscences of prototypes from Holy Scripture: the theme of Cain and Abel, the sacrifice of Abraham, Joseph, as if sacrificed by his brothers for the future salvation of the people of Israel, and, of course, the circumstances of death and the image of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, who suffered innocently for the sin of the world, which aggravates the emotional perception of the text. The monologues of Boris (crying for his father and thinking about the upcoming suffering) and Gleb (to his murderers) are filled with special drama and lyricism.

Unlike Boris, who is ready to take up the feat for Christ, Gleb, due to his youth, gullibility and innocence, rushes to the call of Svyatopolk, not paying attention to warnings about the evil intent of his older brother. Until the last moment, he does not believe (because everyone judges for himself, and Gleb’s piety made it impossible for him to create evil) in the proximity of his death, and goes with a brotherly kiss to the murderers. Having discovered the evil intention of Svyatopolk’s envoys, Gleb turns to them tearfully, so that they would spare his youth and not cut off the unripe ear: “Do not marry me, who has not ripened from life! Don’t marry a class that is not already ripe and carrying the milk of goodness.”

The imagery of words and the use of metaphors aggravate the tension of the situation. The brothers' pious reflections, prayers, laments, and appeals to enemies serve as a means of revealing the inner world of the heroes and motivating their actions. Along with this, as I said above, the author himself adds his own descriptions to show the psychological state of the characters. Thanks to the author's remarks, we better feel the change in Gleb's mood when he sees his killers. If at first he “rejoiced in his soul,” wanting to greet Svyatopolk’s servants, “expecting to receive a kiss from them,” then, seeing the swords in the hands of the murderers, everyone’s “oars fell out of fear and everyone died from fear” Gleb “with a pitiful gaze, humbly, ... sighing often, his body weakening,” he speaks, or rather, cries, addressing the messengers. We see that not only Gleb, but also his neighbors empathize with him and are afraid along with him. Likewise, when Boris sheds “bitter,” “pitying” tears on the Alta River, the faithful people around him also begin to sympathize with him and cry and moan. In both episodes, the element of compassion from others further intensifies the mournful atmosphere, enhancing the drama, inviting the reader to sympathize with the princes.

The dying prayers of the martyrs are not only full of sorrow and trembling, but they show how one should behave in a sorrowful situation; they not only elevate and idealize the images of martyrs, but also indicate that it is impossible to endure anything without God’s help. For a Christian this is especially valuable, because... the humanly impossible is possible with God. To act by faith, trusting in God, is above human judgment, and therefore is often associated with pain, sorrow, and psychological tension.

The episodes of the death of Boris and Gleb combine human sadness about death with the joy of future eternal life after accepting the mournful crown of martyrdom.

The antagonist to the princes is their brother Svyatopolk, whose characterization is given by the author in complete contrast to the virtues of the brothers. The “Second Cain,” the “damned one,” also experiences animal fear after an atrocity committed on his orders, but this fear is terrible, because... associated with complete hopelessness. If the “earthly angels” Boris and Gleb were consoled by the hope of a future heavenly life, then Svyatopolk had nothing to count on after his atrocity and lack of repentance; he destroyed not only his body, but also his soul. Even from his grave there emanates “a stench to show people,” as the author notes.

Numerous biblical prototypes when describing the actions of the saints suggest that just as the Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross is the guarantee of life and salvation for all who believe in Him and keep His commandments, so the voluntary sacrifice of princes is the guarantee of salvation, life and blessing not only of Rus', but also of all humanity, because the sins of the world are washed away by the Blood of the Divine Lamb of Christ, and Christians pray for the departed, so that “through the prayers of innocent sufferers, the blood of martyrs, the sins of people who sinned on earth, who died but did not have time to bring repentance, would be forgiven.”

For me personally, what is important in “The Tale” is not the element of preaching the feat of subordination or sacrifice to end civil strife, but the psychological aspect of the actions of the saints. A person, having the opportunity to respond, stand up for himself, and use force, makes a choice in favor of humility and truth, realizing that with God nothing is accidental. A person accepts God’s call and reasons that if the Lord so arranges that I must accept death, then I should not resist the will of God, no matter how sad it may seem to me. We are not eternal on earth, the death of the body is inevitable, and Christianity claims that the Lord takes a person from this life when he is ready for this according to the judgment of God, but the person himself cannot assess whether his soul is ready for death or not. It takes great courage, faith, and love for God to accept death or sorrow at a time when you do not expect it and, it seems, are not ready for it. The feat of the passion-bearers is, first of all, a feat of humility, the main Christian virtue, courageous acceptance of the will of God, it is in this sense that it is so important and will always be relevant for every Christian.

Reads in 6 minutes

“Svyatopolk hid the death of his father.” Miniature of The Tale of Boris and Gleb from Sylvester's collection. 2nd half of the 14th century. State Historical Museum

Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich had twelve sons from different wives. The third in seniority was Svyatopolk. Svyatopolk's mother, a nun, was disrobed and taken as a wife by Yaropolk, Vladimir's brother. Vladimir killed Yaropolk and took possession of his wife when she was pregnant. He adopted Svyatopolk, but did not love him. And Boris and Gleb were the sons of Vladimir and his Bulgarian wife. Vladimir placed his children in different lands to reign: Svyatopolk - in Pinsk, Boris - in Rostov, Gleb - in Murom.

As Vladimir's days drew to a close, the Pechenegs moved into Rus'. The prince sent Boris against them. He set out on a campaign, but did not meet the enemy. When Boris was returning back, the messenger told him about the death of his father and that Svyatopolk tried to hide his death. Listening to this story, Boris began to cry. He realized that Svyatopolk wanted to seize power and kill him, but decided not to resist. Indeed, Svyatopolk insidiously took possession of the Kyiv throne. But, despite the entreaties of the squad, Boris did not want to drive his brother out of his reign.

Meanwhile, Svyatopolk bribed the people of Kiev and wrote a kind letter to Boris. But his words were lies. In fact, he wanted to kill all of his father's heirs. And he began by ordering a squad consisting of Vyshgorod men led by Putynya to kill Boris.

Boris set up his camp on the Alta River. In the evening he prayed in his tent, thinking about near death. Waking up, he ordered the priest to serve matins. The murderers sent by Svyatopolk approached Boris’s tent and heard the words of holy prayers. And Boris, hearing an ominous whisper near the tent, realized that these were murderers. The priest and Boris's servant, seeing the sadness of their master, grieved for him.

Suddenly Boris saw the killers with naked weapons in their hands. The villains rushed to the prince and pierced him with spears. And Boris’s servant covered his master with his body. This servant was a Hungarian named George. The killers struck him down too. Wounded by them, George jumped out of the tent. The villains wanted to inflict new blows on the prince, who was still alive. But Boris began to ask to be allowed to pray to God. After the prayer, the prince turned to his murderers with words of forgiveness and said: “Brothers, having begun, finish what was commanded to you.” This is how Boris died on the 24th day of July. Many of his servants were also killed, including George. They cut off his head to remove the hryvnia from his neck.

Boris was wrapped in a tent and taken away on a cart. As they drove through the forest, the holy prince raised his head. And two Varangians pierced him with a sword in the heart again. Boris's body was laid in Vyshgorod and buried near the Church of St. Basil.

After this, Svyatopolk conceived a new crime. He sent Gleb a letter in which he wrote that his father, Vladimir, was seriously ill and was calling Gleb.

The young prince went to Kyiv. When he reached the Volga, he slightly injured his leg. He stopped not far from Smolensk, on the Smyadyn River, in a boat. The news of Vladimir's death, meanwhile, reached Yaroslav (another of the twelve sons of Vladimir Svyatoslavich), who then reigned in Novgorod. Yaroslav sent Gleb a warning not to go to Kyiv: his father died and his brother Boris was killed. And when Gleb was crying about his father and brother, the evil servants of Svyatopolk, sent by him to kill, suddenly appeared in front of him.

Saint Prince Gleb was then sailing in a boat along the Smyadyn River. The killers were in another boat, they began to row towards the prince, and Gleb thought that they wanted to greet him. But the villains began to jump into Gleb’s boat with drawn swords in their hands. The prince began to beg that they would not ruin his young life. But Svyatopolk’s servants were relentless. Then Gleb began to pray to God for his father, brothers, and even for his murderer, Svyatopolk. After this, Glebov's cook, Torchin, stabbed his master to death. And Gleb ascended to heaven and met there with his beloved brother. It happened on September 5th.

The murderers returned to Svyatopolk and told him about the fulfilled command. The evil prince was delighted.

Gleb's body was thrown in a deserted place between two logs. Merchants, hunters, and shepherds passing by this place saw a pillar of fire, burning candles, and heard angelic singing. But no one thought to look for the saint’s body there.

And Yaroslav moved with his army against the fratricide Svyatopolk to avenge his brothers. Yaroslav was accompanied by victories. Arriving at the Alta River, he stood at the place where Saint Boris was killed and prayed to God for the final victory over the villain.

The slaughter on Alta lasted the whole day. By evening, Yaroslav prevailed, and Svyatopolk fled. He was overcome by madness. Svyatopolk became so weak that he was carried on a stretcher. He ordered to run, even when the chase stopped. So they carried him on a stretcher across Polish soil. In a deserted place between the Czech Republic and Poland, he died. His grave has been preserved, and a terrible stench emanates from it.

Since then, strife has ceased in the Russian land. Yaroslav became the Grand Duke. He found Gleb's body and buried him in Vyshgorod, next to his brother. Gleb's body turned out to be incorrupt.

Many miracles began to emanate from the relics of the holy passion-bearers Boris and Gleb: the blind received their sight, the lame walked, the hunchbacked straightened. And in those places where the brothers were killed, churches were created in their name.


The appearance of original hagiographic literature was associated with the general political struggle of Rus' to assert its religious independence, the desire to emphasize that the Russian land has its own representatives and intercessors before God. Surrounding the prince's personality with an aura of holiness, the lives contributed to the political strengthening of the foundations of the feudal system.

An example of an ancient Russian princely life is the anonymous "The Tale of Boris and Gleb", created, apparently, at the end of the 11th - beginning of the 12th century. The “Tale” is based on the historical fact of Svyatopolk’s murder of his younger brothers Boris and Gleb in 1015. When in the 40s of the 11th century. Yaroslav achieved the canonization of the murdered brothers by the Byzantine Church; it was necessary to create a special work that would glorify the feat of the passion-bearers and the avenger for their death, Yaroslav. Based on a chronicle story at the end of the 11th century. and was written by an unknown author "The Tale of Boris and Gleb."

The author of "The Tale" maintains historical specificity, setting out in detail all the vicissitudes associated with the villainous murder of Boris and Gleb. Like the chronicle, the Tale sharply condemns the murderer - "damned" Svyatopolk and opposes fratricidal strife, defending the patriotic idea of ​​unity "The great Russian country."

The historicity of the narrative "Tale" compares favorably with the Byzantine martyriums. It carries the important political idea of ​​clan seniority in the system of princely inheritance. “The Legend” is subordinated to the task of strengthening the feudal legal order and glorifying vassal fidelity: Boris and Gleb cannot break fidelity to their older brother, who replaces their father. Boris refuses the offer of his warriors to seize Kyiv by force. Gleb, warned by his sister Predslava about the impending murder, voluntarily goes to his death. The feat of vassal loyalty of Boris’s servant, the youth George, who covers the prince with his body, is also glorified.

The “Tale” does not follow the traditional compositional scheme of a life, which usually described the entire life of an ascetic - from his birth to death. It describes only one episode from the life of its heroes - their villainous murder. Boris and Gleb are portrayed as ideal Christian martyred heroes. They voluntarily accept the “crown of martyrdom.” The glorification of this Christian feat is presented in the manner of hagiographic literature. The author equips the narrative with abundant monologues - the cries of the heroes, their prayers, which serve as a means of expressing their pious feelings. The monologues of Boris and Gleb are not devoid of imagery, drama and lyricism. This is, for example, Boris’s cry for his deceased father: “Woe to me, the light of my eyes, the radiance and dawn of my face, the bridle of my weariness, the punishment of my misunderstanding! Woe to me, my father and lord! To whom will I resort! To whom will I look? Where will I be satisfied with such good teaching and the teaching of your mind? Alas me, alas for me! How far away is my light, I don’t dry it!”

This monologue uses rhetorical questions and exclamations characteristic of church oratorical prose, and at the same time reflects the imagery of people's lament, which gives it a certain lyrical tone, allowing it to more clearly express the feeling of filial grief.

Gleb’s tearful appeal to his murderers is filled with deep drama: “You will not reap me, I am not ripe from life! You will not reap the class, no longer ripe, but bearing the milk of innocence! You will not cut the vines, not to the end of the ripeness, but having the fruit!”

Pious reflections, prayers, laments, which are put into the mouths of Boris and Gleb, serve as a means of revealing the inner world of the heroes, their psychological mood.

The characters pronounce many monologues “on your mind and thinking”, “verbal in your heart.” These internal monologues are a figment of the author's imagination. They convey pious feelings and thoughts of ideal heroes. The monologues include quotes from the Psalter and the Book of Proverbs.

The psychological state of the characters is also given in the author's description. So, Boris, abandoned by his squad " grief and sadness my heart was depressed and I climbed into my tent, crying with a crushed heart, and with a joyful soul, I let out a pitiful voice." Here the author is trying to show how two things are combined in the hero’s soul. opposite feelings: grief in connection with the premonition of death and the joy that the ideal martyr hero should experience in anticipation of a martyr's end. The living spontaneity of the manifestation of feelings constantly collides with etiquette. So, Gleb, seeing ships at the mouth of Smyadyn, sailing towards him, with youthful gullibility “My soul rejoiced” “and you hope to receive kisses from them.” When evil killers with naked swords sparkling like water began to jump into Gleb’s boat, “Abie eight oars fell from the hand, and died from fear.” And now, having understood their evil intention, Gleb with tears, "wiping away" body, prays to the killers: “Do not harm me, my dear and dear brothers! Do not harm me, you have done nothing evil!(touch) O brothers and Lord, do not neglect me!” Here we have before us the truth of life, which is then combined with an etiquette dying prayer befitting a saint.

Boris and Gleb are surrounded in the “Tale” with an aura of holiness. This goal is served not only by the exaltation and glorification of Christian character traits, but also by the widespread use of religious fiction in the description of posthumous miracles. The author of “The Tale” uses this typical technique of hagiographic literature in the final part of the story. The praise with which the “Tale” ends serves the same purpose. In praise, the author uses traditional biblical comparisons, prayer appeals, and resorts to quotations from books of the “holy scripture”.

The author also tries to give a generalized description of the hero’s appearance. It is built on the principle of a mechanical connection of various positive moral qualities. This is Boris's description: " The body is beautiful, tall, the face is round, the shoulders are great, the waist is high, the eyes are kind, the face is cheerful, the beard is small and mustache, he is still young, shining like a king, a strong body, decorated in every way, like a flower that is flowered in its youth, in the army brave, wise in all things, and understanding in all things, and the grace of God is upon him.”

The heroes of Christian virtue, the ideal martyred princes in “The Tale” are contrasted with a negative character - "cursed" Svyatopolk. He is obsessed with envy, pride, lust for power and fierce hatred for his brothers. The author of the "Tale" sees the reason for these negative qualities of Svyatopolk in his origin: his mother was a blueberry, then she was cut off and taken as a wife by Yaropolk; after the murder of Yaropolk by Vladimir, she became the latter’s wife, and Svyatopolk was descended from two fathers. The characterization of Svyatopolk is given according to the principle of antithesis with the characteristics of Boris and Gleb. He is the bearer of all negative human qualities. When depicting him, the author does not spare black paints. Svyatopolk "accursed", "damned", "second Cain", whose thoughts are ensnared by the devil, he has “very nasty lips”, “evil voice”. For the crime committed, Svyatopolk bears a worthy punishment. Defeated by Yaroslav, he flees from the battlefield in panic, "... his bones weakened, as if he were not strong enough to ride a horse. And he was not slain on a carrier." He constantly hears the tramp of horses of Yaroslav pursuing him: “Let’s run away! Let’s get married! Oh, me! And we can’t wait in the same place.” So succinctly, but very expressively, the author managed to reveal the psychological state of the negative hero. Svyatopolk suffers legal retribution: in the desert "between the Czechs and the Poles" He "I'm going to screw up my stomach." And if the brothers he killed "they live for centuries" being the Russian land "visor" And "statement" and their bodies turn out to be incorruptible and emit a fragrance, then from the grave of Svyatopolk, which is “and to this day”, “emanate... the stench of evil upon a person’s testimony.”

Svyatopolk is opposed not only "earthly angels" And "heavenly people" Boris and Gleb, but also the ideal earthly ruler Yaroslav, who avenged the death of his brothers. The author of the "Tale" emphasizes Yaroslav's piety by putting into his mouth a prayer allegedly said by the prince before the battle with Svyatopolk. In addition, the battle with Svyatopolk takes place in the very place, on the Alta River, where Boris was killed, and this fact takes on symbolic meaning. The Legend associates the cessation of sedition with Yaroslav’s victory ( "And from then there was sedition of the throne in the Russian land"), which emphasized its political relevance.

The dramatic nature of the narrative, the emotional style of presentation, and the political topicality of the “Tale” made it very popular in ancient Russian writing (it has come down to us in 170 copies). "Reading about the lives of... Boris and Gleb" by Nestor. A lengthy presentation of the material while preserving all historical details made the “Tale” unsuitable for liturgical purposes. Especially for church services in the 80s of the 11th century. Nestor created "Reading about the life and destruction of the blessed passion-bearer Boris and Gleb" in accordance with the requirements of the church canon. Based on Byzantine examples, he opens the “Reading” with an extensive rhetorical introduction, which acquires a journalistic character, echoing in this respect with Hilarion’s “Sermon on Law and Grace.”

The central part of the "Reading" is devoted to the hagiobiographies of Boris and Gleb. Unlike the “Tale,” Nestor omits specific historical details and gives his story a generalized character: the martyrdom of the brothers is the triumph of Christian humility over devilish pride, which leads to enmity and internecine struggle. Without any hesitation Boris and Gleb "with joy" accept martyrdom.

The “Reading” ends with a description of numerous miracles testifying to the glory of the passion-bearers, praise and prayerful appeal to the saints. Nestor retained the main political tendency of the "Tale": condemnation of fratricidal feuds and recognition of the need for younger princes to unquestioningly obey the elders in the clan.

"The Life of Theodosius of Pechersk"

A different type of hero is glorified by the Life of Theodosius of Pechersk, written by Nestor. Feodosia is a monk, one of the founders of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, who devoted his life not only to the moral improvement of his soul, but also to the education of the monastic brethren and laity, including princes.

The life has a characteristic three-part compositional structure: the author's introduction-preface, the central part - a narration about the hero's actions and a conclusion. The basis of the narrative part is an episode associated with the actions of not only the main character, but also his associates (Barlaam, Isaiah, Ephraim, Nikon the Great, Stephen). Nestor draws facts from oral sources, stories "of the ancient father" cellarer of the monastery Fyodor, monk Hilarion, "cart driver", "certain person". Nestor has no doubt about the truth of these stories. Processing them literary, arranging "in a row" he subordinates the entire narrative to a single task "praise" Theodosius, who "forming myself into eight." In the time sequence of the events presented, traces of the monastic oral chronicle are found. Most life episodes have a completed plot. This is, for example, the description of Theodosius’s adolescence, associated with his conflict with his mother. The mother creates all sorts of obstacles for the boy to prevent him from realizing his intention - to become a monk. The ascetic Christian ideal that Theodosius strives for collides with the hostility of society and maternal love for her son. Nestor hyperbolically depicts the anger and rage of a loving mother, beating the rebellious youth to the point of exhaustion, putting iron on his legs. The clash with the mother ends with the victory of Theodosius, the triumph of heavenly love over earthly love. The mother resigns herself to her son’s act and becomes a nun just to see him.

Episode with "cart driver" testifies to the attitude of the working people towards the life of the monks, who believe that the monks spend their days in idleness. Nestor contrasts this idea with the image "works" Theodosius and the surrounding monks. He pays a lot of attention economic activity abbot, his relationship with the brethren and the Grand Duke. Theodosius forces Izyaslav to take into account the monastery charter, denounces Svyatoslav, who seized the grand-ducal throne and expelled Izyaslav.

"The Life of Theodosius of Pechersk" contains rich material that allows us to judge the monastic life, economy, and the nature of the relationship between the abbot and the prince. Closely connected with monastic life are demonological motives of life, reminiscent of folk tales.

Following the traditions of the Byzantine monastic life, Nestor consistently uses symbolic paths in this work: Theodosius - “lamp”, “light”, “dawn”, “shepherd”, “shepherd of the verbal flock”.

“The Life of Theodosius of Pechersk” can be defined as a hagiographic story consisting of separate episodes united by the main character and the author-narrator into a single whole. It differs from Byzantine works in its historicism, patriotic pathos and reflection of the peculiarities of political and monastic life of the 11th century. In the further development of ancient Russian hagiography, it served as a model in the creation of the lives of the venerable Abraham of Smolensk and Sergius of Radonezh.
